Sunday, April 28, 2013

The House of Nerds parody is not to be missed!

Okay they totally mocked the hell out of a certain crazed half term wingnut living by a dead lake with those Big Gulps. (Is that enough clues?)

Here's the thing, Palin wants to be talked about, but the ONLY way she gets mentioned is as a punchline. Which, in turn, makes her CRAZY with jealoussy.

And that, by the way, is essentially what we at IM predicted over three years ago. I have to admit, it is not often that one of my predictions hist so close to home.

By the way just in case people have forgotten that once upon a time Palin damn near threw herself at out POTUS, here is a reminder of how she was vag-blocked.

Forever DENIED!


  1. I’ll forgive a lot from Lieberman just for that one move.

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM


      But what are 'Bug' Gulps?

      G-Man, you might want to reread your post, your fast typing puts a number of words upside down and backwards.

    2. Me too. :D

      I think you're right, Gryph, that Sarah thinks the Big Gulp references were all about her. I doubt it, however. I think they were merely poking fun at Bloomberg. I can't see these folks giving Palin one moment's thought.

    3. Agree! They aren't thinking about the insufferable bitch. Never have.

  2. Anonymous10:32 AM

    That look on her face is pure obsessed psycho fan. Scary!

  3. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I love Obama! He can laugh at himself and his comic timing is fabulous!

    Can’t say as much for the half-wit half-term quitter. And, remember when she called herself a lame duck? She hadn’t even completed one-half of her first term. Again, she is so obviously uneducated, ignorant and not particularly self aware. Adds up, huh Sarah?

  4. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Thank you, Mr. Lieberman!!!! I would have felt awful for President Obama had she actually gotten to him. Cracks me up that she was stopped!

    1. Balzafiar2:26 PM

      It was for the good of our country. If she had gotten anywhere close to his zipper it would have been Glen Rice redux!

    2. Anonymous6:57 PM

      I think it's pretty obvious President Obama has better taste than that :)

  5. Anonymous10:48 AM


    OMG, Gryphen you got me on that one! I can't stand droopy face Lieberman, but I do thank him for his quick redirect of the skank. She pines for the day she is fawned over by our president...ain't gonna happen. He doesn't even consider her important enough to mock...that has GOT to piss her off to high heaven.

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      curtis menard found out what happens when you piss the skank off to high heaven

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      So has Todd. She will make him carry her purse.

    3. That is squeaky toad's purse.

  6. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Oh you tried your best to get next to the President, but Senator Lieberman cock blocked you, didn't he BITCH. Good thing, because FLOTUS would have slapped the moose shit out of you, for trying to push up on her man. Now go have some COKE and a smile, and STFU.

  7. I'm not even sure they were bothering to mock Palin with the Big Gulp meme. That might have been more of a light-hearted swipe at liberals, Bloomberg, etc., you know, people who are "in with the in crowd" as the old song says.

    Her silly, tarty, cpac stunt was weeks ago. Nobody was paying attention to her then except to laugh, and I don't think they would bother now.

    Bloomberg's legislation, on the other hand, has been drawing attention, criticism, and support from people much more highly placed than Palin for quite some time.

    So no, as desperately as she might hope or believe that the parody was all about her, I don't think that it was.

    Hopefully though, our little narcissist queen is penning a trailer-trash diatribe against people who would mock her brilliant political commentary (blowing a soft drink for god's sake), which will take everyone who participated and never once thought of her by surprise, and cause them to wonder if she was always insane and they just never noticed.

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM

      The soda ban was an attempt to encourage people not to drink such big sugary drinks. The liberals made fun of it, too. And, the law failed because it was not applied uniformly. Palin picked an easy target because it was probably only Mayor Bloomberg who liked the idea of a soda ban.

    2. Exactly, anonymous 2:34. That legislation has drawn a lot of criticism and discussion across the political spectrum. I am pretty sure that is what is being mocked here, not Palin's piddly little stupid cpac stunt.

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Bloomberg would not even hire her to clean his toilets. Even that would require her to be able to read the labels on the bottles. She is not qualified to do anything, other than mock others who have achieved success. She is indeed Valley Trash, as she describes herself. By the way, when was the last time Cindy McCain invited you over to the house Bitch, when you were in Arizona? No one wants the stench of a LOSER and a QUITTER on them.

  8. Anonymous11:03 AM

    My thought exactly. That is the ONE thing I give that wiesel Lieberman credit for.

