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"What? I can't even be racists anymore?" |
Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska), in an interview with a local radio station released Thursday, referred to Latinos working on a ranch by using the derogatory term “wetbacks.”
“My father had a ranch. We used to hire 50 or 60 wetbacks and — to pick tomatoes,” Young said in the interview with KRBD. “You know, it takes two people to pick the same tomatoes now. It’s all done by machine.”
The term “wetback” is a slur often used to refer to illegal Mexican immigrants. Merriam-Webster defines it as “a Mexican who enters the United States illegally,” “from the practice of wading or swimming the Rio Grande where it forms the U.S.-Mexico border.”
"Wetback?" Who in the 21st century uses such an outdated and racist term?
Apparently somebody told Young that he was doing the Republican party, and of course his chances at reelection, no favors by coming out as racist against the Latino community so he issued this no apology apology:
“I used a term that was commonly used during my days growing up on a farm in central California. I know that this term is not used in the same way nowadays and I meant no disrespect.”
"What? We can't call them wetbacks anymore? Dammit nobody told ME! My bad! "
Okay seriously can we vote this fossil out of office this next time? I am sick of his asshole being our sole Representative in the House.
This ignorant fuck wad is your state rep????? How did this guy from California ever get into your government? You need to re-institute a new immigration policy.
ReplyDeleteIt's worse than that--he is our state's only representative. And has said on several occasions he doesn't care about the opinions of those who didn't vote for him. In his mind, he represents only those who vote for him or pay him. So much for democracy.
DeleteSorry, Don, but it was "disrespectful" then and now.
ReplyDeleteHow about just fucking saying "I know I was wrong and I'm sorry," or owning up to it and saying "That's what I call Mexicans, what are you gonna do about it?"
Just has to admit he's been asleep for the past 40 years, or reading nothing but TeaTHUG literature for that time.
DeleteHe sure is harming the party and proving beyond doubt that he is a racist bigot - but folks up there just keep voting for him - they love all that money he brings home from DC
ReplyDeleteExactly right..just like Ted Stevens did, bringing home the bacon!!
DeleteGryphen, just wanted to say I think your comments are absolutely priceless.
ReplyDeleteOT An article worth reading:
When Sarah Palin spoke at CPAC, she criticized the consultants-- irony, because a great deal of the money from her PAC goes to consultants.
OT - Scathing article about SarahPac at The Daily Beast
ReplyDelete"She desperately needs to reload her donor dollars and so the Sarah Palin show is back online, trying to reassert her relevance. But don’t kid yourself—it’s all about the Benjamins."
I'm loving the comments there.
DeleteSarah's ass exposed again!
Don ... what term do you use for native Alaskans?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure whatever it is, he means no disrespect.
DeleteHe was a teacher in Ft. Yukon, Ak. and also married a Native lady from there. Also known as a DRUNK..maybe that's his problem.
DeleteAnyone wearing a bolo tie who isn't sitting on a horse or at a C&W bar has a 99% chance of being an ass-wipe.
ReplyDeleteDon Young: Young was married to the former Lula Fredson, an indigenous Gwich'in. She volunteered her time serving as the manager of her husband's Washington, D.C. Congressional office. They had two daughters and were members of the Episcopal Church. Lula died on August 1, 2009 at the age of 67
ReplyDeleteHey, Don, what did people call your wife? How about your kids? People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Excellent take down of Palins hypocrisy and PAC
Rep. Don Young’s Mea Culpa for ‘Wetbacks’ It Was Okay During His Day
ReplyDeleteIn an interview this week with a local radio station, Alaska’s longest serving elected representative Don Young (R-AK) referred to immigrants as “wetbacks”, “My father had a ranch; we used to have 50-60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes. It takes two people to pick the same tomatoes now. It’s all done by machine.”
The media is trying to explain it away by saying “he’s always said what he thinks.” Indeed. He tried to mea culpa it by saying it’s a term from “during my days” growing up on a farm.
...Young is also being investigated by the Ethics Committee right now, which seems to confuse him because the rules “were different back then”. He said, “The frustrating thing is they’ve gone back to 2001. There is such a thing as a statute of limitations. There were different rules then. I think they’re trying to apply this year’s rules to 2001.”
