Friday, May 31, 2013

Well it looks is like SOMEBODY has been Googling herself again.

Courtesy of the Arizona Snowbird's Facebook page: 

Small town America is the soul of our country, despite the opinion of the Seattle Weekly’s Ellis Conklin and the lamestream media. Todd and I are on our way to congratulate the graduating class in Republic, Washington, this Saturday and I’m honored and touched by their ingenuity, tenacity, and invitation to speak to these young Americans about to begin their futures. 

Small town America is our heart; it may not be the Ivy Leagues or what Ellis and the media deem acceptable, but these students and this town represent what is good and right about America and the small towns where most of us grew our own roots and values. 

Too often the media forgets its own humble roots and plays the elitist card. Not so this weekend. We are going to congratulate the Tigers of 2013 and have something special for each and every one. They will grow to defend our country, manage our economy, build our families, and work to achieve each of their own personal dreams. 

Sorry, Seattle Weekly, you, as usual, miss the point.

 - Sarah Palin

As all of you know I linked to the Seattle Weekly yesterday and it was only about three hours later that the post up above showed up. Coincidence?

What the Seattle Weekly reported, that irritated Snowdrift Snooki so much that she fired up the RAM, is this:

Still, to a large extent, Palin’s visit has drawn a rather ho-hum reaction from the 1,073 folks who populate this old gold mining town in Ferry County. 

“I haven’t heard much about it all, or anyone really talking about it” says Alice Barnes, bartender at Madonna’s, a bar and grill on Main Street. 

“I don’t think there’s that much going on, other than her going to talk at the school. We’ve been left completely out of the loop of this,” sniffs Jim Milner, director of the town’s chamber of commerce. “We’ve been working on our annual Prospector Days celebration next weekend. That will be a lot bigger deal than this.” 

Palin’s star-power is barely a glimmer these a days. “We’ve had no requests from anyone in the national media,” notes Republic High principal Shawn Anderson, who’s coordinating the event. Indeed, it’s been a long, strange journey for the one-time governor Alaska who John McCain recklessly plucked out of obscurity to jump-start his moribund campaign in 2008. 

And of course this:

Certainly, it will be forever cemented in the memory bank of Tyler Weyer, a life-long resident of this wooded hamlet. 

As for Sarah Palin, surely there will be the realization that it has come to this -- and wasn’t it a long way down. 

Palin's ghostwriter may try to frame it as if the Weekly piece was an attack on "small town America" but it was really a recognition of how far the Grizzled Mama's star has fallen in the last five years. And that, THAT, is truly unforgivable in the  world of Sarah Palin.


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    What are her uneducated, Baby-Making kids doing to build our economy and build families without Husbands and a Wife? Why didn't her kids complete their High School educations without dropping out with Criminal incidents and 9 month Mono? What a Fake.

    1. As a life long Republican, I can't answer any of your questions. I have been asking the same questions. I realize that liberals don't like Michele Bachmann, but IMHO it is really unfair to lump her with Her Heinous. 1) Michele has several degrees - Sarah went to five colleges 2) both have 5 children (well Michele definitely has 5) and while all of Michele's went to college and are either enrolled or graduated, including a doctor and a teacher....well, just say next up on the "let's hope she graduates HS list is Piper" 3) Michele may shop at Target but she always appears professional. Sarah...hmmmm not so much.4)Michele actually attends Church regularly so even if you don't like her views, she walks the walk. The last I saw Sarah in Church some African preacher was casting out evil spirits and I don't think it worked. I could go on and on, but you get the picture. You may not agree with Michele, but she's not Sarah.

    2. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Kevin: I just refer to them as "Dumb and Dumber" myself.

    3. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Didn't Michele graduate from the religious nuthouse, Liberty U? W packed his administration with grads from there, and they hired based on religious views. I do not think a egree from that U is as valuable as other school's degrees.

    4. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Great comment Mr. Sullivan. I, too, am a Republican. If what you write is correct, Shelly is great mother.

      Unlike Sarah, Shelly will not quit on her constituents.

      Unlike Sarah, Shelly will complete her term in elected office.

      No doubt Shelly is greater than Sarah.

      Nevertheless, like Sarah, the mere mention of Shelly diminishes the Party.

      Don't you agree?

    5. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Hi Sully! If I remember you right, you're the last of the sane Republicans, and though we teased you terribly about Bachmann, I always appreciated you're honesty and sanity!

    6. Balzafiar9:45 AM

      The only thing I have against Michele is the fact that she lives a lie, for gain, as beard for Marcie Ann, her hypocritical gay husband.

    7. Anonymous10:19 AM

      @Kevin Sullivan

      She is definitely more intelligent than Sarah (but then, so's my 11-year-old, he has like 40 IQ points on the idiot and hell, I even think my cat is probably smarter) and a much better dresser, but she is corrupt as hell, dangerously delusional and spreads harmful lies. She got Hillary Clinton attacked overseas because of her "Muslim Brotherhood" crap. Now what would Republicans say if a Democratic rep ran their mouth and told lies and incited hatred against a high-ranking official in a foreign country? I think we all know so, rhetorical question.

    8. I want to meet a normal gop...where they be at? lol

    9. Anonymous12:01 PM

      I agree with Kevin. I disagree with Bachmann about pretty much everything, but at least she is genuine--actually raised her kids, actually goes to church, actually thinks Obama is out to destroy America. I'll take authentic delusion over Palin's brand of manipulation any day. Bachmann is not a mercenary, she's a true believer. And as for Bachmann's husband, if he is gay, she doesn't know it, unlike Palin who knows exactly what's up with Todd and doesn't care as long as the money keeps flowing (or at this point trickling) in and she holds onto the few worshipers she has left.

    10. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Each is crazy in her own special way.

  2. "It may not be the Ivy Leagues"

    Does Sarah realize she's speaking at a high school and not a college?

    What an ass. I grew up in a rural small town where hunting and fishing were favorite activities (not mine, but many people's) and I think she's a moron. It's not that she's speaking at this school's graduation, it's that this tiny high school is the only place that wants her.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      There is no "Ivy Leagues". The term is Ivy League. Sarah can not open her mouth about any topic without putting her foot in it.

