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Willow Palin courtesy of Penrose Academy's Facebook page. |
Is it any wonder the family is excited to go to Arizona this week for Willow’s graduation as she embarks on a new career as a small business owner? And in honor of Willow's accomplishment we wanted to do something charitable. So, we'll join Gov. Brewer for the “Hope & A Future’s Strikeout Child Abuse Walk” in Phoenix on Saturday at 3pm.
So as you can see Palin is making sure to get some other benefit from flying down to Arizona beyond simply sitting through the graduation of her daughter from "hair school." She is also making a "charity" appearance with Arizona's leather bound politician, Jan Brewer.
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Whatever you do, don't look into her cold dead reptilian eyes! |
Now the Facebook page does not clarify which kind of "small business" Willow is starting, but since she is graduating from hair school I am going to guess something to do with hair. Probably a boutique, much like the Beehive in Wasilla, that her mother made famous and whose 15 minutes of fame was fortunately short lived. (Hmm, perhaps Willow IS angling for a reality show.)
Palin also does not specify if this shop will be in Wasilla or Arizona. But based on that picture of Willow up at the top I am guessing Wasilla, since I swear I have seen women walking around their local Wal-Mart who look exactly like that.
(Yet another reason why I stay the hell away from that damn place!)
By the way for those who have mentioned that we NEVER see a picture of Palin holding Trig, look what showed up in my comment section today.
I don't have a date, but it looks fairly recent and also does not appear to be in Alaska. (Oops, correction. Apparently it IS in Alaska.)
While we are on the subject of Snowbird Snooki, according to her recent tweets it looks like she is STILL pissed off about MHP's comments about children not being the possession of their parents.
Dear MSNBC, if our kids belong to you, do your kids belong to us too? If so, can we take them hunting after church in our big pickup truck?
— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) April 9, 2013
First it was "You didn't build that." Now it's "You didn't birth that." *Sigh* Govt, stay out of our cribs. #kidsbelongtous"You didn't birth that?" Hmm perhaps this is NOT about MSNBC and Melissa Harris-Perry.
— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) April 9, 2013
Perhaps this is about an even older burr under her saddle.
She is in Todd's pants?
ReplyDeleteI find it eerily ironic that Palin purposefully chose the words "you didn't birth that".
ReplyDeleteThinly-veiled confession? Hmmm.
I've noticed that sometimes Sarah skates around the rim of one of her teases ( lies?). It is almost like she is f-ing people - "I got away with this and you can't do anything ab out it."
DeleteThat is typical of a sociopath. And a narcissist. It will be her undoing. She is addicted to the "tease." It's what she does.
When the guy from the ADN emailed her saying that if she didn't offer any information that Trig would be a conspiracy theory that never dies, I think that fed her ego a bit much. So I agree with 6:59--- she's addicted to the tease, she wants to be called out so she can play the victim and get more attention. She craves it.
DeleteIf we just keep at it, she'll eventually trip over herself and give herself away. It won't be long now.
DeleteThat picture with Trig -- clearly a response to posts here about how little she sees the boy. But, yes, the adults are in jackets, and he's in a shirt that's pulled up to show his tummy. Was it cold? Where are his glasses? Why doesn't Sarah ever look away from the camera and at her own son?
"Birth" is not a transitive verb, Sarah. "To give birth" is the expression.
Also, too, "crib," in the parlance of prostitution, does not mean what you mean when you say "crib." Ask Todd.
The argument made about the family being part of a community -- it wasn't about baby snatching. It was about how interdependent we all are. If you went to church, you'd know one kind of community there. You ran for public office -- seeking the approval of another kind of community. You depend on the kindness of strangers for thousands of aspects of your life, every day.
And if you had something to contribute to my children, I'd let you join in our fun. They already live in the mountains and go to church. I'd want to make sure you were making a positive impact on their lives, however. If they learned to scorn education, how to attack anyone with a different point of view, and basically view the world as a constantly half-empty glass, I'd steer them instead toward people who would make a positive impression on their young lives. But thanks for the offer.
The "P" on Sarah's hoodie is for PENROSE but she's so narcissistic Sarah thinks it's for PALIN.
ReplyDeleteWait...isn't that the SAME stupidass outfit that Palin wore in that magazine spread? Some Wasilla fitness club hoodie and Carharts?!? Nobody wears that shit for fashion! Carharts are fucking uncomfortable as well as fugly.
DeleteJan Brewer and Terrence Stamp....separated at birth?!?!?
Deletethe magazine spread where she was like, "I could beat Obama, I just don't want to?" I think you're right...
DeleteGraduate from a one year program?
ReplyDeleteHow did she raise capital to start a new business at 20 years old?
x-tra postage money left over - no doubt
DeleteShe got paid to be called a faggot on national teevee by her nephew.
DeleteCoach Rice got fired for it, alin audiences gushed at a toddler saying it.
DeleteIt's Willow's debut... her time in the spotlight. Afterall, Bristol has so outlasted her time. At least Willow is not an unwed teem mom chasing celebrity. I kind of think Willow is sort of butch... I don't mean that in a negative way - I am butch but straight myself - but she seems more of a free spirit than Bristol.
DeletePS PLEASE tell me that that hairdoo and makeup is her entry into the finals. Hideous!
Ye gods, that picture of Willow...the thought of those people in the White House, the whole lot of them, is horrifying.
ReplyDeleteWonder which of her fellow students got to perform that magic on Willow?
DeleteI don't think she's too happy about it.
She looks radishing!
DeleteNice pic of a cute kid. It's good to see he gets cuddle time however brief.
ReplyDeleteAs for the tweet campaign, Palin is absurdly easy to ridicule. She says "Govt, stay out of our cribs". I say "Govt, stay out of my uterus."
