One of the star-studded celebrities that attended game three of the Eastern Conference Finals between the Pacers/Heat was former GOP Vice Presidential candidate/governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin. Palin attended the game with her husband Todd and apparently, she was shown on the Conseco Fieldhouse videoboard during a stoppage of play in the fourth quarter. How do Indiana fans react to Saint Sarah? Well, let the fine folks over at the Daily Thunder tell you: Sarah Palin showed on the big screen and booed LOUDLY. — Royce Young (@dailythunder) May 27, 2013 Oh well, at least she can see Russia from her house….
Here is Royce Young's original tweet:
Sarah Palin showed on the big screen and booed LOUDLY.Which was followed by this tweet:
— Royce Young (@dailythunder) May 27, 2013
We're hearing reports that Sarah Palin got booed at the @pacers game. And she wasn't even wearing a @miamiheat jersey!Damn the jokes almost write themselves don't they?
— Indianapolis Star (@indystar) May 27, 2013
However the joke is not over as Palin was also interviewed on camera.
God that screech!
She was also interviewed by an intrepid print reporter from the Miami Herald:
ME: “Since you’re here sitting in the front row, I figured I would be remiss if I didn’t try to interview you.”
PALIN: “You can try. It’s your job.”
ME: “So, I guess what do you think of the game so far?”
PALIN: “We love the NBA. We love Indiana. We go back to being big Hoosier fans. So, anything that has to do with Indiana, we’re going to support, so coming here and rooting for the Pacers is kind of parlaying our love of Indiana.”
ME: “Were you here for the race?”
PALIN: “For the race and we were lucky enough to get to come to this game then, too.”
ME: “So, you did the Indianapolis double today.”
PALIN: “Yeah, this a dream come true for sports nuts like Todd and me. It’s really, it’s surreal.”
ME: “What did you do at the race? I covered the Daytona 500 one year when you were there.”
PALIN: “What we got to do is hang with Parnelli Jones and do a lap with Parnelli yesterday and it’s the 50th anniversary of his win in Indy, so that was cool to get to be with him. And then just to experience the race, something so iconic and all-Americana, something we grew up watching on TV all these years to be there today was spectacular.”
ME: “So, growing up in Alaska, who were some of your favorite NBA stars?”
TODD PALIN, interjecting: “Well, back in the day, Dr. J., Larry Bird, Magic…
PALIN: “Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, I mean the crew in the 80s, growing up in the 80s, you know. But all these guys today, these athletes are amazing athletes. And Miami is so doggone stacked, but the Pacers have this tenacious, scrappy, underdog persona that everybody’s going to root for.”
ME: “But you’ve got to be pulling for Miami, too, right? Because they’ve got an Alaskan on the team.”
PALIN: “We love Chalmers. Any of the Alaskan kids who make it so big, like Trajan Langdon and Carlos Boozer, all those guys we’re always going to root for, but when it comes to team, though, I’m always going to root for the underdog. Go Pacers!”
TODD PALIN: “I always like seven games in a series, though.”
PALIN: “That’s the thing. I just texted my girlfriend that hopefully it goes seven.”
ME: “So, where do you see your political future going?”
PALIN: “That’s up to the American people. And if they want to see positive change in this country, or if they want to just kind of keep embracing the status quo of going down the wrong road. It’s up to the American people and where someone’s political future is going to go.”
ME: “You got anything planned in the near future?”
PALIN: “Near future is helping change the senate in the 2014 races, get some good common sense conservatives elected.”
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Palin with young fan |
Well that should come as good news for their opponents, since virtually EVERYTHING she touches turns to mooseshit.
By the way the Pacers lost that game.
P.S. This really puts that Politico story down below into perspective doesn't it?
Betty Rubble ain't got no weddin' ring on.
ReplyDeleteShe hasn't worn her wedding ring for a couple of years now. I think ever since around Shailey Tripp time....
Deleteany audio/video of the braindead/crosseyed skank being roundly booed during her jumbotron intro ?
DeleteNow y'all know Baldy reads the comments expect her photo-shopper to release a pic of Baldy courtside at one of Piper's b-ball games on FB soon!
DeleteAlso expect her ghostwriter to post a comment by Father's Day about Creepy Sr's heart surgery and a whole lot of other gobbly gook of lies about how she helped him recover and whatnot!
She'll bring all this up at her screech at that high school graduation this Saturday! Amirite RAM or amirite! LOL!!!
One of the readers at another blog said they were on the plane with Todd; he flew into Phoenix, spent "over 20 minutes" in the airlines private men's room, then met-up with Sarah and continued on to Indy. THEY LIVE APART.
DeleteWas Sarah sitting on Todd's balls in her handbag? He quacks like a girl duck!
ReplyDeleteI really hate to comment only on the screeches, but my god they both sound like cartoon characters!
