Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sarah Palin angry that American soldiers cannot deliver the message of Jesus Christ one bullet at a time.

"Does this kick?"
Apparently Palin is pissy because the Army is asking that soldiers file off a New Testament message etched onto the scopes of their rifles by a military vendor:

The U.S. Army is directing troops to remove a Bible inscription that a vendor etched into the serial numbers of weapon scopes, Fox News has learned. 

Soldiers at Fort Wainwright in Alaska told Fox News they received a directive to turn in their scopes so the Bible references could be removed.

The scopes were made by Trijicon and referenced New Testament passages in John 8:12 and Second Corinthians 4:6. The verses appeared at the end of the scope serial numbers – “JN8:12” and “2COR4:6.” 

“The biblical verse (JN8:12) must be removed utilizing a Dremel type tool and then painted black,” read instructions on how to remedy the matter. After the letters and numbers were scrapped off, soldiers were directed to use apply black paint to ensure the verses were totally covered. 

Well this is blatant censorship in Palin-world and she took to Facebook to raise a sink with the handful of losers still reading her ghostwritten Facebook rants. (I know what you're about to say, but I only read it so that you don't have to.)

Who's giving the order? Who has the guts to take responsibility for this nonsense?

Yes WHO has the guts to take responsibility for this nonsense? 

After all what could be the harm in having a weapon that is mostly aimed at Islamic people etched with a reference to this Bible passage?

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

I mean what could be so wrong with sighting through a scope, etched with words that condemn nonbelievers to eternal darkness, before firing bullets at those nonbelievers to snuff out their lives forever?

You know besides EVERYTHING?

Is this woman ever on the right side of ANY issue?


  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I think a more important question than Palin's is: Who gave the order to have the verse inscribed on the scopes in the first place? That is what I call a real waste of taxpayer money. Scummy Sarah is just trying to rile up her prayer warriors into a tizzy. Hey Sarah - STFU!!

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      It's a waste of taxpayer money and a real slap at separation of church and state. Of course, Sarah Palin and her followers have not the vaguest understanding of the separation of church and state. Curious with Sarah Palin because she does not seem to belong to a particular denomination and she does not seem to attend church services. Hmmm. Maybe it's the Church of Sarah Palin; she certainly takes up a lot of collections.

    2. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Sarah's Witch Doctor Pastor MUTHEE needs to give her a 'CLEANSING' again. Sarah Palin is POSSESSED with DEMONS. 'Thou Shalt Not Covet
      Another Man's Wife' was meant for Todd's former Business Partner Brad Hanson. But Adultery is common in the Palin/Heath Tribe.
      How can the Wife of a Known Pimp complain about anything connected to the Bible?

    3. Take a look at Sarah's hands. She suddenly has 3 of them in that picture. Is this woman completely incapable of NOT doctoring photos??? -- Look at the hand(s) holding the barrel.

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    As usual, Palin's a day late and a dollar short. This controversy was settled over two years ago!

    And, WTF are bible verses doing on military assault weapons, anyway? What happened to "THOU SHALT NOT KILL"?

    1. jcinco2:01 PM

      Actually over three years ago. Sounds like the buy bull thumpin' rubes who manufacture these scopes about shit their pants when they were looking at losing the US military as a customer. Looks like several other countries also told them cut the shit out or we're out of here. Dumb fuck sarah just got wind of it, is she really this thick? She made some bullshit stink about "In God We Trust" on the edge of coins as well. Turned out what she was whining about wasn't the case at all...I think she blamed it on President Obama when in reality the order came down from shrub's administration.

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      The company that has the contract should have been removed from the contract when the text was discovered on the barrels of the guns. Whatever were they thinking? Frankly, as a taxpayer it is pretty shameful to see my hard-earned money being used in such a way. Nobody in that company was within their rights to mess with a government contract in any shape or form. There should have been more consequences than were realized when this was discovered.

      Maybe Palin has re-energized this debate for her own weird and sick reasons, but it will be the company that makes these guns that will be unhappy by her shining a light on this again. What an idiot. She strikes me as a very sick woman who is unable to let go of a bad idea.

    3. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Yeah, let's write "Thou shalt not kill" and "Love thy neighbor" on those scopes. At least then they would have to think about what they are about to do..in fact, let's engrave that on EVERY gun sold!

    4. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Earlier today, Gen. David Petraeus, who commands CentCom, which oversees U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, told a D.C. thinktank that the company's practice was "disturbing …and a serious concern for me" and field commanders. He said there had been considerable discussions within the Department of Defense about how to deal with Trijicon's practice.

      The Trijicon statement said that the company would: "Remove the inscription reference on all U.S. military products that are in the company's factory that have already been produced, but have yet to be shipped" and "Provide 100 modification kits to forces in the field to remove the reference on the already forward deployed optical sights."

      The company also said it would ensure future procurements from the Department of Defense are produced without scripture references,a nd offer foreign forces that have purchased the products "the same remedies."


    5. Excellent suggestion Anonymous 2:38PM. If we have to put up with biblical verses, let 'em be the subversive ones! Love it. Otherwise, scrape and paint 'em.

    6. Anonymous8:52 PM

      How about "Jesus wept."?

