When I found out Mom was pregnant with a baby who would have Down syndrome, I confess. I was scared. I didn’t know what it would mean for his life or for ours.
Whoa, hold the horses! That is NOT the way the family mythology describes how Bristol and the rest of the family learned about Trig's condition.
In fact in her book, and numerous articles, the Grizzled Mama makes a point of saying that she did not tell ANYBODY that she was pregnant, nor did she discuss the baby's condition, which was NOT known to the children until the day Trig was born:
Initially Palin hid her pregnancy – and her pain – from both the public and her children, son Track, now 19, and daughters Bristol, 17, Willow, 14, and Piper, 7.
"Not knowing in my own heart if I was going to be ready to embrace a child with special needs," she reveals, "I couldn't talk about it." (So pro-life of her, don'tcha think?)
On April 18, 2008, Palin gave birth to 6-lb., 2-oz. Trig, five weeks early. As Todd and their three daughters gathered around the bedside (Track, an Army private, listened in by phone from his base in Fairbanks), Willow said of the new arrival, "He looks like he has Down syndrome."
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Trig Palin's first appearance right after his birth. He looks like he has Down Syndrome? |
Palin, who says her own qualms were laid to rest "the minute [Trig] was born," felt a lump in her throat. "If he does, you know you will still love him, Willow. It'll be okay."
Willow pressed: "But why didn't you tell us?" Palin admitted she didn't know how to break the news. "I was a little shocked," says Willow "but I don't care – he's my brother and I love him."
So how could Bristol have been "scared" about his condition during her mother's pregnancy if she did not even know about it until "Sherlock" Willow pointed it out after his birth?
It seems odd that if Nancy French were tasked with writing a post celebrating World Down Syndrome Day that she would not have at least been given the Trig Palin birth talking points.
Or is it possible that it has been so long now that Bristol herself has forgotten exactly how they weaved the webs they weaved when first they practiced to deceive?
So here let me educate Nancy so she will not forget again.
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March 14, 2008 |
Then Palin started wearing scarfs and big jackets both inside and out making it impossible to see how her pregnancy was "progressing."
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March 29, 2008. |
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April 13, 2008. |
On April 17th, she woke up in a Texas hotel room and "Palin said she felt fine but had leaked amniotic fluid and also felt some contractions that seemed different from the false labor she had been having for months."
However Palin was a trooper and she gave her speech, after which she left the conference not telling anybody, including Texas Governor Rick Perry, that she was in labor and hightailed it back home on a commercial flight. During that flight, according to flight attendants, "The stage of her pregnancy was not apparent by observation. She did not show any signs of distress."
Then she arrived in Alaska at the International Airport in Anchorage, where NO security staff or emergency personnel were there to meet her. And totally on their own she and Todd drove past two large, well equipped hospitals in Anchorage and then for yet another hour to have her baby at the poorly equipped Mat-Su Regional Medical Center near Wasilla, where Cathy Baldwin-Johnson helped bring Trig into this would.
AFTER which, the rest of the family was notified about the birth and then showed up to see the new baby.
And that was when Willow made her incredibly intuitive diagnosis as "Trig" was handed off to various family members and even Bristol's boyfriend. (Well that is the way it is described in Levi's book at least."
Gee how could ANYBODY not remember a tale like that? I mean it is just so ridiculous, and memorable.
Sure sometimes people have trouble keeping lies straight but this was....oh, that's right!
Oh well I guess the next time somebody wants to write about a Palin pregnancy, or baffling political claim, or confusing family history, they should just swing on by IM. We will be HAPPY to help keep the record straight.
I mean somebody has to, right?
Update: This is from an interview that Barbara Walters conducted with the family in November 2009:
"We didn't find out he had Down syndrome till the day he was born," Willow said. "So that was kind of a shock. But we didn't really care. He's still our brother."
So the revisionist Palin-bots can stop trying to muddy the waters now. From Willow's own lips NOBODY in the family knew!
I firmly believe that the infant shown with Levi is the "modern-day" Tripp. Oh, what a tangled web they have woven . . . and one must ask why the Palins found it necessary to (again) dredge up the controversy now?
ReplyDeleteBut fret not. Truth is crouching...and will spring forth without restraint.
agreed - and Levi is about 16 in that photo.
DeleteThat fits with the first stories that Bristol had a baby in 2007.
I don't think we'll be seeing much of Tripp very soon. Most kids start losing their teeth after age 5...
Delete- KAO
Tripp will be 5 soon. :?
DeleteAnd you really cannot tell ages of teenagers from a few pictures. For starters, Levi and Bristol didn't date when he was 16.
FOCUS. Tripp's birthday is Dec 27th 2008. That is fact.
Delete"Anonymous Liar 9:30AM
DeleteFOCUS. Tripp's birthday is Dec 27th 2008. That is fact."
Okay then show us the birth certificate.
The Palin's babies saga is complicated. there may have been a birth on 12/27/08 in the family. Who knows who the parents or the baby? Sarah couldn't even remember where one of the Trigs was born.
DeleteThe above photo does not look like Trig. All the stories around that time are hokey and none of the players are worthy enough to clear it up. Maybe Levi would like to at this time but can't, he may just be slime like the others. Who knows when he was solicited to help cover up for a Palin pregnancy? There are too many details yet to be revealed.
Levi does look 16. The picture looks like before Trig was born. THIS FRAUD MUST BE SCRUTINIZED AND GO BEFORE GRAND JURIES AND COURTS. The sooner the better.
The hoax was perpetrated on the American people. A long time old senator (McCain) is a perpetrator. He did it to gain for himself, votes, popularity, glory and to have the best health insurance as if he deserved it. He frauds Americans and wants us to pay for his health care.
Why is anyone tolerating what he has done? This is not merely about a crazy quitter who is now on the decline.
DeleteSure we will see Tripp... old photos made to look like they are recent. Don't forget how clever these crooks are! J/K
It's so good the Palin clan has you as a valuable resource to rely upon, Gryph; good for the nation, anyway!
ReplyDeleteHey, I'm just here to help.
DeleteI'll go along with that, Nasty.
DeleteBest thing about IM, though, is that I get about 25 LOL's here everyday, Sarah or no Sarah! I'll take that, any time.
Thanks, G!
DeleteI agree with the comments above; I think that blonde Levi is holding the child we know as Tripp, and the picture is somewhat older. I don’t know if Trig (any of them) belong to Levi, but he’d learned to appreciate babies by then.
Do all these kids have messed-up birth certificates? That’s a crime.
Wow, that's some libel there, or just propaganda.
DeleteThat baby looks nothing like Tripp. And I would hope any teen boy would know the basics of baby holding. Girls' start babysitting around 11. Boys aren't that far behind if at all. Before Bristol, Levi was just a punk who cared for nothing except being a teen boy and hunting. That is from his mouth.
Wow, that's some libel there, or just propaganda.