Deleteomg- I don't know who has the funnier voice, sarah or todd! hahahaha
ReplyDeleteHa Ha Ha
ReplyDeleteTODD PALIN, interjecting: “Well, back in the day, Dr. J., Larry Bird, Magic…
before Sarah could say Glen Rice
Pee Pond comments:-
DeleteJthom26837 • 39 minutes ago −
I can recall a certain article, 'The 7 most despicable Things The Liberals Have Done To Sarah Palin.' I thought of that piece as I watched Sarah and Todd having a lot of fun in the Hoosier state of Indiana. First, at The Indianapolis 500, then at The Miami 'Heat'- Indiana 'Pacers' NBA Playoff Game. The Old Saying goes: 'The best revenge is living well and doing great.' Sarah Palin and her family are doing just that at the Loony Libs' expense. Suck it up Commie lib trolls.
Oops!! I almost forgot: Good Morning Fellow Palinistas.
9 1 •Reply•Share ›
john norton Jthom26837 • 19 minutes ago
About the closest thing we have to a Royal Family...
He might not be aware of all the scandals
the Royal Family have had throughout the years.
I had the same reaction.
Delete“But you’ve got to be pulling for Miami, too, right?" (You just know there was a pregnant pause before he added) "Because they’ve got an Alaskan on the team.”
At that moment, you could see Sarah's butthole tighten thinking he was going to ask about Glen Rice.
I thought they missed their kids? Why not GO HOMR, and do us all a favor.
DeleteJohn Norton cracks me up as one of the BIGGEST Palin defenders. And after having checked out his Facebook page, he is EXACTLY the type of man that is attracted to the "persona" that Palin projects. An ugly, middle-aged guy who get horned up and feels sparkles in his pants when that bitch runs her mouth...
"john norton Jthom26837 • 19 minutes ago
DeleteAbout the closest thing we have to a Royal Family..."
- - -
Ooops. Looks like a couple of words are missing: about the closest thing we have to a Royal "F***-Up" of a family.
There, fixed it for ya.
Hmmm. I thought "John Norton" was the nom de plume of the banned "Exodus" at the peepond. I guess I could still be right, but either way, it really doesn't matter, as they're both nuts.
DeleteHowever, "John Norton" is right about one thing. The Palins ARE the closest thing THEY (the peepond) has to a Royal Family. They've elevated that dysfunctional mess of a "family" to such high levels, the peeponders no longer consider the Palins mere humans. I wouldn't be surprised to know that they regard the Palins as Gods and pray to them daily.
OMG - that guy gives me the skeevies!! Look at the filth on the front of that range, between the burners!! YUCK!
DeleteNope...Exodus has her own Facebook account to blabber on about..Friends lists can be VERY interesting...
DeleteWhat was that Sarah Palin said about not letting other people raise your kids? She certainly spends a lot of time away from hers, putting that responsibility on her own personal village.
ReplyDeletemore like her own personal vilage.
DeleteI don't like to put two Palin posts back to back, but there was really no way to ignore this.
ReplyDeleteIt just makes all of those who still think Palin has a viable political future, or positive media impact, look even more ridiculous.
ReplyDelete...I'm beginning to think that SHE thinks (emphasis on she and ONLY she) has a realistic chance at a run in 2016 and is trying to rebuild her connection to the public. Who else would say they love a state they have no connection with other than performing rock stars and aspiring politicians (she ain't the former).
Run baby, run!
DeleteNah... it's all part of her act. She's going to say just enough to string along her supporters so they keep sending in their PAC donations. In a few years, sometime in October 2016, she'll finally finish "praying" over her decision and supposedly talking with her family... and will decide to stay out of the Presidential run.
DeleteThen the peepond will have the same hissy-fit they had last October... and a few will walk off in a huff... and the moderators will announce it's "Time for a C4P Money Bomb for SarahPAC", the sheeple will all donate $20.16, and Sarah will buy a new pair of Louboutins as she trash-talks Hillary.
Remember also that Quitter Sarah said she KNEW that she could beat Barak Obama, yet later, she "decided"not to run. Yes, she's that delusional.
DeleteSarah Lou has an opinion of herself that is surpassed only by the fanbots that worship her and give her their Social Security checks so they can eat cat food and keep alive their fantasy of her being President. Granny Grifter is all too willing to tease them in order to spend their cash.
“Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, I mean the crew in the 80s, growing up in the 80s, you know. But all these guys today, these athletes are amazing athletes. And Miami is so doggone stacked, but the Pacers have this tenacious, scrappy, underdog persona that everybody’s going to root for.”
ReplyDeleteWTH!!! LMAO! Word Salad on overdrive. Oh, she forgot to mention Glen Rice.
So, she doesn't know what the word "persona" means, despite the fact that it's all she has to offer the world.
DeleteBasically, she's insulting the Pacers by suggesting their tenacity and scrappiness is only a facade.
It's so typical. People who aren't very smart, but who are crafty, throw out a lot of unnecessary multi-syllable words and unnecessarily complex sentences. Sarah Palin is an expert at it. That, coupled with the winking, lip licking, and "aw shucks," blood thirsty false patriotism, is what got her elected in Alaska and what got her so close to the White House.
