Thursday, May 02, 2013

Tomorrow is the BIG day for gun fetishists, and penile underachievers everywhere!

Courtesy of Houston Culture Map:

The 142nd National Rifle Association Annual Meeting is roaring into Houston for four days of seminars, rallies, prayer breakfasts and country music jam sessions, starting Thursday. 

The speaker lineup would make any Fox News junkie's heart skip a beat with appearances by conservative politicos and pundits ranging from to Sarah Palin and Rick Santorum to Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. Hell, even Oliver North of Iran-Contra fame will be on hand to sign copies of his new novel. 

And yes, don't worry . . . The Nuge will be there in all his Cat Scratch Fever glory for a scheduled talk on Sunday.
"Where's the on button?"
God can you imagine the kind of person drawn to an event like this?

I just picture wall to wall overweight, pork rind munching, conspiracy theorists waddling around the gun exhibits while furtively adjusting their tiny peckers as they gaze longingly at assault rifles and ass-less chaps with Kevlar inserts.

It will be like an AVN Expo for men with permanent erectile dysfunction.

How could Sarah Palin NOT be involved?


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    What a bunch of losers.

  2. Anonymous10:38 AM

    NRA = Big Tobacco = deceased.

    It's only a matter of time.

  3. Anonymous10:40 AM

    As $carah would say "Asshats" Yeah, that's the terminology. Looking at the names of the speakers alone puts fear into my heart. Religious freaks and gun worshippers. Will there be booze there also, too?

    1. jcinco6:39 AM

      No, no, sarah isn't sophisticated enough to use "asshats" she says "assclowns"...

  4. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I hope they talk fast, because it's bad enough that Glenn Beck and George Bush live in MY state, heaven knows we don't need sister sarah and dipshit ted pollutin' up the place. The sooner they pack up and go back to their palatial estates... oops, I mean "humble homes", because they're totally not elite in any way... the better.

    Believe it or not, Texas isn't as "backwoods" as these false "Patriots" make it out to be. Many of us are well-educated and can think for ourselves. We don't need a pair of fake boobs or a dusty cowboy hat to do our thinking for us. And we certainly don't need a bunch of charlatans from FOX (yes sarah, that includes you) trying to brainwash our people.

    So do your little speechifying, then kindly get the hell out of Texas.

    And, because we're Texas: Bless your heart.

    1. I thought the expression was "pea-pickin heart." -:)

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      There are two county commissioners (Leelanau County, MI) who I wish would move to Texas. They managed to get the entire commission to end the county's long-standing economic development body because they think a local chamber of commerce and regional econ. development corporation are acting on behalf of the United Nations' "one world" conspiracy. No kidding. They could live next to George Bush or Glenn Beck; they'd just love it.

    3. fromthediagonal2:17 PM

      anon@ 10:46...Please do not take snarky remarks about Texas to heart. We all know that given the size of your state, there will be RWNJs as well as thinking citizens. The real problem is that the regressives have gerrymandered the districts over the years in order to strangle democratic discourse. There are many more states who suffer the same fate. Those of us who are able to reason have been unwilling to see what was happening right under our noses (as per Andrew Sullivan's quote from George Orwell). Time for us to take off those rose colored glasses.

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Here's a preview of what Sarah will be wearing tomorrow otherwise known as her "big guns" outfit...

    1. Oh, my, you are naughtier than naughty.

  6. Anonymous10:48 AM

    any bets there'll be some sort of firearm 'mishap' ?

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Here's hoping they have a quick draw and fire contest while facing each other.

    2. Oh, yeah, big time!

      "HoustonPD: Man fatally shoots himself at Bush Intercontinental Airport Terminal B"

      HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Authorities say an armed man at a Bush Intercontinental Airport ticket counter shot and killed himself this afternoon. No one else was injured.

      At around 1:35pm Houston police say they were called to a "discharge of firearm" at Terminal B. They say an armed male was at the ticket counter when he pulled out a gun and committed suicide. According to police, they are not looking for anyone else at the airport who may be involved in the shooting.

