Monday, May 13, 2013

Can I just call BS on this? Oh, and SarahPAC seems to be having a little trouble with their books.

Captioned over at the Grizzled Mama's Facebook page as "A Mother's Day bear hunt..."

Bristol also has a similar picture on her ghostwritten blog.

However on her post this comment was left. (Right up until it was removed that is.)

Anonymous9:33 AM That photo was taken in or near Denali State Park with the Dutch Hills, Mt.Foraker, Mt. Hunter and Denali in the background. This is near where their cabin (the one they didn't pay taxes on) is located at Safari Lake. From the angle of the light and the snowpack I'd have to agree that this photo was taken a good month ago as there would not be that amount of snowpack still at that elevation, and we haven't had clear skies like that since early last week. It simply couldn't have been this weekend as it's been overcast and warm. 

Also, during this time of year the extended Petersville road would not be passable for a truck carrying a snowmachine trailer, thus this photo was taken at some point earlier when they were able to ride the groomed trails from the Safari Lake area. 

Okay now I don't know for sure, because I have not been up around Denali State park recently, but it DOES have a ring of truth to it.

What's more some have pointed out that these photos look suspiciously like those posted over at Brancy's blog during Easter weekend.

Besides that wasn't Palin just in Arizona pimping herself out for attention only two days earlier?

I swear NOTHING these people say about themselves is the truth.

Speaking of telling the truth, it appears that there may be even more problems coming Palin's way other than just faking a couple of Facebook photos. 

This was recently sent to the SarahPAC treasurer, Tim Crawford:  

Dear Treasurer: Response Due Date 06/14/2013 

This letter is prompted by the Commission's preliminary review of the report referenced above. This notice requests information essential to full public disclosure of your federal election campaign finances. Failure to adequately respond by the response date noted above could result in an audit or enforcement action. Additional information is needed for the following 3 item(s): 

1. The beginning cash balance of this report does not equal the ending balance of your 2012 30 Day Post-General Report (10/18/12 - 11/26/12). Please correct this discrepancy and amend all subsequent reports(s) that may be affected by the correction. (2 U.S.C. § 434)(b)(1)) 

2. The totals listed on Line(s) 6(c), 11(a)(i), 11(a)(ii), 11(a)(iii), 11(d), 19 and 20, Column B of the Summary and Detailed Summary Page(s) appear to be incorrect. Column B figures for the Summary and Detailed Summary Pages should equal the sum of the Column B figures on your previous report and the Column A figures on this report. Please file an amendment to your report to correct the Column B discrepancies for this report and all subsequent report(s) which may be affected by this correction. Note that Column B should reflect only the Calendar Year-to-Date totals. (2 U.S.C. § 434(b)) 

3. Your calculations for Line 8 appear to be incorrect. Cash on hand at the close of the current reporting period should always equal the closing calendar year to date cash on hand amount. Please provide the corrected total on the Summary Page. (2 U.S.C. § 434(b)) 

Please note, you will not receive an additional notice from the Commission on this matter. Adequate responses must be received by the Commission on or before the due date noted above to be taken into consideration in determining whether audit action willbe initiated. Failure to comply with the provisions of the Act may also result in an enforcement action against the committee. Any response submitted by your committee will be placed on the public record and will be considered by the Commission prior to taking enforcement action. Requests for extensions of time in which to respond will not be considered. 

Electronic filers must file amendments (to include statements, designations and reports) in an electronic format and must submit an amended report in its entirety, rather than just those portions of the report that are being amended. If you should have any questions regarding this matter or wish to verify the adequacy of your response, please contact me.

Uh oh! Has somebody NOT been providing the Federal Election Commission with accurate data?


  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

    A pack of LIARS!!! Their Stupidity is obvious to everyone. Those pics were from their Faux Easter Egg Hunt. Sarah can't go Bear Hunting, the Bears can smell her from a mile away. Her Human Stench is recognized by the Bears.

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      has anyone bothered to see if any palin even has a 2013 bear tag or licence?

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Great body language! Cuddle that cold gun, Sarah, and don't worry about your precious child falling. Easy to see where your heart is....especially on Mother's Day.

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Wha'cha say, $arah? Huh?? HUH?????

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      She was not in AK over "mother's day"! Liar!
      Chuckles sr had heart surgery and Chuckles jr has been covering it not a WORD a FLIPPIN' Word about Sarah being there AT ALL!
      I was just going to say EASTER!!!!
      She is lying! And whomever lets her pose with a gun, well lets hope its unloaded.
      B/c SHE is LOADED and not for bear!

    2. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Sarah's not loaded for bear. She's just loaded... with vodka/Red Bull cocktails and Adderall. I'm so NOT impressed with her fake grandstanding. She might as well do it in front of a blue screen and say she's in Antarctica. Her bots are too stupid to know the difference, and we don't care. Happy Easter, Sarah. LOL You're a joke.

  4. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I see a snowmachine with #11 on it at the Palin family bear hunting trip. Did Todd get this snowmachine for free from his Irondog sponsor or was it subsidized from his sponsors? If he did then should he have claimed it as income on his income tax form since he is using it for family recreational outings?

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Yes, that's Todd's #11 with Chris Kyle's name on it because Todd was supposed to be honoring Chris Kyle. When Sarah was governor and Todd drove Arctic Cat snow machines, they gave him several to work on and practice with. At one race, the entire Palin family was decked out in winter racing gear in Arctic Cat colors, logos and they were walking advertisements for the company. Giving all of that stuff as gifts has to be reported to the IRS, and Palin's IRS filings when she was governor had to be made public. They declared Todd's winnings, but people questioned whether he should be receiving all of those lovely gifts because of his high profile (his wife was the governor).

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Yep ArcticCATGATE!

    3. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Conflicts of Interest galore in only 2 years as governor. But this time, it's the Feds that are asking questions. Can you say undeclared income and tax evasion, Sarah? Sure, I knew you could. Don't worry, I won't ask you to spell it. If you're lucky, you might be placed in the Federal Pen in Montana, and Crazy Eyes Bachman can visit you often, if she's not in there with you at the same time.

  5. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Palin family bear hunting trip?

    No one is wearing camouflage/hunting gear?

    Only one rifle for the entire Palin family? 

    Sarah was this really a Palin family bear hunting trip?

    Sarah was this really on Mother's Day?

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Maybe stupid question, but are bears out of hibernation yet? Also, too, if they are, would hunting them now already be allowed (thinking of the fact that bears seem to be giving birth to their cubs in wintertime, and in spring, momma bears have to teach their kids how to hunt and survive...)
      I always thought that bear hunting season would be in fall...

      That, and wondering just HOW F**KED UP those books seem to be... SMH

    2. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Only one rifle so the stupid bastards don't shoot each other besides what would sarah need a gun for.Bitch don't hunt unless she has a tethered target.