      What she calls 'elitism' exists in spades in small towns, where there are cruel and obvious economic (and other) pecking orders. Cities, which she claims to hate, are far more egalitarian and less elitist in the word's literal sense, and people can move to and from social groups that would not be possible in small towns. Lived in both, know of what I speak.

      In both Sarah and tea party world, the word 'elitism' means: 'I despise anyone who is more educated, wealthy, famous, accomplished, or better-connected than I perceive myself as being'.

    2. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Uh, one whacko, obsessive 17 y o fan wants her. Presumably there are at least a few who don't... to them, our condolences.

    3. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Slightly ot but apropos of this topic and Nitwit in general,

    4. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Why be the best you can be when you can be the town bullies like the Palins and Heaths. This is how Palin dealt with an "elite" during her public service--she fired him after emasculating him or she spread rumors that he was a "Jew."

      By the way, does she really stink or is this just hubris? That wig is really awesome. I wish someone would show a picture of Sarah without a wig hat on her head, perhaps photoshop?

  3. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Sarah who?

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Fantasy: Palin thought she owned the bloggers. Stop blogging right now!

    Fact:Bloggers own the Palins. Always have. Always will.

    Here is another lemon for Sarah to suck on today while she prepares to faceplant in Nowhere, Washington.

    I have a theory why Sarah resigned so suddenly. I think she got caught doing something she had previously done and gotten away with. I believe that important people in Alaska told her to resign and do it fast. I have some rather official evidence which supports this theory. You could say it comes straight from the horse's ass.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Fast forward to Bachman, same shit different state.

    2. You can certainly dislike Michele for her politics, but it is totally unfair to lump her together with Her Heinous. 1)Michele won 7 straight elections. Sarah did not.2) Michele has 3 college degrees. Sarah went to 5 colleges 3) Both have 5 kids..well we know Michele has 5 kids. Sarah's iffy. 4)No reality shows for the Bachmann family. Palin's have been on 4 and tried another 3 so far 5) All Bachmann kids are either in college or already graduated. This includes a doctor and a teacher. The Palin's? Well the next hope is Piper can finish HS. It will be a family milestone. 6)While a Target shopper, Michele always looks classy. Sarah? Please 7)Michele was sent to Margaret Thatcher's funeral as America's representatives along with Marsha Blackburn. Sarah stayed in America and posed with a bug gulp. I could go on and may not agree with her politics but Michele is not in the same category as Cruella.

    3. sorry for the duplicate post above ! I thought I deleted the original one. Sorry...not trolling ! Thanks

    4. Bachmann is an unrepentant liar too and if she truly believed all the things she claimed, then you have got to wonder how gullible she is, how calculating she is, or just how smart she really is. Her little poisonous acorn didn't fall that far from the poison tree that sprouted Palin and her ilk.

    5. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Shelly must be in deep shit.

      Marcus is commenting here.

    6. Anonymous12:22 PM

      6:54 AM

      " I have some rather official evidence which supports this theory. You could say it comes straight from the horse's ass."

      When will that not be a deep dark secret?

    7. Anonymous12:23 PM

      6:54-- Care to share? We like hearing things that bode ill for the quitter queen of the morons.

    8. Anonymous1:14 PM

      love to know!!

  5. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Class President Tyler Weyer should be asked if he thinks about Sarah when he masturbates.

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      After looking at the photos of him having a wig put on to look like Sarah, it seems more likely he thinks about Todd - not that there's anything wrong with that.

    2. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Maybe Tyler is bi (as in two-toned)

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Just imagine the national right wing outcry if a teen male democrat were to dress up like Sarah and impersonate her – and then try to show up where she was speaking!! No way this would be interpreted by them as normal or praise-worthy behavior!! A republican male teen in women's high heels? Awwww, isn't he cute!

    4. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Maybe yler wants to make a coat of Sarah's skin and wear it?
      Ooookie. Sarah - maybe best not to be alone with hum...

    5. Anonymous12:27 PM

      What could possibly go wrong? I hope this lives up to its full ludicrous potential and that it makes it to YouTube when it does.

    6. Anonymous12:32 PM

      It's too soon to know what Tyler is about. It is nice that his act is well received in his community. He may be discovered and can go forward with this taste of fame. Tyler is 17 and masturbating is a popular and frequent pastime at that age. Tyler has passion, the odds favor that Sarah is his first choice but who knows if that is enough or all or if it is who she married or another part of her life. He may like skeletons or wigs turn him on. Time will tell.

  6. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Oh, dear Sarah. It's so hard for her to hear that she's coming down to earth from that high mountain top. Yet she pretends she's concerned that the small WA town was insulted. It wasn't the small town that was insulted in that editorial, and it's as plain as an ant on an anthill.

    IT's not the graduates themselves, nor their caregivers, nor the teachers, and the kind folks of Republic that are insulted by that add. I know lots of find small-town Americans and they are compassionate good hard-working people; they don't yield to criticisms of any press, nor have they been criticized at all by the Spokane press.

    It's those wolves that would come into a small town and deceive those wonderful people of Republic that would be so sad in this case. Wolves in sheep's clothing masquerade themselves as caring about values and morals, but have a wicked agenda in their minds. The motivations of their heart are NOT what they speak.

    So, I am sure that the writer of that piece is not an elitist nor lame, because he is looking out for Americans and doesn't want them to get caught in the snares of ulterior-motivated scammers.

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Hope, Arkansas, is pretty small towny.

      It is the Watermelon Capital of the world.

      It is also the home of President Bill Clinton.

  7. Anonymous7:02 AM

    The seattle weekly thanks you for the clicks skank.. You just keep alerting everyone each time there is a derogatory article about you like the vapid idiot you are.

    Your DVD copy of sunset boulevard is on it's way!
    Such a frackin idiot.

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      She only linked to it as a way to dispatch the flying monkeys to descend and fight off anyone who dared post facts about her in the comments. The bots are just too dumb to realize they're being used. I didn't know Grizzly Mama's needed so many defenders. She has the bots very welled trained. They spew her talking points and insult anyone who disagrees with "Queen Esther". It's all very sick.

  8. Anonymous7:05 AM

    "Sorry, Seattle Weekly, you, as usual, miss the point."???

    Like she EVER reads ANYTHING in Seattle Weekly that isn't about HER.

    As a former Seattlite who still reads Seattle Weekly and The Stranger, Harpy Palin, as usual, misses the point.