      Witnesses tell ABC13 they heard a couple of gunshots ring out and a TSA agent told everyone to get down.

      Dale Howard, of Tomball, was at the baggage handling area of the airport waiting for his sister to arrive on an incoming flight when he heard two shots fired from the floor above. A few seconds later, he said he heard three more shots.

      Speculate: Why was this guy armed, as he was at the ticket counter presumably planning to buy a ticket out of town? Why did he react by killing himself? Why was he leaving town, just as so many gun fanatics were arriving?

      I wonder if he was a frustrated ammo buyer.

    3. Anonymous4:14 PM

      @ 11:03 - personally, I was figuring (and hoping) a circular firing squad at some effigy they're all weewee'd up about.g

  7. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Here's a pic of the look Sarah will be going for at the NRA Meeting.

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      She already previewed the look at her last speech in Vegas.

    2. Gotta give the ole' grifter some credit here: she recycles! Isn't that Brisdull's rack from the Rethug Convention?

  8. Anonymous10:57 AM

    One thing's for sure, Palin's tits will be huge.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      windsocks morphin' into water balloons - amazing

  9. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The NRA has brought in Sarah Palin. That means the end is near....

  10. Where's a godless bomber when you need one?

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Hear, hear!

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      hear hear hear!

    3. Anonymous2:26 PM

      a surgically precise hellfire drone strike'd do it for me

  11. Anonymous11:04 AM

    This gem needs highlighting and clicks. It's a short piece of Palin's last speech in Last Vegas. Must be listened to in its entirety for full effect.

    1. Oh my, that was extremely painful, sing-songy and incoherent. She actually says "Amurca."

  12. Olivia11:13 AM

    Oh, look. That's the photo where Sarah Palin has extra fingers holding the weapon.

  13. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Every single one of those speakers are frauds. I doubt any of them even know how to use a gun. It's all for the MONEY!

  14. Anonymous11:46 AM

    There's that airbrushed pic of Sarah Palin with 2 sets of left hands. We all know that she does not know how to operate an assault rifle. After dealing with Todd's 2 incher, she wants a 'BIG STICK'. Too bad, Sarah, the NRA Members are deficient in that area also. Your Fantasy of being 'Porked' by President Obama will never happen. President Obama prefers INTELLIGENT Women with good personal Hygiene.

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Correct that! Seems to all bservers that the President prefers ONE intelligent woman, and her name is Michelle.

  15. Anonymous11:53 AM

    GOP Battles A Threat To Gun Rights That Even The NRA Says Doesn’t Exist

    Republican lawmakers are pushing legislation aimed at combating a threat to gun rights that even the National Rifle Association has described as pure fiction.

    A bill introduced late last week by Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) and Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK) would ban federal agencies, excluding the Pentagon, from buying more ammunition during a six-month period if it currently possesses more than its monthly averages during the Bush administration.

    The conspiracy theory that incubated the bill is that the Obama administration is trying to buy up bullets so ordinary Americans have less access to them in the marketplace.

    “President Obama has been adamant about curbing law-abiding Americans’ access and opportunities to exercise their Second Amendment rights,” Inhofe said in a statement. “One way the Obama Administration is able to do this is by limiting what’s available in the market with federal agencies purchasing unnecessary stockpiles of ammunition.”

    Only it’s false — as no less a pro-gun organization than the NRA declared last year.

  16. vegaslib12:05 PM

    No decent convention would have the old hag. She sure as hell would be out of place at a worthy cause, oh, perhaps for DS kids. Of course not, there's nothing in it for her.

  17. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Colbert Destroys NRA, Right-Wing Radio Hosts Over Background Checks (VIDEO)

  18. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Poll: Gun Control Vote Boosted Red State Dems

  19. Anonymous12:15 PM

    You can bet her hooters will be in locked and loaded position as she sashays around these wormy gun lovers.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Look at the lineup for the event. She's only there for T&A... but mostly T.

