Saturday, April 06, 2013

The Chicago Tribune's touching tribute to Roger Ebert.

I wanted to type a little more but I seem to have something in my eye.


  1. And you claim to be an athiest? Where is Grampa Keene with his white robe & wings -- oh right, outside sitting on his cloud.

  2. Thanks for posting this, Gryph.

  3. Anonymous5:38 AM

    How to Give a Thumbs Up

  4. Anonymous5:41 AM

    In 1998, Siskel underwent surgery for a cancerous brain tumor. He announced on Wednesday, February 3, 1999, that he was taking a leave of absence but that he expected to be back by the fall, writing "I'm in a hurry to get well because I don't want Roger to get more screen time than I".

    Ebert once said of his relationship with Gene Siskel:

    Gene Siskel and I were like tuning forks. Strike one, and the other would pick up the same frequency. When we were in a group together, we were always intensely aware of one another. Sometimes this took the form of camaraderie, sometimes shared opinions, sometimes hostility.[13]

    When both men appeared together on The Tonight Show, Johnny Carson conducted a "together and separately" interview with them, which at one point had each man wear Walkman-style headphones, playing loud music, while the other commented on his partner. When asked what he thought was the biggest difference between himself and Ebert, Siskel unhesitatingly replied: "I'm a better reviewer than he is." But a few moments later, he said that anyone who read a Roger Ebert review would read "an extremely well written review."[

  5. I pass along my movie critiques to my facebook friends and I use Siskel and Eberts "thumbs-up" or "thumbs-down" as shorthand. Funny, even the youngest of my FB friends knows what that means! Iconic, huh?

  6. This is particularly poignant, as Roger Ebert wrote for the Chicago Sun Times, the Trib's market competition. Gene Siskel worked for the Tribune...

    - KAO

  7. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Here's another one to get a little "dust" in your eyes: go to and click on RIP Roger Ebert.

  8. Anita Winecooler6:13 PM

    Two Thumbs Up!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.