Friday, March 22, 2013

Rachel Maddow reports on President Obama's amazing speech in Israel, and how Fox News pretended it never happened.

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Oh Fox News, you never disappoint us in that you ALWAYS disappoint us.

By the way I don't think that the portion of Obama's speech in Israel where he talks about Israeli parents can be talked about enough. It is, in fact, perhaps one of the most powerfully emotional, and truthful statements EVER made by a President of the United States to an audience of Israeli people.

Here it is again for you to read through:

Peace will have to be made among peoples, not just governments. (Applause.) No one -- no single step can change overnight what lies in the hearts and minds of millions. No single step is going to erase years of history and propaganda. But progress with the Palestinians is a powerful way to begin, while sidelining extremists who thrive on conflict and thrive on division. It would make a difference. (Cheers, applause.) 

So peace is necessary. But peace is also just. Peace is also just. There is no question that Israel has faced Palestinian factions who turn to terror, leaders who missed historic opportunities. That is all true. And that’s why security must be at the center of any agreement. (Scattered applause.) And there is no question that the only path to peace is through negotiations, which is why, despite the criticism we’ve received, the United States will oppose unilateral -- unilateral efforts to bypass negotiations through the United Nations. (Applause.) It has to be done by the parties. 

But the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, their right to justice must also be recognized. (Cheers, applause.) And put yourself in their shoes. Look at the world through their eyes. 

It is not fair that a Palestinian child cannot grow up in a state of their own -- (cheers, applause) -- living their entire lives with the presence of a foreign army that controls the movements, not just of those young people but their parents, their grandparents, every single day. It’s not just when settler violence against Palestinians goes unpunished. (Applause.) It’s not right to prevent Palestinians from farming their lands or restricting a student’s ability to move around the West Bank -- (applause) -- or displace Palestinian families from their homes. Neither occupation nor expulsion is the answer. (Cheers, applause.) Just as Israelis built a state in their homeland, Palestinians have a right to be a free people in their own land. (Applause.) 

But I -- I’m going off script here for a second, but before I -- before I came here, I -- I met with a -- a group of young Palestinians from the age of 15 to 22. And talking to them, they weren’t that different from my daughters. They weren’t that different from your daughters or sons. 

I honestly believe that if -- if any Israeli parent sat down with those kids, they’d say, I want these kids to succeed. (Applause.) I want them to prosper. I want them to have opportunities just like my kids do. (Applause.) I believe that’s what Israeli parents would want for these kids if they had a chance to listen to them and talk to them. (Cheers, applause.) I believe that. (Cheers, applause.)

I have long known that this President will go down in history as perhaps one of the greatest we have ever known, and it is the fear of that fact which inspires the constant attacks from the Republican party which reinforces my opinion every day. (Why do you think Fox News refused to broadcast that speech to its viewers?)

However perhaps even I have not always been aware of just how high this President is setting the bar for his successor. Personally I would hate to be the one to follow this amazing and death defying act.

P.S. Let me just add that when I was searching for a transcript to use in this post, the first one that I found was the official one. I read through it, and it WAS a good speech, but it wasn't anywhere near as incredible as THIS speech.

What made this speech so memorable, and ultimately historic, are the portions that weren't in the official version. The heckler, and his response, and then his off script comments about the Israeli parents were by FAR the highlights of this speech.

So just to drive this point home for all those Right Wing haters out there. The President was the MOST brilliant when he was NOT reading from the teleprompter, rather than the other way around.

And it is that unscripted brilliance which is going to put him light years ahead of other Presidents in history.


  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Beautiful photos from Israel. Our president is so remarkable!

  2. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Savoring The Afterglow Of Obama's Speech

    I am writing in the afterglow of President Obama’s speech in Jerusalem—an afterglow that lingers on as I re-read his words, and as I recall the boisterous applause that greeted them. I’m content to leave the word clouds and microscopic parsing of his speech to others. Likewise, I’ll leave to others the speculation about what might have been, if only this speech had been given years earlier. For my part, I am unrepentantly stopping to savor the moment.

    Today President Obama made the most passionate, and compassionate, case for Israeli-Palestinian peace any U.S. leader has ever made. The case he made was politically pragmatic, grounded in the legitimate security concerns that define Israelis’ existence. It was also grounded, unapologetically and unambiguously, in universal moral truths, including the indefensibility of the occupation and of denying the Palestinians dignity, security, and self-determination in their own state.

  3. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I have such enormous respect and admiration for President Obama. Ever since he became president in January 2009 I have felt safer than ever before. He is intelligent, compassionate, articulate and wise beyond his years.

    If only the GOP would learn to behave like adults too, then this country could really move forward. But instead they wallow in their jealousy and hatred and work tirelessly to undo every good thing that President Obama has striven for. No need for bumper stickers that say "Obama - the Enemy Within." The real "enemy within" is the GOP.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Truly spoken.

