Sunday, April 28, 2013

President KILLS it at White House Correspondents Dinner! Everybody loved it! Well NOT quite everybody.

Okay now THAT was hysterical!  You can see Conan O'Brien's bit here, but for my money the President schooled him in how to do comedy.

I think my favorites were the bangs, the Steven Spielberg video, and the "book burning with Michele Bachmann."

In fact the President is getting huge props for his speech all over the internet. With one notable exception.
OMGD! Does she not realize how petty and middle school mean spirited this makes her look?

Especially since two years ago she crashed several after WHCD parties in a vain attempt to get noticed. I guess THIS year she found that she was persona non grata. (After all two years ago only a few people like Aasif Mandvi detected the smell of desperation, Methamphetamine, and Red Bull on her. But today EVERYBODY is gagged by her stank.)

But that was not enough, she also went to Facebook in what looks to be yet ANOTHER non-ghostwritten rant:

Yuk it up media and pols. While America is buried in taxes and a fight for our rights, the permanent political class in DC dresses up and has a prom to make fun of themselves. No need for that, we get the real joke. 

"Yuk it up?" This is what an adolescent posts on her Facebook page in order to bitch about the girl that just stole her boyfriend away. Even by Wasilla standards this is low class.

By the way she is already being crucified for her remarks.

So I guess she can once again play the victim. Of her own stupidity and pettiness that is!


  1. Cracklin Charlie6:21 AM

    Wow! That is BAD!

    Sore loser, much?

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      I read her tweet out loud to my husband (after reading the historical information behind the tradition of the WHCD which has been going on since 1920) and then there was a pause and he said, "Soooo... she wasn't invited, I take it?" LOL!!!

      Sorry Sarah, everyone can tell what a sore loser you are! You can't hide it!

  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Considering that her ranting is quite childish and cartoonish, I suppose Bugs Bunny would have this to say about dear Sarah...

    "What a maroooon"

    1. Anonymous6:45 AM

      you're right, except that she's really an Ultra Maroon.

  3. Anonymous6:34 AM

    The only one working their ass off in Palin's family is todd doing everything he can to get out of the house.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      And Trig doing everything he can to see his hand in front of his face sans glasses.

  4. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Wow, she can't look anymore jealous and bitter than she does right now.

    She dug her own pit, wallow in it you idiot.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Too bad she has no talent. Otherwise she could be cast in the lead role in the National Touring company's production of 'Wicked'. They'd save a bundle on green makeup.

    2. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Where is Krusty, to remind us that the Palins have no time to read blogs, they are too busy "enjoying life, eating at Applebees, having fun with their extended family"?? $carah must really be bitter about not getting anymore reality shows. Maybe she blames Potus for that, too? Surely it could not be for lack of talent in the family, the fact that their other shows bombed big time?The only time these people work their asses off is trying to find an easy way to make big money with no effort.

  5. Anonymous6:38 AM

    What... the FUCK is she talking about?!? Seriously: throughout all the recent turmoil our country has suffered Palin has only clucked out one anemic, paltry prayer. She's expressed no compassion for the victims, no calls for solidarity or service, not even her patented fill-in-the-blank mad libbed patriotic "servant-hearted" diatribes-- in fact, her only rallying cry was on behalf of the proliferation of murder weapons. But THIS is the crap that ignites her Twitter-indignation? Seriously?? This is the shit she pays attention to?

    1. Anonymous6:46 AM

      thank you for this. it's comforting to know that there are folks like you out there that see the reality of rah-rah's idiocy and dark side. Darth Palin stikes again.

    2. Anonymous7:52 AM


      The media, lamestream or otherwise, is the biggest problem with our country, dontch know. Not hunger, poverty, job creation, govt and big bis corruption, wars, etc.

      Come on, what is killing this country is the bad- or lack of- publicity the quitter queen gets anymore!

    3. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Now that she has lost her well-paid media gig on Fox, she is really bitter.

    4. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Hateful, angry, bitter, jealous, conniving fool. So much for those oversized fake tits, huh?

  6. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Interesting that she is absolutely against health care and a living wage for all of these people working their asses off.

    She made money not by working her ass off but by showing her ass off.

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Federally sponsored health care for OTHER families that is.

    2. vegaslib11:16 AM

      Like her going to Canada to get free health care? She's a hypocritical bitch.

    3. Anonymous12:50 PM

      I'd sure like to know where in Canada to get free health care. Everyone pays to our province of residence, in my case since 1972. Right now it's Medical Services Plan of British Columbia at $66.50/month.

    4. anon 12:50...I am in Manitoba and my health care is free.

  7. PalinsHoax6:41 AM

    Poor, Poor Ol' $crawny. So jealous, jealous, jealous and mad as a wet hen that NO ONE wants to play with her or take her to the WHCD.

    Even hanging a pork chop around her neck, or in Ol' $crawny's case, strapping on a pair of water balloon falsies, is enough to entice anyone to play with her.

    So Ol' $crawny, just pick up your falsies, go home and play One, Two, Three Alairy's with them. They are not good for anything else.

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      I think those ta-tas may be too heavy for the Scrawny Wench to pick up.

  8. Beldar J. Conehead6:49 AM

    Gryphen, don't say I didn't warn you.

