Friday, May 31, 2013

According to this Right Wing firebrand, the Bible totally says that women are not supposed to make more money than their man. What's that about ladies? Update!


I bet that right after this broadcast Fischer went back to his cave and marveled at the complexities of fire.

If EVER there were a clearer indication of stone age thinking from the Fundamentalists, this would be it.

Personally I have been in more than one relationship where the woman made more money than I and it certainly did not make me feel any less manly. However listening to this idiot say what he did as a representative of my gender kinda did.

Update: Just in case you thought that this kind of thinking was only isolated to the religious wing nuts on the Right, au contraire mon frère.

This was actually spoken out loud over at Fox News yesterday about the same Pew report that got Fischer all fired up and indignant: 

(Lou) Dobbs said the Pew report is evidence of "society dissolving around us." Juan Williams said the more women become the "primary bread winner," the more we see "the disintegration of marriage." He added, "Left, right, I don't see how you can argue this." 

Erick Erickson went even further: 

"I am so used to liberals telling conservatives that they are anti-science. But I mean this is -- liberals who defend this and say it's not a bad thing are very anti-science. When you look at biology, look at the natural world, the roles of a male and female in society; in other animals the male typically is the dominant role, the female is not antithesis or is not competing; it's a complementary role." 

Erickson added that "reality" tells us that "having mom as the primary breadwinner is bad for kids." This, Erickson concluded, is "a war on women."

There you have it folks. Women being the primary breadwinner in the household is a "war on women."

Oh and don't forget it is not just the Bible telling us that now, is is also science.

You know if you take this overreaction to women earning more then men, and add it to the earlier story about fears of making a pill which makes woman TOO sexually aroused, I think you just might pick up on a pattern.


  1. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Once upon a time, we could only count on the fringe with leaflets and a tiny mailing list to hear this philosophy and a guide to talking points on the subject; today, they've got Fox News:

    Fox contributor Erick Erickson suggested that it’s “anti-science” to reject the biological claim that men should be in the “dominant” role in the nuclear family. Adding to the fray, Lou Dobbs described the findings as “troubling” and panelist Juan Williams claimed that it indicates “something going terribly wrong in American society.”

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Pay based on merit, rather than on penises: what a novel concept for them.

  2. Anonymous4:55 AM

    What's going terribly wrong in American society is having goons like Juan Williams and Lou Dobbs having a platform to speak from. Every time they open their mouths, they provide additional proof that the Bible is a fiction book.

  3. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Fuck teh bible!

    funny as it comes out more and more people are turning away from the bullshit that is the church, they come up with this hairbrained bullshit from the "bible" which is WHY more and more are turning away!
    The pope even blessed Atheist the other day!

  4. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Here's what Greta Van Suckeren had to say about her FUX colleagues:

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      Greta can STFU as far as I'm concerned. She's the one that championed $arah and cozied up to PIMP Tawd.

      Too little too late, or is she just irritated that the truth is coming out about her beloved network? If she really cared at all, she'd quit. Like that would ever happen! She's as fake as the rest.

    2. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Fuck her.

      She's been licked Sarah and Todd's toes for years.

      Did she really think the Palins and their supporters were enlightened or something?

    3. Anita Winecooler12:14 PM

      Greta said THAT? Why would she stay and keep being associated with any of them, all of them? Bless her white cotton panties!

  5. Chenagrrl5:02 AM

    This idiot lives only in an echo chamber. He does not encourage discussion or civil debate. Followed him on Twitter for quite some time, watching folk trying to engage him. Nothing. His Twitter tour de force (sarcasm) is to make blotto comments and then get nasty or block. Our relationship ended when I dared to ask a question that didn't fit his world view. He blocked me.

    As I recall Jesus never turned away from a spirited discussion.

    BTW, in this economy, unless you are a bankster-scamster, it takes two salaries -- doesn't matter who is earning what.

  6. Doing QC/QA, I frequently made more money than the men around me. I’d been a poor kid, so I took the overtime offered as well. That bent the noses of some guys, even in blue states, and I endured a lot of false rumors and name-calling. I even offered to punch one guy out, after being called a whore for working outside the home. Then my husband stepped in, LOL.

    The guy in the video probably makes enough that his wife doesn’t have to work outside the home and good for them, but he has no right to judge other families with other dynamics. “Judge not,” remember that? Oh, it was New Testament, my bad. I wonder what he thinks of breadwinner Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      It's a shame that money is used as an instrument of power, but that is how the world works, including within homes ('I earn more than you, therefore I am more important than you': been there, lived that; it's not pleasant).

