Thursday, April 11, 2013

For those of you who are wondering what Levi Johnston has been up to lately. (Beware video contains death of bear.)

Don't worry this does not mean that Levi is again attempting to get a reality television show. In fact from what I was able to gather he was VERY hesitant to participate.

I have to say that after watching this I have a new respect for Levi's prowess as a hunter. The guy knows his stuff, and his instruction to the main protagonist as to how to properly use a rifle, and his attention to safety, was very professional.

You know Tank used to go on and on about Levi's abilities as a hunter, but I never knew if he was shitting me or not.

Apparently not.



  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I'll skip it, thanks. And I can't believe you posted a bear murder video. Levi's sick obsession with killing animals disgusts me every bit as much as Chuckie's sick obsessions with it does.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Murder? You can't murder an animal. You can kill an animal, but it is NOT murder.

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      That bear would do the same to you if it could.

      So would a lobster.

    3. Anonymous8:56 AM

      I recommend that EVERYONE watch at least the first 8-9 minutes (they're just shooting the rifle, no animals) just to see how authoritative and confident Levi is. He speaks well and seems sensible. He has grown up to be a logical guy.

      He does not fit into the Palin tribe's craziness. Tripp is lucky to have him as a father (when he does get to see him).

    4. Sorry, Anon @ 7:49 AM, if you kill an animal with malice -- i.e., torture, cruelty -- it's murder. That's why there are laws against it.

      Bear baiting isn't malicious, it's more a case of expediency, which is (just barely) ethical. And it's legal in Alaska.

    5. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Anonymous7:49 AM

      Murder? You can't murder an animal. You can kill an animal, but it is NOT murder.
      Its murder. If he is not eating the bear of hunting for food it is wanton killing.

      The Native Americans would pray before they hunted and pray to the animal they were hunting and thank it for its gift of life.
      Not laughing about people shitting their pants.
      Disgusting. Alaska's whole obsession with Killing animals is disgusting.
      Its one thing to provide food, but they have target and all the store right by them. There is not need to go "Kill" a animal. Except for sport which is disgusting.
      I would really like to see a bear or wolf rise up with a rifle in its hands and see who shits their pants!

    6. Anonymous11:10 AM

      I 2nd Anonymous 8:56 AM. One should at least watch the first part if curious about the real character of this much-maligned young man.

      He appears to have gained a solid maturity and a genuine sense of responsibility in this rather amusing adventure (aside from the bear, which is another issue).

    7. Anonymous12:13 PM

      I live with a rabbit named Henry and sometimes, when he doesn't want to go back into his cage, he gives me a look and I swear I see murder in his eyes.

      Fortunately I outweigh him by over 200 pounds and he lacks opposable thumbs to handle a weapon.

      I won't even mention the cat.

    8. Anonymous2:06 PM

      KaJo9:25 AM

      Sorry, Anon @ 7:49 AM, if you kill an animal with malice -- i.e., torture, cruelty -- it's murder. That's why there are laws against it.
      Murder is a legal term used for the taking of live of a HUMAN, with intent.
      You CANNOT murder an animal. It is killing an animal.

    9. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Anon 10:21 AM

      I will tell you the same thing.
      Murder is a LEGAL TERM used for the taking of life of a HUMAN, with intent, when not being self-defense, or manslaughter.
      You CANNOT murder an animal.

      YOU CAN kill an animal. BUT murder is the taking of life of a human.

    10. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Anonymous6:33 AM

      You guys need to educate yourselves on this. DO YOUR RESEARCH.

      Murder has nothing to do with animals,
      accept THE HUMAN animal.

      You can kill an animal, but it is not murder.

    11. Anonymous2:33 PM

      "accept the human animal" does that include Sarah Palin? I decline.

    12. Obviously the Anonymous who keeps denying it's possible to murder an animal isn't bothered with the ethics of the matter, only the legal terminology.

      Either that's a sociopathic tendency (hi, Sarah!) or we have a budding criminal defense lawyer here.

