Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Senate fails to get the 60 votes necessary to protect the Manchin-Toomey amendment from filibuster. Updated with President's response.

We learned today that THESE are more important than our children.
Courtesy of the Washington Post: 

As the Senate began voting Wednesday on nine proposed changes to a gun control bill, the centerpiece proposal on background checks quickly failed to win enough support, despite broad public backing. 

The vote on the so-called Manchin-Toomey amendment was 54 in favor, 46 against — failing to reach the 60-vote threshold needed to move ahead. Four Republicans supported it, and four Democrats voted no. 

The Senate also failed to move ahead with a GOP-backed amendment to permit “national reciprocity” of concealed carry permits, on a vote of 57 in favor to 43 against. All amendments under consideration required 60 votes to survive Senate procedural moves and ensure final passage. 

The raw emotion of the defeat played out in the Senate gallery just after Vice President Biden read the vote count on the background check amendment. 

“Shame on you!” at least two women were heard shouting. 

As they were escorted from the Capitol, Patricia Maisch and Lori Haas said they shouted in anger. Maisch successfully knocked a large ammunition magazine out of the hands of Jared Loughner in Jan. 2011 after he shot former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and other bystanders. 

“They are an embarrassment to this country, that they don’t have any compassion or care for people who have been taken brutally from their families,” Maisch said as officers attempted to remove her from the building. “I hate them,” she said of the senators. 

“We’re sick and tired of the death in this country and these legislators stand up there and think it’s a bunch of numbers,” said Haas, whose daughter, Emily, was wounded in the April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech. 

“It’s a shame, it’s appalling, it’s disgusting,” she added.

How many more must die?

I am just heartbroken over this.

The Senators who did not vote for this, and yes I include the two cowards representing Alaska, should be ashamed of themselves.

Update: Politico is the first ones that have video of the President's remarks. (They also have the transcript.)

I don't think I have EVER seen the President this angry. And I don't blame him one little bit!

Update 2: Well look who is dancing on the graves of Newtown.
I heard that Mitch McConnell was dancing a little jig today on the Senate floor as well.

Update 3: This photograph, of the President hugging a Sandy Hook parent directly after his remarks, pretty much says it all.


  1. The President is addressing this vote right now.

    He is pissed!

    I will post the video later.

    1. And Palin is celebrating - hope she sees pictures of Gabby Giffords all the time - and NEVER should she mention "attacks" on her children - what an ignorant horror story she is.

      You sure got something in the water in Alaska that breeds the wrong sort of politicians - all the time. Guess the so called democrat wants NRA money for his re-election because he won't get much from any democrats

    2. Anonymous2:43 PM

      I am pissed, too. Called Sen Begich's office and let my feelings known.

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Thanks Mark Begich! Your oval will remain blank again this next election. Turncoat Blue Dog Dem kowtowing to the conservative Alaskans instead of the Dems and Independents that voted him into office. Hey Mark, why not just run as a Republican next time? Oh, right, you know that you'd never win that way because you need your "duped" left wingers to vote for you....well, guess what buddy, it probably ain't gonna happen again. You could pull a Lindsey Holmes and change parties once you won? Seems like something you should consider...

  3. I am so sick to death of reading that a vote was lost when a majority of the votes cast were in favor.

    1. Karlton4:00 PM

      Yea, I ranted about douchenozzle Harry Reid when he made a deal with the devil Turtleman and everybody on this site jumped all over me. Said Harry had a plan and was playing chess and the Republicons were playing checkers. I guess Obama needs to find out who Harry is working for and why he's working against him. If the Senate stays Dem in 2014 (doubt it) rules better be changed, only takes 51 to pass bills.

  4. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Sarah Palin will now have to disown John McCain. Should be interesting.
    Otherwise, I'm sick at heart.

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      "Sarah Palin will now have to disown John McCain. Should be interesting."

      What does this even mean?? Baldy will NEVER say a word against John McInsane! He protects her nasty ass and she protects his nasty ass...two gross peas in a filthy ass pod the both of them!