  3. Nothing proclaims the love of Jesus like... ah, I got nuthin'.

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Aw, come on, you were going great. Nothing proclaims the love of Jesus like killing somebody. The killing is blessed because of the Bible verse on the scope. Maybe they should write more verse on the bullets, too, also.

  4. What is wrong with these self-identified "Christians" who are unable to accept--or even to comprehend--that not everyone is Christian?

    That self-righteousness and intolerance is so un-Christian . . . .

    Their ignorance and arrogance must make Jesus weep.

  5. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Sarah Palin has issues with removing biblical verses from weapons used by the US Army and she is okay with Todd pimping out Alaskan single struggling mothers.

    Sarah really should learn which battles are worth fighting.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Well that's easy. Every time one of Todd's hookers turns a trick Sarah gets a new pair of shoes!

      Win, Win!

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Maybe Todd has biblical verses tattooed on the women he pimps.

  6. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Another pathetic photoshop job by team Palin. Did tri-g do this one? Or are we supposed to believe Sarah has two sets of fingers on her left hand?

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      I agree that it looks very weird; but in the video of this same event (in Kuwait, 2007), her hand does look huge, as if her finger bones are longer than most peoples'. It's a puzzle! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn7UzxXv8p4

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Good catch! lol

    3. Anonymous3:49 PM

      At the 14 second mark of video, the soldier is helping Sarah and his hand is near the gun. Then the video cuts out. I think he continued to help her hold the gun, even wrapped his hand with hers and that is where the still photo came from. Then they photoshopped him out as this is the only shot in which she halfway was holding the gun correctly.

    4. No it's not Photoshopped. Palin's fingers are very long from the first to second and second to third knuckles and they are freakishly thin, with swollen knuckles. I've been fascinated and horrified by her hands for some time now.

    5. Anonymous6:30 PM

      You can count on it: every time one of these photoshop FAILs pops up, people pop up to say oh, haha, isn't that funny, too bad you can never tell. The disembodied ponytail in the half-marathon...Bristol planted in a black box at Willow's graduation...and now what are clearly two sets of hands holding the gun. This one, like the others, is too d@mn funny. Yes, she has bony claws, but you can trace the outline of three different fingers from nail around the first and second joint, and the second set of fingers is plain as day underneath.
      All that money for "consultants"...you'd think they could find someone who could photoshop worth a darn.

    6. Anonymous7:15 PM

      PS. I'm personally hoping that Gryphen will do a Palin Photoshop FAIL retrospective one of these days. Maybe we could all cast a vote for our personal favorite :)

    7. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Oddest thing I've ever seen. Here's a large image of that picture. I don't see any evidence of Photoshop, but then I'm not an expert. Look:

      Freaky hands.

    8. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Not just the hands. That's a big gun, right? And heavy? Surely a petite woman would be propping it against her shoulder when she holds it, right? So how is it the back of the gun seems to be floating on top of Palin's shirt, no hint of the slightest indentation in the fabric?

  7. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Sarah, like the devil, loves MDK. Murder. DEATH. KILLING.
    Just ask Menard and miller.

  8. Anonymous1:28 PM


    Who Wants to See Sarah Palin’s Rack?

    The unbelievable cover from The American Spectator magazine says, “Sarah Palin’s Rack.” Now, if you’re anything like me, your head went to a magical, but probably inappropriate place. What the hell could the headline possibly mean? Apparently, it’s an examination of Sarah Palin’s record of electing conservatives, but the cover doesn’t specify that. It just reads like low-rent, soft-core fantasy porn.

    This wouldn’t be the first time that a publication has cashed in on Palin’s sex appeal. The former V.P. hopeful famously accused Newsweek of sexism when they showed a picture of her (that she posed for) in running gear.

    Maybe this leads to a spike in sales for the magazine by cashing in on whatever appeal Palin still claims to possess. But between this and the return of Anthony Weiner to Twitter, the jokes just write themselves.

    As of now, this is a picture of a hardcover version of the magazine. We expect it to be online in the coming days.


    1. jcinco1:53 PM

      It's disques, I encourage all to comment. The Ray character is a few cowboys short of a rodeo and fun to toy with.

  9. hedgewytch1:29 PM

    This woman is so intellectually shallow a gnat could wade ankle deep in her mental processes - unfortunately that process is so toxic the very touch of the substance would kill the gnat immediately.

  10. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Trying to stay rile up the masses is easy when your followers are complete morons.

    I can hear them now... "They better not fuck with the scope on my rifle, I stand with Sarah"

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Someone always has to "stand with Sarah" because she's so emaciated she can't stand without support, also too she's rilly, rilly stupid.

    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Really... "I stand with Sarah. Because she can't fuckin' stand up by herself."
      Just sayin'.

  11. Anonymous1:35 PM


    Glyn A. J. Bindon founder of Trijicon, Inc. was born in Pretoria, South Africa and he immigrated to the United States in the mid-1950s. “Having worked at various defense contracting positions in the ’70s with Grumman Aerospace and NASA, and then with Ford Motor company, Bindon” one would think Trijicon would have known they were breaking the stipulations of their government contracts after 30+ years in the business

    also, too, Glyn Bindon, died September 2, 2003, when his small plane crashed near Wasilla, Alaska.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      "Glyn Bindon, died September 2, 2003, when his small plane crashed near Wasilla, Alaska."

