Monday, March 18, 2013

I think I have found Palin's new calling.

A pitch woman anti-diarrhea medications.

Considering all of the crap she spews it seems like the perfect pairing.

Of course for most of us the shit comes out of the other end.

By the way Palin is currently pimping the newest replacement for "Tebowing." The Palin Liberty Pose.
Seriously is there NOTHING this idiot will not do for attention?

 Silly question I know.


  1. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Martin Basheer just nailed palin big time. Mr basheer does not like our heinous one bit. Try to catch it.

  2. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Skank of liberty!

    1. I finally got around to watching BaldyFest at CRAPAC!

      One word.......D R U N K!

      Anyone else notice how much of that Rum and Coke (SNORT) was ALREADY GONE before Baldy got her sip on? She was fucked up and having all kinds of fun with her nasty ass!

      From the top of her filthy...scraggly ass ill fitting wig...past that immovable plastic filled face with the missing top that wrinkled chest with her Star of David necklace....flashing that flag bracelet that must have fused to that bony ass arm...while wearing that zipper top that matched the crotch zipper jeans that she got from Kohls Exclusive Skank™ Line...old ass Baldy Louise Heath Palin was smelling her stanky ass! And what a SMELL it was!

      Whoever wrote that pile of shit screech KNOWS Baldy like no other (looking at YOU fat sack of crap!) That stupid bitch thought she was Redd Foxx and Richard Pryor with a little Sammie Davis Jr (the wonky eye y'all) rolled up into ONE! Bitch so dumb she still hasn't realized that she was being LAUGHED at!

      Now....about that bullshit Big Gulp Liberty pose shit! W T F is wrong with this world! This ignorant...ugly to the bone heffa being compared to Lady Liberty is an AFFRONT to every immigrant who has come to our shores who scrapped and sacrificed blood sweat and tears to achieve a better life...and this trashy ass hillbilly with a mouth like a trucker thinks she can compare to the Statue of Liberty.....Gethefuckouttahere!

      One more thing....every website that has posted on this retard has posted the SAME picture of the bitch!

      Baldy will regret hoisting that drink and posing like the stripper she is....photoshop is a MOTHERFUCKER ho! LOL!!!

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Whoa! Now Mayor Bloomberg wants cigarettes to be displayed out of the sight of susceptible children.
    That means Sarah's "Liberty" pose will have to be updated to having her hold a Big Gulp in her right hand and a cigarette in her left. Or maybe she can hold her Blackberry in her left, with a cigarette dangling out of her mouth.
    Then we get to paint her green all over.

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      While she stuffs her face of cookies and sits on her ass rather than exercise.

      The gubment cain't tell us what tuh do!

  4. eva marie1:18 PM

    I saw Martin too. He was cutting her up so bac I was waiting to hear him tell us about the fake pregnancy. She's going to piss off someone bad enough sooner or later and then it will all come out.

  5. Anonymous1:20 PM

    She looks like she has been on a bender for some time. Wow, she looks awful.

  6. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I guess she's hardly gotten any donations. Otherwise, why all the continued schtick?

  7. Anonymous1:34 PM


    Gryphen, You probably already know about this but If not...

    I just saw a little bit of the Chris Matthews show. He was talking about Sarah and the Bible series she was pimping for Burnett. Apparently, in the show the satan character they use looks like President Obama. I just saw them flash the picture and sure enough it looks just like him. I beleive they used his image. I could not be more disgusted! WTF is wrong with these people.

    Some people that have seen it have complained and the History channel has put out a disclaimer about it.

    I will look for the video clip to see if it's posted


    1. Yes, you are right, it is getting a lot of traction. I will never watch the History Channel again (not that I have been watching it much anyway).

    2. jcinco3:40 PM

      there's a story about it on hp. I posted that it isn't a coincidence, that cretin burnett and his zealot, cat lady faced wife pal around with those secessionists, the palins...I think sarah must give burnett head or something...

  8. deebee1:35 PM

    Garbage in...... Garbage out.
    You betcha'

  9. Anonymous1:35 PM

    She puts the mad in madamism 24/7. She's a cosmetic surgery fail.

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Who did Palin's cosmetics, surgery and all of it? I would not want to go to them. There must be a Public Service warning.

  10. Anonymous1:36 PM

    It's up at HuffPo

    Here is the link...


  11. Anonymous1:40 PM

    God, is she goofy looking in that photo. She sure has lost her beauty and cuteness! Her evil thoughts and words have moved to her exterior and it couldn't happen to a more deserving person. Ugly inside and out!