DeleteThat baby looks nothing like Tripp. And I would hope any teen boy would know the basics of baby holding. Girls' start babysitting around 11. Boys aren't that far behind if at all. Before Bristol, Levi was just a punk who cared for nothing except being a teen boy and hunting. That is from his mouth.
You're a weirdo troll. "Girls start babysitting around 11?" Huh? "Boys aren't that far behind?" WTF?
And you still don't understand what the word libel means. Fucking idiot.
9:33 AM
DeleteYou forget Levi and the hockey players that called Sarah their team's "Mom". It's on the internet, or was before shuddered. He was not only a hunter like the Heath/Palin family. And don't forget Joel Kenworthy, who may not be a father. At one point he did have bragging rights about Bristol. That was also shuddered. She must have been 15-16 and no way was she a virgin.
Nancy's gone rogue!
ReplyDelete(or, more likely, Nancy is a moron)
Either way, how is Bristol going to explain this one? Will she admit she has a ghost writer and doesn't actually read what's going to be written?
For any new readers here who happened to follow a link, "Brancy" is an amalgam of the name of Palin mythology ghostwriter Nancy French, who writes Bristol Palin's blog, and Bristol's name.
DeleteNancy French is also the ghost author behind Sarah Palin's two fantasy novels, "Going Rogue: An American Life" and "America by Heart : Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag" as well as Bristol's premature "memoir" called “Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far”
Here's Wonkette's take on Nancy French's latest adventures.
Ha! It's even weirder that Nancy would make that mistake given that she wrote Going Rogue.
DeleteActually, Lynn Vincent ghostwrote Sarah's books. And we know the Palins are so careless with their lies that they'd never make sure the ghostwriters have the same version of the mythology. But if Nancy was a conscientious flunky, she would have familiarized herself with the Sarah version so she wouldn't make these sorts of gaffes.
DeleteYou're right, Anonymous @ 10:06 AM about Lynn Vincent. All these christianist ghostwriters sound and write the same...
DeleteDid Sarah Palin write anything about DS Day?
DeleteI think the Brancy post is a typical mistake that was made without consulting the Palin lie scrolls
ReplyDeleteHow long is it going to be before some brave journalist or blogger, does the research, gets a scoop, and comes forward with proof of this most heinous of $arah's lies?
What will $arah, RAM, Bristol, Brancy, and all the rest of them do when that happens?
How will the PalinToadies feel to realize that their idol, their Queen, their savior $arah has deceived them?
Her fall into infamy will be worse than Ted Haggard.
I'm still willing to be that Brianus, and his inner circle of Paylin lunatics will not believe it, even after the expose hits Fox news and is broadcast far and wide.
RAM, you reading this? If you want to make a 1 million dollar advance, just head over to the Enquirer, or a publishing house and spill the beans.
We might even have a party for ya for your turncoat action!
You can-- right now-- prove over and over that she has deceived them and it will make no difference. The whole R party is a religion and the thing it requires, like all religions is faith in the face of facts. They are so inured to cognitive dissonance they barely notice it and if they do they consider it a virtue. It's a sign of unwavering faith. If you could show them proof positive (actually the facts we know are pretty good proof) they still would believe what they are supposed to. That's what they do.
DeleteMy dad is that kind of Republican. Anything that contradicts his views is an invention of the liberal media. He will only believe what he hears in the conservative media, from his neocon friends, and in e-mail forwards.
DeleteCase in point: My parents adamantly believed Obama was born in Kenya until they saw that dreadful Dinesh D'Souza "2016" film. That convinced them that our president was actually born in Hawaii (but might still be the new Hitler or the antichrist, of course). Before that, they refused to believe it despite the massive amount of evidence and logical arguments supporting his citizenship.
When/if RAM wises up she will get her screen writing gig. She is very dumb for a so-called educated RW nut or she has signed her life and dreams away to be Palin scum, Bristol apologist and liar.
DeleteRAM, when are you going to write that block buster script about the worst election crimes of the century? You can get immunity in any legal proceedings, find admiration and have a life of your dreams that the best of people will admire your bravery to come clean.
Those are three different babies in those pictures. I don't know who the first one is (between Sarah and Todd), the second is some huge bruiser weighing at least 8 lb., and Levi (with his early blond curls) is probably holding Ruffles.
ReplyDeletethe upturned nose looks like Tripp.
DeleteThe first two babies are Trig, but the baby pictured with Levi is his brother, Tripp.
DeletePlease stop calling Trig "Ruffles".
Whatever, the baby in the first two pictures obviously has a baby-formula rash. And is several-weeks-old plump.
DeletePretty amazing, considering the Palin story is that he's just hours away from being born in that picture, and is supposedly 3+ weeks premature.
And as we've found out over the past 5 years, should have been underweight, as most Down babies are. Especially considering he is alleged to have been born to a slightly-built woman and an average-sized man.
Crcklin' charlie - I also agree that Tripp is Levi's brother. I've been flamed for suggested that Keith is the dad, but he was Todd's BFF and liked to party with the kids.
DeleteThere are people who believe that Ruffles is a third baby, hence the name (instead of Trig). I'm sure no disrespect is intended.
DeleteYou aren't saying that you believe anything the Palins say, are you? They lie like the wind.
You must trust your eyes, and what you obviously know about child development. Trig WAS very tiny when he was born; just a little smaller than he was when he took his picture with his dad, Levi and Aunt Sadie, in Sarah's kitchen.
The Trig in the photo with Todd and Sarah above is the same child as the one in Sarah's kitchen, just a few months later. The Trig in the hallway with the Heaths was the same Trig in Levi's arms in Sarah's kitchen, and is the same Trig with Todd and Sarah at the shower, just several months after he was born.
It doesn't matter what the Palins say...the baby in the hallway is the same baby being held by Grandma and Grandpa at the baby shower, just OLDER. That was probably what Trig looked like the day his brother Tripp was born, in April, 2008
Gryphen, not to be critical, but it might be more helpful to use Trig's newborn photo here (or closest to it); the one taken with Levi and Mercedes in Sarah's kitchen. Levi's May birthday(?) from May, 2007. The baby with Levi in the green shirt is Tripp.
Rememberm due to feeding issues, DSbabies do lose weight in the weeks following birth. Also, they, like normal babies, can develop that redness that Trig had around 2 weeks. Can't think of the term for it. it has to do with red blood cells.
DeleteWell, everyone who saw Trig as a baby comments that he was tiny.
DeleteRememberm due to feeding issues, DSbabies do lose weight in the weeks following birth. Also, they, like normal babies, can develop that redness that Trig had around 2 weeks. Can't think of the term for it. it has to do with red blood cells.
You're pretty desperate to "set the record straight" troll. Hmm I wonder why? Bristol is that you?
You got me wrong, 8:43. I should have been more clear. No way Levi is Trig's brother.
DeleteLevi is Trig's FATHER!