      On DAY FREAKING ONE of President Obamas election, 50 Repubs plus Newt (The womanizer) Gingrich gathered in secret to deny everything Mr Obama would do, even if they agreed with the basics of his budget or initiatives.

      I guess McCain's puerile "Country First" campaign slogan didn't mean much, and still doesn't

    2. Anonymous6:36 PM

      That is why we must get out and VOTE during the mid-term elections! If we can take the house and keep the senate democratic, Obama will have a chance to finally get some work done.

  4. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Our national media is hardly covering President Obama's speech and the good response he got! They should - he did a wonderful job!!!

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Our so called national media is paid for, and controlled by those same 1% pigs, that are destroying our country, and raping our democracy.

  5. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Toddler Quotes Presidents With Astounding Accuracy

  6. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I really think President Obama will end up on Mt. Rushmore and will go down in history as one of our most beloved and best presidents!

    He is a good man, smart, thoughtful, wonderful speaker, honest, fair, well educated and great husband and father and assuredly isn't one bit mean spirited as are the Republicans that continually obstruct his every move.

  7. Anonymous7:56 AM

    The Obama Influence:

    Netanyahu Apologizes To Turkish PM For Flotilla Raid Incident

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Yes, Netanyahu’s apology to Turkey is a very big deal

      Ever since May 2010, when Israeli troops raided a Gaza-bound aid flotilla and killed eight Turkish civilians aboard, relations between Israel and Turkey have been bad. That tension, between two powerful Middle East states and allies of the United States, has been a problem that President Obama has been trying to solve for over two years now.
      Friday, on the last day of Obama’s trip to Israel, Netanyahu finally called Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to apologize, as Obama has urged since 2010. The three-way call ended with a bit of goodwill and some policy changes: Israeli payment to the families of the victims, an easing of the Israeli embargo on Gaza (which the flotilla had sought to break), the “cancellation” of Turkey’s “legal steps” against the Israeli military and, most importantly, the restoration of full diplomatic relations. It’s a big deal.

  8. Anonymous7:57 AM

    On a visit Friday to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial located in Jerusalem, President Barack Obama emphasized the "choice" people face when confronted with evil.

    "We have a choice to acquiesce to evil or make real our solemn vow — never again," Obama said, according to a White House pool report. "We have the choice to ignore what happens to others or to act on behalf of others."

    Obama also stressed the importance of instilling compassion in younger generations.

    "Out sons and daughters are not born to hate," he said. "They are taught to hate. Let us fill their young hearts with the same understanding and compassion that we hope others have for us."

  9. Beldar J Conehead8:51 AM

    "I have long known that this President will go down in history as perhaps one of the greatest we have ever known"

    From your lips to Zeus' ear, Gryphen.

  10. But, at this point, are we really surprised that Fox News has trouble with reality?

  11. Anonymous9:12 AM

    You mean to tell me, that this Nobel Prize winning, Harvard educated, elected US Senator, two term elected President of the United States, captivates the entire international community, without notes written on his palm, and without the need to sip on a Big Gulp. Well then, karma is indeed a BITCH.

  12. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Would someone in the mainstream media or the Jews for Sarah Palin please question Sarah's worldview on Israel from this interview with Barbara Walters in 2009? Four years ago Sarah was convinced there was going to be a mass influx of Jewish expatriates to Israel and it hasn't happened. What does she base such opinions on?

    "I believe that the Jewish settlements should be allowed to be expanded upon, because that population of Israel is, is going to grow. More and more Jewish people will be flocking to Israel in the days and weeks and months ahead. And I don't think that the Obama administration has any right to tell Israel that the Jewish settlements cannot expand."

    She's a fundy Christian End-of-World freak that thinks they are all going to convert to Christianity because we are all going to see God in our lifetime (how is that any different than any other generation idiots?) Her motivations to wearing the Star of David and being on Israel's side is offensive and contrary to Israel's purpose.

    That anyone wants her near a red-button or respond to a 3 a.m. wake up call is an offense to the thinking world.

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      I thought "Jews for Palin" was basically just one guy.

  13. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Rachel is so wonderful to package this up so those of us with little time can grasp it. You, too, MrG., for posting it.

    I'm grateful to see our President doing the right thing(s).

  14. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Those of us not under its spell, really need to concentrate on a nationwide campaign to get others to realize that Fox "News" is nothing more than the television version of The National Enquirer

    ...and is meant for perverse "entertainment," and not to be taken as a source of factual information.

    It is really a wonder that there isn't a bill before the House to appoint a panel to search for the still living Elvis.

  15. eclecticsandra9:49 AM

    The right wing will never give Obama an inch. The reaction I got today was that there was a big bribe to obtain the medal the President got. These people probably believed in Santa Claus until they were 15.

  16. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Bristol says Sarah's speech at CPAC was much better than Obama's speech in Israel.

    and Sarah even wore a Star of David.

