Thursday, April 11, 2013

Anonymous attempts to find justice for yet another victim of sexual abuse. This poor child killed herself.

Courtesy of the You Tube site:

Anonymous engaged #OpJustice4Rehtaeh this morning in response to the suicide of Rehtaeh Parsons. Justice Minister Ross Landy says that it is important for Nova Scotians to have faith in their justice system. Mr. Landy, justice is in your hands. 

Anonymous has confirmed the identities of two of the four alleged rapists. We are currently confirming a third and it is only a matter of time before the fourth is identified as well. 

Our demands are simple: We want the N.S. RCMP to take immediate legal action against the individuals in question. We encourage you to act fast. If we were able to locate these boys within 2 hours, it will not be long before someone else finds them. 

We do not approve of vigilante justice as the media claims. That would mean we approve of violent actions against these rapists at the hands of an unruly mob. What we want is justice. And That's your job. So do it. 

The names of the rapists will be kept until it is apparent you have no intention of providing justice to Retaeh's family. Please be aware that there are other groups of Anons also attempting to uncover this information and they may not to wish to wait at all. Better act fast. 

Be aware that we will be organizing large demonstrations outside of your headquarters. The rapists will be held accountable for their actions. You will be held accountable for your failure to act. 

That is all 

- We Are Anonymous. 
The Corrupt Fear Us. 
The Honest Support Us. 
The Heroic Join Us. 
Expect Justice. 

You can read more about the heartbreaking case of Rehtaeh Parsons here. (Warning: It is quite disturbing.)

I am going to refrain from making any moral judgements on what Anonymous is doing in these cases, but feel free to chime in with your opinion.

I will say this however, and that is that this type of assault happens EVERY day in places all over the world. Rarely is anybody brought to justice due to the lack of evidence, the  hesitancy of the victim to pursue charges, or the mindset of the community about who is really to blame for these incidents.

If what Anonymous is doing stops even ONE of these kinds of attacks, it is hard not to stand with them in seeking justice for victims like Rehtaeh Parsons.


  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    The girl's father has a post at HuffPo. Very tragic incident and let down by the community. Sarah Palin would be the first to Deny this young girl.

    1. Dinty1:04 PM

      AND make her pay for her rape kit and forensic exam.

  2. As much as I would like to applaud Anonymous for their push for justice, making threats while hiding behind a statement denouncing vigilantism accomplishes nothing towards actual justice.

    It is not the job of Anonymous to decide whether or not a case proceeds through the courts with charges. Some cases can not be successfully mounted in court, not matter how much a shadowy bunch of non-Canadians hiding behind a mask may want it.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      This sounds a lot like the same excuses that were used by those in charge in in Steubenville. There would have been NO prosecutions in the Jane Doe case if the bloggers and others had not brought the world into the sorry inbred City of Steubenville.

      Likewise, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine would not be convening a Grand Jury to furhter investigate what happened if all the outsiders had left Big Red's star athletes and coaches alone. Who knows how many more games they could have won this year and next year with their star juvenile sex offenders?

    2. Whereas Anonymous sounds just like the folks leading a lynch mob. But a lynch mob isn't justice.

      And lets remember the various people "outed" by Anonymous as perpetrators (not directly referring to Steubenville, but to their other antics) who weren't involved at all.

      But, hey, lynch mobs are more fun, aren't they?

    3. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Wrong, Alan. Anonymous is simply finding the perpetrators that raped a young girl when others looked the other way and ignored her plight. In my view, they are simply holding the system accountable.

  3. I love Anon!! The only way that regular people can get some justice and the powerful get scared and they should be scared.

    Moral judgement? Anon is moral, why would you waver?

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Amen, Karen!

    2. Anonymous8:36 PM

      me too.

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    It is a sorry state when vigilantes must do the job of law enforcement. They were critical in solving the recent Steubenville OH rape case also.

  5. I've got no problem with it.

  6. Anonymous1:15 PM

    God bless Anonymous! May they continue to take down the corrupt and evil among us (that includes you, Sarah, you grifting pregnancy faker!)

  7. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Omg the skank has a new fb post congratulating willow AND of course:
    Getting a dig in at msnbc journalists(how does she know so much about their family income/college years/background?)