      Another Palin murder?

    2. Anonymous10:10 AM


      Leah Burton wrote about it: Call it Irony, Call it Kharma, Call it God’s Will…

  12. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Sarah: please read the New Testament, especially the Sermon on the Mount, before proclaiming yourself to be "Christian."

    No soldier -- Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslin, Taoist, Zoroastrian, atheist, agnostic or whatever -- should have to deal with GOVERNMENT-iSSUED weaponry proclaiming the superiority of Christianity.

    There is a deep divide between what you believe and what you expect others to believe. You cannot willfully force your fellow soldiers to ascribe to your particular Bible verse, or Bible, or any other scripture or belief system that you feel would be "good for them." That's their decision to make.

    It is un-Constitutional to force your religious beliefs on others. Please see the First Amendent. You might even commit it to memory. It's just as crucial as the Second Amendment, which you worship as your god. Unconstitutional = against the law!

  13. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I hope the defense department sues the fuckers who put this shit on their weapons without authorization.

  14. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I'm sure the power of Christ still compels them, to kill their fellow man, 'cause Jeebus is still in their hearts, ya know, giving instructions to blow away those towel heads....

  15. jcinco1:49 PM

    Praise the lord and pass the ammunition mentality...

  16. Anonymous1:52 PM

    What a dimwit. Who cares about this issue. She has yet to mention the Boston bombing. I guess that was not important to her.

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      She's mentioned it. Do you think she could ever keep her gaping maw shut when there's a chance of being in the spotlight, even for a moment.

  17. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Which weapon of war would Jesus choose? Assault weapon, 30 round magazine?

  18. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Here is the whole image: http://iranpoliticsclub.net/photos/sarah-palin3/images/Sarah%20Palin%20rifle%20shooting.jpg
    Sraah is photographed using a practice gun-- note the umbilical cord attached to it.

  19. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Did Sarah mention her son's warrior body again? Because that's not at all creepy.

    1. jcinco2:36 PM

      Talking about your kids' hotness/body must be another family tradition of the heaths. Just like getting knocked up or knocking up prior to marriage.

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Darn kids are always losing their underwear! Apparently another fine Heath family tradition ;-)

    3. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Sarah, Todd, Track, Bristol, and Willow all practiced FORNICATION but claim to be Christians who follow the Word of God. Track, Bristol, and Willow all had kids out of wedlock.

    4. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Also too, the Bitch got knocked up prior to marriage, and her mother did too. Maybe she should put that on the scope of all of her rifles.

  20. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Every now and then, you come across a picture of Sarah Palin that really shows her true essence. That one up there, with her slack jaw and crossed eyes is one of those times.

  21. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I never read there, figured I'd stroll over this once and OMG the people who post there are mini Sarahs, borderline retards, bible thumping ones, the worst kind. Here are a few gems:

    I'll bet if it was referencing the korran our soldiers would have to suck it up as not to ofend anyone.SOOOOOO tired of hearing and reading s**t like this.Time for christian america to make a stand.This country needs god more than ever.Time for a new government that supports americans and christians.Clearly the present powers that be do not.

    They are telling the FBI every one how to do there jobs now its getting scary this is going to bite every one in the ass!

    Mr.Obama doing his work, since he is a Muslim and the Muslim say he is a Muslim!

    They are taking everything that is precises to true Americans!

    LOL! And I thought MY spelling and grammar sucked!
    Some of the commenters bemoan the fact that the word of dog will not be accompanying the flying bullets.
    Sarah Palin and her fans never fail to amuse, thank the Universe they are a small albeit loud band of stupid assholes.

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Not only are are a small band of losers, but they're also just a bunch of mental midgets misfits.

    2. Anonymous12:38 PM

      I usually stop by once a day to "honor" them (their word) by down-arrowing all the comments I read -- regardless of whether I like the comment or not.

      Anyway, I wish Gryphen had a separate "What did the loonies say today?" thread were we could discuss the ramblings of Brianus, blueniner, Mr. L, that M. Joseph what's-his-name, patnasty, barracuda, as well as the others.

      I popped over there this morning, and saw them "discussing" who might be running for Max Baucus' seat when he retires... OMG, I never saw such disorganization before. They have NO IDEA what to do until Sarah tells them.

      And heaven forbid if Ted Cruz should say anything negative about Sarah or the "Tea Party". He's pretty much THE ONLY other candidate they'll rally behind. Poor guy (well, not so much sympathy, since he's one of my representatives and an embarrassment to our state)... but should he ever say the slightest negative thing about Sarah, they'll turn on him in a heartbeat. They've done it to practically every pundit on Fox News, plus McCain, Coulter, Glenn Beck (kinda/sorta), Rubio, that O'Donnell witch chick, Bachmann -- people they were behind before they threw them under Sarah's Big Ass Bus.

  22. Anonymous2:21 PM

    A true Christian would be offended by the inclusion of a biblical verse on a implement designed to kill.

    There are very few true Christians.

  23. Anonymous2:21 PM

    God forbid our weapons don't support the idea that we're fighting a holy war against Muslims (the Tsarnaev brothers?).