    They should have let The Screechy Wretch(tm), self-proclaimed Queen of the Assclowns, ("assclowns"? really??) perform her 'whiny rill common cents/sense conservative grifter' act at the dinner. Seriously, she woulda killed! Comedy gold! Even you have to admit, Mr. Fancy Pants Librul Alaska blogger, that when she has good material written on her hand, she's even funnier than Carrot Top or Andrew Dice Clay.

    Ok, maybe not funnier than, but how about AS funny as Carrot Top?

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      That's true, she has been practicing for it for years

    2. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Well, obviously SOMEONE did not get an invite to the Bush Lie Bury opening, either!

    3. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. It's becoming a long list of "bitch please."

  9. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Sarah is pissed that national media did not publish photos of her new BIG TITS.

    She wore those huge titties to help solicit new donations to SarahPAC.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Agree. The big rack comment, then showing up with DDs; I'm sure she that it would get tons of press---NOT.

      Sarah, they're just not that into you, anymore.

    2. Anonymous12:01 PM

      There's always National Enquirer...

    3. Or Ok or Hello the rag the dysfunctional klan sold bs stories to.

  10. Spoken like a typical teenager who did not get an invite to the prom. Her bitterness is eating her alive. She mocks the Nerd Prom but thinks nothing of going on sleazy reality TV. That's just fine by Palin. What a maroon.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Can't you just hear that nasty-toned whine of a spoiled teenager - "Well, I didn't want to go to THAT dance anyway! It's just STUPID!"

      I work with 5-year-olds who are more mature.

    2. Anonymous1:05 PM

      She must be pissed knowing Gabby Douglas was invited and she wasn't. Just think, Sarah! A seventeen-year-old has gotten more fame, respect, fashion and athletic talent than you've ever achieved in your many miserable years on this earth. Give it up, Granny Grifter, and go with the mom jeans. They're more suited for the image of a wife and mother that you're trying and failing at cultivating.

  11. and yet.....we're all talking about her, aren't we? seems she did it again. instead of talking about the dinner, or President Obama's hilarious speech (yes, I know Jesse started off with the speech but finished with HER twitter and facebook). she has taken over the news cycle again, which is all she cares about. good or bad, as long as they're taking about SP.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Wouldn't quite call it taking over the news cycle. We're about the only ones who like watching this bitch take the bait time after time. She's so easy to own.

    2. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Her puerile attack got the attention of all the wrong people. Perhaps now Babygate is a lot closer to being exposed.

    3. CJWhite8:15 AM

      Isn't that kind of the point to Gryph's site? It is HELLA-fun to mock the Palins! Just saying.

    4. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Kerry, Blogs are not the news cycle. Sarah Palin is a JOKE and nothing more.

    5. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Keeping up with the Quitter's antics are like looking forward to reading Dilbert comic strips. Sarah's good for a chuckle. That's about it.

    6. Anonymous2:05 PM

      The Palins are a soap opera - just have to find out what happens next... waiting for the final episode.... it will be a doozy!

  12. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Hilarious! She wasn't invited!

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      And Christine o donnell was...

  13. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Sarah, I know you are a slow reader,so I am typing this comment as slow as I can.

    Sarah, you are one seriously fucked up person.

    Keep playing with your poop on twitter.

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Typing as slow as I can - pure gold! I can see Palin scratching her head (ass) over that one.

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      "I am typing this comment as slow as I can."

      I don't know who you are, but I love you.

    3. Anonymous8:51 PM

      HAHAHAHAHAHA!! That was Great!!!

  14. Anonymous6:55 AM

    John McCain is soooooooooo proud of her.

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      He isn't mentioning her anymore either. He avoids it as much as possible! She has become a huge liability to him!

  15. Anonymous6:55 AM

    He wasn't joking about being a Kenyan Muslim Socialist.
    Next will be formation of the "American Emirate"

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Whatever, asshole.

    2. majii7:51 AM

      I've never understood why people like you make stupid comments and are afraid to identify themselves. Oh, wait, it's because you know the comment is stupid before you make/write it. Now I get it!!! I'd be ashamed to let anyone know my name, too, if I knew that when I said/wrote certain things, people would be giving me the side eye.

    3. Leland7:59 AM

      You have gone past ignorant. You are even well past STUPID.

      Do you still REALLY believe that birther shit?

      I'll tell you a little secret. It is NOT the candidate who must prove he/she is a born citizen. It is the state from which that person hails. Calling Hawaii's veracity into question now, are we?

    4. Anonymous8:50 AM

      6:55 AM Did you get paid to post that 'slop'? Maybe you should check the Birth Certificates of the Heaths/ Palins, some might be in Canada. That Drunken "I can't get any attention" Skank from Wasilla with the Pimp Husband, 2 Unwed Teen Mothers, and a 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT' worthless drug dealing son has the nerve to use 'WE ARE OUT WORKING OUR ASSES OFF'. Sarah, none of you Wasillabillies Work, and you have NO ASS to work off.

    5. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Hey! Isn’t Hawaii the state Sarah’s dad said she felt “uncomfortable with all those dark people”?

      Now it all makes sense.

  16. Read the comments at the links. Except for the truly delusional paint chip eaters, America is 'so over' $arah. Bush bye.

  17. jcinco7:01 AM

    sounds like a drunk tweet to me. her family really needs to get her some help.

