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"They hate us, they really, really hate us!" |
The number of Americans who view the Republican Party unfavorably has hit a record high, according to a new poll released by CNN on Monday, despite scandals that have plagued the White House over the past few weeks.
The poll found that 59 percent of respondents view the GOP unfavorably, a record that has only shown up one other time in the poll's results since tracking began in 1992.
The Republican Party's net favorability ratings are down 8 points in the past two months. The amount of respondents viewing the GOP favorably fell from 38 percent to 35 percent, while the number of people who view the party unfavorably climbed five points, up from 54 percent in March.
Benghazi-gate, IRS-gate, Umbrella-gate, oh yeah this approach is working out PERFECTLY for the GOP.
In fact so ridiculous has this situation become that even GOP aides are mocking House Republicans about their fixation on Benghazi behind their backs:
Roll Call reports that Republican aides are saying staffers are getting bogged down chasing bogus accusations.
“We have got to get past that and figure out what are we going to do going forward,” a GOP aide told Roll Call. “Some of the accusations, I mean you wouldn’t believe some of this stuff. It’s just — I mean, you’ve got to be on Mars to come up with some of this stuff.” Another aide expressed frustration at accusations that military assets weren’t properly deployed during the night of the attacks and that a team from Tripoli could have been flown in to fight off the attackers:
“There are some real issues there and then there is just some crazy stuff,” the senior House GOP aide said. “The crazy stuff is, you know, the airman in Ramstein [Air Base, Germany,] that knew that the Predator [drone] was armed. There are no armed Predators in the region there. The [status of forces agreement] does not allow us to fly them armed, and everybody knows it.” [...]
GOP aides described another criticism aired at a recent House Oversight Committee hearing that there were four security officers at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli who were ordered to remain in the capital for several hours after the first reports of an attack, rather than being scrambled to assist the consulate in Benghazi.
“The stand-down order was for four guys,” the GOP aide said. “When you step back and say how were the people killed at the annex, they were killed by an indirect fire mortar round. Four more M-4s [rifles] inside the annex doesn’t change that outcome. In fact, they might have just created more casualties. We have got to get down to what really happened on the DoD side and for us the DoD side was not properly postured, why?”
Gee when even your aides know you are chasing your tail, it is well past time to get a grip.
In other news the President's poll numbers are actually up and he appears to be virtually unscathed by everything the Republicans keep throwing his way.
You know, and this is just me thinking out loud, perhaps it is time for the Republicans in the Senate and the House to STOP constantly trying to undermine this President, and instead start doing the job that their constituents sent them to Washington to do.
Ask McCain about Alaska's Pimpgate.
ReplyDeleteThese asshole Republicans are going to go DOWN in upcoming elections. They've done nothing but obstruct and demean President Obama since prior to his election the first time! Many of them are racists! But, in spite of it all, the American people have not stopped admiring, respecting and electing him again to a second term.
ReplyDeleteI can hardly wait to see Hillary Clinton clean their clocks again. They need to remember too that they are NOT embracing the black Americans and brown Americans throughout the nation. They have NOT figured out that the white race is decreasing and it won't be long before it is the minority. Something AGAIN that they cannot handle.
Vote them out folks on all levels of government - national, state and local governments! They have done nothing to help the poor and have decreased the financial capabilities of the middle class. Plus, they want the USA to be in constant wars - that we have no business being in and cannot afford.
Hard to win when your party shows no respect to any persons with more melanin than John McCain or his Turtle-faced cohort, McConnell. Nor women of any race.
DeleteThe Republican Party has destroyed their own brand, and it only took 30 years to do it. They are determined to chase off any sane person holding office under their banner, and can now only appeal to special interest groups and the loose-screw crowd. I'm not a die-hard Party-first guy for any political party, and when one of the major parties jumps the rails into the ditch of insignificance, the opposing party will not be as good as it needs to be for the good of the country.
Somebody, please pull the plug on this Republican Party so we can all move on.