And that is the reason we laugh at her rapidly dwindling fan base.
you forgot dressing like a whore and inflating the falsies.
DeleteApparently she doesn't know what "surreal" means either. How the hell would being at a normal basketball game be surreal unless the players started sprouting extra heads or something?
DeleteMaybe she sees extra heads. Who knows what she's hopped up on these days.
DeleteNotice how Todd jumps-in before she has a chance to respond because he KNOWS she can't name a single player - and then she re-states / parrots his response in return.
DeleteSarah sees extra black dicks everywhere. Not just when sitting on the front row at an NBA playoff game. But sitting close to the court allows her a better view, you know, with her wonky eye and everything.
DeleteIn Sarah's Fucked-up-fantasy-world (TM), she sees every move she makes in public as "beating" the black guy in the White House, earning herself the spot at the head of the table in American politics. This is the childish thought process of a woman who wasn't even offered entrance into the building during her own political party's convention last year.
Sarah, you're not a player in politics just because you fooled a plurality of Alaskans who hated the sitting governor of your state when you ran before quitting early in disgrace. And you're not an NBA expert just because you happened to fuck one when he was in college and you were assigned to interview him.
Go for it, Sarah! Endorse all your fav Senate candidates. The Sarah Palin kiss of death is just what we need to get those "common sense conservative" assclowns out of the Senate.
ReplyDeleteIconic - check. Surreal - check. Common sense - check. Love how Todd feeds her names because she can say "any of them, all of them."
ReplyDeleteI guess it's progress that old vein-y Lobster Hands Lou actually put the iPhone down, (even if, face up) on her lap for a photo-op.
ReplyDeleteEspecially wonky-eyed, this pic.
Someone do a Photo Shop of the screen with IM on it. She's so important that she has to be connected 24/7.
DeleteAnd what is with that rats' nest of hair? She has to keep up her public profile, so she will be showing up at everything she can wrangle an invitation to. I'm so disappointed that she's not going on her Hysterical Mystery Tour this summer.
The guy next to her is saying: "God ! What's that stink ? Did something crawl under my chair and die ? I paid $2,000 for a court-side seat and I have to put up with that smell. Security" !
DeleteGlenn Rice/Miami Heat. Todd avoided that Fiasco. Sarah was replaying her Glen Rice Sexcapade in that big Bobblehead.
ReplyDeleteHow the FUCK, does she honestly believe she represents "positive change," for this country? Seriously, how?
ReplyDeleteShe'd only progress the 'felled' policies of W., not that she'd understand them, but her gutteral instinct would lead us into war with South Korea and Iran by now, offering up her warrior body son to protect our 1st and 2nd Amendment freedoms and whatnot.
Her Drugged out 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT' son?
DeleteGreat point! She is deranged.!
DeletePALIN: “We love Chalmers. Any of the Alaskan kids who make it so big, like Trajan Langdon and Carlos Boozer, all those guys we’re always going to root for, but when it comes to team, though, I’m always going to root for the underdog. Go Pacers!”
ReplyDeleteThat was probably one of the most authentic, yet lucid statements I've ever heard the lunatic from Lake Lucille ever utter.
Yet, she couldn't tell Katie Couric what she reads or any Supreme Court decision she disagreed with or come up with a name of even one Founding Father to answer Glenn Beck.
DeleteSarah's channeling Uma Thurman with her Kill Bill jacket today? (Again and always Sarah, wrong call and much too young for you granny.)
ReplyDeleteGo away, screeching scarah! JUST GO AWAY!
ReplyDeleteAnother extravagant trip that sarahpac will pay for ? Boy, that 'postage' line is going to be HUGE next quarter !
ReplyDeleteJust another item for the I.R.S. to Audit.
DeleteShe'd better be careful about spending all that money. It's going out far faster than it's coming in these days, and it's not going to last forever.
DeleteIn her mind, all she has to do is say something political, and then she can rationalize billing SarahPAC for all expenses associated for the trip - including Todd's airfare into Phoenix from Anchorage so he could fly out with her to maintain that "loving couple" BS.
DeleteAfter being asked where does she see her political future going, she says that's up to the American people? That's a pretty cowardly answer.
ReplyDeleteA true brave patriot will make the effort to become part of the establishment in a democratic way, by serving in public Office. She can't do what she's been doing and think people are going to beg, beg, beg, her to serve.
Where is Sarah's servant's heart to serve? Does she think those veterans who served made such excuses? They didn't wait for the military to beg them to serve. They jumped right in and offered themselves without fanfare or public demand. They took risks, made sacrifices, and never looked back and didn't quit and do reality shows, and then expect people to beg beg beg them to re-enlist.
Does she really think she can fool people all the time?
"Does she really think she can fool people all the time?"
DeleteYes, yes, she really does. Her narcissism won't allow her to believe anything else.
in her head, she feels she is entitled to a high position. It doesn't have to be in government, she will settle for starring in a network reality show.
DeleteShe'll do anything as long as she doesn't have to work for it. She has peons for that.