    13. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Take your legal terms and shove them. To me the deliberate killing of an animal who is going about its business in its natural environment, and that you don't need the meat from to survive, is MURDER. Period. It's taking the life of a sentient creature to get one's own jollies.

      Killing for fun and testosterone boosting, which is what Levi does, is disgusting. He's a killer. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who kills a sentient creature simply because HE has a gun and the poor animal doesn't, is a murderer.

      And no, the bear would not kill me, 8:51, because I would not seek it out in its environment and give it a chance to. But if it did, it would only be following its instincts, not because it bought a dick extension to show what a big man it was based on how much game it could shoot.

  2. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Using bait is not the trait of a good hunter. It's a cheater.

    I like Levi, but am not on his side with this technique.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Thanks for the clarification. I shall stop tying my own flies. I will toss my fly rod and fly reel in the city dump. Henceforth, I shall jump in the stream and catch Rainbow Trout with my teeth (trout don´t have hands so grabbing them would unsportsmanlike).

  3. Anonymous7:17 AM

    What an opportunity to see the real side of Levi...I am impressed. What an amazing young man. I wish him and his family all the best. Thanks.

  4. Just to be clear I don't advocate the hunting of animals for anything other than to provide food for your family. And I abhor bear baiting.

    But my personal feelings aside, this is a rather interesting insight into the hunting culture up here in Alaska.

    And I also found it interesting that Levi essentially embodies all of the Palin mythology that was so phony about them.

    He really IS a crack shot.

    He really IS a lifelong hunter.

    And after watching this I certainly have little trouble believing that Palin really did go to him to instruct her in how to shoot that rifle stored under her bed.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Gryphen..I think she wanted more than him showing her how to shoot a rifle..ya don't need to go into her bedroom to do that!

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Good for Levi. He is real. I would have him accompany me on any of my Alaska trips. The Palins are posers. Nobody can stand to spend any time with any of them. For those who do not like hunting, I respect your views. Google where some of your protein comes from. How 'bout that last chicken you ate. Can't stand to watch a bear hunt. Watch how the animals you eat are treated and processed before you pick up their parts at "Freds".

    3. Anonymous10:26 AM


      The problem with bear hunting is only a very small percentage of hunters utilize the meat. There is simply no reason to hunt bear if one is not going to eat it

    4. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Actually, with sp3ing black bears, you're required to salvage the meat.

    5. Anonymous12:41 PM

      I don't hunt bears myself, but baiting allows a hunter to see a lot of bears and compare them so you can pick a mature bear to harvest. In some of coastal Alaska, it can be very brushy and hard to see. Baiting bears into a clearing allows you to take an unobstructed shot so you have more chance of a clean kill and you don't lose a wounded animal, or spend the day or more pursuing a wounded bear that is suffering. If all bear hunting was done by chance or still hunting in the brush, there would be more sows and cubs killed, and more wounded bears.

      Baiting shouldn't be used in areas where there are houses, close to towns or near trails with a lot of human traffic. This can cause problems. But in remote wilderness, it's not a bad technique per se.

  5. Anonymous7:49 AM

    This is how people hunt bears in Alaska..they ALL bait them unless they just run across one on a regular hunting or fishing trip. I used to work in a grocery store and hunters used to come in to get the leftover donuts and grease from the deli fryer to use for bear bait..this is what they do. I think it should be changed but good luck with that in Alaska where it's hard to change how people do things and they want to be LEFT ALONE to do their own thing!

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Baiting is used in bear hunting in almost every state that allows bear hunting. It's our tribal way, so don't get too snooty, it just shows you know nothing about hunting.

    2. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Don't think I was being "snooty" as you say....did I say it was ONLY done in Alaska? Did I say I knew about hunting?? Did I say anything against your "tribal" ways?? I happen to be from Alaska and have Indian blood in my veins so you can take your snotty tribal remark and shove it!!