    This reminds me of Sarah speaking to the Master Commission graduates at the Wasilla Assembly of God and asking them to pray that 'our leaders are sending them (soldiers in Iraq) out on a task that is from God.'


  24. Anonymous2:33 PM

    The christians who are wringing their hands over this are completely unaware that their reaction is ridiculously superstitious and faithless.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      I thought that they were supposed to be Pro-Life. Killing people is not Pro-Life.

  25. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I'd love to be there when Sarah gets what's coming to her.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      I think most everyone who reads IM feels the same way. We won't be there, but it will happen and the world will laugh. Karma.

    2. Anonymous4:45 PM

      I'd prefer to be a short distance away, perhaps standing on the sidewalk 10 feet away when that bus runs over that bag of bones. Maybe it will be a "Hillary for President" bus that Sarah plays chicken with. Go Sarah! You can do it!!!

  26. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Let's see if I got this right. Correct if I'm wrong.

    Sally Heath was pregnant before marriage.

    Sarah Palin was pregnant before marriage.

    Bristol Palin was pregnant before marriage.

    Track Palin's girlfriend was pregnant before marriage.

    Prostitute Shailey Tripp said Todd Palin is her pimp and also had sex with her.

    What don't I see? What am I missing here?

    Is something wrong with Sarah Palin's thought process?

    Sarah Palin is complaining that the US government wants religious scriptures removed from their weapons while her family is busy breaking just about every scripture in the Bible?

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHA Sarah Palin and her Family are just what We Real Americans strive 'NOT TO BE'.

    2. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Bristol never got married. She and Levi tried an engagement if they could convince a TV network that they would make a good reality show, and then Sarah stepped in and made sure that wouldn't happen. (That's how Bristol ended up dancing with stars).

    3. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Don't forget Willow, I bet that she has dropped at least 2 by now.

    4. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Sarah has never denied that Willow has been pregnant. Willow has looked pregnant 2 times since she dropped out of High School with Mono and BEHAVIOR Problems.

  27. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Sarah here's a compromise, if you have the words "No babies before marriage" tattooed on all the Palin's penises and labias then we will petition the government to leave the scriptures on the weapons.


  28. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Does sarah Palin believe that it's okay for men and women to pack assault rifles when going to church?

  29. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Whoever is really concerned about the souls of those at the end of the gun barrel would offer themselves to the gospel and go over there and do mission work.

    Last I heard, missionaries move to the mission fields and engage and live among the people. They don't bring weapons with bible verses on them. People who agree with Sarah don't seem to want to understand who the Son of God is and His purpose. It's not killing those who don't believe and it's not doing it with God's Word on their killing machines.

  30. Anonymous3:14 PM

    The Palin kids are fucking and breeding like there's no tomorrow.

    What is Sarah Palin complaining about again?

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      They are in-breeding as well.

  31. Anonymous3:19 PM

    We're just baptizing the heathens, with our bullets.

  32. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Paint comes off. They should use liquid gun bluing chemicals.

    Then again, the should probably scrape them first instead of scrapping them first, but hey... I know how to check my spelling before I post too. ;-)

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      "I know how to check my spelling before I post too."

      How ironic of you to write 'the' instead of 'them'.

      Also, you may want to check the spelling in the original, linked article.

    2. Anonymous4:40 PM

      hehehe. 'them' should be 'they'

    3. Y'all do realize that the words in italics are not mine right?

  33. Anonymous3:44 PM

    If the manufacturer had been a Muslim and had etched passages from the Koran maybe Palin would understand why it is probably best to remove them. But that would take some thought and reflection and we all know she isn't capable of that.

    I must admit, it's rather fun to watch her air her stupidity for all to see. She is her own worst enemy.

  34. Anonymous3:54 PM

    One Palin kid poppin' out babies in high school, another one can't do four years of high school and has to get her GED while the oldest one got caught destroying school buses.

    What is Sarah Palin complaining about again?

  35. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Does Sarah Palin even know what the passages mean? Is this a recent incident? How does a Fake Christian
    who does not attend any Church make waves about Bible Passages being removed from Military Guns? Maybe the U.S. Government should have Cancelled the Contract. Would that make you happy, PIMP'S WIFE and Mother Of UNWED TEEN MOMS?

  36. our lad3:59 PM

    When,when Jesus when will this ridiculous strumpet get fucking arrested?

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      The fact that she hasn't been already is pretty much proof there is no Jesus.

  37. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Hey, Sarah, 2 of your FUNDIE Fanatics in Philadelphia, PA The Schaibles who were on Probation for 'Faith Healing' in the Death of their son, have done it again. Their 8 month old son died after a spat with diarrhea and breathing problems, when they did not seek medical attention. Weren't you in Philadelphia a week ago? Aren't they your fans? Where is your outrage for them?

  38. Anonymous4:18 PM

    OOPS! There's that Photoshopped Pic of Cross-eyed Sarah with 2 sets of hands holding the Assault Rifle. Can't Sarah do anything without help? Are we supposed to believe that only Sarah's hands are holding that Rifle? Everything about the Palins is Fake.

    1. PalinsHoax5:26 PM

      Yep ! That's why Ol' $crawny is called $arah Falsies Palin.

  39. Anonymous4:24 PM

    John McCain I agree with your thoughts on Sarah Palin.
    The woman is a fucking idiot.