  5. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Gryphen, you areout of your mind if you think even the strictest form of gun contrl will change things. Its not like we live in a state of caos where everyone is running amok with weaponry. Why is it that people blame a BOMBER when something is bombed and not the SHOOTER of a gun when a gun kills someone?

    The logic is ridiculous.

    As long as any weapons exist and as long as a formula for bomb making is known, batshit ppl will use them.

    Its happened forever. Think, we're an even more peaceful place today, worldwide. Hangings don't exist and weren't public spectacles as they used to be, though the electric chair sadly exists still. As does abortion.

    If we cannot respect the unborn, despite the circumstances and we promote murder of criminals regardless of crimes, that is setting an example that "if you disagree with someone and think they're wrong, they deserve to die."

    Its all subjective and the fact that humans are allowed to PARDON random criminals proves it.

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM


      Well, you certainly seem to have lost track of the issue.

      WHAT is YOUR plan for keeping high-capacity rapid fire weapons out of the hands of mentally unstable people?

    2. Anonymous2:16 PM

      I think 2:12 IS "mentally unstable"! The whole comment was all over the place and made no sense....sounds like Baldy...speaking of the retard...she's already tweeted some bullshit about the vote...the stupid bitch!

    3. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Ah, yes, the electric chair and Abortion leap from background checks for guns. Are we arming electric chairs and fetuses?

      Think is right!

    4. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Go fuck yourself. Moron.

    5. What planet are you on today - Let's respect the living - would be a good place to start - the gun debate has NOTHING to do with abortion - and it has nothing to do with bombs. GUNS KILL and more guns held by lunatics kill MORE people.

      So what if YOU think this doesn't matter - EVERY small move will help someone somewhere. If the gun mentality can be stopped at home - maybe, just maybe the US will stop exporting their violence all over the world.

    6. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Half-Wit: This is not about bombings. It is about protecting innocent people from shooters.

    7. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Word salad.

    8. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Pressure cookers, ball bearings, nails and backpacks are all designed for peaceful uses. Guns and bullets have only one kill.

      The faster a gun can shoot and the larger the magazine it can hold, the more carnage a person can cause with them.

      Nothing will stop a determined person from killing others, but keeping weapons out of the hands of dangerous people and limiting the damage those weapons can do in a short period can only help.

    9. lostinmn4:21 PM

      so when you jerk off or jerk off your male contact do you take the hankie out to the back yard and have a funeral for all the little people you killed? your post is a pathetic piece of shit.

    10. BabyRaptor4:55 PM

      Oh, look...Another pro-forced birther...

      We have plenty of respect for the unborn, once they're actually something resembling a life and they deserve it. I'm sure you're aware that all elective abortions are banned in the third trimester.

      If you're honestly trying to claim that a conception is an "unborn child worth respecting," we're not the people with a logic issue here. You are. Go learn some facts about what you're white knighting before you open your mouth again.

      As to the guns, no. People don't kill people. People USE GUNS to kill people. And there's nothing...Jesus Christ. I'm too pissed to even type right now.

    11. Anonymous9:34 PM

      @2:12 PM:

      "Gryphen, you areout of your mind if you think even the strictest form of gun contrl will change things."

      Yet, you anti-choice ASSHOLES want to ban abortions! Banning abortions won't stop a woman from getting an abortion! You're a fucking hypocrite, and you don't know what you're talking about, so shut the fuck up!

  6. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I just called my senators and wrote a scathing email.
    So pissed off right now.

  7. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Just ridiculous...Loved that President Obama called out that idiot Cruz (not by name) about the so called gun registry that was made up by the Tea Baggers.

  8. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I've already let Mark Pryor know he's not getting my vote in 2014. That's nothing new though,because I didn't vote for the asshole in his last election.

  9. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I thought that majority ruled in a democracy. 50 percent is a majority vote so is the 60 vote requirement and the filibuster by a small minority not undemocratic? If 92 percent of your citizens want this measure how can a few bozos impose their will on the vast majority of citizens?Is that not dictatorship? By the way, Canada doesn't want Cruz back!