  6. Anonymous12:25 PM

    It was raining yesterday. I had to drive to Talkeetna and It rained all the way from Wasilla to Talkeetna and and the mountains were obscured by clouds. There's a fabulous Alaska Range overlook right before Talkeetna and there was nothing to be seen, not even the lower hills. No way could this photo have been taken on Mother's Day! Why do they insist on telling tall tales?

    1. Pathological liars lie even when there is no reason. Also, too, this kind of lying is one significant marker for sociopathy, now referred to by medical professionals as Anti-Social Personality Disorder.

    2. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Good post, hrh. Let me translate that to the C4P redneck idiot trolls for when they visit: "Sarah can't help lyin' 'bout shit that don't really matter."

  7. Anonymous12:29 PM

    People have checked the weather for that area and there was little to no snow cover over Mothers Day weekend. It's really something that Sarah would choose to be away from her mother and father considering that her father had major heart surgery, and Sally is still recovering from hip replacement surgery. Nice way for a daughter to spend Mothers Day.

  8. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Were these pictures taken because another "Reality" show is in the offing? That was my first thought.

    And, I hope the FEC will investigate her PAC but I don't hold out too much hope. They seem to get away with everything :(

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      It is not bear hunting season anywhere in Alaska. (And If it were, there is no way the whole family, including small children, would be dashing about on snow machines.)

      Did $creech have a 'hunting'license? Was her name $elected in the lottery drawings done for bear? Does she think hunting bear is a family sport?

      Perhaps the ADF&G enforcement folks should look into this if it is indeed what thi$ pathological liar is claiming.

    2. Anonymous5:22 AM

      "Were these pictures taken because another "Reality" show is in the offing? That was my first thought."

      I was wondering if anyone had seen this:

      I subscribe to several fright wing newsie type things and this was in my box yesterday.

  9. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Also, if that's Trig behind her, doesn't he look a little young for it to be a picture from this year?

  10. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Haha - in the photo with her and her gun, she looks like she's posing as a Charlie's Angel.

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      $kank bullshit artist bitch, if the braindead fraud had to ask 'daddy' if her gun kicked while shooting at the staged caribou 'hunt' ( more than likely the rifle used there was probably .270ish ) the recoil of a .375 H&H mag or 460 magnum ( typically what's used for brown bear here in AK ) would blow the emaciated meth head backwards all the way to fukin' Russia.

      fukin' $kank fraud griftin' bullshit artist piece of shit

    2. jcinco1:09 PM

      haha, I'd pay to see that. She lies so much she wouldn't know the truth if it hit her in the surgically enhanced face.

    3. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Sarah is always posing!

    4. Anonymous1:48 PM

      That pic is as stupid as Tawd's "Stars Earn Stripes" one. They think they're sooooo cool.

  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    So, the FEC is stating that the Sarah PAC filings ignored basic arithmetic!
    For all the money she's taken in, she doesn't employ even a simple bookkeeper, who would have been able to justify year-end figures and the cash on hand at the start of the next reporting period. Did they think they could get away with being sloppy? Was there deliberate deception involved? Where is the money that doesn't appear? Did anyone look at these forms before they were sent in -- and who compiled the numbers? Sarah should, but of course she won't, be extremely embarrassed at casually she treats the money sent in by her supporters. They should expect that she'd be meticulous with their contributions.

    Second, and I live in a rural mountainous area, I just don't see why setting out on ugly gas-guzzling snow "machines" and smiling like idiots while they hope to shoot a living creature is anyone's idea of fun, on Mother's Day or any other day.

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      I guess addition wasn't wasn't included in Piper's home schooling. Numbers don't add up? That's what happens when you hire Piper to fix the books.

  12. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Snowmachining was closed yesterday at midnight, 5/12 in Denali State Park due to degrading snow conditions and chance for tundra damage. (That man who died when his heavy equipment sunk in a pond died near Denali State Park.) The ice is melting. Certainly the Palins could have been in Denali State Park as their cabin is in the area, but it wasn't yesterday, in fact it wasn't even this weekend because it's been raining all the way to 2000' elevation level.

    Also, that snowpack is really white and quite fresh looking-we Alaskans know what snow looks like this time of year and even up at Hatcher Pass (higher elevation than where this photo was taken) the late season snow is dirty and granular, not the fresh white stuff surrounding them in the photos. At this lower elevation the snow would have been rained on a few times and would be chunky and dirty with lots of melt areas showing through, not this pristine white "pow" that they are posing against.

    I call bullshit as well, but why would they lie about such matters?

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Why wouldn't they lie? It's all they do. Lie lie lie. And if they are called on it, it's just those 'haters.' And the CofPee morons believe Sarah every time and jsut send her more money. It is truly disgusting.

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      That is the big question: WHY WHY WHY??? Why all the lies and why do they get away with so many lies?

    3. Anonymous1:49 PM

      It's called a photo op. They want to create the impression of one big happy family. The problem for me is that Sarah neglected her own mother while she was so busy showing off what a super hunter she was, waving around that big rifle in front of the kids. (I hope that it wasn't loaded).

    4. ValleyTrash2:34 PM

      I wish it were loaded and she shot herself in the foot. She needs to be the victim so we can all feel sorry for her.

    5. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Dysfunctional families lie to create the illusion of the perfect family. My family wanted to look perfect to everyone else by having three daughters winning awards, doing well in school, making state, working hard and being well-behaved-- but behind closed doors it was screaming, yelling, insults and punishment on a daily basis. Me and one of my sisters both ended up running away. Despite that, it was a long time before either of us could talk critically of our parents without having a panic attack.
      I think the Palins are a lot like this. When you look at all their past actions that have been brought up (dairy gate, pimp daddy todd, kids in trouble) there's a good motive for trying to put up an image of "Look at us! We're such a happy, hardworking family! How could we possibly be involved in any of this??"
      That's my theory as to the "why." Because that's what dysfunctional families do.

    6. Anonymous3:30 PM

      another shining example that ANYONE can get their hands on a gun, even someone with a history of mental deficiency and depression.

  13. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I also checked the Petersville/Trapper creek snowmachine trail grooming report and the last report was from 3/29 and there has been no grooming since.


  14. Anonymous12:50 PM

    What do you expect from a Palin consultant who makes $138,000+ per year? The numbers to make sense??

    Sarah's too busy throwing toxic verbal bombs at the president to know what's going on in her own backyard.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Sarah Palin, Mayor of Wasilla, I'll keep doin' it until the courts tell me I can't.

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Sounds like the IRS-picking-on-teaparty-Patriots as a distraction for the Palin problems with the FEC. Palin is being picked on by the FEC cuz she's a teaparty patriot.

    3. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Palin is being Audited because she is Stupid.

  15. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I could kick myself NOW for not saving some other photos I saw of Willow, Bristol, Trig & Tripp a month ago on some other site that is "Palin Controlled" as they are wearing the EXACT same outfits. I'm sure the girls at least did not do a "repeat" of their outfits again for Mother's Day. They are ALWAYS wearing different coats, hats etc. These photos are NOT from Mother's Day or anytime over this last weekend. Sarah probably read a comment somewhere about her not spending time with her Father during/after his MAJOR surgery, so this was one way of "proving" she was at least in the area. Huge fail Ms. Liar.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Here you go! Scroll down and look at the same clothes worn for bristol's Easter post! Don't tell me they each only have one jacket because then I will pull up the post with photos from iro dog race.