He's six years old! Why the hell won't they put him down for the picture?
DeleteHe would be up to Sarah's waist.
If you compare the size of that boy, who is reportedly five now, with the pix of the kid at VBS last summer, this one is way smaller. And where, Sarah, are his glasses? We might stay out of your crib if you'd show the least amount of intelligence regarding raising a child. *SIGH*
DeleteWhen multiple pictures of Trig were posted on SP's facebook page, I noted each time he appeared without his glasses (does he actually have a pair prescribed specifically for him?) and--not surprisingly, each post was deleted. He is supposed to be wearing hearing aids, too.
DeleteOne picture was of Trig eating baby food--they seemed to be unconcerned that a 5 year old wasn't eating regular food. Another was of two-year old Trig going down a slide--but no pictures were labeled with a time stamp/date. Hummm--wonder why?!
Lol we own Sarah. We demand tri dash g pics and she complies like a good puppet. Notice he's trying to get away from Sarah Lou?
DeleteYou didn't birth that? We've been saying that about trig and Sarah for awhile. More proof we control Sarah and she reads here.
DeleteSince that seems to be a well-leafed tree in the sunshine in the left background of the bottom picture, I'd say that picture was taken last summer 2012.
DeleteThat'd make Trig barely 4 (assuming he was born anywhere near his announced birth date).
In that picture, Sarah looks like she's 10-15 pounds more than she appears to be lately. I'm amused to see she's doing the ol' "swan neck" pageant picture trick so that her wattles don't show (that's why she looks a little hunchbacked).
I wonder if Sara would be so kind as to tweet her advice regarding government staying our of women's uterus'? Seems she doesn't want government telling us how to deal with our kids so HTF can she support government dictating to women about birth control and abortion?
ReplyDeleteAnd btw, if that's Willow I'm trying to imagine her at a White House state dinner. Nice and Presidential
and she apparently didn't object to politicians sticking their nose in Terri Schiavo's business.
DeleteDon't try to make sense of Palin's positions. She just vomits a word salad and hopes the filter of MSM and her own readers make sense of it for her.
DeleteI think Willow Palin would look better in green or purple hair, with double the puff and more grease. But I guess "hair school" has ruined her natural good taste.
ReplyDeleteOmg! I can't stop rofl @ willer's ridic "look". Will be printing pic and posting at work for massive laughs.
DeleteI think that the comment floating around the internet was that the person couldn't find a photo of Track holding Trig. There is one photo of him handing a bottle to Levi at the 2008 convention. There is one photo of Track looking in the car (truck?) window at Tripp. There is one picture of Track holding his daughter. But, no one can find a photo of Track hold Trig.
ReplyDeleteYes, there are plenty of photos of Sarah and Todd with Trig. But that doesn't mean that Sarah gave birth to Trig. I don't think that she needs to tempt fate with her tweet, "First it was "You didn't build that." Now it's "You didn't birth that." *Sigh* Govt, stay out of our cribs." OK, Sarah, I don't want to see your stretch marks. I want to see Trig's birth certificate. You have never shown it to anyone, not ever. Maybe you didn't birth Trig. I bet that you didn't.
Track holding Trig:
Dunno that baby photos count - but thanks for playing.
DeleteTrack sure looks the spitting image of Curtis Menard.
DeleteHe really does look like Curtis Menard.
DeleteTrack looks like a girl with the hair do. He should stay away from Willow. Trig has one sock, Track is a better mommie than Screech. Not sayin much.
DeleteOMG! I cannot believe she tweeted that last one! Is she askin' for someone to out her about Trig? That almost sounds like a dare.
ReplyDeleteA dare, yes, she isn’t the first person to act like that. They gamble that everyone is too nice to call them out. And then they can use that as a foundation. Oh, yes, I’ve known these liars, both male and female.
Deleteyes, it's a blatant in your face 'dare ya' to blast me for faking a pregnancy for political gain.
DeleteWhere's trig birth certificate?
DeleteAnyone here have twitter?
DeleteGees-Gryph-show a little respect-it's called Beauty College! At least down here in Georgia among the trailer park crowd.
ReplyDeleteWell la-di-dah!
DeleteIn the Palin house, it's known as Hair School. Didn't know things were so fancy down there in Georgia.
The Todd/Sarah/Trig photo is from the Iron Dog pre-race Tech Inspection/Banquet at the Wasilla Sports Center on Feb. 9.
So that ISN'T a leafy green tree outside in the left background of the picture?
DeleteDoing the charity walk means SarahPAC can pay the family's travel bill. Yay!
ReplyDeleteAnd most likely a tax write off!! Donation to charity when she really only wanted to go to the graduation.
DeleteWillow must feel so loved that her parents are so "proud" of her accomplishment that they won't even pay out of their own pockets to go to her graduation and had to create a charity excuse to get their as a write off (or use her PAC money to pay for it)
DeleteWhere was Sarah writing from anyway? Pretending they'll be off to AZ when she said her sister Molly have them the photo and the snow update. She's not in Alaaaaaskah!
DeleteIronic that a palin is doing something for a child abuse charity considering they are the ultimate child abusers. From creepy granpa chuck to beefey barstool the are at least 3 generations of child abusers in the Palin clan.
Delete"Charity walk" what a laugh. She knows people are pointing out how Palin abuses her children, so of course a lying child abuser is going to find an angel to pretend she is doing charity for child abuse. Typical.
DeleteShe is actually proving she is a child abuser.
Why does Willow look so pissed off? The whole point of doing crazy hair and makeup like that is to have FUN!