  10. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Obama only likes killing 10 year old kids on the other side of the world

    1. It seems you like to hate on the blah people - want to talk about what GWB did to people on the other side of the world - two wars - and a big report on torture just released - shame that the killing at home and the gutless congress has overshadowed it

    2. Anonymous3:06 PM

      More nonsensical nonsense....fuck off troll.

    3. Leland3:41 PM

      Remember two things, fool.

      One: Obama did not START those wars.

      Two: Obama is ENDING those wars.

      Think asshole.

    4. Anonymous5:15 PM


      It's rather immaterial if he is stopping the actual "wars", he is continuing to rain drone-deployed bombs on children and their families.

    5. Anonymous6:19 PM

      I didn't see no drones near Lake Lucille in Wasilla so what are you suggesting, 5:15?

    6. Anonymous9:42 PM

      "Obama only likes killing 10 year old kids on the other side of the world."

      @3:06 PM:

      What are you talking about? How do you know what the president "likes" doing? If you are talking about wars, and drones, etc., then just about every president in the last century, or so, "likes killing 10 year old kids on the other side of the world."

      Unfortunately, conservatives love killing 6 year old kids, right here in America, and all over the world.

      P.S., you're stupid.

    7. Anonymous9:46 PM


      That doesn't mean he "likes" doing it. What should he do then, genius? Put more boots on the ground? If he did that you would be bitching about the ongoing war. People like you whine a lot, but you never have any answers. Meanwhile, children right here in America continue to be sprayed with bullets by assault rifles, and you don't seem to care.

  11. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Of course, Skank had to weigh in on this...

    Politicians’ expanded gun control effort fails in the Senate today. Count this a victory for the 2nd Amendment and law-abiding citizens.

    — Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) April 17, 2013

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      She's just reminding everyone that she's clueless when it comes to understanding the Constitution.

  12. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Although my senators (Levin and Stabenow) voted the way I wanted them to, I wrote to Sen. Levin and asked that he make the point to his colleagues that the vast majority of the American people want tougher gun control legislation and that the Senate represents the American people, not the NRA. Many of us feel so frustrated right now. For Harry Reid to vote "no" for "procedural reasons" is just outright wrong. Why not vote "yea" for moral reasons? If enough senators had done that, the amendment would have been protected. I share the sentiments of the two people who shouted "shame" and I share the anger of President Obama and Vice President Biden.

    1. Reid HAD to vote know if he wants to be able to bring the bill back - you prefer it never gets debated again?

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Vote "know"?

    3. Anonymous6:21 PM

      You know there's this little thing called "Preview" before you hit publish?

    4. You know what I meant so give up on the sh-t corrections - the bill can be reintroduced if Reid voted NO - which is why he changed his vote when the RWNJs did their fancy footwork to allow a minority to reject the bill.

    5. Anonymous5:00 AM

      About Harry Reid's vote: the fake 60-vote requirement was an invention of a GOP Senate a few years back. It is unconstitutional and should not be in place. The GOP wanted it there because they knew that it was their only way of controlling the Senate without always having a majority. When the chance came to get rid of the requirement at t he beginning of this session, Harry Reid did nothing. I find him a very poor leader for the Senate Democrats. He is always hiding behind the "60 vote requirement" excuse.

  13. We need to post the list of names who voted no. Facebook, everywhere. We will not forget.

  14. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Seriously I would like to put my foot up Palin's ass for celebrating on the graves of those Sandy Hook kids!

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      "I would like to put my foot up Palin's ass"

      Get in line.

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      I'd love to do more harmful stuff to the battleax!

    3. Anonymous4:16 PM

      I'd like to challenge Sarah Palin to a duel. I know I would win.

  15. We need to post the list of names who voted no. Facebook, everywhere. We will not forget.

  16. Anonymous3:15 PM

    How sad for our country to see that most Republican and a few Democratic Senators are nothing but NRA puppets. Dance Senators, dance!

    The next time a bunch of precious babies are killed, ALL OF YOU just remember, YOU, TOO, WILL HAVE PULLED THE TRIGGER. of principle, my ass. You ALL disgust me.