  6. Anonymous8:11 AM

    G -

    OT - There is an article on Huffpo concerning Michelle Obama's recent speech in Chicago. The racist people on there are amazing - they have been bashing her constantly for the past few days. Really sad. I so regret this sort of nonsense is happening to her.

    Pat Padrnos

  7. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Sorry completely o/t but at the pee pond one comment was a fantasy about Obama inviting sarah to attend thatcher's funeral on behalf of the USA!! Omg-head meet desk!

    Another comment wondering if sarah will attend funeral and beseeching the thatcher family to invite scarah and finally put to rest the "rumor" she refused to see scarah!!!!
    LOL seriously-they are so pathetic we really need a new word for how pathetic they are!!

    As if anyone in our government thinks about sp and the thought that the thatcher family would read c4p and call an emergency meeting to send out an invite to scarah is too hilarious for words!!
    Major cray cray over there!!!!!

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Yes...I saw this madness on display this morning...

      "aaron66krohn • 2 hours ago −
      I've seen no word on who will be attending Margaret Thatcher's funeral and/or the memorial service.
      Normally, someone from our government would attend as the official representative from the United States.
      But I'm wondering if Sarah will go.
      NOT as the official US representative.....I doubt Obama would choose her!!....but as an invited guest of the Thatcher family!!
      Sarah going would end once and for all the LIE that Thatcher did not want to meet her!!
      So I implore Thatcher's family and official representatives to PLEASE invite Sarah Palin to the memorial!!
      She would be a dignified and most appropriate person to TRULY represent the United States.....or at least that part of this nation that most reveres Lady Thatcher!!"

      The "cray cray" is strong with that bunch! It's as if they are going completely bonkers like their insane idol Baldy!

      Anyone else notice how unhinged Baldy's FB and tweets have been lately? She sounds like she's having a psychotic break!

      Where is she going with all this ranting and raving?

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Hey..maybe C4P 'ers are a bunch of people in a mental institute. This could be the counselors way of dealing with them, give them their drugs and let them loose on the computer. LOL can't you just picture it all in one room typing away about their idol Sarah!!

    3. Anonymous10:08 AM

      As if the Thatcher family would invite Palin to the funeral. What a riot!! They's be embarrassed to do so, trust me! And, the USA will be represented at the funeral.

    4. Cracklin Charlie11:26 AM

      Those people are out of their cotton pickin' minds!

    5. I'm just picturing the outfit that Half-Gov Dirty Wig would assemble for a solemn occasion ... now a migraine's coming on!

    6. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Gee the last time Sarah attended a funeral of a government official she spent her time locked into her crackberries. Dignified? When has Sarah ever been dignified? My goodness, these people are blind, deaf and dumb to the core.

  8. Levi was finally in his element, and I’m very impressed. Hell, I’m blown away.
    But, the hunting trip I just saw was toy city, and those toys are very expensive. I hope these Alaskan hunters aren’t leaning on women, and taking monies better spent elsewhere.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Sunny is into hunting and fishing just as much as Levi. Lots of Pictures on their Facebook pages having family fun together.

    2. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Disgusting. Really MEN hunt with Camera's!

    3. Anonymous11:54 AM

      What's a really MEN??

    4. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Why do you assume women don't hunt? and a camera doesn't put food on the table.

  9. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I thoroughly enjoyed this clip. Levi knew when to encourage, push, and help an absolute beginner. He is going to be a great father.

    I duck hunt. We ¨bait¨ the ducks by pretending to be ducks with our duck calls. I have no problems with Levi´s bear hunting technique.

    Dayum, this makes me seriously consider hiring Levi as a guide.

    1. Cracklin Charlie11:23 AM

      My dad was a really good duck caller. He also thought that he was really funny; and loved to wake his children up early, when school was out, by calling ducks.

      Then he had to "duck" when we started throwing stuff at him.

  10. I enjoy seeing pictures of Levi's kids so I have him on Facebook. Looks like this stalker, Kristy, is getting really nasty. I'm seeing some angry responses which I assume are from Sunny. She doesn't take that stuff lying down. Too bad they still have to put up with that. Can't they block that kind of thing?

