Friday, April 26, 2013

Either Sarah Palin's ghostwriter has started drinking heavily, or Palin is writing her own Facebook posts.

I happened to wander on over to Palin's Facebook page, just to see what is what, and noticed a rather meandering post about her sister Heather's recent marathon.

Now Palins is simply bragging about her sister, and her sister's family, and there is certainly nothing wrong about that. However as I read it I was suddenly struck by the fact that it actually sounds like Sarah Palin.

Wait, what? Sarah Palin is writing her own Facebook posts, like a common peasant?

Yep, I kinda think she is.

Here check out this description of her sister's life:

Heather works full-time with children with special needs in the Anchorage School District, plus she works weekends in a dental office and conducts tours for Alaska Salmon Berry Tours, in addition to helping at the family-owned business, Bruce's Muldoon Chevron gas station. And she and her husband raise three busy kids! Heather helps out with all the nieces and nephews (thank you for stepping in so often for Todd and me, Heather!), too. She helps answer my mail and fends off pesky reporters who unfortunately bug her to try to get to me to do more of their bugging.

"Bug her to try and get me to do more of their bugging." What does that even mean?

But that's not all.

But the coolest thing about all this today, besides finally finding out her kick-butt race time, was re-reading her most recent group text to the family.

"Kick-butt race time." That's a Wasilla High education for you.

Here's my favorite concerning how she thinks her sister will respond to this post.

And Heather will want to wring my neck for bragging about her. Or she'll arm wrestle me into oblivion to teach me a lesson.

"Arm wrestle me into oblivion." Yeah I am going to go with NO ghostwriter on this one.

So what does that mean? Does it mean that RAM and Nancy quit? Or does it mean that Palin is cutting back on the expenditures, and using her writers sparingly, because the SarahPAC money has started to dry up significantly?

Not sure yet, but something has certainly changed. As low as my opinion of RAM is, I am fairly confident she would not have allowed this post to hit Facebook without a significant rewrite.

Okay and speaking of something being up, my spies in Wasilla tell me that Bristol has been spotted filming with Melissa Rivers. Yes, THAT Melissa Rivers.

I have only one source, but they are pretty darn sure of their information. So far I have found nothing more to corroborate, or explain, this gossip but perhaps some of you in the Valley can keep an eye out and let me know how in the hell this slipped under the radar.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    What happened? I thought Sarah earned her degree in journalism?

    It's obvious Sarah wrote this ignorant backwoods post on her Faceboook.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      It may be that Piper is doing the writing.

  2. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Sarah forgot to say Heather ran the marathon after her water broke.

  3. jcinco9:45 AM

    she has a new post up ragging about the president speaking at planned parenthood. bitching about birth control, her kids needed to partake in some bc...

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      pee-pond is all a dither about the speech..How dare he???gah Star..

  4. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Melissa Rivers, huh? Match made in heaven.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Melissa Rivers graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. Isn't that an elitist school? What can Bristol possibly say to Melissa?

    2. Anita Winecooler5:45 PM

      "I'm having problems disciplining Tripp"

  5. Anonymous9:46 AM

    "Kick-butt race time." That's a Wasilla High education for you. 

    I hate to find out what Willow learned from Wasilla high since she only attended two years before dropping out and applying for her ged?

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      That is "Palin" education, not necessarily to be confused with the level of graduates that Wasilla High is proud to support and many of whom go off to wonderful schools each and every year. My best friend has a second daughter that will be going off to Ivy League Heaven! First daughter has been at Brown for two years and her second will be attending Vassar next fall! Both are Wasilla High graduates, and both excelled beyond even what their parents expected. There is nothing wrong with Wasilla High, it is the Palins that are "education allergic" and it is so sad that so many equate them with the entire high school and judge others based upon their lack of intelligence and drive to better themselves.

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Somebody is drunk and/or cranked up. The race was two months ago. Heather has had time to bake her own cake and party on with the Wasilla gang. How did Trig's birthday pictures get posted with an April 18 date?

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      That race was on Feb 24th. Palin wasn't going to say squat about it, until -- somewhere in her tiny brain -- she made a "marathon" connection w/current events.

      Aha! A chance for another "All About Me!" segment from the Queen of Narcissism herself. A few shots of Caribou Vodka, and she's off and running!

      Also -- apparently 2 months later -- she's still kind of pissed that her sister didn't bake her own "magical" birthday cake and bring it to Todd & Her Highness.

      And let's not forget to mention that sis helps to answer sarah's mail. That'll show those reporters who think she's keeping all the SarahPAC money for herself! See??! She has employees who are totally working for her and not handing her back a big chunk of money after cashing their "paychecks".

      Bottom line: It has taken Sarah 11 days to FINALLY find a way to make the tragic bombing in Boston ALL ABOUT SARAH.

  7. Anonymous9:48 AM

    It's probably going to come out that SarahPAC has been paying Heather so Sarah had to get it out that she opens mail and runs security detail to keep those bugging reporters from bugging.

    1. Janice12:13 PM

      I hope Heather reports any income from Sarah Pac on her income tax. If she is receiving any money, she needs to report it.

  8. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Is Melissa River still dating a "porn king" - if so, makes one curious about what they might be "filming" ???

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      They are likely to be working on a deal with Todd's girls. Melissa is a front.

    2. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Bristol's 'acting' is done mostly with her LEGS SPREAD.

  9. SHARON9:49 AM

    I think your right about the post.....the sentence structure, punctuation, choice of words, etc. sounds like someone in grade school. It is hard to believe her writing skills actually got her thru college, let alone an English course. Bristol being with, I guess they both really need the money. If memory serves, Mom Joan never had a kind word to say about any of the Palins.

    1. No one really knows if she even graduated from College.
      What we do know is that she never said when/if she graduated & that she went to FIVE different Colleges.
      There was never any talk or proof of a Degree in anything.
      She is not found in any Yearbook, and her last (supposed) College, no one remembers her.
      I'd say it's all a part of her Big Lie, trying to make herself look smart.

  10. Anonymous9:49 AM

    With that busy schedule it's hard to believe that Heather had time to train for a marathon.

    Or it could be just more of the usual Palin tendency to embellish anything and everything.

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      No wonder the Palins do not have jobs, Heather took them all! Wonder woman Heather should be wearing that bracelet. So, busy as she is $carah still palms her girls on Heather when they have "mono"? Too bad the girls did not get some type of work ethic from Heather, isn't it?

  11. Anonymous9:59 AM


    SARAH PALIN’s daughter Willow is convinced her mom needs a new image, and she’s now got the training to do it.

