Friday, April 19, 2013

Well this should save the authorities time in identifying the people responsible for the next gun massacre.

I cannot tell you how embarrassed I am that BOTH of my Senators are represented in this graphic.


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Down with these idiots in Congress. Pay attention to your vote next go around folks - throughout the nation. So, so many of them need to be replaced to include Begich and Murkowski in Alaska!!!

  2. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Mine, too - from Kansas. It never does any good to contact them because they ignore anyone not a big money contributor.

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I'm now waiting for one of them to declare they're "highly offended" that this graphic exists.

    Shame on every one of them. How do they sleep at night?

  4. jcinco2:43 PM

    I can't tell you how proud I am that neither of my senators, Bennett and Udall, are not represented in that graphic. I'm further proud that my governor and the state legislature stood strong on passing stronger gun laws in my state. The neighboring town a few miles to the east, Colorado Springs, is losing their ever loving conservative, wing-nut, gun loving minds over it and I just smile...All the gun nuts are commenting how if only those folks in Boston had guns, see how much good it did the MIT cop who was killed and the other officer who was seriously injured? Or how about the DA down in TX and his wife who were killed by the disgruntled employee and his wife? They didn't leave their house without a gun, they had loaded guns strategically placed all over their house, did them a lot of good, huh?

  5. Grey Lensman2:45 PM

    Both of mine are also,too. Wrote them both to say how disgusted I am that they sold us out to the gun lobby. Also support Keystone, and don't seem to grasp the possibility that North Dakota could become a shithole like Mayflower AR.

    Money is all they care about. Money from the various lobbies.

    One is a banker. The other does not know what she is.

    Neither do we.

  6. Leland3:22 PM

    Yeah, mine, too. SC, however is slowly turning blue! Maybe this will speed things up! Assholes.

  7. WakeUpAmerica3:31 PM

    Neither of mine are on there - God bless Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer -, but then again, Kevin McCarthy is my Rep. Bleh...

  8. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Does anyone else get a heavy "Lee Harvey Oswald" vibe when they look at the photo of Rand Paul?

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      YES! I kept wondering why he looks so familiar!

  9. I am so relieved Maryland is not represented in that motley assortment.

  10. You should be proud that a resident of Sitka who completed the Boston Marathon was the one that stopped and gave his medal to the woman who was sobbing because she wasn't allowed to finish. He's been identified and it was on Huffington Post.


      46-year-old Brent Cunningham, of Sitka, Alaska.

      "There were all these thousands of runners with their running bibs but none of them were wearing medals because they never finished," Cunningham said in the KCAW interview.

      "Many of them were at mile 25, 26 when all of a sudden they couldn't run anymore because of what had happened.. We were with a gal who was crying. She didn't finish the race, and I just feel so much compassion. I'm embarrassed to tell you this, I mean, I don't want any attention for it, but I just gave her my medal, my race medal. Because I finished and got my medal, and she didn't finish, and she deserved a medal. And so, I just gave her my medal, because, I had to. It was like, I cannot not give it to you, you deserve it. And she just started bawling."

  11. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I like this poster... (BTW, whatever happened to those 'most wanted'oysters in the post offices???)

  12. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Blood on all their hands.

  13. Anonymous9:04 PM

    No matter how many times TX Ted Cruz and John Cornyn say they represented the people of TX on background checks,they did not. It is a lie.

    In March, a UT/Texas Tribune poll showed 61% of Texans strongly favored background checks and 17% somewhat favored background checks. So, even in TX, senators went against the majority.

  14. Begich was called out on The Colbert Report last night. Colbert made him look like an ass.


  15. SHARON5:32 AM

    I am sorry to say in Nevada...we have lame ass Reid running the show, and Dean Heck voting NO. Bill Mahr had it right last night...why do we have 2 senators for each state. Just in CA alone...they represent millions, while No Dakota represents thousands. The founding fathers had no way of knowing there would be 50 states with such a diverse population size. Then the whole 2nd amendment thing...he is right, it should be abolished. It is all about "militia", not individual rights...another thing the founders didn't anticipate, a federal militia being formed.
    The filibuster has to go, along with the GOP.

  16. Shari7:42 AM

    You're embarrassed? One of my Senators is Ted Cruz - I get embarrassed on a daily basis.

  17. Anonymous7:11 PM

    two Senators for each state is to prevent states with large populations having more say than smaller states. the house of representatives is based on population. do your research and you will find the shooters(the ones with the blood on their hands) were of the liberal persuasion


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