    "Too often the media forgets its own humble roots and plays the elitist card." -- Again, there is NO WAY she's ever read Seattle Weekly. Elitist? Good grief, we've always assumed they printed that weekly tabloid in someone's garage. It's a fun, very quick read. Maybe if it had pop-up pictures, Palin would ACTUALLY read it once in a while.

    "Not so this weekend. We are going to congratulate the Tigers of 2013 and have something special for each and every one." -- A Big Gulp, can of Skoal and a coupon for Chick-fil-A?

    Again, AS USUAL, Sarah misses the point entirely. The article wasn't a dig on small towns, small schools or the graduates. It was a dig at SARAH. She knows that, but can't resist twisting the meaning of the article while simultaneously playing the victim yet again.

    So much stupid wrapped under cheap wigs.

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      I don't think that the "Journalism Major" has any idea about journalism's humble roots. The first newspapers came out of the coffee shops of London, and they carried the financial news that interested the patrons who had gathered there. Sarah clearly forgot about Paul Revere, ringing those bells and firing those warning shots. As a silversmith, he was also a master engraver, and he was a printer, printing posters for the Sons of Liberty.

      The first American newspaper was published by Benjamin Franklin's brother, James. It was called the Daily Courant, and it was published in Boston, hardly a small town. When Benjamin Franklin moved to Philadelphia, he continued publishing newspapers. Philadelphia-- another large town. No, Sarah and Sarah's ghost writer, the humble beginnings of journalism did not spring out of small towns but big cities such as Boston and Philadelphia.

    2. That makes perfect sense and it seems logical. People from small communities can relay info from person to person since the populace is small. But for larger crowds newspapers would be advantages to disseminate info among the masses to preserved the original info.

      Please reframe from asking the stupid skank anything about the United States of America history...she's freaking secessionist.

  9. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Oh look! Mr. 47% is planning on 'helping' 2014 candidates. This should help the Dems, for sure!

    Mitt Romney Plans To Campaign For 2014 Candidates

    ...To that end, more than six months after a stinging defeat in the 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney plans to return to the national stage on behalf of candidates stumping for congressional seats in 2014 -- many of whom will run directly against the president's record.

    In an interview with the Wall Street Journal published Thursday, the former Massachusetts governor disclosed the details of his return:

    As a first step, the former Republican presidential nominee plans to welcome 200 friends and supporters to a three-day summit next week that he will host at a Utah mountain resort.

    He is considering writing a book and a series of opinion pieces, and has plans to campaign for 2014 candidates. But he is wary of overdoing it. "I'm not going to be bothering the airwaves with a constant series of speeches," he told The Wall Street Journal, speaking from his home in La Jolla, Calif.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Good, like Palin, Romney's endorsement will be a kiss of death.

    2. Anonymous7:51 AM

      "Wary of over doing it". Him just thinking about it is overdoing it. Go The Fuck Away, Mitt. You are not good enough for America!

    3. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Queen Anne can go on the trail also, too. Her plastic surgery sems to be up to date, so she will just have to take time for Botox occasionally. She loves the spotlight as much as te Grifter from Wasilla.

    4. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Still dreaming of the White Horse candidacy/prophecy.

    5. Anonymous10:10 AM

      What is wrong w/these Republicans - bringing Romney back out - the creep John McCain meeting w/the terrorists while John Kerry and President Obama are going through specific negotiations - John Boehner who does nothing but look like an asshole and obstruct constantly through the House/U.S. Congress, and so many of the Republican men trying to rule how women handle their bodies.

      How do they ever think they have a chance in the elections of 2014? Beats me!!!

  10. Anonymous7:09 AM

    So, I guess that means she'll be spending another day away from Trig, her precious gift from God.

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Who? Oh, right says $carah.

  11. Anonymous7:11 AM

    There is something else happening here.

    Ask yourselves why is Sarah Palin ignoring her little kids at home?

    Why does Sarah Palin leave her kids in Wasilla while she tramps around and gets her pictures taken at all the elitist events in the lower 48?

    Is it it Wasilla's fault?
    Is it Alaska's fault?

    There was a time when Sarah Palin was "it" in Wasilla and through out Alaska. Sarah Palin had her entourage of Alaska State Troopers, executive secretaries, press agents, Alaska media, requests to appear at school dances and everything else a narcissistic person loved. But now everybody in Alaska has turned on their quitter governor who has to resort to getting attention from high school Sarah Palin drag queens and a graduating high school classof of 26 if Jimmy Joe Bob doesn't pass his PE class.

    So is all this happening because the mighty has fallen and her hometown of Wasilla, Alaska ignores and hates her.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Sarah only has one kid left to worry about, Piper. I don't think that Sarah has taken care of Trig for a long time, and while we can have that discussion about whether she gave birth to him or not, Sarah accepted responsibility for his care when she claimed him as her son. No mother would treat her own child like that.

    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Piper will turn out just like the rest of them. I would hope that $arah "worries," let alone gives any of them a thought.

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      I thought Wasilla High erected a statue in honor of the Palin females, outside the school? How quickly they forget!!

    4. Anonymous10:07 AM

      The majority in Alaska cannot stand her and she knows it. She's afraid to show her face ever again in Juneau where that population really dislikes her!

      We notice too that her kids are staying out of the public - Track has done it all along until Sarah put up the photos of the families when he got married (supposedly) and then divorced - Bristol appears to be in hiding and Willow was shown - ONLY again due to her mother posting her photo as to beautician schooling. Someone posted photos of Piper playing basketball, but I don't think it was via sister Sarah because she supposedly doesn't attend Piper's games.

      She is a terrible mother and wife. Absolutely the worst!!

  12. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Once again, Sarah really is her own worst enemy.

    Her vanity, pettiness and vindictiveness drives these relentless counter-attacks...which only serve to broadcast these critical reviews to a MUCH wider audience! With this one post she has disseminated the message that in fact her star has dimmed and it has come to this - and her whiney attempt at misdirection only reveals how defensive she is about it.

    Good times.

  13. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Not even Dolly Pardon breast implants gets Sarah Palin attention anymore.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Dolly Pardon. Now that's funny.

      I think she's hoping for a "dolly pardon".

      Fat chance. There will be no pardon for her.


      The B.