    1. Anonymous9:52 PM

      Please don't tarnish the reputation of the great humanitarian, writer and Holocaust survior ELIE WIESEL by linking him to Joe-mentum....on the other hand, N.Y. Mayor Rudi G.'s rant against the WEASEL (ferret, really) fits the bill.

      Intraspecies-Specific Wild Tortoise

  9. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I've never seen House of Cards... guess I'll have to crank up the ol' Netflix and check it out.

    I'm not expecting it to be similar to the WHCD parody here, but I'm lovin' Kevin Spacey's demeanor and Southern accent.

    1. comeonpeople1:42 PM

      It is a great show. Mu husband and I had a lost weekend this winter watching it on netflix!

  10. Enjay in E MT11:04 AM

    Oh poor Sista Sarah -

    She must be running out of PAC funds & upporters. An sure she can find some organization to hire her for a discount speech since she has passed her prime value.

    Much like a exec. call gal - now delegated to posting on Craig's List for clients. Couple more
    years she'll have her own corner. I believe where Piper's lemonade stand was may be available.

  11. *picture this scene*

    Toad walks into a bedroom that smells of musty...funky....unwashed clothes...a whiff of vomit and Honeybuns™ tickles the hair in his nostrils along with the faintest stench of a shitty adult diaper.

    He looks towards the bed and only see's the top of a dirty dark lank head of hair...the part that is visible has dried vomit embedded in the roots.

    Toad shudders and approaches the bed...while softly crooning...."Hey Juicy....time to rise and shine...your public awaits you". The Toad snickers to himself...because deep down he knows Baldy has no "public" but this is what he HAS to do every morning to get Baldy to raise her giant ass head out of the bed.

    The covers on the bed stir and slowly an emanciated arm with a skeleton hand emerges...the skeleton hand gives the Toad the middle finger and goes back under the covers!

    Toad sighs and realizes it's going to of THOSE days!

    Then issuing from the bed is a ROAR of RAGE so loud and spine tingling that the Toad takes a step back in alarm! Baldy was reading her IPhone™ and just saw that the White House Correspondence posted a video using HER Big Gulp bit!

    As she's screaming incomprehisional drivel...the Toad is scanning the room looking for something...anything to get Baldy's attention! His eyes land on a old photo in an elaborate's a picture of Baldy when she was 16 and Curtis Menard!

    It's the only picture Baldy has of her and her first shows Baldy...wonky eye even more pronounced...staring adoringly at Curtis....Baldy is sporting her Farrah Fawcett hair do...and wearing a moose sweater with shoulder pads (well this was the 80's y'all!).

    Curtis with his distinctive dimples (looking at YOU Track!) is smiling and staring at the camera with his arm around someone...unfortunately the picture was torn off and you can't see that Curtis had his arm around his sun blonde girlfriend from Hawaii...Cheryl Welch!

    The Toad snatches the picture off the floor and hands it to Baldy! Baldy in mid profanity screech...abruptly goes silent and grabs the picture and clutches it to her newly inflated oversize bosom! She starts singing her and Curtis''s from the movie Grease...

    Baldy warbles....

    ♪You're the one that I're the one I want...oooo....oooo...oooo...the one I neeeddd....oh yes indeeeed ♪

    The Toad sighs in relief and slowly backs out of the room! He's met at the door by the humogous RAM who eyes the Toad like he's shit on the bottom of her giant clown shoes!

    Toad says to RAM in his girlish voice...."You better fire off something on that Twitter thing and earn your fucking money or we'll all be living in that nasty ass room!"

    RAM doesn't say a word to the Toad...she continues to look at him until he looks down and walks away. RAM pushes open the door to Baldy's room. She looks towards the bed and see's Baldy holding and singing to the Curtis picture and knows exactly what to write on Twitter and Facebook to make Big Boss feel better.

    *End scene*

    1. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Gina, with that avatar and that script, you are ready to be a screen writer in Hollywood.

    2. Balzafiar3:03 PM

      Gina, I must say you have a way with words that paints a true-to-life picture. Give it a bit more thought and you could be the de facto Barbara Cartland of Wasilla true romance novels.

    3. Anonymous5:12 PM

      With that vivid description, Gina, I thought for a minute there I was in Room 237 in the hotel in The Shining. But the vomit smell was a dead giveaway that instead it was Baldy's place.

    4. Anonymous7:02 PM

      I must agree with the scene you painted. Except perhaps the shitty adult diaper. With $carah purging solid food, I doubt anything but piss and vinegar come out the other end (wink wink).

    5. Anita Winecooler7:47 PM

      Great Job! I was waiting for the theme song from "Thriller", but was pleasantly surprised!