    Willow, 18, recently completed a hairdressing program at Penrose Academy in Scottsdale, Ariz. She’s planning on opening her own salon, says a source, and wants Mom to be her first customer.

    “Willow thinks Sarah’s appearance is old and tired. She wants to give her mother a fresh, new hairstyle – something that will make her look younger,” a source revealed.

    “Sarah’s been reluctant to change her look because it’s so identifiable. But Willow is convinced she can win her mom over.”

    The 49-year-old Republican pundit and former vice-presi­dential hopeful revealed on her Facebook page that Willow – the middle of her three daughters – chose to go into the beauty business because she thought it would “make her happy and provide her with a good income in today’s economy.”

    SARAH ADDED THAT WILLOW entered the cosmetology course after finishing her high school requirements early. The $19,500 program, Sarah explained, “allowed her to visit the sets of major media productions and work with the best of the best in the industry.”

    According to Sarah, Willow has “a great career ahead of her doing something she loves in a recession-proof industry (everyone needs their hair cut after all!).”

    Willow used money she earned for appearing on sister Bristol’s reality show, “Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp,” as well as her mother’s TLC reality show, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” to pay for beauty school, says the source.

    “Now, she wants to kick off her career – and salon – by giving Sarah a whole new look.”

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      I think Sarah is correct on this one. Why would she have the wild child Willow change her hair? Willow can't even finish 4 years of high school. Willow can't even get a high school diploma. I wouldn't have any confidence in her either.

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      "Sarah added that Willow entered the cosmetology course after finishing her high school requirements early."

      Nice try at painting your kid intelligent, Sarah, we ALL know the truth.

    3. Anonymous10:44 AM

      The only way Willow can improve Sarah's look is by placing a dozen paper bags from the Wasilla Piggly Wiggly over her head.

    4. The CPAC 2013 picture is perfect for that National Enquirer article, but it's DYING for some reader comments. Alas, apparently not.

    5. Anonymous11:20 AM

      So, $carah needs a "new look in the worst way"? If she would dress for her age, instead of in Piper's clothing that would help. Get the wigs cleaned and re-styled also, too.

    6. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Willow will only be able to restyle Sarah's Wigs. Sarah is Bald. Willow will only get half way through the restyling because of her Aspergers Disease. Willow loses track of what she is doing, frequently.

    7. Janice12:17 PM

      Yes, Willow will do Sarah's hair and be paid big bucks out of SarahPac for doing it. Every time Sarah travels, her stylist, haha, will have to travel too. You can bet Willow will never do any hair in anyone salon. Maybe a photo op of her doing Sarah's and that is all.

    8. Anon @10:44 "The only way Willow can improve Sarah's look is by placing a dozen paper bags from the Wasilla Piggly Wiggly over her head."

      You forgot to warn any of those in her vicinity to place a bag over their head too in case Quitler's bags fall off.

    9. Anonymous2:46 PM

      STOOOOpid $carah strikes again. People may NEED their hair cut, but a $12 Great Clip works for that (not a ton of money to be made off THAT) and a buzzcut in the kitchen for men and boys does just fine, too.

      $carah, showing she again doesn't understand basic economics and the difference between NEED and WANT.

    10. Anonymous6:18 PM

      " Sarah explained, “allowed her to visit the sets of major media productions
      and work with the best of the best in the industry.”

      "The industry " does not permit 18 yr old nothingburgers to get anywhere near the stars.
      No self respecting stylist or hairdresser is going to allow 18 yr old Willow Palin to cut,
      color or blow dry anyone's hair.
      Nor even a wig or even their dog's hair.
      Willow Palin must thinks she is Steven Spielberg's daughter.
      This is typical absurd fantasyland garbage from Palin .
      She should step away from the crack pipe.

  12. Anonymous10:02 AM

    It is a step up if she can write her own material. After all she has degrees in journalism (communication). Just doing it herself would be an improvement. She fails with substance, style and everything else.

    "Willow used money she earned for appearing on sister Bristol’s reality show, “Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp,” as well as her mother’s TLC reality show, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” to pay for beauty school, says the source." by NATIONAL ENQUIRER staff

    Just curious... Is there any chance Trig was paid for any of his work? Tripp Johnston paid?

  13. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Sounds as though she is trying to justify paying money to her family members with PAC funds!

  14. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Regarding Bristol and Melissa...seems unlikely because of this.........

    Ms. Rivers said that she and her daughter, Melissa, were scheduled to appear on “Fox and Friends” on Thursday morning to promote their new reality series, “Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best?”, which will make its debut on the WE TV channel on Tuesday. But on Wednesday afternoon Ms. Rivers and her publicist, Judy Katz, said they had been told by a producer at “Fox and Friends” that the appearance had been canceled because of remarks she made about Ms. Palin, who is a paid contributor to Fox News.

    In a video posted Monday on, Ms. Rivers is seen at a party for the Critics’ Choice Awards, where a videographer asks her about Ms. Palin. Ms. Rivers responds: “I think Sarah Palin is an amazing woman. I think she represents everything a strong woman should be and she should go someplace, like to another planet, and show them and get out of our faces.” Asked if Ms. Palin was unfairly blamed for inciting the shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Ms. Rivers replies, “They’re right to blame Sarah for the shootings,” adding: “This woman is just stupid and a threat.”

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      I really don't like Joan Rivers at all! but I agree with her on this: Ms. Rivers replies, “They’re right to blame Sarah for the shootings,” adding: “This woman is just stupid and a threat.”

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      I'm delighted someone like Joan Rivers spoke out against Sarah Palin! It's about time someone w/balls (and celebrity) does it!!!! Their experience in Wasilla obviously wasn't a good one and very telling!

      You go Joan!! You have a hell of a lot more staying power than does the idiot Sarah Palin!

    3. I love Joan Rivers!
      She was the one who helped Female Comedians get ahead in the 1960's.
      I'll never forget the way she made us all laugh so hard when she was on Johnny Carson's show.
      Plastic Surgery and all~ She is so much smarter & more talented than Sarah could ever hope to be!

    4. Anonymous1:07 PM

      I agree 12:11 - I enjoy watching Joan Rivers too. She's had a long, long career and has earned every bit of her success. She actually got her real start via Johnny Carson. She is worth way more than Sarah Palin ever will attain (she's slipping big time now!), has traveled the world further and wider than Sarah Palin and is far better educated!

      Sarah Palin is an idiot - Joan Rivers is not. Can you imagine Sarah Palin being as quick on her feet as is Ms. Rivers?