What child is she wishing she had with her? The only child left is Piper.... Why isn't she with her parents at this time? Is she pregnant now too? Also??? Wink Wink You Betcha'
Right, and if she fails, it's not her fault, but "the American People."
DeleteThe pathetic thing is that she DOES fool people all of the time.
DeleteLook at the losers/dense nut jobs who actually send her money!!!
In the Pslin family pregnancy is refered to as "mono" doncha know? Maybe they are scouting for a trial husand for Bristles?
DeleteYeah, where the fuck's the fire in your belly, Bitch!
DeleteWell, if it's up to the American people to determine where her political future goes, we're all safe.
DeleteThe only people left who still support her aren't enough to get her elected to the Wasilla Summer Picnic Committee (if there was such a thing!).
Basically, she sees herself as the Tea Party version of Karl Rove. Period.
DeleteWho is taking care of trig while the Palins galavant around the country?
ReplyDeleteMost likely the mother of three, Bristol and her nanny
Deletehis mother Britta
Delete8:10, I like that, never thought of it.
DeleteGetting booed in the heart of a "red state" LMFAO.
ReplyDeleteAnd then telling a reported how much she loves Indiana and the Pacers. Hilarious!
DeleteOT -
ReplyDeleteWhen Sarah tries to look to the left, her eyes try to meet. Was that a message from Glen Rice on her phone?
ReplyDeleteIt is very important for SarahPalin© to go to basketball games because basketball is part of the SarahPalin© public image.
ReplyDeletealso her pubic image.
DeleteThat was very funny, 7:34 (I'm 7:23)
DeleteSince $arah never 'grew up' it must have been very hard for her to remember players during her growing up years. And such devoted basketball fans they are, remembering the 80s but how bout the many intervening years?? Been a whole lot of BB since then and last night's game.
ReplyDeleteThe 80s were the last time sarah and todd watched a bb game......
Deletefunny how $he didn't know jack shit about Mario Chalmers, i can guarantee $he's never heard his name before let alone him being a product of AK.
DeleteAlso Trajan Langdon's been outta the league for years.
The crosseyed skank grifter and her tenor voiced purse carryin' fake husband real life pimp todd are lyin' ignorant tax criminal AIP fuks
Groups Targeted by I.R.S. Tested Rules on Politics
ReplyDeleteWhen CVFC, a conservative veterans’ group in California, applied for tax-exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service, its biggest expenditure that year was several thousand dollars in radio ads backing a Republican candidate for Congress.
The Wetumpka Tea Party, from Alabama, sponsored training for a get-out-the-vote initiative dedicated to the “defeat of President Barack Obama” while the I.R.S. was weighing its application.
And the head of the Ohio Liberty Coalition, whose application languished with the I.R.S. for more than two years, sent out e-mails to members about Mitt Romney campaign events and organized members to distribute Mr. Romney’s presidential campaign literature.
Representatives of these organizations have cried foul in recent weeks about their treatment by the I.R.S., saying they were among dozens of conservative groups unfairly targeted by the agency, harassed with inappropriate questionnaires and put off for months or years as the agency delayed decisions on their applications.
But a close examination of these groups and others reveals an array of election activities that tax experts and former I.R.S. officials said would provide a legitimate basis for flagging them for closer review.
Great report.
DeleteAnd yet, the only group whose exemption was PULLED is a liberal group that wanted to provide training for female candidates...and they aren't squealing like a stuck pig.
DeleteWas Todd inhaling helium just before the interview? I've never heard his voice so high.
DeleteManxMamma, you crack me up! That was funny.
DeleteSitting with a vibrating dildo shoved up his ass is an excuse he'll use again just as he said when asked about his un-masculine tone as he was interviewed in his little-boy-playing-soldier reality role on the teeVee. Sarah is his beard, just as he is hers.
DeleteShe also happens to be his ATM, so he jumps to attention and grabs her purse to carry on command. Yeah, ole Todd is living "the good life". LOL
PALIN: “You can try. It’s your job.”
ReplyDeletewhat a maroon. and that's being kind.
"it's a great day for America." What the fuck? A basketball game? She is such a moron.
ReplyDeleteThere's a basketball game almost every day or night until the finals are over. Then, next season, there will be lots and lots of games, again. And, there's baseball, football, hockey, all great days for America.
DeleteI know. Everything has to include some stupid attempt at patriotism, though. Oh, but there was some stupid car thing the same day. Yay America.
DeleteHer brain is full of pithy statements like that and she can't function well enough to put any thought into what comes out.
DeleteIt's a great day for America? She must have watched Craig Ferguson last week in the motel. Sorry Sara, that line is already taken; might want to work on your own.
DeleteSarah also said that going to the Kentucky Derby was a once-in-a-lifetime event for her. No, it isn't. They hold that race every year, same time, same place.
DeleteWhere is Willow, the hair stylist? Calling Willow! Sarah's wig is falling off. Sarah's fans claim that is her real hair. No, it isn't. Please look at the middle photo (2nd from the top). You can see Sarah's hairline under the wig. Her hair is darker brown than the wig. Sarah is a fake.