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      she sounds like an angry drunk, lol

  18. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Yuk it up??? Who says that anymore?
    No respectable teenager that lives in the 21st Century would use that term.
    Slang from the 70's.
    She's a has been through and through.

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Well she was in middle school during the 70's. Which is her mental, social, emotional, and intellectual age.

    2. Anonymous7:49 AM

      She reveals her low class mentality or ignorance that adults have formal parties and events by depicting a "prom" to belittle attendees and ridicule them.

      Palin seeks to set up she alone cares about issues but she worked for TLC not for an office dressing like Peg Bundy. She has no gravitas as Rove said.

    3. Anonymous10:27 AM

      For a 'journalism major' $creech can't even use pronouns correctly.

      It should be "their" asses, not "our" asses.

      What a total lo$er.

  19. Anonymous7:13 AM

    "So I guess she can once again play the victim. Of her own stupidity and pettiness that is!"

    Imagine this stupidity and pettiness playing the Vice President.

    Incomprehensible or In SP vocab "Uncomprehendable"

  20. Anonymous7:14 AM

    "Palin said she is participating in outside events, like this weekend's Alfalfa Club dinner, strictly to promote Alaska's interests as its governor.

    "The Alfalfa dinner, yes, in fact that's because President Obama is scheduled to be there," Palin said. "And how often will I have an opportunity to have dinner with the president? I will take up that offer to do so.""

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      The Alfalfa Club is a Washington, D.C. social organization that exists only to hold an annual banquet on the last Saturday of January.[2] The club's membership, which numbers about 200, is composed primarily of American politicians and influential members of the United States business community, and has included several Presidents of the United States. The group's name is a reference to the plant's supposed willingness to do anything for a drink.[2]

      Mrs Palin only attends SERIOUS DC dinners. During the deepest part of the largest recession since THE depression.

    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      To represent Alaska's interests? Does she have a friggin' clue that Alaskans don't want her representing us? She nothing more than an ugly, evil, jealous, ridiculous woman that happens to be from Wasilla, AK. Most of their residents don't like her representing them either!!!!

      The Palins don't even show their faces much in Wasilla let alone Juneau and Anchorage. They know they are disliked!!!! They hide!

  21. Hi, kids! Gryphen, this just made my Sunday morning. I really needed the laugh. Thanks.

    Over at the pee pond they've convinced themselves that Sarah's party crashing two years ago was strategic genius and not a bid for attention and glory.

    Check out this charming photo from one of the 2011 after parties (courtesy of c4pee via Gryph's link to National Memo):

    They look so lifelike!

    Also2 one of the Einsteins at the pond thinks Sarah coined the word "assclown".

    1. Anonymous10:25 PM

      Is that the time (well, one of the times) she was flopping around in heels that were way too big for her? Just so trashy.

  22. AJ Billings7:17 AM

    The horrific reek of jealousy spews forth from the lunatic Wasilla harpy.

    Let's hope that the criminal actions of her purse carrier Todd and his prostitution gig get him arrested.

    The schadenfreude will be delicious

    $arah's crimes are festering too, the only question is which one brings her vibrant life to a pair of shackled handcuffs first

  23. Anonymous7:23 AM

    She is pathetic.

  24. Anonymous7:27 AM

    The President was fantastic. I was dying laughing. I especially loved his bangs and the Steven Spielberg "Obama" movie bit.. Obama as Daniel Day-Lewis playing Obama. Conan was great too.

    I could watch last's night WHCD a gazillion times.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      I, too, loved it - always watch the show annually. My favorites were the 'bangs', bashing FOX and his final speech. I'm so glad I voted for these guy TWICE!!!!

      He truly is one cool dude - ALWAYS steady on his feet and it drives FOX and the Republican friggin' nuts!!

  25. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Love it! Palin bashing the prom cuz she couldn't get a date!

  26. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I beg to differ with you, Gryphen. I don't think that Sarah had a ghost writer for those tweets. She wrote that crap herself. "The rest of American is working our asses off....." That is an example of bad writing, and it should make people wonder if she really got a degree in journalism, or anything else. Yuk it up? Actually, everyone was laughing because those jokes seemed to get a lot of laughs. Sarah is like the Glenn Close character in "Fatal Attraction," saying, "I will not be ignored."

    1. You might want to read what I wrote again.

    2. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Gryphen did fine....this is what he said EXACTLY:

      But that was not enough, she also went to Facebook in what looks to be yet ANOTHER non-ghostwritten rant:

  27. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The rest of America is out there working OUR asses off????

    She doesn't work. Who is this "we" ???

    She really doesn't understand the concept of irony, does she?

    And grammar really is not her friend at all.

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Sarah nor Todd, nor the three older kids work at any job.

      "OUR" obviously does not include the lazy, grifting Palin family

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Sarah 'WORK'? Give me a friggin' break! She ran Wasilla into the hole as Mayor, quit as Alaska governor, had a job as a 'sports announcer' on Channel 2 in Anchorage and was fired/let go, quit serving on a Board that Gov. Murkowski appointed her to.....and, it's been proven that Todd actually did the majority of the work when she was serving as Alaska's governor for the short time she did before quitting. That is HER history of 'WORK' .

      SHE IS PATHETIC!! She has no clue what 'work' actually means or includes. It takes commitment!! She flunks in everything she touches - being a wife, mother, christian, etc.