  15. Anonymous10:08 AM

    That woman in the above picture won Miss Wasilla?

    What happened?

    Was Sarah the only woman to run for Miss Wasilla?

    What a butt ugly looking woman.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      That's "kick-butt ugly", dontcha know.

    2. WakeUpAmerica10:24 AM

      She didn't win. A (gasp) black woman beat her.

    3. Anonymous10:40 AM

      No wonder Tawd chased after Shailey Tripp and made peep holes to peek at women's nipples.

      He's seen Sarah

    4. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Damn! Sarah is looking more like her father everyday.

    5. Anonymous10:45 AM

      "What a butt ugly looking woman?"

      You are assuming that is a woman.

  16. It says above, 'Don't feed the trolls'.

    Is there a larger troll than Sarah Palin?

    Ignore Palin. Stop giving her any exposure.

    As long as you feature Palin every day all you're doing is helping her maintain relevance.

    Ignore her. There's better stuff to fill the void.

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      I agree. Unless of course it's something out of the ordinary ... Like Trig'a real birth mother comes forward or Todd gets picked up for pimping. :)

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Oh, but we so enjoy mocking her and laughing at her decline. After all, some of us have been waiting a long time to see this.

  17. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I think I know what happened to Sarah's post. The reason it has a trailer park tone to it is because it looked bad that SarahPac spent all that money on consultants so Sarah wrote this one herself.

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Maybe it is setting the tone for her audience for tonight's speech. Nothin' like that folksy by-jingo way of talkin' doncha know?

  18. Anonymous10:12 AM

    She wrote this one while her ghost writer wrote the post slamming president Obama for speaking to Planned Parenthood.

    The difference in writing style between Sarah and an educated writer could not be more stark.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Yea, President Obama, for his speech and the fact he supports Planned Parenthood.

      Sarah's daughters (and Sarah herself!) should have, and should, use their services. Many teenagers have throughout the years for all types of services - one being to obtain the birth control pill since they were having sex as most teenagers do!

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Yet they're both assholes.

    3. Anonymous4:36 PM

      @3:18 P.M.,

      Who is?

  19. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Yes of course this is written by Sarah because she always lies and embellishes her accomplishments and those of her family members to the point of ridiculousness. Heather works full time with special needs kids, while simultaneously training for marathons, cleaning people's teeth while pumping gas during the course of a salmon berry tour with her three kids and whoever else's she is taking care of at the time . I think if Sarah farmed her kids out less to Busy Beaver Heather, they may have actually graduated high school and not gotten pregnant.

    Virginia Voter

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      I would not want her to clean my teeth gloves, face mask not enough protection.

  20. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Wasilla should be happy Sarah is a conwoman. If she wasn't, she would be cutting their hair in Wasilla.

  21. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I think she wrote that mess too. There has to be a hidden agenda behind it because who cares that Heather ran a marathon or not. Everything Sarah does is self serving.

  22. Anonymous10:18 AM

    That is one ugly, big headed, balding, emaciated, BITCH.

  23. What a fucking idiot. I don't believe for a second her old ass sister ran a marathon let alone made good time. rotflmao

    Since Boston this incredibly ignorant self-serving BITCH is talking about her sister convenience, fucking insufferable bitch. she just had to make it about her and her stupid dysfunctional ratty family and how happy their marathon went.

    Stupid bitch, the az massacre enabler.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Palin is a liar. Heather Bruce ran and completed the 2013 New Orleans Rock & Roll Marathon. Both are true statements. The marathon results are public and can be googled.

    2. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Heather Bruce status at marathon:

  24. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Today she has a new post up. Catch this first bit as if President Obama gives a shit what she says or does........

    There’s no such thing as a coincidence. Today I’m looking forward to speaking at a pro-life women’s resource center in Nevada. I intend again to remind women that we are strong enough and capable enough to choose life and work together to create a culture that empowers everyone to live to the fullest. How ironic that on this same day President Obama will be headlining a gala event for the highly controversial and repeatedly discredited organization Planned Parenthood. He's the first sitting president to speak to them, but then again he’s also the first president who is so radically pro-abortion that as a state senator he refused three times to vote in favor of legislation that would simply provide medical attention to babies born alive from botched abortions. Considering the role Planned Parenthood has played in looking the other way while the mass murdering abortion doctor Gosnell butchered babies born alive from his horrific infanticide procedures and abused his women patients, it’s perhaps not surprising that this same president sees nothing wrong with allowing his name to be so openly associated with this organization.

    Please take a look at the following excerpt from Jonah Goldberg’s book “Liberal Fascism” for information about the racist and eugenicist origins of Planned Parenthood, then ask yourself again why in the world our president would “bless” the cruel underlying efforts of an organization like this. Do you want him to spend your family’s hard earned tax dollars funding this culture of death? Surely there are people of good conscience within Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion centers who will feel the imperative within themselves to find other ways to help women in their time of need. There are so many better answers than merely eliminating the most precious, promising ingredient we have on earth – innocent human life. May efforts to cull the defenseless and vulnerable not be “blessed,” instead may God bless those who decide that respecting a culture of life in America is the only way to get us out of the mess we’re in.

    - Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      President Obama did not incite the murder of 8 innocent people in Tuscon, and the shooting of several others, including the Honorable Gabby Giffords. You did BITCH. Write another blood libel post about that, and don't leave out the death of that poor little 8 year old Green child. Sleep well you demented dumb ass, Hell awaits your arrival.

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      $carah's kids would have been well served to have consulted Planned Parenthood while in their early teens. Maybe there would not be so many illegitimate grandkids running all around the compound today. Obviously $carah and Toad had other priorities so the kids learned sex ed. the hard way (pun intended!)

    3. WakeUpAmerica11:40 AM

      I see the Wasilla bullshit factory is up and running.

    4. Cracklin Charlie11:57 AM

      That is quite a disturbing little screed that someone has penned for Sarah.

      Who is she accusing of "funding a culture of death"?
      Why can they not understand that Planned Parenthood provides many types of health care services, besides abortion, to women that may have no other access to basic health care?

      Services provided by Planned Parenthood could mean the difference between life and death for many women in this country. What about those lives?

      People that would say such things are vile and disgusting. Compare and contrast the writing style for today's missive from the Palin, with the one she just wrote about her sister Heather...someone else is writing this stuff for her, and that makes them vile and disgusting, as well.

    5. Same old lies the rest of the neocons have been peddling about Obama and abortion:

      Illinois legislation [was] put forward in 2001, 2002 and 2003 by opponents of abortion. The intent was to require doctors to provide immediate life-saving care to any infant that survived an intended abortion. [...] The bills' supporters said it gave added emphasis to laws already on the books, deterring the death of abortion survivors from neglect. [...]