ReplyDeleteYou almost never see her smiling in photos. I think that's very telling in many ways-- on the bright side, it doesn't seem like she's caught on the the automatic-fake-hollywood-grin that Bristol and Sarah paint on their faces every time there's a camera around.
DeleteI'm not sure how she's going to take to working with the public, though. Especially given who her parents are... seems like she'd get harassed at work a lot.
I still hold out hope for Willow.
She sure did smile (and laugh) when Tripp called her a faggot.
DeleteLooks like she might have been in an Alice in Wonderland play as the red queen. I guess a kid can skip the "natural good taste" requirement occasionally.
ReplyDeleteROFL - I KNEW she looked familiar!!!
Deletethat I may curse you
Hmmm, if Willow opens a salon, perhaps she could call it The Rat's Nest...because that's exactly what her hair looks like.
ReplyDeleteShe should call it:
Delete"My Nephew Called me a Faggot,"
(since that's where the money is coming from to open her business)
Now it's "You didn't birth that."
ReplyDeleteSo tell us Ol' $crawny, just how DID you birth a rectangular pillow that was stuffed up your shirt?
Willow's small hair styling stand.....brought to you by "postage"
ReplyDeleteThat would be "postage stamp" size salon..maybe she will sell postage stamps also to. The PO Box Salon.
DeleteSo, if the whole family is going to AZ this week, ya gotta wonder if poor Piper is going to fall behind another grade. Alternatively, they can continue to warehouse her with Aunt Molly or Creepy Chuck.
ReplyDeleteSarah, for the love of gawd and tawd, PLEASE stop using your kids as props.
Have you thought about making AZ your permanent home since you no longer qualify for Alaska's PFD?
I predict Piper will begin "home schooling" any minute now.
DeletePiper mono coming soon
DeleteSo Sarah has finally realized that without her Fox News gig she's got to rely on her PAC for the rent, so she's mustered all her courage and big-bazoomed brasieres to go try and prove she's still relevant by hijacking her "friend" Jan Brewer's touchy-feely event in Arizona.
ReplyDelete(Correct me if I'm wrong but when I Google, I don't see any invitations from Brewer to Palin, only Palin's announcement that she's been invited. And by now we all know what that means, don't we ?)
The two have, however, been mutually supportive.
For example, in late 2011 Jan "couldn't think of anyone better" than Sarah to provide a ghostwritten forward to her ghostwritten book:
Can you imagine being in the presence of senior moment Brewer with IQ88 Sarah?
DeleteThey can be dumb, but do they have to be so mean and harmful with their positions?
Unfortunately, they both owe their political careers to being dumb, mean and harmful.
DeleteSarah's IQ was reported as 83 in oppo research, AK, '06.
DeleteWhere will Willow be opening her new small business? Would that be in Arizona, where the owner of the salon is responsible and liable for the employees, or anyone who works there?? How about the Alaska requirements for a state license?
ReplyDeleteHAIRDRESSER LICENSE: 1650 Hours (2000 Apprenticeship)
Here's an interesting tidbit from the Alaska Cosmetology website:
However, if you are a booth renter, you are technically considered to be in business for yourself, and merely renting space from the building owner, so they probably will not provide your supplies and products. If you are renting a booth at a salon or other beauty business, or simply choose to work independently at your own business, you will probably have to provide all of your own beauty tools, supplies and products.
So, if Willow can get a license, she can rent a booth, bring her comb, shampoo and sprays, and set up a small business for herself. I can't imagine an 18 year old girl with minimum job experience running a beauty salon. I don't care how much money Sarah pours into it, Willow will need a manager.
Bristol will be the "office manager" and they will be paid through SarahPac as Consultants for "Image Management and Youth Outreach."
DeleteEnter dental office manager, Bristol!
DeleteTodd can be the receptionist.
DeleteCosmetology programs are typically one year to obtain the state license, "Small business' means she'll rent a station in a salon... the business model is independent contractors.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is not only an idiot she's a boring, predictable idiot spewing cliches and pitching worn out stereotypes like she just thought of them. MSNBC viewers don't hunt or go to church. Huh?
Sarah Palin just doesn't show up at a charity out of the goodness of her cold heart.
ReplyDeleteThere's always has to be something in it for Sarah.
If Sarah can get somebody else to pay for a Palin-Heath family vacation like the SarahPac paid for Palin family summer vacation a couple of years ago then lets go and say its for America.
Ironic that Sarah found and announced that she will participate in a charity walk-a-thon that's happening the same week as Willow's hair school graduation.
I would love to see who is paying for her plane tickets, room and board. My guess is that she will have SarahPac pay for it saying that she's making a SarahPac appearance to support a charity. The public finding out who is actually paying for this graduation/charity walk will never be revealed.
I'm not saying the walk-a-thon was created for Sarah. I'm saying that I wouldn't be surprised if there is a place that Sarah has to travel to for some personal reasons, does SarahPac find some charity event in the area for Sarah to appear at so SarahPac can pay her trip and expenses for her personal trip?
Wonder if we'll see more of her fancy race 'floating' this time. And now she doesn't have to worry about not sweating at the end of a marathon, although one would think sweat is important even walking in AZ. Don't you have to line up sponsors to walk in these things? Has Sarah contacted her 100 'bots for their $25 yet?
Delete$he is killing two birds with one stone:
DeleteA) she gets $arahPAC to pay for her trip, and
B) she shows that she actually 'gives' something to charity...
Simply said - Sarah wants some media attention and this is the only event she can find. If she walks with Jan Brewer, she will get some attention. She scraping the bottom of the barrel...
DeleteJan Brewer is definitely the bottom of the barrel.
DeleteYou Didn't Birth That.
ReplyDeleteProject, much?