  40. Anonymous4:28 PM

    How much donor money did SarahPac pay a consultant to advise Sarah to post this on Facebook?

    Great job there Sarah.
    You're staying relevant in Wasilla.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Money well spent. Let them shower Palin's PAC with money. Less for the other conservatives.

  41. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Terrorists crashing airplanes into buildings and killing many. People wounded, shot in the brain and died in assasination attempts in Tucson. Families bombed and ripped apart in Boston. Many shot and killed in schools and theatres across America and Sarah Palin is now raising her head in the last frontier crying about religious scriptures being removed from weapons of war?

    That Sarah Palin is sure presidential material..... for the retarded.

  42. Anonymous4:48 PM

    As a Christian, I am deeply offended that scripture references are on a military gunsight.

    Jesus said "blessed are the peacemakers."

  43. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Palin declared that although she loved her job and it hurt to leave it, her decision was in the best interest of Alaska. She said that she expected to continue her involvement in public affairs as a private citizen, and that the lack of an official title would not bother her, nor would it hamper her effectiveness.

    Governor Sarah Palin quit on the people of Alaska so she can report on Facebook that the Army wants to remove scriptures from their property?

    Go get em Sarah

    Ya got the United States Army shaking in their boots

  44. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Sarah where's your granddaughter?

    Where's Ruffles?

    Where's Trig's glasses and hearing aids?

    When will Todd confess he's a pimp?

    Are your unmarried kids finally using their condoms?

    Will Piper be the first Palin to complete 4 years of uninterrupted high school and get a real high school degree?

    Let's worry about your family first.
    Things that should be under your control if you were a fit mother.

  45. Anonymous5:08 PM

    For once I finally agree with Sarah Palin. College is not meant for everybody. Trade school is the way to save time and money. Look at Sarah, she went to 6 colleges in 5 years to learn the Who What When Where Why of journalism and look how she turned out. Posting on Facebook unimportant shit like this.

  46. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I gotta stop drinking. I'm looking at Sarah Palin's left hand on the rifle barrel in the above picture and I see more than 5 knuckles.

  47. So recommend that she have it craved into her forehead and move on. People with this level of limited intelligence and perspective should truly be in a home.... WHY ISN'T THIS SLUG DISAPPEARED???

  48. Anonymous5:26 PM

    So how fast would she run to her FB if those inscriptions were replaced with stupid palin-word-salad? Something about Paul Revere or North Korea......

  49. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I understand that the Bible inscriptions story is being recycled from 2 years ago. For a journalist, Sarah is really up to date with breaking news.

    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

      You do realize that Sarah Palin is not your normal college journalist. You do know that it took Sarah Palin six colleges and five years to do something that others has done at one college in four years.

  50. Anonymous6:29 PM

    There are the two Bible verses that the manufacturer inscribed on the gun scopes, used by our military:

    2 Corinthians 4:6 (English Standard Version)
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    2 Corinthians 4:6
    English Standard Version (ESV)
    6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

    John 8:12
    New International Version (NIV)
    Dispute Over Jesus’ Testimony
    12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

    I just prayed about these verses, I saw the light and I can report that Jesus does not want His name taken in vain. He does not condone killing. He hates war; He preaches peace. Yes, Jesus is behind this business of having the Bible verses scraped off of the gun scopes. "Get my name off of those things! Turn the other cheek, make peace."

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Father forgive her, because the dumb ass Bitch does not know what she says and does.

  51. Anonymous6:53 PM

    So there was this recent breaking news story in Boston, and some of the media well just FAIL.

    There was CNN fail, and then there was the Fox News FAIL. Just google something like Fox Todd Starnes scrubbed Saudi and you'll find that some bozo named TODD STARNES had the byline for that little Saudi questioned Terror Watch turd they dropped.

    It doesn't have anything at all to do with Todd Starnes in Billo the Clown's Shower with a loofah and a toad and a happy ending!

    As reported by News Corpse:

    "Fox News Scrubs Story Implicating Saudi Man In Terrorist Activity (ala Glenn Beck)

    In a peculiar and suspicious chain of events, Fox News ran an article by commentator Todd Starnes with the provocative headline “Saudi National Questioned in Boston was on Terror Watch List.” There was no evidence in the article affirming the title’s allegation other than Starnes’ assertion that “sources have told me.”

    Starnes went on to say that his sources alleged that “Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi had been deemed inadmissible” for entry into the United States because he was engaged, or likely to become engaged, in terrorist activity. “Two additional sources,” Starnes said, “have confirmed to me that Ali Alharbi is set to be deported as early as this week.”"


    So I think Todd Starnes just might have had a real bad sad and so now he has the LIBS HATE GAWD AND GUNZ and SOLDIERS with Mooseleeni riding shotgun to bail his sorry ass out.

    Show this poor fool some love why doncha?

  52. Anita Winecooler6:54 PM

    Gee, nothing important (pertaining to Sarah) going on in the news, so Sarah has to take an old story and make RAM earn her donuts.

    Nothing screams "Christian" more than a bullet site with a bible verse!

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Not much coverage anywhere anymore about Sarah Palin except for this blog and her own blog! The media isn't picking her up anymore - thank God!!! Much more important going on out there than conversation about Sarah Palin and her messed up family!