  12. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Ewwww does the Granny Grifter have false teeth also?
    Sarah Palin looks worn out and tossed away. Has she been working Pimp Daddy's Clients?

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Her hair is not only messy, it's fake. Some of the photos show the wig set far enough back on her head to show her real hairline.

    2. veneers, maybe?
      i can't get over how matte her face looks. the amount of makeup caked on that face must be thick as hell

    3. Anonymous4:03 PM

      I agree with Marz. Along with cheek implants, I think she's messed up her teeth (drugs, poor nutrition, bulimia?) and had to have veneers done.

      She's always troweled on the makeup.

  13. Anonymous1:46 PM

    That goofy expression screams"just took a huge dump on my rogue pants".

  14. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Ha, there is infighting now over at Breitbart; Sarah really drives a wedge into the GOP! I love it, it's almost as if we should be paying her to further destroy her party! With all the damage she has inflicted on the Republican party I sometimes think she's a "secret Democrat".


  15. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Trig is going to be mightily pissed when he finds out she's swapped props: Trig is out, Big Gulp in in.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Trig is too big to be a prop on her hip. The Big Gulp was an easier prop, and it doesn't hit Sarah in the face like Trig did.

    2. Anonymous4:22 PM

      "The Big Gulp was an easier prop, and it doesn't hit Sarah in the face like Trig did."
      No, it hits her in her BUTT, itch added weight, both from the crapping in her pants as well as the fat from all the sugar...

  16. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Seriously, one looks majestic. The other pure trailer trash. No one who saw that pose would think it was anything but trash.

    P.S. Mark Burnett produced the Bible series. He also produces The Apprentice and Sarah Palin's Alaska. Enough said.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      As if Burnett productions have no market research and casting is not specific to what they want to promote. The Bible is a family show that will be shown over and over. Small impressionable children will have fond keeper memories of what it all represents. The face of the devil will be with them for life. What a sick creep the Burnetts are. To pretend they don't know what they do, or this was happenstance and the denial crap they spew is beyond the pale (to leave behind all the rules and institutions of English society, which the English modestly considered synonymous with civilization itself).

    2. Anonymous6:32 PM


      Who cares what christian kids think and whether they associate Obama with satan. Christianity is on the way out with the younger generation; only spineless loser kids do religion now.

    3. Anonymous6:58 PM

      "a deeply religious man" is code for certifiably insane.

    4. Anonymous6:29 AM

      That Mark Burnett believes Satan is walking among us on planet earth. Burnett produces a show with his pros casting the Bible characters. None other than Satan himself bamboozles Burnett's staff and puts a face that just happens to look like our President in the production to play the part of Satan. What a tricky guy that Satan is. None of the producers or casting noticed a thing. It was not an accident or a coincidence, the devil, Satan did it in spite of their good intentions.

      When the history channel airs fiction that mocks history do they put up a disclaimer? Most everyone knows Jesus didn't have the old school light look. The military channel will have discussions about movies they show. They will discuss the history as they know it and when the films go off track and don't follow facts they compare the fiction and the facts. What is the history channels game?

      I don't know what channel but I have seen more informative productions that dicipher what the man Jesus would have truly looked like. It makes no sense that a current production would go back to the fantasy light Jesus look from the past. It seems the history channel would not buy into Burnett's obvious crap if they wanted any respect from an intelligent public.

      Thankfully kids today watch and learn more from South Park.

  17. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Sarah used to have a fairly nice looking mouth back in 2008 when she used lipliner. Now she has mangled it, so when she makes the faces and expressions she always made, the mouth twists into a horrible Joker-like maw. Does Sarah even know the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France? I don't think so.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      too much botox, fried her brain, too.

  18. Anonymous2:07 PM

    So, A bunch of overweight fools posing outside a 7-11 in homage to Grifterella with a Gulp? Brilliant. Not since "pull over your car to protest taxes" day, or "eat fried chicken to show you hate gays" has America experienced such a stirring example of people power!

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      It's the entire population of cforp. Minus the scooter crowd of 3 that couldn't make it.

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Future Darwin Award winners - all of them.
      Poor wretches.
      M. from MD

    3. Anonymous5:26 PM

      They scream "Go to 7-11 get sugar high fat" and look stupid. Can 7-11 sue?

  19. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I'm sorry, but the expression on that top photo is like none I've ever seen on her face before. She looks like a complete doofus.

    1. Dis Gusted4:01 PM

      at first I thought she forgot to put in her top teeth, then she flashed the front two for a second....