Willow dropped out of high school to go to hair school in Arizona to look like that?
ReplyDeleteHell I could of taught her how to do that mess for free.
What a waste of money.
Anon @ 5:35 P.M. - correction - what a waste of OTHER PEOPLE'S money! There - I fixed it for you! Besides, no Palin EVER earned an honest dollar; they fuckin' grifted it!
DeleteSarah Palin is hilarious!
ReplyDeleteEverybody knows she doesn't go to church and she doesn't hunt. What a kidder!
DeleteMake up is suppose to make you look petty.
I'm guessing it was a Halloween project.
DeleteI'm thinking it'd HAVE to be???
DeleteAs a former financial aid administrator who has worked from community colleges to private universities, I'm disappointed you chose to denigrate an entire line of study just because a Palin chose it. I worked with a lot of cosmetology students at a community college, and it's sad you chose to reduce their hard work to "hair school." A clock hour program in many ways is less forgiving than a semester program. It's valid vocational training in an age where people who spend four years earning a bachelor's degree earn minimum wage because the job market sucks.
ReplyDeleteWillow Palin may never have to work a day in her life thanks to her grifting mama, but she did pursue and complete training. For a guy who once called Willow "your favorite," I'd think you'd be pleased she actually decided to pursue something beyond milking the Palin name through media appearances.
No, cosmetology isn't rocket science, but neither is commenting on an internet blog---or writing one. :)
Um, we didn't start calling ti hair school: her mother did. So blame Sarah for denigrating her daughter's choice of career.
DeleteAnd frankly, until Willow actually works at a job off the radar for a year, she is still best known for being her sister's babysitter in LA.
I think you missed out on the origin of 'hair school'. It was how the Palins themselves described Willow's education plans. Willow's rude behavior in the initial visit to Penrose was featured in her sister's reality show and it wasn't pretty. If anything, 'hair school' is little more than an insider joke reflecting the usual Palin inability to express themselves well. Sort of another 'any of them, all of them', also too.
DeleteYou must have forgotten or missed it, but 'HAIR SCHOOL' was the name given by PALIN! Gryphen did not make this word up by himself!
DeleteGood comments, Lisa. So far Willow is the only one in the family doing something positive for her life. I see no call to be nasty about it.
DeleteWillow doesn't have to work hard. How many one year hair school students has a multimillionaire mother and a Pac that can pay her top dollar for doing crappy work.
Her mom called it "hair school."
DeleteAnd, let's not forget that Willow appeared on her sister's reality tv show.
I have nothing against cosmetology.
I guess we should applaud that Willow has any degree considering her parent's obvious neglect of the Palin childrens'' educational needs.
@LisaB Did Willow take time off from 'Hair School' to give birth to her latest baby? Prior to Hair School, Willow was Pregnant.
DeleteI'll give Willow credit for completing a training program, that is if she has actually completed a training program. It seems to be more than her brother and sister have done. Sadly, we don't have much evidence of Trig getting regular therapy, either.
DeleteIt WAS Sarah who called it hair school.Was Willow living there in Arizona, all by herself, for the last 2 years while she was going to school? She's 18 now, but at 16? Really?
I also liked Willow's "spunk" when she challenged Bristol about how to bake a chicken on that silly reality show. At least Willow knew how to cook a chicken, and she left when Bristol became bratty. I like Willow's style, telling her boy friend to get a job that would give him a good future.
No, everyone cannot be a PhD candidate in college. Good for Willow for having a goal and reaching it. Maybe some others in her family will follow her example.
I was nodding all through your post until: No, cosmetology isn't rocket science, but neither is commenting on an internet blog--or writing one. :)
6:34 maybe there was a white out involved?
DeleteLynn, you are a a model of civility and restraint I could learn from you!
DeleteI agree with LisaB@5:40pm
DeleteIt's a career that has a built in client base. All women, and some men need hair care, at least each month and if you are good at it you make great money. My hair expert is worth her weight in gold, especially as I get older and the "grays" are more resistant.
@anonymouse at 9:41
DeleteNo, all women do NOT NEED HAIR CARE.
If you keep it clean , brush it, and give it a trim occasionally, that's all that's required.
If you want a beehive, a wave job, or a plastic sprayed on pageboy like Callista Gingrich, then you might need to go to a salon.
Nobody NEEDS hair care, it's what puerile Western culture demands for vanity,fashion, or adherence to cultural stupidity which is another subject in itself.
THANK YOU, Anonymous at 2:48!
DeleteMy mother, product of the 50's, has spent two days a week at the "beauty parlor" her whole adult life, waiting to get her hair teased in a terribly ugly old-school bouffant that has always made her look frumpy and much older than her years. Women were conditioned that they needed such "treatments" instead of letting their hair grow longer and caring for it in simpler ways. Her once-thick and lustrous hair has thinned and become brittle from years of teasing, and also it's created bald spots from the center point at the top where most of the teasing happens.
FUCK MODERN CULTURE for imposing crap like high heels, mandated hair styling, and the like and keeping us swirling in a constant array of fashion changes/having to update our wardrobe every few years to "stay current." (I personally ignore that one because I own my own business, but it's harder to do if you work in a traditional office and need to wear suits, etc. that keep with the times.)
All this results in women having to spend loads of money on pointless stuff and we end up spinning around on the gerbil wheel of "fashion" to please others instead of just living our lives boldly, happily, beautifully --- without apology. Young women today are more pressured than ever with this crap, and it's still very sad.
By the way -- I love the classic dead Palin eyes in the Willow photo. The lack of soul always shows through with these zombies. That, plus their near-constant drug use: talk about your Baked Alaska! :)
Jennifer Shepherd aka Media Insider aka Lipstick Mystic
Sarah's rhetoric is just as lazy, tired, worn out and broken down as her appearance. She's not even phoning it in anymore.
