Monday, April 01, 2013

Cover of magazine that the NRA sends to its new members.

"Only you can save your guns from King Pinocchio."

Disrespectful assholes!

I think it is time to send the NRA the message that their day is done, and let our lawmakers know that if they do not stand up to them they will soon find themselves out of a job.

(H/T to TPM.)


  1. Disgusting! I am with you, Gryphen! It's time to pull the rug out from under the feet of the NRA!

  2. Anonymous3:31 AM

    How Kentucky Democrats Duped the MSM and Helped Elbow Out Ashley Judd

    1. Read what Pierce has to say about this one - not sure how true it is

  3. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Yup..rull Amerikuns those jerks are. Agreed.Gyyph...our lawmakers need to know that we will not tolerate this domestic terrorist organization (or ALEC or Grover for that matter) telling us what to do.
    I do not want to live in a nation where everyone is armed. I will not accept the chaos and fear that goes along with that nightmare.

  4. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Not sure how to fight back against the NRA. Locked, Loaded, and Liberal would just sell more guns and that is the point of the NRA.

    Gryphen, thanks for all you do keeping your readers informed about so many varied topics. Better than HUFFPO.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  5. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Stand and Fight? Looks like they'll have to produce a Blood Libel video pretty soon.

  6. Every right wing a..h ALWAYS makes it about the President - they don't seem to have a clue as to politics - the President does not and cannot legislate. The almost completely useless members of congress are supposedly the legislators - many of whom also spend their time attacking the President.

    There is ONE politician working for Americans at the minute - damned if I know what the rest of them are doing - the republicans scream hate at the President - the democrats - never seem to hear about them.

  7. Anonymous6:46 AM

    NRA Arseholes are kind of stupid. They should know that shiny toilet paper does not wipe very well.

  8. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Let's talk about who the biggest Lying Presidents have been. Obama isn't even close and is the wrong party.

  9. Now if the NRA would publish Dick Cheney with his rifle and have his buddies face in an after picture... then and only then should this charade be allowed to continue.
    Its been 5 years folks, no one has come knocking at my door wanting to take away my guns.
    This behavior from gun enthusiastic ya-hoos is treasonous!

  10. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Borderline treasonous and seditious behavior from the NRA, yet they want the "rest of us" to look upon NRA members positively and consider their side of the argument regarding gun control. Well, guess what, that magazine cover just proves to me that you are exactly the assholes that I thought you were and that we have absolutely nothing in common.

  11. Anonymous10:16 AM

    What friggin' jerks! I have a gun, but never joined the NRA...had absolutely zero desire to way back then, even though I was encouraged to do so.

    How dare them refer to President Obama like that. Freedom of speech has its limits as far as I'm concerned!

  12. Anonymous10:44 AM

    And just HOW do you fight back against a group whose argument to the ill-informed, racist, true believers is this: Well, they haven't taken your guns in four years, and there's absolutely NO evidence that anyone has any plans to do so in the future, but we just KNOW they will someday if you don't rush right out and buy some more.

    And that's exactly what the intentionally frightened NRA supporters WANT to believe.

  13. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Take back our Country
    Support the NRA and the 2nd Amendment
    With Moochelle and Hussein in the White House
    They will be coming for our guns.

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      The country was never taken away.
      Why would a sane person support the NRA?
      The Second Amendment is just fine - we have a National Guard.
      President and Mrs. Obama to you, nasty person.
      No one has come for your guns. Just don't use them on people.

  14. Anita Winecooler5:16 PM

    This just proves what fear does to their desperately ill-informed minds. They're shitting their pants because they think their guns are going to be taken away, and what do the cowards use to get their point across? Their jealousy over the President's superior intellect.
    How many magazines can they sell with sissy boy Wayne La Pierre's ugly mug and worn out talking points?

    Case in point: The brain fart at 12:26 PM

  15. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Right at the moment when they sign up, new members of the National Rifle Association have to make a choice: which NRA monthly magazine would they like a complimentary subscription to?

    The options: American Hunter, American Rifleman, and America’s First Freedom. (Junior NRA members can opt for a publication called Insights.) According to the NRA, American Hunter — which, death of print be damned, boasts nearly one million readers — offers expert opinions on “how and where to hunt all types of North American game.” American Rifleman, meanwhile, features “stories of interest to gun enthusiasts of every kind.” And America’s First Freedom, the NRA’s “first pure news magazine,” gives readers “timely, hard-hitting journalism that tells the truth about the threats to our Second Amendment rights.”

    Luckily, for those who don’t carry an NRA membership card, America’s First Freedom maintains a free-to-access digital archive. The magazine’s last sixteen covers are compiled below, with links to each issue. What do they show? For one thing, the NRA was warning members that President Barack Obama “will come for your guns” before the election or Newtown, Conn., massacre even happened. More recently, the magazine seemed to briefly lose focus before the latest push for gun control in Washington. The January 2013 cover story — which presumably went to print before Newtown — was about Hurricane Sandy victims, and their complaints about the federal government. The next month’s cover: “SIEGE.”


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It just goes directly to their thighs.