Saturday, May 18, 2013

I think the conservative's attempt to drum up outrage over "Umbrellagate" has a few photographic obstacles in its path. Don't you?

Gee, what IS the difference here?

Hang on, don't tell me. I'll figure it out.

Well I think we can ALL agree that having others hold an umbrella for us is uppity and reserved ONLY for those in positions of power, and NOT for those who count themselves as REAL Americans.


Don't you hate it when a perfectly good attack against the President bounces off of him like a light rain hitting a...hitting know hitting a thing that blocks rain.

Update: Added by popular demand.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    "What is the difference here?"

    Gee, I dunno, hang on....ummm... one of them is BLACK?

    I seriously don't know how he keeps his cool with all this petty shit

    1. Well, I was going to say one of them is smart, but I think you are correct.

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      I love our 'cool and steady' President Obama! It drives the Republicans nuts that he doesn't respond to them. Cracks me up!!

      We can all talk for him!!!! Fuck you, Sarah Palin!

    3. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Yeah, the way those doofuses are acting, you'd think someone was holding an umbrella for a blah... Oh, never mind. Those mindless far-RW nuts don't bother to think before they spaz out, so there's no reason to bother explaining anything to them. So I will continue to point and laugh, and then when I am no longer amused, I will ignore them. Of course, by that time, they have usually moved on to some other ridiculous "issue" to focus on with their faux rage. The imbeciles haven't let me down for the past five years. Here's to three more! Obama/Biden 2009-2017.

      Advice to the RIght-Wingnuts: Like our strength coach used to say, "You gotta feel that burning way deep down inside. That's when you know it's doing you some good." So suck on that, you racist, bigoted, loggerheaded cons who are lacking in both education and any common sense alike.

  2. Anonymous9:47 AM

    The GOP is self-destructing right before our eyes. It is a lovely, if disgusting, thing to watch. And Sarah is leading the charge! Go Sarah!

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      And, they assuredly are NOT relating well to the black and brown folks throughout our nation. They are going down even further than they did in the last election cycle. They have not learned one single lesson.

      They need to get rid of the likes of Palin, Boehner, McConnell, Cantor, McCain, etc. speaking for them.

  3. Anonymous9:58 AM

    It's one of the most silliest things I've heard so far. Is Sarah Palin outraged because a "white" man is holding an umbrella for a "black" man? You Betcha!

  4. Oh but you see, Gryph, it was that uppity Black Kenya-born, socialist community organizer who had the nerve to expect a U.S. Marine to act like a slave keeping his Massa dry. That is the outrage.

    How dare he?

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      A commenter at actually said that:

      TOF said...
      First time I saw that Marine holding that umbrella I thought of a picture from long ago depicting a slave shading his master from the Sun with and umbrella.

    2. Anonymous12:47 PM

      11:13 -

      Wow...they're not even hiding the hate anymore.

  5. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Obama Poll BOUNCE Since Fake Scandals

    It's so much fun watching these three fake scandals falling apart by the hour. The goal was to damage Obama and wound Hillary so severely that she either doesn't run or damage her mammoth appeal.

    Well, BACKFIRING is the word of the day for both of those efforts:

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Stock market has been all time highs, too.

  6. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Oh Gryphen, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE repost that awesome animated gif image you had a while back that shows Barack brushing the dust off his shoulder, it's so perfect to what you just said in this post.

  7. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Palin is probably thirty years younger than that rich horse owner, but she looks more shrunken by osteoporosis. Who'd she borrow that jacket from this time? Margaret hatcher?

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      She borrowed the pink jacket from the same person who loaned her those grey sparkle shoes that she wore to the after party of a White House Correspondents Dinner. (Those shoes were too big for Sarah, too. Doesn't she ever look in a mirror, or maybe she doesn't cast a reflection?)

  8. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I was wondering how fast photos of other presidents being sheltered by umbrellas held by marines would show up. Hilarious!

  9. Anonymous10:18 AM

    The difference: President Obama is the only one wearing a flag pin!