      Money often holds a marriage together, and the lack of it can pull a marriage apart. Once women are paid what they are worth, perhaps they will be valued more highly by their partners. Hopefully, relationships will then have more intrinsic value and be less fear-based.

  7. Anonymous5:04 AM

    I do believe lots of animals run on a matriarchal system, and, IIRC, those that do tend to be much more peaceful and loving.

    See: Bonobos

    1. Anonymous5:40 AM

      If married to either this fucktard, Eric Erickson, or the fat one, I think I'd be going more for preying mantis - the female bites off the males head after it's fulfilled it's one sperm delivery purpose.

    2. Anonymous6:22 AM

      5:40 -
      If you were married to him (*cringe at the thought*) would you really WANT any sperm from this idiot? That's awfully low quality genetic material in there!

    3. Yep.

      There are frogs where the female is much larger.

      With the birds the males are brightly colored or put on displays because it's the female that chooses. If you're not good enough, then you don't get to pass on your genes.

      If anything humans are an outlier, behaving opposite to the natural world.

      Now if the females were in charge, calling all the shots, do you think our world would be as messed up as it was? Environmentally, financially or that there would be the wars we have fought, are fighting and will fight in the future?

      Get this planet back to a matriarchal system for a few millennia and we'll see who runs it better.

    4. I'm with you 100% mlaiuppa - Planet of the Aprons? lol Good comments all above too.

      Sometimes all we can do is laugh at the ongoing insanity cause the change does come but it comes oh so slow. This might give even a few right-wing women a momentary pause and speed the process up a bit?

  8. Anonymous5:37 AM

    The article you quoted, Gryphen, goes on to say how the conervo-slobs cherry-picked the report and jumped to conclusions that are nowhere in the report.

    I have a personal beef on this one. I was raised by very much married parents. But my father, through no fault of his own, became disabled in my early elementary school years. My other went to work and earned much more than he did. He was an early and very good stay-at-home dad. Granted I taught myself to cook, but thanks to him was able to put myself through college playing poker.
    Mom didn't work to leave dad, he worked to keep the family and family life intact - we also had her father living with us.

    My husband and I have both recently become unemployed through downsizing - and we're grad-degreed, very "white collar." I have more marketable skills, he has more artistic skills. Guess who will likely be supporting the family - and who will be doing it to a) keep our family intact for the kids and lie a reasonable lifestyle.

    I dare either of these fucktards to say it to say this bullshit to women's faces.

  9. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Please take this in the spirit with which it's intended: it's commonplace now to denigrate someone by calling them a "douche bag," or labeling a person as someone else's "bitch."

    Both of these negative terms are related to women, even though, in common parlance, I don't think most users make an immediate connection.

    Calling someone an "asshole," of course, is unisex. I suppose saying that something "sucks" is also unisex.

    Perhaps you and some of your readers could think of more unisex put-downs, or revert to the kind of non-sexual words employed before this type of usage became "normal."

    I suppose I'll get some blowback on this, but I thought it was worth the effort. I'm not a Puritan, but I'm a feminist.

    Carry on: do any of the Neanderthals on Fox ever think that maybe men might be relieved that the burden of paying for a family is not squarely on their shoulders? Also, in modern society, two wage earners are essential. Finally, I remember a good family friend who graduated from an Ivy League school a decade or so ago. He laughingly said that his male classmates and he were dreaming of becoming potters, while marrying women doctors who could support their artistic lifestyle. It was a joke, of course, but the more educated a couple, the more they're able to envision themselves as a cooperative unit, not as a couple with the male in a dominant role.

    As someone else has pointed out, Sarah Palin pays the bills in her household, and I'd wager that Michele Bachmann's Congressional paycheck is bigger than what Marcus brings home. Jan Brewer? Kelly Ayotte? Should all these women resign, put on their aprons, and be at the door each night to welcome their heroes with a kiss and a warm meal? My mother did that, with five children, and then my father upped and abandoned her and us, leaving her with no child support and not even the knowledge of how to open a checking account. She went back to college in her 50s, and became a justice of the peace. She bitterly wishes she'd been more financially independent throughout her marriage, although she ended up all right, after years of stress and turmoil.
    Female freedom is what these jokers are afraid of: give women money, sexual autonomy, control over their own bodies, and eventually you might get women who really don't need a male around, to dominate and control their wives.

