Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Three year old child accidentally kills deputy's wife with deputy's gun.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

A cookout in Tennessee ended in tragedy over the weekend when a 3-year-old child accidentally shot and killed the wife of a Wilson County sheriff’s deputy. 

According to WSMV, the toddler found the pistol and discharged it during a gathering at Deputy Daniel Fanning’s residence on Saturday. 

Deputies said that 48-year-old Josephine G. Fanning was dead by the time they arrived on the scene. The 3-year-old child was reportedly related to the Fannings. 

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) determined that the pistol belonged to Deputy Fanning. The Tennessean reported that the deputy had been in a bedroom of the home with another relative looking at guns. 

The child later gained access to the firearm on top of the bed when entering the bedroom with Josephine Fanning. 

Yep showing off his guns to impress his family, and now his wife pays the ultimate sacrifice for his need to compensate for his inadequacies as a man.

And this is somebody who should have been well trained, somebody who should KNOW better. If HE did not receive the training necessary to prevent this tragedy what makes us think the average gun owner is any more competent?

Remember guns don't kill people, babies with guns kill people.


  1. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Darwin's law of "natural selection" at work.

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      GUNS= RW birthcontrol!

  2. Anonymous4:49 AM


    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      What's amazing is that a Palin family member has not been a victim of this sort of thing. Doesn't Gramps have guns all over the place?

  3. These stories are painful, but keep them coming. I don’t think we’ll see meaningful legislation until critical mass is reached, and we’re not there yet.

    1. I don't think we'll see meaningful legislation until La Pierre or his wife is shot with a gun that was left unguarded.

  4. Was the kid "a good guy" with a gun?

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      The only thing that stops a bad baby with a gun is a good baby with a gun...

  5. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Can we get at the very least get a friggen vote?!?


  6. Anonymous6:11 AM

    I have shot a pistol, rifles and bb guns, when visiting redneck relatives and shooting targets for family bonding lol!. It's been a few years, but I recall it being pretty hard to pull the trigger. It always amazes me that little kids are able to do it without strugging. Makss me think NO ONE is watching these kids, as it seems they would be struggling a bit before it goes off.
    Am i just really weak lol?

  7. Anonymous6:23 AM

    LA Times, a real good tracker of Palin's revisionist history, has just come out with a refresher on the Palin - Thatcher visit that never was to be.


  8. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I feel so bad for the victim. That poor woman. To think all that training and the use of a gun safe didn't protect her at all.

    That poor child too, will grow up knowing he took a life as easy as tripping on a rock.

    By the way, did you guys see that the Deputy is a school resources officer? We want him in the schools with his guns?

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      I doubt the 3 year old even knows what he did. My three year old weas at his great-grandma's funeral, and all he said was, "People are sad because she isn't going to wake up." 3 year olds don't really have much guilt.

    2. Anonymous9:55 AM

      He'll know later and it will haunt him.

  9. evelyn waugh6:26 AM

    Perhaps Pastor Rick Warren's son would still be alive if a gun had not been readily available to him when he was in the depths of depression. The absence of such a quick "solution" might have stayed his hand, and kept him alive until he could reach out for help. Every day we hear of unnecessary deaths caused by gun use. It's time for thinking people to take charge of this issue -- read the Second Amendment and comprehend that it doesn't sanction mass slaughter and a gun in every hand.

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Guess you missed the part about the son having had the best medical help possible for his depression? Only people who don't know what it's like to deal with clinical depression toss out phrases such as "get help" or "permanent solution to a temporary problem" with such ease, ignorance, and callousness.

    2. @7.28am
      Regardless as to the lack of knowledge on clinical depression - and I admit to only knowing of it 2nd hand - if the gun hadn't been at hand - death may not have been the result.

      I have sat in a hospital for hours with a dear friend who stared ahead, without moving or speaking - in utter despair. If a gun had been available we would never have found him alive when we went looking for him.

    3. 7:28--What on earth does your comment have to do with the ready availability of a gun to a depressed person? The comment was about unnecessary deaths caused by gun use, not treatment options for, or the persistence of, depression.

      We will have fewer suicides, and more opportunities for depressed people to receive help, if we limit the availability of guns.

    4. evelyn waugh8:06 AM

      I'm neither ignorant or callous, and have experienced first-hand in my family what the depths of depression look like.
      Depressed people have been calling for stricter gun controls, because it takes out of their hands the immediate solution to their despair, and gains precious time for them to reconsider, and to not kill themselves.
      Depression is, of course, not a temporary problem. But suicide is a permanent solution, which can never be treated or comforted or helped. Once the depressed person pulls the trigger, there's nothing that can be done for him

    5. Guess you missed the simple fact that a firearm still makes for quick and easy, which at any moment may make all the difference in this world and the “next."

    6. Anonymous3:42 PM

      "Guess you missed the part about the son having had the best medical help possible for his depression?"

      Guess you MISSED the point NRA gun trollie...GUNS are for KILLING! You can window dress it as "2nd Amendment Freedums" Or "Protection" but guns kill period. Depressed not depressed... with a gun all it takes is one shot, by a kid, a mugger, a cop. Bang,Bang!