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Sarah's secret!!!
      She wears that skanky old flag bracelet so that it'll take the place of a flag pin, which doesn't look its best on a t-shirt, her normal attire. I didn't see one on her hand-me-down Derby dress either, come to think of it.
      Just some flag biznez somewhere on your body is all that's required of true patriots. Luckily, she's never shown us her red,white, and blue undies.

  10. Anonymous10:20 AM

    This is how President Obama thinks about Sarah and her GOP cohorts:

  11. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Rusty, Crusty, Unwashed Foot in her mouth is what Sarah has done. Sarah is an imbecile with no thought process. Without Ghostwriters she would look and sound even more Stupid. She has her Adulterous Creepy brother perusing the Blogs attempting to do Damage Control, but the Damage is done. Sarah Palin has once again proven how much she hates that she and McCain lost 5 years ago. Sarah you LOST, get over it. President Obama has won a 2nd term, YOU don't matter.

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Hey man, Chuckie JR is so important that he's bein' investigated so he's had to keep on the down low on his bloggie thing because he's done gone and gotten himself in the crosshairs of the FBI (or CIA or Interpol or James Bond, or someone?) 'cause he knows all of the secrets of Benghazi.

      Elementary school teacher by day, TeaParty spy by night. Who'd of thunk it??


  12. Anonymous10:30 AM

    One is a Democrat?

    One is younger than the others and should be well enough in shape to hold his own umbrella?

    One is operating under sequestration and there should be no budget for umbrellas?

    One is smarter than all the others put together and should have known enough to not stand outside in the rain?

    There's something else, but I just can't seem to put my finger on it.

  13. Replies
    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      That is a thing of beauty.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:35 PM

      That was wonderful!

      I wonder what part of "Commander in Chief" M Joseph Sheppard doesn't understand?

  14. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Hey, Sarah did you hold an Umbrella for Glen Rice?

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      I don't know about an umbrella, but hopefully Glen had the sense to wear a "raincoat in the shower" when he was tapping on that budding " journalist" that was supposed to be interviewing him but instead decided she wanted to screw him.

  15. Uh Gryphen...looks like Baldy is stealing YOUR shit! She posted this on her Fakebook an hour ago!

    "One last blast of Alaska winter today, hopefully? This is what “Grad Blast” means in Alaska! We’ll move our graduation b-b-q indoors and watch the mini-blizzard from ’round the fireplace. (Global warming my gluteus maximus.) Congratulations to this year’s graduates all across America. Job well done. Now the real job begins."

    Along with a picture of Piper in the snow...

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      What "real job" is she talking about? Again, makes no sense at all.
      Well we all know she reads here. I think she wants to distract from her stupid "umbrellagate" tweet.

    2. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Like the idiot has encouraged education to her own children!! The last thing graduates want to hear is a word from the idiot! She thinks she is somebody and hasn't figured out yet that we are all laughing at her. She's the joke of the USA!

    3. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Of course, she referred to "global warming" because of course she did.

    4. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Ewwww, that means she's up here. Gross. Also too, who's graduating in that family? Maybe it's finally GED time for Willow or Track??

      Better late than never.

      Oh, wait, maybe Mrs. Palin decided to finally finish that college education she started so many years ago...

    5. Anonymous12:17 PM

      BTW "Grad Blast" in Alaska is an event hosted by evangelical christian churches whereby they lock graduating seniors into a gym overnight for a graduation sleepover and party. They do this AFTER checking all participants for booze and drugs. Sounds like a little slice of hell, huh, locked in a gym overnight with a bunch of christian kids with no booze or drugs. Heaven help us all!

    6. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Can you have a b-b-q indoors? What would the fire department say? What's that? Oh, I see.
      That would be government intrusion on your fun.
      Just be sure to BYOE -- extinquisher.

      I know she thinks she's cute with that "gluteus maximus" line, which she undoubtedly stole from someone else (1,001 Jokes for Public Speakers), but uses now because she'd been called out on her vulgarity. This is supposed to be an attempt to clean up her act and make a really lame "joke." I can't stop chuckling at the cleverness of that woman!!!