    1. bloodlibelpalin4:44 PM

      Yea, but if they're fetuses the Repubes can't pass enough bills and take away living women's rights fast enough.

  17. Anonymous3:23 PM

    @Sarah Palin

    The whole point of background checks is to find out whether the gun buyer is law-abiding (and mentally stable).

  18. Randall3:26 PM

    ...and Sarah Palin slithers from her hole to lick the tears off of the faces of the families of the victims...

  19. Anonymous3:28 PM

    This makes me sick to my stomach. I just have no words. :-(

  20. Anonymous3:30 PM

    First of all: Sarah Palin, you now have that "death panel" you've always wanted. Only YOU helped create it, with your LIES and vile contempt for America. Did losing the VP spot in 2008 really affect you that badly? Apparently so.

    And to the gun "enthusiasts" STILL passing along those same LIES: It was NEVER about taking your guns. We just want background checks in place to help keep the criminals and mentally unstable from obtaining guns. Are you REALLY opposed to background checks? Why? Do you really think guns should be handed to anyone that wants them? My God, you people disgust me. You fall for the LIES and add to them, until the TRUTH is obliterated. All because you don't like President Obama. Don't you realize THIS ISN'T A GAME?! We're talking about innocent lives at stake, not some sports match with your team vs my team.

    You know what? Go celebrate your "big victory" you stupid cult followers of Palin and her ilk. But know this: This is the closest we've come to passing SENSIBLE legislation on gun control. Next time, the outcome will be different. Trust that. We may have lost the battle, but the war is far from over.

    The 90%

  21. Anonymous3:31 PM

    You won't see any background checks until someone takes a gun onto the Senate floor and mows a bunch of legislators down. At that point they'll do something, and only then.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      I seriously doubt it - the NRA would come into Congress and promise to pay and support everyone that is left and those that replace the dead ones!

      They'd even be fucking idiots in that scenario! Wanna bet?

  22. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Sarah Palin

    The next school shooting or theatre killing that happens, you can be sure your name will be dragged in and you will sit in your house turret making another "It ain't my fault blood libel video".

  23. Karen in SoCal3:39 PM

    Hey Anon 3:06 go take your firebagger shit someplace else. Go visit Glenn Greenwald's place, it will be more to your liking. In the meantime, STFU.

  24. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Law-abiding citizens, Sarah, should happily support gun control. And by a margin of about 80-20, so do most Americans.
    You can claim yourself to be a victor today, but, come 2014, this issue will be played out in elections all across the country. And we won't let anyone forget just what their lily-livered, paid-for-by-the-NRA Senators did for the health of this country.

  25. Anonymous3:41 PM

    The Palins and Heaths must be filled with joy.

    Palins 2
    Families 0

    The Palins protected their guns and Track got to keep his guns over his daughter

    1. The Real Anonymous3:51 PM

      Wasn't his daughter.

    2. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Track's daughter is really his niece, however, since Bristol and Track are only half siblings technically Kayla Grace is actually his "half niece". Probably more appropriate that the "mother" kept Kayla as Track raising his half-niece would have been rather strange.

  26. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I'm so disgusted w/this vote I cannot see straight! I've always voted for Begich in Alaska and will no longer do so. Murkowski will not get my vote either, but she never has.

    These jerks need to be voted out of office on their next election cycles. I own guns and have never joined the NRA - wouldn't do it today, or in the future, if my life depended upon it!

    Sarah Palin is the last one that should speak about this subject - she knows zero about guns - doesn't hold them correctly, doesn't know how to load them and cannot shoot at animals (to kill) worth a damn! All proven on video!!!

    Vote out the Republicans at every chance you get!

  27. Anonymous3:43 PM

    It gives me comfort to know that the great majority of my fellow Americans realize that it is in Sarah Palin's nature to do or say anything for money. Dancing on the graves of Newtown is just another work day for Mrs. Todd Palin. Her tweet gets the base worked up over their "victory". The base sends money to SarahPAC. Cha-ching!