ReplyDeleteSarah shows what a fake she is in other ways. She sounds like a high school kid, bluffing her way through a question in class. While claiming to have loved the NBA back then, she couldn't name a player without Todd jumping in and prompting Dr.J and Larry Bird. Yeah, any and all of them. And the way that Sarah talks. She sounds like a high school girl, stumbling over her words, "I am happy to get to come here." To get to come here? How about, "I'm happy to be here." That woman does not have a degree in journalism, communication or anything other than bluffing. And, she can't even fake that.
Toad came in and bailed her out like John McCain did in the second Couric interview.
DeleteCompare that picture to the pics took just a couple of days prior. Her hair was MUCH SHORTER just a few days before.
DeleteThe only basketball player she ever cared enough about to remember clearly is herself.
Delete@ 10:05 am - - Right, that and also Glenn Rice!!! LOL
Deleteomfg, comments are so funny today, props to everyone. Why not mention her favorite baller, Glen Rice? Shit, I'd be proud of that conquest if I bagged an NBA player.
ReplyDeleteVirginia Voter
I was so hoping the interviewer was going to come out with it: "Well, what about Glen Rice?" Right after Todd chimed in with Larry Bird and Magic. I would have paid for a moment like that.
DeleteMaybe Rice has a restraining order against them, forbidding them to even MENTION his name? Dallying with Failin' Pailin is hardly something to brag about, and he knows it.
DeleteWouldn't we all?!?! -:)
Delete@9:30 Glen's first year in the NBA was 89'. When Sarah said she was into 80's players the Herald interviewer should have mentioned Rice. Probably would have lost his job though.
Delete"We love Indiana. We go back to being big Hoosier fans. So, anything that has to do with Indiana, we’re going to support, so coming here and rooting for the Pacers is kind of parlaying our love of Indiana.”
ReplyDeleteThat kind of rules out Sarah and Todd attending any other NBA games, since she declared her love "that goes back to being big Hoosier fans." What does "goes back to being..." mean, anyway? Can't that woman speak English? Does that mean that when Sarah was a girl, watching the Kentucky Derby and the Indy 500 on TV all the time, she was also watching the Indiana pacers? Sarah is looking for any and every photo op because she has nothing to say, but her fans drool over her sexy, hot photos. Sarah is a celebrity-wannabe.
So she loves Alaska, then she loooooves Arizona, now she loooooves Indiana? Gearhead, gun nut, huntress, sports fan, special needs advocate, horsey enthusiast... jesus christ, what's next, a knitting convention? Betty crocker fair? She's gotta remind her base that she's female eventually, right?
Delete“We love the NBA. We love Indiana. We go back to being big Hoosier fans. So, anything that has to do with Indiana, we’re going to support, so coming here and rooting for the Pacers is kind of parlaying our love of Indiana.”
ReplyDeleteHa Ha Ha Ha no matter where Sarah goes she a fan of the venue she's attending. How can Sarah be a fan of Kentucky' Arizona, Indianapolis and all those other places when she can't tell anybody what she reads and doesn't know anything about history or countries? Sarah mentioning she's a Hoosier fan reminds me of her days where she wore her Christian cross one day and her Star of David the next. She just plays to the crowd.
Really, just insert _________ [name of city, state, venue] and say the same trite things about her phony connections to [city, state, venue].
DeleteToo bad the reporter didn't ask her what a Hoosier is. The blank look would have been priceless
DeleteSarah will be the die-hard fan of whatever team is playing that day. (And, they had better watch out because of the Palin Jinx. Indiana lost because Sarah claimed to have been following them since back then, forever).
DeleteNot to mention typically when you say your a Hoosier fan it means a fan of Indiana University, not the whole state.God she's an ass. Get her out of my state
Delete"So anything that has to do with Indiana we're going to support" so says the queen of skankenstein-well David letterman is from Indiana so where is her support of him?
DeleteDon't forget Sarah loves North Korea and hates President Obama.
DeleteHey Sarah, Hoosier son Tri-G's birth mother?
DeleteHoosier? Isn't them those fancy socks for wimmins?
DeleteHoosier? Ya mean like when you ask the hos Whose yer Pimp?
ME: “So, growing up in Alaska, who were some of your favorite NBA stars?”
ReplyDeleteTODD PALIN, interjecting: “Well, back in the day, Dr. J., Larry Bird, Magic…
PALIN: “Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, I mean the crew in the 80s, growing up in the 80s, you know. But all these guys today, these athletes are amazing athletes. And Miami is so doggone stacked, but the Pacers have this tenacious, scrappy, underdog persona that everybody’s going to root for.”
This is such a good comment that it bears repeating. "What was that Sarah Palin said about not letting other people raise your kids? She certainly spends a lot of time away from hers, putting that responsibility on her own personal village."
ReplyDeleteSarah brought Trig to sit in the audience of Dancing with the Stars, something he couldn't have been very interested in. He might have enjoyed watching the cars go round and round. He might have enjoyed watching a real live basketball game. But, Sarah needed to pose for photos, and Trig isn't the tiny little prop that he used to be.