While ‘wetback’ is considered a racial slur, Young claims in a statement that he meant no disrespect — and really, that is the problem. The GOP is so out of touch that they are openly disrespectful and sometimes they don’t even know it. Then they try to claim they’re not racists/sexists/bigots because they don’t hate people, but the real issue is that they are spreading filth and making things tougher for a group of people while being lawmakers.
See, imagine this: When you use the word ‘wetbacks’ and then vote against immigration reform, people might question your intentions. They might not think you’re the best person for the job. They might think you’re out of step. They might think you’re a hater.
If you have to use the term “during my days growing up” to excuse your racial slur, you shouldn’t be in office anymore. Here’s Don Young’s statement of apology:
“During a sit down interview with Ketchikan Public Radio this week, I used a term that was commonly used during my days growing up on a farm in Central California. I know that this term is not used in the same way nowadays and I meant no disrespect. Migrant workers play an important role in America’s workforce, and earlier in the said interview, I discussed the compassion and understanding I have for these workers and the hurdles they face in obtaining citizenship. America must once and for all tackle the issue of immigration reform.”
It’s too bad Don Young never had any opportunity to hear that some people are offended by ‘wetback’. Not from anyone in his party, certainly. None of his family or friends told him. None of his colleagues told him. He didn’t hear it from talking to any immigrant friends. He didn’t read it in any of the papers I hear they get in Alaska.
And that is the exact point. The GOP is out of touch because they choose to be out of touch. These things wouldn’t happen if Don Young and the Republican Party ever got outside of their epistemic closure tent and met a few people that think differently from the way they do.
The road to hell was paved with good intentions,
This is the SECOND time that Don Young has been investigated. Alaskans were idiots to have continually elected this guy. Absolutely amazing! Having the likes of the idiot Sarah Palin and Don Young from their state. YIKES!
DeleteAlaska is full of snowbillies - apparently most of them don't care as long as it's a red Republican who gets them the most welfare. Might as well be Alabama froze over.
DeleteWish I knew how to photoshop.
ReplyDeleteCan just imagine Sarah in a tight spangly Tshirt with "Wetback!" emblazoned across her waterbra-ed up boobage.
It's where her political sensitivities intersect with her own special personal style.
If asked she'd lie readily about it being the name of one of her daughter's bands.
"Sambo beat the bitch." -- $arah Palin
DeleteNickelback, Wetback, whatever
ReplyDeleteCheck this out, Gryph.
Gryphen, sorry to go off topic here but I couldn't get your email link to work. I wanted to be sure you saw this article! http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/03/29/palin-s-sarahpac-embarrassment-consultants-are-cashing-in.html
ReplyDelete"Wetback" has ALWAYS been a racist term. Always. It was just as offensive 65 years ago as it is now.
ReplyDeleteexactly! as if it was ok to be racist back in the day but not now! Absolutely. No. Clue.
DeleteYes according to Crazies4Palin they don't see what the problem is either....Exhibit B...
Delete"bucky321 fb274 • an hour ago
well, thats what we called them 50 yrs ago.
hrandym bucky321 • 14 minutes ago −
What's wrong with "wetback"? It has clear meaning and needs no explanation as to its meaning. I can understand why some would not like it, but hey, it gets the point across that many agricultural labor jobs no longer exist. Been going on for a long time. Not every person is blessed with the same interpersonal skills required to eliminate all offense."
Ummm..."hrandym" was so defensive about the term he had to post twice!
Exhibit C...
"hrandym • 18 minutes ago −
Get over it. I could be called "whitey", "white trash", "Gringo" and "Honkey" all day and I wouldn't, and don't, really give a damn. It reflects more on the speaker than the person being so addressed. I know who I am. It's the ideas that count, and the use of whatever words, omitting of course the "F" word, MF and similar, doesn't matter as long as the idea is not a vacuous, brain-dead thought."
But at least one of Baldy's Bots attempted to question Mr Stormfront's insult....