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      You don't have to save them. Just keep going back through Sarah's Facebook and Bristol's blog and you can see the photos. They were posted at the very beginning of April, right after Easter. Bristol has five photos on her blog. Drop down a little bit, and there is a blue "next." Click on it to see the next photo. There are five all together, and one shows Piper and Trig wearing the same clothes that they wore in their "Mothers Day" photos.

    3. WakeUpAmerica2:01 PM

      Chuck had major surgery? For what?

    4. Anonymous2:35 PM

      heart surgery no doubt attributed to the palin/heath "healthy diet plan"

    5. Anonymous3:24 PM

      1:47 Thanks for the photos. Did others notice in the Trig and Lucy photo (2nd from bottom in that series) that someone with fingernail polish is holding the spoon and that Trig is eating baby food from a jar?

      It would appear that these are fairly recent photos if they are lumped in with the snowmobile ones. Yes? Or with the Palins, who can tell.

      But I guess I'm wondering, can't Trig feed himself? And is he still eating baby food from a jar? And he's what, 5 now?

    6. Cracklin Charlie7:47 PM

      It's an old pic 3:24

      But Willow probably just gave Trig a bite from her baby's dinner.

  16. Anonymous12:53 PM

    No bear?
    Pimped out with 3 snowmachines plus a rifle that could kill at 1000 yards...........
    Major FAIL!
    Crunchwraps again as usual.

    1. WakeUpAmerica2:01 PM

      The gun looks big enough to be a grenade launcher. I wonder if it's photo shopped.

  17. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I meant to say "Bristol & Piper" in my last post about the "not Mother's Day" photos instead of Bristol & Willow. :)

  18. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Sarah will shoot a kid by accident, before she shoots a bear.

    Who would trust this person with a loaded gun?

  19. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Hey, I just had an idea! Anyone else think it's rather "coincidental" that the Palins have developed a fondness for bear hunting, just a month after Levi's bear hunting video was released? (Anything he can do they can do better, am I right ;-)

    Also too, since the Palins don't believe in coincidence then they must have been trying to "one up" Levi, but sadly, whenever these photos were taken, it seems that the Palin Klan took no bear or believe me, there'd be dead bear photos splashed all over her Facebook page. Palin probably would have gutted the sucker and then stuck Trig inside it's gutted abdomen for a photo op!

    Perhaps the Palins could extend an olive branch to Levi and he'd take them out and show them how to hunt a bear so they wouldn't go home empty handed next time...

    1. "Palin probably would have gutted the sucker..."

      I see your point but I doubt if that simple-minded braggart would have the slightest idea how.

      For all the fawning talk during the 2008 campaign about Palin's ability to "field dress a moose", it has become painfully obvious (through her own damn fool stupid "reality" (ha!) show) that "being in the general vicinity while Daddy is doing something gross to a dead animal" is *not* the same as being able to "field dress a moose."

      I have gone fishing a few times. Unlike poser Palin, I would never claim that that made me an expert angler.

  20. Anonymous1:04 PM

    The Palin klan are such idiots and liars! The photo information was informative....what frauds they are and have always been. No one can believe them about anything.

    Are we surprised about the audit and finding errors and problems? Not one bit!!!

    So hope they end up in the slammer with either the IRS and/or FBI putting them there! They (Palin/Heaths) are known to have done so many illegal things in'll only take full-fledged investigations to get them and nail them to the wall!

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      I so hope they are in the cross hairs of the IRS, the FBI, and the DOJ. But sadly, the Pains slide out under the radar every time.

      I still think Sarah PAC is laudering Todd's ill-gotten profits from his inter state prostitution ring.

  21. Anonymous1:05 PM

    12:57 It was no more a bear hunt than I'm a bear!!!! Liars and frauds - all of them!

  22. Anonymous1:05 PM

    why does TriG appear to be so much younger than Tripp?

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      They don't wear their glasses, either. Todd, Sarah and Bristol have sun glasses on, but not the little kids. If that's supposed to be Sarah's portrait of being a good mother, she's not a good mother.

    2. She's a good grifter. And that's about it.

    3. Anonymous1:43 PM

      The sun glasses the "adult" Palins wear are for glam, not eye health. Sunlight reflecting off white snow is intense. No eye protection for the kids.

    4. WakeUpAmerica1:59 PM

      I used to work with DS kids, and I noticed that they always looked younger than their peers. However, I think the difference in with Trig and Tripp is ridiculous. I can't believe Trig is older.

  23. Anonymous1:05 PM

    That's about the sweetest letter from a commission I've ever read. Please, Universe, let the numbers never add up so we can partay!!

    Meanwhile, I don't really care when the bear huntin' pic was taken, it still makes me throw up a little in my mouth.

    1. Anonymous9:59 PM

      Warms my heart, too. The letter from the FEC, I mean. The Palin fake family Funtime is pathetic, but nothing new for them.

  24. Anonymous1:19 PM

    This came out over 1 month ago but it proves that even Conservatives are suspect of Ms. Palin's PAC.

  25. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Why, Gryphey, I do believe that you have a point. Bristol has five photos on her website featuring the Palin's Easter snow mobile photo ops. Here is a photo from that set: Where Piper is wearing the same white and black spotted jacket. Trig is wearing the same green jacket as he is wearing in one of the photos on Sarah's Facebook

  26. Anonymous1:26 PM

    This isn't where I saw all of the photos from Easter weekend, but I do remember this photo early in the AM with Piper wearing the same coat as "Mother's Day".

  27. Anonymous1:27 PM

    On Sarah Palin's facebook she posted two pictures from their Palin family Mother's Day bear hunt.

    The question I have is how come we see two pictures of Sarah and no pictures of Tripp's face? The only picture of Tripp is with his face looking down and you can't tell it's him.

    That Sarah is so self centered.

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      It's already been proven it was not a bear hunting trip!!! Also, who in their right minds would take young children on a bear hunting trip in Alaska? Only the idiotic Palin/Heaths! Frauds, I tell you, absolute frauds!

      You cannot believe one thing they say or indicate they are doing or have done! Always proven to be lies!

    2. Anonymous3:04 PM

      who took the picture?

    3. Anonymous3:15 PM

      oh, nevermind--- just saw a different pic with Tawd in it.

    4. "Also, who in their right minds would take young children on a bear hunting trip in Alaska?"

      These morons don't even think how this sounds to sane, intelligent people. They just know that they can prattle on about what macho, badass, great ass white hunters they are and about how all the families in Alaska take their kids bear hunting, cuz, ya know, Alaskans are so awesome and badass blah blah blah. Not like all those wimpy people in the lower 48 (effete elitist eastern libruls, you betcha).