    1. You are absolutely right.

      I entered into this discussion somewhere else.

      The problem is that there are no equivalent denigrating terms that are masculine.

      Aside from @$$h0le maybe.

      Even the work Bastard has ceased to have meaning in our society.

      So derogatory terms used for women are applied to men. They shouldn't. They just further objectify women and support the abuse of women.

      There was a recent article in on Marine boot camp where they have ceased using the derogatory female terms and started using homophobic terms instead. Hardly an improvement.

      The real answer is to stop using derogatory terms in general for anything and anyone.

      But that isn't likely to happen any time soon. Like ever given human behavior.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      "Female freedom is what these jokers are afraid of: give women money, sexual autonomy, control over their own bodies, and eventually you might get women who really don't need a male around, to dominate and control their wives."

      This is a simplistic statement. Are there then no wives that dominate and control their men? Regardless of who "brings home the bacon"?

      When you speak of control and domination, you are referring to a dysfunctional relationship.

      When we get outside the bitterness and anger over who did what to whom in our pasts, maybe then we can have an adult conversation about relationships. Which, BTW, can seldom be represented by soundbites of an emotional nature.

      The B.

    3. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Let's take these men at their word and deny each and every one of them the right to marry a rich woman!!!! After all, they claim to object to any woman having more money than they have. Hypocrites!!! I'll bet every single one of them is a gold-digger when it came to choosing their woman in the first place.

    4. Anonymous10:15 AM

      9:12- John McCain is a great example of that!

  10. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Irony loves Palins. Todd had better man up and control his broad.

  11. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Faux Noise's Erick Erickson has spouted similar sh*t recently... "People who don't believe in women being subservient to men are "anti-science"..." (

    There is a definite trend here. :/

  12. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Who the hell is Erick Erickson?

  13. Anonymous6:47 AM

    When women can control the number and timing of the babies they have, it can have an impact their education and economic life.

    Lookee, I just made up some science!!!

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Actually your statement is a fact. That's what these rightwing tinfoilhatters are afraid of.

  14. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Biology, huh? Aside from the praying mantis, female liioins do the hunting, female hawks are generally largeer in size and more aggressive - jst to name a few. What does it matter who does what anyway?

    In nature, males in many species take over guarding the nestand monnitoring the young. Nothing wrong with that.

    Once again, the conservative far right demonstrate they talk big about things they know next to nothing about. Even the little they do say is usually wrong.It is sad that they are idiots proud of their ignorance.

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Female hummingbirds do all the work as well. Hmmmm, not too different from the human world.

  15. Let's get real here......... I tell all young women to be sure to GET AN EDUCATION. If you have to work the rest of your life, make some money...not minimum wage either.

    I learned a long time ago that my husband's paycheck would not pay the bills....just not possible. Do we live in poverty and accept food Did I make more money an hour than him...yes. The monies all went into the same pot which is called the FAMILY. People, just take care of your own backyard and discard this macho BS. There is no free lunch and never ever piss a woman off!

    1. Leland8:42 AM

      Gles, you were doing just fine - until the last half of that last sentence. It, too, is sexist in a way!

      Also, I am going to guess you are not now nor ever have been in the south for any serious period of time. It is here where the people are a.) stupid enough to actually believe this crap and b.) brainwashed into believing it from birth!

      Of course, not all the fools are down here, but....

    2. Leland I was raised in Cleveland, Ohio but just spent the last 25 years in Houston, TX.
      Living in TX I have learned that when pulled over by a cop you keep hands on steering wheel, do not ever wave a knife or they shoot you for scaring the cop and my neighbor would beat his wife, rape her, and tell her there is only one book allowed in the house. Now can you see why you don't want to piss off dare they.

    3. Leland4:09 PM

      Gles, I'm sorry, but I wasn't actually disagreeing with you. The last thing I want to do (and I believe it might BE the last thing) is piss off a woman. But It still is a bit sexist!

      And I'm really sorry for you. Living in TX has got to be hell. But at least it isn't Mississippi!

      Did I sense a bit of undertone that hinted at your having left TX? I hope so.

    4. Leland, women have lived in a man's world for like forever and I see no signs this will change....... So if I appear to be sexist...I experienced living under a man's thumb in so many ways.

      I got out of TX a few years back and live in the Ozarks now amongst what appears to be a lot of people on disability.....go figure. I left the cowboys behind me for the slackers.