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      I have Sunny and Levi on Facebook also, love seeing the kids..Tripp always looks so happy when he is with Sunny and Levi and his baby sister.

  11. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I enjoyed watching this, thanks for posting it. I would hope if Levi still wants to be a hunting guide that he can find a way to make it happen. For sure, Levi made a better impression on the video than a certain caribou hunt with daddy on not so real TV.

    Levi done grew up into a fine Alaskan man. Here's to wishing him all the best!

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      He is a very nice guy and nothing at all like the guy the Palins tried to project. Far nicer than their klan by a long shot! He's an excellent hunter too and would be a good guide.

  12. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Not sure why he can'f stick to hunting deer.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      You have to travel pretty far from Wasilla to hunt deer. Closest and only type of deer in AK is the Sitka Black-tailed deer and they reside only in Southeast AK, hundred of miles from Wasilla.

    2. Is hunting deer more acceptable to you than hunting bears? Interesting but doesn't make sense.

    3. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Anon @ 10:32 AM, actually, it's not a long trip at all from the Valley to hunt deer. They are also in Kodiak a short flight from Anchorage and in Prince William Sound. So levi could drive two hours to Whittier and launch a boat and within an hour be to one of the islands where deer are located. (Perry, Culross, and Esther Islands) Some people actually run jet skis out to the islands to hunt. Within two hours he could be to Story, Naked,Peak, Elanor, or Knight Islands or on the Mainland near Unakwik to hunt. In 3 to 4 hours he could be to Green, Montague, or Hinchinbrook Islands.

    4. Anonymous12:32 PM


      People eat deer. Very few people eat bear. It is killing for sport and deer are often killed for food. I see a difference there.

    5. Anon 12:32. Where do you live? People eat bears in Alaska.

  13. Something you might feel like commenting on in a future blog post, Gryphen...

    Rand Paul’s Threatened Gun Control Senate Filibuster Completely Flops

    Sen. Rand Paul had promised that if Harry Reid brought legislation to the Senate floor that expanded background checks, he and 12 other Republican senators would filibuster it. Majority Leader Harry Reid brought the Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 to the floor anyway, and with no filibuster in sight, it passed the cloture vote 68-31.

    Most telling is that more Republicans voted for the bill (16) than Paul had in his filibuster coalition (13). Only two red state Democrats voted against moving forward, Sen. Mark Pryor (Arkansas), and Sen. Mark Begich (Alaska).

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Aww, our sweet little Blue Dog Dem strikes again! God I hope some one, anyone runs against Begich. He needs to go.

  14. Nobody actually cares.

  15. Anonymous10:09 AM

    There is zero reason to hunt bear. People hunt these creatures merely for sport, trophy or pelt, not for food. That being said, hopefully Levi is selling the pelt so that he can pay Tripp's child support payments.

    Levi had every reason to be hesitant to make this video and he should have let that hesitancy lead him to NOT take part.

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      F off!! People do eat bear STFU. Why so worried about Levi's support payments, it's not like the kid is doing without anything and is it your business anyway.. BRISTOL?? Willow? Sarah?? Krusty??

    2. Bears are very good to eat actually.

    3. Anonymous1:06 PM

      A large amount of Alaska's tourist business is based on hunting. The high dollar dudes that hunt for sport, trophy, or pelt not for food would seem to boost the economy in areas that would have very little income without that business.

      If I lived anywhere that bears were in the environment, I would assume that I just might be on their menu. After watching Alaska State Troopers, Alaska is one place that I know that I would want to have guns and be proficient using those for personal safety in more ways than one. I would want someone like Levi to teach me to shoot.

      Levi was right in choosing to do this video. The Palins profited in many ways by the result of a teenage screw up. Levi not so much. Pitching a tent with Levi today is a whole different story than back in those old wine cooler days. I think Tripp would have a much better life living with Levi, assuming the boy is really Levi's. Any legit child support payments perhaps should be going to Levi.