      I suppose that by saying "the real job begins" after graduation, she's talking about all the pleasures, and responsibilities, of being an adult. (This is usually used in reference to college graduates [22], not HS grads [18], but writing this will produce a howl over at Lake Wasilla, claiming that 18 year olds are, too, adults. Our brave soldiers -- brave because they can go into combat, and brave because there are three instances of sexual abuse every HOUR in the military -- are truly grown up.
      A seventeen-year-old girl may give birth to Sarah's grandchild, but she wasn't an adult and we have yet to see whether she's been working on her "real job" in the past few years. Note to Sarah: being a celebrity wannabe, unskilled, untalented, without a personality or special gift, does not a celebrity make. Bristol is a lost cause, unless she produces even more kids than Kate Gosselin (but maybe fewer than the Duggars) and she can have a reality tv season on "I Was Tripped! The Old Woman wWho Lives in a Shoe Finally Speaks Up."

    7. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Mrs. Todd Palin wouldn't know a "gluteus maximus" if one actually hit her in the ass! (ya know, since she's an emaciated Granny with No Ass At All!!)

      She's so precious that I'd like to just seal her up in a glass dome and suck all of the air out so she is preserved, forever, in all her preciousness!

    8. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Sure, you can move your BBQ indoors, if you want to die of carbon monoxide poisoning.
      What a maroon.

    9. Anita Winecooler7:39 PM

      Hey, carbon monoxide is a natural element! The trees actually breathe it in.

      Go for it, move your bbq's inside!

  16. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Hey, they criticized him for saluting military members while holding a cell phone, but I don't remember them criticizing Bush for saluting while holding Barney the dog. They criticize his daughters for going on spring break and costing us "millions" while I don't remember anyone criticizing the Bush daughters for all the money they cost us. I could have cared less because that is what comes with having a father who is president. To tell them not to live their lives is ludicrous. But as someone said, what is the difference? Let's see, I don't recall anyone other President, First Lady, or their children of being called uppity before like they have. I wonder why?

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      You got that right Anon @10:38. It's because he's "black" and the GOP is doing everything to obstruct Obama to try and discourage anyone of color to ever run for that office again.

    2. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Guess I'll answer the question...the racists party of Republicans who are gaining zero points with the black and brown folks across the nation. They are going down AGAIN in the next election cycle and I can hardly wait to watch them fail!

      Sarah Palin is showing herself to be one of the biggest racists of their party. She should be tarred, feathered and sent out of Alaska forever!

  17. Anonymous10:39 AM

    President Barack Obama: Weekly Address on National T.V. Sarah Palin: Daily address on Facebook. Do you see the difference? BWAHAHAHAHA, Wasillabilly looking for attention.

  18. Anonymous10:46 AM

    When Sarah Palin has nothing of substance to say, she resorts to cheap tricks. Her style is to make fun of people. The problem with that line of attack is that old saying, "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." Before making fun of President Obama in what is being called "umbrellagate," Sarah (or one of her highly consultants) should have checked to make sure that there were no photos of Sarah in the same situation.

    Sarah's other way of attracting attention is by using strong language. "Global warming, my gluteus maximus." (Global worming, my butt, ha ha). The problem is that the Washington Post said that 97% of scientists do believe that man's actions have contributed to what should be called climate change. Or,if you believe Pat Robertson, that disasters of nature are punishments from God, what message is God sending to Alaska in those volcanic explosions?

    Someone once said that empty wagons make the most noise. Sarah proves that every time she speaks, posts or tweets. She thinks that she is making fun of President Obama (or Mayor Bloomberg) but the joke is on her. She proves herself to be too petty to ever hold elected office again. Thin skin, immature, reactive, and she doesn't even carry her own umbrella.

  19. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Sarah Palin is a friggin' idiot! She rants and raves and is ALWAYS proven WRONG! Wouldn't you have thought she would have learned SOMETHING by now (after all these years)?

    President Obama ALWAYS has the upper hand and does such a good job of messing w/her!

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Sometimes you may think facts prove Sarah's wrong but you would be mistaken. She is never wrong. Her bots are on the ready to set you straight. Take the photo of Sarah and umbrella-holder:

      1. The person holding the umbrella isn't a Marine.
      2. Sarah isn't even under the umbrella.
      3. Sarah couldn't hold the umbrella because both hands were holding the railings to keep from falling on the slippery steps. Be sure to notice you can see both hands on the railing. (Even though only one hand is on a railing and one is by her side, you WILL see both holding railings.)
      Pretzel logic h/t to JMSheppard

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      11:28 What does your commentary have to do w/what was said in the section at 10:46? You make no sense at all.

