Monday, February 11, 2013

Stephen Colbert rakes Tennessee State Senator Stacey Campfield across the comedy coals and gets in a little shot at Sarah Palin as well.

I apparently missed this episode last Thursday because SOMEBODY thought that if one glass of win would help him to sleep then one bottle of wine was going to really help him to sleep. And he was right!

Sadly however the wine kicked in just as I was laying down in my cozy bed with the final thought of "I will just lay here and watch this episode of The Colbert Report, and right after it is over I will...ZZZZZZ!"


  1. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Colbert can be a genius, and this kiss-off of SP comes in only second to his re-enactment of her interpretation of Paul Revere's ride.
    He does it all with humor, and that's how the world sees her now:as a reason to laugh out loud.

  2. Leland4:50 AM

    Been there!

    Done that!

  3. Anonymous5:06 AM

    A Growing Trend: Young, Liberal and Open to Big Government

    It is no secret that young voters tilt left on social issues like immigration and gay rights. But these students, and dozens of other young people interviewed here last week, give voice to a trend that is surprising pollsters and jangling the nerves of Republicans. On a central philosophical question of the day — the size and scope of the federal government — a clear majority of young people embraces President Obama’s notion that it can be a constructive force, a point he intends to make in his State of the Union address on Tuesday.

    “Young people absolutely believe that there’s a role for government,” said Matt Singer, a founder of Forward Montana, a left-leaning though officially nonpartisan group that seeks to engage young people in politics. “At the same time, this is not a generation of socialists. They are highly entrepreneurial, and know that some of what it takes to create an environment where they can do their own exciting, creative things is having basic systems that work.”

    Here in Montana, a state that backed John McCain in 2008 and Mr. Romney last year, voters under 30 have helped elect two Democratic senators and a new Democratic governor. Nationally, young voters have since 2004 been casting their ballots for Democrats by far wider margins than previous young generations — a shift that could reshape American politics for decades.

  4. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Hilarious, even joke PAC's raised more money than Sarah's -

    In my Twitter Feed I'd get this odd sentence occasionally, "White Girls Politicking, that's that Sarah Palin." Turns out, it's a lyric from Kanye West in a song called Mercy.

    Now we out in Paris, yeah I'm Perriering
    White girls politicking that's that Sarah Palin

  5. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Ok, that's Colbert added near the top of $arah's enemy list..

    Gosh it's gettin' big, and also too, she's about to have a hissy fit!

    And that was two years ago.. Just imagine how big its gotten now!

  6. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Giffords Stars In Her Gun Control Group’s First Ad (VIDEO)

  7. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Sarah convinced the Pope to resign ... to help progress Alaska.

    To do this, Sarah and the Pope will be starring in a reality show next season.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      They'll compete to see who has the most fabulous red shoes.

  8. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Nice little smack down for her birthday, Gryph! Does this mean you aren't sending her $49.00 like the pee pond? HAHAHA

  9. Anonymous6:31 AM

    The Palin conversation starts at the 2:40 mark.

    Sarah Palin is not a credible person…. diminishes Fox's credibility.

    1. fromthediagonal12:04 PM

      Anon @ 6:31... please explain how SP can diminish Faux' credibility? After all, their motto is "we report, you decide", or some such nonsense. It leaves them completely free to "report" anything they so desire and not be liable... think about it.
      Murdoch et al at their most despicable.

  10. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Steven Seagal Shows Sheriff Joe’s Criminal Vigilantes How to Rescue our Children

    Are you not entertained? Former action star Steven Seagal is training a criminal collection of deputies how to protect our school children…

  11. Anonymous8:17 AM

    O/T Palin was flying from Phoenix to Dallas yesterday.

    Sarah Palin ‏@SarahPalinUSA
    Todd and I are in Dallas today to attend Chris Kyle’s memorial and funeral service. I find it sad to see that...

    Tina Dupuy @TinaDupuy
    @SarahPalinUSA Never met a corpse she couldn't parlay into attention for herself.

    1. fromthediagonal12:05 PM

      may TinaDupuy live long and prosper...

  12. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Malia Litman linked to the FB of the next Pope today.
    Well, if there's any justice , she'll be elevated...
    Palin spends her FB eulogizing Chris Kyle by talking about Track.
    As the saying goes-She has to be the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral.
    She's in Dallas today to make sure " she " is the center of attention.
    It almost sounds as if she will be riding into the ceremony on a Harley.
    Colbert's reenactment of Palin's Paul Revere's ride
    is one of my all time favorites.
    I had a group of Republican friends over and their reaction
    when I played the clip for them ?
    Hysterical laughter and pleas for me to play it again and again.
    I would wager that most Republicans,
    even those who still call themselves conservatives,
    cannot stand this offensive woman
    and her clown posse.
    My Republican friends call her a buffoon and an embarrassment,
    along with the likes of Limbaugh and Levin and the Tea Party nuts.
    They're disgusted that the Republican Party refuses to
    distance themselves from
    their toxic behavior and ridiculous antics.

    1. fromthediagonal12:09 PM

      Anon @ 8:28... yet they do not change party affiliations? Look at your last sentence! Do you not wonder why their disgust does not translate into action to distance themselves from all of that?
      I fail to understand...

  13. DetroitSam11:30 PM

    TN State Senator Stacey Campfield spends entirely too much time obsessing over "the gays".

    This tells me a lot about TN State Senator Stacey Campfield. Hint, hint.

  14. DetroitSam11:34 PM

    I wonder why Palin went to this funeral? Was she invited by his family? If so, why would they want her there?


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