I am convinced most sane people are beginning to see the crazy fringe as receiving more notice than is deserved. Obama doesn’t usually engage with them and it drives them insane; so expect more of the same. I am hopeful Obama intends to ignore the ridiculous scandal du jour and we see health care, an end to continuous wars as the source of our economic engine (fewer Lockheed Martin welfare contracts for weapons we don’t need and can’t afford) and some of this money come home to our districts for needed infrastructure repairs and jobs for people! Enough defense welfare!!!!
ReplyDeletegryphen, how quickly you and your little librul blog buddies forget: Adolph Hitler - that's right, THAT Hitler - was found dead, by suicide, in his underground Berlin bunker clutching a piece of paper with three simple words: Benghazi, IRS, Phonerecords (in German, phone records is one word...) Your so-called Barack HUSSEIN Obama can't claim he wasn't warned about these scandals! If only the voters had listened to Hitler in 2008, the complete and utter destruction of Amercia by Obama could have been prevented!!
ReplyDeleteCool, you did it again...
Deletebut the sad part, diagonal, is that it has to be done at all....
DeleteObama is worse than Nixon
ReplyDeleteBenghazi is worse than Watergate.
Impeach the Kenyan Muslim Socialist
Yea, right you idiot!!! President Obama will never be impeached. Remember, Nixon climbing on the helicopter when he left D.C.? Still have the picture of him vivid in my mind. We will never see President Obama in that position because he is doing a hell of a job in spite of the obstructionist Republicans whose ratings are dropping like flies!
Delete2:19? You're feeding the trolls. Ignorant shits like him need to be ignored.
DeleteYou are a moron who hates America. Why are you willing to prove with each stupid, illiterate comment how much you hate America?
DeleteO/T, but terrific. Wolf Blitzer was just interviewing a woman who survived the tornado. At the end he said she must have thanked god, and then asked her straight out if she did thank god. As I was yelling at my TV for the I appropriateness of the question, the woman chuckled and said, "Actually, I'm an atheist!"
ReplyDeleteGood for her! I'd have answered the same way and would have loved watching his reaction!
DeleteSome of these TV folks are amazing and stupid!
Yeah, there's a video on Facebook now of an interview with a perfectly calm elderly woman, describing how she "followed the plan" by retiring to the bathroom "with my little dog." When the reporter, hoping for something juicy, asked, "Can you even comprehend what happened here?" the woman responded, "I know exactly what happened here!" I think the press think people are stupider than people really are.
So? What WAS his reaction, Pogo?
Deletebeldar... you are with the Onion, right?
ReplyDeleteGryphen, your last paragraph actually disturbs me.
ReplyDeleteI mean, do you REALLY want to eliminate the things they are doing which will completely overturn their House control. You know, all that stuff they have been calling scandals - that don't bother POTUS in the least?
I will grant you that what they are doing is not really good for those of us NOT making millions of dollars an hour, but if we allow them to fuck up completely - as they seem bent on doing - we can have complete control in 2014 and THEN do it!
Even if we just give them another six months it will be a good thing!
(OOPS! Line 1 of paragraph 2 should have a question mark. Mea culpa.)
DeleteThe real scandal is the lying ring leaders in the gop and ABC.How they can continued this farce without mentioning gop or ABC is just fucking amazing.
ReplyDeleteCrazy conspiracy theory alert:
ReplyDeleteJust saw last night's Colbert. Turns out these groups don't have to apply for tax exempt status -- they can just take it...so....why didn't they?
That's why the IRS guy is taking the fifth! Because he would have to admit that this was a Republican plot!
The head of the IrS when all this happened was a bush appointee!
Am I crazy? Am I giving these cretins too much credit?
The employee taking the 5th is a woman.
DeleteIt may be a record high now but records are made to be broken.
ReplyDeleteJust wait until the Republicans start voting against aide for the Moore OKTornado and start bashing teachers again.