Yes, I would like to know which member of the "village" is looking after Trig and Piper. And while we are at it, how about Sarah showing a little concern for her father. Chuck Jr. posted a comment yesterday that his father finally came home from the hospital after having complications. Complications following major heart surgery sounds serious, but Palin was trotting around the country for the last two weeks, posing for photos. Chuck wrote that his two aunts had to fly up to Alaska to look after his mother and his father. One of the Ten Commandments is to honor your mother and father. While other people look after Sarah's kids, she should at least make a ceremonial visit to see her father and mother. Maybe a photographer can capture her sincere concern (LOL) and they can have another photo op. Because that's all that Palin is, a PHOTO OP and nothing more. She hasn't been a long time Indiana fan. She doesn't take care of her own kids. And, when her mother and father needed some support, their own kids and grandkids were not there. Two aunts had to fly up to Alaska, while there are plenty of members of the family right there, up in Alaska. What a bunch. I wonder what Sarah will do to honor her father on Fathers Day! Or will they turn that day into another fake snow mobile ride for the "Happy Family." What a fake!
Wasn't it for FAMILY reasons that she chose to sit out the 2012 election, and didn't FAMILY mean TRIG? I guess it did in everyone's mind except Palin's. The boy sure as hell is not the focus of her life. No room for anybody but the bitch herself and that ugly lapdog of a husband/enabler/walker.
DeleteHip replacement, which Sally Heath underwent, has a four-month recovery period... Where's $arah?
DeleteAbusive household, the classic signs sexual or otherwise.
DeleteI bet she IS a lontime Indiana fan..I bet she cheered every time Bobby Knight threw a chair and swore at the refs, not to mention when he abused his players. But it is funny how she and Toad are always 'longtime, TV fans' of whatever even they get themselves invited to, isn't it? Someone will put together her quotes from the past five years at these things...I bet there
Deletearen't two words that change. "dream come true,' "really surreal," "iconic Americana." Geez, she's a walking dicitonary of Trite phrases.
Absolutely! Why couldn't the Heath family make arrangements to care for the elder Heaths in their time of need, instead of flying up two elderly aunts? Did Sarah ever once facebook post or tweet about their surgeries?
DeleteWhat are they doing out of state when the family probably needs help? Didn't she tweet a few months back about her surprise that her sister went running in a marathon in Lousiana and didn't stay for her surprise birthday party? Sounds like the big happy family aren't all that close and there's some serious conflict with the Heath girls.
They are probably fed up having to do everything for Sarah all the time.
Screech being booed by rill amurikans in the heartland....priceless
ReplyDeleteHer face is so puffy and those jowls sure are hanging ,,probably loose from those flapping jaws that never shut up
ReplyDeleteCheck out her illiterate and nasty (of course) inaccurate Facebook post. The woman is beyond stupid.
ReplyDeleteFuck you John McCain.
Ugly cow looks more and more like Chuckie.
ReplyDeleteIt's a contest. To me, she looks like Sally Heath every time we see her
DeleteEither way, ignoring appearances, she comes from a very murky gene pool.
My sister moved out to Indiana about a year ago and told me that Sarah Palin is extremely unpopular there. I was surprised because it is a red state but they can't stand her so it's no surprise she got booed.
ReplyDeleteRed state in 2012, but blue in 2008, no?
DeleteCorrect. Indiana votes Blue in the urban areas and red in the rural areas. A born and raised Hoosier here and while we can be idiots (Dan Burton) most times you try and trifle with the voters your ass gets handed to you (Mourdock). The Senators are split and we do have one of the 2 House Reps that is a Muslim (Andre Carson- my current rep and a good man)
DeleteMeant to mention this for awhile, but don't the C4Pers know that by taking on the 'Palinista' monicker seems to align them with the 'Sandinistas'....freakin' Communists!....who overthrew the Saint Reagan-backed 'Contras'?
ReplyDeleteOh, forgot, they don't 'do' (or understand) irony.
LOL, the Palin curse has been conveyed to the Indiana Pacers now. Put me down for five dimes on the Heat.
ReplyDeleteSo I guess she didn't get invited back to Rolling Thunder so she could be in D.C. and try to upstage POTUS.
ReplyDelete$arah would have been met head-on by Virginia Voter. ;-)
DeleteVV was so HOPING that $arah wouldn't come to DC or VA this weekend!
Sarah is a one time only Rolling Thunder Photo Op.
DeleteLove how Todd quickly jumps in to preempt Sarah's "all of 'em, any of 'em that have been on top of me over all these years" response.
DeleteAnd TAWD seen slinking through the Sea-Tac with his cap pulled low lest he be recognized.
DeleteWhat's wrong, Tawd? Scared we know you're divorced and why you travel alone coach? Scared we know you're a pimp? What ever happened to your airport bullying???
How the self-important have fallen. "Have you SEEN Tawd?" Yes, $arah, we have, you too, and you're nothing but a bunch of cowards.