      They know that the morons on c4p will eat it up, but they are too stupid to realize that other people see their empty bragging and posing for what it is.

      They are too stupid to realize that there is not only plenty of rugged terrain in the lower 48, but also rugged climate the equal of what can be found in Alaska, as well as hunters and competent parents, and thus the population with an IQ over room temperature sees their stupid posts for the bullshit that they are.

  28. lostinmn1:31 PM

    Just remember, they got Capone for tax evasion.

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      I was thinking that the minute I saw the posting on why their Pac is in violation.

      Schadenfreude all around if Ram, $arah, Brancy, and a host of other Palin toadies were busted for embezzlement of funds from the lunch money sent to them by Teabots and Palin worshipers.

  29. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Click on Bristol's picture and zoom in her chin. You're going to say "Fuuckkk looks like somebody stuck a plate in her chin".

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Not trying to be funny but her chin looks like it has a life of its own. If her mouth moves to ask a question, will her chin move to answer it?

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      I just looked at it and it appear to be a giant cyst? Does it hurt? Is Bristol okay?

    3. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Forget Bristol's chin--- does anyone else think that Sarah got a face lift/fillers??
      The skin on her face seems smooth and so taut it's shiny.

    4. Anonymous4:23 PM

      @Anonymous 3:10 PM,
      Oh Sarah is full of it alright...fillers, fake boobs filled with who knows what, and up to her eyes in bullshit and whatnot.

    5. Anita Winecooler5:12 PM

      It's got it's own zip code!

    6. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Bristol's chin.... It's got it's own zip code, time zone and its own weather climate.

  30. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Mothers Day should be a day when a daughter honors her mother. According to Sarah's photo, she would rather go snow machining. That's her choice, except for the fact that her father just had major surgery and her mother is staying with her brother. Obviously, Sally Heath doesn't want to be alone with Chuck Senior in the hospital. Sally also had an operation, recently. Even if Sarah and her family went snow machining on Easter and posted the photos on Mothers Day, it looks bad for Sarah to abandon her own mother on Mothers Day.

    A message to Sarah: What comes around goes around. Don't be surprised if your own kids forget you on Mothers Day.

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      A message to Sarah: What comes around goes around. Don't be surprised if your own kids forget you on Mothers Day.

      They did forget Sarah

      That's not Mother's Day

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Where's Track? Impregnating his next baby's mama?

    3. Anonymous2:55 PM

      I'm actually beginning to wonder if Track can function at all outside the complex. Either that or he hates his mother so much that he refuses to be in any photo-op or allow her to mention his name (that 'warrior body" comment shows what an inappropriate imbecile she is).

    4. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Anom 2:55, have you seen Track's ex daughter with anybody from his side of the Palin family or the Heath family? Even Little Tripp hasn't been seen with her.

      Does Britta hate the Palin family that much?
      Can you blame her?

  31. Anonymous1:51 PM

    How did you happen to get a copy of this? Are you sure it is legitimate? Please say it is.

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      It's on the FEC website: Request for Additional Information, May 10, 2013.

    2. Anonymous2:21 PM

      It's from the FEC website, here's the link to the document:

  32. lostinmn1:54 PM

    OT. MN just passed gay marriage law. Dayton to sign it on Tuesday. Number 12

    1. A J billings2:25 PM

      Oh man, Michelle Bachmann is going to have a fit, and Marcus will record another "barbarians must be disciplined" radio spot.

      I find this to be among the most hilarious of political flash mob theater ever recorded:

      in this one , they "convert" Marcus

      So let me as you IM'ers, are YOU ALL BARBARIAN ATHIESTS :)

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Michelle Bachmann is actually a pioneer. She's been gay married for years.

    3. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Now Marcus can leave Michelle.

    4. Anonymous10:10 PM

      Marcus Bachmann is just begging to be disciplined. And by that, he means (of course, I hate to be crass) that he wants Michele to "strap a big one on" and make booga-booga in his Herschey hole.

      Don't!!! Stop!!! Don't! Stop! Don't Stop! Don't Stop! Give it to me girl, just don't stop!!!

    5. Anonymous10:21 PM

      Sarah reminds me of when my son had the minature Buzz Lightyear and Woody (Toy Story) figurines, playing in the bathtub, pretending they were surfing on a bar of soap. Imagine that--- a three year old's imaginary bubble bath and toys were more realistic than this grifting middle-aged woman's pretend-life photo-shoots.

  33. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Nothing says Happy Mother's Day more than killing one of God's creatures for sport. Gees, not only do they lie about what they were doing, they think it is cool to equate nnurturing motherhood with the killer instinct. In Sarah's case, though, it is probably apt.

  34. Anonymous1:57 PM

    OT -- Sort of!

    Gawker is reporting that the IRS also targeted liberal groups! much for THAT "scandal"

    1. jcinco2:37 PM

      :):):) nothing is sticking for the desperate repugnant party...haha, assclowns.

  35. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Sarah was in AZ just a couple of days ago. This photo is deemed to be a phoney, so suspect she was not in Alaska at all caring for her parents. What a first class fraud and bitch. Can you imagine having her as a daughter or mother? She brings zero to the table for anyone! Their marriage is a fraud, her kids are idiots and followers, delinquents, a son who is NOT in combat and never has been, a woman that projects herself to be a politician - which is complete bullshit and on and on.

    I wish a bear would get her even though I sincerely doubt she'd taste good.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      If a bear is hungry will it eat stanky old nasty dirty fish?

    2. Anonymous10:14 PM

      When fresh fish is abundant? No, the family is safe, considering Sarah and Bristol both have those rotten fish-smelling private parts. Keeps real bears and real men at least 100 feet away.

  36. Anonymous2:05 PM

    She's lying about this picture because Sarah Palin is still trying to capitalize on being an Alaskan, gun-totin' mama, even thought she's basically moved to Arizona.

    I do think it's funny that the woman who calls herself a mama grizzly would hunt bear on mother's day (even a bullshit hunt that nobody believes). And by funny, I mean ridiculous and kind of sickening.

    1. "...kind of sickening."

      Yes, that right there. And she just can't grasp it.

  37. Anonymous2:05 PM

    This was a set up photo session and ridicules at that. Trig in the front with momma asshole and her weapon hanging off the back. She has to keep up her phony life to appeal to the idiots that send money to her pac. Hey kids, what a perfect Mother's Day- let's go kill a bear. What a jerk. Everything about Palin is foul and stinks.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      I feel bad for you that your life revolves around being blackhearted and ignorant.

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      You feeling bad for us is a compliment because you are so pathetic in your Palin lust.

      How do you feel about Todd cheating on Sarah, paying a prostitute for sex, and then pimping her out?

    3. Anita Winecooler5:34 PM

      Awww, 4:49 has a sad.... mission accomplished!

  38. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Here's a question nobody has asked.

    Todd what did you do for your mother on Mother's Day?

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      I think Todd's parents disowned Todd.