  20. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Bill O'Reilly's Divorce Is So Ugly, God Got Involved

    Bill O'Reilly wants his ex-wife to go to Hell. Literally. As we previously reported, the Fox News falafelist became separated from his former wife Maureen McPhilmy at some point in 2011, and later went on an apparently corrupt crusade to destroy the career of the Nassau County Police detective she was dating. We have now confirmed that O'Reilly and McPhilmy have been formally divorced, that she has since married the detective, and that O'Reilly is in the midst of a scorched-earth custody battle—dubbed, appropriately enough, Anonymous v. Anonymous—over the ex-couple's two children. It involves a surreptitious attempt by O'Reilly to undermine his custody arrangement by hiring, as a member of his household staff, the woman he and his ex had agreed on as a neutral arbiter of their disputes. It also involves O'Reilly's attempts to annul his marriage and have McPhilmy potentially booted from the Catholic Church.

    To catch you up: In May 2010, O'Reilly and his wife began living in separate houses less than half a mile from each other on Long Island. In 2011, O'Reilly used his connections with the Nassau County Police Department (and the potential for donations to a nonprofit affiliated with the department) to try to launch an internal affairs investigation into McPhilmy's new boyfriend—a Nassau County detective—for the crime of sleeping with Bill O'Reilly's wife. With the help of the New York Civil Liberties Union, we are currently suing the NCPD for access to public records, including O'Reilly's correspondence with former commissioner Lawrence Mulvey, about the episode. That case is on appeal to the Second Department of New York Supreme Court's Appellate Division.

    Which brings us to another case

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Looks like O'Reilly needs to put Todd and Sarah Palin, of Troopergate fame, on the case. When it comes to revenge and defamation no one does it quite like the Palins. Perhaps Bill O can call them for some hints and tips.

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      O'Reilly is such a jerk - cannot imagine why anyone would want to marry him - much less sleep with him! God, he's not appealing at all - has way too big an ego!

  21. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Sarah Palin is posing as THE STATUE OF (tubal) LIGATION. Her Faked Pregnancy was not possible.

  22. She's on such a sugar high that she has no clue how foolish she looks. I am going to make a liberty photo holding up a quart of Guinness.

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Leave Guinness out of that! Alcohol is the least of her toxic cocktail vices.

    2. Anonymous4:45 PM

      She's so giddy on sugar that she thinks she's relevant again. It is a form of hell to go through life so self-deluded.
      M from MD

  23. Anonymous2:29 PM

    There's two sides of the energy fence Sarah Palin can stand on in Alaska. 

    The state of Alaska can tap the country's leading energy expert to make deals or consult for them against the oil companies.

    The oil companies in Alaska can tap the country's leading energy expert in helping them produce more energy. 

    Why hasn't anybody tapped Sarah Palin? 

    Why is Sarah Palin wasting her talents and knowledge fighting for sugary drinks?

    Mayor Sarah Palin wouldn't even fight for rape victims of Wasilla. Sarah made rape victims pay for their own rape kits.

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Wonder if Bristol had to pay for her rape kit after she was raped in her tent. Oh, wait, if she was really raped, in her tent, why didn't she tell anyone about it at the time? Why did she wait until her book to come out with it? Hmm, I smell a little white lie....If you are going to be a slut, just own it!

    2. Dis Gusted4:03 PM

      everyone tapped Palin, doncha' know...wink, wink

    3. Anonymous5:26 PM

      3:42 The same bullshit happened when they lived in Juneau and were attending Juneau High School. (when Sarah was the 'quitter' governor). Sarah announced that they (the girls) were threatened w/rape - but, it was never reported to the high school faculty or the police in Juneau. (Records were checked!)

      The Palin family is so full of shit! No wonder they shop at WalMart for their toilet paper (as per the photo that was released a few months ago!),

    4. Anonymous5:29 PM

      2:29 Because Sarah Palin is no more an energy expert than I! Remember, she said the new pipeline in Alaska was under construction when she joined McCain on the campaign trail? The pipeline is still not under construction five years later!

      She lies about things that can be proven so easily! What a friggin' fraud!

    5. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Yea, she was such a wonderful "energy expert" that she gave away half a billion bucks to TransCanada to build a pipeline that will never happen. Also too her oil tax plans were so flawed that they are being overhauled by the current administration.

  24. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Didn't she get the same fashion instructions that the attendee's got?

    Why is she allowed to wear jean and everybody else had to wear a suit?