      Illinois already had a law on its books from 1975 that said if a doctor suspected an abortion was scheduled for a viable fetus — meaning able to survive outside of the mother's body — then the child must receive medical care if it survives the abortion. The new laws didn't distinguish between viable and nonviable, meaning that an infant of any age that survived an abortion should receive care.

      Obama did vote against the laws, by voting no or present on the bills. (In Illinois, a present vote has the same weight as a no vote.) [...] Obama has said he supported the existing law and felt it provided sufficient protection for abortion survivors like Jessen.

      Obama, along with other Democrats in the Illinois legislature, opposed the "born alive" laws every time they came up. Over the years, Obama offered several reasons he opposed the legislation.

      Back in 2001, legislative transcripts show that Obama questioned part of the "born alive" legislation package because he said it would be struck down by the courts for giving legal status to fetuses. In 2002, Obama discussed a different aspect of the legislation, which required a second doctor be present at abortions. Obama said he thought that legislation was intended to make abortion more difficult to obtain, not to provide better care for the "born alive." There is no record of his remarks in 2003 because the bill never made it out of committee, and the committee proceedings were not recorded.

    6. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Sarah, watch all the episodes of "Call The Midwife, on Netflix, about the East End of London after WWII. You can get an idea of what life was like -- and will be like -- for those without Planned Parenthood.

      Separately, other than for fame, laughs and residuals, i can't imagine that one of the Rivers dames has made it up to Alaska. Mama Rivers is a proud graduate of Barnard College, one of the Seven Sisters, and what's her name,Melissa, the kid, graduated from the University of Penn, an Ivy League school.
      The have gaudy, vulgar taste, but they're smarter than all-- and I mean all -- the Heaths and Palins in one hairy bundle. They've also had more plastic surgery than the Palins could dream of, or bankrolling.
      You can be sure it's being shown for laughs, at the expense of Sarah. Sarah's 15 minutes will end not with fire, not with ice, but with a huge nationwide guffaw.

    7. Anonymous12:22 PM

      These were not written by the same person...

      Considering the role Planned Parenthood has played in looking the other way while the mass murdering abortion doctor Gosnell butchered babies born alive from his horrific infanticide procedures and abused his women patients, it’s perhaps not surprising that this same president sees nothing wrong with allowing his name to be so openly associated with this organization.

      She helps answer my mail and fends off pesky reporters who unfortunately bug her to try to get to me to do more of their bugging.

    8. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Well, gee, if Sarah and the GOP were interested in the truth and could read, this would never have come up at all regarding Senator Obama. Alas, all they are interested in is throwing rocks and crap and see what sticks. They are so stupid they will buy anything, believe anything, say anything that they think will firther their cause of demonizing the President. Facts and the GOP are like oil and water.

    9. Anonymous12:53 PM

      There is no way that those two facebook posts were written by the same person. The Planned Parenthood scree: Rebecca A Mansour or an equally highly paid consultant. The Ode to Heather post: Sarah, Bristol Willow or Piper.

    10. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Palin simply does not understand that Planned Parenthood can prevent her from ever having to fake another pregnancy because another of her daughters is knocked up.

      I mean really, she had to fake for Trig for Bristol, and then Bristol had to fake her entire Tripp timeline because Trig had to be Sarah's and then Bristol had to Dance With the Stars Pregnant, but only really just FAT, (right) and then Bristol had to get Britta to fake a preggers and fake marry Track to take the baby that was from Dancing With The Stars. Wow...

      So, Planned Parenthood could be the thing that STOPS Piper from getting knockers and having to have Sarah FAKE yet another pregnancy to account for a new baby that could have been prevented. Unless Willow would then FAKE for Piper and just go ahead and keep that baby, now that she's making bank as a hair cuttery type person.

      Who knows how the Palin world actually spins, but I tell ya, I've never met another family that could benefit more from some Planned Parenthood, that's for certain!

    11. Anonymous2:55 PM

      The Planned Parenthood origins are wrong too. $carah can't do basic research. Stoooopid $carah.

  25. Anonymous10:30 AM


    sounds good to me. Go, Heather.

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Try her in a no-muss, no-fuss pixie cut. But be sure to hide the surgery scars.

  26. Gawd fucking idiots acting like willow has 20 years professional experience in hair.As if she is the second coming of Vidal Sassoon.

    she believes she can start doing star's hair bc she went to hair school. IDIOTS all of them.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Sarah was appointed to a plum Oil & Gas Commission position with no credentials whatsoever (and found a spectacular way to quit while vaulting into Maverick status) but she parlayed it into an image of being an 'energy expert.' So, there you go.

  27. EEEEEWWWW who want to see two old, flabby, pale, smelly bitches wrestle?

  28. Anonymous10:41 AM

    How can a woman work full-time and then work weekends and then help out at her husband's car dealership, conduct tours, raise 3 busy kids, with one autistic, help out with her nephews and nieces run marathons and still have time to take care of Sarah's mail? When does she have time to sleep?

    It's highly unlike this woman can do all that, still at 50? Something must be up with the sisters, they either had a big fight and Sarah's trying to woo her sister back by writing a dedication to her. I would think that if Heather really does do all that, that she might feel pretty angry at Sarah. It must make Heather fume to have her celebrity sister give a glowing result about her sister's life of slave-labor. Who would want that kind of schedule everyday and what kind of relative would think it's great? Most other sisters would be helping that sister get out of that crazy cycle.

    1. Anonymous12:24 PM


    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Heather wants more money for taking care of Trig. He is getting bigger now, and needs more attention. He should also be getting therapy and wearing his glasses. That's a full time job in addition to all of Heather's other full time jobs.

    3. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Sarah is lying AGAIN about what all her sister does at the age of 50! I'll wager sister Sarah is being investigated. Hope she ends up in jail in an orange suit along w/her pimp husband!

    4. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Sarah's sociopathy is showing. The fb post is Sarah pretending to be a kind, loving, appreciative sister when her intent is cold-hearted manipulation; her praise of Heather is laced with anger. Sarah's trying so hard she even wrote the post herself instead of calling on the ghostwriter. Don't let Sarah fool and manipulate you this time, Heath family. Support Team Heather!

    5. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Isn't Heather the youngest Heath spawn?

    6. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Great comments! Yeah, the real "wonder woman" is Heather! IF she is doing all that, then she is being taken advantage of. But she does get to open Sarah's mail and gets psid for doing so. I guess that is a perk for poor Heather. A little spending money of her own.