    2. Anonymous8:15 AM

      lol! rotflamo!

    3. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Please, don't denigrate Dolly. She would never do that weird inflatable thing Sarah is into. If she did she would at least stay with the same size. I guess Sarah goes with who she will be working over before she decides what size to blow up. It will be interesting to see how she presents them to the young kids in Washington. Also will she do skank attire, cocktail dress, casual gunfighter huntress or try to do a suit again? ? ? ?
      I suppose there will be no cameras or recorders allowed while she is in town. She wouldn't want to be seen beyond the 26 and family and friends.

  14. AKinPA7:15 AM

    "We are going to congratulate the Tigers of 2013 and have something special for each and every one." Are they making a stop at the Dollar store to pick up copies of her ghost-written books? Or is she personally making moose chili for everyone? Maybe they'll give everyone a 2 liter bottle of non-diet soda pop (will travel much better than a big gulp)? Or maybe brand new AR-15’s for the new grads? Can’t wait to read her inspiring words of wisdom, see her professional attire, and find out what the “something special for each and every one” is.

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      A can of Skoal and a Big Gulp for each graduate?

      Todd will offer jobs to all the females. He needs more girls to pimp.

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Moose jerky? Salmon jerky? I am sure it will be something from the wilds of Alaska. This is how she can say she promotes Alaska...

    3. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Maybe she will show them her rack!

    4. Anonymous8:02 AM


    5. I wonder if she'll appear in a graduation robe and if they will give her an honorary Republic High School diploma.

    6. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Your comment triggered a horrible thought: am guessing that Sarah's commencement speech will be the only one in America encouraging every graduate to go out and get armed. THAT'S how irresponsible – and still dangerous – she is.

    7. PalinsHoax9:43 AM

      The graduations gifts will be pillows for the young ladies and washcloths for the young men.

      Yea, $cary, that's real special!

    8. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Signed copies of all those going rogues books that she had to buy up because they didn't sell?

    9. Anonymous10:02 AM

      And, she's coming bearing gifts? What total bullshit! Like that is going to connect the students to her for the rest of their lives. She's going to be nothing more than a 'joke' in their memories - especially when all has been published about her during the coming years.

    10. Anonymous10:52 AM

      A one-way bus ticket out of Republic to Seattle or Takoma --the graduates gets to choose.

    11. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Do you think she is going to offer scholarships to the Tigers of 2013?

    12. Anonymous11:23 AM

      That was my guess. Her books will be robo-signed and handed out under the chairs. Great way to dump a handful of left over trash. She might even include her brother/father's and Big Chin's books as well, a 'family' package of drivel for the lucky graduates...LOL!

    13. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Wow, Sarah's buying something for EACH AND EVERY graduate?? All twenty of them? Way to break the bank.

  15. Anonymous7:16 AM

    If $carah thinks she has "values" then her definition of values is not the same as the rest of us. Grifting, saying "what's in it for us"?? Those are values, alright, of a morally bankrupt person. There is an ulterior motive to her giving this speech. I highly doubt it is a freebie, since she would not even give a speech at the RNC without reward. The Failin' Palins obviously passed on their values to their children, any of them, all of them.

  16. Anonymous7:18 AM

    There was a time when bashing President Obama was enough to keep Sarah Palin in the news. Now it has resorted to Sarah Palin publishing her own news about Sarah Palin in her Facebook posts to stay relevant.


    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Bingo! She is now making her own news and let's face it, it is something she is good at. Good for the people, no, but it feeds her need to try and remain relevant.

  17. Anonymous7:27 AM

    "Fired up the RAM,"

    I love that line so much. Besides Becky's name, it can also stand for

    Remote Access Mudslinger

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Really Awful Moron.

    2. Cracklin Charlie8:24 AM

      More, please!

    3. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Ridiculous Asswipe Meangirl

      Really Assinine muffdiver ( no offense to anyone but RAM)

      Raucous Arrogant Moron

    4. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Retarded addicted methhead
      The word retarded is not a slam, I am using it as it is meant to be used. That there is retarded intellectual abilities.

    5. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Reprehensible Abrasive Melanoma

    6. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Really A Man

    7. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Rude and Mistaken

    8. Our Lad2:25 PM

      Representing A Motherfucker!

  18. Anonymous7:29 AM

    " I’m honored and touched by their ingenuity, tenacity, and invitation to speak to these young Americans about to begin their futures."
    -Sarah Palin

    Why does Sarah Palin hate Wasilla?

    How come Sarah Palin didn't speak to Wasilla's 2013 GED graduating class of one?

    Why didn't the 2013 GED class president, vice president, secretary and student body of one, Willow Palin, invite the Great Sarah Palin to speak at the ceremony in the Palin kitchen?

    Was Sarah Palin too busy in Arizona?

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      The high school in Wasilla wants to keep as far away as possible from the Palin group. None of them had a good reputation in their high school years and Sarah's top three kids have GEDs - not high school diplomas.

  19. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Oh Gina the seaopee is howlin again at the lam-LOL!!! Yeah seattle weekly is such a high profile news source-NOT!
    Watch now as Z and the gang of merry mental patients roll out the same old same old trying to defend the queen of skankenstein-bbbbaaaawwwwaaaahhhh!
    What a frackin idiot!

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      LSM not lam!!! Spellcheck:(

    2. anyone else wondering if Baldy will wear a cap & gown??

      Does the commencement speaker wear one? If so...maybe this is the reason why the Baldster is doing this! will the cap fit on that dirty fucking wig and giant ass head of hers?


    3. Balzafiar9:50 AM

      I'm wondering if she will be wearing panties, or did she leave them home for RAM to sniff?

    4. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Yes she will wear her KKK cap and robe, if it is back from the cleaners by then.

    5. Anonymous12:51 PM

      I am guessing she will wear the cap and gown as she wants the image for later. Plus she can wear her tightest sexy out fit underneath and play the dirty librarian type. What 17 year old boy would not love that?

  20. Anonymous7:32 AM

    People who believe small towns are awedome have never ived in one. Wasilla is not really a small town, is it? It may be provencial and a cultural backwater, but "small" is it?

    If you've ever lived in a town of a thousand or less, you know that people seem to think they know each other's business or want to. There is a huge expectation of conformity to whatever the majority of townspeople think is acceptable behavior, acceptable beliefs, and acceptable expectations. Being different is not an option in small towns unless they view you as harmless.

