Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The CDC study into gun violence that the NRA is desperate to keep Americans from ever seeing.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

President Obama has directed the Centers for Disease Control to research gun violence as part of his legislative package on gun control. The CDC hasn’t pursued this kind of research since 1996 when the National Rifle Association lobbied Congress to cut funding for it, arguing that the studies were politicized and being used to promote gun control. We’ve interviewed Dr. Mark Rosenberg, who led the agency’s gun violence research in the nineties when he was the director of the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. 

Q: So what were you were able to find before funding got cut off? 

One of the critical studies that we supported was looking at the question of whether having a firearm in your home protects you or puts you at increased risk. This was a very important question because people who want to sell more guns say that having a gun in your home is the way to protect your family. 

What the research showed was not only did having a firearm in your home not protect you, but it hugely increased the risk that someone in your family would die from a firearm homicide. It increased the risk almost 300 percent, almost three times as high. 

It also showed that the risk that someone in your home would commit suicide went up. It went up five-fold if you had a gun in the home. These are huge, huge risks, and to just put that in perspective, we look at a risk that someone might get a heart attack or that they might get a certain type of cancer, and if that risk might be 20 percent greater, that may be enough to ban a certain drug or a certain product. 

But in this case, we’re talking about a risk not 20 percent, not 100 percent, not 200 percent, but almost 300 percent or 500 percent. These are huge, huge risks. 

Q: I understand there was also an effort to collect data on gun violence through something called the Firearm Injury Surveillance System. What did that involve? 

We were collecting information to answer the question of who, what, where, when, and how did shootings occur? 

We were finding that most homicides occur between people who know each other, people who are acquaintances or might be doing business together or might be living together. They’re not stranger-on-stranger shootings. They’re not mostly home intrusions. 

We also found that there were a lot of firearm suicides, and in fact most firearm deaths are suicides. There were a lot of young people who were impulsive who were using guns to commit suicide.

Gee no wonder the NRA wants to keep this information quiet, it essentially refutes virtually EVERYTHING the gun lobby tells us is true about guns and whether they make us safer, or less safe.

You I know here's what kind of bothers me about the gun debate. Most of this should be fairly common sense. I mean if you have more guns in the country that clearly increases the possibility of gun violence, yet the NRA argument is that if more people had access to firearms there would be LESS gun violence.

That kind of thinking is illogical to say the least, and insane to give it the title that it deserves.

And furthermore I am damn sick and tired of hearing that old "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" line from these gun nuts. Strictly speaking that may usually be true, but guns give these people so much additional power to cause injury or death, that even a dog can suddenly become a possible assassin, even if only by accident:

Gregory Dale Lanier of Frostproof was riding in his truck on Feb. 23 when the dog knocked his 9mm handgun onto the floor of the truck, causing it to discharge into the man’s leg, a police report indicated. 

This by no means is the ONLY time a man has been shot by his dog either. Not by a long shot. (Pardon the pun.)
So perhaps the saying should be more along the lines of "Guns are so effective at killing people, that with them even the family pet can kill people."

How would THAT look on a bumper sticker?


  1. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I was transferred to Sebring, Fl. and lived there for three years where this accident occurred. I have to say it was the worse 3 years of my life. Moving from Dublin, Oh. to Sebring was the worse cultural shock anyone could ever imagine. If your familiar with the area you shouldn't be surprised of something like this would happen. It's a mostly a rural area in central Florida that is known for being a blue collar retirement area, and under educated rednecks who think of themselves as cowboys without ever riding a horse. Pick ups take the place of a horse in their imagination. Dogs, guns, and rednecks represent an almost perfect picture of central Florida. Graduating from high school represent a major accomplishment, and the chances are high your more educated than your parents if they too grew up area. Per capita, guns probably outnumber people. Having a college education and being a professional, made me red meat for all of the single women in Sebring, but you also knew they were only really attracted to you because of your salary and steady employment.

    Sorry for the rant, but I have to release it every now and then or I'll get physically sick.

    1. Anonymous9:31 PM

      If you're going to bitch about "under educated rednecks," you should learn how to use "your" and "you're" properly.

    2. Anonymous4:30 AM

      I was going to say the same thing. Perhaps his education did not include English as a subject.

  2. AKinPA4:15 PM

    It drives me crazy that the NRA spokespeople are always saying that there's no evidence that banning assault weapons will cut down on violence. Of course there's no evidence. They've gotten their congressional stooges to make sure it can't be collected because of lack of funding.

    Back in the 90's there was a powerful poster put out by the American Academy of Pediatrics (elitist snobs). It was something like: "Every 2 hours in the US somebody's child gets killed by a handgun." No wonder the NRA wants no data collected.

  3. Anonymous4:42 PM

    The NRA is starting to get desperate. They can't control the message like they once did because people have access to so much information online.

    Information from the past, videos, articles, quotes, studies, so it becomes more and more difficult to pull the wool over the people's eyes.

    The following article illustrates, yet again, how fucking clueless they are in learning their political lessons and sets the groundwork for a ROUT in 2014 and 16.

    They are clinging to old ideas, outdated rhetoric, hate messages, racist dog whistles and fear, fear, fear. Their audiences, the bubble they live in, lap it up, but they are dying off, every single day, shrinking the old, worn out base, and the majority of people see it and hear it for what it is, right wing theocratic propaganda and cold war tactics.

    It seems so clear to me, why can't they see it? Denial doesn't even begin to cover it. Stubbornness and recalcitrance is better. I can tell them the easy answer to their decline is their dismal evolution on social issues. most of it being religion based, often misogynistic and/or racially charged in it's message. Secondly, their anti-science, educational and cultural/arts ignorance is a big factor.