  20. jcinco10:52 AM

    she's so pathetically desperate for him to acknowledge her..ain't happening skank...

  21. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Our President Obama flicking Sarah Palin's comments away like a worrisome gnat, is Classic. Sarah Palin is nothing more than an uneducated Fool.

  22. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Ha! Here's another gallery to giggle over:

    Sarah Palin has been identified as the epitome of all things stupid. From building dikes to explaining how Paul Revere was warning the British that the Americans were coming, the name “Sarah Palin” has become synonymous with “stupid.” Just when you think Sarah Palin couldn’t possibly say anything more foolish that she has previously, she lowers the bar once again. In a recent Tweet she said:

    “Scandalous Hat Trick Mr. President, when it rains it pours, but most Americans hold their own umbrellas. “

    The first obvious sign of stupidity is that most Americans are not the president; they don’t live in the white house; they don’t vacation at Camp David; they don’t fly on Air Force One; and they aren’t protected by the Secret Service. They don’t have a private chef and they don’t ride in a bullet proof car.

    Most Americans don’t have people trying to assassinate them; they don’t have to send security guards with their kids to school for fear that the kids might be kidnapped; and they don’t have to make decisions about waging nuclear war.

    Most Americans don’t get to attend the White House Press Correspondents Dinner, and those that do don’t have to pretend to be having a good time while worrying about a mission to find and kill the terrorist that Americans most wanted to take out.

    Most Americans don’t have to console the parents of dead elementary school kids after a mentally ill shooter used an assault weapon to murder the child they devoted their life to.

    Most Americans don’t have to be polite to Sarah Palin when she attacks without reason, without logic, saying something to demonstrate just how stupid she is, time and time again.

    The second sign of stupidity is that John McCain had somebody hold an umbrella for him, and he was only hoping to be the President.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Great comment! Mitt Romney said that Ann never got over losing. I don't think that Sarah Palin ever got over losing, either, even though it has been more than 5 years. Maybe when they have that sense of entitlement and of being "chosen" it's harder to deal with reality.

      One of the ways that Sarah can attract attention is by verbally assaulting the guy she blames for her loss. I think that Sarah is so jealous. She wants the White House Marine Corps holding umbrellas for her. Sarah wants all of the pageantry and glamor that goes with being associated with the White House. Sarah would never have lasted a week as Vice President. We see her speak and she can't complete sentences. Having no substance, she relies on visual tricks, like a prop comedian. And deep down, I think that she thought that she should be the one getting regal treatment, not the Kenyan socialist.

      Hint: If a real visitor from Kenya was a state visitor at the White House, he would get the umbrella treatment in a rain storm, too, no matter what his religion or politics. The umbrella was offered to keep the Turkish prime minister dry. Obama said that he had a dry suit.

    2. Anonymous2:55 PM

      She would never have been sworn in as Vice President. They already saw for themselves that she was insane. John McCain hated America enough to nominate her but not enough to have let her get anywhere near power. Trig would have needed her and she would have waved him around like the Wimbledon Cup one last time and gone back to Alaska.

      Then she would have gone on the grift full time. Oh, wait .....

  23. Anonymous11:05 AM

    My message to Sarah Palin, Now step away from that bottle and stop drunk tweeting!

    Remember when she said "Step away from the teleprompter" to the President while she was reading from a teleprompter...she is hopelessly stupid beyond words!

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      After leaving a closed door meeting while governor, Palin insisted she was transparent and never had closed door meetings.

      She accuses the press of making things up because she makes things up.

      She is guilty of doing whatever she complains about or accuses others of doing.

    2. Anonymous12:41 PM


      She's a projector of the worst sort. Makes you wonder about all those sexual slurs she likes to throw around.

  24. lostinmn11:11 AM

    She's nothing more than the mean, snarky, bitch at the bar the guys all want to do and the women all wish they were. They laugh and send money because that's what low self esteem people do. She's a nothing becoming less than nothing.