    1. Two of my aunts lived in a town of less than a thousand. They liked it, since the older one was a natural leader and no one messed with her, but your last sentence states the situation very well.

    2. Yep, and that's why I don't live in small towns anymore and why I would think it over five times before I moved back to one. I just don't fit in and I wouldn't be free to be myself, even in plain conversation. Been there...moved away from that!

    3. Anonymous9:56 AM

      There is absolutely nothing wrong with small towns. It is small brains that are the problem. With an IQ of 83, one need not look any farther, than between her own ears. Dumb Bitch.

    4. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Wasilla was small when Sarah grew up there. It is now more populated due to the growth in Alaska. But, it's still not a big city - appears rustic - no building guidelines for a long time with commercial stuff all over the place. Not an attractive place when you drive into it or drive the main highway that runs through it.

    5. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Wasilla is small enough for all that to apply to. It has a population of about 6,000 but it was a lot smaller when Palin was growing up but got a lot bigger in the 80s and especially in the 90s. It is also rather isolated. It is full of ignorant redneck, right wing, religious nut jobs who don't tolerate anything different from themselves. Sarah is definitely a product of Wasilla.

  21. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Who did Sarah Palin have to fuck to get the keynote speaking gig at the famous Republic High School graduation?

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Had to be a long list?

      At least 27 people.

    2. Smirnonn8:04 AM

      Haaaa!! LOL :)

    3. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Ol' Brisket volunteered for that, a case of wine coolers and she was ready to go.

    4. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Can you even imagine screwing her? Yuk!!!

  22. Anonymous7:43 AM

    When Sarah Palin came out of the lecture about Paul Revere, ringing those bells and firing those warning shots, she was in a large city, Boston, where part of the soul of American was born. Add Philadelphia and some very smart people from Virginia-- they all met in Philadelphia to sign the Declaration of Independence. The original Tea Party, the model for hating taxes and the government without know the reason why, also took place in Boston.

    Next month, we are going to celebrate the 4th of July, and there are a couple of other things that Palin forgets about the "soul of our country." All of those men were well read, had higher education and some traveled abroad. They thought about things (instead of reacting like an emotional kid). There was also the need to cooperate because each colony had its own interests.

    Sarah is wrong about the soul of America. She has only been in New York City for photo ops, eating pizza with Donald Trump or being interviewed by Glenn Beck. (That was another disaster, and I don't mean Glenn). People in big cities are too smart to be fooled by Sarah holding up a Big Gulp or a tin of chewing tobacco. They have street smarts, and they can see right through her. No wonder her book tour and her appearances are limited to small towns, the smaller the better.

    I remember Sarah's convention speech in 2008 when she said that the "real Americans" came from small town American. She drew the dividing line then, and showed that she didn't belong anywhere near a big city like Washington DC.

    1. And DC is kind of special in terms of big cities. It is a big city with something of the small town to it. Once you've lived here for awhile, you'll start running into people you know from work or even your own neighborhood while you're out running around in DC. Heck, I've even run into people who lived down the road from me in Vegas!

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      And, many rarely run into anyone they know in a town/city of 300,000! No kidding!

    3. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Yep. Each and every ONE of the founding Fathers was an elitist intellectual. Many were Deists too.

  23. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Look at that picture of Sarah Palin holding the Big Gulp cup.

    What do you see besides Sally Heath's twin sister?

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM


    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      With those sagging jowls and big hair, I see "Fat Monica" from Friends.

    3. Anonymous9:32 AM

      I see the wonky eye, and frozen top lip from too much Botox.

    4. PalinsHoax9:48 AM

      What do I see? I see someone who looks like they have either just belched or just passed gas.

      Same dif. Both produce a toxic shroud around the Ol' Gas Bag.

    5. Anonymous9:50 AM

      She is not aging well at all! I suspect it has to do w/the fact she is so evil and nasty and only thinks in the negative. Plus, she doesn't take care of herself physically.

    6. I see a camo octopus morphing off her bigass head and swimming off into the ocean.

      I'm thinking about making a visual of this octopus thing.

      Look at the wide gap of hair around her face...big old dummy.

    7. Maybe she's leaking again...

    8. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Howdy Doody's puppet mouth.

  24. Anonymous7:50 AM

    She finally gets to add "commencement" speaker to her resume.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Sarah's "alma mater" is right around the corner. Funny, the University of Idaho never asked Sarah to speak at their commencement. She hasn't even been invited to address a journalism class there.

    2. Anonymous9:48 AM

      8:54 We don't know she actually graduated from there...McCain was the one that pushed the degree when she ran and LOST w/him. Proof was asked for, but never received - much the same as the birth certificate of that last kid that no one believes she delivered!

      When Palin ran for 'quitter gov' her college education was never even talked about, or printed, if you can believe that! It's still amazing that Alaskans elected her!!

  25. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Word of caution to the men and boys of the town of Republic.

    Becareful how you look at Sarah Palin, she might accuse you of wanting to rape her and her daughters.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Those Palins are known to be professional victims.

    2. angela8:32 AM

      Sarah doesn't do that anymore. I think someone finally got it through her thick skull that her continuous screech that men were trying to attack her daughters was extremely disturbing and spoke to a childhood trauma that she herself suffered. The poor fool has no learning curve.

  26. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Gryphen, I hope you have this photo in your collection

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      I bet she can suck the hairs off of a moose's dick with that tongue. Probably has.

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM


  27. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I think we now know a lot about how her speech will go unless she retreats after being called out by IM.

    That facebook note is pure manipulation. It's Sarah who is belittling and victimizing the graduates and their small town, projecting and setting them up to bond with her as the only one who truly appreciates and values their sorry asses. Classic sociopathy.

    She did a similar thing in the Apr. 7, 2008 'letter from Trig's creator' {and later in speeches} when she claimed no one else would want him and some thought he should have been aborted.

    “Some of the rest of the world may not want him, but take comfort in that because the world will not compete for him. Take care of him and he will always be yours! [...] Some will think Trig should not be allowed to be born...”

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:22 AM

      Excellent observation, Anon!