And troll, DS babies may lose some weight after birth, but that weight loss should be measured in ounces, not pounds, inches, and amount of development.
Cracklin Charlie...
DeleteI haven't implied any belief in Palin Trig birth mythology by what I wrote. You might clarify what YOU wrote by saying something specific about dates for the various babies who've been called Trig.
Like the 4/18/08 Hallway pic date, the 4/19/08 "welcome" announcement, the Levi/Trig kitchen photo labelled-but-not-verified as 4/20/08, the 4/23/08 "My Puppy" photo, and the 5/5/08 shower photo -- all showing very clearly two different babies.
...So as to not confuse anyone who's not been following the Tale of Trig for the past 5 years...
There was a "Ruffles", he may be in an unmarked grave. You can call him Trig#1, I suppose. No one can be sure how many Trigs. There are at least two.
DeleteNone of this is going away. The sooner it gets into a legal process to get to the truth the better for the whole country. Truth and reconciliation is a benefit. The divisions must end. Clarify the Trigs and it is a step in the right direction to heal all the other wounds and divisions caused by the McCain/Palin alliance to deceive/defraud the people.
Anonymous @ 9:35 AM, babies may lose weight after they're born, but they don't start out at 6 lbs 2 oz and after a couple of weeks (the 5/5/08 shower) appear to be less than 5 pounds. That's a 25% weight loss. Deadly. The usual amount of weight loss is between 3% and 10%.
DeleteAlso, you just proved Cracklin Charlie's point in your reference to DS babies' facial redness at around 2 weeks. Thus, the so called birth day picture with the Heaths is of an infant (whom?) of at least 2 weeks' age.
DeleteI don't know if TriG and Tripp are brothers. It's highly possible, maybe even probable. I do believe that Bristol had a kid in 2007 and Tripp was born the spring or summer of 2008.
I also believe she was pregnant on DWTS and extremely pregnant when looking at the house in AZ. Either that, or she was wearing her mother's empathy belly.
Andrew Sullivan mentioned it glancingly a few weeks ago, as a joke.
ReplyDeleteIf he or any other real journalists think Sarah Palin is seriously trying to make it into any position of authority again, those who know or those who listen to them, will come out baldly stating what IMers have known for years.
There are too many women out there who are mothers. None of this story makes any sense to anyone who's been pregnant and loved their child-to-be. Sarah may dupe a few of them, but, frankly, the women's vote will never
be hers. And without women, this grizzly bear with lipstick will go no where, ever.
And for all the bots who say we don't know this family (we do, through tv interviews, speeches, and several books), that we're not mature (not worth a rebuttal), are unhappy or somesuch: our job has been to keep the facts of Sarah Palin in print, in the forefront, in case she ever tries to make a power grab as she's done in the past. The future of our country depends on keeping at bay the uneducated, inarticulate, and just plain stupid from having any power.
DeleteComment of the day.
DeleteSarah and Todd will NEVER make it into national politics again (running for office and losing!). There is too much proven and known about them out there today that a campaign would be the worst experience they had ever gone through. Plus, Sarah would have to answer questions on the cuff, debate, etc. and she'd flunk big time! There is only a very small segment of the population that would support her!
DeleteWhy aren't Sarah and Todd spokespeople for any Down Syndrome foundation or organization. Why don't they lend their celebrity to any fund raisers? Why don't they make pleas for research and awareness?
ReplyDeleteYou would think they would be interested in promoting research and awareness in order to make life better for Trig.
It's strange that Sarah Palin wouldn't at least be doing it for purely selfish reasons since it would give her a lot of publicity as well as likability.
Instead, I've only heard about two or three times when she's done anything for any organizations that serve or advocate for people with disabilities, and only maybe one where that disability was specifically Down Syndrome. There's not even any evidence that she's donating any significant amount of money to any of these organizations.
She could being doing a lot of good for those organizations and for people with disabilities. You have to wonder why she won't or can't bring herself to do it.
Because he's not her son.
DeleteOf course he's not her son, but it's got to be more than that.
Deletejk, it's not in her DNA to do anything for others. She used her family, friends, office to grift money for HER! He was just a prop to garner attention, now put in the closet till she needs a prop again. She feels by just letting us see him and what a martyr she is being a "mother" (on demand) of such a child she has helped all these children. She's the one who deserves rewards for her sacrificing her time and energy to have him instead of aborting him. Now everyone needs to reward her for being pro-life and and spreading the message. It's all about her having a fish-picker in her beloved Alaska to show how strong she is and setting an example. Me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me------adnauseum. Queen Sarah! How could anyone doubt she did not birth that baby. After all, she's the best mother in the world.....just look at her loving family and how well that turned out. She's a Wonder Woman, don'tsha know?
Because they don't give a flying fig about DS children unless they can be used as props.
DeleteSarah was pampered her whole life as a "special" child with "special needs".
DeleteShe expects adulation, she never gives it.
Palin probably realizes she's duped people as far as she can--and knows her story can still be debunked. If she became a spokesperson for DS groups and the truth was finally revealed, she could be sued to the very last dollar of her $millions$.
DeleteMrs G, many charities would argue with you. Why don't you choose not to ignorantly comment on things you have no firsthand experience with.
DeleteThey don't want anyone digging into anything about Trig..he is a prop, put away when they are done with him. SAD!!
DeleteBecause her entire story about this child is a fraud and lie. She can't be a spokesman for the DS organization as she'd be found out and have to answer questions.
DeleteAs I've said so many times - hell awaits her and she is the worst supposed christian woman in the entire USA. She no more practices the teachings of faith than do I (I'm agnostic!), but at least I'm truthful about it. Screw her and her family!
I've read some comments online from parents who love, cherish, and nurture their DS children. Many of them are offended at Sarah's martyr spiel and her repeated suggestions that she is a saint for giving birth to a special-needs child. They feel fortunate and blessed by their children, furious at the idea that anyone would suggest there's something wrong with or less-than-ideal about children with DS.
DeleteShe's not only narcissistic, she's completely tone-deaf. There are other politicians are narcissistic sociopaths; they're just better at hiding it.
Do tell, Anonymous @ 9:37 AM (or would you prefer Bristol, RAM, Nancy...?). Tell MrsG and the rest of us which "many charities"?
DeleteIt's not like the Palin family to hide their charitable giving under a bushel. They have to list it on their SarahPAC FEC report, after all -- since that's where the sole source of financial support is.
Is it under "Miscellaneous Contributions" here?
Sarah is a wig on stilts, a spectacle, without her most valuable prop, Trig.
ReplyDeleteInfant Trig was the heart of Sarah´s ¨brand.¨
Trig was her ¨jackpot,¨ her biggest money maker.
Sarah is soliciting for donations and this Brancy blog post is resurrecting the infant Trig.
There was another campaign for SarahPAC donations before Sarah admitted she wasn´t running in 2012.