The bucks are drying up, aren't they? BOOING well deserved and of your own doing.
LOL @ the Toad sneaking through the airport!
DeleteOh how the tables have Baldy is PIMPING the Toad!
I wonder if Baldy pay's the Toad 40 dollars (ask Shailey about that price) for his "appearance fee's"....ROFLMAO!!!
@10:03 AM
DeleteSlinking through the airport with a twenty minute stop in the mensroom to get his tonsils hosed down.
Sarah Do you miss your good time with Glen Rice? Remember him, Todd? Don't you wish that you could compare your 'LITTLE SELF' to Glenn Rice and those other Athletes? Does Sarah call out names of other men in her sleep? OOPS, she does not sleep in the same bed as you, right Todd?
ReplyDeleteWhen asked who her favorite players are ....
ReplyDeleteSarah said, "Glen Rice because he tasted good, and he filled me up".
Good to the last drop!
DeleteHer cup (vajayjay) runneth over
DeleteMmmm mmmm good
DeleteFinger lickin' good.
DeleteGlenn Rice must of been good the way. Sarah still licks her lips.
DeleteJust think if Sarah had the Miami Heat in her sister's Alaska college dorm room?
DeleteIt would have been like she died and went to heaven.
Sarah said, "All of them, any of them ballers who has been inside me!"
DeleteGlen Rice was Sarah's first Big Gulp.
DeleteComment from the pond re the President's Memorial day speech
ReplyDelete"First the umbrella, then no salute....and now this. I'm so upset, I literally have no words."
Amazing how THIS upsets the right more than oh, say Sanford's adultery or the Bush/Cheney lies that killed thousands.
lostinmn9:29 AM
ReplyDeleteToo bad the reporter didn't ask her what a Hoosier is. The blank look would have been priceless
Ummmm I'll hafta get back to ya
Her eyes are beginning to look like Calista's and she has a trout pout now. Must have had more work done.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she's been polishing somebody's knob?
Delete"We love Indiana. We go back to being big Hoosier fans. So, anything that has to do with Indiana, we’re going to support, so coming here and rooting for the Pacers is kind of parlaying our love of Indiana.”
ReplyDeleteIsn't it amazing, that wherever she goes, she makes a statement like the above quote, only the name of the location/state/town is different!!!
"We love (fill in the blanks). We go back to being big _____ fans. So, anything that has to do with _____ we’re going to support, so coming here and rooting for the _____ is kind of parlaying our love of _____.”
DeleteParlaying their love of Indiana by watching a basket ball game??
From the free dictionary: Parlay: To bet (an original wager and its winnings) on a subsequent event. 2. To maneuver (an asset) to great advantage. This is the way Sarah Palin rolls.
Bwahahaha Sarah said that Todd and Sarah are sports fan. How come Sarah goes to the lower 48 to watch black NBA players but missed a lot of Piper Diaper's basketball games? Did Sarah even go to one game?
ReplyDeletedoes Piper really play basketball? She's 12 years old....where does she play? At the school she doesn't attend?
DeleteJust 'cuz screechy says she's a player, doesn't make it so.
It is offensive that a sport like basketball is used, over and over, for political purposes. If you love to play the game, you’d never play with Sarah Palin. If you love to watch the game you’d never watch with Palin. The only person who plays the sport in her family is Piper. Piper was home alone. If she was lucky her mom sent her a text to let her know who won.
Well, you know, since the time time Piper shoved the reporters and had her 4-inch heels in the kitchen, doing flash cards when she should have KNOWN them already, for a 'public' education she should have been getting.....
DeleteI feel for her the WORST.
Where is her wedding rings? I have not seen them for months now.
ReplyDeleteAsk Glenn Rice to spread his ass cheeks. It may pop out.
DeleteThey are no longer married and haven't been for some time. Smoke and mirrors.
Deletewere they ever married? Let's not forget that when she ran for Mayor, she accused her opponent of a fake marriage. She has perfected the art of projection.
DeleteShe stopped wearing her wedding ring a couple years back, about the time Shailey Tripp's name appeared in public.
DeleteShe accused her opponent of a fake marriage and being Jewish because of his last name. Everyone forgets that last one.
DeleteME: “So, growing up in Alaska, who were some of your favorite NBA stars?”
ReplyDeletePALIN: “Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, I mean the crew in the 80s, growing up in the 80s, you know. But all these guys today, these athletes are amazing athletes. And Miami is so doggone stacked, but the Pacers have this tenacious, scrappy, underdog persona that everybody’s going to root for.”
Awwww come on Sarah you chicken shit. I bet if Sarah had one more wine cooler she would had said her favorite NBA players are the long and black ones.
I'll show Todd. He screwed prostitutes and now he has to sit here watching me cream in my panties watching all these black manly athletes run up and down the court with their swinging manhoods.
ReplyDeleteWho says Todd isn't creaming in his panties watching the cute black basketball players?
DeleteWhat a funky thought.
DeleteFunky but realistic. Todd's a bottom for life. Sarah's just his beard and a source for providing his pimping franchise with "seed money" to get it going.
