Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Deranged Fox News host claims that Jim Carrey has killed more people than "all rifles combined." Wait, what?

I actually almost missed this inflammatory charge hidden in the midst of "The Five's" Greg Gutfeld's caterwauling and hair pulling over Jim Carrey's brilliant take down of the gun culture. (If you STILL haven't seen it you can see it here. And seriously, why haven't you seen it?)

Here is what he said the other day:  

GUTFELD: “He is the most pathetic tool on the face of the earth. And I hope his career is dead, and he ends up sleeping in a car the way his life began. This video only made me want to go out and only buy a gun. He thinks this is biting satire and going after rural America and a dead man. Let’s talk about Charlton Heston. Charlton Heston was one of the first actors to be behind the civil rights movement and march. What did this jackass Jim Carrey do? He was behind the anti-vaccine panic. There are what, 165,000 people that died from measles last year, according to the World Health Organization.” 

“Jim Carrey has killed more people than all the rifles combined,” Gutfeld continued. “He is a dirty, stinking coward. He is a moral coward.

"165,000 people that died from measles last year?" Gee you would kind of think that a statistic like that would have made huge news and that the nation would essentially be in a panic over such an epidemic. Why haven't we heard of this?

Oh, because it is bullshit.

What Gutfeld is all in a tizzy over is Carrey's 2008 statement's suggesting there was a link between vaccines and autism in this country, a belief that is fairly widely held, especially among parents with autistic children.

Now the science on that proved to be false, and was largely based on a now discredited study conducted by Andrew Wakefield.

However clearly Jim Carrey believed the connection was real and, believing he was doing a public service, used his fame to warn others.

Now did this cause an uptick in measles cases? Well perhaps, but it was nowhere near the number that Gutfield claims. This from the CDC concerning last year's numbers:

Each year, on average, 60 people in the United States are reported to have measles. But, in 2011, the number of reported cases was higher than usual—222 people had the disease. Nearly 40% of these people got measles in other countries, including countries in Europe and Asia. They brought the disease to the United States and spread it to others. This caused 17 measles outbreaks in various U.S. communities.

As you can see only a few hundred caught the disease, many of them while overseas, and no one apparently died from it.

Speaking of overseas, THAT is apparently where Gutfeld went to get his data:

In 2011, there were 158 000 measles deaths globally – about 430 deaths every day or 18 deaths every hour. 

Now the idea of connecting some articles on Huffington Post written by an American actor, as having contributed to thousands of deaths around the world seems like a bridge to nowhere in my mind, but hey this is Fox News, why would they be bothered with researching any of those pesky "facts.?"

However if they had, they might have learned this:

More than 95% of measles deaths occur in low-income countries with weak health infrastructures.

Yes, the outbreaks primarily happen in countries that do not have the luxury of surfing the internet to read Jim Carrey's opinion on vaccinations. Sort of hard to blame them on him, don'tcha think?

So has Jim Carrey actually "killed more people than all rifles combined?" Well unless there have been a whole lot of unreported cases of people laughing themselves to death at his movies, than no, of course not. And anybody who thinks so is an ignorant douchebag. Or watcher of Fox News, assuming there is a difference

Which brings up the question of whether this Greg Gutfeld is the MOST ignorant douchebag over at Fox News?

Well he DOES have some stiff competition....

...but I would say that right now that yes, yes he probably is the biggest douchebag at Fox News right now.

And considering the company he keeps that is really quite an accomplishment.


  1. Dis Gusted6:39 AM

    "Now the science on that proved to be false, and was largely based on a now discredited study conducted by Andrew Wakefield."

    not quite true - autism can be caused by mercury in vaccines.

    The pharma companies have settled quite a few cases where the baby clearly became autistic after receiving vaccines.

    one of SEVEN cases PROVEN so far.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      not quite true - autism can be caused by mercury in vaccines.

      Nope. If that were true—it isn't—there would have been a sharp drop in the incidence of autism when the industry switched to different preservatives, but the level has stayed pretty much the same. Faced with this evidence, most antivaxxers are now claiming different mechanisms.

      The pharma companies have settled quite a few cases where the baby clearly became autistic after receiving vaccines.

      Pay attention, class. Here's a fine example of arguing post hoc, ergo propter hoc (after it, therefore because of it). When autism develops in infancy, the age at which it becomes apparent turns out to be about the same age at which vaccination is usually done. Not every coincidence constitutes causation. Besides, when somebody develops autism, it can take a while before any indications are visible.

      BTW, the impressively-long article that paragraph linked to turns out to be almost entirely about complaints other than autism.

      one of SEVEN cases PROVEN so far.

      The plural of "anecdote" is not "data". Even if it were real, seven out of hundreds of millions of vaccinations seems rather good odds to me.