  20. Anonymous12:18 PM

    How appropriate. The NRA comes to town, and there's a shooting at the airport. Guess he just wanted to make the delegates feel at home.

  21. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:21 PM

    I don't know about anyone else, but I think that Gryphen's caption on the Dullshooter's pic is just damn brilliant.

    Meanwhile, some guy just fired off shots from an AR15 (according to the radio) near a ticket counter in Bush Intl Airport in Houston, and then he wounded himself:

    Just another afternoon in Crazy Town.

  22. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Ha ha, there's already been a gunfight at the Houston airport "critically injuring at least one armed man". I wonder if an NRA conference attendee was involved.

  23. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Poll: Two More Senators Poisoned By ‘No’ Vote On Background Checks, ‘Yes’ Votes Rewarded

  24. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Great convention, great lineup of speakers
    Support the NRA ND THE 2ND amendment
    Dont let Obama take our guns.
    Take back our country

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      No matter the number of times you say will not become truth....

    2. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Stupid convention, pitiful lineup of speakers
      Support the Retards love of THE 2ND amendment
      Don't let your white hood show
      Get out of our country

      There ya go troll....all fixed up for you! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Go fuck yourself!


    4. jcinco1:38 PM

      fuck off tawd. or is that you sarah, our lady of the fake rack?

    5. Anonymous1:50 PM

      take our country forward

    6. The NRA is a private organization. It has no standing to be "supported" alongside our Constitution.

      I know, I know, too many big words for you.

    7. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Yep, the guv-ment is comin' to take yer guns! You really believe that, don't you. It shows who you are listening to. Sad.

    8. Anonymous2:23 PM

      More like your guns are comin' to take your kids (their lives, that is).

    9. Anonymous2:49 PM

      take back our country from what ?!? you dimwitted fuk_tard

    10. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Hi Sarah!

    11. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Cause Ferweedum

    12. Anonymous5:20 PM

      12:28 PM You are a Traitor who has no country to take back. The NRA is headlining a known Pimp's Wife at their Convention. Their Credibility is Nil. What can a Pimp's Wife Quitter 1/2 Term Governor who flubbed the History of Paul Revere tell any convention about 2nd amendment rights? How about the Sex Trafficking epidemic in Alaska? Has Sarah Palin addressed that, or is she afraid of the subject because her Husband is part of it? So you 'TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY' gun nuts can give a hug to 'SHITTY PANTS DRAFT DODGER' Ted Nugent and stay out of OUR political lives.

    13. Anonymous7:15 PM

      You Wimp, without your guns, you cower in a dark corner calling for Mommy.

    14. Anonymous7:51 AM

      That second amendment argument is such bs. I have the right to vote, but I can't walk up on the day of election and caste a ballot. I have to register in advance to confirm where I live and that I am not a convicted felon. Because I live in PA, I may soon have to show an acceptable photo ID at the voting booth (that is only open during daylight hours which is difficult for those walking shifts).

      Why should it be easier to buy a gun than vote in an election?

  25. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Mitt Romney Pops Up In Virginia and Proves America Dodged a Crazy Bullet in 2012

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Anyone running against this gentleman only need say "the more you know"......

  26. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Oh god, you KNOW she'll be dressed to the nines with a way too short/tight skirt, knock-me-down-and-fuck-me footwear, massive bazongas, massive hair extensions, and her usual smarmy, nasty, corrosive mouth in tow. She won't disappoint, she'll be sucking on her big gulp, writin' on her palm, carrying on about god, guns and 'merica at the top of her screechy, toxic squeal of a voice, slamming our president and pandering to the vile, racist, hateful, fat white southern males who can't remember the last time they had ANYONE touch their teeny little peepees.

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      And the hateful bible thumping fat conservative bitches also too.

  27. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Hopefully, FBI and Secret Service representatives of "our" country, will be in the audience as well.

  28. jcinco1:44 PM

    she's such an assclown...

  29. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I would be embarrassed to be seen at this event given the speakers!!!!