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      I am a woman and can honestly say I have NEVER wished to be Sarah Palin. I have never wished to be one of the Kardasians, either. In my mind they are alike, vacuus and fame whoring.

    2. PalinsHoax7:08 PM

      Why on earth would guys want to "do" the Ol' $kank? She is so filthy, repulsive, grotesque, stinky, ugly, vile, creepy, boring, and juvenile. And those are her good merits.

      Who in their right mind would want to come anywheres close to such a toxic aberration ?!?!

    3. Where did you get that ridiculous idea? Why would anyone wish to be Sarah Palin? And I seriously doubt that all the guys want to "do" her. Maybe what's left of her ignorant tea party fans fit that description, but ALL guys? ALL women?

  25. Anonymous11:48 AM

    This is just so, so, so wrong. I don't understand how he can speak like this on the airwaves and not suffer severe consequences. He is abusing is 'freedom' of speech in the most hateful, horrific and heinous fashion and someone should be able to put a stop to it. Sick. Demented.

    Radio host Pete Santelli said on his show that he wants to ‘shoot Hillary Clinton in the vagina’. Santelli said, “I want to shoot [Clinton] right in the vagina and I don’t want her to die right away; I want her to feel the pain and I want to look her in the eyes and I want to say ‘on behalf of all Americans that you’ve killed, on behalf of the Navy SEALS,’ … the families of Navy SEAL Team Six who were involved in the fake hunt down of this Obama bin Laden thing, that whole fake scenario – because these Navy SEALS know the truth, they killed them all – on behalf of all of those people, I’m supporting our troops by saying we need to try, convict, and shoot Hillary Clinton in the vagina.”

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      The guys needs to be hung from the rafters. Damn, but we have weird, nasty folks in our midst.

      Thank God, Hillary Clinton is a strong lady and I can hardly wait for her huge gain in 2016. They have no one of substance to put up against her and they know it!

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Is there ever another example needed to demonstrate that, for many men, his gun = his pecker.
      Mr.Santelli just put into words the free-floating aggression/fear these morons have when they hear about gun control. They think that somehow we want to Lorena Bobbit them.

      If only.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:50 PM

      Terrorist Threat and Sedition. This POS is calling for murder of Hillary Clinton and Assassination of the President. Where's the FCC? FBI? Homeland Security?

  26. Anonymous11:53 AM

    * Title 10 of the U.S. Code, states that members of the Marine Corps shall “perform such other duties as the President may direct.”

  27. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Today’s Right Wing Upset: Obama abusing Government power by daring to use an umbrella in the rain

    It must be a slow news day for the right wing media, especially after President Obama shut down a couple of conspiracy theories, or at least somewhat. So, Drudge Report, Twitchy and the Weekly Standard have stumbled on to Obama’s next dastardly deed. President Obama (wait for it) uses an umbrella when it rains. That rat bastard! Obama acts like he’s the President or something.

    Why the uproar? President Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan held a joint press conference, and when the rain started coming down, Obama signaled for umbrellas for the PM and himself. Obummer could have left the PM shivering in the rain, in which case, that would go down even worse.

    Drugde cut the picture to only show Obama.

    Tweets poured in.

    How Umbrella-gate began:

  28. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I suppose....say....saluting the First Dog, Bo, would cause these people to explode.

  29. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I saw Todd hold an umbrella for one of his prostitutes.

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Todd hold an umbrella?

      Is that trailerpark slang for hold a condom for one of his girls in Anchorage?

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      How can you tell? After sex Todd usually wraps them in a face cloth and shoves them in his pockets.

    3. Anonymous2:22 PM


      In the hood we call them jimmies.

  30. Anonymous12:35 PM

    GOP House had their 37th Temper tantrum, voted to repeal Obamacare and replace it with nothing

    The House of Representatives held their 6,9989th attempt to repeal Obamacare Thursday afternoon, voting along party lines: 229-195, with the exception of two Democrats who crossed the aisle. The Democrats who voted to repeal the health care law were Rep. Jim Matheson of Utah and Rep. Mike McIntyre of North Carolina, both of whom represent very Republican-leaning districts.