    She want to be the new statue of Liberty?
    Let her stand in NY harbor to welcome the IMMIGRANTS like the real statue does

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Oh that Sarah is such a maverick! When she goes rogue, she doesn't take instructions from anyone-- not from skilled political operatives in the McCain Campaign who wanted her to prepare for her interview-- to Fox, telling her what to say-- to the Nanny state telling her what to eat and drink-- Sarah showed them, wearing what she wanted, drinking a Big Gulp (even though it wasn't part of the Bloomberg law), and being as sexual and provocative as she could-- oh, what a rogue! (Going rogue also means when women go without their panties. Men go commando).

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      If she were your mate and treated you like that it would be abuse. CPAC is a wimp and takes the abuse. What do they get out of public degradation from the Palin trick?

  25. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I love Palin's stupidity of showing her Torch pose with her teleprompter, after calling out President Obama to step away from the teleprompter and get to work. Obama is working, and Sarah is a quitter. And, it's hard to laugh at someone using a teleprompter when you read the joke from your own teleprompter.

    How is that Statute of Liberty thingy working out for ya, Sarah? I remember when you said that she was a warning sent by foreign leaders so that we wouldn't make the same mistakes as the European countries.

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Doesn't Track have a Statute of Liberty tattoo? What is their deal with that? I don't see her pose as looking good at all. She shows a weakness. I don't get what her donors are seeing. I see an old flat ass drunk.

  26. Anonymous2:52 PM

    So who do you believe, these grifters or your own eyes?

    ‘Bible’ Producers Call Obama-Satan Comparisons ‘Utter Nonsense’

    The producers of the cable TV miniseries on the Bible say Internet chatter that their Satan character resembles President Barack Obama is “utter nonsense.”

    Mark Burnett and Roma Burnett said Monday the Moroccan actor who played Satan in the History channel series, Mehdi Ouzaani, has played Satanic characters in other Biblical programs long before Obama was elected president.

    The connection got widespread attention after talk show host Glenn Beck last week tweeted: “Does Satan look EXACTLY like Obama? Yes!”

    History said in a statement that the network has “the highest respect” for Obama, and that “it’s unfortunate that anyone made this false connection.”

    “Both Mark and I have nothing but respect and love our president, who is a fellow Christian,” said Downey, the “Touched By an Angel” actress who is married to Burnett. “False statements such as these are just designed as a foolish distraction to try and discredit the beauty of the story of the Bible.”

    Beck has actually been a big supporter of “The Bible.” The same tweet that pointed out the actor’s resemblance to Obama urged his followers: “Don’t miss it.”

    On Monday, Beck tweeted “Media — relax.”

    He said the observation was “funny, nothing more” and that the series “is 1 of my fav shows. Keep watching.”

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      The greatest story ever told! The Bible is just that, a story, a piece of historical literature. Some of these folks just take it wayyyy to seriously.

    2. Dis Gusted4:04 PM

      I prefer Greek mythology.

    3. Anonymous4:29 PM

      _____ History said in a statement that the network has “the highest respect” for Obama, and that “it’s unfortunate that anyone made this false connection.” ______

      They need to show respect. Pull the show with that obvious casting choice. They made a choice to identify the devil with a similar face to a strong leader they are obsessed with bringing down. As if they didn't see similar facial structure and decide to go with darkening it all up to represent evil. Corresponding with Bible/xtian myths. These are very disturbed corporate manipulators.

    4. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Man, whoever did the casting in the Bible must never have seen the people of the region. Nearly all in the movie have blue eyes and light brown hair. In reality, they should all look like the true people of the Mid East with black hair, brown eyes and brown skin.

    5. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Also, the guy who is playing Jesus is gay.

    6. Anonymous3:38 AM

      The history channel needs to be ripped a new one for going along with Burnetts casting mess. A man named Jesus of that time would not be blond blue eyed. Casting matters. Those propagandists can lie but no way should they be getting away with what they are doing. There are plenty of idiots that think it is the history channel and therefore accurate history depictions. You know this is a hit with some home school folks. The ones that have brains must speak up. Poor kids.

  27. Anonymous2:53 PM

    She's become an internet meme but not in the way she intended.

  28. PalinsHoax2:53 PM

    Just saw a clip of Palin on Chris Matthews' show. There was a brief moment when she took a slurp from her drink and Palin's tongue came out. Oh gross, gross, gross !!!

    Her tongue is all white, coated with yucky toxicity. Disgusting. A healthy person's tongue should be pink. I don't even want to imagine what Sarah's halitosis must be like, with a coated tongue like that! No wonder Tawdry sleeps on the couch.

    And what's with her huge nostrils? I thought at first I was looking at the nose of the horse, Mr. Ed.

    Good Gawd, Screechy. Do something with those cavernous flaring nares and clean up that unappetizing tongue!

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      A healthy person's tongue should be pink.

