Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Attorney General gives Rep. Darell Issa a good bitch slapping, calling his conduct "unacceptable, and it’s shameful."

Here is the transcript provided by Politicususa:

Issa: Mr. Attorney General, our investigators have seen thirty four of the thirty five admitted emails that violate the Federal Records Act. They’ve only seen the to and from. They’ve not seen the deliberative contents, and they have not seen the remainder of the 1,200 emails. Mr. Cummings, my ranking member joined in a letter requesting that we have the full contents pursuant to our subpoena of all 1,200. Will make them available to the committee based on our bipartisan request? 

Holder: I will certainly look at the request. It’s not something that I have been personally been involved in, but I’ll look at the request and try to be as responsive as we can. I’m sure there must have been a good reason why the to and from parts were…. 

Issa: Yes, you didn’t want us to see the details. Mr. Attorney General, knowing the to and from… 

Holder: No, No. That’s what you do. I’m not going to stop talking now. You characterized as something those…of the people in the Justice Department. That is inappropriate and is too consistent with the way in which you conduct yourself as a member of Congress. It’s unacceptable, and it’s shameful.

I found that exchange especially satisfying and I think that Darrell Issa is an arrogant pretentious asshole, who has used his position as the Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to attack the Obama administration non-stop.

Of course as entertaining as that was (And it really was!), it almost pales in comparison to the blow up between Holder and Texas Representative, and Elmer Fudd lookalike, Louie Gohmert, which culminated in Gohmert accusing Holder of "casting aspersions on my asparagus."

Which I believe is a hanging offense in Texas.

(Video courtesy of TPM.)


  1. Issa actually DESERVES being bitch-slapped in public by lots of folks at once because he's just an assKlown, but GOOBERNUTS, THAT was one of the classic's of all time... AND, worse than Goobernuts getting a verbal axe in the chest, it was from a BLACK MAN and LouLou didn't even have his Klan robe on !!!!!

    How will he ever recover....

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Ummm didn't I read yesterday Boner HAD all the emails?
      They are ALL ASSCLOWN and ISSA a car thief , and assclown mouthpiece for the right.

      They should be investigating PIMPGahzi but as soon as Asschown Issa and McCain saw the Todd Palin connection dropped it like a hot potato!

  2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:45 PM

    ..."casting aspersions on my asparagus."

    OK, now I know what it feels like to have yogurt pass through your nose. Sounds like Foghorn Leghorn to me!

    It's like a nonstop matinee full of GOP Looney Tunes (no, on second thought, they're not worthy of those great cartoons!)

  3. Can't wait to see what Jon Stewart and Colbert make of this!

  4. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Darrell Issa belongs in jail. He's a criminal, car thief, arsonist, why in the hell he sits in congress. wtf America!!

  5. Anonymous6:55 PM

    So tired of Issa. He was awful to Sandra Fluke, he's trying to kill the Post Office. And now this.

  6. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Republicans In Congress Killed A Media Shield Law That Would Have Protected The Associated Press
    The defeated bill would have required approval from a federal court before reporters’ phone records were subpoenaed. Darrell Issa, who condemned the AP subpoena Monday voted against it.

    1. Lucas M1:43 PM

      They did receive a subpoena for the records. Due to the Patriot Act and the fact that is was investigating the leak of classified information, it was a secret subpoena. The law was followed. The AP, naturally, is screaming bloody murder trying to deflect attention from the fact that they risked public safety and the life or lives of covert operatives for a scoop.

  7. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Would ANYONE in Congress get back caring for this country and its citizenry, and make it a priority? PLEASE?

  8. Anita Winecooler7:20 PM

    Looks like Holder took lessons from Tameryn Hall, or visa versa. I'd love to see McCain, Lidsey Grahamcracker, or Orange Weeper confront Holder!

  9. Cast aspersions on MY asparagus? No hollandaise for you!

  10. Yet another embarrassment to California.

    Issa represents the area just north of me. Encinitas, Oceanside, San Clemente. That's north San Diego County.

    And they want to turn one reactor of the San Onofre nuclear power plant back on. They swear it's safe. Right. I'm so sure.