    With Democrats in control of the Senate, it will not pass and Republicans knew that. Today is what we’d call, kissing Tea Party ass in order for Republicans to appease their fringe base. Bqhatevwr.

    What it amounted to was yet another chance to try to knock down President Obama’s signature legislation while boring the entire country with their 37th temper tantrum.

  31. Anonymous12:45 PM

    OT but within the context of 11:05's comment about Palin's use of projection, with a slight pivot toward babygate and question for Gryphen at the end.

    I was reading Frank Bailey's book and was startled by a late-1997 email from Sarah directing Ivy Frye to 'rumormonger' against Lyda Greene as payback for Lyda's criticism of the ‘Mat Maid debacle’.(p. 207)

    Fast-forward to a 'tense' meeting between Sarah and Lyda on March 5, 2008 which Bill McAllister notes on his blog. Sarah and her staff are pissed that McAllister knew about the 'tense' meeting. On March 7, Sarah emails, "I characterized this ‘communication problem’ as schizophrenic on Lyda’s part be [sic] I don’t think she listens at all, and runs with rumors and speculation…" (Naturally, the 'problem' was all Lyda's fault and Sarah was innocent as a baby.)

    Now on to April 6, 2008 and Sarah is accusing Lyda or Lyda's staff of starting and perpetuating the rumor that Bristol is pregnant.

    Sarah instigates rumormongering and then accuses her victim of being a rumormonger.

    In the spirit of speculation (based on the assumption Bristol didn't birth Trig), let's consider that it was Sarah herself who either started the rumor or purposefully spread it. She was killing two birds with one stone: 1)attempting to hurt Lyda Green; 2)injecting Bristol into the pregnancy hoax to keep staff and press from asking questions about the strange progression of her 'pregnancy. After the VP nomination, the national media backed away from pregnancy questions primarily due to the rumor. Who benefited from the rumor about Bristol? Answer: Sarah.

    Gryphen - Would you consider whether investigating the anatomy of the Bristol rumor is worth the effort?

  32. Anonymous12:53 PM

    There are even photos at DWTS where someone outside is holding an umbrella for Bristol.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Was it an extra large umbrella to cover her big Borderline Retarded Pregnant Ass?

    2. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Does a big blue pop up picnic canopy tent used to cover Bristol's big ass and belly count as an umbrella?

    3. Anita Winecooler7:55 PM

      And a shower cap for her chin

  33. Anonymous12:54 PM

    In the manual for marines, ONLY, a female marine, can use an umbrella, in time of bad weather. These marines, stand for courage, honor, and stength. Obama stands for lies, cowardice and dishonor! Semper fi

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      STFU Troll. Go back to the Pimp's Wife's site Sea Of Pee Pee. You ignorant KKK Pee-Stained Sheet and Pointy Devil's Hood wearing Bigots have no place here.

    2. Anonymous6:21 PM

      12:54 idiot brain dead assclown.
      as you stated "only, a female marine, can use an umbrella, in time of bad weather"

      no marine was asked to hold or carry an umbrella for himself. he was given an order by his commander in chief to hold an umbrella to shield the potus and another marine to hold an umbrella to shield the pm of turkey.

      for you to not be an assclown you frackin idiot, the president would have had to have ordered the marines to start carrying umbrellas in inclement weather.

      holy frackin cow you are the thickest bunch of backwards thinking ignoramuses ever to be put on this earth. blogs and news sites have ceased to even use many words in their posts to counter your idiotic rants because it is so obvious you have no command of the english instead, everyone posts pictures to show you how stupid you are and unlike a 4 year old, you still can't comprehend this.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:57 PM

      Someone's been using their umbrella as a sit and spin, again!

    4. Anonymous4:19 AM

      The marine was not using the umbrella, he was holding it for Obama. If you had any shred of self awareness, you'd admit that it is only an issue because it was Obama and not a Republican president.

      Semper fi

    5. How dare you use the term Semper Fi! My former husband served honorably in the marines for 21 years, and he most certainly would not speak such filth about the Commander-in-Chief as you do. You are scum. Un-American scum.