    2. The dumb bitch told an audience that trig was luck to have an extra chromosome.

  28. Smirnonn8:05 AM

    The vapid, self centered Wa$chilla DeVile is so narcissistic that she cannot accept that the article is bashing her, not small towns. Deflect much?

  29. angela8:16 AM

    Sarah Palin cares for small town America like I care for Mitch McConnell----not at all. They are her dodge. And that is sad.

    And sadly the idea of a woman who has not had one of her three adult children actually graduate from high school--- speaking at a graduation ceremony says more about the people who asked her to speak than it does about Palin. They are clueless. All that small town, gee shucks stuff Palin spouts makes my eyes roll. We all know she wanted the hell out of Wasilla like the plague was after her.

    "What's in it for Sarah's" fakeness and hypocrisy has surpassed the gag reflex. And sadly, if she actually does something out of the goodness of her heart---you just figure she snatched the heart out of someone else while hers was at the dry cleaners.

    I think the something special she'll give them all is a check for the five or six colleges of their choice.---from SarahPac.
    I mean its not her money---kinda.

  30. lostinmn8:18 AM

    I am getting a sense of creepiness from this story. She's going to speak at a small high school commencement where at least one of the students has a hard on for her. Makes me wonder if she's going so she can get her mojo back as a sexy bitch. What harm can it do to go flirt and be the hottest thing in town for a day? Todd can come along and do some recruiting for his business interests while Sara gets her ass felt up by the horny boys. Just a tip Sara. They're gonna want to feel up those hooters of yours. How are you going to explain the Belmonts to them?

  31. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Mom why can't you shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing and bringing unwanted attention to our dysfunctional family?

  32. Joe Muto's new book gives the lowdown on Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, Sarah Palin and others at Fox

    Muto goes on to describe working with Sarah Palin, who was hired as a correspondent for the network.

    “She is every bit as good-looking, and is also every bit as dumb, as they say,” he says. “We knew immediately it was not working out with her.”

    Palin exhibited “the worst type of diva behavior” while collecting $2 million a year from Fox, and “could not be bothered,” Muto said.

    “We had to track her down and beg her to be on the show, and she was under contract.”

  33. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Typical of Palin and her ilk yearning to live in the past, a glorified non-existent past at that. Does she not realize that big and bigger cities have gotten that way by hordes of people fleeing those small-town ideas and dismal opportunities.

    I grew up in a small town and can count on one hand the number in my graduating class who stayed behind or 'returned'. Both my children were born in L.A. and surprise, surprise --- both have empathetic souls and good values, are able to represent what's right in America and worked long and hard without some sort of elite angel on their shoulders to become valuable productive assets to their respective communities. One is a certified social worker with a Masters who also 'served' her country in the military for 8 years and the other is an RN who from her high school days was an active volunteer with senior citizens and disabled children.

    My kids make me very proud indeed while Palin only makes me sick for her continual degrading of those she opposes. Rather than becoming a productive, valued member of this collective society we call America she elected to become a small-minded opportunist, a greedy charlatan and one of the least connected 'mothers' on record. Based on the many far flung colleges she tried to attend, looks like she was trying to escape her small town too. Too bad her narrow thinking, lack of curiosity and unrealistic expectations doused any flame of independence burning in her oxygen-free brain.

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Very, very, VERY nicely put. Good on you for being such a devoted mother and your children for their hard work and dedication to humankind.

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM

      I agree with 8:20 AM. I was born and raised in a small town (10K, southern Il) and now live in the city.
      Scarah's base is small town and small town thinking folks. They are the low information, single-solution people with a distinct inability to listen to both sides. Prejudice and homophobia abounds. To be fair, there are exceptions. This is particularly true in the very conservative southern states. They are the gun luggers, and we know Scarah's stance on guns, their racial prejudice is stoked by Scarah's Obama comments. They are teabaggers, as is she.
      My resident city, Chicago, is Democratic, but we also have a bounty of low information, ignorant folks to contend with.

    3. Anonymous12:49 PM

      8:20 Bravo, followed by a golf clap. Nicely said. Will you be my ghost writer? Should I ever need one.

      Hell, I don't even know your kids and I'm proud of them too.

  34. Anonymous8:28 AM

    "Todd and I are on our way to congratulate the graduating class in Republic, Washington, this Saturday "

    But Tharah I said I don't want to go to Republic.


    Tharah do I have to carry your purse again? Its so embarrassing.



  35. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Chris Carr > Sarah Palin · Going to Republic, Wa.-----that's really cool, and a 2 thumbs up to you, and Todd---God Bless.

    Chris not you too? You giving Sarah and Todd a thumbs up their asses?

  36. Anonymous8:52 AM

    OT, but not really, it runs in the family. Chuck Heath Jr. is an idiot.
    "Watergate shook the public's faith in our government and it's still in the news nearly forty years later. It was huge; but it didn't cost anyone's life, it didn't jeopardize anyone's ability to keep the money they earn, and it didn't interfere in the way our press collects their information."

    Watergate was the ultimate abuse of power, something that Chuck's sister, Sarah, is familiar with. Nixon had an enemies list and he used the IRS and FBI to investigate them, costing them anguish and money. No one was killed? Nixon killed peoples' reputations and could have ruined their lives. No one, and that should read NO ONE, cared about the Watergate break in except for two reporters. It was hushed up in the media because Nixon wanted to be reelected. It wasn't until he was reelected that some of the information began to surface. The way that news was collected? Chuck seems to have forgotten that the information came from a secret informant, not the usual way that news was collected.

    When the President of the United States spends his time in the Oval Office plotting with his aides to spy on people and ruin their lives, that is an abuse of power. I would compare it to a power-hungry governor who installed her enforcer husband at at table and phone in her office, trying to get a former brother-in-law fired. (And, by the way, the Branchflower report said that Palin abused her office as governor and Todd should not have had access to using government facilities like that). No one got killed is hardly an excuse for Presidential abuse of power, lying and covering up. It makes me wonder why Palin had to quit so suddenly. It reminds me of Nixon quitting, rather than face being impeached.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      I guess that's the Republican Talking Point. 4 people died in Benghazi, which makes it worse than Watergate. Chuck's reasoning that "no one died in Watergate" is like saying that those 3 women who had been kidnapped and held for ten years are OK because "nobody died."