I think this campaign is similar.
Bad news is looming on the horizon.
Maybe Sarah knows Todd is about to be exposed as a sex trafficker?
Can you imagine Sarah trying to manage Trig wearing her wig, fake boobs, extra long inseam jeans, all on top of those working without a net platform shoes? Trig just might be weighing in at almost half her weight. Damn, lofting that big drink cup was heavy lifting for Mama Grizzly at her new fighting weight.
"...wig on stilts..."
DeletePerfect Doonesbury caricature!
Sarah couldn't remember if Trig was born at 8 months at MatSu or 7 1/2 months in Anchorage:
MatSu is not equipped to handle high risk births. It is their policy to transfer the patient to Anchorage where there are facilities for a high risk birth. High Risk? Premature, special needs baby with a hole in his heart being born to a woman over 40 with a history of at least 2 miscarriages.
Nothing in Sarah's story makes sense-- failing to go to an emergency room in Texas when she was awakened with labor pains and was leaking amniotic fluid. She traveled for 12 hours, taking two planes where the lower air pressure would have complicated her labor. Not one flight attendant, checking seat belts when taking off and landing, offered Palin a seat belt extender or a pillow to make her comfortable. Not one flight attendant noticed that their high profile passenger, the Governor of Alaska flying on Alaska Airlines, was pregnant.
If it doesn't make sense, maybe the story isn't true. Sarah gave a number of interviews where she said that she couldn't tell anyone in her family that she was expecting a DS child. Now, Bristol claims to have known it all along. It doesn't make sense.
DeleteIt's pretty simple.
There was no NICU and no Neonatologists at Mat-Su. All pre-mature infant deliveries were sent to the regional referral facility in Anchorage, the Providence Maternity Center at the Providence Alaska Medical Center.
The Palins are liars and frauds.
Sarah Palin is the biggest hoax in American political history.
We know, Sarah. We know.
I have flown on Alaska Airlines and they are very attentive, something like Sarah needing a seat extender or being pregnant would not escape them! In fact I asked them via twitter if she was pregnant and they said no!
DeleteAlso I filed a complaint about Mat-Su regional b/c they are not equipped for a high risk birth that TriG was as described in "Going Rouge".
The complaint went no where of course....so many of us have filed complaints about this issue.
All I can say is: Alaskan's get your shit together and expel the parasitic Palin Mafia if you have to go "Outside" do it. Like INTERPOL!
Making general statement like this anon 859 is stupid.
DeleteMany of Alaskan have done things to counter the Palins throughout the years. I personally sent "Boys Will be Boys" (Todd - pimp story) to members of the U.S. Congress, the governor of Alaska and some in the Alaska Legislature. No commentary made public by any of them, of course! But, we do know they know about the Palins.
DeleteEverything will come out eventually. Republicans will tire of protecting the evil Mrs. Palin and her family. Mr. McCain is getting quieter about her if you've noticed. He's not verbally supporting her in public as he once did - because she is embarrassing him and their party!
I have also flown Alaska Airlines many times..they are the most attentive of any flight attendants I've seen..especially if she was in first class..she had to at least get up and go to the bathroom on a 3 1/2hr flight a couple times being "pregnant"..they would notice!!!
Delete@anon 9:37 Your general statement is stupid. The truth is that the flight crew on airplanes are very well trained. It is their job to check each seat belt on take off, landing and when ever the seat belt sign comes on. They can spot a kid with a video game when the pilot said to turn them off. And, they spotted a woman with a small black ankle brace when she was sitting in the exit row. That meant that she was not able bodied and physically fit enough to remove the door in case of an emergency, so they moved her to another seat. The truth is that the flight attendants are very observant, and not one has offered a statement that a well known person, the governor of Alaska was pregnant when she flew back and forth from Alaska to Texas in April 2008. Gryphen has posted the photographic "proof" that Palin was supposed to be pregnant. How did they miss that big abdomen? Palin would have required a seat belt extender, and she would have been making trips to the toilet every other minute. Anyone one is overweight and tries sitting in an airline seat, even in first class, knows that their stomach gets pushed out in front of them.
DeleteThe troll comments get dumber as the comments hit closer to the truth.
OPEN QUESTION FOR KRISTY PATULLO (in case you missed it yesterday):
ReplyDeleteI read your Facebook page after being directed by one of the links on another site you comment upon. There was a comment that has had me puzzling for a couple of days that I need to ask you about. In this comment you stated that you were previously a Hillary Clinton supporter but once she was denied the nomination you were "blown away" by Ms. Palin's speech at the Republican Convention and have been a die-hard Palin supporter since.
My question is how do you reconcile the policy differences between the two candidates, who quite obviously don't have much common ground policy wise (abortion, energy, global-warming, regulation, health care, etc., etc.). Do you just prefer to support powerful female candidates no matter what the policy implications of their winning an election, or did you change your viewpoint on the policies where the two differ when you started to support Ms. Palin? In addition, who will you support in 2016 if Hillary runs in 2016?
Note to fellow IMers: I would actually like to get an answer to this, so if we could keep the sniping and insults off this comment I would appreciate it.
I would and will support Hillary Clinton should she run. She is far more experienced, well read, well spoken, well educated than is the idiot from Wasilla, Sarah Palin. No comparison between the two. Plus, Hillary would clean the floor w/Palin in a debate.
DeleteI can hardly wait to see the continuation of dems in the White Office for eight straight years! The Republicans (teabaggers too) won't know what hit them!
Wow, Todd has a major case of gay-face in that pic
ReplyDeleteYou have major case of asshole. I find this offensive. Calling anyone gay by looks is offensive.
DeleteAs long as Anonymous comments are accepted from possibly re-routed accounts (like from AOL), we might never know if objectionable or reactionary comments like that are from Palinbot troublemakers in "stealth mode", or a compatriot without a tact filter.
DeleteGryphen may have a way of knowing. Or maybe not.
"So when did the family know that Trig Palin had Down syndrome again?"
ReplyDeleteThe answer would be after they examined Bristol, the baby's mama
DeleteDear Troll: Not a distraction! The story may be that they had planned on having Bristol's baby adopted out, but that wasn't possible when he was born prematurely, with DS. Levi said that Sarah hounded him and Bristol to let her adopt their baby. That wasn't Tripp. It was Trig. Even though Levi didn't agree, when Sarah announced that she was "pregnant" right after McCain became the GOP candidate in 2008, she had essentially taken their baby. Sarah wanted the VP nomination, and having a DS baby cemented her right to life credentials with the religious conservatives. Yes, she wanted to be the perfect candidate to run with McCain.
DeleteNancy and Bristol don't like any negative or critical comments at that blog. I expect that this comment will be taken down:
ReplyDeleteWho takes care of Trig with all the travelling around Sarah and Todd do? I know a family with a boy with DS about the same age and i see what it requires of the parents especially whdn they are under 3 years. And why doesn’t he always wear his glasses? It’s very rare to see him wearing then in photos.
