Sunday, March 17, 2013

Yes Marco Rubio, yes it does.

It's funny what a few slight changes to the wording will reveal wouldn't you agree?

The same argument against marriage equality now, are almost word for word the ones used decades ago to fight what they used to refer to as "race mixing."


  1. Leland2:18 AM

    "The more things change, the more they stay the same."

    Gryphen, I really hope you aren't actually surprised about these kinds of comments coming from people like this; blind, ignorant fools who feel that they have the right to dictate to others and have absolutely NO concept of history.

  2. Sally in MI3:41 AM

    Exactly. Because when you say that states should decide social issues, you end up with these draconian things we are now seeing regarding abortion: no abortion when there's a heartbeat, only detectable with a vaginal probe? Or a woman is thrown in jail after a miscarriage, when 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage? You end up with an Ununited States of America, which is just what the GOP wants: chaos and disorder. And yes, Marco, you and the rest of your tribe are bigots. And worse.

  3. Balzafiar5:38 AM

    Why are the microphones different in those pics? Is there something symbolic I'm missing?

    1. Anonymous6:13 AM

      It's a vintage microphone that might have been used during the civil rights movement.

    2. Balzafiar7:30 AM

      Thanks. I wasn't sure if that was the intent or not.

  4. We have been so engrossed at the national level of politics, that we have been missing the real attacks on the states by the Koch boys...They have recognized, the States are where "We The People" derive our political power...Hence, Wisconsin, etc...How does one recognize a "domestic enemy"...Is it a neo-nazi with a gun? It is White Power group with gunz? or is it a group of seriously under taxed and un-regulated wealthy who have used their money to hurt the economy? Not just these guys who want to pollute and destroy our environment for profit...But the guys like Jamie Dimon, who lied to us and the rest of the world, and the rest of the Anti-American wall street traitors...It is past time to break up Wall street and to kick the corporate rule of our captive and corrupt government Out...

  5. Leland8:50 AM

    Buford, you had me in complete agreement until your very last sentence when you said "our CAPTIVE" and corrupt...." They are not CAPTIVE. They have been BOUGHT!

  6. Anita Winecooler1:50 PM

    Says the clown who sold "Rubio" water bottles for fifty bucks a pop at CPAC.

    CPAC, where the pissing matches start BEFORE the big gulps!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.