      You got it. She had to quit on the "family fitness" book and switch to toxic tongued Christmas nonsense. It will probably be all about President Obama as the Grinch.

    2. Anonymous6:37 AM

      Does anyone have a close up of the scum costed tongue?

  29. Anonymous2:54 PM

    It's amazing that all those see o'pee people and the dippy warriors from that hate site decided that the only way to do their "liberty big gulp" pose was from the rear. Here's a perfect one taken of Diabetes Barbie from the front:

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      So true, she looks like such a goofy dufus. They had to realize it and all they had left was the pitiful butt view. She is free to glorify the drug sugar. Think how happy she'll be when she can lift up her crack pipe in the name of lady liberty.

  30. Anonymous2:55 PM

    This is monumental! Look at that percentage!

    Poll: New High Of 58 Percent Support Same-Sex Marriage

    At a time when the Supreme Court prepares to take up same-sex marriage and the Republican Party determines the best approach to the issue going forward, an ABC News/Washington Post poll released Monday showed a new high-water mark in support for the right of gay and lesbian couples to tie the knot.

    The poll found 58 percent of Americans now believe marriage should be legal for same-sex couples, while just 36 percent said it should be illegal — a new high in ABC/WaPo's polling. It's the latest development of the swift and ongoing change in American attudes toward gay rights. Only a decade ago, an ABC/WaPo survey showed a majority of 55 percent opposed to gay marriage.

    Monday's poll found huge majorities of Democrats (72 percent) and independents (62 percent) backing gay marriage. And while 59 percent of Republicans overall remain opposed, the poll showed a slight majority of GOP voters under the age of 50 — 52 percent — supporting same-sex nuptials. Support is staggering among young people in general, with 81 percent of 18-to-29 year olds favoring gay marriage.

    The timing of the latest ABC/WaPo survey is notable. The Supreme Court next week will consider a challenge to state laws such as Proposition 8, the 2008 California ballot measure that outlawed same-sex marriage. Almost two-thirds of respondents in the survey said the issue should be settled for all states based on the Constitution, instead of states creating their own laws. The poll's findings also coincide with a growing number of prominent politicians going public with their support of same-sex marriage. Hillary Clinton on Monday made her own support official. And last week, Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) reversed his previous opposition to same-sex marriage after his son came out of the closet — something for which Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus praised the Ohio senator on Monday.

    Although the findings in the ABC/WaPo survey are emblematic of an undeniable nationwide trend, few polls have shown such a high level of support for gay marriage. The PollTracker Average provides a visual of the change in public opinion on the issue.

    Hillary Clinton Announces Her Support For Gay Marriage (VIDEO)

  31. Anonymous2:56 PM

    The Republican Party is twisted into knots, and a lot of the blame goes to Sarah Palin. If you want a good laugh, read the comments on this story.

    I think the GOP is going to splinter into at least three different factions. While I'd like to give crazy old John McCain most of the blame for unleashing Sarah on the GOP, it was really the religious right who forced him into the corner of picking her. Ironic, yes, because she doesn't have an ounce of real Christianity in her.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      You give her too much credit. Most conservatives think she's a joke and wish she would go away. Rove got Siegelman in Alabama indicted. I wonder what kind of pull he has in Alaska, or if she's even worth the effort. It would be the ultimate poetic justice if she had to spend her ill-gotten fortune trying to keep herself and Todd out of federal prison.

    2. Dis Gusted4:06 PM

      the plan is already in the works. The new party will be called The Constitution Party and will replace the GOP. (even though not one member believes in the Constitution, it's a great marketing device).

      The party is already in place in Washington DC and has an entire floor. It's the Heritage Foundation and is headed by Jim DeMint.

    3. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Hmmm... You just gave me an idea... Has anyone contacted ROVE with all the shenanigans of the Paylins? Maybe HE is ready to spill those beans on them...

    4. Anonymous4:37 PM

      3:28 Siegelman was a Democrat, but your heart is in the right place.

    5. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Rove is certainly capable of striking back. He has an opportunity now, but I think she may not have yet have a purpose. I do think there is a possibility of a real split in the GOP: the establishment (Greedy Old People) and the grass roots (Tea Party Baggers).

  32. Anonymous3:06 PM

    And the slow-motion implosion continues ...

  33. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Sarah Palin must hate that top picture. Makes her look retardish like her father.

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      I doubt if she can focus long enough to see how crazy her pictures are looking. All of them, not just one or two bad ones. She is really showing the madness and her filth. The only thing that keeps her going is that she can't focus and see it.