      You nailed Baldywood!

    6. DetroitSam10:20 PM

      Speaking of Todd, does he have a job? I mean a real job?

    7. Anonymous9:43 AM

      EXCELLENT post Gina M.

  12. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Palin must be going nuts knowing no one ever takes her seriously. All she has left is her small, but dwindling band of easily fooled religious bigots who still haven't realized she is taking them for their money. She certainly has to see the end is near for her 15 minutes of fame and I would suspect she knows she will have to release her pain consultants shortly leaving her without a voice that can speak proper English.

  13. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Her expression was last seen in a dorm room.

  14. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Reminds me of how a gay hating republican looks at a troop of boy scouts.

  15. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Sarah Palin Offended She Wasn’t Invited To The White House Correspondents Dinner

    Now, the real joke about the whole thing is that Sarah Palin, the half-term governor and former vice presidential hopeful was watching the event from her home in Alaska because no one saw fit to send her an invitation to the event. It turns out that quitting your job as governor to pimp yourself out on national television, single-handedly ruining the Republican ticket for the White House and then getting fired from her bobble-head job at Fox News kind of makes her a bit of a “black moose” at these events.

  16. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Darlene I second that

  17. Anonymous11:25 AM

    This is the best picture I ever saw, please I must know more

  18. fromthediagonal11:34 AM

    Darlene, I do not usually comment on the SP threads, but on this one I just have to... and I totally agree with you. Ole Lieberman read her and blocked, while the President was totally oblivious of it all!

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      I'm sure that John McCain told Joe Lieberman to get over there and block that dumb ass, before she could attempt to grab the President's man parts. Just look at her, she was having a Glen Rice flashback, the dirty Hoah. NOBODY wants you Bitch, not even Fox news.

  19. WakeUpAmerica12:01 PM

    WTF is "vag blocked" supposed to mean? Sounds lewd and misogynist.

    1. Well, I am a woman ... and in this case, I love the phrase because Sarah Palin is no girlfriend. I normally do not like lewd and misogynist, but I make an exception when it comes to Palin ... she deserves what she dishes out!

    2. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Her fans keep referring to her as "Cuda." I don't think that's a compliment.

    3. Anonymous6:35 PM

      It may be lewd, but it's certainly not misogynist.

      Sarah Palin and her husband, however, are both.

    4. Anonymous7:04 PM

      I think it's misogynistic to assume the "cock" is the only important part during sex. Vag blocked is actually pretty self-explanatory, unless you need a more explicit vernacular to understand the part of a woman's body that is used during coitus.

  20. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Sarah looks like the Demons supposedly exorcised by Witch Doctor Muthee never left. She has a WICKED WITCH OF THE NORTHWEST look on her Salivating Face.
    That is not the Photo OP that she was seeking.

  21. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Liebermann was probably warned by McCain to keep her away from the President. After all, one sentence and he would have realised just how dumb she really is!! The gop would not want any dems discovering that the gop VP was an imbecile.

  22. Anonymous12:42 PM

    It's a good guess that Sarah Palin thought the big gulp gag was all about her. Bloomberg banned super-sized sodas mid-2012 and he's been the butt of jokes ever since. It's typical of Palin's annoying, narcissistic, delusional self to jump on a bandwagon and then lay claim to it.

    Jon Stewart's big gulp moment from back in June 2012:

    Colbert also did a soda bit:

    Steve Carell showed up on the Late Night show with a big gulp for Letterman about 2 weeks before CPAC:

    Also probably creating additional pissy moments for Palin were Pres. Obama's Ted Cruz and Michelle Bachman jokes which Palin likely imagines were directed at her out of serious animosity rather than in the WHCD spirit of fun.

  23. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Well hey, remember she had that "whatever" come to her church to exorcise demons or some crap...and give a talk on witchcraft..what was all that ??? I'm amazed he could block her weird ass. Say, darlin, remember the days when you were such a badass, thought you could diss the whole GOP?? THEY remember!

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      That was probably the last time that Sarah was actually in a church.

  24. Anonymous1:48 PM

    for all the world to see-this is her pathetic and small cult following below. tens and tens of them.
    the same old folks every day spewing hatred and the unwarranted lust for the skank. yes there are a few others that show up at the pee pond for a post or two every once in a while but this is the mighty palin army!!!!!!!!!!!!!!baaawawwaaaawwaahhhhh!!
    go to town gina m and tell us who they are!! love love love your insight on the cult members:)

    mich mccormick
    David Zimmerman
    Craig Phillips
    Bean Counter
    joseph agibinik ( i think this one is sarah)
    john norton

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      I wonder which ones are the paid consultants. Some of them keep the memes going, Sarah in 2016 and I Stand With Sarah. Sarah needs to keep the place active so they will keep giving her money. Then the money pays the people who keep the place going. It's a perpetual motion machine, or to put it another way, noise and wind.