  28. Anonymous3:56 PM

    God bless Barack Obama
    God damn Sarah Palin
    It's come to that,
    For me, anyway

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      And, may she rot in hell when she is finally gone from our beautiful earth.

  29. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I sincerely hope all those who voted against this bill never find themselves or any member of their families caught in the midst of a mass shooting carried out by some mentally ill person with easy access to a gun.

    1. limejello6:31 PM

      Take out the word never and now sounds better.
      What is the bitch Palin's problem? Is she still sore that she lost to the black guy back in 08?

  30. Anonymous4:10 PM

    A lot of Americans found out today that "representative government" went out the window years ago. At least they used to PRETEND to be doing the will of the people.

    Most elected officials are nothing more than pawns of the lobby groups, and are owned by Monsanto, the NRA, oil companies, and other polluters and swindlers.

    1. Anonymous7:56 PM

      You got that right.

  31. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Sarah has quit on everything. Can't wait until she follows her newly found idol...and quits breathing.

    1. Scooby6:33 PM

      You mean the vaguely bearded one, Joe Joe Miller?

  32. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I'm so disgusted w/our Alaska delegation. I just sent a note off to Mr. Begich telling him I'll never vote for him again and I am one that has always supported him for years - assembly, mayor and congressman. I would NEVER vote for Lisa Murkowski. There is a good possibility that I'll leave that portion of my ballot blank!

    Hang in there President Obama and VP Biden - you two are doing an excellent job in spite of members from your own party not being in support of your issues as well as the many Republicans that do nothing but obstruct!

  33. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I wonder how much the NRA contributed to SarahPAC?

    What a disgusting human being she is... and now she's dancing on the graves of all those innocent children with her heartless "Victory!" tweet. She should be ASHAMED for calling herself an American.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Maybe we can get that little shit leader in North Korea to take Sarah to live with him. She can be Queen of North Korea. Army green would look quite fashionable on her and she can wear boots, too!

  34. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Skank's buddy had to weigh in.......

    Pathway to a national gun registry defeated in the Senate. Crucial victory for #2ndAmendment #Protect2A

    — Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) April 17, 2013

    Assault weapons ban fails. #2ndAmendment prevails #Protect2A

    — Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) April 17, 2013

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Go back to Canada, Senator Ted "Carnival" Cruz!! And take Sarah with ya'!

  35. We need to make our feelings clear in the next round of elections. Throw the NRA losers out.

  36. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Over at the Palin cult, they are acting as if Palin was instrumental in what happened today. They may be full of praise now, but it may come back to bite them in the ass.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Who the hell cares what the Sea of Pee zoo thinks?

    2. Anonymous6:58 PM

      The cognitive dissonance over there is overwhelming.

      Sarah walks on water over there.

    3. Anonymous7:58 PM

      I saw that...what kind of freaks are they? Sick.

  37. Anonymous4:34 PM

    When she (Palin) passes - we'll sing "the witch is dead" much like Thatcher has been having done. Don't know which of them is worse! But, at least, Margaret Thatcher had a long history of serving her country where the 'quitter' Alaska hak proved to be nothing but inept in the short time she was actually visible (working w/Toad - as the proven co-quitters!).

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Yes we will sing, I may even consider going up to AK to dance on her grave.

  38. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Palin and her cowardly bunch of sycophants hiding behind worthless scribbles on twitter and c4p.
    I dare you to go straight to the families who lost their CHILDREN-our collective children-yes the children who belong to all of us and dance your disgusting celebratory dance in front of them. Those little babies who could have grown up to be our presidents, our doctors, our hairstylists even. Those BABIES who went to school and were murdered all because a mentally ill person was able to get weapons. Stop calling them guns-they are weapons of mass destruction and the ones being destroyed are our children. And yes you dimwit tied and hateful people-they are our children. We feel the pain at the loss of their little lives but thy are not ours in death only. They are ours as a country we should do all we can to protect them.

    All the children and innocents who have been killed merely because they were in the wrong place t the wrong time!
    Shame on palin and Cruz and c4p and everyone else who celebrates this dark day. We were only asking to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and those mentally unbalanced and you show your absolute disregard for those who have been entrusted to our care.