  34. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Hey Sarah, have Bristol and Willow taught Abstinence to Piper? It sure worked well for them, did you teach Abstinence to Bristol and Willow? The numerous Babies in the Palin compound show that all of you FAILED!!
    You are more like Todd's Prostitutes, except they use Protection. Has Willow had Plastic Surgery yet? When you Skanks want to lose weight, you go under the Knife. Stop Having Babies, and you might not gain so much weight on your TOO SHORT BODIES.

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Seriously? Your problem with the Palin women is that they're short?

    2. Anonymous4:04 PM are so stupid! Palin SKANKS...not women! Get it right troll!

    3. Anonymous5:34 PM

      4:04 PM Short is fine, but not Fat,Short, and Uneducated. Can you read? There is more than Short in the posting. But you Palin Gravy Train Sheep are too blind to see their Faults.

    4. Anonymous6:24 PM

      5:34 You are absolutely right. You should post a picture of yourself so everyone knows the standard by which to judge others and call these losers out. How fat people ever got the right to think they have any business being in the world is beyond me. And short people - how dare they.

      And how can you Ever Hope to Educate People When they Obviously Don't Know how to Properly Capitalize Words?

  35. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Seriously, how bony is her butt? Even those skinny jeans are baggy on her.


    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      You think her bony butt in those tight jeans are nasty.

      How do you think she looks without clothes on and you see all those old grandma wrinkles, loose skin flaps and spots.

      Top of that, smells like an overused septic tank on a hot windless day.

      Now that's EWWWWWWW!

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Do you spend a lot of time thinking these thoughts?

    3. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Do you spend a lot of time thinking these thoughts?

      Not much to think about. Just look at her mother and father and you'll see old Sarah. Time is not her friend.

    4. Anonymous4:09 PM

      If the stench fits's Baldy! LOL!!

    5. Anonymous4:39 PM

      I thought the opposite. We've seen how emaciated she has become. She must be wearing padded panties.

    6. Anonymous4:41 PM

      I love it that they have to use that awful view of her backside. That picture will be around after the "glow" of their stupidity has dimmed. Some will ask "what was I thinking?"

  36. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Here's a picture of Sarah Palin's combat veteran son getting his warrior body tattooed with the Statue of Liberty. Will the Wasilla warrior get his other arm tattooed with the Statue of Sarah?

    Umm excuse me for asking, why does Track have his hand in his pocket? Can't he wait till he's alone?
    Somebody needs to find him another pastor's virgin daughter to satisfy his needs or maybe call Pimp Daddy's Dating Service?

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Thanks. Sarah never looked better.

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Track still 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT'.

    3. Anonymous5:32 PM

      That was uncalled for. Sarah Palin is despicable, and she invites heavy criticism, but Track isn't really in the public eye.

    4. Anonymous6:08 PM

      5:32 which turnip truck did you just fall from? Track is in the public eye. He was center stage at the convention, he has had numerous bull written about being in the service, he's been featured with the Governor of his state in promotional tools, he was in a TV reality show, his mother continually uses him in research and for her self promotion, his faux wedding was publicized and he gets promotional cred for being a father and on and on. The whole family and friends lie. That is why you hear the lies about he "isn't really in the public eye." Is that like Bristol was only a little bit pregnant with Trippy? Get it right, Sarah wasn't pregnant at all in 2008 and Track is very much a public person and in the public eye. What an ass he is to allow himself to be used over and over and then have people come out and lie when they don't want him to be public.

    5. Anonymous6:16 PM

      6:08, then I'll rephrase - Track is ONLY in the public eye because his mother uses him. I highly doubt that any of his public appearances were his own idea. He seems to want to be anyplace else when he does make them. He is just an appendage of his mother she uses to enhance her fake Mama Grizzly cred, he doesn't make speeches on his own, have a blog, a book, or his own reality show. I think it's utterly ridiculous to waste any time trashing him in the same breath you trash Sarah Palin. He is never going to amount to anything in the political field.

      - 5:32pm

    6. Anonymous7:29 PM

      I've heard her son is dumb as rocks, sorry rocks. What person in their right mind would get a tatt like that of their mother? The whole family is nuts. That seedy uncle that fornicated with the young girl he worked with while he was married to another was the last straw. They all play it so pious and holy frontier types. In reality they are a bunch of perverts. You don't believe that? Just look at her sick son's tatts.

    7. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Anom 6:16 said- Track is ONLY in the public eye because his mother uses him... I think it's utterly ridiculous to waste any time trashing him in the same breath you trash Sarah Palin. He is never going to amount to anything in the political field.

      Anom 6:16 you are absolutely correct that Track is never going to amount to anything. Can't Get Right is a Palin just like failed reality star Bristol.