      I think I would rather deal with a bear with its back up than that you-know-who mama grizzly or one of her she cubs that have one of their hair extensions up their asses.

    4. WakeUpAmerica1:11 PM

      He should listen to the demented opinion of a mentally ill troll who knows nothing about hunting because...??????

    5. Anita Winecooler6:38 PM

      LOL time for the hip waders!

  16. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Sarah Palin should of hired Levi to train her before she went hunting in Sarah Palin's Alaska. She looked like an idiot missing a non-moving caribou with 5 shots.

  17. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I thought it was a great video. That's life in a hunters world

  18. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Well I guess even Democrats in ALASKA are assholes. What the fuck is up with your politicians, Gryphen? I thought he was 'one of the good guys'? Seems EVERYBODY (but you) is gun crazy as hell up there. He won't even agree to TALK ABOUT IT? WTF???
    Senate agrees 68-31 to debate new gun regulations. Pryor and Begich vote with Republican naysayers

    ...Two Democrats, Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Mark Begich of Alaska, voted with 29 Republicans not to proceed. Republicans who voted in favor were Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Bob Corker of Tennessee, Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, Richard Burr of North Carolina, Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Susan Collins of Maine, Jeff Flake of Arizona, Jon Isakson of Georgia, Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, Mark Kirk of Illinois, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Dean Heller of Nevada, John Hoeven of North Dakota, John McCain of Arizona and Roger Wicker of Mississippi.

    That legislation, S. 649, currently includes three provisions but will be subject to amendments, including the Manchin-Toomey compromise that would expand the scope of background checks on gun buyers but more narrowly than the legislation now calls for. Majority Leader Harry Reid has said that amendment will be the first one to be debated.

    Additional amendments will include those introduced by Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein to ban assault weapons and limit the capacity of ammunition magazines and as yet undeclared amendments from Republicans that can be expected to water down an already watered-down bill.

    Debate could start as early as this week.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Begich has been a Blue Dog Dem ever since he stepped foot in DC. He's just a Republican wearing Dem clothing and I'll vote for ANYONE before I vote for him. I wrote in a Green Candidate last election and will do so again.

  19. Anonymous10:24 AM

    This video is much better than that "Loaded for Bear" one put out recently by a certain grifting PAC.

  20. Anonymous10:27 AM

    It's good Levi got away from the Palin gutter. He's way too smart for them --and normal.

  21. Wow, at first I wasn't going to watch it. (I like my animals alive and free.) But when somebody mentioned you could watch the first 8 or 9 minutes killing...I decided to. All I can say, is that it was a terrific video and really shows what a cool young Alaska guy Levi is. His enjoyment of the whole experience made it fun.

    I got hooked almost immediately and watched the whole thing although I didn't like seeing the bear killed. You can see the first 20 minutes without watching the part where he shoots it.

    I hope this goes viral. It sure shows what phoneys the Palins are.

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Good to hear that my advice helped.

  22. Anonymous1:13 PM

    The guy is funny, and Levi is his perfect foil. Along with the reliable Cisco always in the background. And unseen cameraman. Nice to see something authentic instead of "reality".

  23. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Levi could totally carry a hunting or outdoor type reality show, amirite?
    Chinzilla must be pouting and kicking herself for lsing this guy.

  24. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Gryphen thanks for posting this video. I now look at Levi in a different light. He's alright and I wouldn't have any problems if he was my neighbor. Bristol and Sarah sure did a number assassinating his character. All these years we watched Bristol and Sarah portray Levi as a deadbeat dad which doesn't make sense when you watch this video. He comes across sincere. Wishing Levi, Sunny and their baby a happy life.

  25. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I was going to watch a few minutes out of curiosity but I found myself watching this 'till the end, it was interesting and entertaining, bravo!
    Bristol's show was painfully dull and excruciatingly boring hehe.

    1. Jeanabella4:00 PM

      I totally agree! Love Levi's attitude.