    2. Anonymous3:13 PM

      They never mention Todd's family. Maybe Todd is ashamed of his side of the family.

    3. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Todd's family want nothing to do with the limelight that Sarah Palin craves. They're not parasites like the Heath family.

    4. Anonymous4:15 PM

      The next thing you know she'll be posing with her Alaska props in Arizona in front of a big snowy backdrop. No level of fakery is above her because her stupid cult followers will buy anything.

    5. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Maybe Toad's family is ashamed of 'him' and 'all of em' and asked them for their privacy.

    6. Anonymous4:19 PM

      They never mention Todd's family. Maybe Todd is ashamed of his side of the family.

      Maybe Todd's birth family is ashamed of Todd, Sarah and their family?

      I would be.

    7. Anonymous6:40 PM

      IIRC, didn't Toad's stepmother vote for President Obama in 2008?

      Ah yes, here it is:

  39. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Are you even allowed to kill bears around there? Aint there a season or anything? And if it is legal to hunt bears and kill them, for what may I ask? Never heard of anyone eatin' bear. So it must be for sport, or to get a bear rug. I happen to like bears (but mama grizzly aint one of them!!) and the very idea of celebrating mothers' day by goin' out to shoot a bear is offensive.
    Yeah mama grizzly, go out and shoot one of your own! The irony! Also, too, you pathetic example of a mother, the image of you holding aloft a gun on mothers' day when all those mothers of the Sandy Hook victims are grieving because their little babies were SHOT WITH A GUN is beyond insensitive, beyond pathetic. But it shows your true personality, you hideous fraud! Gun lovin' gun totin' redneck idiot! Friend of the NRA! Go ahead, stroke that gun barrel of yours while you think about all that matters in a mother's life!

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      I've eaten bear meat.

      The bear season and assorted rules can seem confusing. For example, an excerpt from a March 2012 article in the Juneau Empire

      The brown bear hunting season opens March 15th in Game Management Unit 4 (GMU4) with two registration hunts; RB088 and RB089. Before hunting, hunters must have a valid hunting license and big game locking tag. Hunters may register at a Fish and Game office, or online at [adfg dot alaska dot gov].

      Both hunts open on March 15th but have different closing dates. Inside drainages (RB089) close May 20th, while outside drainages (RB088) close May 31st. For boundary clarifications please refer to the 2011-12 Hunting Regulations or GMU4 online maps.

      Full article is at

  40. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Pretending this is a Mothers Day photo seems like a pointless, unnecessary lie but it clearly shows the disdain and contempt she feels for her fans and supporters who are either stupid enough to believe her or too cowardly to question her.

  41. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Going out with the intent to kill innocent animal life on 'mother's' day gives a whole new meaning to 'despicable'. Encouraging young children to participate in such a despicable event is 'heinous' beyond measure. Lying about the whole thing from start to finish to try to perpetuate a myth and soak more money out of the rubes is such an egregious act that it calls into the category of really twisted and greedy and sick in the head.

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Hunting was popular this past weekend.

  42. Anonymous2:36 PM

    This Palin family has to be the most hated family in America if not the world.

    Why do Alaskans and the US people hate Sarah so much? She's doing a lot for Arizona and they seem to like her.

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's so funny.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      2:36 "She's doing a lot for Arizona"? Like what?
      You don't seem to know much about her. For instance, it's not just people in the U.S. who hate her. The publicity about her has gone world-wide. And the reason people hate her so much, is that she is a FRAUD and gets away with it. Satan is called the king of lies. Well Sarah can stand hand in hand with Satan because she is the queen of lies.

    3. Anonymous4:41 PM

      PLease tell me all that she is doing for Arizona? I am very interested in reading about it.

  43. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Also, she's such a loser -- she called it Mt. McKinley on her FB page!

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      She said they were driving TOWARD Mt McKinley.

      You need academic help.

    2. Anonymous7:13 PM

      I think 2:36 was remarking that we Alaskans actually call the mountain Denali, not Mt. McKinley. It's too magnificent a mountain to be named after a very lame President.

    3. Anonymous2:55 AM

      Hah! Looks like 4:47 should get some "academic help" of her own.

  44. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I looked at Bristol' s chin and it ain't normal. Its like an appendage is growing from her lower lip. Not quite like an erect appendage but a semi hard erect appendage. Not hanging limp but on a outward angle. Like somebody superglued a potato to her existing chin.

  45. Courtesy of TBogg:

    Oh look. @SarahPalinUSA is death panelling Mama Grizzlies.

  46. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I left that comment posted in the body of this blogpost on the last Palin thread here at IM. I didn't mean to actually imply that these absolutely were the same photos from Easter weekend, but was simply stating that whenever they were taken it was sometime other than Mother's Day and really had to be at least 2 weeks to a month ago based on the snow conditions in that area.

    It does look like Easter weekend was a bit overcast, unless it cleared up and then this photo was taken. I checked the weather archives for Petersville/Trapper's Creek for Easter weekend and temps were in the 30's and there was no precipitation so there could have been some clearing not shown in the photos on Bristol's blog.

    Who knows, just wanted to clear up that I didn't necessarily mean that I thought this photo was absolutely, positively from Easter weekend, but had to be sometime between Easter and probably the third week of April, maybe even first weekend in May as there was a late April snowfall, but NOT Mother's Day weekend, no way.

    Thanks for letting me clear that up!

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      There's definitely snow up in Petersville.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:51 PM

      Snow? yes! Virgin Snow? not so much...

  47. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Financial report rule #1: opening cash = ending cash of prior period = bank statement balance for the same date

    What kind of treasurer signs off on a financial report with a $7,168.15 error in the opening cash balance?
    Did he bother to look at the bank statement?
    Why is the FEC allowing them to change the numbers and not submit the bank statement for documentation of accuracy?

    I would really like Crawford's job---the financial reporting part, not the money raising/schmoozing part.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      7,168.15 above should be 3,168.15. (Need new glasses.)

      SarahPAC filed it's revised report today. The 12/31/12 end of year cash balance has changed by $1,330.00 and is now reported to be $1,149,939.10.

      The final rule for a financial report is that ending cash balance = 12/31/12 cash balance per the bank statement.

  48. Anonymous3:10 PM

    They are both truly pathetic parents — toting toddlers on fast machines with rifles. Simply pathetic.