      Thanks to Sarah, I have been reading about sociopaths. She ticks off all the symptoms, and it must be hell living with her. I wonder if all the Heaths are sociopaths or just Sarah.

  29. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Seems odd to be writing about it now... the New Orleans marathon was back on February 24th. Wonder if someone is questioning Sarahpac expenses and this is Sarah's way of telling the world that Heather works for her.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Ding ding ding!!! We have a winner.

    2. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Dead on correct. Is she the one licking all the postage?

    3. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Yes, she does that when Trig is napping or at preschool, or on breaks at one of her three jobs. If Heather does HALF of what Sarah says, Sarah should be ashamed of herself for spending her adult life running after celebrity and away from her own responsibilities.

    4. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Heather answers Sarah's mail. What does the rest of Sarah's staff do? All that money for consultants, and her sister has to read her mail. Or is Heather taking care of some other male, namely a little guy named Trig?

  30. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Not sure what Melissa's role would be...

    Is Joan Rivers wife swapping with Bristol Palin?
    We can’t think of anything more hilarious.
    Production sources tell RumorFix exclusively that Celebrity Wife Swap had a higher premiere than last year, so ABC has ordered a few new shows and comedian Joan Rivers is already locked in.
    So, the producers are looking for Joan’s perfect match — and high on the list is Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol Palin, who has a four-year-old son, Tripp.
    We’re also told that producers have their eyes on Jersey Shore break out star Nicole Polizzi, who has a seven-month old son, Lorenzo LaValle.
    Sounds like producers will have their hands full and viewers are in for a crazy ride!

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Neither Joan nor Melissa Rivers are married, for that matter either is Bristol, so I'm not sure how that would work. But Bristol and Melissa have a lot in common...single mothers who ride Mommy's coattails to try and make a living off reality tee vee. Although Joan is actually hard working and talented, unlike Sarah.

      Virginia Voter

    2. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Daughter swappers?

    3. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Baby swappers?

  31. "Bristol has been spotted filming with Melissa Rivers"


    That is too funny. I've been saying for years that eventually Sarah Palin will start resembling Joan Rivers if she keeps up with the Botox and the other plastic surgery.

    There they are, Bristol and Melissa, "Plastic Surgery Anonymous" enablers, filming a moronic chit-chat about how their mothers became such narcissistic bitches...

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      At least Joan Rivers has had a comedian career for many years - she is in her 70's now! (Johnny Carson gave her her start!) And, I'm sure she is worth a considerable amount and I'm especially delighted she badmouthed Sarah Palin. It's about time someone did that is a celebrity!!!

      You go girl - Joan Rivers!

  32. Does it mean that RAM and Nancy quit? Or does it mean that Palin is cutting back on the expenditures, and using her writers sparingly, because the SarahPAC money has started to dry up significantly?

    It just means Sarah went rogue.

  33. Anonymous10:58 AM

    SARAH ADDED THAT WILLOW entered the cosmetology course after finishing her high school requirements early. The $19,500 program, Sarah explained, “allowed her to visit the sets of major media productions and work with the best of the best in the industry.”

    I call mooseshit.

    If Willhoe worked with the best of the best in the media industry....... where's the pictures? You know Sawah would had posted then on her facebook.

    1. Cracklin Charlie11:44 AM

      Wouldn't the best of the best work in Los Angeles/Hollywood? I thought Willow's hair school was in Arizona?

      That's a long way for a field trip.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      That was my thought too. Maybe some Hollywood celebrity gave a seminar in Scottsdale, but that is not the same as "visiting the sets of major media productions" Where in Arizona would that be?

      Unless Mommy Dearest pulls another "you owe me" to get Willow a plush "job" I just don't see it. Sarah will buy Willow a shop somewhere but it won't be Hollywood or New York City.

  34. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Sounds a little tasteless to sing the praises of someone's marathon performance right after the Boston bombing. Keep in mind this New Orleans race was run back in February.

    But consider the source.

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      I agree.

    2. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Sarah is REALLY showing us how retarded she truly is! What a friggin' mess!

    3. Anonymous12:58 PM


    4. Anonymous2:04 PM

      I think the crazy mofo did it on purpose, so that when people google marathon they might get that hit about Sarah and Heather Heath.
      LOL naming your kid Heather Heath.

    5. Anonymous2:39 PM


      Ding, Ding, you've got it. Sarah truly is retarded. 83 IQ. Forrest Gump at least sported an 85.

  35. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Appears that Sarah is entering her manic cycle.

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Ummmm 10 years ago

  36. Ugh, what a poorly written FB post. Sarah Palin water boards the English language every time she opens her mouth or writes something without a ghostwriter.

    1. WakeUpAmerica11:36 AM

      "...water boards the English language..."
      I love it!

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      And that woman has a degree in journalism.

    3. Anonymous2:05 PM


  37. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Terrible photo of her!

    New Orleans marathon was actually held on 2/24/13. How weird she'd cover it on her Facebook page now! Could she be reaching out to her sister because she has not been responding to her? So now she feels she has to do it publicly?

    Her family members are probably as sick of her and Toad as are we!

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      And this year, they didn't have that magic chocolate cake. I wonder what Heather puts in her cake to make it so magical.

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      I think it's because of all the buzz since the Boston Marathon. Sarah Palin always has to cash in on something that involves other people. I guess it's fine for her sister to go to New Orleans for a marathon but it's a long and expensive trip and with all of Heather's jobs and responsibilities, one wonders how she found the time to train and go.

    3. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Doesn'[t make sense to me. How could such a busy AND responsible mother go to New Orleans to run a marathon? And why?

  38. Anonymous11:13 AM

    SarahPac could pay Heather for mailing or as postage for what the they say she (her front) does for SP. Heather could end up with thousands. Baby sitting and other things she does she volunteers, no money exchange for that.

    Whatever it is, it is funny business.

    1. Janice12:52 PM

      I hope she is reporting any money she receives from SarahPac or Sarah on her income tax returns.

  39. Heather was 396th. I'm not saying that's not kick-butt. I really wouldn't know.

    1. The best women's time in that NOLA race was 2:52:21, by a 21 year old.

      Heather Bruce's time was 3:42:27, placing 92nd in the women's category (396th was overall).

      Considering the last place finisher ran 7:30:30 placing 1202nd, I guess you can say Heather did pretty well.

      Not as well as Sarah's half-marathon in Storm Lake Iowa 2 years ago -- 1:46:10 (if you believe Sarah didn't fake part of the 13.1 mile route). I'm surprised ol' Sarah didn't mention that... Oh, yeah, she FORGOT. Hard to remember stuff that never happens.