    8. Anonymous3:50 AM

      Track is never going to amount to anything. There is no attack of an empty vessel. The use of a prop and what Sarah Palin stands for regarding the military is what you see as being attacked. "Track" is nothing but a prop that has ultimately disgraced the service and the fine men and women who serve with honor. The prop called Track should be called out and dignity restored with truth for the good men and women who serve.

    9. Anonymous7:06 AM

      I know a person who was in the public eye due to a car accident, the bottom line is you are in the public eye or you aren't, you may make the choice or not. It was not their idea either. If you are in the public eye and want out you make a statement and try to remove yourself. It didn't work so well for Garbo, but you give it a try. From day one Track was not forced to go to the convention or any of it. If he was forced, it is his responsibility to speak up and not be a wimp. Wimp is opposite of the falsehoods his mother uses to advertise a COMBAT VET TRACK PALIN for the Palin brand. He shies away from some things because he knows he looks dumb when he opens his mouth. He is weak and lazy and won't work on his speech problems. That is why he doesn't make speeches.

      As an adult -in age only- he is only co-dependent or an appendage to his mother because he is too weak to stand up and as a man. If he is too embarassed to speak up, he can have a ghost writer to speak out about stepping away from being used and trying to leave the public eye. As it is, he is an adult who is allowing others to use him and he has done nothing for himself for the removal of the roll he is living. The roll of living the Palin brand lie, COMBAT VET FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM. Some of their lies are overt others covert. Track Palin's lies of omission are equally as rotten as the rest of them. Those tattoo pictures, which Track knows about and he is fine to have on-line, show him a as complete idiot. Not that he realizes it.

      How did we get into the uber expensive Iraq war? The many people who did the PR and pushed the lies, the Dick Cheney lovers and those that allowed themselves to be used to promote going to war. Today MSNBC is tackling the hubris and bull that has cost so much in lives and did so much to ruin American finance for the middle class. It works fine for those like Palin and her brand. Others care and want the truth told and stop the little fantasies about the minor players as well.

  37. Anonymous3:42 PM

    That's why Sarah Palin needs your donations to SarahPac to pay for her numerous consultants.

    See what happens when the Wasilla beauty pageant contestant has to think on her own?

  38. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Fox News Is Dying: For the Second Straight Year the Network Adds No New Viewers

  39. Anonymous3:56 PM

    I love the top photo of Sarah in this post. Her wig is set too far back on her head, showing her real hairline. What a fake! The next thing that you'll tell me is that she wasn't really pregnant in 2008, and that she didn't give birth to Trig.

  40. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I guess that in addition to thumbing her nose to Bloomberg, another Republican, she was thumbing her nose to healthy eating. So much for Sarah's book about health, fitness and diet. They must have laughed her out of the publisher's office. Sarah also enjoyed thumbing her nose at Michelle Obama's healthy eating and exercise programs. I guess that Sarah will have to stuff her Christmas book with fattening treats, just to get even.

  41. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Sarah tweeted that about HERSELF?

    Well, she done it again. Her 16 minutes at CPAC has once catapulted her again into the MSM. Clips of her performance were on every segment on MSNBC. RW pundits and politicians are saying "she still has it!"

    I have no doubt she will leverage this into big bucks. She already has sent out the Sarah PAC gimme money letter. I betcha she is shopping around for the best "dill" for her and her grifting family.

    I got chills when these videos of Sarah's performance were juxtaposed with the RNC Chair's response to the recent report - why don't certain people love us? His response is better circulation of the GOP (Greedy Old People) agenda through popular media, like MTV, People magazine AND a committee staging all these events and interviews.

    I wonder if the Chair has anyone in mind to participate in THAT endeavor? Nevermind that I think selling the current GOP principles to young voters of color when the young are suffering so much - It's a pioson pill no one would buy.

    I wonder if Mark Burnett's phone and email special buttons from Sarah are lighting up. I smell another stinking video for sale by these Palin producers. You know Burnett and his wife who identified Satan in their mini series "The Bible" as a black man with certain facial characteristics of a real life black man. Scum. I won't watch the History Channel and will let them know my decision. But OT.

    I predict a momentary up tick in Sarah's popularity, but it will be short-lived. She's making more and more enemies. Her message is more and more transparent.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      When Todd is arrested for pimping will Sarah spin that she's a victim or will she stayed married to a sex predator?

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Was their Jesus a flawless blue eyed blonde? I only saw a clip with Mrs. Burnett. I was shocked she looked so bad and the acting was awful melodrama. Too bad people quit going to church and they think they get religion by watching a poor production piece of crap TV show.