  30. Anonymous2:38 PM

    The NRA Convention is proud to announce our new sponsors. Keeping Murrica safe from Libs and keeping the brown and blacks down takes MONEY! Our partners BRING IT and we and our supporters make sure they TAKE IT TO THE BANK in return!

    HoveRound Personal Mobility Enhancing Private Security Transporter (with Dunkin Donut and Golden Arches goto feature) will allow even gravitationally challenges private security to git-r-dun. Optional dub type wheel covers and Unique Auto Sports type sound systems allow them to PIMP their jobs in style!

    Also too, the NRA welcomes officially Licensed Ted Nuggent Depends Pantload Retainers. As all NRA members are aware the ZOG and NWO are after ALL THE GUNS! United Nations helicopters and bike path plots too! With times like these there isn't always time to stop and squeeze one out. That's what Ted Nuggent Pantload Retainers do! They allow you to keep on keeping on in even after your pants are loaded! Ted knows that Freedum and Patriotism is too important to wait for a dump. Mark Sanfrod says the next time he hikes the Appalachian Trail with his mistress (or even his pastor! ) they'll take Ted Nuggent Pantload Retainers along for fun and convenience!

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM


  31. Anonymous3:40 PM

    It's time to "profile" these idiots - they are potential domestic terrorists.

  32. our lad4:09 PM

    The question now is not "can Mrs. Palin see Russia from her house?" but rather "can Mrs. Palin see ANYTHING from the confines of her own ass" which is clearly the location from which she views the world. What a wonderful comic diversion she is and, I suspect, has been for most of her ridiculous life.

  33. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Alaskans are suffering the fate of the district gerrymandering which gave the most rabid Republicans the edge, and gave Gov GiveAway the people he could count on to ram it to us.

    Then again, less than 40% of Alaskans bothered to get off their asses and vote in Nov 2012.

    As the saying goes: "We can't do it to you without you!"

  34. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Sarah AND A GUN
    What more could an American man want

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      An intelligent woman without a gun.

    2. Anonymous5:52 PM

      A single wide? Free lot rent for a year? Truck nuts? A six pack of Bud? A confederate flag in the back window of your truck? Platinum EBT card?

      These are the types of things that go well with Sarah.

      Amerikkka, Fuck Yeah!

    3. PalinsHoax7:34 PM

      Anonymous4:40 PM
      "Sarah AND A GUN
      What more could an American man want."

      Boy, those sure are some low standards. Is there not ANY self-esteem?

      Ol' $crawny: a vision of cottage cheese thighs, absolutely flat-as-a-pancake chest (until she straps on the bra fill with Tawdry's used washcloths), a white tongue that is coated with slimey toxicity, body odour that puts a skunk to shame, hands that resemble the claws of a turkey. Oh my Gawd, why on earth would anybody with any ounce of self-respect want to be anywhere near such a mutation!

      Oh, now I get it. The gun is to keep Ol' $crawny AWAY from one's self!!

  35. Anonymous4:44 PM

    From Texas to Kentucky... the "belmonts" sure are getting around this weekend.

    Palin and her husband, Todd Palin, will be guests of socialite and museum supporter Marylou Whitney and her husband, John Hendrickson, at the annual Brunch and Bibelots party.

    The $150-a-seat event is held the day after the Kentucky Derby each year. Museum director and curator Amy Gundrum Greene said she doesn't know whether the Palins plan to attend the Kentucky Derby.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Sounds kind of elitist. Given that the country is buried in taxes and debt it might not be in the best of taste for Mrs. Palin to attend such a high brow function with millionaires.

      This is certainly moving into "Assclown" territory and I sure hope some twitters call her out on it.

      That being said, can you just imagine Palin in a room full of social mavens such as Marylou Whitney? I know they have rubbed elbows here in Alaska but really, is she invited just for comedy relief? I just can't imagine Palin in a high profile social situation being able to engage in stimulating conversation.