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      In the Heath/Palin world, achieving anything is worthy of Time Magazine Person of the Year stature.

      They wanted the world to celebrate Bristol stepping out of her comfort zone to 'dance' on a major television network - so what if she was horrible and showed she was dialing the effort in, everyone was going to talk about her so she might as well shake her hips and point to the sky.

  40. jcinco11:24 AM

    Something is up, she's trying to justify spreading her PAC wealth amongst her family. The marathon was over two months ago. The premise of the post is to explain why she pays her sister to "help with the mail" Perhaps the FEC is taking a closer look. The guy who killed the democratic strategist & injured her husband is being scrutinized by the FEC regarding irregularities regarding pac funds. The "slam the president for talking to PP" is just a distraction. Of course, fertile myrtle and her girl spawn aren't smart enough to take birth control, nor be able to think about the amount of money saved by providing bc to poor young women. She's a fucking idiot.

    1. Janice12:10 PM

      Remember when Bristol said she forgot her birth control pill the night she was raped by Levi?

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM


      Skipping one pill does not lead to pregnancy. Also, Bristol was not raped by Levi, she initiated and pretended to be drunk, because she's a whore. She's looking to a made up God now to justify her slutty behavior and 3 kids out of wedlock, but even if there was a God he ain't buyin' her bullshit. She's a dumb cunt, barely graduated (momma bought her a GED) and that's why she can't go to college in AZ as she said she was going to because she really doesn't have the paperwork to hold up to any college entrance scrutiny, plus she never took the SAT.

      She's a mentally marginalized slut with three kids from two different dads and only one she pretends to raise herself. She's basically more retarded than Trig, but she tries to look normal.

  41. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I don't have a March,2008, photo of Alaska's governor who claimed to be pregant (not sure how pregnant, but pretty far along).
    Here's photo taken this week of Kate Middleton, six months pregnant (due in mid-July). See these pix as well as pictures over the next three months: she started out with "tight abs" but seems to be blossoming more every day. Her hands, face, bosom, arms, all show signs -- normal signs -- that there's a baby on board.Much more pregnant looking than that half-term governor with the seat cushion up her dress.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Remember, Sarah was NEVER pregnant w/that last kid...he isn't hers...many think he belongs to Bristol or Willow.

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      12:45 PM 10 to 1 Odds on Willow.

    3. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Simple, she's not wearing those clever scarves that hide a seven months along belly.

    4. Anonymous3:05 PM

      And $carah's was a 5th pregnancy - or 7th. Abs get looser and stretched, so a woman shows sooner. Kate is a prima para. so she would be much smaller at the same point in pregnancy.

  42. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Too funny. Gov Sarah Palin quit her job 1/2 way through her first term for the good of Alaska and told the citizens that elected her that Sarah doesn’t need a title to help Alaska. What is Sarah doing to help Alaska?

    Well Sarah is reporting on facebook:

    How her sister is running a marathon in another state.

    That Willow couldn’t get educated or finish 4 years of high school in Alaska and had to go to another state (Arizona) to learn how to cut hair.

    Bristol had to go to another state to earn money dancing.

    Sarah bought a mansion in another state and brags about the weather and people.

    Sarah does walk-a-thons in another state for their charity but too busy to go to church, too busy to do walk-a-thons in Alaska and too busy to help handicap kids in Alaska.

    Sarah Palin is doing all that and loves Alaska, I would hate to see what mean girl Sarah Palin would do to Alaska if she didn’t like Alaska.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Sarah knows that Alaskans don't regard her well anymore!!! When in Alaska, they don't show their faces in Juneau or Anchorage and very little in Wasilla (their hometown). Alaskans have been totally embarrassed by the likes of the Palins and the Heaths. They all hide while in Alaska!

      AZ is safer to them - they can hide - not as many folks know them or recognize them. Plus, the house they bought is NOT a mansion - many folks own homes similar in Scottsdale, etc.

    2. Anonymous1:07 PM

      They blend with the cacti.

  43. Anonymous11:41 AM

    The whole thing is just weird.

  44. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Maybe Sarah provides the "color," which in her case means violent images with a whiff of sex. Kick-butt, wring a neck, arm wrestle, fend off, teach a lesson. Then Piper adds words like oblivion (having just seen the movie?), coolest!, bug, and brag.

  45. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Why would someone who lives in Alaska fly all the way to New Orleans to run in a marathon? Seems very odd to me.

    I've gotten to the point that I have a hard time believing anything that Sarah says or writes.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Lots of people run marathons all over the country, you don't just run your local races if you are a competitor.

      My question is, with sooooo many things for Sister Heather to do, how does she have time to run marathons AND take care of Sarah and Todd's children?

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      I think that it's even more strange that Heather (1) didn't tell anyone until she was on her way to the airport (2) she missed her own birthday party (3) she went alone

    3. Anonymous1:04 PM

      With Sarah being a multimillionaire, wouldn't the sisterly thing to do be to give Heather some money so she doesn't have to work so many jobs in addition to babysitting for the Palin brood?

      Thanks, Sis.

    4. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Is Heather a marathon runner? Who knew? Where else has she run besides New Orleans?

      Is Heather the sister whose husband left her for a newer model?

  46. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Rivers has survived for years. Now the Palin curse? Kind of feel sorry for her. Melissa 'Porn Wife" Rivers, also, too. What a way to go.

  47. Anonymous12:07 PM

    For today's speech, 580 of the 1,200 seats and all of the sponsorships, bronze through platinum, remain available as of 2:55 Central time on the day of "show."

    1. moose pucky1:06 PM

      WOW! Approximately half the seats EMPTY and ZERO "sponsorships" aka picture with scarah for the Vegas Travelin' Fundy Pro Fetus Show!
      That is wonderful news! A town full of tourists on a Friday night and no takers for the screech! BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  48. Anonymous12:12 PM

    IMBD says that Melissa Rivers is known for Fashion Police (2002), Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best? (2011), Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber (2005)

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      "Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber"

      Well, she will fit right in with Sarah and Bristol.

  49. Anonymous12:12 PM

    "There’s no such thing as a coincidence." 4-26-13 - Sarah Palin

  50. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Just made the mistake of stopping by Sarah Palin's facebook page. I ignored the words but paid special attention to the photos.
    One with Sarah tangentially near Trig.Every single one of the rest she was far away in photo,or not to be seen at all.
    Of course her facebook photo on top is at least four years old.
    What a land of smoke and mirrors.