      Example: Last night, President Obama made the joke about being a socialist from Kenya. It was a joke. They keep repeating it over there at Sarah'S fan website, repeating it every hour hoping that will make it true.

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Thanks for the list of idiots that support the dumbest broad on this planet! The most unethical too! (Ask the Alaska Legislature for your proof source folks1) She's an embarrassment to our country as are her 'few' supporters!

    3. Anonymous1:48 PM

      go to town gina m and tell us who they are!!

      LOL!! Okay...let me see what I got!

      AmazedOne1- undercover troll
      AZStandingBy - undercover troll
      socon - racist
      DocBarry1 - who?
      John_Frank - racist
      blueniner - insane Baldy ass licker
      TENCOLE • - who?
      Laddie_Blah_Blah - dumbass
      idesign2 - another insane Baldy ass licker
      golfmom3 - racist and a terrible mom
      Polarbearpapa - married to crazy ass Theresa
      iizthatiiz - concerned troll
      SusaninSC - racist
      mich mccormick - "Head Staffer" to the crazies
      StandProudNow - who?
      jean_a - insane holy roller with a potty mouth
      virginiagentleman - half dead
      MJosephSheppard - Ugly Old Horny Goat
      stlouisix - serious racist
      excopconservative - who?
      gilamonster8 - who?
      section9 - aka section8 housing...long time Baldy panty sniffer
      Steve_Flesher - Another Staffer to the crazies
      David Zimmerman - another one of Ugly Old Horny Goats sockpuppets
      PetePetretich - on welfare and food stamps aka as a "librul being paid to post by OFA"
      c4pfan - the name says it all
      StacyDrake - Another "Staffer" to the crazies
      adrienneross - Token Ross
      Craig Phillips - who?
      briANUSberkleANUS - REALLY? Double asshole from Berkley California
      mark - straight up crazy...Alex Jones crazy
      1776er - racist fool
      MaMcGriz - fake ass holy roller with a potty mouth
      SusanWo4p - straight up racist who's also a horrible mother
      deedeethree - fucking CRAY CRAY
      audrey - just as fucking CRAY CRAY as "deedeethree"
      NoMoreMeh - Meh!
      misterlogic0013 - has no logic and stupid to boot
      Bean Counter - loves Baldy's dirty draws
      JRD1 - loves Baldy's dirty draws too
      ProudAmerican247 - who?
      CharterOakie - been gone came back and left the longest comment in Crazies4Palin history
      ZH100 - RAM
      jerseymark - gives Jersey a bad name
      joseph agibinik - waiting for the men in white coats to show up
      john norton - can't spell "sharring"(it's "sharing" dumbass!)

    4. Anonymous5:40 PM

      joseph agibinik ( i think this one is sarah)

      i believe is gone after his rant today and john norton is probably right behind him.....

    5. Opps...need to edit..."SusaninSC is not a racist...she's an undercover anti Palin supporter!

      Sorry Susan ;)

      Here's a couple of the regulars you left off the list...

      narcisco - best buds with Section8housing
      Freempg - surprising a racist even though he's married to a Muslim woman
      senator20526 - too stupid for words
      daisymae - one of Baldy's crazy ass Prayer Warriors
      Journeymen - left a comment about Baldy on another thread ( I see you asshole!)
      lanahi - pitiful


    6. Anonymous7:06 PM

      considering several of them are probably duplicates, makes her army of noble shoe-lickers even more pathetic.

    7. Anonymous4:03 AM

      I bet TENCOLE is Kristen Cole

    8. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Gina M I love it. You know that gang. Your reward, in case you missed it, a learned dispatch from

      Pete Petretich 16 hours ago:

      The word " ass clown" originated in the 1999 film Office Space, which was very popular. Once again, the Establishment can't bring themselves to admit how hip Sarah Palin is.

      This is why I just can't quit them at the Pee Pond. I need the laughs.

  25. Anonymous1:49 PM

    That is my all time favorite picture of Sarah Palin.

    Lieberman: Don't bother the President, honey. Come on, let's go get you a Red Bull.

    Sarah: duhhhhhhh

  26. Anonymous2:17 PM

    The @ssclowns repsonse to last night's WHCD was a downright GinaM knee-slapping HOOT! Jealous much?