In case you are wondering what Sarah Palin looked like when she was expecting Track, here is the photo: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Qqtj8eSHBxY/TbXivehgEcI/AAAAAAAAIfM/nUpPEya0t74/s320/sarah-palin-pregnant.jpg (Sarah in the red shirt). The photo of Sarah in the brown outfit is supposed to show Sarah after she announced that she was expecting Trig. She was expecting Trig, all right. However, she wasn't pregnant and carrying him in her uterus.
Considering comments have to be approved, I think you're a big fat wrong on that one.
DeleteIf they hated criticism, they would laugh at the critical remarks OR post about them specific, calling attention to the asshole haters who have nothing better to do with their time than hate.
Sorry, anonymous 9:40 AM All that I did was post the quote that Sarah gave to the AlAsaka papers, where she said that she couldn't tell anyone ahead of time that Trig was going to be born with DS. My comment was not posted. They have rigged their system so that it recognizes my computer, and the entire website goes back to the opening page.
It's too bad that neither Bristol nor Sarah wrote a sensitive post acknowledging Worlds DS Day, March 21. This was a late response to the criticism that Bristol hadn't written anything. Unfortunately, Nancy writes from her religious point of view. It only takes a very short google search to get the story that Sarah told right after Trig was born. But then, Nancy is not a reporter. She is a religious writer, and she didn't do her homework.
There wasn't enough room for her Sponge Bob pillow and Trig. Whats a uterus to do?
DeleteThe video of her pride for her "tight abs" and the screen grabs of her square belly are worth another look. Classic sociopathic lies and drama.
Sorry, YOU seem to be wrong, Anonymous @ 9:40 AM. It's been a full day since the first comment was posted there at "Brancy's Blog", and the above comment isn't anywhere -- but the one I posted is (although it still says "awaiting moderation" after a couple of hours).
DeleteKate Middleton, at five months, and with all the dressmaking skills of the Kingdom at her beck and call, looks more pregnant now than Sarah Palin did a few weeks before giving birth.
ReplyDeleteKate Middletown is a first-time mother. Sarah Palin's was a seventh pregnancy.
The Palin timelines simply doesn't make sense to anyone who's had a baby.
By five months, it's kicking and definitely showing, no matter how much you try to disguise it.
A full-fledged Christian wouldn't have had an amnio, since its only real service is to warn couples of troubles ahead, and give them a chance to terminate the pregnancy. If she never had any intention of terminating, why have an amnio? It puts the life of the baby in danger.
If she found out the child would have Down Syndrome, didn't she owe it to her older children to prepare them for this new arrival, and what it might mean for their family. A loving mother wouldn't exclude them from the exciting plans of a new, if different, baby brother.
That is, if the wild ride to and from Texas wasn't Sarah's modern-day method of late abortion: stress the baby to such an extent, ignore its crucial needs, until you've reached the one hospital that couldn't handle his birth.
Then: tragedy. Even more bathetic than the actual appearance of Trig himself. Nothing is beyond her ability to scheme.
But she was never pregnant with Trig. Never had an amnio, never flew pregnant with him.
Deletea real pregnant woman wouldn't have had abdominal liposuction on March 26th either...just 2 weeks before the infant was presented to the public.
DeleteOh well, Brancy screwed up another lie again. Its true about the saying that its hard to keep track of your lies and that you should always tell the truth. It's easier.
ReplyDeleteNot to change the subject. What did the Palins do with Ruffles the original Trig?
ReplyDeleteIs he still alive?
Tripp was Trig before he was Tripp.
Deletethanks for the distraction 9:41...but it's not needed.
Go away, Bristol. NO ONE misses you!
ReplyDeleteAre you saying that Bitch Gino finally stopped crying after he got dumped on the side of the road by Brisket?
DeleteThen why do you stalk posts with her name? Sad.
DeleteTrouble in Steubenville! Trouble in Stupidville! Trouble in Wasilla! Trouble in the houses by the dead lake! Trouble in the house with the dead yard in Arizona!
ReplyDeleteIf you were kinda tinfoily about things you'd have to wonder DID KARL ROVE GET TO BRISTOL'S GHOSTWRITER and get this printed just to stir the pot? Or maybe Angry Ann did it.
Sarah needs to tell yet another new story about Trigs birth to help ink the waters again. She could blame Shailey Tripp for the confusion around the birth of this little miracle. Or blame a surprise case of mono.
I don't think it's totally tinfoily to consider the possibility that Karl Rove may have gotten so fed up with Palin's divisive Tea Party/fundie claptrap that he has every intention of sinking her boat once and for all.
DeleteInitially, few people (present readers excepted) could wrap their heads around the idea of a sitting governor trying to pull off something as foolish and/or insane as a fake pregnancy. Now that the world has seen more of her, it has become increasingly evident to more and more people that this women has proven herself capable of incredible acts of idiocy -- none of which are thought through in advance.
Were I a betting person, I'd lay money on some seriously bad news coming Palin's way in the very near future.
People keep saying that Sarah didn't look pregnant with Trig. Do you think Sarah's small baby bump had anything to do with Todd's small baby weinie? His prostitute girlfriend Shailey Tripp did say Todd was on the small size for a man.
DeleteIs that your theory?
Not my theory
DeleteJust being sarcastic.
LOL. You just insulted millions of men with 6 inch cocks.
Delete6'' is small?
DeleteAnon 9:42
Delete6" is average Bristol, but the discussion is about your dada's stink pole.
No Willow, that's not 6" babe, your dad was just bragging.
DeleteTodd is more like under 4". Ask one of his boyfriends.
DeleteThose of us who have been here for years at IM know their "story" better than they do ... well, we know what was purported to be the fairy tale as it happened. We know the dates, we know about the "wild ride"; we know the players (except I don't think we know all of them, heh?) and some of us went to sleep over the course of 2 years with those details swimming around in our head: pregnancy test at a Walgreens in New Orleans?; contractions or no contractions in Texas (they seemed to stop so speech was given, but then "big laughs, more contractions?"); birth was easiest she'd ever had ... but she had to be induced; oh those pesky details. And now here is another one - Bristol knew before Trig was born? Yes, she did, because she is Trig's mother.
ReplyDeleteIt's true. The bots on Brancy's blog don't even blink when reading it.
DeleteFor all of them the truth is whatever they say it is at the moment and likely to morph as soon as some other "truth" becomes more convenient.
ReplyDeleteOT: I have been on the road and unable to keep up so pardon me if Sarah's new grift has already been discussed.
Hi, Olivia -- Thanks for the link to the Bob Cesca article. This is a fairly new story and Gryph posted yesterday about it. Too funny!
DeleteNot to change the subject. Whatever happened to Beefalo's DWTS baby?