  51. Janice12:23 PM

    Poor Sarah, she is begging for some press. No one is mentioning her anymore. She is old news. Now she posts on FB a lot hoping the press will pick It up and remember her.

  52. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Heather works all those jobs and watches all the Palins sit on their asses all day long.

    Neither Sarah, Todd, Track, Bristol nor Willow have a fucking job.

    If I was Heather, I would be one pissed off sister.

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Well, a thank you Facebook post, two months after Heather ran in the marathon-- isn't that enough?

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      That's more than Track Menard received. Track just had a birthday and he didn't get a Facebook shout out from his mom.

    3. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Track Menard is now a humiliating embarrassment to Sarah. She can't use that prop. Better to go with the over worked sis prop who is raising an autistic son, as she also does for Sarah since her egotastic disordered personality won't allow Sarah to raise her own kids.

  53. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Hey don't be a hater! Times are tough without Todd's pimping income so Sarah has to cut the budget a little. He's laying low while the feds investigate. He hopes to get the business started back up by the time Piper is 16. "Prime age" he calls it.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      I guess that those monster consultant fees raised some eyebrows, too, and Sarah had to cut back. Sorry, Heather, I thought that I could pay you with a Facebook Shout out.

  54. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Seems odd that such tight-knit sisters didn't visit each other to discover the trophy for 2 and a half months.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Sarah was too busy having all her relatives kissing her ass to notice what her poor relatives accomplished.

    2. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Yeah 1:03 - and even now it was Molly who visited, not Sarah. Methinks Sarah's sisters want as little to do with her as son Track. She is an embarassment to them. They know her real persona too well. Good for Heather on breaking free to do what she really wanted to do for herself on her milestone birthday! -- istead of bowing to the dominant sister's suggestions and baking 'magical' cake for her own birthday - cum iron dog celeration! I'll betcha anything that Scarah was Furious Heather never told her about her plan and only learned about it when she was well on her way and couldn't be swayed to reconsider. I have a sister like that - dominant & selfish while pretending to have my best interests at heart. Yuk!

  55. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I am going to come right out and say it. We have no proof that it was Heather Bruce who ran that marathon under 4 hours. She went alone. She could have also met up with anyone in New Orleans, someone who did have time to train for a marathon and ran it for her. Heather wanted to qualify for the Boston Marathon, just like Chuck sr. There are no witnesses. I'll have to see the finish line photo, and even then, I'm reminded of the photoshop photo of Sarah's half marathon which she half ran.

    How weird is it for a woman with a couple of full time jobs, an autistic kid and all of those activities to take off all by herself to run a marathon? And, Heather didn't have much time to train, what with all of those activities and Alaska's cold weather. I guess that there are no indoor running facilities? How about the sports center that looks like Sarah's house?

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      There are photos of Heather at the start, running the course, and at the finish line. There's a record of her time throughout the race and both a chip and clock time at the finish.

    2. Anonymous3:09 PM

      2:13 - Link?

    3. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Oh, apologies, 2:13 - the link is already posted above.

    4. Anonymous3:45 PM

      It is not enough to print some words and make it so. Links to info and photos, PLEASE. Otherwise it smells like another Palin hoax. A pitiful one, who goes alone to a Marathon they didn't have proof they trained for between caring for Sarah's children, her own, her jobs, mailings for Sarah, works at hubs business and on and on. It is just too, too sad that Sarah would not showe her sister love and buy her ticket and trip. The sister is so involved with Sarah that she sneaks out of town ALONE? Saddest lone marathon story I have ever heard. How convenient the timing, right after Boston Marathon news trends. Sarah herself writes (or her writer)today she DOES NOT BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCES.

  56. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Okay that explains everything.

    Now we know why Sarah posted so much info regarding Heather watching Sarah's children.

    Is Sarah publicly placing blame onto Heather for raising Sarah's kids?

    Therefore it's Heather's fault the Palin kids received GEDs, broke into houses, cut school brake lines, underage pregnancy, pregnancies before marriage, dropping out of school, sexually active and all the other bad stuff they did?

    See I knew it wasn't Sarah's fault her kids are worthless.

  57. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Anonymous1:04 PM With Sarah being a multimillionaire, wouldn't the sisterly thing to do be to give Heather some money so she doesn't have to work so many jobs in addition to babysitting for the Palin brood?

     Thanks, Sis.

    Hey Anom 1:04, don't try to make Sarah look like a stingy multimillionaire sister. Sarah did try to throw her sister a birthday party along with Todd's Iron Dog celebration.

    What? What are you implying that the cheap bastard tried to get her sister to bake and bring her own birthday cake? Doesn't everybody who is invited to their own surprise birthday party bake and bring their own birthday cakes?

  58. minnie1:41 PM

    The Bristol/Joan Rivers rumor was first published April 1st (joke?) and picked up by a few websites for a couple of days - then ZILCH. Methinks it was a publicity ploy - after all, Bristol has a full-time job running an office, is a single mom, is testing trial daddies night and day .......when would she have the time? Heather might have the time to spare (lol), but not Bristol.

    By the way, scarah started to write to tribute to sister Heather back in February - scarah is very very S L O W and this was the best she could come up with in 2 months. SP -IRS checking the expenditures to your family members? Likely.

    1. Janice2:06 PM

      What office is Bristol running? In Arizona or Alaska.

  59. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Sarah Palin has millions of dollars. Why can't she at least give her sister a bus ticket to Anchorage for a birthday vacation she can't afford? If Sarah loved her sister, a roundtrip bus ticket.

  60. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Luv the "Copulationism" tee.

  61. Anonymous1:59 PM

    The picture above of Sarah Palin looks like the character of the boy named Rocky in the Cher movie Mask.

  62. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Maybe Sarah PAC paid for the trip to New Orleans. That can't be a cheap flight; couple that with hotel and car rental.

  63. Janice2:04 PM

    Can you imagine the Bushes or Clintons or any other millionaire making their child pay for their college? What is wrong with the Palins?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:17 PM

      There aren't enough hours in a day lol

  64. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:10 PM

    Veering somewhat off topic, I meant to post this in the comments the other day--

    I was driving behind a beverage truck in NYC last week. The poster at the link below was plastered on the back, and therefore, in front of my face all the way up Sixth Avenue. I remembered seeing this logo late last summer, and sure enough, when I checked Google images, the article with the pic is dated 7/24/12.

    Hmmm...remind anyone of something?

    If I'm not mistaken, I think that Sarah's Big Gulp show-stopper was in March of this year, no?