  26. Anonymous1:50 PM

    That video explains everything. Remember how needy, jealous and psycho Bristol was when Levi and Bristol broke up? Bristol was so messed up that she even forbid Levi to have any of his friends that were females near Tripp. Tripp became a pawn in Bristol's war against Levi.

    Deep down inside Bristol was pining and wanted Levi real bad and since he didn't want her, Bristol went out of her way to make damn sure Levi wasn't going to be happy by her talk show appearances, reality show and her memoir.

    To show Levi she was over him and to get even with him, Bristol went trial husband hopping from bed to bed. Immature Bristol went as far as to go out of her way to post pictures of Tripp and her trial husbands like they were a family. Bristol even used stupid Gino and had posted pictures of him kissing on Tripp to make Levi look bad and to make Levi jealous.

    But then DWTS called and reality star Bristol was on her way to Hollywood but Gino was a roadblock to the upcoming Wasilla Kardashian so Bristol dumped Gino some where on the side of the road in Alaska.

    Levi met pretty Sunny which made Bristol bat shit crazy but after Bristol realized there was no way she could come between those two and their baby, Bristol mellowed out a little.

    The damage has been done, Bristol's reality show and book portrayed her to be a vengeful hateful crazy person like her mother which is what kept Bristol from finding a decent man after Levi left her. Any fool could see that Bristol would only be playing them against Levi, well any fool except for Gino.

  27. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Bristol surgically changed her exterior appearance but it didn't work to get Levi back. Levi knows the real Bristol and didn't want any part of that and can you blame him? Good for him, life is too short, why should he have a miserable life with Bristol and Sarah when he could be happy with Sunny?

  28. Anonymous2:05 PM

    LOL, Facebook Sarah is at it again:

    With all that in mind, she decided to finish her high school requirements quite early (WILLOW WAS BEING HOME SCHOOLED AND WOULD OF BEEN A 19 YEAR OLD SENIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL IF SHE DIDN'T DROP OUT IN HER SOPHOMORE YEAR) and enroll in an academy for hair and skin, which allowed her to study abroad (LOL HOW LONG DID WILLOW STUDY ABROAD? A YEAR? TWO YEARS? OR A FEW DAYS?), visit the sets of major media productions, and work with the best of the best in the industry (YEH RIGHT). She’ll be graduated this week with no debt (IS IT BECAUSE MOMMY IS A SCAMMING MULTIMILLIONAIRE?)and a great career ahead of her doing something she loves in a recession-proof industry (everyone needs their hair cut after all!).(HEY SARAH, TRIG LOOKS HOMELESS WITH HIS SHAGGY HAIR AND NEEDS A HAIRCUT. DOESN'T TRIG DESERVE TO LOOK NICE TOO?)

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Study abroad? Oh yeh, give me a break.

    2. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Is Sarah talking about Wild Child Willow who ruined Sarah Palin's image as vp or presidential candidate material?

      The one who was pulled out of school?

      That Willow?

    3. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Sarah you are a multimillionaire. Willow wouldn't have any college debt even if she was qualified to enroll in college.

      That's not why she didn't enroll in college.

    4. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Why is Willow & friends on the Today show????

  29. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Levi put the Palin 'Reality Shows to shame. Levi is a Natural. Sarah and Bristol lost the only real Man who would have been stuck in their Dysfunctional Family.
    Kudo's to Levi for moving on with his life without the Palin distractions. Sunny is perfect for Levi.

  30. Anonymous2:18 PM

    "It’s crucially important today for young people to think about the big picture when making education decisions. And the big picture is the goal of self-reliant business opportunities based on work ethic and not entitlements. One of the reasons I aggressively encouraged vocational training opportunities as governor of Alaska is because they lead to good paying jobs and happy careers. Young people should not be pressured into assuming that a college degree is the only path to employment today."
    -Facebook Sarah

    Sarah your kids need vocational training especially when they have to be home schooled like Willow did for her disciplinary problems as a Sophomore in high school and Bristol getting pregnant in her Junior year of high school. What about Caint Get Right Track? He had his issues too.