ReplyDeleteWillow most likely already has an exclusive high priced hair stylist consultant contract with SarahPac to do Sarah’s wigs and extensions.
The high school dropout is probably already set up to be rich without even opening her draws yet, excuse me, I meant doors.
Sarah will release all the awkwardly posed pictures of her and Trig, but she won't release his birth certificate. Sarah flirted with birtherism a bit and demanded that President Obama release his long form birth certificate. He did, but she has yet been able to provide undeniable proof that she is Trig's biological mother.
ReplyDeleteAre you saying that she didn't build that, that Sarah didn't give birth to Trig? I think that's what she is trying to say in her tweet.
DeleteSarah Palin is participating in a child abuse walk.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't she do something about sex trafficking?
Too close to home?
Well, she does know a lot about child neglect.
DeleteShe's obviously gone insane. Yes sir,obviously sir. With extreme prejudice, sir. She needed a mission and for her sins they brought her one; brought it up like room service.
ReplyDeleteThis is slightly off-topic, but i think it's hilarious and such a great example of the hypocrisy of the pee-bots. It's an excerpt from one of the rants about mAnn Coulter's diss of the Quitter Queen.
ReplyDeleteThese PDSers Just Can’t Help Themselves
Posted on April 08 2013 - 10:06 PM - Posted by: Brian Lerch
By the way, what happened to Ann Coulter? I used to like her. My guess is that 3 calorie a day diet has killed off the brain cells which control logic. Ann, I care, so I’m going to introduce you to my mom. She is your regular, everyday Jewish mother, meaning she is a great cook and she will make sure you are adequately fed. Maybe then, you’ll get some meat on your bones. Because, right now you aren’t looking so healthy, and as a typical, red-blooded American male, let me tell you- it’s not attractive, either. Trust me on this one.
Good lord. Just because Sarah says she eats beloved comfort foods doesn't mean it's true. That woman lives off 3 cals a day!
DeleteThat guy's "Jewish mother" probably wonders why her son is so obsessed with that schmendrick from Alaska.
DeleteOK, Sarah, let's talk about your stupid tweets. You didn't build that. So I assume that you built the highway that goes past your house, and the road from your house that goes into beautiful downtown Wasilla. You, Todd and his buddies must have built it on the weekend when they weren't putting up a fence or building your house.
ReplyDeleteHow does Todd get his fish to market, or better yet, how DID Todd get his fish to market, back in the day when he was a fisherman? Did he fly them there and use government air traffic control centers? Was there a ship, a rail road car or a truck operating on a highway? Or did Todd pack all of those fish in a water-tight container, strap it to his back and hike to the fish processing place? Yup, that must be the answer.
You, Sarah Heath Palin, claim to have graduated form the University of Idaho. No matter how much more you paid in tuition, it did not completely cover the cost of educating you, paying for the buildings, the heat, the chairs, the books in the library, the professors' salaries, all of that university stuff. Where do you think that the rest of the money came from? The answer is: alumni, citizens of Idaho and federal grants. Other people paid for your education, and you did not build it your self, nor did you pay for it completely by yourself.
This kind of argument applies to every aspect of your life. Unless you live in the woods, weave your own cloth, tan your own leather, sew and make your own clothing, shoot your dinner and start the fire by rubbing two sticks together, you are part of a larger network of people who have made things that you use. They provide services that you seem to take for granted.
Your thinking is narrow and simple minded. You have made a straw man argument, taking a few words literally when the argument is meant to embrace the spirit of community. All of our taxes pay the salaries of the fireman who may have to save your house in case of a fire, rescue a child who might fall into the lake or rush a relative to the hospital in case of an accident. We are all connected, and you are a fool to claim otherwise. No, on second thought, you are such a self-centered, selfish person that you cannot understand that sense of community. You don't read; you don't study. You don't think about serious issues. You are reactive, issuing cute pronouncements to attract attention. You were successful. You got noticed. Most of the responses to your tweets are not positive. You'll probably have to issue more sensational tweets because you need more more more attention. Come to think of it, you are part of a community, too, your Facebook community, your twitter community, your fans who follow your devotional website. You don't exist without them.
I appreciate what you wrote. But it's a lost cause. She ain't into learnin
DeleteOutstanding comment!
DeleteAnd you touch on the System. She didn't get a real degree and i use that term loosely.
DeleteSo right. And we can be pretty sure that Sarah and family have not attended church recently. Her pettiness and mean spiritedness simply go on and on. I would hate to live in her household. Imagine getting up every morning to such meanness.
Is Todd Palin going to this Arizona graduation too?
ReplyDeleteDo we have to worry about our Arizona daughters and mothers?
Hell yes, Brancy has a post which says "My entire family" is going to AZ to participate in a charity walk :if you see me, make sure to wave "hi": She posts a more flattering photo of Willow and credits herself as Willow's "Gruinea Pig". And gushes over how proud she is of her siste for graduating hair school.
DeleteI wonder how many seats "the entire family" will need donations for?
Oh, Gryph, there isn't a Costco BIG enough for the popcorn you're going to need now!!
ReplyDeleteNow maybe everybody will stop saying I'm a bad mother with ignorant dumbass kids.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter has a degree and it only took her one year while these other parents kids had to do it four years.
Do they get degrees or certificates from a School of Cosmetology?
DeleteThey get degrees don't you know? Just like real college..or six.
DeleteActually, they get a piece of paper, and then they have to take a test for a real license. Although I can't imagine it's too touhg: What kind of brush is best for curly hair? How do you treat your brushes after you've cut the hair of a kid with lice?