ReplyDeleteWhen a DWTS contestant makes the finals they go on a DWTS tour afterwards. But for some reason, Bristol disappeared like she did in high school when it was said that she had mono and was sent away to live at her auntie's house until her mono was born.
Why would Sarah send Bristol away to live with her auntie? It couldn't be because Bristol was contagious in Sarah's house because she would also be contagious in her auntie's house as well. Another thing, Sarah claims to be the mama grizzly, who would take better care of their sick cub than the cub's mama grizzly?
see Britta's child.
DeleteThere hasn't been a dwts tour in forever. Get a life. Bristol was pictured often after DWTS ended, and there are a lot of paparazzi pics from mid Jan when she was shopping for house stuff in AZ.
DeleteGrow up and stop being a distraction. The funny thing is, Bristol totally mocked people who say she has a "buncha kids."
Well, Heather's youngest lived withMolly for a year.
DeleteIs that weird? Bristol didn't want to go to the catty Juneau school and her parents were desperate to cool her relationship (says Frank B and Levi)
Anon 8:48, Stop with the distractions.
DeleteIs Britta's baby enrolled in dance classes yet?
DeleteYou think Britta was paid off for faking a pregnancy with Sarah's fake belly? Then marries (not really) Sarah's son, then get a divorce ( not really because there never was a marriage) just to cover for the DWTS baby? Betcha we will hardly ever see that baby girl...No wonder Bristy needed a big house across the lake with babies coming and going she need to get rid of the house in Ar...hard to transport all of those babies back and forth. The DWTS baby kinda screwed up the moving to Arizona.
Deleteyes the video when she was shopping for her house in AZ in January showed a 9 month pregnant Bristol.
Deletei guess i've forgotten the details of the timeline, but i could've sworn that Bristol DID know about the DS before the birthing occured. wasn't it in her book? hmmm.... i'll have to trust you archivists to know. thanks
ReplyDeleteI believe her book did state that when Willow found an ultrasound, she told Bristol, who called Todd. Todd said "yes you're getting a brother and he may have special needs"
DeleteThere is a difference between your opinion and the actual quote that Sarah gave to news organizations:
"Not knowing in my own heart if I was going to be ready to embrace a child with special needs," she reveals, "I couldn't talk about it." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/08/29/trig-paxson-van-palin-sar_n_122474.html
"We didn't find out he had Down syndrome till the day he was born," Willow said. "So that was kind of a shock. But we didn't really care. He's still our brother." http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Palin/sarah-palin-trig-raising-syndrome-son-exclusive/story?id=9127544#.UVSIDVdtaPM
8:11 & 9:47 -- see below.
DeleteBristol "writes" in her book, which I found online since I wouldn't pay for or read that piece of shit, that her father told her the fetus was special needs. She "writes" that she didn't know it was Down Syndrome until the baby was born.
DeleteBut, since that whole family lies, we all know it's all a bunch of bullshit.
Still, Nancy contradicts what Bristol "wrote."
I only hope that Brancy's revelation, along with the "I confess," means that Bristle is going to come clean about Trig. We have not heard from her in a long time (or maybe she's been posting regularly, I don't go there). We see her ma looking emaciated and stressed. Please, let there me major shit going on bt Bree and the Quitter, the kind of shit that ends up with the truth coming out.
DeleteBristol is an evil bitch also too.
DeleteExpect no honest revelations from her.
Emaciated? HUH? She's slim and petite.
DeleteAnd Bristol is living a private life which is what YOU wanted. So let her.
Oh, yes, I mean slim and petite, not emaciated. Get real.
DeleteEmaciated and Strung Out are the perfect words to describe the skeleton in the wig.
DeleteBristol is in the mix of a major criminal gang and their crimes. She will never have a private life. She can run but can't hide. She can try to hide and go off for awhile. She will never have a private life since she chose the life of crime.
DeleteJust because no one talks about on going investigations it doesn't mean she is not a criminal. Pretend if you must, others know better.
Why do you people keep bothering Bristol, her babies and her husband?
ReplyDeleteLeave them be.
Forget my comment. My bad.
Bristol never married any of her babies daddies.
And, she is still not married. She'll have a very difficult time finding any male that would want to be part of the Palin klan on the dead lake! Can you imagine? Would be an awful experience to say the least!
DeleteI don't know why Sarah and Bristol haven't demanded apologies from the Supreme Court justices who said that children needed to be raised by one mother and one father.
DeleteI live in Anchorage and I remember hearing a news report saying that the governor was going to have a baby with special needs. My recollection is that was a couple of weeks before the birth was announced.
ReplyDeleteNumber one I doubt you live in Anchorage, but if you do then you should know full well that NONE of us knew until after the baby's birth that he had Down's.
DeleteBut just consider if your revisionist history were true. If she HAD told the news before the birth of Trig about his Down Syndrome than why make up a story about Willow and the rest of the family finding out afterward?
Not a nice try, and definitively NO cigar.
Gryph, I DO live in Anchorage. I am a regular reader and an occasional poster. I have even contributed to you in the past. Aren't you able to see my IM address and see where I'm posting from?
DeleteMy point wasn't to be revisionist, but to say that this is another piece of their changing story. I probably heard it on KSKA, but it could have been Channel 2, but I DID hear it a couple weeks before Trig was supposedly born.
Pre-empt Gryphen. - channel? Media form? Radio? TV?
DeletePrint of it would be great evidence how she lies.
when were all her legends about making up a fake name and getting secret appts. because the doctor noticed a thick neck......
Deleteshe was going to have an amnio...etc.
Gryphen, when did that email occur saying Fagan wanted to congratuate the Governor on her baby. I could have SWORN it was before March 5th.
DeleteRemember, Gryphen knew nothing of the baby case and its mysteriousness until McCain's selection day.
Delete9:23 I live in Anchorage too and never heard information on the radio, TV or in print about the Palin baby being DS before it was born. I seriously doubt that information was ever public before the birth - remember Sarah and Toad were on top of what was printed about them to include TV, radio and print. I call you out 9:34!!!
DeleteIf anyone wants to claim that Trig's DS was announced before he was born, the proof would be the newspaper article, the magazine article or the video clip. Just "remembering" something is a little too convenient-- especially when Sarah's version of the story, as told in her book and told in magazine articles state that she couldn't tell anyone until Trig was born.
DeleteIn the announcement of the "birth" in the ADN the Palins said they learned from early testing that the baby had challenges.
Not to change the story. Is Tripp being homeschooled? How come that kid is not in school yet? What's he waiting for?
ReplyDeleteDon't tell me Tripp has been accepted to hair school with Willow.
Grow up. Tripp is in preschool. The ignorance and hate propaganda need to stop.
DeleteSarah ju got sum plaining to do.