    Please do tell what gun did Jesus carry? What gun does god tote?
    You and your false "sympathy" for all the lives lost due to these weapons of mass destruction. Hang your head in shame and know that should your god exist and should your god pass judgement when you die you will find yourself judged not as a defender and protector of the weak and innocent. You will find yourself to be judged unfit to dwell with the innocents who have needlessly died.

    Shame on you palin and Cruz and c4p and anyone else who dances on this dark day.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      I also saw how a number of the C4P people were practically giddy that the tragedy in Boston was carried out via an explosive device, and somehow -- in their twisted logic -- they thought it was a SIGN that the elected officials MUST defeat legislation on background checks.

      Shame on them indeed.

  39. PROOF that the right-wing hate machine and some terrified democrats, in name only, believe that BRIBES ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN HUMAN LIFE.

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Well if it you're talking about fetuses then the RWNJs would be all for that bill for protection.

  40. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Tonight, I will hug my daughter a little tighter and pray that someday, people like Sarah Palin, who believe anonymous, unlimited and unrestricted guns sales are more important than the safety of our most innocent ones... I pray that people like Sarah Palin will either come to their senses or will stop spreading the lies that endanger us all.

    It is a dark, sad day for America - but we will prevail! We will fight the fight and we will watch over the little ones.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Sarah will never come to her senses because she has none. But you knew that.

  41. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Sarah Palin can you explain your thought process

    A kid guesses your email password and you want him to go to prison for life.

    A certifiable mentally ill person wants to buy a Uzi to go on a killing spree and you say it is his right.

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      With Sarah, there is no "thought process".

    2. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Wasn't that the time when Vice President Candidate Sarah Palin went off campaigning and left her scared pregnant high school daughter home alone deep in the woods without a house or cell phone and Bristol didn't have one relative or friend in all of Alaska to loan her a cell phone. Funny how Bristol was just fine doing the nasty deeeeeep in the woods in a canvas tent without her mommy. How times has changed, since then Bristol herself bought a house deeeeeep in the woods on the other side of the lake from her mommy where its just Bristol and her son Tripp who lives by themselves and everybody is fine and not scared anymore.

  42. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I disagree in part with Pres. Obama. I don't think there was any common sense to the Manchin-Toomey exception for private sales and monstrous interstate concealed carry provision.

    Let's hope this is a blessing in disguise and that we'll get a better bill passed in the near future--a bill that also limits magazine size and closes all existing loopholes that prevent enforcement of gun laws.

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      The only way that the Republicans will pass anything on gun control is for Obama to say that he is against gun control and then you can watch all the Republicans be for it because Obama is against it. TPM had a good article about how the Obama budget has painted the GOPers in a corner, AGAIN. If Obama is for something like chained CPI then that means the Republicans must take the opposite position.

  43. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Just ponder this:

    Almost 3500 dead by a gun in four months...a culture of death, lead by their priestess, Ms Palin.

  44. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Those dumb fucks can celebrate all they want, but the sleeping giant has awoken.

  45. Anonymous6:32 PM

    This issue has hit me so hard today. I'm devastated by the lack of votes for such a simple yet important vote on gun control. There is something very wrong in American politics, something very very wrong. It's almost mind boggling how 90% of Americans support stricter gun laws yet the very people they vote for voted against this. I sure hope that Americans will vote these cowards out in 2014.

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      It hit me hard too. :(

  46. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Just asking and not insinuating anything. Palin's son is nicknamed Can't Get Right for some reason and I don't know why so don't ask me. Is Sarah fighting against gun background checks because Can't Get Right wouldn't be able to own a gun if they checked his mentality? Again I don't know anything except for that his new wife and new baby just left him for some unknown reason and all he wanted was all the guns and he has a strange nickname.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Morlock Jr. his what I hear his nickname is. He's also the go to guy for oxys.

    2. Anonymous11:53 PM

      Does Track supply Sarah with Oxycontin?

  47. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Time to clean house in 2014. Vote these bastards out!