I mean, how tough can it be?
Willow looks thick in that picture. I hope she didn't have any input in the Palin family health and cookbook.
ReplyDeleteNothing is wrong with a thick woman.
DeleteAs long as they don't sweat and drip all over you if they are on top of you.
Make sure you have an industrial fan in the room.
That thick you see is your head.
DeleteListen, I loathe the palins also too but I have normal eyesight.
Willow is beautiful and whoever says she's fat is being ridiculous.
she still has to lose the baby fat...give her a couple months unless she gets knocked up again this summer.
DeleteWhat do you mean Willow is not thick. Look at her thighs, butts, face and everything else. The girl is thick.
DeleteYou can bet that if Jan Brewer even considers ms palin for ANYTHING in Arizona there will be a fallout like nothing you have seen. NObody likes the palins in Arizona. This will be nipped in the bud immediately.
ReplyDeleteNot only would she get flack in AZ, but Alaskans would jump in too. Sarah Palin and her family are truly disliked up here and would love to see them leave the state. They are nothing more than embarrassments to the small population of our state!
DeleteIn reality The Quitter and Too much Brewski will be heading down to the border to look for bodies without heads.
ReplyDeleteThe released picture of Wicked Willow is there as a distraction for paparazzi.
Wicked Willow is just thankful to of helped her mom out cause Too Much Brewski seems like some pretty tough competition.
That's the first picture of Willow where she really looks like her mama.
ReplyDeletePictures of you going to church, or it didn't happen.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin @SarahPalinUSAFirst it was "You didn't build that." Now it's "You didn't birth that." *Sigh* Govt, stay out of our cribs"
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah keep your pimp husband out of the lower 48 states
Sarah's got a new tweet and Facebook post, telling the lamestream media to stop making things up. This is coming from a woman who spun the most unbelievable story about being in labor, leaking amniotic fluid, giving a speech, flying for 12 hours to give birth to a special needs, premature child in a small town hospital that was not equipped for that delivery.
DeleteMaking things up? She claimed in yesterday's Facebook post that she gave birth to Willow when she was Mayor of Wasilla. Willow was born in 1994 and Sarah became Mayor of Wasilla in 1996. So, Sarah, maybe you are the one who should stop making things up.
Then, there was that inspiring story about her good friend, Jana, who gave birth to a DS son around the same time that Willow was born. But, previously Sarah claimed that she didn't know anyone who had a DS child. My goodness, the mind does play amazing tricks. Sarah, follow your own advice, and stop making things up.
Jesus, Sarah can't keep any of her stories straight. Is she so used to lying about every little thing that she doesn't even bother remembering shit?
Deletelet's not forget that Sarah can not remember where and when her children were born. She is severely mentally deficient.
DeleteShe has claimed July 7, 1994 was Willow's birthday, July 5th, 1996 was another birthday for Willow and July 5th (no year) but 24 hours within the 4th was another legend falling from the trout botoxed lips.
When she cheated her way into office in 1996, there was so much turmoil, that a recall was discussed.
All of the adults are wearing jackets, and Tri-g is wearing a jersey. Does he ever get cold? Will Willow's newest baby be at her Graduation? Can Willow pass a State exam for cosmetology without help?
ReplyDeleteWe should be happy that at least Trig is wearing shoes and socks.
DeleteMaybe next year he'll get a jacket and real food instead of baby food from a jar.
Willow last attended high school as a sophomore, barely just got her GED, hasn’t worked as a beauty shop hair apprentice, no education and she’s starting a hair business?
ReplyDeleteYup she’s a Palin alright.
I hope Trig gets a professional to cut his hair. It would be embarrassing for Willow a hair school graduate to have her little nephew show up with his long homeless hair style.
ReplyDeleteI doubt any of the Palin's and the many Palin babies will ever go to professionals for haircuts. Way too easy for a few hairs to be tugged out and sent out for DNA testing. Inquiring minds would be more than willing to pay.
ReplyDeletePerhaps this was a driver for Willow going to "hair school".
Please! That picture of Willow has got to be a joke!? Hideous!! Come on... photo-shopped?
ReplyDeleteIt's from a 'Movie Hair and Make-Up' school competition. Willow was the model. Someone else did her hair and make-up.
Is Willow portraying a caricature of her mother?
ReplyDeleteShow us the birth certificate, $arah, show us! We ALL know you birth Trig, both political parties know it, the government knows it, and that's just a drop in the bucket!
ReplyDeleteMust have been one HELL of a deal you cut that brought on your resignation. Yeah....we know about that, too.
Sarah Palin ✔ @SarahPalinUSADear MSNBC, if our kids belong to you, do your kids belong to us too? If so, can we take them hunting after church in our big pickup truck?9:34 PM - 09 Apr 13
ReplyDeleteSarah wants to take our kids to church?
Sarah needs to quit being stupid. Everybody knows she doesn't go to church.
Fuck Sarah Palin! She doesn't take her kids to church and it's a proven fact in Wasilla, AK. The church she attended a few times years back hasn't seen her in years. Friggin liar, as usual!
DeleteDoes Sarah mean they plan to shoot from the truck like she used to shoot from a plane? Sounds sporting.
Deleteshe means sh wants to take her spawn hunting in her husband's #1 whore's truck named Tripp.
DeleteBwa ha ha she's still using her kids at every opportunity making it all about her. If a Palin farts she'll show up making a speech at the colonoscopy institute I swear.
ReplyDeleteHow come Sarrah Barracuda is mum when it comes to Coulter?
ReplyDeleteIsn't Cuda Amerikkka's very own wizened Thatcher with the stil spine and iron heart?