  28. Anonymous7:41 AM

    lol, no one caught the big gulp in the feature film w/kevin spacey?? I was howling over that one!!

  29. Anonymous7:42 AM

    We have a couple of choices here. Either Palin is like the jealous high school girlan who didn't get asked to the prom or she has just expressed her false outrage in order to get attention. Either way, it looks childish and reminds me of the kid who throws a tantrum to get noticed.

    If public reaction is really bad, then Palin will tell people that it was a joke. Except for the fact that there were two tweets and a Facebook post. That's not brilliant. That's a desperate plea for attention.

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      There isn't much positive being said about Sarah Palin anymore. Thank God. She is such an idiot and absolutely has no shame. What a horrid example she is to her kids! Cannot imagine having a mother (in name only) like this bitch. No wonder Todd goes elsewhere. Can you even imagine bedding this horrible woman? She's all out for Sarah and no one else! Ugly inside and out!!!!

    2. Now we know where tripp and the rest of her dysfunctional kids get their filthy mouth.

  30. majii7:44 AM

    How many times can Palin repeat the same lies? If any human being is an example of a one trick pony, she's it.

  31. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Wah,Wah, poor cock-eyed baby, nobody wants you. Perhaps you can be the guest of honor at the local KKK convention this year. Better yet, how about the annual PIMP and HOAH's ball. I'm sure that you will be a great hit there.

  32. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Wow. If I woke up on a Sunday morning and discovered I'd tweeted and posted this kind of petty, whiny sour grapes I'd be embarrassed as hell... but Sarah has no shame. No doubt that she's proud, which is partly why she's such a fun train wreck to watch!

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      She can't see it she is right and everybody else is wrong. A hateful, pathetic, woman!

  33. Anonymous7:52 AM

    This is what happens when you mix meth and Twitter.

  34. Anonymous7:52 AM

    House of Nerds ---> House of Cards Spoof

    Maybe Sarah is jealous she wasn't part of the Big Gulp skit?

  35. Anonymous7:59 AM

    The comments here are good:

  36. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Who the hell does she thinks she is? She holds no political office, nor has any position teaching, researching or analyzing policy. She serves on no boards. She doesn't even have an occasional guest appearance on Fax anymore where she offered whatever opinionated rant she passed off as political commentary.

    She is a waning celebrity who begs for donations which she largely spends on her own lifestyle.

    She has become nothing more than the punchline of her own joke, only she doesn't seem to get it.

  37. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn8:04 AM

    Drunk tweeting? Meth tweeting? Blind with rage tweeting? Too much MSG from Crunch Wraps tweeting? All of the above?

    That poor, stressed-out fridge must look like the surface of the moon today.

    Hey, Palin Worshippers! Could it be your Rogue Outsider Queen is a TEENSY bit jealous of "Libs" and DC insiders? Or is this just another brilliant step in her ultimate plan to gain control of the WH?

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Should have swallowed my coffee before I read your last sentence. Palin 1 Keyboard 0

  38. Leland8:06 AM

    Hhhmmm. Correct me if I am wrong, please, but hasn't the WHCD been happening for DECADES? And isn't it typical for the jokes to flow like water? And hasn't it been primarily REPUBES who have been hosting it for how many decades? And hasn't it been primarily Repubes who have been making this economy weaker and weaker?

    And isn't it she who is responsible for destroying the Repubes' chances at the WH for untold years to come?

    Now THAT is a joke!

  39. Anonymous8:08 AM

    The whcd is a 99 year old tradition you jealous skank and the purpose of the event is to raise money for scholarships. Winners of scholarships were introduced at the start of the event-were you out scoring your meth idiot?
    Of course scholarships mean nothing to you as you so obviously eschew education but millions of young people in this country actually do work hard to win one so they can further their education.

    If you find this event so insufferable then why did you watch it-as evidenced by your very own words?
    This century old American tradition held on a Saturday night REWARDS hard workers!! You on the other hand have no idea what hard work is, what personal achievement is, what learning is nor what class and grace is you crazy lunatic!

    Crawl back under your rock- you are sliming up the cyber world. You are such an emotional jeehadist skank!!!

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Agree with 'jealous skank" but the "raising scholarship money" part? Window dressing. Please correct me but the last I heard $132,000 was raised last night. SERIOUSLY? For a large percentage of the people there, that amount is pocket change. I am SO not impressed. Cake sales raise more money than that. Each of 16 students got $8,000. BFD. That will buy them another half of a semester.

      This dinner is a total fraud. Why don't they just call it the schmooze fest that it is?

    2. Anonymous9:08 AM

      you should have stopped with the "agree with the "jealous skank" part 8:42.
      yes, the event is for raising money for scholarships and if you knew anything about fund raising you would know that someone puts on a big party so the attendees reach into their pockets.

      the event didn't always raise money for sholarships so the fact that the organizers have now included that is a good thing. yes it is funny and fun and there is a red carpet and celebrities but the fact that money is raised to help with higher education is a positive and not to be scorned.

      cynical much?

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Scholarships! And Willow had to work her butt off appearing in a couple of lame TV reality shows to get the money to go to hair school. (Actually, if you keep track, Willow spent about two years in high school and two years in hair school. She is 18 years old). Those scholarships must fry Sarah's butt. She had to go to school for 5 years, and she still can't write.