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      and bitches out

    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      I hope the R's get the shellacking they deserve.

  48. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Shame ...Shame... Fucking Shame on the US Senate!

  49. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Anonymous5:19 PM
    Track's daughter is really his niece, however, since Bristol and Track are only half siblings technically Kayla Grace is actually his "half niece". Probably more appropriate that the "mother" kept Kayla as Track raising his half-niece would have been rather strange.

    Maybe that's why Sarah kept Trig. It would of been awkward for Bristol or Track to keep Trig?

  50. Anonymous7:46 PM

    One reason Congress doesn't represent the U.S. majority:

    CA's 2 Senators represent 38 million people, 29 million voting-eligible population
    AK's 2 Senators represent 732 thousand people, 545 thousand voting-eligible population

    No way our founding fathers expected that to happen.

  51. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Crosshairs Sarah had to open her fat yap. That alone should give the left hope that this is not over.

  52. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Was Sarah worried that if gun control passed, they would take away her gun?

    No need to worry Sarah. We seen you shoot on Sarah Palin's Alaska and you couldn't hit a herd of big ass non moving caribous with a high powered rifle and sniper scope at close range even with hunters telling you what to do. What did it take Sarah, 5 to a dozen shots? That shit was too embarrassing for the Great White (Trash) Hunter.

    So I would say that it is safe to assume that mentally disturbed people would be able to keep their guns if they have wonkie eyes and couldn't hit the side of a barn 10 feet away.

  53. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Not to change the subject, but did Sarah make it to her friend's funeral in the UK?

    NO? Why not? Was she too busy going to church?

  54. Anonymous7:55 PM

    After Gabby was shot and Sarah gave her "Blood Libel" speech it looks like she would keep her hate filled mouth shut. This woman is just pure evil along with the rest of the GOP and Tea baggers.

  55. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Republicans need to be voted out of office everywhere we look. I can hardly wait to mark my ballot in opposition to any of them on the national, state and local areas of government where I reside.

    People need to be paying attention and I'll do everything I can to assist in seeing their losses in upcoming elections. They've done nothing but obstruct and create financial and social problems across the nation.

  56. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I would like to see some loony tunes shut that bitch up forever with their AK47.

  57. Anonymous9:50 PM

    When Obama starts shutting down bases in Alaska I guess Begich will know why.

  58. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Thank you SO MUCH for posting the video. I have shared it with all my family members who missed it because they were at work.

  59. Huffington post has a list of the twitter handles for all those senators that voted against.

    Let the cowards know they'll need every NRA dollar to get re-elected as we'll be funding whoever runs agains them. Their days of obstructionism are over. This will be their last term.

  60. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Gryphen: Would you be willing to consider a new "Palin" blog policy? During national tragedies such as the Newtown murders and the Boston Marathon bombing, and during and after extremely important national policy debates and resulting Senate/Congressional votes, would you please consider NOT posting the Facebook, Twitter, or press rantings of the imbecile and worthless piece of shit Sarah Palin?

    During relatively normal, everyday American life, her opinions and actions are laughable, irrelevant, and not the least bit influential to anyone in this country who matters. She's a joke. Her usual insane and uninformed rantings add absolutely nothing in the big scheme of things, so as a mild form of entertainment, they're a hoot to read when one is bored.

    But, please, out of respect for victims of national tragedies as well as the victims (the American people) of immoral, gutless, bought-off right wing Republicans who continue to thwart sane public policy to the detriment of all Americans, it would just seem more appropriate to refrain from posting Sarah Palin's disrespectful and ill-informed rantings.

    Bringing her up in any blog about important national events just lessens the seriousness of the issue and cheapens the discussion. It feels unseemly.

    During these situations, I, for one, could do without the "and here's what Sarah Palin says/thinks about it." In fact, it would send a strong message about her utter lack of credibility and importance if her name and very existence were not acknowledged under these tragic circumstances.

    Just a suggestion, one I hope you'll seriously consider. Thanks.

  61. Anonymous5:31 AM

    46 traitors to our country who should be tried for treason. I'll bring the rope. 46 barbaric scum who enjoy seeing childrens' heads blown off. I hope it's their kids next.