Me thinks she's ascred of big meaner manlier Ann.
Gryphen did you ask peopleofwalmart.com if you could use that pic?
ReplyDeleteWell, congratulations to Willow for completing the program. Maybe she isn't her mother's daughter after all.
ReplyDeleteAre you saying that Willow is not Sarah's birth daughter?
Delete"govt, stay out of our cribs" ... "but get into my uterus"?! i so loathe these so-called "pro-life" philosophies
ReplyDeleteActually, if they decide that life begins at the moment of fertilization, you've got government in bed with you and your sweetheart. And, yes, stay out of my body, too.
DeleteWatching "Game Change" for the gazillionth time on HBO. Just LOVE how they keep putting it out there as to who she really is.
ReplyDeleteThey need to make a point of running it even more should Palin put her nose out there to run for anything, anywhere. Even dog catcher. She's an idiot!
DeleteLol trig is 6 and still in diapers eating baby food. Can you say bad parents?
ReplyDeletePS-which trig is that?
THAT Tri-G is NOT the same like the one we saw 'reading' a book over his non-fitting glasses.
Deletechurch Trig is Track and Britta's child IMO.
DeleteHe is not DS.
Willow stated on Bristol's reality show that her best friend at the hair school was a liberal. I think Willow may want to stay in AZ.
ReplyDeleteFuck that noise. If the government is going to force me to give birth, they're taking the kid. I'm perfectly willing to be responsible about sex and to not pop children out recklessly...The Republicans are the ones trying to make me!
ReplyDeleteNever mind anything else, the HUGE, looming question is:
ReplyDeleteGryphen, how heavily do you think you'll have to disguise yourself when you go to get your hair cut by Willow ???
Willow was the most attractive of the entire brood. So happy she didn't surgically disfigure her face with plastic surgery. Let's see what a great stylist she is, I'm sure she'll re-do momma's roadkill and makeup as a "homage" to the woman who made it all possible. I'm picturing a cross between "Bride of Frankenstein" and a used "pregnancy test pee strip"
ReplyDeleteBut honestly, what kind of business will she own? Just out of school with no job experience, how much postage does it take to start a beauty shop?
We need a name for her new venture.
"SHAM Pooh, Curl Up and Dye"
For the first time, I agree with Sarah, "You didn't Birth that".
If Sarah ever goes the televangelist route, Willow can make Palin look like Jan Crouch,the televangelist, with huge, huge pink hair and tons of makeup. It has seemed to make millions $$$ for the Crouch family--and it really isn't hard to imagine Palin with humongous pink hair and humongous eyelashes.
ReplyDeleteWell, good for Willow. I'm glad she has pursued her passion and accomplished her goal. I mean that sincerely. (I can't say I think a new "hair school" grad deserves to be called a "small business owner," deserves seed money for the business, etc. I also am unconvinced that still-teen "you're a faggot" Willow has the necessary skills to manage the business, but hey, what do I know?)
ReplyDeleteMaybe the SarahPAC contributors will provide the "seed" money for Willow's business. She can be a "consultant" for Sarah - making wig styling recommendations.
Deletewow that kid is supposed to be 5 years old? looks like they've withheld food, and who knows what else. poor tri-g.
ReplyDeleteFirst, DS kids tend to be smaller and look younger than their peers. Second, for those commenting on Trig being spoon fed baby food, that is an old picture, however, DS kids are often several years behind same age non DS kids when comparing milestones. Third, regarding hearing aids, he may have a cochlear implant that is hidden by his long hair or he may be profoundly hard of hearing. If that is the case, hearing aids will be more annoying than helpful. Fourth, regarding his glasses, they do look ill-fitting, but also the flat bridge of the nose on DS kids make it difficult to fit them correctly.
DeleteYEs, DS kids are smaller...but we have seen photos of Trig where he looked much bigger than this child. And believe us, if Trig had a cochlear implant, it would have been all over Sarah's FB page, because it would prove she cares about him.
DeleteIll-fitting glasses? Well, yes...every time we see a pix of him with glasses, they are down on his nose like he's 80. I don't believe a reputable eye doctor couldn't fit them for the boy.
And this woman is a millionaire: she could afford the best schools and therapy for this boy..if she cared to make the effort. Todd himself said that he had only recently said a few words: that is not behind, that is insane. I know some DS kids: they speak before 4 and a half.
Have you seen the picture of Trig in Arizona looking at a book? Why can't Sarah get the kid a decent haircut? Sarah spends tons of money on her hair and wigs, clothes, shoes and makeup. So why not pay someone to make him look presentable?
Deletethey are so gross for frauding that kid as theirs. neither one of them are the bio parents. what shitfucks.
ReplyDeleteA couple of random notes:
ReplyDeletea. Willow is auditioning for a Tim Burton movie, or perhaps a Harry Potter sequel.
b. Jan Brewer is a seriously ugly woman and an inept governor, but every once in a while she tries to do the right thing. Unfortunately, she is too stupid to know what the right thing is. But as an Arizonan, I don't see her as a monster (no matter how much she may resemble one), just a drunk that has cultivated the "right" people.
c: If Sarah thinks she can go up against the good ol' boy Republican machine in Arizona, she has another think coming. They have a pretty defined pecking order for plum jobs, and they won't welcome an Alaskan carpetbagger with open arms should she actually try to run for office. A money-grabber, yes; a serious player, no way in hell.
I love Arizona. It isn't precisely a "purple" state yet, but it is turning a lovely shade of magenta. I moved here from Wyoming,which is a red state of the first order (old-line Libertarian) rather than the second order (religious offshoot of Christian fundamentalism mixed with ignorance, superstition, and stupidity... but I repeat myself).
hey QUITTER - you didn't birth that, AND YOU KNOW IT!