    Can anyone even picture Sarah trying to speak in Israel? LMFAO.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Sarah's speech at CPAC was better than any speech Obama has given.
      Great observation Bristol

    2. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Anon 10:26--lol
      Great sacasm but you forgot the tag.

    3. Anonymous12:42 PM

      And we all know what great judgement Bristol has.

    4. Anonymous12:07 PM

      No no no no, it's not Bristol who is the great observer. It's Willow. She's the one who sniffed out multiple pregnancy tests and knew on sight that Trig had Down Syndrome.

      Bristol is the one who luvs babies and has always wanted to be a mommy.

      Get your Palin mythology right.

  17. Anonymous10:00 AM

    O/T What Donald Trump found out about Michelle Malkin's past

  18. Anonymous10:03 AM

    No kidding, I agree with Rachel M. They ignore wmd bush crap but, holding up everything for bengazhi. how stupid. Why didn't that idiot bochman ignore wmd bush and keep going with her bengazhi shtick. I think it is important about the four Americans but I also think a million soldiers gone for wmd when there was none.

  19. SHARON10:11 AM

    I watched his entire speech live and I too was moved beyond belief....this man is a true human being (as the native American Indian would say) to his core. His life story could not be more beautiful to understand the basic struggles effecting every human on earth. He is truly "enlightened" far beyond his years and I for one have always felt so damn lucky he is our president. It is impossible not to think how this country would be soaring back if not for the GOP/Faux Noise...the American Taliban. We have been sold so many lies over the last 30 years, Obama is like a salmon tying to swim up a raging waterfall.

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      G: I wish you had a "like" button. I would punch it a lot, esp for this comment

  20. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Fox News Responds to Obama’s Israel Success By Calling for Easter Egg Roll Boycott

    President Obama’s visit to Israel was such a success that Fox News is desperately talking about anything else, including calling for a boycott of the White House Easter Egg Roll.

    Barack Obama had a wildly successful visit to Israel. Obama not only delivered an historic speech in Jerusalem. He also acted as a facilitator in the normalization of relations between Israel and Turkey.

    The president’s visit was so triumphant, that Fox News is desperate to talk about anything other than Obama’s time in Israel. Karl Rove and Bill Hemmer scraped the bottom of the barrel when they called for a Republican boycott of the White House Easter Egg Roll.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      REALLY? Republicans are starting a War on EASTER?

      They'll want to burn the Easter Bunny in effigy, and will appoint a House of Representatives panel to locate him--mark my words.

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      President Obama's speech will go down in history. This was a very, very successful trip for him and the Republicans hate it! He just gets better and better and there isn't a damned thing they can do about it!

  21. Anonymous12:38 PM

    President Satan using the teleprompter again
    Step away and do your job

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Jesus used a teleprompter, fucknut.

    2. Anonymous2:21 PM

      No one at CPAC had to use a TelePromptr except, wait for it, Sarah Palin. They had to rush to find one and set it up, just for her. Last speech of the convention and no one for 3 full days used one. Then they had to go find one, just for little Miss 83 IQ.

      I feel sorry for poor Tara Meyers, oops, I mean Sarah Palin, the two are so very similar you know. I wonder why she doesn't doesn't use the flash cards that Steve and Nicolle trained her with on the campaign trail? Oh, right, that's because she STILL had to use a TelePromptr because within a few hours she'd forgotten everything from the flash card sessions.

    3. Anonymous11:11 PM

      Does Pimp Daddy use a Teleprompter when he is talking about HELIEECOPTERS? Does Pimp Daddy use a Teleprompter when he speaks at AIP?

  22. Anonymous1:47 PM

    12:38 No use being critical of President Obama using a teleprompter. All national politicians use them. Even the idiot and fraud, Sarah Palin, used one in her last speech where she knocked the POTUS for using one which has been her typical banter and bullshit for the past four years!

  23. Anonymous5:58 PM

    President Barack H. Obama can come up with the cure for cancer, and the Rethugs and the PalinBots will criticize him for taking too long. He will never be able to please them, because they can't admit to themselves that he is better than them. So hate on haters, because the POTUS does not spend his time, intellect, and effort, recognizing their feeble existence. Let them waddle in the mud with their hatred, because "The Good Old Times Are Forgotten, So Look Away, Look Away".

  24. Anita Winecooler6:55 PM

    This speech was one of the best I've ever heard from any President visiting the middle east. It's clear President Obama has a grasp of all the nuances to cover for the foundation of real peace in the region.
    I couldn't help but think of the words Sting used in "If the Russians Love Their Children Too"

    "We share the same Biology, Regardless of Ideology"

    Our President "Gets" the value of using words instead of weapons, and the youth in that crowd "get it" too.

    Bebe, on the last day of the visit before President Obama left the region, phoned the Prime Minister of Turkey and apologized for the floatilla incident.

    Read this and think about it.


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