      Ironically, Andrew Wakefield's "study" was never intended to discredit all vaccines. It was intended to discredit a specific product, and he had already applied for a patent on a competing product.

    2. Thank you Ted Powell. Please accept my virtual handshake.

    3. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Thanks Ted! While I feel for those parents that receive a diagnosis for autism, we have to rely on facts and medical science to protect children against preventable diseases. Many in third world countries would just LOVE to have such availability of preventive care that we take for granted here in the first world.

  2. Anonymous6:43 AM

    My goodness. It's not enough to wage wars on women, the poor, kids, and the elderly on SS. Now we have to attack Jim Carrey for being for a tiny bit of gun control, in a country where, yes, Fox, guns kill more people than measles does. Are you folks really this ignornat, or does Ailes pay well for lies?

    1. cdngrlinus1:42 PM

      Well Jim Carrey is a comrade from communist, socialists ,Marxists, same sex marriage loving, baby killing Canada. Didn't you hear about our plot to take over the world and teach every one to be polite and recycle ( we have to start with the guns so you can't fight back) . Bwahahahaah

      In other words yeah they are just that ignorant.

    2. What absolute nonsense, where in the world do they find these knuckleheads. First what Greg Gutfeld said (and you didn't even bother to substantiate) was about a report (now discredited) about a vaccine the writer was claiming to be non-productive in the fight against measles while he was actively promoting another vaccine. Just as they have with so many other stories, those little robots at Fox news jump the gun in a rush to judgment all in an effort to bolster their narrow-minded point of view. And sadly when the truth comes out (as it always does) they just make a smug little remark and get right back on the attack wagon. makes one wonder why anyone would ever want to listen (unless you're one of the haters) to these no talent loud mouths.

  3. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Chickenshit liars for a paycheck.

  4. Leland7:39 AM

    I would guess this asshole hasn't heard of WWII. Or WWI. Or Korea. Or Vietnam. Or Afghanistan. Or Iraq. Or Crimea. Or....

    Seriously? Aside from MAYBE Sarah Palin, surely NOBODY in this country can be THAT stupid?

  5. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Let these assholes continue to gin up hate and fear among their viewers. They think it's great for ratings. Fine. But it's also part of what's pushing them further and further into fantasy land and ultimately into isolation. They're slowly digging their own grave. Let them at it.

  6. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Another child a 10 yr old was killed by his father while the father was cleaning his gun in the livingroom and shot his son point blank in the head. No charges are probably going to be brought against him, family says just an accident!, how we will miss him. Isn't it just so crazy how they want to put women in jail and punish them for having an abortion but they won't bring charges against men who kill their children after being on this earth for 10 yrs, that's just an accident.

    1. Leland8:16 AM

      You are expecting logic?


  7. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Hillary Clinton is such a strong potential presidential candidate that she leads both Scott Walker and Paul Ryan in their home state of Wisconsin, and Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio in Florida.

    According a PPP poll of Florida, Hillary Clinton leads Jeb Bush by 13 points in Florida (53%-40%), Paul Ryan by 13 points (54%-41%), and Marco Rubio by 16 points (56%-40%). These numbers should be troubling for the Republican Party because they came after Marco Rubio was elevated into the national spotlight. Clinton’s lead has expanded by 12 points on Rubio in the last two months. In January, Clinton led Rubio by 4 points. Now, the lead is 16. Former Sec. Clinton now gets 20%-24% of the Republican vote, and 55%-58% of the Independent vote in Florida.

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Truly don't believe Republicans do, or will, have a candidate to put up against Hillary Clinton. I can hardly wait for her to run and to be able to cast my vote for her!! She's so well qualified for the job in more ways than one. Plus, I'd love seeing more of President Bill Clinton around too! What a team they'd make being back in the White, they'd make such history!

      President Obama picked the perfect person as his Secretary of State during his first term. The man is so damned smart. Works circles around those idiotic Republicans in Congress!

  8. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Sarah Palin and Honey BooBoo melded at the 1:40 mark:

  9. SHARON8:36 AM

    This was certainly expected...Jim's parody was so damn spot on and FUNNY!!!! He managed to cover all the high points, esp the ending..I have watched it over and over and it keeps getting funnier. The truth hurts and you have to expect those asswipes at Faux are laughing all the way to the bank, knowing they have such a stupid fanclub.

  10. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Heston's bad acting killed millions of people.

  11. Jeanabella9:17 AM

    /fox liars! More than 1 million people have been killed by guns since John Lennon was shot. Over 30K a day on average in the USA.

    1. Leland10:27 AM

      Jeanabella, please check your source or your typing. Thirty thousand A DAY????? I think you meant a YEAR.

  12. WakeUpAmerica9:20 AM

    Well then, let's compare apples to apples. How many people were killed WORLDWIDE with guns? Oh really? Hundreds of thousands?