  49. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I knew this photo was bunk when I first saw it, regarding as to when it was taken. Her father is very ill, over on c4P they have reported that he is not out of the woods yet. What daughter would take the whole family to a remote cabin, to "bear hunt", when the beloved father is so ill? Over on c4p someone said that they wished that the Palins were in the white house because this photo represents real family values, compared to the present occupants of the WH. I can't imagine the first lady leaving when her mother would be in the hospital with open heart surgery. Who on earth WOULD choose to leave for a remote areabig game hunting trip, waving rifles around, when her father was very very ill. The other point is that no real hunter, not even her husband, would go hunting with her after seeing her reality show. Not carrying her own fun, complete indifference to sighting in a rifle, complete ignorance as to what rifle her hunting partner of 3 days was carrying. Does it kick? What "hunter" ever spends time in hunting camp not interested, not knowing who is carrying which rifle, and the characteristics of the rifles. I think Mrs. Palin really is with her father, I can't imagine her not being there. Why she felt she had to post a phony "mother's day bear hunt" photo is just bizarre. In addition she, or her ghost writer really should get clear on whether they admire "mama grizzlies" or prefer to hunt and slaughter them.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      And Sally is supposedly Ill also! Although I won't go to the"urinal" lol.
      This is a lie.
      So old chuckles not out of the woods yet?
      Maybe there is a god. :)

  50. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Ruh roh, Tim Crawford. This isn't the first time he's had the FEC breathing down your neck.

  51. Anonymous3:37 PM

    please tell me the Palins are not so stupid as to let a 4 year old drive a full size racing machine....

    someone needs to call child services AGAIN.

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Hell, call the Anchorage Police Dept to arrest those criminals.

      WTF am I talking about? Forget that I said that.

    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

      At least we were spared the photos of him shooting that big rifle. (Maybe they'll wait until he is older).

  52. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Hilarious that SarahPAC's bookkeeper could get all the opening balances wrong. Too stupid to even be a scam, that's some impressive level of incompetence right there.

  53. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Questions that should be asked:

    Apparently the Palins are no longer in Alaska long enough to legally qualify for their Permanent Fund Dividends. That they may no longer meet those residency requirements also begs the question - are they still applying for their 'hunting' and fishing licenses and permits as residents?

    FYI - The only bear hunting that is open right now is for residents.

    Shouldn't Sarah Palin be paying state income tax in Arizona, now? She's there more than she is up here. And NONE of the money she takes in has been generated in Alaska. Just wondering.

  54. Anonymous4:34 PM

    As usual Sarah has her head up her ass and is gasping for oxygen. Remember her mocking of Tesla? Check this out:

    With Record Sales, Tesla Turns A Profit As Consumer Reports Says It ‘Comes Close’ To Being ‘The Best Car Ever’!

    Tesla Motors Company is coming off a very good week. On Wednesday, the company reported that it had sold more electric vehicles than any other automaker during the first quarter of the year, and turned a profit for the first time in its 10 year history.

    On Thursday, Consumer Reports — the famously austere purveyors of customer satisfaction surveys and product testing for all manner of consumer goods — announced that Tesla’s Model S roadster outperformed every other commercially-available vehicle in their annual battery of stress tests, scoring a 99 out of a possible 100:

    The Tesla Model S outscores every other car in our test Ratings. It does so even though it’s an electric car. In fact, it does so because it is electric.

    Built from the ground up as an EV, this car’s overall balance benefits from mounting the battery under the floor and in the lowest part of the body. That gives the car a rock-bottom center of gravity that enables excellent handling, a comfortable ride, and lots of room inside.

    The reviewers didn’t stop there. So thorough was the performance of Tesla’s flagship car, the magazine went on to describe the Model S as one of the best cars they’ve ever tested in its nearly 80 year history: “So is the Tesla Model S the best car ever? We wrestled with that question long and hard. It comes close.”

    Tesla’s score of 99 is the highest for any hybrid or electric vehicle, and tied for the highest rating awarded to any car in the history of the magazine. The market for 100 percent electric cars has lagged behind the rest of the industry, hindered in part from the perception that the cars weren’t reliable or practical for everyday use. But coupled with the quickening expansion of high-speed charging stations in the most highly trafficked parts of the country, the endorsement from Consumer Reports could further expedite Tesla’s growth.

    Lest critics think that fancy sports cars always sell well, it turns out that Tesla outsold the similarly-priced cars that drink gasoline created by Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi.


    1. Wow. I'm going to have to check that out.

    2. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Consumer Reports is usually a buzz-kill on stuff that's over-hyped and all fluff, so if they're impressed, it's worth checking out.

  55. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Sarah wasn't in town when they went to the cabin right before Easter. She was in Wash State at a funeral. She returned for Easter. Also, Piper has different pants on these occasions.

    You're all ridiculous and need lives.

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      We needs lives? You know exactly where Sarah Palin was every moment and you call us ridiculous?

    2. Anonymous7:10 PM

      she returned for easter from washington and went up to the cabin.
      you cannot tell from the photos from skanks fb page what piper's pants look like.

      you are ridiculous and a liar. as closely as all you pee ponders look at every picture and video don't even tell us you haven't seen exactly what we have-these two sets of photos were both taken at the same time and not at mother's day.

      move on cult member-time for your meds and then lights out.

  56. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Plain and simple, Sarah Paylin will never run for Senate. This isn't about Alaska, Arizona and not about America. Sarah Palin could care less about helping DS children or loving soldiers. This is all about Sarah Palin. Do you think Sarah became mayor of Wasilla because of her love for Wasilla?

    During Sarah's terror reign as mayor,the Palins received an untraceable two story red house and settled scores. Her children had the run of the community without any worries of retribution or jail time. Who knows when Todd started his interstate business?

    When Sarah became governor, she just took that circus to another level and brought her unqualified Wasilla High School friends to work for Governor Sarah Palin where they destroyed the dairy and agriculture divisions.

    Imagine if Sarah was not mayor or governor, what would her children be doing today? 5 to 10 if you know what I mean. Todd? Maybe life without parole? Sarah? Would be wearing her moo moo Valley Trash dress dreaming about being Ivanna Trump and how life would be different for her being married to a black NBA baller.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      The Black NBA Baller would not have married her, it was a hit and run. Who could look into those wonky eyes and listen to that stupid screech every night. No wonder TAWD hit the Prostitution circuit.

  57. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I feel sorry for everyone commenting here. So much hate and ignorance.

    1. Piper is wearing different pants in the different outings.
    2. Flying from AZ to AK doesn't take that long. Sarah could have had a speech the day before this outing and still arrived in AK that day technically.
    3. I don't know if I've met anyone else who thinks so ignorantly and disgustingly as everyone in the comments above.

    I hope you all get help.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Looks like you have had a heaping helping of what they sell on Bullshit Mountain.

      No need to feel sorry for anyone here, we are one big happy family! Now shoooo, you're a pest!

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      You are such a bore.

      You haven't "met" any of us. In fact, by your definition of the word "met," you've also "met" Sarah Palin and Becky Mansour so you've "met" at least two of the most ignorant and disgusting people out there.

    3. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Flying to Alaska from Arizona does not change the weather from gloomy to sunny skies. Don't feel sorry for us, feel sorry for the Pimp's Wife and her Brood of Unwed, Uneducated Teen Mothers. Please tell us that Sarah is not married to a Pimp.

    4. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM


      "I feel sorry for everyone commenting here. So much hate and ignorance..."

      You're part of "everyone commenting here"

    5. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Anonymous4:44 PM
      We feel sorry for you fat crackpot! anyone who adoring and defending sarah palin is realy sick and hopefully you get help asap!