    4. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Math isn't your strong suit is it?
      $8,000 x 16 = $128,000.
      That leaves $4,000, using your total "take" of $132,000 for the event.

      92% went to the scholarships.

      piss off with your fake poutrage.

    5. Anonymous7:47 AM

      I have 2 daughters attending out of state universities. I use every bit of scholarship money to help defray the cost. I wouldn't turn my nose up at even $100 from the local pta.

      Stuff your outrage.

  40. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Sarah palin the emotional jeehadist who hates America and it's traditions!

  41. Olivia8:25 AM

    Hey Sarah, was it just as pathetic when you were there with your stained clothing and filthy stinky hair?
    Nothing like being so obviously jealous like an 8th grader who didn't get invited to the spring dance. "I didn't want to go anyway; what a bunch of losers!"

  42. Anonymous8:27 AM

    It's like being ignored by the RNC all over again. The people who run things have decided she's irrelevant and she'd better get used to not being invited to anything important any more. I'm telling you, she'll go down hard because narcissists don't do well with stuff like this. She needs attention. If she can't get adulation, then she'll settle for infamy, which will make for a lot more lashing out at the morons who made her possible. That will eventually get old and they'll find better ways to put her to pasture.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Fingers crossed.

  43. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Love the fact that. All anyone is doing is posting what she said and then letting the comments flow! She is so transparent in her envy and jealousy that no one even needs to include talking points. Her behavior speaks for itself.

    Seaopee defends her attending the after parties a few years ago by saying things are different now. Yep they sure are! The economy is better and our president got a second term and oh what else? Oh yeah- the idiot skank is feeding off the bottom of the pond without hope of ever making back to the top!!! Every word she tweets is another nail in her political coffin!!!ding dong the witch is dead!

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      I went to the peepond and thought they are assclowns for trying to defend Palin. It must be the hard work PettyPalin is referring to. I find it really hard to believe that those are real people. I think it's Palin's postage that pays for those comments.

  44. Anonymous8:30 AM

    And this example of poor grammar, immaturity, middle-school pettiness, and jealousy comes from the person who was one old, four-time cancer survivor's weak heartbeat away from the White House.

    I shudder to think...

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      poor grammar, from a journalism major?

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      8:58 I'm not sure she obtained a degree (Idaho). I think it was put out there by the McCain group to make her appear educated as to how she was coming across. None of the instructors remembered her which indicates to me she never graduated, much less attended. We never saw a copy of her diploma - much the same for the kid (birth certificate) that she didn't birth.

      And, remember how McCain said she was an 'energy expert'. That made Alaskans laugh from one of their state to the other. The pipeline that she said was under construction - it wasn't and still isn't!!!!

      Liar and fraud is all she is!!!!

  45. Anonymous8:33 AM

    If she hadn't been such a hate-filled, selfish person, I would feel embarrassed for the spectacle she is making of pathetic herself. But she deserves all the mocking that comes her way.

  46. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Didn't those assclowns Todd and Bristol palin attend the whcd last year or the year before? Those palins really are such assclowns!

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      I just recently heard the word assclown used in some TV show rerun and I liked it, thought who would I consider an assclown and the first person I thought of was the Fraud Queen. I was looking forward to posting something here calling her an assclown sometime down the line. My guess is she read something written about herself somewhere where she was referred to as an assclown (because that fits her to a T). With her narcissistic projection, she was waiting for the perfect time to use it too and just couldn't wait, had to blurt out a twitter and seized the opportunity.

  47. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Sarah Palin steps up to the challenge once again. Whenever I start to forget how horrified I was at her nomination for Vice President, Sarah bleats a tweet, burps a facebook post or farts out an irrelevant speech to remind me how much I LOATHE John McCain's treasonous choice.

  48. Anonymous8:45 AM

    First no invite to the RNC, unheard of for the former vp candidate. Then kicked to the curb by Faux. Now this. Sarah, they're just not into you anymore. Accept the reality of the situation and move on. Infomercials or revival tent evangelist seem the only option left open to the wannabe.

  49. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Sista Sarah is mad because Obama doesn't even acknowledge her existence, let alone mention her name.
    That's why she does all that screeching, she doesn't like to be ignored.

  50. Anonymous8:52 AM

    The shrieking tundra shrew from Wasilla needs to be duct-taped to a sturdy chair and permanently warehoused in an underground bunker.

  51. Anonymous8:58 AM

    She's pissed because she was sent an invitation but it was dated was NEXT weekend, May 4. Until she saw it on the TV she didn't realize she'd been duped :-)

  52. Dinty9:00 AM

    The President has broken his usual "too cool to respond" policy to Ms. Palin's jabs and has offered this response:

  53. Anonymous9:03 AM

    She's still pissed she got blocked:

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      9:03 thanks for posting that photo. It's one of my all time favorites of any genre, but especially Sarah Palin photos. She should have taken the hint. The STRONG hint given by Lieberman.

  54. Anonymous9:06 AM

    It doesn't sound like she's walking the walk of her vibrant life preaching - sounds more like she's holed up in her house taking cheap shots at anyone who is living their out their political and journalist career lives.

    For a woman with a precious gift (precious Trig) and a house full of children, grandchildren, and great Alaskan frontier life, she doesn't sound very happy, or vibrant, or thankful, or enjoying her bounty and blessings. If I didn't know better, it sounds like all that hot air about healthy competition, Amendments Rights, great family and outdoor family lifestyle isn't fulfilling her enough.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Talk about someone who hasn't moved on with her life. She is one bitter, angry, evil woman inside and out. To hell with her!!