  13. Anonymous9:53 AM

    O/T but Best Reaction To Steubenville Rape Case (VIDEO)

    "Hey bros, check who passed out on the couch," the guy in the video begins, staring into the camera, as a seemingly unconscious girl is sprawled out on the sofa behind him. "Guess what I'm going to do to her."

    Probably not what you might think.

  14. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Last nite on the Daily Show

    Jon Stewart Bashes CPAC, Palin, Bachmann: 'Doesn't The GOP Have Someone With Ideas Worth Messaging?'

    Priceless :)

  15. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Jon Stewart's Perfect Description Of Sarah Palin

    Stewart: "I finally figured out where Sarah Palin came from. Someone cast a spell on a YouTube comment and it came to life." Perfect. Just perfect.

    1. Best thing he has ever said. :D

  16. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Jim Carrey was dating a woman that had an autistic child when he made that statement....and, it was something she firmly believed to be true at the time. It wasn't like the comment came out of his ass!

    What is frightening is that people will believe what FOX people are saying, which makes me sick to my stomach. That's OK though, Carrey's message will reach many and many will and do agree w/him.

  17. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I'd never listen to a word he says but I wish he'd shut up, because I'm sick of seeing his repulsive face!

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      I wish he'd shut up, because I'm sick of seeing his repulsive face!

      Thank you for providing another example of an invalid form of argument. This one is called ad hominem (against the man). Arguments are more appropriately directed against what the person has to say. Unless the person is advertising a facial beauty aid—which they claim to be using—asserting that one finds that person's face repulsive isn't worth a pinch of botox … or anything else.

  18. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Jim's ex-wife Jenny McCarthy based all of her arguments against vaccinations on her son having autism, supposedly contracting it from vaccines. She had no proof that vaccines caused her son's autism. Both of them should have kept their mouths shut regarding science and medicine because, well, they are not scientists or doctors. Other than that I have no problem with either one of them, but unfortunately they were given a voice regarding the "pseudoscience" surrounding vaccinations only because of their celebrity. Fine, be a celebrity, but go back to school if you want to be a scientist or a doctor.

  19. Anita Winecooler1:04 PM

    I liked this segment of "bullshit mountain" "Da Five" more than the other. The dude went totally off the rails, the veins in his neck were popping and smoke was pouring out of his nostrils.
    Of course facts don't matter, he's there to titillate and make the natives restless.
    Jim Carry was dating Jenny Mc Carthy when he came out against vaccines. She supposedly "cured" her son of autism and Jim was her fierce defender at the time.
    When the HPV shot for girls came out, they were outraged because it was like saying it was ok for teens to have sex. They were banging the same drums and making statistics up then as well.

  20. Anonymous3:50 PM

    bad enough jim "baby killer" carrey stands on the grave of those children in sandyhook but you let him slide on the 1121 kids that have died from preventable disease since he started his baby killing propaganda! you people are sick. SEEK HELP, PLEASE VACCINATE YOUR KIDS, IF NOT PLEASE KEEP THEM AWAY FROM EVERYONE ELSE!

    1. Anita Winecooler5:30 PM

      Excellent sarcasm. Thanks for the laughs!

  21. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Gryphen, Dr. Wakefield has been found not to have committed fraud according to this article.

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Anything that comes from Mercola is suspect.

      I followed your link and then read Mercola's source (and the follow ups to that article). There is no evidence that Wakefield was found not to have committed fraud. In fact, Wakefield has sued for libel and been unsuccessful.

      Wakefield has not been exonerated.

    2. Anonymous10:04 PM

      Gryphen, Dr. Wakefield has been found not to have committed fraud according to this article.

      Yeah, and according to Palin she was completely exonerated by the Branchflower report!

    3. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Mercola is a grifter extraordinaire. He could actually teach Sarah Palin a thing or two.

  22. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Woops, little mixed up - Deranged Jim Carrey, hilarious Greg Gutfeld. Good!

  23. Come on Gryph.. everyone knows there is reality and then there are Fox-Fax… The folks at Cluster-Fox live and breath Fox-Fax… They make up millions of them every hour!! They’re all brown, squishy and smell bad so we in the reality-based community actually know what they are and can smell them a mile away.. BUT, the closed environment over at Cluster-Fox dictates that everyone of their employees stay in the hermetically sealed environment with Fox-Fax at least 12 hours per day just to make sure the Kool-Aide effect takes hold…

    EVERYTHING said at Cluster-Fox from 7:01AM daily to 7:00AM the next day, every day is infused with Fox-Fax and this story is NO DIFFERENT. Especially for this lame morning crew.. NEVER, in the history of this ‘network’ has the IQ of the morning gatherings exceeded 100 - collectively … So, set your expectations accordingly…

    Truly stupid people.


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