    6. Anonymous6:16 PM

      4:44 As your inmates at the asylum would say, "why are you even reading here?" If our comments are so ignorant and disgusting, how come you take the time to troll through them all and try to refute our logic? Is your FRAUD boss paying you to search out her haters? Because if she is, she is paying you far too little. The legions of those who hate her far outnumber this blog.

      Get help yourself!!!

    7. Anonymous6:29 PM

      4:44 PM Feel sorry for the Palin children who live with a Grifter and a Pimp and have to call them Mom and Dad. Their lack of parenting skills have caused their daughters to seek love from boys at school. Their lack of parenting skills caused their daughters to become unwed teen mothers. Their lack of parenting skills caused Todd's Step-Son to become a Criminal and was forced to join the Alaska National Guard. Their lack of companionship skills caused Todd to start a Prostitution Ring and to look for love("you light up my life")at Massage Parlors. Sarah's obsession with herself caused them to have a 'Straw Marriage'. The Dysfunctional Palin Family needs the help, not us IM'ERS.

    8. 4:44
      I agree, they do need help but they are addicted to all things Palin. They constantly put them down for being irrelevant, but they hang on to every picture and word like it's crack. They are going to come at you like a bunch of defensive crackheads.
      I was also thinking that maybe, now just a thought so dont get all your panties in a bunch, but maybe they celebrated Mothers Day on a different day because it was the only way they could all be together to go hunting. People with lives do that all the time when there is a conflict with personal schedules and such.

    9. Anonymous6:17 AM

      9:40 PM The Palin apologist is back. All things Palin have an excuse as explained by you. Why are you so obsessed with Panties? You should call yourself 'Lou Sarah' because you post the same Nonsense.Everything is sexual from the Palin Camp. Is that because of Todd Palin's Prostitution Ring?

  58. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Well, if you haven't seen this Gryphen, prepare your gag reflex and maybe you'll come to learn how awesome Sarah was as a kid through the eyes of her delusional mother...the writer is fawning all over Sarah and her brood, so I am giving you fair warning to have your barf bag ready for use!

    Exclusive: Palin's Mother Discusses Cherished Mother's Day Moments with Sarah

    On Sunday, Americans will pay tribute to mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers all across the country. Some families are lucky enough to be anchored by women who excel at being all three. There is a family you may have heard of in Alaska that happens to be included in that fortunate bunch.

    Sarah Palin is a household name worldwide. The former Governor of Alaska and first female GOP Vice Presidential nominee is as famous as it gets. Many of her family members enjoy a following of their own as well. Todd Palin is a world champion Iron Dog racer. Bristol Palin is an author, blogger, and a two-time "Dancing With the Stars" competitor. Even Palin's dad and brother, Chuck Heath Sr. and Chuck Heath Jr., respectively, have a throng of fans after writing the very enjoyable book, Our Sarah: Made in Alaska. But while all of these Palins and Heaths may be better known, all of them are likely to point to someone else as the backbone of the family--Sally Heath.

    Sally Heath is the real article. She is "as advertised" by her loved ones. And she is always thinking of others even in an interview about herself. She is Sarah Palin's mother.

    Sally Heath rarely gives interviews. Unlike her daughter, Sarah, you'll never catch her tweeting or posting a major political message on Facebook. Mrs. Heath enjoys playing her role away from the limelight. Her role however, while perhaps unnoticed by the media machine, has been critical in shaping her family.

    While Sally Heath may be soft spoken, she isn't shy when it comes to the pride and love she feels for her family. That's understandable. Mrs. Heath raised four successful, thoughtful, caring children who all went on to raise great families of their own. According to Mrs. Heath, one of the keys to raising children is knowing when to help and when to let the kids take their own paths.

    "You do what you can for the kids, but they choose their own way and you pray they'll stick to the morals and teachings they've received over the years," Heath told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview. "For the most part I would say we have been blessed that way, but I have to give credit to so many family members and friends too because Chuck and I, and the kids and their friends too, we've just all lucked out with the most wonderful things in whatever communities we live in. We've had good influences on the kids."

    Mrs. Heath may be a bit modest. Ask her children or her husband and more credit is usually heaped upon her.

    She contends that instilling a firm foundation in children when they are young will serve them well as adults. Sarah Palin and her siblings seem to prove that theory true.

    "Just the fact that they've worked hard for everything they've achieved, they certainly didn't come to us for finances or very seldom for advice, thank goodness, because I'd hate to be responsible for giving them advice", Heath said. "If we're going to get credit for the good things they've done, that means we have to be blamed for any mistakes they've made, so they have pretty much been on their own."

    more, if you can stomach it:

    Sure wished she had been asked about how, as the mother of her daughters, she turned her head the other way when that early childhood sexual abuse was in full swing. Now THAT would have made for a fascinating read.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      "Just the fact that they've worked hard for everything they've achieved, they certainly didn't come to us for finances or very seldom for advice, THANK GOODNESS, BECAUSE I'D HATE TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR GIVING THEM ADVICE, BECAUSE If we're going to get credit for the good things they've done, THAT MEANS THAT WE HAVE TO BE BLAMED FOR ANY MISTAKES THEY'VE MADE, so they have pretty much been on their own."

      Doesn't that read a little odd? Mother Sally has to make a point that she doesn't want to take responsibility for adivising daughter Sarah, because she doesn't want to be blamed for the mistakes Sarah has made... Hmmm...wonder what mistakes could have been so unusual that she had to put up that sort of defense. A house built with fraudulent finances? A fraudulent governorship? A fraudulent pregnancy? A fraudulent FRAUD of a daughter? Barf!

    2. Cracklin Charlie9:18 PM

      That's what I sounded a little odd. Weird that a mom would say her kids were "on their own" in a mother's day interview. But your comment makes it much clearer. Sally seems to be preemptively absolving herself of something.

      "I'd hate to be responsible for giving them advice"...could that mean she gave Sarah advice but doesn't want to be held responsible for what Sarah did with that advice? Almost sounds like she's worried about being an accomplice.

    3. Hmmmn. So mama Sally thinks that motherhood is about giving your kids a strong foundation so that they will fly on their own one day...DUH.

      this author/interviewer is totally delusional.

  59. Anita Winecooler5:03 PM

    I'm SHOCKED that someone's comment was deleted!!! They didn't use foul language and the comment kind of meshes with the weather reports.

    Who has a "mother's day" without a "weddin'" pre announcement, so "family from the lower 48" would be able to attend"?

    And the fickle finger of fate seems to be pointing at Sarah PAC. She kept screeching about the IRS and forgot about the FEC? UnFECkin'believable!!!

    Time for a "persecution" manifesto on facebook!

  60. Anonymous5:18 PM

    What y'all talking bout? Gov Sarah loves her sum Alaska. Sarah said it herself when she resigned for the good of Alaska.