    3. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Who knows? Sarah will spin the arrest as only she can: in her very own word salad spinner. I still think Todd is slowly poisoning her.

    4. Anonymous6:36 PM

      I think we can all assume that even if Sarah didn't know Todd was pimping before, she certainly does now. Yet she stays married to him.

    5. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Neither Todd or Sarah want to totally trash the Palin name and fake life. It is a product and they have to live up to "family values" standards, or look as if they have those standards. They are stuck in what they call a marriage because they once got a marriage license and did all that. She will have to play victim and he is innocent when he gets busted. At some point after he gets busted maybe she can get a divorce and martyr it. She will work the drama to make herself look good.

  42. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Methinks a certain Boney Methroney donned a pair of BubbleBuns padded body shorts for this performance.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      No they showed her walking across the stage..she's flat and flabby..needs a "butt bra".

  43. Anonymous4:38 PM


    Hey that's Mini Me's losing DWTS pose.

    That's all Bristol could do week after week, dance after dance.

    What's next for old Sarah after straw sucking and Bristol posing?

    Chest shimmy and dry humping on the floor?

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Sarah's Brittle Bony Ass would break.

  44. Anonymous4:51 PM

    You would think that Sarah Palin would distance herself from the Statute of Liberty (her tweet), considering the dumb stuff that Sarah said after she visited Lady Liberty in 2011, during her Big Old Bus Tour. Moments after visiting the statue, this is what Sarah said:

    “This Statue of Liberty was gifted to us by foreign leaders, really as a warning to us, it was a warning to us to stay unique and to stay exceptional from other countries. Certainly not to go down the path of other countries that adopted socialist policies,” Palin said to cheers from the crowd.

    Here is Sarah's tweet:
    We'll highlight the beauty of legal immigrants' work ethic and love of freedom while visiting Ellis Island and the Statute of Liberty today.

    The word is "statue," not "statute."

    “Lady Liberty is the symbol of unity and friendship we have with other freedom-loving nations. It’s also a “warning” of sorts, as France encouraged us to keep democracy alive as the recipient of this gift… basically telling us not to blow it. Thank you for this reminder, France!”

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Maybe she wants to rekindle the thoughts of Track as her right hand man assistant and his love of the statue. He got the statue permanently drawn on his body. She likes to bring attention to his sexy body, he is young, maybe not like Todd since he doesn't have the unfortunate genes.

  45. Anonymous4:57 PM

    The ingredient SUGAR is a drug. She is lifting up one of the most destructive drugs America consumes. The cost to the public and health is enormous. Kids are free to destroy their minds and bodies as long as they pay for all the medical bills, plus the high cost of consuming sugar and crap on other areas of our society,

  46. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Sarah must be happy. The new money coming into SarahPac from this outing will be able to finance her new face and neck. Looking at that top picture, she's way overdue. Way overdue.

    Bristol better hurry up and get pregnant again. Time is not on her side and she needs to trap a man like Sally and Sarah did.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      No man would be so stupid as to fall for Bristol. Not even junkie jr. The 40-year-old virgin uh revirgin.... how sad.

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      If she sets her sights low enough like her grandma and mom did (Chuckie and Todd, two real winners), she can get married whenever she wants.

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      I always thought that since Bristol has trouble with the opposite sex she would of switched teams by now. Has she dabbled in that in the other team's bench yet?

  47. Anonymous6:25 PM

    With Sarah, everything is personal.

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Even with Glen Rice?

  48. ibwilliamsi6:35 PM

    The woman has diarrhea of the mouth. And no ass! What a bag of bones!

    What the hell? At least Lady Liberty looks like a woman, even in all those billowing robes.

  49. Anita Winecooler7:41 PM

    This just in:

    Mayor Bloomberg Bans Sex Toys in New York City...

  50. Her internal ugliness is now seeping out to her skanky exterior. She is an evil and ugly person. I have waited for years for her to get hers, but alas, I will have to wait for Karma to get her and drive her into the ground. I can wait. It will be worth it.

  51. DetroitSam11:24 PM

    Look at her neck. Gross.

  52. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Our collective national colon is in desperate need of a cleanse from this ignorant, hateful woman.

  53. WakeUpAmerica5:06 PM

    That woman needs a five gallon enema to get rid of all the shit in her. Holding up a Big Gulp full of soda is the new iconic image for liberty? WTF??? She has to be dumber than Orley Taitz, and I didn't think that was possible.

  54. Anonymous3:22 PM

    This must be where all of the iberal whore's jerk each other off.


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