    Tell the truth Sarah, is that why your kids never went to college?

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      How much did Sarah's facebook rhetoric cost her SarahPac donors?

      Send SarahPac your best, Sarah is trying to save her mothering image on facebook and it cost money.


    2. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Young people should not be pressured into assuming that a college degree is the only path to employment today.


      Any young person can go on DWTS and DWTS All Stars and make money. Its so easy to get on that show.

  31. Anonymous2:29 PM

    HA HA HA That Sarah can't let anything go. Is that why McCain is afraid to say anything bad about his ignorant running mate?

    Sarah Palin facebook: Back then I was able to work my way through college and pay as I went. I had to go to school part-time some semesters in order to work and intern full-time, so it took me five years instead of four to get my bachelor’s degree, for which I've been roundly criticized by the liberal media (but how many of those critics were shackled in debt after they perhaps gallivanted around the globe with their daddy’s credit card in their backpack before finally finishing college and snagging that gig at MSNBC?).

    Sarah you mentioned it took you 5 years to get your degree because you worked. LOL you didn't mention you had to go to 5 different colleges.

    You belittle college graduates by saying they used their daddy's credit cards. By the way, who paid for Willow's hair school fees? Sure wasn't Willow's unemployed pimp daddy. Willow's daddy is to busy carrying mommy's purse and chasing after prostitutes and Shailey Tripp.

    What an ass.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      I stand corrected. According to Wikipedia, scholastic Sarah Palin went to a total of 6 colleges to get one degree. She had to go to one of her colleges twice.


      College 1. After graduating from high school in 1982, Palin enrolled at the University of Hawaii at Hilo.

      College 2. Shortly after arriving in Hawaii, Palin transferred to Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu for a semester in the fall of 1982,

      College 3. Then to North Idaho College, a community college in Coeur d'Alene, for the spring and fall semesters of 1983.

      College 4. She enrolled at the University of Idaho in Moscow for an academic year, starting in August 1984,

      College 5. Then attended Matanuska-Susitna College in Alaska in the fall of 1985.

      College 6. Palin returned to the University of Idaho in January 1986, and received her bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism in May 1987

  32. Anonymous2:46 PM

    My money is on that Piper Indy Grace Palin (aka PIG Palin)is being pressured to study in school so that Sarah will have at least one child make it to college.

    Sarah Palin's children in college: 0 for 4

    (Caint Get Right, Jay Leno Looking Girl, Hair School Certificate girl, Tri-G)

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Who in their warped little mind would name their daughter with initials that spells PIG?

      Piper Indy Grace Palin (aka PIG Palin)

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Who is Caint Get Right? Is that Sarah's boy she lied about saying that he is a combat vet and it was proven he wasn't?

      Why does Sarah always publicly build up her kids and make excuses for them? Is it really to save her own image?

    3. Anonymous4:27 PM

      I think it's really unnecessary to call Piper a pig just because of her initials. She's just a kid.

    4. Anonymous6:39 AM

      4:27 PM Who gave her those initials? Do the Palins not think about what their kids will have to endure as they grow up?

    5. Anonymous3:44 PM

      it's so much better to be called Piper Diaper on national TV...

  33. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Damn I would just LOVE it if Levi, Sunny and their baby girl had a hunting running a hunting lodge would be great with all kinds of guests coming to stay and go hunting and fishing...Sunny is apparently a very good cook also too. That would just burn the Palin's butts!

  34. I just watched the whole Levi video. I thought the human aspect was great, very funny. I guess I'm just not-shocked about this being about a bear hunt -- although it does seem like the appreciation of hunting a wild bear was wasted on a greenhorn.

  35. Anita Winecooler6:21 PM

    I loved watching this video. Yeah, Levi's knowledge of gun safety and hunting prowess is truly impressive. I'm fine with hunting bear (or any animal) as long as the flesh is used for food.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.