    I wish there was someone to take on Issa in an election and whip his sorry ass. But what do you expect? Ronnie Reagan retired in Issa's district.

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Maybe Jerry Tetalman will run again?

  11. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Bitch slap...... what a misogynistic term for someone who likes to pretend he cares about women.

    1. You know you take the time to bait the hook and it takes almost six hours before you get a nibble. I had almost given up hope.

      Okay so, and I KNOW you know this, in the vernacular of today the term "bitch slap" is RARELY used to indicate an actual blow directed at a woman, and is instead used to indicate an especially aggressive verbal smack down of mealy mouth adversary.

      Therefore my use of the term is both timely and indicates a rather impressive level of coolness on my part, while your lame attempt to suggest I am anti-woman is simply pathetic and weak.

      But hey, thanks for playing.

    2. Anonymous10:55 PM

      10:08 you must not have gotten your Daily Bitch Slap.

    3. Anonymous11:36 PM

      Tell it to someone who actually hurts women, 10:08, like Todd.

    4. Anonymous2:54 AM

      ^5 to you, Gryph, for that response.

    5. Anonymous2:57 AM

      rather than demeaning the poster of his/her opinion, you might actually think of what was said, and not just jeer at the opinion. Between some dudes, the "n" word is okay, but that doesn't make it cool to use.
      I am an ardent reader of your blog, but I do think sometimes your rudeness is over the top. My opinion, and I'll keep coming here, unless it gets worse.
      Your arguments and opinions are good enough without juvenile language.

    6. Troll vs Troll6:01 AM

      @ 2:57AM

      Why come to a blog that you feel the blogger owner is being rude? How stupid are you?

    7. Anonymous6:19 AM

      The problem with the OP's comment, 2:57, is that she used the phrase "pretends to care about women." That word, "pretends" changes the tone of the comment.

      If you have a threshold of rudeness and "juvenile language", that's your issue, not Gryphen's.

  12. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Issa surely is the most reptilian of the GOP Washington gang, although he has a lot of competition.

    o/t -- reading about the donation of more than $1 billion dollars' worth of art to the Metropolitan Museum in New York by a rich art collector, the story mentioned other generous donations to schools, hospitals, museums etc.

    It started me wondering what gift to the community Mitt Romney's ever made....his tithing to his church is a separate activity. Jesus didn't say tithe and then your responsibilities are over. The religious fundamentalists give only to themselves, which is no one's definition of charity.

    Faith, Hope and Charity, but the greatest of these is Charity, Mitt.

    Of course, moneybags Palin isn't known for giving either, to her church or anyone else. Go work hard, she snarls, and don't bother me with your hungry whining.

    Gryphen, I'm a longtime feminist and as ready as anyone to look for sexist language, but "bitch slapped" is just what you say it is.

  13. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Someone said something like Anonymous 10:08 did, above, to me on Facebook.

    It wasn't someone I'd graced the term "friend" upon, just someone a real friend has hanging on his profile like a dingleberry off a stray dog.

    Its so easy to be an asshole to another human being, on the internet. Just like on the highway, people drive like Ivan the Terrible because they don't have to look you in the eye.

    Imagine someone driving their shopping cart as badly as they do their vehicle, cutting you off, turning into your way, then stopping for no reason, etc.

    It doesn't happen, as they have to deal with you being able to express your disdain, right to their face.

    As I wasn't in a great mood, seeing some jerkoff comment to something I'd posted, I let fly with the MEANEST, most scathing paragraph I've ever written...expecting that to set off a few days of rabid namecalling and swearing.

    Oddly, that ended it. Maybe I actually embarrassed the fool. His name was right there for all to see, so it wasn't as "anonymous" as it can be on THIS website.

    With a smartassed comment such as "likes to pretend to care about women" our poster above shows a seething hatred and foaming jealousy, so I don't have much hope that he/she is going to feel any differently about things after receiving the marvelous bitchslap Gryphen delivered.

    Not when its possible to continue being a turd hiding where its name cannot be seen.

    --Roger McLeod


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It just goes directly to their thighs.