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      There are 54 traitors

    2. Anonymous8:12 PM

      There are 2 Traitors, Sarah and Todd. A.I.P.
      Secessionists who hate the U.S. Government, unless they are receiving 'Free Money' in the form of PFD. Pimps and Grifters should be JAILED.

  62. Anonymous6:20 AM


    Facebook Sarah posts 7 words about the bombing in Boston but Thatcher who resided in another country gets a whole page from the Palin compound.

    Palin favors North Korea and the UK over USA and her husband was a Alaska Independence Party member who wanted Alaska to secede from the union.

    Time for Sarah and her family to move to Russia.

  63. Anonymous6:28 AM

    What's weird about this family is that Track got what he wanted, his guns over his baby, and Sarah got what she wanted, no gun background check.

    I guess it's guns over blood in the Palin household?

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Gotta love those Palin Christian family values

    2. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Blood over prostitutes.

    3. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Guns over blood
      Money over education
      Grifting over work

      What else is new for those Wasilla hillbillies?

    4. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Hair school certificate over college degree

    5. Anonymous7:42 AM

      GEDs over high school degrees

      Normal people say high school diplomas but to trailer park people who think high school is as hard as college, they call them high school degrees

    6. Anonymous7:50 AM

      What about the Palin family preference of skin instead of condoms?

  64. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Sarah reminds me of the yapping chihuahua that lives next door. Always yapping over the fence but afraid to come outside. Bark, Sarah, Bark!

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Yup that's Sarah from Alaska

    2. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Ha ha afraid to go on Meet The Press

      Just stays in her room and talks through Facebook like a scared little shit

  65. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Facebook Sarah posted about Thatcher's funeral and Willow's hair school certificate but overlooked Tri-G's birthday.

    Oh well


    So sad :(

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      If Sarah reads IM we should see Trig's birthday facebook post soon


      That's if she doesn't let her ego get over her wishing Trig Happy Birthday on her facebook since IM had to remind her.


  66. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Sarah aren't you going to wish Trig a Happy Birthday?

    I know, it's hard to remember if he is your son and his real birthday.

    Like they say, you should always tell the truth. It's hard to remember your lies.

  67. Anonymous9:55 AM

    What about Ruffle's birthday? We did see him first before Trig was presentable.

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Sarah Palin family values

      Remembered to mention gun vote overTrig's birthday

      Remembered to mention Thatcher's funeral over Trig's birthday

  68. Anonymous10:11 AM



  69. Anonymous10:28 AM


    Sarah praises Rand Paul on her facebook and still no mention of Trig's birthday

    Sarah Palin shared a link · My tribute to the clear-sighted Senator from the Bluegrass State, Rand Paul...

  70. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Facebook Sarah just posted some pictures of Trig and guess what's missing again? Yup you're right as usual.

    His glasses and hearing aid.

    The boy can't see or hear on his birthday. Somebody should call the Alaska Children Protection Services

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      What took her so long? It's not like she is working or going to any memorial services or funerals.

    2. Anonymous12:25 PM

      About time Sarah wished Trig Happy Bday. That's her problem. Kids and grandkids always takes a backseat to Sarah.

    3. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Will somebody tell Sarah there's snow on the ground.

      Click on the top picture where Trig is waving

      Why is that boy outside in the cold without his boot on?

      How come Todd is holding Trig's left boot in his hand?

  71. Anonymous5:23 PM

    This is the kind of stupid shit comments dumb asses leaves on Sarah Palin's facebook page:

    Rtn Sk Abdul Hadi > Sarah Palin · In my are one of the LOVELIEST women on Facebook. Select 15 of the most BEAUTIFUL ladies in your contact list; if you're awarded this distinction more than once, then you will know that you are EXCEPTIONALLY beautiful!

  72. Anonymous12:17 PM

    If I recall correctly they were trying to outsource the printing
    to a company out of state. I left Illinois so I don't know what's
    going on there anymore. I just know that they can't conceal carry yet.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.