    The GOP is associated with things that the electorate find more and more distasteful and they are making their feelings heard in the polls and at the voting booths. Somehow, even with all these loudmouthed blowhards on the right, Americans still predominantly have BS radar and common sense. Fox Noise is sliding in the ratings, both O'Reilly and Hannity have taken huge hits. Limbaugh is losing sponsors in truckloads. Congress has a failing grade, mostly to do with Republican intransigence and obstruction. This batch act like such little school children, it's embarrassing they are Reps and Senators representing this country in any way, shape or form. Not to say that the left doesn't have it's detractors, it does, but no where near the blockade that is the Republican Party.

    They better start listening to the polls and the votes if they aim to ever be relevant again. But instead they're cheating, gerrymandering, suppressing voting rights, and digging in their political heels whenever President Obama suggests anything.

    Republicans Confront the Reality That America Just Isn’t That Into Them

    ...Leave it to the modern Republican Party to turn anywhere to avoid the obvious truth: Americans just aren’t that into you anymore. Stevens went on to caution the right against adopting the belief that more effective Tweeting and the right software package would be enough to convince alienated voters to give the GOP another try. He said, ” “Technology is something to a large degree you can go out and purchase, and if we think there’s an off the shelf solution that you can with the Republican Party it’s wrong.”

    We know by now that the 21st century Republican ilk retreats from facts and logic when it comes to pursuing its own agenda, but it seems that they’ve only really succeeded in fooling themselves. If they haven’t learned by now that continued legislative intransigence and a loose relationship with reality is a strategy destined to fail, may they be reminded during the 2014 midterm elections.


  4. Isn't "when the National Rifle Association lobbied Congress to cut funding for it" at least since 2003 due to the Tiahrt Amendment, which is attached to each and every Department of Justice budget bill each and every year?

    (which GOP/NRA lobbyist sponsored the defunding between 1996 and 2003, I wonder?)

    The Tiahrt Amendment severely restricts funding for the kind of research, documentation, and follow-up that most recently hampered the ATF from following gun running in the two programs under Bush and Obama (the latter being "Fast and Furious"), not to mention other data gathering.

    See also here and here about more on the Tiahrt Amendment.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:13 PM

      Thanks for the information. I always learn a lot from your posts!

  5. Anonymous4:56 PM

    O/T Gryphen, but worth the read.

    Sully is digesting the latest stand that a huge number of well positioned republicans have taken with regards to marriage equality. His article is quite a history lesson on the subject and gives the list of people who have signed on, and their professional positions. It's a real Who's Who of Business and Politics, past and present.

    It's such a trip through history and the gradual evolution of this subject, through many presidencies and elections. He names names and prior positions held by voices on the right, some of which have evolved in their thinking, and some still holding on to their discrimination.

    Of course, Sully is Catholic and weaves that into the article and his experiences as well.

    I learned a lot from the article and you might as well.

    The Right And Marriage Equality: A Breakthrough

    ...It’s 24 years since I wrote that essay. But today, I see a phalanx of conservatives standing up for the equality of gay citizens. Here are some among the roster, which is now 75 and counting:


  6. Anonymous5:02 PM

    The View From Your Window Contest: Winner #142


    Gryphen, did you know the answer?

  7. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I'm beginning to think we should just leave these morons alone. They are killing hemselves and each other. And their 4 year olds, their brothers, their friends. All 'accidently,' of course. Just like Pistorius in S. Africa.."Yah I shot holes in the bathroom door, but it was an accident that my pregnant girlfriend was in there at the time."

  8. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Easier said than done, but at least it's being explored.

    Surprisingly reasonable assessment of things GOP. No mention of guns, but the authors sure do cover a lot of ground, historically and politically. They are on the mark on a lot of what exponential shifts are required on the right, though not as much so on their view of Democrats, but that's to be expected, I guess.

    How to Save the Republican Party

    The Republican Party is in trouble: In the wake of the presidential election, everybody has said so, and everybody is right. From there, however, a hundred paths diverge and a thousand voices have been heard. The relevant questions are these: How deep is the trouble? How much of it is self-inflicted and how much is a function of circumstance? Can the problem be repaired, and if so, by what means?


    And then I ran into this:



  9. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Also too. Deep in the heart of TexASS.


  10. I have to admit, when I saw that headline on HuffPo about the man's dog who shot him-- Police Rule Accidental... I was like, "Wow. no shit, really? an accident? Great detective work." It was a painful eye roll to say the least. (but also very fun to think of a dog plotting murder... .until i look down at my dog who is licking his chops as I dig into my chicken dinner... then it's not so funny)

  11. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Had some gun violence in my small town earlier today. Two police officers and a suspect dead. Town in mourning.

    There are just too many nuts owning guns in this country.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      I have read about the peeping tom sex offender/shooter not liking his parole officer's questions and that the sex offender shooter broke into a coworker's home to rape her but luckily she got him arrested at the time on Friday....then he got fired for that on Saturday. This shooter really played straight into profilers who do say that a peeping tom is ground zero activity for future serial rapists.

      Will be interesting to see how he managed to access a gun and have one while on parole in your adorable little beach town after his conviction in Oregon.

      His room mates, coworkers, ex-girlfriend, & neighbors, had nothing nice to say about the guy . . I saw his facebook page, his empty thoughts are as empty as morals.

  12. Anonymous6:38 AM

    An out of towner used his AK-47 to shoot into a home a few blocks from us on Monday after having brief contact with the homeowner on the sidewalk. Apparently this all American male assumed he needed weapon of mass destruction while visiting yet millions of tourists from overseas don't think they need them to enjoy our local sights.

    NRA-istani sponsored headlines this morning: 46 year old woman shot 6-month old & 2 year grandchildren dead.... then herself in Connecticut. http://www.wfsb.com/story/21390563/missing-north-stonington-boys-grandmother-found-dead


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.