"socon hrandym • 20 minutes ago −
You're kidding, right? Its a slur, and no different than the N word."
That is all.
Racist slurs are completely fine, but "bad words"-words that society thinks are bad just because Mommy said so-are the line in the sand?
DeleteI don't even.
ruh roh for that last person who tried to inject some logic and sense.
DeleteI saw hrandym's comments myself... but I also saw how quickly c4p tried to paint this racist senator as a RINO or practically a Democrat.
Yep, when one of their own (from their favorite state, no less), shows his true colors, they throw him under the LEFT side of the bus.
Sarah has taught them well: Lie and deny.
Err....looks like "hrandym" didn't realize that other folks could see his white hood and instead of him having enough sense (yeah yeah I know these ARE Baldy's Bots!) to stop digging...David Duke...uh...I mean "hrandym" posted this....
Delete" hrandym socon • 7 minutes ago −
True. But then there are a lot of ugly words. What could be uglier than the "MF" word? Unfortunately current movies and TV dramas are replete with words we would be better off without. Good example, Eddie Murphy. I'm sure that you know the origin of the, as you call it, the 'n' word. It comes from Negro, which is the Spanish word for black. Simple. What's wrong with that?"
WOW....just WOW! This MOTHERFUCKER is one of Baldy's biggest supporters! Go ahead Baldy with your racist self...enjoy your base....ya' motherfucking BITCH!
Does anybody remember the homophobic slur (butt fuck) Don Young made to a group of high school students in Fairbanks back in the 80"s while giving the studdnt body a talk? I found the article a few years ago doing a search in the Fairbanks Daily News Miner but cant seem to find it now.
ReplyDeleteA roundup of reactions:
ReplyDeleteMcCain: Don Young ‘Should Apologize Immediately’
Priebus: Young’s Words “Do Not Represent’ GOP
Boehner: Young’s Comments Offensive, ‘Beneath The Dignity’ Of His Office
DREAMers Call On Rubio, Schumer To Condemn Young
Chair Of Hispanic Caucus: ‘Shame On Rep. Don Young’
GOP Sen. Cornyn: Young’s ‘Wetback’ Remark Does ‘Nothing To Elevate Our Party’
Gee, why didn't these stalwart GOP establishment types call out the birthers, or Trump's or Palin's CPAC comments, or Santorum's "blah" people comment? Sorry, creeps, we're not buying this new found sensitivity to minorities.
DeleteThe Republican party is the most racist in our world today. On all levels - national, state and local. Vote them ALL out of office ASAP!
DeleteGee, the GOP is all of a sudden a caring organization, sensitive to minorities. I wonder if this holds true for the votes they cast in Congress and in state legislatures. Hypocritical is what I think they are, all of them.
Liz Cheney Unleashes Paranoid Obama Rant
ReplyDeleteLiz Cheney Is Even More Bonkers Than We Suspected
Liz Cheney’s op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal is an important and alarming document. She is not a marginal figure — she served as deputy assistant secretary of State for near eastern affairs in the Bush administration. More important, she is a very close ally of her father's and the two have exhibited every sign of sharing a worldview in essentially every particular, which suggests that something very much like her brain held, depending on your point of view, either the second most powerful or the most powerful job in American politics for eight years. And she (and thus, by extension, her father) is obviously stark raving mad.
Even after four years of bug-eyed right-wing paranoia, Cheney’s op-ed stands out for its utter dearth of the slightest whiff of perspective or factual grounding. President Obama, she tells us, “is the most radical man ever to occupy the Oval Office.” He has “launched a war on Americans' Second Amendment rights.” He does not want the economy to grow. (“He believes in greater redistribution of a much smaller pie.”) Obama “seems unaware that the free-enterprise system has lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system devised by man” — which is odd, because Obama is always saying things like “business, and not government, will always be the primary generator of good jobs with incomes that lift people into the middle class and keep them there.” The best approximations of America’s future under Obama are tiny European nations that lack control of their own currency. (“If you're unsure of what this America would look like, Google ‘Cyprus’ or ‘Greece.’”)