    2. Anonymous7:02 PM

      The Alaska connections are hilarious. Wally Hickel officiated at Whitney's most recent wedding in 1997. She married John Hendrickson, who was a staffer of Wally Hickel.

    3. jcinco6:51 AM

      will she show up at the derby again dressed like she's going to walmart? she's such an unsophisticated dolt..even Hef's little hos knew to dress up for the derby but not the 1/2 wit.She has the social skills of a hamster.

  36. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I've not read all the comments here, but this is the photo of Palin w/a gun where someone else is helping her hold it...look at her fingers and other fingers below hers. Too many fingers folks for Palin's one hand!!!

  37. Anita Winecooler6:56 PM

    Every Circus needs it's assclown sideshow. What will she wear? Now that she has to dress in layers, maybe she'll wear two aquabras? Wonder if Sarah will wear her set of "target site" pasties?

    love the AVN reference, it's so appropriate!

  38. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Think of me as a friendly reporter who has come into some information. I hope that John Tiemessen is reading this. My first question is why does John Tiemessen's personal cell phone number appear in Shailey Tripp's cell phone records 6 times each call lasting more than 30 seconds as long as 7 minutes from 2008-2010? Why does Todd Palin's phone number appear in Shailey Tripp's phone records 12 times each call more than 2 minutes? What is the explanation Palin family or Tiemessen? Will you also make a comment on the book Boys Will Be Boys by Bottoms & Tripp? What do you say on the medical records from the All About You Spa that clearly shows that Shailey Tripp gave both Sarah Palin and Todd Palin massages in Feb and March of 2008? Why does the DMV show Tripp lic plates originally issued to Todd Palin in March of 2008? Please Mr. Tiemessen answer these questions. Perhaps this should be printed and shown to Judge Burgess. If you need proof of any of this all Judge Birgess has to do is order a supenoas and look for himself.Final question why has Tiemessen, the Palins, or Officer Padgett not sued Shailey Tripp for defamation, slander, or lies in her book Boys Will Be Boys?

    1. Anonymous10:47 PM

      Ahhh uuuummmmmm I plead the 5th

    2. Anonymous11:11 PM

      Q: Why does Todd Palin's phone number appear in Shailey Tripp's phone records 12 times each call more than 2 minutes?

      A: Todd wanted a booty call?

    3. Anonymous11:13 PM

      Why does the DMV show Tripp lic plates originally issued to Todd Palin in March of 2008?

      Bristol? Ya got any answers?

    4. Anonymous11:15 PM

      What is Bottoms & Tripp?

    5. Anita Winecooler5:14 PM


      I understand your confusion, it sounds kind of fishy, but they're just the last names of the Authors of the book.

      "Boys Will Be Boys" was co written by Vickie Bottoms and Shailey Tripp.

  39. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Looks like Sarah Palin has done turned Arizona on us.

    I was looking at SarahPac's 2013 report and noticed that SarahPac gave money to Arizona Republicans and nothing to Alaska Republicans and nothing to the man who made Palin a multimillionaire :

    Adams, Kirk (R-AZ) $5,000
    Gosar, Paul (R-AZ) $10,000
    Schweikert, David (R-AZ) $5,000
    Flake, Jeff (R-AZ) $10,000


    Looks like Palin has a grudge against Alaska and McCain.

    1. Anonymous5:57 AM

      But but but...... She said she was resigning to Progress Alaska, dontcha know, also , too

    2. Anonymous6:01 AM

      Sorry, it was 2012

  40. Anonymous1:36 PM

    It was awful. I just happened to stumble upon Sarah Palin speaking at the NRA. She was about halfway through. Unbelievable. Let me give you a brief synopsis:

    Freedom freedom Big Gulp, freedom freedom Todd, freedom freedom freedom Margaret Thatcher, freedom freedom Trig,...and then, in rapid fire - - -Alaska! reloading! lamestream media! don't retreat! She hit absolutely every Palin cliche. I only missed the Reagan reference - like I said, I came in about halfway through but I'm sure it was there.

    Oh, this has got to show up online was unbelievable.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.