  16. Yeah, let's look at bees where the drones are all subservient to the queen. Their only purpose is to mate and then die. The worker women push them out of the colony because they are just in the way of the workers doing their job.

    And then there's the Praying Mantis, that eats the head off her mate right after the act.

    I believe the black widow does too.

    Anyone know the insects that tear the man's manly parts off him and take them away, mostly because that is the only part she needs?

    No wonder the fundies are against artificial insemination. Once we've got cloning down, the males will be totally fearful of extinction.

    Better start shaping up buddy and giving us women a reason to keep you around. You know what they say about vinegar and honey.

    I suggest you stop with the subjugation and control and start with the flowers and chocolates. Otherwise you might not be around very long.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      I say let's continue to tape record all of this and use it nationwide in the next election.

  17. Leland7:32 AM

    Hhhmmm. I have an idea for this "gentleman". He should start supporting Lesbian and Gay marriage equality.

    Wait now. Think about it.

    If the marriage was between two men, neither would have to worry about the female ruining their ego by making more than them. And if the marriage was between two women, there wouldn't be a man around to have his ego destroyed!

    Problem solved!

  18. CorningNY7:49 AM

    Everyone knows that in lion prides, the females do all the hunting while the males laze around.Penguin males hold the eggs on their feet. Etc, etc. So put that in your pipe and smoke it!

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Penguins have just about a perfect 50-50 split.

    2. Leland4:10 PM

      Correct, 12:53. In fact, when one has the egg, the other is out fishing and eating! Then they come back and switch off!

  19. Anonymous8:57 AM

    When you are a 'man' and money is your god, then you will be jealous and angry when you look around and see women who have a bigger god than you, or who have their own money and are not dependent on your god (so that you can't control them through wielding your god-power). Plus, from the puppeteers' point of view, '"isn't it just jim-dandy convenient to get these males all riled up so that they can help us further defend our institutionalized sexism? That way, they won't even notice that cuts in women's wages might reduce their own household incomes as well (as they laugh all the way to the bank)!"'

  20. Anonymous9:52 AM

    There is actually a scientific term for what these men are doing: 'reproductive coercion'. There's an article about it in today's Daily Mail, which shows that men are now actively sabotaging their partners' birth control efforts (pricking holes in condoms, hiding birth control pills, etc): ladies, it's time for a nation-wide strike.

  21. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Muslim and Jewish Leaders Unite to Combat Hatred

  22. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Kathleen Taylor, Neuroscientist, Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness

    An Oxford University researcher and author specializing in neuroscience has suggested that one day religious fundamentalism may be treated as a curable mental illness.

    Kathleen Taylor, who describes herself as a "science writer affiliated to the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics," made the suggestion during a presentation on brain research at the Hay Literary Festival in Wales on Wednesday.

    In response to a question about the future of neuroscience, Taylor said that "One of the surprises may be to see people with certain beliefs as people who can be treated," The Times of London notes.

    “Someone who has for example become radicalised to a cult ideology -- we might stop seeing that as a personal choice that they have chosen as a result of pure free will and may start treating it as some kind of mental disturbance," Taylor said. “In many ways it could be a very positive thing because there are no doubt beliefs in our society that do a heck of a lot of damage."

    The author went on to say she wasn't just referring to the "obvious candidates like radical Islam," but also meant such beliefs as the idea that beating children is acceptable.

  23. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Of course, despite saying there was this God's plan, he quoted no bible passages to support this claim.

    What a moron,

  24. Anonymous11:44 AM

    WATCH: Dan Savage's Amazing Advice For Gay Kids

  25. Anita Winecooler12:07 PM

    What a heaping bowl of bullshit! It doesn't matter either way to a child who takes the role as primary breadwinning and/or child rearing role in the family.
    The argument about nature doesn't hold water, the things they rail against the most occur in many species. There's female breadwinners and homosexual couples in many "Animal families".
    But then, if you're living "biblically", then nothing that science proves can be accepted as truth nor fact.
    Men's egos aren't as fragile as these insecure ninnies believe. There were times when I brought home more money than my husband, when he's taken the role of parenting, changing diapers, nurturing the children, doing housework etc.... whoever gets home first starts dinner, sets the table, etc. Money becomes a problem when people let it. A marriage is 50/50, I dare any of those men in your post to imply my husband's less of a man to his face. For that matter, I dare them to define my worth by what I earn.

    1. Leland1:04 PM

      Unfortunately, these fools would not listen to your arguments, regardless of how factual they were or how cogently you presented those facts.