ReplyDeleteYour WalMarts in Anchorage are equally as scary as ours is in Wasilla. WalMart is just a place to stay away from, in any city, any State and any Country!
ReplyDeleteI've never even stepped into a WalMart store - live in Anchorage, AK and am a senior! Never has interested me!
DeleteThat picture of Willow is horrible as is the one of the ugly broad from AZ. Sarah Palin is a piece of work - as usual. She mentions 'church' in one of her Facebook rants...amazing. The woman, nor her family even attend church and that has been proven in Wasilla. What a friggin liar and fraud as usual!
ReplyDeleteMichele Bachmann can't keep it straight. Under investigation also too! Michele thinks it is the Democrat party and Nancy Pelosi after her. Her staffers are Democrats?! Reporters ask her follow up questions!
ReplyDelete"Those remarks prompted an intrepid reporter to remind Bachmann that the allegations were made by her own staff, not Democrats.
But Bachmann, who recently bragged about not getting any facts wrong during her presidential run, wasn't in the mood to use logic."
Someone, most likely Azure Ghost did a Palin photoshop using this image of Helena Bonham Carter as the Queen of hearts, but I can't find it online....anyway, it channels what Willow is doing in her photo.
Is the the one you mean?
To Anon 9:50pm: It was an Alice In Wonderland themed makeover they were doing at the school.
Penrose "Academy" is simply a 1600 hour program at a cosmetology school.
ReplyDeleteTrade schools are a perfectly laudable thing, but to call this a "graduation" is like calling the transition between kindergarten and first grade a graduation.
This has no entry requirements other than money and no exit requirements other than showing up.
No degree is achieved, just a certificate of completion.
I know that in the Palin family, completing ANYTHING is an accomplishment to them, but to the rest of us, this is hardly anything more than a girl who didn't finish high school, who found a quick program in an area of interest and she was able to maintain her attention span for less than a year.
Clap, clap, clap.
The whole Wasilla hillbilly clan is going to see Willow get her hair school degree and then the whole clan will do a look at us parade. Why is Sarah making a production out of this?
Delete'Stay out of our cribs" Sigh....but it's OK to invade our wombs..
ReplyDeleteBy the way, does every recently graduated student from beauty school open their own shop??? wow...beauty school must PAY their students to attend.
Palin ran home to Wasilla for some Easter egg photo-ops and is now 'going to Arizona' for Swillow's graduation. Unflippingbelievable. Still trying to make it seem as thought she lives in Alaska and just 'visits' Arizona for business. What a clown. She's so transparent.
Doing somethin about child abuse generally involves some kind of intervention in the way parents treat their child.Does Palin object to this intervention on the grounds that children are their parents property? If so, why is she on the charity walk?
ReplyDeleteThe photo with Trig must be in Alaska with the clue being a Donlin Gold banner hanging in the background. This Trig does not have the look that I associate with a DS child, During the campaign there was a baby that had that DS look. This little boy appears to have other challenges.
ReplyDeleteI way I understand it anyone can own a salon as a business. To work with clients, one needs the appropriate license. Does Willow have the people skills to work with the public, with demanding clients, and with other stylists that might work in her small business? There is a reality show on Bravo, Tabitha Takes Over, that just might give Salon Willow a makeover if it doesn't work out so well. I would love to see Tabitha take on the Palins.
let's see - is it the FAS child born to Bristol? or the native child born to Willow? or is it the DS child that Sarah borrowed for publicity? The only thing we do know is that's not Tripp. rofl
Deletethe Palin compound is a regular daycare for the cousins.
The Palins are all traveling to Arizona to watch Willow get basically the same thing Little League T-ballers get for playing a few weeks of t-ball, a participation trophy. Everybody who paid the entry fee gets a ribbon.
ReplyDeleteBe happy for Willow Palin getting a certificate of completion. Think of the alternative, the Palins could of been celebrating Willow's release from prison for breaking and entering if it wasn't for her mother the governor of Alaska calling in some favors.
ReplyDeleteCould this Penrose Academy thingy be part of Wild Child Willow's plea deal with the Alaska's Wayward Children's Dept for not prosecuting her? Did she have to agree to leave the State of Alaska and enroll in a vocational program?
DeleteIn the Palin household, it's referred to as the family's FIRST college degree.
DeleteWhy is Todd's hand balled up? Does he have a used condom wrapped in a face cloth hidden in his hand?
ReplyDeleteEven though Willow hasn't accomplished much, at least she will have a job, unlike the rest of the family! I'm sure Sarah will fund the shop.
ReplyDeleteWill Sarah take the whole Wasilla locusts to see Todd when he starts his new career making license plate and then watch Todd march in a parade chained to other sex predators?
ReplyDeleteYou can bet Sarah won't announce Todd's new occupation and parade of shame in her facebook. Sarah will probably say Todd went to live with his auntie for a few years because he has mono.
DeleteMy baby got her GED and a participation/washing hair certificate for showing up. Lets all go to Arizona and buy her a business.
ReplyDeleteIs it official now? Are the Palins now Arizonians?
ReplyDelete1. Willow is a graduate of the worlds famous Penrose Hair School University-Arizona campus
2. Palins owns a mansion and compound in Arizona
3. The entire Palin family is participating in their new community's parade.
4. A few years ago, Bristol did announce that she is going to enroll in college in Arizona.
Uh....Gryphen... please don't call her Snowbird Snooki, that's an insult to all my Canadian friends who fly down south for the winter. The correct epithet is "Snowdrift" Snooki. After all, snowdrifts have very little substance, and drift off as the wind blows, being reduced to nothing.