  53. Anonymous7:42 PM

    She i nothing more than those olden traveling shows that sold miracle cures in a bottle for everything that ailed you. Snake oil. Every last one of that family.

    It's taken a lot of patience, and they'll never be taken down for what WE ALL KNOW is true that we'd be serving time for if it were us, but I'll rest knowing none of them will be of any prominence again. They made their bed and karma bites.

  54. Anonymous7:51 PM

    A friend of mine is a Palin fanatic and Sarah Palin can't do no wrong in her eyes so she constantly tries to convert me. I try to keep Palin out of our conversations until one day I had enough.

    So I asked my friend how many kids does Sarah Palin have and she said 5.

    I then asked her how many kids out of high school and she said 3.

    I then asked her out of those 3, how many completed high school with no problems? How many is in college? How many got married before their pregnancies or scares? I rested my case.

    My friend didn't know what I was getting at so I had to explain it to her even further.

    I said, Sarah Palin has 3 adult kids and not one is any good. She had 3 attempts to raise, teach, educate and parent those dysfunctional kids and she screwed up all 3 of them. I then told my friend that we only have one United States of America. We do not have 3 United States of America for President Sarah Palin to practice and screw up like she did Wasilla and the state of Alaska. I said America can't afford a failure to be our president and then quit when the going gets tough. We need someone with thick skin and a backbone to stay for the long haul. America doesn't elect a ceremonial president or queen. America needs a serious leader with vision and brains. America does not need a scam artist. America doesn't need a Sarah Palin as our president.

    It was as simple as that.

    1. Anonymous8:51 PM

      I understand your argument pretty well, as dim-witted as I am about many things. Hopefully your friend will listen and THINK. And it doesn't really require a lot of doing that before realizing just how shallow Sarah is and how hollow her words ring to anyone capable of critical thinking.

    2. PalinsHoax4:29 AM

      Anonymous 7:51 PM

      I wonder what your friend thinks of Palin stuffing a pillow up her shirt and pretending to be pregnant - this after having a "toobul" after giving birth to Piper.

    3. Anonymous7:42 AM

      You're nicer than I am. I couldn't be friends with someone foolish enough to be a Palin fanatic.

  55. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Sarah Palin wants us to believe that Track just woke up one day and felt patriotic and signed up in the military.

    Do we really know what happened? Could it be that juvenile Track found himself out of high school with no skills or high school education to fall back on and not qualified for college. Did Track see a Army recruitment commercial on tv one lazy Monday afternoon and was tired of living under mommy's roof with no future?

    Or did Sarah tell Track that she wants to run for vp and then president so he owes her for all his screw ups when he was growing up. Did Sarah need Track to be her tattooed warrior combat vet that she could bring with her on her photo ops during her campaign?

    Whatever it may be, I don't think patriotic was the reason. Nothing patriotic about a Palin.

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Another of Palin's chilins that got into trouble in high school - something to do w/school buses - brakes and tire damage!!! He was given the choice of jail or military and, of course, he was in 'combat' (Army) according to liar Sarah. It has been proven the kid NEVER saw one ounce of combat.

      Sarah does nothing but embellish her children. She was and is a horrid mother and wife - proven time and time again! Her kids have ALL been a mess!

  56. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Sarah Palin wants everybody to believe that Willow always wanted to be creative growing up in Wasilla the hair capital of Alaska and wanted to style hair. So Willow supposely worked hard and "graduated" high school a year which was her plan. Sounds good.

    From the past stories of Willow being Sarah's wild child always getting into trouble and was a disciplinary problem who embarrassed Sarah quite doesn't match the picture Sarah painted of the wild child.

    Willow was rumored to the Colony Girls gang leader who was instrumental in the infamous breaking and entering which caused Sarah to leave her Hawaii vacation early. It was also rumored that either Sarah took Willow out of high school as a sophomore or she was asked to leave by the district. Either way, leaving school early to be creative doesn't appear to be the entire story. I don't know what happened but I wonder if Willow maybe going to Los Angeles to film Life's A Tripp and seeing the salons and hair designers working for the tv studios struck a nerve. Could it have been seeing Bristol getting her hair and makeup done on DWTS played a role in her decision. But I doubt Willow had this passion growing up in little Wasilla and with only two years of high school.

    It would be interesting to find out from Willow's high school teachers did Willow drop out as a sophomore to fulfill her dreams or was she kicked out or did Sarah take her out of school to save Sarah's image?

    Anybody know if Willow last attended high school as a sophomore and why did she leave high school? Was she asked to leave or did Sarah pull her out?

    1. Anonymous10:59 PM

      Give Willow some time and I'm willing to bet Sarah has lined up Willow a job doing hair for tv shows through her buddy Mark Burnet. No different than Todd getting that job jumping out of the healycopter for that reality show thanks to Sarah.

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Willow was diagnosed with 'Too much sex disease' and Mono Pregnancy. Sarah was concerned with the Threats from all of the High School Girls to her Daughters for 'FUCKING' their boyfriends all over the School. Isn't that right, Willow?

  57. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Sarah Palin wants us to believe that Bristol has great work ethics. Based on her performance and image shown on Life's A Tripp and her two performances on DWTS and DWTS ALL STARS, I don't think I need to say anything more. I rest my case.