    You're right, Gryph, we've been patient. It's to the point where any major world event makes one think, "and the bimbo's response in 3..2..1..." and ROLL when it comes.

    Just too damn bad no one in that family will intervene and help her. She's one sick woman.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      @anon 2:17 What, intervene and kill the golden goose? Chuck and Chuck have a book to sell. As long as the money keeps coming in, Todd doesn't have to work. Bristol owes her TV gigs to her mother's influence and agent. Ditto for Bristol's lame book. Willow probably got tired of seeing Bristol's new home(s), shows, books and attention. All she got was a trip to beauty school and a car, but maybe Sarah will set her up in her own beauty salon, so Willow won't turn on her, not yet.

      Hey, Willow. You know stuff. Do you really want to wait on other people, wash and curl their hair, fawn and fuss over them? You know, the customer is always right, and they can get pretty demanding. And, for what? What's the most that you could make in a year? One call to a book agent or National Enquirer, and you could get millions for the true story of "Sarah Dearest." You'd be set for life, never have to work, and the only classes that you might consider taking would be about how to manage your investments. Think about it, girl.

    2. Anonymous5:24 PM

      That's IT! "Steel Magnolias: The Reality Series."

      Malia Litman's son graduated college today in CHEMISTRY. 'Nuff said.

  27. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Damn! I'd kill to see the video of this, KUDOS Lieberman

  28. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Poor dumb ass, you almost want to feel sorry for the STUPID old gal. NOT!

  29. Anonymous3:26 PM

    The last photo is my all-time favorite picture of Sarah Palin. Truly awesome! She is just oozing desperation to get the President to acknowledge her, and shit just ain't happening!!! Ha ha ha ha ha! Way to jump on the grenade, Lieberman!

  30. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I forgave Liebermann a lot for blocking Palin too. Her campaign was run on making threats to the President and his family. I remember the FOTUS saying "Why do they hate us?" Palin got a lot of mileage out of hate. Karma is an even-handed bitch. BTW, Gina's screenplay is correct. I suspect our little turd will die in her own vomit and her family will sell the story to the National Enquirer.

  31. Aloha4:48 PM

    Just look at the smile on her face as she "almost" got close to the POTUS. I think Palin has a secret crush on President Obama and is lashing out at him like a crazed teenager.

    Everything about her is a lie, so why not?

    That would explain a lot....LOL

    1. DetroitSam10:26 PM

      I have always believed that Sarah has the hots for the president. Nothing else explain her hatred other that the fact that he is above her class and she will never have him.

  32. Anonymous6:04 PM

    "Look at my rack; Look at my rack PLEASE"

  33. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Aww Sarah just wanted some of President Obama's 'BIG STICK'. She looks like a Chicken hawk closing in on her prey.

  34. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I am surprised that she didn't haul off and punch Lieberman in the neck. That would have made the photo even better. A 2-fer.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:55 PM

      Her reaction time was slow even back then. Maybe Lieberman slipped a tranquilizer in her big gulp to slow her down even more.

      What I LOVED most was President Obama didn't even bother to lift an eye.

    2. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Sarah would only punch someone in the neck if she was sure that she would not receive a punch in return. Sarah is a Coward.

    3. Anonymous7:33 AM

      It was simply a case of mind over matter. POTUS did not acknowledge or mind her, because she sure as hell doesn't matter.

  35. Anonymous7:30 PM

    gilamonster8 • 13 hours ago −
    Would love to stick around but I have an appointment to get an assclown tattoo on my butt.
    19 11 •Reply•Share ›

    From pee pond of course and I do believe he is getting the skank's face tattooed in his azz-oh burn!!! That visual is going o be hard to extract!!!

    Thanks Gina for your thoughtful and though provoking descriptive s of palin's army:)
    LOL LOL LOL you never disappoint love:)

  36. Anita Winecooler7:56 PM

    That's one I'll give to Liebermann.

    That nerd skit was a riot, very well done!

  37. Anonymous9:47 PM

    can u pl. post the pics of Lego hair with stained suitband too large shoes that she wore for the after parties @ msnbc party?

  38. Anonymous9:48 AM

    She will go underground now for a couple of days, lick her wounds, and try to get sympathy. She is nothing more than a cowardly "little" Bitch, that can't take a good punch.

  39. Anonymous2:14 PM

    MSNBC today has so far had a segment on Sarah's pathetic rant on every show. I think that's a good thing, as the more people see her for the pathetic poser she is, the faster she will fade away. I can't wait to see what she will do when she finally realizes she is a hasbeen.


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