Monday, February 11, 2013

Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan is now channeling union busting Wisonsin Governor Scott Walker. Well isn't THAT special?

Courtesy of KTVA:  

Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan is targeting unions in a move that is not unlike that of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. 

Late Friday afternoon the mayor’s office submitted a proposed ordinance to the Anchorage Assembly that could completely overhaul collective bargaining rights and dramatically change the relationship between the municipality and its employees.  The ordinance is aimed at city employees and organizations across a wide spectrum of jobs, but the language goes out of its way to define two jobs with new language: police and firefighters. 

And most drastically, the new proposal removes four pages of rules that dictate how unions go about strikes, and it affirms several times that "strikes or any work disruptions" are prohibited outright. 

This proposal isn't limited to firefighters and police officers. It also includes sewer and water employees, and electrical employees and port employees, as well.

You know for a long time now we have been debating who the Alaska GOP would choose to face Mark Begich in 2014. The main two choice had always been Joe Miller and Mayor Sullivan.

However recently Miller's huge play to take over the Alaska GOP collapsed as his flunky, Russ Millette, got the boot as chairman, leaving Miller with no inside track to getting the nomination.

Not only that but recent polling shows he would only receive 9% support against Begich which essentially makes him a non-starter, and the field wide open for Sullivan who has a more impressive 29% support.

However this proposed ordinance is definitely going to impact Sullivan's chances against Begich in a negative way, as Alaska is a union state, and many of our citizens are blue color workers heavily invested in their unions.

Beyond that Sullivan has some of the same issues that damage Miller's chances, including backing from a fringe group of supporters, a certain "party planner" who shall remain nameless (Unless he runs of course.), and let's not forget THIS:

Yes Sullivan also has ties to the Wasilla Wendigo. Which by the way, is ANOTHER thing that will surely come out if he decides to take Senator Begich on. 

Personally I see smooth sailing ahead for Mark Begich's chances of retaining his Senate seat.


  1. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Lest we forget, The Young Turks remind us of the real Sarah Palin:

  2. Anonymous3:06 AM

    more on SP:

    via The Young Turks

  3. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Sullivan is a jerk and AGAIN people voted him IN w/o paying attention. Same as to Sarah Palin, remember?

    As many as possible Republicans need to be voted out of office this next go around. City, state and nationally!

  4. BabyRaptor4:02 AM

    OT to the post, but Gryphen, are you seeing the news about the Pope resigning? Wonder if it has something to do with the child rape scandal...


  5. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Awkward hand placement on both ladies.

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Yeah, especially the left hand ... slipping on down a little low?

  6. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Joe Miller, Sarah Palin butt-boy and puppet master behind the takeover of the Alaska GOP, has accepted a payoff to settle his lawsuit.

    Check out the picture at the post, the comment by anon 8:59AM identifies a few people in the picture.

  7. Anonymous3:25 AM

    As a state (Illinois) employee I am deeply troubled by all of these attempts to bust the unions. This is all part of the republican plan....bust the unions, one at a time, and then we can pay as little as we want while we hoard all the goodies on top. This union busting crap started under Reagan (patco) and continues.
    Another 'good' legacy brought to us by Ronnie Ray-Gun....cutting of mental health services. Look at all the mentally ill people out on the streets and some of them are armed.

  8. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Anything to gut the middle class.


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