Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Needed Response. Directed toward the Steubenville rapists.

Courtesy of HuffPo:

 "Hey bros, check who passed out on the couch," the guy in the video begins, staring into the camera, as a seemingly unconscious girl is sprawled out on the sofa behind him. "Guess what I'm going to do to her." 

Probably not what you might think. 

The "bro" in question proceeds to give the girl a pillow, a blanket and a glass of water before turning back to the camera. "Real men treat women with respect," he says. 

A mere 26 seconds, University of Oregon student Samantha Stendal's video, titled "A Needed Response," is as short and pithy as they come. Directed toward "the Steubenville rapists...or any rapists out there," the video's point may seem obvious, but the message could do with some reinforcement in the wake of the Steubenville rape trial.

You know maybe it is just me, but since when is this something that has to be taught to young American men?

I was raised by a single mother and I can tell you right now that if I had ever dared to force myself on a young woman she would have cut my balls off and thrown them into the snow. You might think that is an exaggeration, but you would be wrong.

Like the video says, "Real men treat women with respect." And real fathers and mothers need to sit their children down and drill that into their tiny little heads.


  1. SAlly in MI4:20 AM

    Beautiful. Too bad it wasn't conceived, written and made by a young man. But at least it's out there. Can we send that message to the GOP in DC too? They may not be literally raping us women, but they are sure raping our rights, and those of our daughters and grand daughters. "Real men treat women with respect!" Yes, Senator McConnell, Rep. Boehner, and every male legislator in the US, they do, and if you are real men, you will too.

  2. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Real men like Todd turn desperate women into hookers.

  3. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Amen!! So tired of the girls/women blame game.

  4. Anonymous5:31 AM

    There's no way to sugarcoat this.

    Ashley Thud is a fucking quitter.

    Any questions?

    1. Anonymous6:20 AM

      Why are you such a moran?

    2. Leland6:36 AM

      Yes. One.

      Can you prove that?

      Or are you just ticked that she isn't running because her intelligence says now is not the time? Or are you bitching because she isn't doing what YOU think she should doing?

      She is NOT a quitter! She never even STARTED! How can one be a quitter if one never begins? Palin is a quitter. Judd is not.

      Did it never occur to you that perhaps she may be considering making certain her residency was not a question if/when she runs?

      Sorry. I guess one question just wasn't enough. Ah. One more: Are you really that stupid?

    3. Anonymous8:03 AM

      If that is your immature way of saying "Ashley Judd", wrong. She never said she was running. She was looking into the possibility. Maybe your Quitter Queen should have taken a moment for some self introspection to make sure she was up to the job so she wouldn't have to QUIT in the middle of her term.

      Judd is making a responsible decision BEFORE jumping blindly into something that may or may not be in her or the constituents best interests. That's being patriotic.

    4. "There's no way to sugarcoat this.
      Ashley Thud is a fucking quitter.
      Any questions?"

      Yes. What possessed you to post such a stupid, senseless, moronic question?

  5. Anonymous5:48 AM

    He should reposition her or she's not going to be able to move her neck upon awakening. Just sayin'.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      It's a video..she's an actress. Duh.

  6. Anonymous6:12 AM

    You asked since when is this something that has to be taught to young American men? Since the internet:

    Some future media historian may refer to the present era as the Age of Pornography. Never before have there been so many images of women in sexual poses that are demeaning, violent and subservient.

    A continuing hyper-sexualization of women and girls dominates the media and the culture. As critic Gail Dines notes, “Something has shifted so profoundly in our society that the idealized, pop culture image of women in today’s pornified world is no longer a Stepford Wife but rather a plasticized, scripted, hyper-sexualized, surgically enhanced young woman. The media world we live in today has replaced the stereotyped Stepford Wife with the equally limiting and controlling stereotype of a Stepford Slut.”

    Gryphen, it's an epidemic. Here are two people who have written about it:

  7. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Can we please have a public service announcement to tell kids, when they see someone raping a girl, to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

    (and I don't mean stand there ignoring it or tweeting pictures and comments).

  8. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Fourth football player charged in rape of Connecticut teens

    A fourth high school football plater has been charged in the statutory rape case involving two 13-year-old girls. According to the Associated Press, the girls have been taunted and bullied online since coming forward with their story.

    A 17-year-old boy from Torrington, Connecticut was arrested on Wednesday and charged with second-degree assault and risk of injury to a minor. He, like the other three suspects charged in the attack, was a player on the Torrington High School football team.

    Torrington high school officials told the AP that the boy has been suspended from school. School faculty and staff have warned students that incidents of online bullying and harassment can result in suspension or expulsion from school.

    The names of the victims and two of the players charged with the crime have been withheld due to their ages. The other two players, Joan Toribio and Edgar Gonzales are both 18 years old.

  9. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Anonymous made their mission clear in a statement, “We want this case to be noticed because frankly we’re disgusted by the rape culture in America. People need to understand that there are new consequences for committing depraved acts of brutality against our sisters and daughters.”

  10. Anita Winecooler5:45 PM

    If this guy could show it in twenty six seconds, how difficult is it for parents to teach young men that women should be respected and young ladies that they deserve to be treated with respect?
    Yeah, they're bombarded with hypersexual bmages all day long, but respect begins and ends in the home.

    I believe you, you were what we call "raised right".


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