    "So, we are here today at a changing of the guard. Now, people who know me, and they know how much I love this state, some still are choosing not to hear why I made the decision to chart a new course to advance the state. And it should be so obvious to you. (indicating heckler) It is because I love Alaska this much, sir (at heckler) that I feel it is my duty to avoid the unproductive, typical, politics as usual, lame duck session in one's last year in office. How does that benefit you? No, with this decision now, I will be able to fight even harder for you, for what is right, for truth. And I have never felt like you need a title to do that."

    -Gov Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      See! Sarah loves us in Alaska. She said it herself.

      "I will be able to fight even harder for you, for what is right, for truth. And I have never felt like you need a title to do that."

      -Gov Sarah Palin

  61. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Anonymous 4:17 PM questioning the Palins being residents and can they hunt for bears right now:

    "FYI - The only bear hunting that is open right now is for residents."

    My response:
    So what. What does that have to do with Sarah Palin?

    Resident or Nonresident of Alaska doesn't apply to the great Sarah Palin. Sarah said it herself that she can do whatever she wants until the courts says she can't.

  62. Anonymous5:55 PM

    If Sarah Palin graduated college with a degree in journalism, then what's this about:

    Palin’s Resignation: The Edited Version

    If you watched Sarah Palin’s resignation speech, you know one thing: her high-priced speechwriters moved back to the Beltway long ago. Just how poorly constructed was the governor’s holiday-weekend address? We asked V.F.’s red-pencil-wielding executive literary editor, , together with representatives from the and departments, to whip it into publishable shape. Here is the colorful result.

    Not a pretty sight. Advise you to have your little ones leave the room before opening this site. The VF editor marked up Sarah Palin's speech in red and it looks like a blood bath. Looks like Sarah walked into a shotgun fight and only brought her pocket knife.

    You've been warned

    McCain are you sure Sarah Palin graduated from college and has a degree in journalism? Maybe Sarah should of went to hair school or become a madam of a bordello?

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Good thing for Sarah that her SarahPac donors are paying for someone to write Sarah's facebook comments and speeches. Can you imagine seeing this mess everyday? No wonder her children has to opt to drop out of school for GEDs and get careers as reality dancing single struggling gorillas, tattooed warrior body pretend combat vet and shampoo girl.

    2. Anonymous6:17 PM


    3. Anonymous6:21 PM

      This is what you learn at 6 colleges in 5 years and one journalism degree? No wonder Sarah is advising kids not to go to college. It's for the elite kids.

    4. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Sarah must be Trig's birth mother. A lot of blood. I say Sarah didn't have a tubal ligation and can still birth children.

    5. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Oh my bless Sarah's heart.

    6. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Not a good reflection for the Wasilla school district and Idaho college system.

    7. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Do you think Creepy Chuckie who was a school teacher in Alaska proof read this for his daughter? I hope not.

    8. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Oh the good 'ol days! That VF piece was the best at unmasking the fraud that is the one Sarah Heath.

  63. Anonymous6:09 PM


    Anonymous1:43 PM
    Click on Bristol's picture and zoom in her chin. You're going to say "Fuuckkk looks like somebody stuck a plate in her chin".


    Anonymous2:03 PM
    Not trying to be funny but her chin looks like it has a life of its own. If her mouth moves to ask a question, will her chin move to answer it?

    Anonymous2:07 PM
    I just looked at it and it appear to be a giant cyst? Does it hurt? Is Bristol okay?

    Anonymous3:10 PM
    Forget Bristol's chin--- does anyone else think that Sarah got a face lift/fillers??
    The skin on her face seems smooth and so taut it's shiny.

    Anonymous4:23 PM
    @Anonymous 3:10 PM,
    Oh Sarah is full of it alright...fillers, fake boobs filled with who knows what, and up to her eyes in bullshit and whatnot.

    Anita Winecooler5:12 PM
    It's got it's own zip code!

    Anonymous5:40 PM
    Bristol's chin.... It's got it's own zip code, time zone and its own weather climate.

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM


    2. Anita Winecooler8:08 PM

      Apparently, it has it's own fan club, also, too!

    3. Anonymous5:28 AM

      Yeah but Bristol has the Leno thing down pat.

  64. Anonymous6:27 PM

    This is only Monday. Save some of this stuff for the rest of the week.

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Man that's funny

    2. Cracklin Charlie9:06 PM

      No way...Bring. It. On!

  65. Anonymous6:28 PM

    A new TV show for Palin? LOL

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Above article said "Palin has a distaste for cultural elites in the Big Apple and LA, one person familiar with the discussions said."

      What is Sarah's problem? Sarah doesn't like Mr and Mrs. Obama, Democrats, Native Alaskans, Asians, Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, New Yawkers, LA and Hollywood. Forgot to mention that Sarah has a distaste for assclowns and the media.

      I say the woman has a narcissistic personality disorder?

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Sarah didn't hate everybody. What about Brad Hanson, Curt Menard Jr and Glen Rice?

    3. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Sarah likes and is okay when the assclowns in Washington DC pays for her family and the Heaths clothes. Those were the good old days.

    4. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Hmmm, So Sarah turned down an offer for a talk show. I wonder why she would turn down an offer from her good buddy Burnett? Hmmm.

      Uncle Gryphen...have you heard anything about this?

  66. Anonymous6:41 PM

    "Can we all just get along?"

    Who said this? Rodney King after getting whooped by the LAPD or was it the black kid in Wasilla who got jumped by you know who and his buddies?

  67. HA!!

    The Monkey Queen is going to jail for TAX EVASION!!!!


  68. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I don't know if this is relevant or not, but i am left handed and I hunt/shoot. If you have any training to shoot, your dominant arm will be by the trigger and your weaker arm will be on the barrel. As I said, I'm a lefty, so I would have my right arm on the barrel,left hand near the trigger, and any gun I was holding would be pointed over my right shoulder. Any other pose would be like a left handed person trying to write as a right handed person. What's-her-face is right handed, so the rifle should be over her left shoulder. No one that has ever shot a gun with any training would hold the rifle incorrectly.

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      I thought the same thing when I seen her holding that rifle in this picture. In this picture she is holding the barrel with her right hand and when she was in the middle east was holding the barrel with her left hand.

    2. Anonymous6:13 AM

      Because she's simply posing. A poser poses.

  69. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Just read a comment somewhere that was confusing Denali State Park with Denali National Park. The Palin's cabins are near Denali State Park, about 3 hours south of the entrance to the National Park. Just wanted to clear that up for folks as they were looking at webcams from Denali National Park. The only webcam that covers the Denali State Park area is at the Talkeetna Alaska Lodge and shows the same view as the snowmachine photo of the Palin family. (link below)

    The state park and national park are very different things as there is no road access into the state park, only foot, ATV or snowmachine access.

  70. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Cougar Sarah?

    1. Anonymous6:12 AM

      She busted out the bust. Go Grandma!

    2. Anonymous6:57 AM

      The girl in the red top and big chin, is that Bristol?

  71. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Busted in another lie by bloggers. We own the Palin family.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.