    Slam at the president

    Proof again she reads IM since she "explains" why it took FIVE years to get a college ahem diploma

    Lambasts the virtue of getting a college degree

    While congratulating willow and encouraging others to pursue vocational traing she talks about less expense of it and yet-who paid for willow to study out of state and in London? I am sure willow didn't have the funds. Is she slamming msnbc journals for "backpacking"around Europe with their parent's credit card while at the same time using hers to pay for willow's beauty schooling?

    Frack in skank azz bitter dried up and old news unflippingintelligent creep.

    She can't even post a congratulatory post about willow and urge those who choose it to pursue vocational training without bitterly clinging to her hate!

    I know everyone thinks CNN said thanks but no thanks to scarah working there but it would appear that maybe her rep tried msnbc too because she is all over them with her rotten smell.


    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Willow is graduating "debt free"... are we suppose to ignore the fact the her parents are multi-millionaires???

      From SP's FB:
      With all that in mind, she decided to finish her high school requirements quite early and enroll in an academy for hair and skin, which allowed her to study abroad, visit the sets of major media productions, and work with the best of the best in the industry. She’ll be graduated this week with no debt and a great career ahead of her doing something she loves in a recession-proof industry (everyone needs their hair cut after all!).

      Penrose Academy Tuition $15,900
      Kit $3,500
      Registration Fee $100
      Total Investment $19,500

      +++ Room & Board (apartment in Scottsdale?)
      +++ London Study Abroad -- elective program

    2. Anonymous4:30 PM

      'visit the sets of major media production'? Doesn't she have to earn that capability first? Sarah thinks she is just going to walk right in and have work? I suggest she will have to be hired by someone first to do so.

      And, Willow had better use a different photo than the one her idiot mother put up on Facebook - or, no one will hire her!

  8. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I'm of two minds about anon's involvement in this... While I applaud the attention this case is getting, and the support current/future victims may get from it... But it does get dangerous when names are released of alleged perpetrators... what if they got it wrong - release the wrong names? More young lives wrecked...

  9. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Hopefully Anonymous is researching Sex Crimes in the Anchorage, Alaska area. Todd Palin get your Orange jail suit ready.

  10. London Bridges2:48 PM

    Meghan, I hardly knew ya!

    1. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

      Yeah, wait till someone goes after Coulter's kids- Oh that's right, mules can't reproduce.

  11. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I have been a supporter of "Anonymous" since February 2008 when they began to take on the Church of Scientology for the heartless and horrid treatment of their members. I will continue to support them as I know for a fact they are wonderful people from all walks of life, both male and female.

  12. I'm sure you remember that when a female pundit suggested maybe we should teach our boys NOT to rape on one of the Faux Shows (Hannity?) she got death threats.Go Anonymous!!!

  13. Anita Winecooler7:15 PM

    I've read a few articles on this tragedy. I never heard of the term "slut shaming" before, but that's exactly the mindset of these rapists. Make the victim less than human, and anything goes. Shame on the justice system for dragging their heels and for their lame excuse about "investigating the facts" to deny this family justice. They'll never see their daughter again, and now she's getting raped by the justice system.

    I used to be on the fence about hackers, but Anonymous has made me change my mind. They choose to use the power for good.

  14. I'm for them.

    We have a GOP that is becoming more insane, trying to turn America back into the Wild West, advocating for more guns as oppose to any sort of regulations, even ones that over 90% of the population support. It is ironic that people are calling them a vigilante group.

    We have a Republican Congress that is firmly in the back pocket of large corporations and oil companies. A Republican Congress that only exist due to gerrymandering, who continue to try to make laws and legislation to make it more difficult to allow people to vote.

    We have Democrats in both the Senate and Congress, along with our President, giving in more than they should, just to try to keep them from collapsing the government and America itself, to try to reach any deal with them.

    I hate to say it, but I believe we are at a point where we need these people! Personally, I hope they get more involved with what is happening behind the scenes, and expose it!

    I know this doesn't have anything to do with the rape that they are addressing. But what is going on in the country is so important, and I get so discouraged. This would be an issue I would want to see them tackle.

  15. I try to check out what Anonymous is doing on a daily basis. then click on trending pastes.

    BTW, this group had been asked to look into the Shailey Tripp debacle....maybe it is on Anonymous' bucket list.

  16. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Thought you would like to see this latest result:

  17. Anonymous1:29 PM



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