Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Do you want to feel a little intellectually superior this morning? Just listen to this.

This is SNL alum and certifiable crazy lady, Victoria Jackson discussing the fact that President Obama is a secret Atheist/Muslim as well as an "evil presence" with Republican Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, E.W. Jackson. (No relation.)

Man I wonder how Virginia can even show their face in public after the string of lunatics that they have nominated or elected to office in recent years.

And here I thought Alaska was bad! (Okay well it IS bad! But now that we have Virginia to compare ourselves to we can start to regain a little of our self esteem.)


  1. eclecticsandra10:19 AM

    How could anyone be both an atheist and a Muslim?

    1. Stop using logic!

      You are playing right into Obama's hands.


    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Some people think if you aren't a Christian, you must be an atheist....

  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Not cool Jessie... pass the brain bleach

  3. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Without a doubt, Obama is a Muslim.
    Not even worth discussing.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Without a doubt, you are an idiot.
      Not even worth discussing.

    2. Anonymous11:33 AM

      10:33 Without a doubt you are a Palin Troll, and you promote Prostitution Rings. Not even worth discussing, not that you would.

    3. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Even if he was how does that matter?

    4. Olivia12:07 PM

      10:33,How long ago were you whining about him belonging to Rev.Wright's church? President Obama is so strong and powerful, he is Christian, Muslim and Atheist all at the same time. He is probably Buddhist and Hindu also. A veritable god among men.
      Obama haters make him omnipotent. No wonder they are so frightened of him.

    5. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Then i guess all the complaining about Rev Wright was all wrong because everyone knows he is a Christian preacher and not a Muslim Iman. Oh no there goes that logic stuff again.

    6. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Stop it or you will make their heads explode!

    7. Anonymous3:06 PM

      @ 10:33:

      How DARE YOU fucking people judge another man's heart or his relationship with his god! That is explicitly forbidden in the Bible that you assholes claim to love so much (yet never seem to actually READ). Enjoy the White Throne Judgment since you presume to know not only the mind of god but also the heart of a man who is a better Christian in word and deed than you will EVER be! I'm so SICK OF YOU ASSHOLES!

      Sorry for yelling, folks, but if anything pisses me off, it's "Christians" like these.

  4. Chella10:48 AM

    Their comfort with their ignorance astound me

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Comfort??? Don't you mean PRIDE?

      They wear their ignorance like a badge of (dis)honor. And, through their efforts to destroy public education, are trying to bring down the next generations to their level of stupidity.

  5. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Let them keep talking, every last one of them! They're shooting themselves in the foot.


  6. Anonymous11:02 AM

    To be honest with you, the Democratic Party in VA is ecstatic with Bishop Jackson's nomination , there is an endless treasure trove of you tube videos of his raging homophobia, xenophobia, and angry racistbrhetoric to keep the opposition researchers and liberal super PACs busy for the entire summer. This is one of the milder videos I've seen...Bishop Jackson's comments about gays and Planned Parenthood are way more whacked out.

    Just so we are clear, Jackson was nominated for Lt Gov via a closed convention of the most diehard GOP activists. He has never held elected office and ran in the primary last year for Senate, and got exactly 5% of the vote, so that's who nominated him this year...5% of the total GOP base who bothered to vote in a primary election . Surprisingly, he actually has an impressive résumé - combat veteran , lawyer, Harvard Law and Divinity Schools, business owner. I guess he decided he could make more money and get more attention by being the self hating, rhetorical bomb throwing , Herman Cain of the VA GOP. Being a black birther who hates the Muslim/Atheist black president can further your career in the Republican Party.

    Virginia Voter

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Like I said about Crooz: Harvard Sharvard. You can't fix stupid.

    2. Anonymous12:30 PM

      I think he and Cruz and some others are giving Harvard a really bad name!

  7. Anonymous11:05 AM

    She looks and sounds like a cartoon character.

    No offense to cartoon characters.

  8. Anonymous11:26 AM

    She is a cartoon character. I can't believe that people voluntarily listen to her stupidity and annoying voice.

  9. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Notice she has never, to my knowledge, been asked back to SNL shows where other SNL alumnus are appearing :) :)

    Too much of a right wing lunatic


    1. And unlike other SNL alums, Victoria is completely devoid of talent. I can't believe she got on the show in the first place.

    2. Come on, she was quite funny. Or, she wouldn't have been on in the first place. Now? Oi veh!

      Cartoonish is so right. Like another RWNJ we won't mention.

  10. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I always thought this was just her character on SNL but no to my shock and horror they were just letting her be herself.

  11. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Nailin' Sarah Palin


  12. Anonymous12:29 PM



  13. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most evil presence of them all?

  14. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Check out old EW fighting DESEGREGATION back in 1988 in Boston:


    Virginia Voter

  15. Anita Winecooler6:01 PM

    "Thank You, I've been saying that, Thank You!" says the blonde bimbo (no offence to REAL blonde Bimbos).

    What a joke!

  16. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Some one gave her a show of her own? Inconceivable!

  17. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:41 AM

    What's with the virginal white Bedazzled getup? She looks like the bride on top of a wedding cake that has hit the floor.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.