One might charitably attribute Cheney’s crazed rants on domestic policy to her attempting to opine on matters outside her field of expertise. Yet her litany of foreign-policy accusations is actually even more unhinged. Obama, she argues, has not only weakened America, he wants to weaken America’s world standing in the same way he wants to shrink its economy (“there is no longer a question of whether this was his intent”). He wants to “pre-emptively disarm the United States.”
She fears that we will somehow lack the nuclear capacity to deter foes that might obtain the tiniest fraction of our nuclear strength. (Obama “advocates slashing our nuclear arsenal even as the North Koreans threaten us and the Iranians close in on their own nuclear weapon.”) She believes “Al Qaeda is resurgent across the Middle East” and that Obama “stood by and did nothing” in the face of the attack in Libya, an especially bizarre belief considering Obama’s specific responses to the attack in Libya and general four-year record of endless drone strikes and, well, you know.
Deranged millennial paranoia of this sort has a long pedigree in American thought, on both the far right and the far left, though, crucially, only the right-wing variety has managed to operate comfortably within the two-party system. The most telling piece of Cheney’s rant may be a quote she uses, from Ronald Reagan in 1961, as a preface:
Dick Cheney and his daughter join the Bush family in having worked tirelessly to line their own pockets and to destroy the US. I sure wish that the media would simply ignore them all: not have them on their shows and not print their "opinions." Liz' dad and his boss, George W., are among those from that administration who should be in prison for life.
Speaker Boehner Disavows Rep. Young’s ‘Wetbacks’ Remark: ‘No Excuse,’ Warrants ‘Immediate Apology’
Young is an ass, but to have Boehner come out against him makes me laugh. The Republican party back there in the U.S. Congress is the most racist group there is - toward blacks and latinos. They make me sick to my stomach!!! Vote them ALL out of office in their next election cycles.
DeleteAnybody who's surprised by Don Young's behavior hasn't been paying attention for the last decade. He's a detestable crook.
Why is this guy still in office? Get your fucking act together, Alaska.
ReplyDeleteSo are Young and the Monkey Queen the same person?
ReplyDeleteRep. Don Young (R-AK) apologized for describing migrant workers as "wetbacks" in a statement on Friday.
ReplyDelete"I apologize for the insensitive term I used during an interview in Ketchikan, Alaska," he said. "There was no malice in my heart or intent to offend; it was a poor choice of words. That word, and the negative attitudes that come with it, should be left in the 20th century, and I’m sorry that this has shifted our focus away from comprehensive immigration reform."
Left in the 20th century? Does he believe it was ok to say it then?
DeleteAND the hits just keep on comin' from the Christianist Right:
ReplyDeleteBen Carson On Comparing Gays To Pedophiles: Sorry ‘If I Offended Anyone’
Dr. Ben Carson stood by his claim on Fox News that legalizing gay marriage opens the door to pedophilia and bestiality, but suggested he might have chose his words better if he had a second chance.
It would be a stretch to look at his latest clarification, which he gave in an interview to the Baltimore Sun, as an apology.
"I think people have completely taken the wrong meaning out of what I was saying," Carson said. "First of all, I certainly believe gay people should have all the rights that anybody else has. What I was basically saying is that as far as marriage is concerned that has traditionally been between a man and a woman and nobody should be able to change that."
Nonetheless, he conceded that "perhaps the examples were not the best choice of words, and I certainly apologize if I offended anyone....the point that I was making was that no group of individuals, whoever they are, whatever their belief systems, gets to change traditional definitions. The reason I believe the way I do, I will readily confess, is because I am a Christian who believes in The Bible."
In his Fox News appearance earlier this week, Carson said heterosexual marriage was “a well-established, fundamental pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality — it doesn’t matter what they are. They don’t get to change the definition.”
Carson told MSNBC on Friday he may step down from his upcoming commencement speech at Johns Hopkins University amid a petition from medical students to replace him due to his recent behavior.
Don Young and the GOP’s Archie Bunker problem
9:05 referred to another classic Don Young moment. Here is the story and link.