ReplyDeleteSarah told me she had a great idea: we would keep it a secret — nobody would know that Bristol was pregnant. She told me that once Bristol had the baby she and Todd would adopt him. That way, she said, Bristol and I didn’t have to worry about anything. Sarah kept mentioning this plan. She was nagging — she wouldn’t give up. She would say, “So, are you gonna let me adopt him?” We both kept telling her we were definitely not going to let her adopt the baby. I think Sarah wanted to make Bristol look good, and she didn’t want people to know that her 17-year-old daughter was going to have a kid.
(Why didn't Sarah just do another Wild Ride scam again? Maybe because the first Wild Ride scam with Trig didn't work and fool anybody. )
Is that from Levi's book?
DeleteThis works out perfectly with Frank Bailey's story that in mid August Sarah called him to say Bristol is pregnant and "wants to keep the baby"
Delete8:41 a.m. Is that quote from Levi's book? Sounds familiar!
DeleteI think that it was an interview that Levi gave to Vanity Fair.
DeleteHey Gryphen,
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened to the book you kept telling us about, some lawyer named Fred was going to expose the whole babygate in a book. I know the last time you mentioned it, something was said about it being blocked by the Palins. I think it has been over a year since it has been mentioned. I kept checking your blog in hopes that one day you announce the book's release. Please what is the status on this? Thanks
No book can be written because of all the contradictions. The author would look loony.
DeleteBrancy has posted pictures of Tripp allegedy dressed for pre-school. He looks like he's ready for the first grade, maybe second.
DeletePalins prefer homeschool.
Well , it is true that many in Alaska choose to graduate early via homeschool. This is common there. But Tripp is in preschool.
DeleteThe photo on her current post shows Trig when he was about 2 years old. He is 5.
DeleteOne day Sarah Palin will get shit face in public and will accidentally divulge the truth behind all of Bristol's pregnancies and Todd's prostitution business.
ReplyDeleteIt's kinda hilarious. Bristol's ghostwriter contradicts Sarah's ghostwriter AND can't even be consistent with what was written in her own book.
ReplyDeletepp. 93-94 “Dad, Willow, and I were in the room as Trig was born on April 18, 2008. When I saw his tiny body, I immediately knew that this little boy was perfect. As I held him, I noticed he didn’t look like the rest of us. His neck seemed thicker than those of other babies I’d held. About thirty minutes later, Dr. CBJ. She was the same doctor who delivered Piper years before and had made her a Noah’s ark quilt.
“When she came back into the room, Mom said, “Show the girls that line on his hand.”
“Dr. CBJ opened Trig’s hand and said, “Now this deeper line is a characteristic of Down syndrome.”
“That was the FIRST time we heard his diagnosis.” [emphasis added]
To keep the story even more confusing, there's a photo of Trig with his palm facing the camera and showing that he DOESN'T have the characteristic palmer line. [note that the line/crease is only a clue to check for DS and isn't a definitive diagnosis. You can have DS without the crease or you can have the crease without DS.]
Has anybody checked Bristol's palms for this line? People keep saying Bristol is borderline retarded. This could explain everything.
DeleteWhat about Willow? She had problems in school as well and had to be homeschooled. Does she have the Palin trademark on her palms too?
DeleteWhat about Caint Get Right's palm?
DeleteWhat about Sarah's daddy's palms? He's a candidate for this line on the palm thingy. Might as well look at all the Heaths and Palins palms.
DeleteThanks for research. What a pack of lying liars.
Deletecheck Sarah's palm if she's washed the writing off yet.
DeleteNone of them qualifies for college.
Also in the book, when Bristol called Todd in March, he told her their new brother might have special needs.
DeleteAnon 9:10, grow up. That isn't helping the maturity level here.
DeleteIf John McCain vetted Sarah Palin properly, he may have seen this Palin-Palmer line on Sarah's palms and not picked her and save our country all this misery.
DeleteIt's just a guess, but I think that Sarah has ADHD. People in Alaska have whispered for years that she takes Adderall. Proof? Sarah is not able to process information the way that most of us do. She heard the story of The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, came out of the lecture and garbled the story badly. Either she was sleeping, not paying attention, too busy texting or Sarah is simply not capable of learning anything.
DeleteMore proof? How about those piles of index cards that Sarah needed to be brought up to speed in 2008 when she joined McCain. She was lacking in the basic knowledge of government and history that most of us get in school. When Sarah was asked what she read to inform her opinion, she reacted so defensively that I think that Sarah is not able to read. She cannot read her own script when she has to deliver a speech. (She keeps glancing down, losing her place). Sarah can't even speak in simple, declarative sentences. Everything in her head is a jumble.
And, yes, this can be inherited. My guess is that Track, Bristol, Willow, maybe Piper have the same learning disability as their mother. There are therapies that over come the condition, along with medication, but I don't think that "therapy" is a word in Sarah's vocabulary.
The photos of Palin then and now are absolutely jaw dropping.
ReplyDeleteHer bots and the Limbaugh, Levin , Breitbart crowd
are still gushing over what
they describe as Palin's beauty.
They must be really low information
if they don't realize that today Palin looks like she
could be cast as the mother
of Norman Bates in the remake of Psycho .
Sarah doesn't have inner or outer beauty anymore. Much like Jodi Arias (they keeping calling her beautiful!) - too many lies and evil inside each of them which eventually shows on their exteriors.
DeleteBoth of them deserve a huge "YUK"!!!
When was it that Fagan wrote speculating about the Gov being pregnant? Sarah was take aback at his knowledge of it because she hadn't told anyone.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes it is hard to keep lies straight. Ask Levi, who's changed numerous things about his life. I have a nice little chart when his different versions of his own life events, his sister's versions, and other versions.
is ANYONE honest in the world? I know bloggers lies to ge a point across or provide propaganda. And I know all humans have a right to privacy.
It's about time to admit it to ourselves. No semblance of truth regarding Trig has been spoken. No rumor is valid simply because they ALL contradict each other heavily. And rumors are just that, rumors.
really, you keep a chart on Levi? stalker....
DeleteSpeaking of Dan Fagan, what happened to him? He had a morning radio show in Anchorage and all of a sudden was gone! His last few shows were weird - talking about himself a lot and sounding pretty off! I recall feeling for the gal on the show w/him in having to keep the conversation going.
DeleteWhile you're at it, would you mind charting the lies of Bristol and Sarah? You will need a big big chart.
Delete@9:23 Rumors may be rumors but actual photos are actual photos, also too. Explain that away please.
DeletePalin et al has no respect for the privacy of anyone else in public life, shills the family for donations and counts on rumors to keep their pity party afloat. Palin gave up the right to privacy when she began hard selling her brand. If you don't like our comments and 'rumors', stay over at C4P where you'll be safe from the truth. I just wish one of you who defends her would explain the 'wild ride' story that came from her own lips and claws.
Yes, Kristy, I'm sure you have many nice little charts pertaining to the Palins. And you add to them everyday by peeping through virtual windows (how many people remotely connected to the Palins and the Heaths have you friended on FB?)