    2. Now we know where the insufferable bitch gets her brain cell from.

      Benghazi is the fault of gop cutting foreign aid year after year, not a concerted effort of the President of the United States to disregard an SOS.

      This is about the seventh benghazi excuse that the gop has made up to discredit our President. None of them are sticking or make sense.

      chucky is just an old tired rat-catching, antler hoarder uneducated fool.

  37. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I'm from a town with a population of around 30 times that of Wasilla and there are several major Universities there which have great law schools and agricultural research programs, there's even an excellent film's one of the fastest growing centers for agriculture, hi-tech manufacturing AND scientific research in the US. We even have some great sports teams that Palin could pretend to like! I always thought we were part of America, pulling our weight and doing our part and all that, but I guess not. Turns out it's the tiny little one-horse towns with no schools, no research and development programs, and a snotty attitude towards "outsiders" that make America great. Fuck you, Sarah Palin you divisive bitch. The size of one's hometown has no bearing on what kind of person you are, as you should well know since you're from a small town and you're one of the nastiest bitches on the planet! Your opinions aren't worth a fart in a hurricane, thank you very much.

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Yeah, everything you said.

    2. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Times 2.

  38. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I get it it now.

    I looked at the picture Gryphen posted of Sarah Palin holding the cup of soda and thought how she looked like an old fragile woman.

    Then it hit me.

    That explains why Sarah Palin wears shoes with tall heals, tight skinny jeans and wears Bristol's dresses and other clothes.

    Without the tall heals and teen clothes, Sarah Palin must see herself as an old short grandmother.

    Sarah Palin sees an old hunched back wrinkly fragile Sally Heath in the mirror and it must frighten the hell out of her..

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      She really is pushing that day when tricks to look young will simply make her look ridiculous. Personally I think she has already reached that point.

  39. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Jeff T. Steptoe > Sarah Palin · Dear Sarah,Please accept my personal apologies for the terrible writer in that local rag, that said those terrible things!!!As a resident of the State of Washington, I am so very ashamed!!!

    Jeff just letting you know that comment of yours still won't get you any ass this weekend.

    Here's a paper towel to wipe Sarah Palin's shit off of your nose.

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      I am also a resident of the State of Washington and I am embarrassed FOR Republic WA students thinking that Palin is a good role model. Republic is in a lovely part of the state; unfortunately, it is also in the Red Zone, thus this invitation.

  40. Anonymous9:11 AM

    William Lyon > Sarah Palin · Senator Palin has a good sound

    Bill, how about inmate number 2637953 of Goose Creek Correctional Center, Alaska? That sounds even better.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Senator Palin? Of what state?

      Sarah Palin is currently without a state to call home.

      You just can't be Senator Sarah Palin of Facebook.

    2. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Senator Palin from the great state of...Facebook....!!! love it!

  41. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I suspect her commencement speech will be a regurgitation of the "We grow good people in our small towns..." speech from the RNC. Yeah, the one which took unattributed quotes from Westbrook Pegler, the mid-century Hearst columnist famous for his anti-Semitism, racism and violent rhetorical excess, and who called for the assassination of Bobby Kennedy.

    It's already written so she won't have to do ANY work, and a great vehicle for spewing her particular form of hatred and divisiveness. Her FB post pretty much telegraphs this. God, I hate the bitch!

  42. Anonymous9:15 AM

    let's hope that Lady Liberty's speech in Republic
    is a great success and propels her to the WH in 2016
    America needs her at this time

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      She is EVERYTHING we DON"T need!

    2. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Oh you poor, poor, delusional fool. Sarah will never, NEVER spend time in the White House in an official capacity. America laughs at her. American NEEDS her to do diddly squat, except maybe shut the fuck up. Your signature three line posts mark you for the utter imbecilic thinking that you have rolling around in your brain.

      Sarah's speech will come and go, with a little blip. It will be filled with rah, rah faux patriotism, guns and god, going rogue, well worn lies about her 'happy' family of losers, twists in her personal history and shout-outs to whatever she Googled before she got there.

      In other words...empty of any substance or value. But then, that's our Baldy!

    3. Anonymous11:05 AM

      hehehe thank you I needed the giggles :)

    4. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Nobody here gives a shit what you hope for, but you know that, and that's why you came. You just can't handle the truth about the rabid monster alien bitch Palin who just won't get off the pod.

    5. jcinco11:40 AM

      are you on acid? if not you should be.

    6. Anonymous2:59 PM

      9:15 AM You are a delusional Twat Waffle with a penchant for punishment and disappointment.

    7. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Yeah, bring it on! Run, Sarah, run! I'm laughing already.

  43. Wonder if Sarah will be demonstrating spray paint vandalism techniques, or the how high is too high to raise your legs in a tent?

  44. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I hope Tyler Weyer of Republic HS doesn't call Sarah to ask her what color panties Palin is going to wear so they can match.

  45. Anonymous9:28 AM

    What a goofy looking photo of her - she sure ain't what she use to be!

    She hates anything negative written about her - just can't handle it and has to retort in snark!!! Do we expect anything differently? Not I!! Her crap is really getting old.

  46. Anonymous9:31 AM

    How ironical that the skank will speak at a High School graduation, when None of her three adult children have ever graduated High School!

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      So why is Sarah speaking to those elitist assclown graduates of Republic High who decided to complete 4 years of high school without getting pregnant or getting their GEDs?

  47. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Sarah just can't catch a break! She copied her hairstyle at the NRA from FLOTUS Michelle...ouch!

  48. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I read the statement above from the creature three times, and still can't figure out what the fuck she is trying to say. Silly rabbit, tricks are for a BITCH.

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Anom 9:45 please don't hurt yourself. Stop reading and trying to figure out what Sarah Palin is saying. You do not have a degree in word salad.

  49. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Her hair has gone from a cropped cut just a few weeks ago at the NRA party for sluts to longer and she expects everyone to think that isn't a wig??? Come on! She pays no attention to the details so she thinks others won't either. Like her hair grows several inches in a couple days, kind of like her unpregnant belly did.

  50. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I remember when the Alaska Village that was needing fuel and food, a Native spokesman from the area (elderly man) was weeping because he didn't get through to Gov. Palin when she arrived with cookies. He wanted help and all she could offer was to tell him that the Native Community youth leave the small towns and move to the big oil-communities for work. She bragged about Todd leaving his hometown and finding work.

