Saturday, May 25, 2013

Orthodox Christian ministers lead thousands in Georgia to assault and chase gay rights protestors. (Disclaimer: This is Russia not America.)

Courtesy of Global Post:  

Two dozen stunned pro-gay rights protesters stood in a stranger’s kitchen last week. Blood streamed down a young woman's face where it had been struck by a rock. 

Outside the building, an angry mob was gaining in numbers and ferocity as the protesters’ outnumbered police escorts frantically debated how to evacuate them. 

“All this crowd, like zombies, they simply wanted to kill us. Not beat or humiliate, they simply wanted to kill us,” said Nino Kharchilava, one of the protesters. “At some point, I definitely thought, ‘We’re going to die here, and that’s it.’” 

Using their bodies as shields, the police eventually formed a narrow corridor through the throng of Orthodox Christian counter-protesters to a minibus the police had appropriated for their ad hoc escape plan. 

A widely circulated video shows Orthodox protesters accompanied by priests assaulting the minibus, breaking windows with rocks and fists and trying to drag the terrified activists out as the van slowly made its way through the crowd. 

The confrontation took place on International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO), when Kharchilava and her fellow activists were headed toward a small rally in the center of the Georgian capital. They were representing the Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG), an NGO that promotes gender education. 

Tens of thousands of anti-gay protesters organized by priests thwarted the demonstration by breaking through police lines and chasing the activists. 

Twenty-eight people were injured in the incident, which drew condemnation from human rights organizations and Western embassies. 

Often I hear that there is a vast difference between Christianity and Islam, in that Christians are less likely to use violence in order to suppress opposition to their world view or kill those that they deem sinful, but in reality such is not the case.

It is not the religion itself which instructs its peaceful existence within the community, it is the community's demand that it curtail its more aggressive and judgmental components that determine how it interacts with those unlike themselves.

When there are fewer willing to challenge the religious leaders, nor any government willing to hold them accountable, THIS is the result.

An even more effective conduit for organizing and leading people other than politics, is through religion. And the battle for supremacy, and control of the populace, between those two factions is never ending. Fragile treaties are only established once one gains dominance over the other, as we saw happen when the Fundamentalists took over the Republican party in this country.

Don't think for a moment that if our government were suddenly rendered impotent, and unable to maintain order, that the most strident and radical among the religious leaders in this country would not establish their own version of order that would see the murder and torture of all who did not adhere to their faith or dared to challenge their right to lead.

Indeed the streets would run red with both non-Christian and Christian blood and it would all be done in the name of God. And the thickest pools of blood would belong to the homosexuals and atheists.

Why do YOU think the Right Wing is constantly trying to sabotage government?


  1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    How dare they condemn Islam, they are worse and their Preachers are Nuts.

  2. Balzafiar1:43 PM

    And...the priests are leading the charge because they are threatened by loss of control over the deluded multitudes.

  3. Anonymous1:52 PM

    "Let s/he who is without sin cast the first stone."

  4. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Very misleading headline. Luckily I noticed the Russian words at the top of the video. It implies it is Georgia, USA. There are many Orthodox Christians in this country too. Please try to select your words more carefully. It's universal. Christian or not, it's not right, but don't post something to get hits by your words.

  5. A J billings2:32 PM

    I thought the article was about Georgia USA at first glance, which didn't surprise me at all, had it happened in the USA.

    For "christians" to gather in a mob and stone, beat, or murder anyone not in their group, cult, or church would be perfectly in keeping with the xenophobic rhetoric preached from pulpits everywhere in the world.

    Racist and "religionist" people, and the christian dominionists want world domination, and if a few thousand or million atheists, jews, abortion doctors, or muslims get killed, what the hell, they had it comin', right?

    Anyone remember a famous poster and bumper sticker from the 60's marches against the war in VietNam?

    Kill a commie for christ!

  6. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Any form of groupthink is toxic and religion is just another example of groupthink. Anytime people refuse to think for themselves terrible things happen. I hope we humans can evolve beyond the need for religion soon because it causes so much pain and suffering.

  7. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Call me detail oriented or a bit more worldly than some, but when I see 'Kharchilava', 'Orthodox Christian',and 'Georgia', I thought 'that place that used to be part of the USSR, not the state in the southern part of the United States of America.

    Still no excuse for people who profess to be Christians to be attacking people who don't follow their religion.

    Archie Butt

  8. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Gays with Guns: A Growing Subculture?

    Gays and guns seem as likely to go together as Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey. As a culture, even under attack, we are a peaceful lot -- you catch more bees with honey, right?

    "Wrong," says Gwendolyn Patton of Pink Pistols, a group that advocates gun ownership for the LGBT community. With taglines like "pick on someone your own caliber," and "armed gays don’t get bashed," Patton says Pink Pistols changes the perception that gay people are easy victims.

    "We teach queers to shoot, and then we teach the rest of the world we’ve done it," Patton told WBEZ91.5, a public radio station in Chicago. "Because then they may think twice about using (LGBT people) as a target."

  9. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Occupy Oakland was treated worse by our own government than these protesters in Georgia were treated by a Christian mob. But lets focus some attention on this region of the world,it is very resource-rich. Maybe our troops can go in, or use our Al-Quaidah Muslim Jihadis to fight this anti-gay shit down. Nah, it's those right-wingers in America that caused this! Send in Obama with the drones! We are no longer at war with countries, WE FIGHT IDEOLOGY!

  10. Anonymous7:02 AM

    The Russian Orthodox Church does have its zealots even here in Alaska. I am not surprised in the least by this crazy turn of events in Georgia. The fundy side is incredibly reactive. Women who are menstruating are not allowed to come to mass.


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