  34. Anonymous12:57 PM

    The tv show Inside Edition was shaking with manufactured outrage and mentioned Skanky Pay-me rant, but somehow neglected to show all the pictures of the Shrilla from Wasilla smirking from under umbrellas held by someone else. MSM, not!

  35. Anonymous1:11 PM

    WTF, these racist ass holes just need to put back on their white robes, and ride into the sunset. Are we actually having a conversation about an umbrella? No talk about jobs, the sequester, marriage equality, homelessness, education, but about umbrellas. The inmates are running the asylum.

  36. Anonymous1:22 PM


    You have to check C4Pee site on their take on umbrella gate. They are NUTS.

  37. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Gee, what IS the difference here?

    Well one of them fellers don't look like the others. Am I right Sarah?

  38. Anonymous1:59 PM

    What's the difference in that top picture?

    Looking at the picture of the four presidents, it looks like one of them.....

    Doesn't part his hair....

    Isn't old, white and wrinkly....

  39. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Pixk me! Pick me!

    I know the difference.

    One guy is is dead
    One guy is on his death bed
    One guy can't chew gum and tie his shoes at the same time

    The last guy who has a job is responsible for cleaning up the mess the other three guys left behind.

  40. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I saw the picture and I'm ashamed to say that at my age I never noticed the umbrella as that hunky marine stole my attention. Forget that I'm old enough to be his mother but darn they look good in their dress uniforms. I think Sarah is just jealous those warriors are not around her.

    1. I do believe you are correct.

  41. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Someone send Sarah Palin a tiara! She has officially won and earned the title of QUEEN ASSCLOWN.

    1. PalinsHoax7:18 PM

      Ummmmm. Shouldn't the Ol' Gasbag be sent a crown made of Tawdry's used condoms, as sash made of toilet paper, and a plunger as her scepter?

  42. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I know this is asking for a miracle, but Todd Palin, would you take one for the team and haul your grungy assed so called wife up to your remote Alaskan cabin for an entire week making sure she has no electronic communicating devices in her possession and have sex with her? Come on, you can do it fella! Just make believe it is Shailey! PS, I'll send you a case of ball gags!

  43. Anonymous5:01 PM

    It has been one week since Mother's Day and it has been nonstop dump on SarahPalin. I'm disappointed in Bristol, Willow and Track for not defending their mother's good name. Same for Sally, Chuckie, Todd and Sarah's siblings. Sarah Palin has not only done a lot for Alaska but for all her family members and friends as well. If no one will stand up for our beloved Sarah then I will. As one of Sarah's closest friends who has personally witnessed Sarah's generosity, I will share what Sarah has sacrificed for herself to do for Alaska, her family and others.

    Sorry Sarah, I got nothing.

  44. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Sarah Palin is intellectually and morally bankrupt, but she is a friggin' genius in one department: demagoguery. She is so d@mn effective at appealing to prejudices and ignorance because she doesn't have to pretend, she truly is one of them: their ignorance and prejudice is her ignorance and prejudice. Hence the unerring ability to zero in on the dog whistles: the privileged darkie children getting to see he world...the white Marine serving a black master...& etc. Everything small and petty and ugly about this country has crawled out from under a rock in the person of Sarah Palin.
    Such a shame the GOP is now being destroyed by the monster it created.

  45. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I love how calm and cool President Obama and Hillary Clinton are, after this past idiotic week.

    The Republicans/Teabaggers just can't keep their idiotic mouths shut! Think it's time they request and demand some of their party members shut the hell up which should include the idiotic Palin, McConnell, Boehner, Cantor, McCain, etc.

    All of them have NOT gotten over that President Obama was elected for a second term because he is well like by the majority of Americans.

    Republicans are going to lose their shirts AGAIN in the next election and it's going to be so much fun to watch. They have not changed one bit since President Obama was running for reelection. Not one lesson learned! And, they are the LAST party we want in office across the nation!

  46. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Umbrella Gate??? NOT
    Racism Gate???? ABSOlutely!

    The right/ TP /GnoP is outraged by the image of a WHITE man holding an umbrella for a BLACK man.

    End of story.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.