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      She is starting to look like one of Todd's old worn out condoms.

  55. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Let’s talk about the real reason why Palin threw her little tantrum. She is jealous. There was a big spotlight shining, and she wasn’t invited. The fact that President Obama was a featured speaker sent her bitterness into overdrive.

    Sarah Palin is so bitter, jealous, and angry that she attacked a charity event because she wasn’t invited to be the star. After all, how is she supposed to continue to stalk President Obama if she can’t even get in the door?

    Palin is a nobody, and it is eating her up inside. You know she watched the WHCD hoping that somebody would mention her name, but no one did.

    The world has moved on, but Sarah Palin is still bitter, angry, and unable to get over 2008.

  56. Anonymous9:10 AM

    It's fun to watch Sarah Palin's teenage-like behaviour. It's amusing when someone so evil is her own worst enemy. Once again, thank you Sarah!

  57. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Sarah Palin Apparently Thinks Todd Palin And Bristol Palin Are ‘Assclowns’

    Man, people just hate a party that they weren’t invited to! You can chalk Alaska Gubernatorial Resignee and Presidential Ticket Neck Anchor Sarah Palin up in the “I hate #nerdprom!” column, if her tweets are any indication. Palin bashed this year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner as “pathetic,” and its attendees as “assclowns,” which means, by extension, that husband Todd Palin and daughter Bristol Palin must also be colonic comedians of a sort, since both have attended the dinner in the past. Palin herself skipped the 2011 dinner, but hit the pre-and-post parties, which would make her, what, an assclown groupie? Palin even had Rachel Maddow make her a drink at the (GASP!) MSNBC party:

    How’d that Kool-Aid taste, Sarah? Apparently, a lot better than the bitter taste of irrelevance.

    This bit of media-baiting phoniness is just the latest in the former future vice president’s slow-motion plunge, from conservative superstar to disappointing footnote. As usual, Palin wants to have it both ways, but you can’t whine about the press letting them eat cake when you’ve got flecks of dried buttercream in your hair.

  58. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I love seeing our President in this setting. He can take the jokes and assuredly can throw them back out there. And, he has a terrific sense of humor!

    Whatever Sarah Palin adds to this is pure crap. We all know that idiot has absolutely zero sense of humor. No wonder she doesn't survive in any setting!

  59. Anonymous9:19 AM

    This is so transparent that it is embarrassing --even for Palin. Where would she have been last night if her presidential ambitions had been fulfilled ??? She is on the outside looking in, and struggling mightily to remain relevant to the DC political scene. Her group of supporters is shrinking daily.

    This is somebody who very clearly cannot stand being forced out of the limelight. SHE was not invited to the dinner or to the RNC convention, and was let go by Fox-- who takes on every failed GOP politician without qualifications. Is there a clearer explanation for her motive here?

    This is just sour grapes, from a politician who is on the outside looking in. She did not win election in '08, and is blamed by many in the GOP for McCain's loss. Palin also was recently fired by Fox--- so who do you think she wants to target for retaliation?? The media and Washington political establishment that she is currently estranged from.

  60. Anonymous9:27 AM

    she's getting worse in her mad scramble to achieve some level of relevancy now that she is no longer a paid mouthpiece for fox news. her "twit" sounded like some low-life trailer trash rant tee'd off because her pumplin was not going to turn into a coach or the mice in her trailer would never turn into her groomsmen.

    she is right on one thing: it's hard work being a celebrity when all you have to offer is a string of profanity that includes the word "assclown".

  61. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Here's a good comment from the National Memo's comments:

    Olivia • an hour ago

    Wasn't that the same evening where her clothing had visible stains on it and it was observed that she was severely in need of a shower?

    normandyso Olivia • an hour ago

    Your memory is altogether too good!!

  62. Anonymous9:29 AM

    C'mon, is there anyone more pathetic than Sarah Palin. A vapid vacuous twit who was thrust into the public spotlight by a senile old senator from Arizona who, for some reason known only to Alzheimer patients, thought she would be a good vice president. The only thing more pathetic than her are the brain dead people who think she has something of value to offer. She is the saddest commentary on America AND our media, for the non stop coverage of nothing, that I have ever seen.

  63. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Proving yet again that she's just no-class trailer trash.

  64. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Isn't assclown a term Shannyn Moore has always used? $arah, are you using one of your favorite blogger/radio hosts words? ha ha ha ha

  65. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Greta gave her BFF, Sarah Palin and stupid followers the middle finger. LOL!

    A note about the WHCD (White House Correspondents Dinner)

    It seems many of you may not have all the facts:

    The White House Correspondents Dinner is NOT at the White House. It is at a hotel in DC.

    It is NOT paid for by taxpayers. Those who attend the dinner pay (news organizations pay for tables.)

    It is a CHARITY EVENT and money is given to scholarships.

    Each year the sitting President and his wife are the guests of honor. Frankly, most Presidents would probably prefer not to go but it is a tradition.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      I guess Greta isn't her BFF anymore. Watch out Greta, you are on Sarah's revenge list now. Any bets on how long before Sarah gets even?

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Greta didn't go either. But Scalia was sitting with Bill O'Reilly..nice huh?