ReplyDelete"The scene: Fairbanks, Alaska, 1994. Congressman Don Young, already in office for 20 years, is on the stump preaching the virtues of Newt Gingrich's Republican revolution to a group of high school students. Just look at all the wasteful things the federal government does with taxpayers' money, he tells them. The National Endowment for the Arts, for example, funds art involving "people doing offensive things... things that are absolutely ridiculous." One student asks, "Like what?"
"Buttfucking," replies the great scourge of obscenity and instructor of youth."
Noted Alaskan blog Wickersham's Conscience has this to say about Don "Buttfucking" Young's recent "wetback" apology. (OUF = Our Unindicted Felon)
"Later that same day, the OUF’s press secretary, Mike Anderson – now there’s a challenging job – issued a statement, allegedly from OUF, apologizing for the racist comment:
"During a sit down interview with Ketchikan Public Radio this week, I used a term that was commonly used during my days growing up on a farm in Central California. I know that this term is not used in the same way nowadays and I meant no disrespect.
Migrant workers play an important role in America’s workforce, and earlier in the said interview, I discussed the compassion and understanding I have for these workers and the hurdles they face in obtaining citizenship. America must once and for all tackle the issue of immigration reform."
(“Earlier in the said interview”? OUF is purely incapable of saying something like that. Here’s a tip, Mr. Anderson: make an effort to sound like the person you’re claiming to quote.)
I agree. This does not read like something Don "Buttfucking" Young would say or write.
Here’s a timeline of Young’s brushes with infamy.
ReplyDelete1994: During a congressional hearing, while arguing with then-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service director Mollie Beattie, Young brandished an 18-inch-long walrus penis bone and pounded it into his hand for emphasis.
1995: Speaking to a group of high school students, Young lamented that federal funds went to “photographs of people doing offensive things.” He went on to use crude language to describe sexual acts portrayed in artist Robert Mapplethorpe’s photographs. “I don’t apologize. You’re all adults, and if you have to ask the questions, I’m going to answer,” he told offended students at the end of the class. But a few days later, Young did apologize to the school for his ”unacceptable” language.
2005: Young was publicly shamed for backing a “Bridge to Nowhere” — a project made famous by then-Alaska governor Sarah Palin in the 2008 election. When pressured to give up those funds so they could be directed towards Hurricane Katrina relief, he said, ”They can kiss my ear.”
2007: The Wall Street Journal reported that Young was under federal investigation for his ties to the oil and construction company VECO. It was the same year that Young threatened to bite a fellow Republican congressman “like the mink,” for opposing one of his earmarks.
2008: A trove of documents are released linking Young to lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Young had previously claimed that he “never had any personal or professional relationship with Abramoff.” That same year, both chambers of Congress voted to ask the Department of Justice to investigate the a $10 million earmark Young inserted in a 2005 bill after it passed, funds that went to a road desired by a Florida campaign donor. The probe fizzled out in 2010; critics argued that a congressional ethics investigation would have been better.
2010: A former aide to Young was sentenced to 12 weekends in prison and four years of probation for passing tips and potential clients to Abramoff. That year Young described the BP oil spill as ”not an environmental disaster” but “a natural phenomena.”
2011: Young faced a House Ethics committee inquiry over donations to the legal expense fund he set up to deal with the DOJ investigation. That probe was closed later in the year, with investigators saying Young violated the principles but not the rule of the law. The committee changed ethics rules to close the loophole Young exploited.
2013: Just last week, the House Ethics Committee launched an investigation into Young, using documents from the defunct FBI probe.
Through it all, Young has hung onto his House seat, the only one in Alaska. Other than a tough 2008 race that included a primary challenge from Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, Young has been untouchable; last fall he was reelected with 64 percent of the vote.
It’s not clear whether this latest episode, which has brought scolding rebukes from many of Young’s colleagues, will negatively impact his electoral appeal in the Last Frontier. But, if past is prologue it likely won’t.
I guess the Washington Post won't publish whatever Don Young actually said in 1995. He used buttfucking in 1994. I wonder what he said in 1995?
DeleteHow embarrassing. I feel sorry for you Alaska. Sarah put you on the map. Now this.