DeleteYou either know for a fact or know because it's obvious that Sarah Palin was not pregnant and did not give birth the the boy known as Trig. You've said as much on the different blogs. You can justify it in that muddled brain of yours, but the truth is she lied, Bristol lied, Todd lied, they all lied and they continue to lie. And it won't look to good when it all comes out.
Now, what about Todd being a pimp? What do you have to say about that?
I think it's probably pretty accurate to say that she did keep the knowledge of the DS to herself until April 18th. That would have taken the family a bit to process. My own family would have needed time. I do believe the story that one of the kids asking if he has downs. Willow said this in person and she's the one person in this entire story who is most genuine. We can all agree on that.
ReplyDeleteBloggers have only added to the mass confusion with some pretty ridiculous theories, bad rumors and flat-out lies.
Didn't the whole extended family get together just before Trig's birthday? Wasn't there a picture of all the Heaths on a porch? Looked like spring breakup weather.
Address Bristol's post, why would she now say she knew that the baby had DS before he was born and Sarah said they found out after he was born?
DeleteDeflection and inane ramblings won't work here, this isn't c4p or Brancy's blog you asshole!
Anon 9:28 sounds a lot like a sanctimonious commenter M.Baker.
DeleteNo point in responding.
What exactly does a picture on a porch have to do with this story..the story of Willow being first to notice is ridiculous..how old was she then? maybe she should have gone to Doctor school instead of Hair school. Exactly how is she most genuine??
DeleteSarah Palin has said herself that she and Todd didn't tell anyone. And now you're calling her a liar?
DeleteFor SHAME!!!!
TriG's birthday is allegedly April 18th...or do you mean his real birthday in February?
ReplyDeletehahaha the palin family troll is here in a panic trying to clean up the mess. Hilarious! You're busted Sarah! Time to confess.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt about it - that Palin klan is a friggin' mess w/all their lies. They cannot remember one from the other. I feel sorry for that DS child when he grows up and learns of all the falsehoods out there about him. Just like Track, he won't know from whence he came! Sarah doesn't even take care of the child from all reports! Friggin' amazing!
ReplyDeleteThe blog post goes hand in hand with the new Pac video.
ReplyDeleteRemind the fundies that Our Sarah chose life, that's why they love her and send her money.
The end.
ReplyDelete(Who's Tri-G's Father? )
Sometimes evidence is in plain sight: how many 5 weeks premature special needs babies are born weighing more than six pounds?
ReplyDeleteNotice that the picture she used of Trig is YEARS old...he's just a toddler there. Hey Bristol, how about a RECENT picture? One showing him about 5 or maybe 6 now? You don't have one you want to post, do you? The article says he's now in pre-school. Really? He's deaf, severely cross-eyed and can speak about 4 words.
ReplyDeleteWhat pre-school would that be Bristol? Freakin' "pants on fire" liar!
When I went to interview at my son's preschool, they said he couldn't come until he was potty trained. Granted, he wasn't special needs, but they do have some requirements.
DeleteIn my city, the public schools offer pre-school for developmentally delayed children starting at 3 years of age. A child like Trig would be enrolled for a half day class and have an IEP -Individualized Educational Plan, and receive speech, physical and occupational therapy if needed. He'd be wearing his glasses daily, and would be working on potty training at school. Hopefully, the parents would be implementing all of this at home, too. If the Palin's were involved, they would not be letting Trig drink from a bottle and not wear his glasses. It's pretty obvious Trig is not getting intensive therapy.
DeleteHopefully, he's in a preschool for children with special needs (both of my kids were "peer models" in public preschools that were half-special need, half-typical children). If not, they are doing him a severe disservice.
DeleteThe Palins thrive on confusion. It's how dysfunctional families keep secrets, and the P's are pros. Constantly changing the "facts" (ie birth dates, stories) means nothing can ever be substantiated.
ReplyDeleteOr remembered. They hope most people just write off all the misinformation as "lamestream media" made up stuff.
DeleteSo Bristol says she knew, but her mom's record is that no one knew about Trig's DS. Such a close family, aren't they? So one of them isn't telling the truth. But then truth is not something they recognize.
ReplyDeleteOf course it's pretty evident either Trig isn't Sarah's(and she used him for the VP slot) or that Sarah is a neglectful, dangerous person who would put her unborn child at risk just so she could do a speech and fly back home without immediately seeking a doctor's care and examination. So, whichever one it is, she doesn't sound like a very dedicated mother.
What makes a young adult mother like Bristol feel it's necessary to relive Trig's birth over and over again. Doesn't she ever experience new life-changing insight? It's as though she just sits and ponders the same stuff over and over and over. Do these people ever evolve or get challenged by new challenges every day? I thought they were supposed to be all tough. If that's the only challenge of her life, then maybe she needs to get out more and hear about "real" people's problems and how "real" people confront them. There are lots of heroes out there and their names aren't all Palin.
ARe you kidding? 17 years old, hiding, scared, worried? I've been there. No wonder she re-lives the pregnancy, especially the part where Scarah tells her she's going to adopt Trig from her, no ifs ands or buts.
DeleteI searched her blog for pictures and there are some of Trig at the start of the Iron Dog race this year. He looks about 5 years or 6 years old. He has a bottle in one picture and his pull-up training pants can be seen in another. Still NO glasses and he is definitely cross-eyed. Can you be in pre-school (as is claimed)if you are on a bottle and not potty trained? I doubt it. Poor little guy still isn't getting the aids and help he needs. Pathetic bunch, those Palins.
ReplyDeleteIf Trig is going to preschool, it's more than likely he is going to a preschool that offers special ed. They would work on potty training, eating regular food, and wearing his glasses. If he really is getting therapy and special ed, I bet it drives his teachers and therapists crazy that there is no follow through at home. Trig SHOULD be wearing his glasses all the time, and not be drinking from a bottle. He needs to develop his oral muscles. Eating more regular food would help with muscle development. I wonder if there is a MEDICAL reason Trig is drinking from a bottle?
DeleteFive weeks early and six .5 pounds, I call this B.S.
ReplyDeleteBoth of mine were early, two weeks, they were 5.6 and 5.9
called it B.s. the first time.
Way too much out there to prove the Palin klan wrong in whatever they say now about the birth of the last child w/DS. Interviews, Sarah's own statements, photos, etc. They can try and spin a new story today, but it a gonna work! Won't they ever learn?
ReplyDeleteFor once, Sarah told the truth! It WAS "False" labor!
ReplyDeleteAsk yourselves why would Bristol stir the Trig pot again?
ReplyDeleteBristol is like Sarah and has been out of the news and she wants and needs attention.
Annnd she's just plain ignorant.
Cracklin Charlie7:17 AM
ReplyDeleteThe first two babies are Trig, but the baby pictured with Levi is his brother, Tripp.
Levi has a BROTHER??