    3. Anita Winecooler7:29 PM

      It's that good old scientology cult, with Greta's connections, Sarah could have gone on the arm of Tom Cruise, Kirstey Alley, or even John Travolta.

      Ouch, with bff's like Greta, Sarah can't even finagle a date with an ass clown while wearing her ass hat hairpieces. Wow, Billo and Scalia made it, and even Callista and Newtie. She got her helmet soldered tight for the occasion.

  66. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Revisit Stephen Colbert’s full White House Correspondents Dinner speech in all its glory below, via C-SPAN:

  67. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Gryphen, she's been crucified here too:

    Sarah Palin Apparently Thinks Todd Palin And Bristol Palin Are ‘Assclowns’

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      one commenter said:
      "And she looked like she'd been in a food fight when she showed up later at the MSNBC afterparty. The picture above with Rachel Maddow doesn't show it, but Palin dribbled food on the hem of her jacket earlier, and sashayed around that evening looking sloppy and poorly dressed. Take a close look at her shoes. They're about 3 sizes too big."

      I looked at the photo link-- I'm not 100% certain it's FOOD stains on that black dress (pardon while I go vomit at the mental image)

  68. Anonymous9:42 AM

    She needs to dress/speak/write/act like a grownup!

  69. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Sarah reminds me of a monkey sitting in a cage throwing its feces at the viewers. Everyone is pointing and laughing, and the monkey thinks it's getting attention. But the people will walk away shaking their heads and rolling their eyes at the pathetic cry for help.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      This comment made me laugh out loud just now :)

    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Now that is the very definition of "assclown"

  70. Anonymous9:51 AM

    She's like a dirty little street urchin from a Dicken's novel, standing outside of the grand manor, rubbing the dust off the window with her grubby little hand, staring with longing at the festivities she is no longer part of.

    She chose to go "other" when she finally realized she wasn't intelligent enough to be a part of the "permanent political class" that she now scorns. She was given a "lesson plan" by her handlers and whether she was too lazy to study, or simply unable to learn, she now finds herself politically dead.

    She paid consultants millions to craft and polish her persona, but she didn't hold up her end of the bargain and she's the same ignorant, provincial know-nothing that she's always been. She could have possibly "been a contender" but she chose to simply be a loud and ignorant mouthpiece for the fringe right, too stupid for even Fox News and now relegated to the realm of social media.

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      I like your analogy to a street urchin from a Dicken's novel. Very funny and perfect too.

    2. Anonymous6:55 PM

      She's like a very obvious Uriah Heep.
      M from MD

  71. Anonymous9:51 AM

    No wonder she wasn't invited, the last time she showed up she had her dinner all over herself!

  72. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Sarah was never WHCD material. She was always Greta's sideshow. Bristol, OTH, was invited.

    Ouchie, ouchie, ouch, ouch!

  73. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Sucks being the former prom queen no one looks at any more.

  74. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Dressing up and making jokes at CPAC = Patriotic.

    Dressing up and making jokes at WHCD = Pathetic Assclowns.

    Hypocrisy, thy name is Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Especially since that CPAC thing consumed 3 whole working days when rill Americans were out working their butts off and WHCD was a Sat nite when most of us were enjoying a well deserved weekend respite.

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      And CPAC raised money for the RNC while bashing elected officials. The WHCD is a scholarship event, and the jokes are just that..jokes. See, Sarah, at CPAC, the speakers ARE the joke.

  75. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Her increasingy screechy pleas for attention are rather sad, aren't they.

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      I agree, poor Sarah didn't get invited and had to tweet something stupid to get herself noticed.

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      When you feed her comment through the custom BS-translator, it reads: "I'm angry I wasn't invited and struggling with my own irrelevance so I'll throw a hissy fit on the internet."

  76. Anonymous10:47 AM

    She's getting zero coverage - I love it!!!!! Go to hell Sarah Palin and stay there!

  77. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Sarah take a big gulp and a reality check. The definition of ass clown from the very current source The Urban Dictionary: Ass Clown One, who, through the fault of his parents conception is a skid mark in society's collective underwear. There were a lot of stained undies when you were vetted after your selection in 2008.

    When you were studying journalism, wasn't there a copy of The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage in your book bag? Sarah, you are the Ass Clown of of modern media. Fox News, home of yellow journalism, had to clean out their underwear drawers when they sent you packing.

  78. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I get so much pleasure from watching that bitch slowly go down in a ball of flames.

    1. Olivia3:46 PM

      I think even the ball of flames is doused already. It's more like a steaming pile of shit now.

  79. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Poor Sarah Palin. Her jealousy knows no bounds and is so childish. Obviously no one from Fox invited her to the WHCD. Someone needs to rein her in - seriously.

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Roger Ailes told Palin to keep quiet after the Tucson shootings, and she didn't listen to him then. She was given talking points for her appearances on Fox and she wandered all over the place. They tried to rein her in when millions were at stake, and she couldn't cooperate. Going Rogue during the McCain campaign? That turned out well, too.

  80. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Poor Palin... increasingly irrelevant AND not invited to the WHCD. She must be getting desperate if she's resorting to hissy fits on Twitter.

    Also pretty funny that she's huffing and puffing about an event that's been occurring since 1920.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Well, and one that her husband AND Bristol attended in past years, and it wasn't asshat then. Her language is SO becoming for a grandma too, isn;t it? It is any wonder her grandson calls his mother a bitch?

