Monday, March 18, 2013

In response to CPAC speakers Republican strategist suggests that perhaps "conservatives are suffering from multiple personality disorder.” Sounds about right.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Republican strategist Ana Navarro was taken aback by the broad diversity of opinion at CPAC this weekend on Meet The Press this morning. Navarro noted there were several subjects that had dueling panels.

Navarro noted that the party could be going in two directions. “If we learned something in these last three days, you could see in one of two ways: There’s a very health debate going on or conservatives are suffering from multiple personality disorder,” she told David Gregory.

 I watched this segment yesterday and was kind of struck by the exasperation coming from this strategist.  And in fact other Sunday news had guests making much the same observation.

Sarah Palin suggested during her speech that the liberal media was going to talk make up stories about the infighting among the conservatives at CPAC. But why would they bother when the infighting is so obvious?


  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Yes, and one of those personalities is a narcissistic, grifting, intellectually-challenged, sociopath.

  2. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Speaking of crazy!

    I will never watch a Mark Burnett production again. Have you guys seen the "devil" from the new Bible docudrama?!?!?!

    You know they did that on purpose. Disgusting...

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Using the Bible for political propaganda is commercialism not Christian. What an atrocity. When Hunger Games put an ex-President's head on a stick they did apologize. People condon this with silence.

    2. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Burnett is a crazy fundy christian freak. He cast his wife as the virgin Mary. His wife is 52 years old! Mary was around 13 when she gave birth to Jesus, if indeed it really happened at all.

      Funnily enough, though, the actor who portrays Jesus is an "almost out of the closet" gay man! Looks like they didn't do enough vetting there, huh? Unless they are going with the "Jesus was gay" meme.

    3. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Burnett supports Palin, so that should tell you something! Don't watch his crap on TV!

    4. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Obama is really Satan

    5. Why is the devil black with a hoodie - regardless of who he looks like?

      They take every opportunity to make sure every "good christian" is also a racist. The man who shot trayvon will probably use this make believe in his defense (I was just shooting the devil). He is probably crying it wasn't available before Trayvon was shot

  3. Anonymous11:29 AM

    LOL read this, and the pics make my day

  4. Anonymous11:35 AM


    The guns are coming out:

    LOL we get to watch the circus.

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM


    1. comeonpeople12:44 PM

      Look - nurses have been doing the Statue of Liberty pose Waaaaay before Palin made it infamous...Actually it is called the "Statue of Liberty maneuver": When we need Iv fluids to drip really fast, we raise them up in one hand above our heads!!

    2. Leland2:53 PM

      The difference, comeonpeople, is simple. You were trying to help someone get better. This bitch is trying only to make HERSELF better. You know, more money? And more fame so she can grift more ignorant assholes!

  6. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Lego hair has one more book coming after Christams ;)
    abt Politics:

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      I bet she gets neither published..shouldn't her 'family ftness' book be out by now? That was her big thing months ago. Maybe she couldn't find a 'fit family' in the Compound to cooperate with her.

    2. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Anon 11:57

      There was never going to be a fitness book. She only made that up to counter claims of anorexia and poor health, you know, to show us "haters" that she lost all that weight by working out instead by taking Adderall and laxatives.

  7. I read someplace that Sarah likes to instigate conflicts, then duck out of the way, letting others do the actual fighting. We saw Bristol waving her claws, Todd bumping the teacher with his shoulder, and Piper shoving.

    If Rove comes after Sarah, she’ll be all alone.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      I sincerely hope that Rove cleans up the deck with her. She needs to be slapped silly. Todd 'the pimp' isn't going to be able to protect her on the national scene. We hear no more of McCain supporting her - he'd be embarrassed to do so after her recent stupid speechifying. She's a disaster and embarrassment to the Republicans and Teabaggers.

      Perhaps they could sew her mouth shut!

    2. Leland2:54 PM

      And, I'm afraid, the US!

  8. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Well, we know Sarah has multiple personalities......

  9. Anonymous12:45 PM

    The GOP itself is already fractured by the CPAC people so it is very heartening indeed to know that the CPAC people are fractured within their own ranks as well. Face it, there's a lot of nuts under that one CPAC tree: Tea Party and Libertarians are two that come to mind. Mitt must to have had to speak at CPAC as a sort of punishment for losing the election because these people certainly ain't his kind of Republicans, not even a little bit.

  10. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Sore losers blaming each other, blind to how the majority of people wise to their fearmongering, hatefulness, and constant distortions of the truth, is growing by the day.

  11. Leland1:03 PM

    And to make them even more on edge, Hillary has come out in FAVOR of LGBT marriage!

    CPAC heads exploding in three, two...

  12. Anonymous1:31 PM

    All the speakers at CPAC sounded like idiots - Palin, Trump and Santorum being the very worst!

  13. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Grifters gotta grift! Here's the latest.

    Conservative Website Aims To Combat The Influence Of Liberal Colleges

    Conservatives often complain that liberal college professors give Democrats a leg up when it comes to winning over young Americans. But worried right-wing parents who attended the annual Conservative Political Action Conference this past weekend may have encountered Jim Van Eerden, who presented a solution to correct the problem.

    Van Eerden, an “entrepreneur in residence” at Grove City College, an evangelical college in Pennsylvania, spent CPAC weekend at Maryland’s National Harbor outside Washington, D.C., promoting his nonprofit website Free Think U, the Chronicle of Higher Education reported.

    Free Think U offers courses on a range of issues from climate change to capitalism to “American exceptionalism.” The site is more than just a resource parents can urge their children to use, however. After paying a $76 membership fee, parents can set up a “scholarship” on the site that makes students’ tuition incumbent on completing a certain amount of hours of Free Think U’s courses.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

      What? Free isn't free? I suppose that's where
      “entrepreneur in residence” got his title, eh?

  14. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Adding Fuel to the 2016 Fire, Hillary Clinton Comes Out In Support of Marriage Equality

  15. Anonymous5:51 PM

    CNN Showdown Over The Future Of The GOP: ‘Bright And Exciting’ Or A ‘Wildlife Game Preserve For Intolerance?’

    CNN’s Anderson Cooper assembled a panel of guests Monday night to review the Republican National Committee’s just-released “autopsy report” following the party’s major losses in 2012. Republican consultant Margaret Hoover, Independent Women’s Forum’s Gayle Trotter and liberal CNN contributor Charles Blow joined Cooper to discuss the future of the GOP.

    After watching a clip from RNC chair Reince Priebus‘ interview earlier in the afternoon with Wolf Blitzer, Hoover said she was “heartened” to see Priebus embracing some level of “tolerance” on social issues within the party.

    Trotter, who made a name for herself earlier this year by delivering a fiery pro-gun rights testimony to Congress, laid out an even more sunny vision. “The future of the Republican Party is bright and exciting,” she said, citing Sen. Rand Paul‘s filibuster on drones and the fact that sequestration didn’t produce the disaster President Obama predicted as examples.

    “I fully submit I must live in a different world,” Blow said. “because I don’t see where it looks bright for the Republican Party at this point.” He continued to call the RNC report a “joke” and label the GOP a “wildlife game preserve for intolerance, for anti-intellectualism and for obstruction.”

  16. Next time you show a video where a Gov Scott(all of 'em, any of 'em) emerges - warning is needed. If I'd had a jumbo drink I would have lost it - all over the keyboard.

  17. Anita Winecooler7:17 PM

    This entire weekend has been a parade of the republicans playing musical chairs over the CPAC circus and how to rebrand the party.

    Nothing more pitiful to watch than a grown man comparing CPAC to a "Spring Stew". Was he watching the same show?


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