Friday, March 22, 2013

There is so much truth to this.

Yeah this drives me crazy.

Almost as crazy as all of the Republicans screaming about reducing the size of government, yet when they get into the White House they ALWAYS seem to expand it while also increasing the spending on military defense after running on a plan to reduce the debt.


  1. Hey, that guy's a Twitter follower of mine!

  2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:52 AM

    "Pro-life" = control over women. Remember, your goal in life is to be submissive, gals! And produce lots of babies that the Neocon system can ignore if they need help. Hell, all those pesky post-fetuses are good for is future $$ for the church and as disposable patriots when the call comes, according to the Conservative Christiban.

    LOVE*LOVE*LOVE John Fugelsang! I hope he has a big future as a political commentator in front of him.

  3. Anonymous4:08 AM

    More irrational, general judgment from a lib? Yep, still alive in 2013.

    Funny that according to that, democrats are really anti-life.

    1. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Wow, what an impressive feat of mental gymnastics.

    2. Please do feel free--Freedom!--to explain to us your, ah, “thinking" in the matter.

    3. A J billings6:21 AM

      @anonymous at 4:08 am.

      Do you have anything else to do besides posting here at IM? Is this just juvenile idiocy or plain old every day Palin style mudslinging?

      What you call "judgement" we might call analytical appraisal of empirical evidence

      It is evident that Christian terrorists murder abortion providers, in a solipsistic delusion that murder is just fine as long as it's done for Jesus.

      It is evident that many Teaparty and evangelicals want no government controls over banking, commerce, environment, and especially religion and churches

      These same people are totally unaware of their blatant hypocrisy for wanting Federal and State laws limiting or denying every aspect of sexuality, birth control, abortions, gay matters, and women's rights.

      You remind me of a Teaparty dolt at Palin's New Hampshire rally who had a sign that said " Keep the Feds out of my Social Security payment"

  4. Anonymous4:16 AM

    So true. The GOP is the embryo/fetus party. Once out of the womb you're on your own and in many cases they root for your demise.

    Love Fugelsang!

  5. Pro-Life means generating soldiers for the empire, so much the better if hungry and stupid so long as there's plenty of them; what's not to get?

  6. Only in America is it easier to get a gun than to get mental health care.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:56 PM

      Ain't that the truth!

  7. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Not to mention pro-hunting...stalking and murdering innocent animals when then they have no protection and did nothing to deserve it and for 99% of the people who do this, the food is completely unnecessary...and calling it a 'sport'

  8. Anita Winecooler6:11 PM

    Thanks, Mr Fugelsang! I could imagine George Carlin speaking the same words, and I mean that as the ultimate complement.

  9. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Since this article seems to be about the Rethugs I wonder if anyone has seen the doc. called "The world according to Dick Cheny"
    Watced it this afternoon confermed any thing I ever thoought of the shrub administration.
    watch it!


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