  81. She is so pathetic. Such transparent sour grapes.

    You can be sure if she was invited, this tweet would be a 180 on everything except criticism of the President. On that she is consistent and unwavering.

  82. jcinco1:01 PM

    bitter, deranged shrew.

  83. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Her FB profile lists her occupation as a 'politician'. This is an insult to assclowns everywhere.

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      The Washington Speakers Bureau lists her as "entertainer."

    2. Anonymous3:33 PM

      They should show her as a 'jokester' - that is ALL she is capable of being! She cannot entertain and she assuredly isn't a politician - she ran Wasilla into debt as their mayor, quit as Alaska's gov and lost as VP in a national election (thank god!!!). Plus, she has proven to be unethical, a liar, fraud, horrible wife (had affairs), mother (juvenile kids - pregnant out of wedlock, etc.) and a horrid example of a woman to the world!

    3. Anonymous5:56 PM

      I figured out the propensity of Palin women to get pregnant before marriage. They are just emulating the Virgin Mary. So Sally found a Joe, and Sarah did too. Track thought HE was Joseph, but his Mary bailed. Brissy is still looking for her Jospeh, unless she's holding out for God. And Willow hasn't been anointed as of yet.

    4. Anonymous8:56 PM

      5:56 PM Willow has been annointed, when do the Palins ever admit pregnancies, unless it is a Fake Pillow Stuffed Pregnancy after 'TUBAL LIGATION'?

  84. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Give her some slack. She's just upset because she had this cool speech prepared; all about Big Gulps and her rack and death panels, and then no one invited her. So the only way she could get attention was to tweet about "assclowns".

    Shorter Palin: Notice me! I said "assclowns"! Did you notice I said "assclowns"?!

  85. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Really, BITCH!!! If only they could work hard like you doing standup with a Big Gulp! When are you working, BITCH?? Flying your dirty ass to Vegas to repeat the same lies you've told over and over for years is not WORKING! You've never done a goddamn thing for anyone but yourself and your no-class family. FUCK YOU!!!

  86. This is an old post from 2009 about the insufferable bitch. Does it sound familiar?

    170 Fans
    11:36 PM on 02/01/2009
    The lady dines and wines while Alaskan rural communities freeze and starve, and anti-palin bloggers receive death threats for exercising freedom of speech...

  87. Anonymous3:27 PM

    As the years pass, with Palin continuing to spread her same hateful crap, those responding about her do so in more angry thoughts. I include myself in that category as I DETEST the bitch/idiot!

  88. Anonymous3:27 PM

    And yet, when George W. Bush made the video about 'looking for those WMD' was soooo funny, right Sarah?
    George was seen in the video looking under tables, behind curtains...saying 'those weapons of mass destruction have to be around here somewhere'... All the while, true American heroes were dying in Iraq and Afghanistan over those same 'WMDs.'
    Conservatives thought that was soooo funny and never uttered a peep of discontent about that....
    Pathetic bunch of cretins, creeps and seriously mentally challenged bunch those Christian conservative Republicans are...

  89. Anonymous3:28 PM

    She is the furthest thing from being a 'christian' woman. There is nothing godlike about her....she's pure evil and has a place in hell awaiting.

  90. To be fair, "Yuk" is what I'm thinking everytime I see or hear about her.

  91. To be fair, "Yuk" is usually what I'm thinking everytime I see or hear her.

  92. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I looked up Assclown in my dictionary, and there was a picture of Sarah Palin.

  93. Anita Winecooler7:36 PM

    The potus struck the right tone and delivered some of the best barbs of his administration.
    Sarah, not so much. She got her tits caught in a wringer, over what? Not being relevant anymore.

    Conan donated his speaker fee to a scholarship fund

    Sarah donated what? Ice to Eskimo's?

  94. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Hey Sarah when will we all see the video of Todd Palin having sex with a man? We know that he has been there.

    1. Anonymous2:13 AM

      In fairness to Todd, he thought he was doing Sarah

    2. Anonymous4:21 AM

      He sure does enjoy riding his snowvibrator.

    3. abbafan1:58 PM

      Q - Why did the Toad pull his mom jeans down? A - Because he heard the snowblower coming!

  95. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Sarah Palin wants the world to know how much she hates Roger Ailes for sacking her.

  96. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Yes Sarah, the Palins are definitely working their asses off.

    Bless her evil heart.

  97. Anonymous2:12 AM



    "Let’s talk about the real reason why Palin threw her little tantrum. She is jealous. There was a big spotlight shining, and she wasn’t invited. The fact that President Obama was a featured speaker sent her bitterness into overdrive.Sarah Palin is so bitter, jealous, and angry that she attacked a charity event because she wasn’t invited to be the star. After all, how is she supposed to continue to stalk President Obama if she can’t even get in the door?Palin is a nobody, and it is eating her up inside. You know she watched the WHCD hoping that somebody would mention her name, but no one did.The world has moved on, but Sarah Palin is still bitter, angry, and unable to get over 2008."

  98. Anonymous3:45 AM

    What a low class POS she is!

  99. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Some smuck loser named Robert Baranda posted this on Sarah Palin's facebook


    If this is your father, brother, uncle or cousin, tell him to get a life.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.