    How can she think small towns-folk are that stupid? Towns-folk from Republic, may be very much like the Native Tribes and proudly stay with their families to help their elders survive, and don't WANT to leave their families behind to go to the big city to work.

    She can't have it both ways. Now she's all about small-town communities being so very American, but when it comes to the First peoples, it's a different story.

  51. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Greg Parrish > Sarah Palin · Sarah - you need to run against Begich and give all of us conservative Wasilla residents someone that shares our values.

    Greg I don't want to out you, but you mentioned that you and a lot of others Wasillas share Sarah Palin's values.

    Greg I looked at the recent SarahPac FEC report and didn't see your name as a donor. Matter of fact, there was only one person from Wasilla that donated money to SarahPac but it wasn't yours.

    Greg would you like to change your statement?

    One more thing, not even one Palin or Heath name was on that entire list.

    I did see one Palmer, Alaska resident name on it that stuck out.

    So Greg I will have to say bullshit on your comment.

  52. Anonymous10:25 AM

    She finally gets to participate in a high school graduation.Unfortunately....well,it won't be any of her kids.

  53. Anonymous10:30 AM

    How much can we get for Bristol's vagina? I say lets sell it.

    Anonymous4:51 AM Here's a great idea for Wasilla to make some money and get rid of an eyesore we have covered up in some storage some where. Since Republic High School is in love with the Palins, how about we sell Republic High School the realistic statue of the Palin's Warrior Within giant vagina so they can display it in front of their school? It would be a Win/Win situation for everybody?

  54. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Small town America is the soul of our country, 
    -Sarah Palin

    Mayor Sarah Palin why did you choose to put your small town into debt by building a hockey rink on unsecured land that the small town did not own?

    Mayor Sarah Palin why did you make women and little girls in Wasilla pay for their own rape kits?

    I'm not sure I want to live in small town America if they choose incompetent mayors just because they won the local town beauty pageant.

  55. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Excuse me for saying this, but that face won Miss Wasilla?

    I hate to see the last place finisher!

  56. Anonymous10:52 AM

    "Well it look is like SOMEBODY has been Googling herself again."

    I hope Sarah washes her nasty fingers afterwards.

  57. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Piper and Trig don't mind us, we just stopped by for a minute to drop off some dirty clothes and pick up some fresh underwear. We're heading out to Republic High School now. See you in July.

  58. This from an insufferable bitch who downs "community organizers."

    Can't get any smaller than that, you idiot.

    I can't hardly wait to read what a freakin fool you made of your useless self.

    One more thing, remember when the bitch, I think it was one of her first paid appearances, spoke at the wine thing? Well she used one of her old political screeches which was highly inappropriate at that venue. I believe the octopus head will be just as dingy at the high school.

    she will be in her glory taking pics with barely legal boys, the perv.

  59. she should take piper with her for the experience...their first.

  60. Anonymous12:24 PM

    For the older readers: I think Sarah Palin looks like Howdy Doody in the picture above. For younger readers: Howdy was a popular tv puppet in the 50's.

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Don't rag on poor Howdy!

  61. jcinco12:48 PM

    My dog, she looks old and deranged in that picture.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      That's funny. That deranged lady looks like my dog

  62. Anonymous12:50 PM

    "... I’m honored and touched by their ... invitation to speak to these young Americans about to begin their futures."

    Isn't EVERYBODY about to begin their futures? Like every second of every day?

    Jus' sayin'.

  63. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I’m honored and touched by their ingenuity, tenacity, and invitation to speak to these young Americans

    Her journalsim/communications fake degree is in full glory in this sentence, isn't it??

    Isn't she saying that the students were going to speak to young americans? Shouldn't she say :

    I’m honored and touched by their ingenuity, tenacity, and THEIR invitation to ME to speak?

    Otherwise it is just more confused word salad with mayonnaise left out in the hot summer heat, giving everyone tomaine poisoning.

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Thank you for correcting that sentence of hers. I saw that and it bothered me too. How did she ever graduate even high school?

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Obviously, English is not her first language... or her second or third. She is such a moron.

  64. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Will she use a teleprompter or just notes on her hand?

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Interesting. If she uses a teleprompter then that means she brought SarahPac support people because I don't think Sarah Palin would lug a teleprompter with her and I don't think Republican High School has one.

      So much for no fuss if Sarah Palin uses one.

  65. Anonymous1:32 PM

    1st Place Miss Wasilla is Sarah Heath
    2nd Place Miss Wasilla is Jenny's dog's ass.

    Does that clear up how Sarah Heath won Miss Wasilla?

  66. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I wonder if she will be talking out of one side of her mouth like she does after she has botax. She must use more Botax than LA. What does she have against looking clean? I guess she prefers her own scent. Does meth or ketamine take away sense of smell or age?

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      I imagine her scent to be a cross between musk and skunk.

  67. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Lance Brown > Sarah Palin · Dear Sarah: My wife just finished Going Rogue. She loved it. 

    Lance I highly recommend that you get your wife a copy of the book written by Todd Palin's ex girlfriend/prostitute. I believe the book is titled by Sarah Palin and it is called Boys Will Be Boys?

    The next time you write you will be saying something totally different.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      How many years did it actually take your dear wife to read the ever-so-complex and intellectual book by Palin? I mean, it's been around forever and is probably available for less than a buck. They can't GIVE 'em away these days. Just sayin'...

  68. Anonymous2:35 PM

    This message is for Sarah Palin's upcoming flight attendants. For the sake of your other passengers, if Sarah Palin boards your plane, you may want to do a cavity search just to make sure she's not pregnant and leaking amniotic fluid on her fellow passengers. That was just gross of her on her Texas wild ride flight. Sarah said she was leaking at a speech and still boarded a closed environment airplane filled with other passengers.

  69. Anonymous3:01 PM

    You're all just haters and jealous of my success. I was the executive of a state. They may not say it but all men and not just a few women want me. I am a homegrown beauty and you're not. Look at me! I am considered one of the most beautiful women in the U.S. and the world. I am young and fertile and every man wants me on their arm. LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!! I AM HOT AND YOU ALL WANT TO BE LIKE ME. You need to protect me from bad people. LOOK AT ME!!!!(what sarah thinks 24/7)


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