    Is EVERY--ahem--clever idea ripped off/recycled for this "leader" to mimic--from Death Panels to the Lamestream Media to the "Liberty Pose"? Just askin'...

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Oh, that's funny! Sure enough, once again the 83 IQ Queen of Quitters can't come up with her own material! Classic, thanks for sharing.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

      How appropriate. Sarah gets her pearls of wisdom from fridge magnets, billboards in Canada and Soda Ban signs on busses.

  65. Anonymous2:19 PM

    It's going to be interesting to see which high school Piper will go to if she goes to high school.

    Will multimillionaire Sarah send her last child Piper to the same Wasilla High School that failed to educate her learning disabled older siblings, Sarah and Todd?

    Piper is Sarah's last chance to get one of her kids into college and diprove that she's a terrible mother who is only concerned with her own image.

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      The bet is Sarah will put Piper in a Arizona high school so she will be qualified to go to college and not have to join the Army, embarrass herself on reality shows or have to shampoo hair for a living.

    2. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Piper currently attends Colony Middle School, which leads me to believe that she will attend Colony High School. Not sure who drives her to school these days but Ma and Pa Heath live in the Colony district, not in the Wasilla district, so I'm assuming that Piper spends most of her time with her grandparents.

    3. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Don't tell me Piper is being treated like Trig.

      Piper sees Sarah during the major holidays.

    4. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Anom 3:01, is this how Sarah launders her SarahPac money back into her family? What's grandma and pa's consultant's name? I'm willing to bet SarahPac pays the grandparents for Piper's housing per diem, transportation, food and living expenses while Sarah hustles her donors. Rill Amerikun parents would ask the grandparents to do it for free but not Sarah, she has SarahPac money to pay this for her.

  66. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Palin is just dumb. When she writes her own stuff she just comes across as all over the place and just simply dumb. I had an argument on another blog the other day regarding how dumb Palin is and he said "you just can't write her off as dumb", but really, when she gets ahold of the keyboard and writes her own stuff her 83 IQ really shines. That woman is simply an idiot and I bet her autistic nephew Karcher has about 20 IQ points on her. More likely that Karcher should be writing a FB post regarding his aunt, the most unlikely VP candidate that this country has ever seen. I'm so happy to see, however, that she is now reduced to just writing her somewhat illiterate paens to her extended family, you know, the ones that raised her kids when she had no time for such trivialities.

    Go Karcher, tell us what YOU know about your blessed auntie and all that you've seen and heard during your life in and around her and her brood of breeders. We'd all love to hear your stories :-)

  67. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Why does Sarah refuse to pay for her children to go to college? Does Sarah believe why should she spend all her money for her children to go to college when they don't have the aptitude to handle higher education? Look at Willow, she last attended high school as a sophomore and skipped her last two years of high school. Sarah then put her into a one year trade school and now Willow is prepared for Sarah to buy her a business.

    Is this what President Sarah Palin would do to educate America's youth? If you drop out of school and save mommy money then mommy will buy you a business?

  68. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Is this the Palin Motto?






    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      You forgot:


    2. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Yeh baby thanks to those idiots who paid for our books, DVDs, speeches and all our other crap we threw together.

      Oh and thank youuuuu Sarah Palin's Alaska Film Tax Credit.

      Couldn't of done it without you.

  69. Anonymous3:06 PM

    "She helps answer my mail and fends off pesky reporters who unfortunately bug her to try to get to me to do more of their bugging."

    BIG hint: where the SarahPAC "postage" expenses go.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Bugs = Crabs. Don't bug me while I'm taking a nap.

  70. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I have a motto for Willow when she opens her new Hair Shoppe. "Best blow job in town!"

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      I thought that was Bristol's motto?

    2. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Bristol's McMotto is "I'll put anything in my mouth. Or between my legs, but only if you buy me the XL fries with my Big Mac Extra Value Meal."

      But Brisket, honey, I'm not sure that worn out poonee is worth 79 cents more. So just gimme the free BJ to go, please.

  71. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Anonymous3:01 PM Piper currently attends Colony Middle School, which leads me to believe that she will attend Colony High School. Not sure who drives her to school these days but Ma and Pa Heath live in the Colony district, not in the Wasilla district, so I'm assuming that Piper spends most of her time with her grandparents.


    In Alaska if a student plays sports and does not live in the school district, does the school forfeit all the games they won because of a ineligible player?

    That's how it is in the lower 48.

    Next question, if Sarah says Piper lives in the Colony district with her grandparents, then who claims Piper on their IRS forms?

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Sarah did post a facebook picture of Piper with a Colony jersey practicing volleyball.

      What's going on here? Is Colony cheating with an out of district athlete?

      Is it legal?

    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      The last time a Palin was sent away from her parents to live with her auntie, it was said that Bristol caught mono for several long long months.

      I hope Piper is okay.

    3. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Did Piper play any other sports for Colony? Are those games forfeited as well?

      What's the rules in Alaska? Are they still playing by the Palin Golden Rule?

      I can do whatever I want until the court says I can't.

    4. Anonymous5:26 PM

      What's next for Sarah's facebook post. Will she be thanking the Heath grandparents for raising Piper like she thanked Heather for raising her kids? Sounds like Sally is the Grandmother Grizzly instead of Sarah being the mama grizzly.

    5. Anonymous5:36 PM

      What's going on here? Is Colony cheating with an out of district athlete?Is it legal?

      No problem, the games will be legalized after Sarah gets her lawyers to contact the Anchorage Police Dept to write the National Enquirer to say nothing illegal happened. Same old story.

    6. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Piper plays basketball at Colony Middle School. The way it works here in the Valley is that you can enroll your child in any public school within the district but you have to take them yourself and pick them up if the school bus service does not include you in their routes.

      That being said, I don't know many children that take buses. They have parents or shared rides that deliver them to school so it would be easy enough for Piper to share a ride or have a parent or sibling drive her and pick her up. Colony Middle is only 12 miles from the Palin home.

  72. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Wife Swap does like to swap opposites. That is why they chose Kate Gosselin with Kendra Wilkerson. I am not a fan of either but watched that show and it was entertaining. I would watch Melissa trying to cope in Wasilla and Bristol living in Melissa's house with Joan Rivers for a week.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Doesn't WIFE swap require one to be a WIFE? How could Bristol qualify if she isn't a WIFE? Is Melissa a WIFE? I'm confused. When I've watched Wife Swap a couple of times, it's a full family, a wife, husband and kids and the wives change places. Has it changed to include single women? Or do they fake the 'wife' part with live in boyfriends? Anybody?


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