  58. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Sarah Palin wants us to believe that Todd doesn't hang around with prostitutes in Anchorage but for some reason Todd refuses to deny it himself and refuses to challenge or call prostitute Shailey Tripp a liar. Todd even refuses to challenge the book Boys Will Be Boys written by Shailey Tripp which depicts her recruitment into the prostitution world by her pimp Todd who she claims to had sex with. Don't know what happened but Todd is not talking.

    1. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Maybe Todd has a ghost writer writing his memoirs and denial? Those Palin's and Heaths loves writing memoirs.

  59. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Sarah Palin wants us to believe that she's an energy expert. We have not been given any reason to believe she is one. Just being the governor of a oil producing state for half a term before quitting doesn't quite cut the mustard and being on a little oil board doesn't impress the big oil companies. What college, degrees, training or actual work experience qualifies Sarah to be an energy expert? I'm not buying it, are you?

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      It's been proven in Alaska that Sarah Palin is NOT an energy expert. McCain is the one that pushed that lie! She's really not an expert on, or in, anything!

      Remember how she spouted on the campaign trail w/McCain that there was a new pipeline under construction in Alaska? That was ANOTHER one of her lies! The 'new' pipeline STILL has never been built!

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      7:02 must be mistaken. Sarah is a Christian woman and doesn't lie.

  60. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Why is Sarah worried about words on a rifle scope? Doesn't she have more problems of a personal family nature to occupy her time?

  61. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Does Sarah consider herself an Alaskan or Arizonian? Does she have duel citizenship?

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Her popularity in Alaska taint there anymore and she rarely shows her face in Wasilla, Anchorage or Juneau. AZ can have her, but they'll soon grow tired of her too! The woman ain't what she projects herself to be! Proven time and time again!

    2. Anonymous7:17 AM

      According to Sarah, didn't Arizona throw a hair school congratulations parade and walk-athon for Willow? Arizona loves the Palin's.

    3. Anonymous3:06 PM

      I currently reside in Arizona and I DO NOT want to see any of the ugly Palins in this state. You have my promise to insure Sarah will not hold any political office in Arizona. She will find that she is no more welcome in Arizona than she is in Alaska. I would suggest she move to Texas. Maybe her newest bbf ted Cruz will find her some way to help her grift in Texas. He owes her for her endorsement.

  62. Janice4:41 AM

    OT...Hillary Clinton’s next chapter — the paid speaking circuit — begins today.

    The former first lady, senator and secretary of state has overnight become one of the most in-demand speakers in the world — as a a reported $200,000-a-pop fee attests — even before she takes the stage at the National Multi-Housing Council in Dallas. A few hours earlier, also in Dallas, former Florida governor and fellow potential 2016 contender Jeb Bush will give his own address to the World Affairs Council.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/04/hillary-clintons-next-phase-highly-paid-speaker-90530.html#ixzz2RNqt4ZUC

    1. Anonymous5:12 AM

      Yup Sarah if you went to college and actually learned something, that could of been you. Instead you went to all those colleges winky blinking and bullshitting your way through. Sorta like what you're doing now.

    2. Anonymous5:23 AM

      Another big difference is that Hillary's daughter went to college to learn and make something of herself while Bristol went to high school to learn how to to fuck for her career as the Alaskan single struggling teenage dancing mother who has spent her early adult life trying to do reality shows and trying out trial husbands.

    3. Anonymous5:28 AM

      @ 5:12 Sarah won Miss Wasilla and knows how to play a flute. I'm sure Hillary can't so there.

    4. Anonymous5:41 AM

      Before she was first lady or senator, Hillary Clinton was a corporate lawyer.In fact, she spent the longest stretch of her professional life in a corporate law firm — which explains a lot, says Susan Lehman, writing in The American Lawyer.Corporate lawyers, says Ms. Lehman, are professionally risk-averse; relentlessly, unreasonably reasonable; and trained to be exhaustively, expensively argumentative.

      Sarah from Alaska took another path. Sarah was a failed Miss Alaska, failed tv sportscaster, failed co-mayor, failed co-governor, failed vp candidate, failed FOX contributor, failed mother, failed hunter, failed historian but I heard she can wiggle her tongue and get the old men excited.

    5. Anonymous5:43 AM

      Hillary actually ran for president while Sarah only pretended to run for president.

    6. Anonymous5:49 AM

      Well Sarah can look in two directions at once. Lets see Hillary try that!

    7. Anonymous6:11 AM

      So you want to play that game?

      Sarah's daughter got her high school GED and went on to a one year trade school, received her hair school certificate, saved 4 years of college tuition, doesn't have any debts and will have her own shampoo station, broom and smock with her name on it..

      Hillary's stupid daughter had to spend 4 years in high school, 4 years in college, has college debts and has to work for somebody else.

      We can go all day!

    8. Anonymous6:21 AM

      Bristol lost her baby's daddy, was paid to sorta dance, had a trial husband, can ride a mechanical bull and cried on her failed reality show and on DWTS.

      Chelsea married a investment banker, she pursued her undergraduate education at Stanford University and also earnedmaster's degrees from University College, Oxford, and Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. She is currently pursuing adoctoral degree at University of Oxford.