    7. Anonymous7:36 PM

      I am not an NRA trollie. I support banning assault weapons, taxing the hell out of ammunition, etc. The point I am trying to make is this: if one is going to argue in favor of gun control, then one's argument must be cogent. Suicide is a mental health issue, not a gun control issue. The presence of a gun does not make one suicidal. The absence of a gun does not end one's suicidal ideation. Suicide is about ending unendurable pain by whatever means a person has access to. "Understanding Suicide" by K. R. Jamieson is an excellent source of information if you'd care to broaden your outlook.

  10. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn7:08 AM

    So...if someone else had their hand on one of the other guns on the premises, they could have prevented this by shooting the 3-year-old first? Or, for those kids who live in what are basically arsenals that Daddy must keep accessible all the time, how about gun safety/handling courses as soon as they pop out of the womb?

  11. Anonymous7:21 AM

    How many have to die?

  12. Anonymous7:23 AM

    And now there's another one. A four year old shot a six year old with a rifle.

    TOMS RIVER, N.J. — Authorities are deciding whether to charge anyone after police say a 6-year-old was shot in the head by a 4-year-old in New Jersey.

    The older boy is in serious condition.

    Authorities are still investigating how the younger child obtained the .22-caliber rifle from his family's Toms River home Monday night.

    Police Chief Michael Mastronardy says the children were outside the 4-year-old's home when the boy went inside, got the rifle and shot the 6-year-old about 15 yards away. It's not clear if the 4-year-old pulled the trigger or if the rifle accidentally discharged.


    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      How can a 4 year old even hold a rifle? Oh, wait, I bet he had the mandatory NRA safety class for pre-schoolers, and was taught how to hold it and fire it too. Whoppee! The NRA is taking care of our over-population problem. If there are many more of these, many gun-owners will be pleading for stricter laws.

    2. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Yea, Adam Lanza was probably given gun saftely or shooting classes by his "preppy mommy"!

      Guns are RW birthcontrol.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:09 PM

      Here's a link to the four year old kid shooting the 6 year old friend in New Jersey.


  13. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Gun safety classes for the diaper set, it's the only answer. (snark)

    Because, clearly, the deputy's gun safety training doesn't seem have penetrated to his brain.

    1. Olivia8:33 AM

      Also, we must have armed and trained "good guy" 3 year olds to protect us from the untrained 3 year olds.

    2. AKinPA4:38 PM

      The GOP can accomplish 2 things at once. They can just mandate those vaginal ultrasounds for all pregnant women and mount a tiny video player on the probe and give the fetus its first lesson on gun safety. This way they can get the pre-diaper set.

  14. Marvy !! Wal-Martian population control.

  15. Anonymous8:14 AM

    There are restrictions and bans on the type of window shade cords one can buy because a child might hang him or herself on one. There are restrictions on how many bullets that a hunter may have in a gun when hunting game birds and waterfowl and the type of shot, not lead. Child-proof caps on medicine bottles and various lawn potions and cleaning and paint supplies. But guns, not so much.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      No, because the Founders didn't say you couldn't protect your kids from medicine and dangerous household objects. They just said, apparently, that you can't protect your child, or wife, or self, from being shot in your own home because the 2nd amendment is there to protect you, and don't mess with my gun rights.

    2. Anonymous3:47 PM


      Now lets ditch the gas guzzling cars for horses and I'll be on board.

  16. Anonymous8:27 AM

    What a convenient way to get rid of one's wife. I don't mean to be callous, but the scenario sure raises questions in my mind - beyond gun safety and 'stupid' deputies whose training didn't take. That poor kid.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      There were witnesses. You're reaching.

    2. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Sorry, I misread that this happened after the jackass was showing off his guns. I don't know if there were witnesses. But, I still say you're reaching.

  17. Can't help to wonder if everyone would have been armed this wouldn't have happened...

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Yeah, if that deputy's wife had just had her pink Glock in hand and laoded, she could have blown the three year old's head off. I'm not sure what is going to wake these morons up, but for now, they appear to be killing off each other.

  18. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I keep saying that one day the vast sea of dimwitted across America, will have it dawn on them, just who it is keeping them in poverty and ignorance.

    And those who are gleefully putting weapons in their hands, are going to rue that day.

  19. Anonymous9:56 AM

    So, once again, a guy showing off his guns ends in tragedy.

    Why would anyone want to show off a bunch of guns and why would anyone want to see them?

  20. Anonymous10:27 AM

    My heart goes out to that little boy. He must know he did something terrible but it wasn't his fault. What scars will this incident leave for him to have to deal with?

    Why would anyone, especially a sherriff's deputy, leave a loaded gun in plain sight at a party? A party where there were young children? This tradegy was avoidable.... It did not have to happen.

  21. Anita Winecooler6:26 PM

    There are no winners. I suppose the "deputy" got desensitized to the possible dangers of the weapon he carries everyday when he "whipped it out" for his guests?
    The more stories I read like this one, the angrier I get. A child lost his mother and his innocence, a mother lost her life, a husband lost his wife.

    Was there anything at all that could have been done to prevent this?


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