      To these idiots, females should not EARN anything at all. They should be barefoot and pregnant and at home! They should be completely subservient to the male of the house and should lay down and spread 'em at his slightest hint. And to hell with the female's desires in bed!

      Even the Neanderthals weren't THAT stupid!

      As for them daring to say it to your face? These idiots probably would slap the "devil" out of you for even thinking things of that sort.

  26. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Well I have to say too many men especially down here in Tn don't work, they hunt fish and live off of women. Next they will be saying we can't own property or vote. What is he trying to say, that a woman should take less pay so as not to out earn her husband? There are lots of people who just live together.

    1. Anonymous11:45 PM

      I agree. I too, think th e ultimate goal, after they take away abortion and contraception, is to take away our vote, because women elect Democrats. Women are the ones who decide if a family goes to church, and where. And these guys are terrified of us!

  27. After 8 years of President Obama and then 8 years of President Clinton followed by 8 years of President Warren then topped off by 8 years of President Booker, those RWNJ fundie idiots will be reduced to gibbering piles of goo. Oh, wait... they already are gibbering piles of goo.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. lwtjb7:36 PM

    A supervisor suggested I interview for a slightly different position than the one I had. He also referred a male co-worker for that position. It was liaison from child protective services to a women's prison. I interviewed for that position partly because i despised that supervisor and it would get me away from him and partly because I had been dealing with the same exact population of women, except younger. That is, adolescents with babies. It was an experimental position limited to one year. After that you had no promise of another job or of going back to where you'd already been working. I opted not to take that job. When I turned it down, said supervisor told me it wasn't fair to my male co-worker as he had a family to support.That co-worker also had a working spouse while I was single at the time - no husband, no boy/girl friend, no other income. Seems fair to me....

  30. So let's talk about what bible thumping men say is how God designed marriage and then let's talk about reality. How about being married to a man who mentally abuses you and you wind up in a mental hospital? That's what happened to me. After I came out of the hospital and was severely mentally ill, he continued his mental abuse. I was so beaten down by him that I couldn't think my way out of what he was doing to me and the children. When I broke down again, he didn't let me and the children come home so we were homeless. I didn't go on welfare, get food stamps, get housing assistance or anything. Although I was severely ill at the time and could have, I went to work because I was now the breadwinner for myself and my children. What about that "for better or worse, in sickness and in health" crap that we're fed through organized religion from the bible thumpers? I believed the lie! There are many women out there who believe it too and are in dire circumstances because of it, just like I was. Did I deserve equal pay? Yes, I did!!! Did I get equal pay? No I didn't!!! I had to take part-time jobs too just so the children and I could survive, all the while I was mentally ill and getting mental health treatment. I'm better now, recovered, and stronger today because of the real circumstances I found myself in. I learned how to think my way out of this religious trap that was pounded into my head growing up and then the reality of it that I lived through in the so-called bible-based marriage. The best thing he ever did for the children and I was not letting us come home. I never married again or even dated. I didn't want to repeat the biggest mistake of my life once more. I didn't trust myself. I was afraid that I would attract another man like him or worse. I did not want to risk my mental health ever again. Do I deserve equal pay? Yes I do! According to the bible thumpers his role was the breadwinner. How utterly ridiculous. I took on his role as the breadwinner when he flaked on us. Whether or not I did, I still deserved equal pay just because I worked and was equally qualified. Some men trash their responsibilities like my ex-husband did with his drinking and drugging, and yelling at me, "Go get me another beer!" while he sat around smoking, reading a Louis L'amour book, or out drinking and drugging all night with his buddies. My kids are very productive members of society today. They have integrity. They are hard workers. They are loving and caring to others, especially people who are struggling to make it just like we did. They were raised by a single mother who loved and supported them. Now that they are adults they both told me if I was still married to him they probably would have grown up to be white trash. The kind of thinking that this report talks about and Faux news supports is nothing more than what white trash men believe who shirk their responsibilities. There are some pretty wonderful men out there and I have many as friends, but marriage again--I don't think so, especially never based on the biblical model that is espoused by the right-wing religious fringe of society. Gryphen, I'd say that you're one of those wonderful men and also Sir Patrick Stewart and others like him and you. I see some of those wonderful men making comments on this blog and other blogs too. Oh, if I had only met and married a man who believed in equality and treated women with respect. Oh, if only. . .I can dream a beautiful dream. . .


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