    9. Anonymous6:31 AM

      6:21 proved Sarah is correct. Why spend all that money and time in school and not have a job? Willow is debt free and has her own business as soon as her mother buys her one.

    10. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Hillary lost to one black man.

      Sarah lost to Miss Black Alaska, to our black president and lost her black college one nightstand.

      What else you got?

    11. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Looks like the only way a Palin can beat a black man is with a couple of buddies.

    12. Anonymous7:37 AM

      At least Hillary didn't give her daughter initals that spells a big farm animal.

    13. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Is it true Sarah doesn't need buddies to lick a black man?

    14. Cracklin Charlie12:48 PM

      Might I add that Chelsea Clinton is quite an accomplished ballerina, and could probably win that dancing show without even trying?

    15. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Cracklin Charlie12:48 PM No way can Chelsea beat Bristol dancing. Bristol was a finalist as well as an All Star dancer with great work ethics. She was robbed.

    16. Anonymous3:59 PM

      1:37 PM You are being sarcastic, I hope. Mark almost had a Hernia dragging Bristol's Fat Ass all over the Dance Floor. Her extra Pregnancy weight made her even Lazier than she had been.

    17. Janice7:32 PM

      Chelsea wouldn't lower herself to be on DWTS. I doubt there are many college graduates to preform there. It is a lot of has beens or wanna bes. Bristol is not in the same company as Chelsea. Chelsea is a lady, went to college, got married and landed a good job, she actually works. Bristol got knocked up as a teen, never married, unwed who went on to write a book about how hard it is to be a single mom with a millionaire mother and who bought a mansion. Chelsea will go very far in the future and Bristol has gone as far as she can, no education, just a GED.

  63. Anonymous6:56 AM

    5:28 Sarah Palin LOST that race (check your information for truthfulness before hitting the 'send' button!) to a black, very talented gal! Sarah is a proven liar and fraud - is a horrid wife - horrible mother - had affairs - has a marriage that isn't one - husband, Toad, is a proven 'pimp' (Boys Will be Boys) and on and on.

  64. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Oh you STUPID, demented Bitch. Anything for a headline.

  65. Anonymous8:07 AM

    A forthcoming cover piece from The American Spectator will tell the story of how Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and one-time vice presidential nominee, "has racked up an impressive record electing conservatives." She'd better! According to the Daily Beast's John Avlon, her political action committee, SarahPAC, gave a mere "$298,500 to candidates," while a cool $4.8 million was spent engaging the services of political consultants. You remember her position on consultants, right? They were part of a parade of horribles she criticized during her CPAC speech, in which she called out “the big consultants, the big money men, and the big bad media," for their crimes against humanity.


  66. Anonymous8:24 AM

    The Palin family problem is Sarah herself. Sarah can't help but parade her and her family's meager accomplishments and failures which triggers an automatic response from America. If I were Sarah's kids, I would tell Sarah to shut the fuck up and stop drawing attention to us. All it does is backfire and highlights our stupidity.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Bad news Sarah's narcissistic personality disorder won't allow Sarah to shut the fuck up. She needs the attention and contant stroking by her fans to make her feel wanted and important.

    2. Anonymous8:49 AM

      The kids ask for it as well being on reality shows and doing stupid stuff their whole life.

    3. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Sarah has to draw attention to herself. That's why she enters beauty pageants, wears padded bras and implants, lick her lips and plays with her tongue, winks, gets her neck and face tightened, says her hillbilly jibberish, wears her f-me pumps and teenage clothes. If she didn't she would be in her bath robe eating Taco Bell, drinking her Diet Dr Peppers, watching her soaps and throwing cans at the icebox while wearing her hair bumpit and prom coverage.

    4. Anonymous10:08 AM

      I do remember seeing pictures of Sarah Palin wearing corsages and she was out of high school and college and had kids already. Never figured that one out. Was she trying to relive her youth just like she's wears inappropriate clothes for a grandmother her age?

  67. Anonymous9:16 AM

    The best thing for Sarah's kids and grandchildren is for Sarah to take the money she's already laundered and close up shop and hi tail it out of Alaska where we know her the best. But for some NPD patients, that's not enough. They crave attention like a crackhead loves their drugs, like Willow and Bristol loves cake, like Track loves his guns, like Todd loves Shailey Tripp, like Sarah loves stuffing her bra.

  68. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Jesse I believe the text of the verses are not etched but the references to them i.e. Rev21:23. Not that it's right.

  69. Anonymous10:02 AM


    What Would Jesus Do?

    WWSPD if she found out the Army rifle scopes had President Obama's name and face etched on it?

    Now that would make a difference and all hell would break loose.

  70. Anonymous2:32 PM

    LOL This guy Don left this horse shit comment on SP's facebook:

    Don Reese > Sarah Palin · I really hope you decide to run for Senate! Although I won't be able to vote for you (unless you decide to take over McCain's seat down here in Arizona), but I'll support you.

    SarahPac make sure you get this loser Don into your donor database. You got a live one here.


  71. Anonymous3:20 PM

    OMG! and who moved the words around on the coin and OMG! who took the bible verse cards off the airplanes! OMG! OMG! My hair is on fire! OMG!


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