Tuesday, May 28, 2013

America is the greatest country on earth? Really?

You know REAL patriots don't simply spout patriotic slogans while their country suffers, or falls behind.

Real patriots admit the shortcomings of their country and endeavor to do whatever it takes to fix them.


  1. Anonymous2:27 AM

    All three could have also added "We elect ADULTS, non-racists to be our leaders. People who do the jobs they were elected to do. They also work 5 days a week, not 3 like American politicians do" The repubs.who block any efforts at progress are to blame for the disrespect this country has worldwide now. W/Cheney started the downward spiral with their 2 wars over oil. Take a look at some of the assinine statements from gop "statesmen" Disgusting. Now little johnny McCain is in Syria, trying to escalate the civil war there, as though he was elected president. Too bad he did not take Failin' Palin with him.

  2. Anonymous2:37 AM

    "Real patriots admit the shortcomings of their country and endeavor to do whatever it takes to fix them." Which is why nothing will happen because there are NO real patriots among the Republicans in Congress. Nothing will happen that is, until all true patriots who love their country and their fellow citizens more than they love money, rise up and throw them all out on their worthless asses.

  3. By the same token, I can't be “Proud To Be An American"--all I did was squirt out of my DAR mother's vagina. I Am proud Of America, for all its foibles and failings. That's Love, as opposed to infatuation.

  4. Leland3:01 AM

    We HAVE real patriots who are TRYING to do the right thing. The trouble is there are a small bunch of assholes who are in control of half of our Congress. And they don't WANT the culprits to get what they deserve - because that would be intelligent and it would also be nailing their friends to the wall!

    Not to mention cutting back on THEIR OWN PROFITS! Oh, and also it would prevent future profits for NEW friends - like the private "educators" who so want to take over the public schools!

  5. Anonymous3:13 AM

    America sucks!
    WE are very divided and hateful towards groups who are not "like us".
    Our infrasucture is falling apart.
    Our healthcare system is for profit - and mainm goal s not a healthy population. The sikcer we are the more profits there are to be made.
    Our education system is falling behind, teachers are over worked and underpaid. College is too costly.
    Many Americans are waaaaay too entitled.
    I would leave this country in a heartbeat. Alas, I need to wait 4 more years and then- adios amigos.

  6. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Last Year on The Newroom - HBO, Will McAvoy said the same thing. We are NOT the greatest country on earth.

  7. Anonymous4:02 AM

    America has the resources to be great again, but the GOP is too busy coddling the oil barons, taking things away from the poor, decimating the middle class, working AGAINST jobs, cutting taxes for the rich which in turn hurts all of us, and whining about women and trying to put us back in the bedroom and the nursery so we can't have any power over our own lives again...all the while insuring that people are armed to the teeth so we are now killing each other regularly. Yup, were I in another country, I think America is the last place I'd even want to visit.

  8. Anonymous4:17 AM

    and .. The United States is the only advanced economy in the world that does not guarantee its workers paid vacation. European countries establish legal rights to at least 20 days of paid vacation per year.

    and we rank 37th from top for health care.

    but good news ... 12 states will soon have laws to arm fetuses.

  9. Anonymous5:10 AM

    But the measure of success is attending five schools in six years - miraculously cobbling together enough transferable credits unheard of in any post-secondary scenario, and then going on to barely hold on to a rill job in two year stints and be essentially UN-hireable.

    A measure of American Exceptionalism is to barely graduate, go to 'college' and then decide to go work on the slope cause you realize you aren't smart enough for school and you'd rather be a manly-man fish picker and purse carrier; or join the National Guard to get out of jail and have your mom inflate the status of your warrior body for national praise.

    Brain children inexplicably graduate high school after a high profile year that includes 10 weeks on a national campaign trail and a pre-marital teenage pregnancy; then moving on to star in a cancelled reality show (more than once.)

    Then, there's the old stand-by, graduating a year early at that, to go on to hair school.

    If that's a measure of American Exceptionalism, the Heath/Palin's are a litmus test on the productivity of such a skilled work force in the 21st Century.

  10. Sharon5:42 AM

    Wow....those posters say it all, and the comments are pretty much spot on. Capitalism (American style) = greed, pure and simple. Saint Regan started the corp take over of this country...and the sheep followed. Obama is trying and without the GOP traitors...just imagine how far we would be after 5 years. It amazes me how he manages to keep his vision going with all this hate 24/7. That post of Bush hosting that bike ride for wounded vets made me actually ill yesterday...as long as this man and his partners in crime remain in the good graces of this country, where is our hope? McCain in Syria....the icing on the cake.

    1. Anonymous5:57 AM

      I agree with you completely, Sharon. I also thought the photo op of Bush with the "wounded warriors" was obnoxious especially given the fact that their wounds are his fault! And who's paying for McCain's photo op/Sunday news show op in Syria - the sequester should be keeping him home. I sure hope that no extra people were sent along to insure his safety. If McCain's dumb enough to travel to Syria right now, he should be doing it on his on dime and alone.

  11. Chenagrrl5:56 AM

    Imprison the banksters! Amen. Just watched Michael Moore on Current TV. As he said, "Come out with your hands up. Federal prison is very nice."

  12. Anonymous8:15 AM

    My Name is America



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