DeletePiper plays basketball, too bad she missed the game. Well somebody has to stay home to watch and feed Tri-G while Sarah has her photo ops.
ReplyDeleteYOWZA!!! Did that 'first DUD' (sic) breathe some helium before screeching??? Those two are in the same octave, at least one or two above everyone else...
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for their kids, having to listen to these screeches day-in, day-out. Can you imagine how high it gets when they bitch at each other and start throwing cans at the fridge?
It's his silk undies choking his balls
DeleteAnonymous1:16 PM
DeleteIt's his silk undies choking his balls
Don't think so. Todd's balls are in Sarah's purse.
Top picture caption:
ReplyDeleteThat one Tawd, I want that one.
Tawd loves his hair styling gel.
ReplyDeleteThat's not styling gel. It's Todd's hand harvested special blend from his buddies.
DeleteTodd learned how to tame his hair from Something About Mary, which has been a real time-saver by reducing his laundry duty, especially wash cloths.
DeleteLike an insecure, selfish 15- year old who always calls "shotgun" so he can sit in the front seat, Todd always calls "pivot man in the middle" any time his "buddies" "come" over for a circle-jerk.
DeleteOk, all three of those replies LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteSarah Palin said she is a sports fan? Has anybody seen Sarah at a Alaska college basketball game besides the times she orally interviewed the college basketball athletes back in the day?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin was let go, or fired, from Channel 2 TV - Anchorage, AK where they had her as a sports announcer for a brief time. She didn't last long at the job!!!! But, what is new?
DeleteGryphen described Sarah at a basketball game. She had brought Trig along when he was much younger (and couldn't have cared much about basketball). Gryphen noticed that when the crowd cheered and roared, making some pretty loud noises, Trig did not react, giving some people the impression that Trig might be deaf.
DeleteConfirmation? Chuck Heath Sr. gave a radio interview where he said that Trig, at age 5 could say three or four words. That doesn't say much for Trig's therapy and confirms Gryphen's observation of Trig at the basketball game. Maybe that's why Palin didn't bring Trig to Indy or the Pacer-Heat game. It would be obvious to people that he wasn't reacting to the noise of the sports events.
We also have to wonder how much Trig can see without his glasses. To answer the original question, I doubt that Palin will be attending college games. She was there to have her picture taken. That crap about being an Indianapolis fan from way back is just more of her crap.
DeleteIf Trig is deaf or nearly deaf and they didn't do a cochlear implant, 4 or 5 words at the age of five would be awesome. But who knows?
$arah HAS no common sense. PERIOD.
ReplyDeleteHey!! In the second photo Ol' $carah looks like she has just spotted Glen Rice sitting in the stands on the other side of the court.
ReplyDeleteIs she pointing Glen out to Tawdry in the first photo?
Fake tits only take her so far.
ReplyDeleteTodd said: "We'll, we've been basketball players through high school, some college . . . .
ReplyDeleteWTF? Todd didn't go to college. As for Sarah, I wasn't aware she played any basketball at any of the four schools she attended.
She went to 6 colleges.She wanted a brooaadd education.
DeleteTodd is 5'6". He may played Nerf basketball in high school.
DeleteTodd was a excellent HS basketball player. One of the best in the state of Alaska when he played for Wasilla
DeleteTodd can't spell College. How about his HEELEECOPTER adventures?
ReplyDeleteThey both are such one even knew Sarah Palin attended college (supposedly) until she was put on McCain's ticket. When she ran for gov. in Alaska it was never mentioned if you can believe that!
ReplyDeleteTodd didn't attend college anywhere in the USA - let alone Alaska. Did he even graduate from high school?
most people don't call two years of varied courses at 5 schools a college degree. Perhaps her father told her she was smart and that all she had to do was attend classes to pass. She is mentally deficient, incapable of writing an essay, never mind a thesis.
DeleteMaybe if she goes to school for a few more years, she'll finally obtain an Associates Degree.
"Perhaps her father told her she was smart and that all she had to do was attend classes to pass."
DeleteI doubt if that's what Chuck, Sr. told her she needed to do to pass. I suspect he gave her a different suggestion.
"So Palin is going to help "change the Senate" by getting some "good commons sense conservatives elected?"
ReplyDelete"Well that should come as good news for their opponents, since virtually EVERYTHING she touches turns to mooseshit."
It sure does. And it did in Indiana in 2012 for the GOP! How hilarious she brought this up in, of all places, Indiana. And how quickly she forgot it was Democrat Joe Donnelly for the WIN after she helped depose beloved, long-time GOP Senator Dick Lugar with vagina-hating Richard Mourdoch!
Yeah she does have fish lips!
ReplyDeleteWhen you're a Tea Partier and you get booed in Indianapolis there is really not much further you can fall.
ReplyDeleteThere's always federal prison. I have a feeling that's next.
DeleteHer political career came to a screeching halt when it was revealed that as a 23 yr old sports journalist, she slept with a teenage basketball player whom she was covering. You would think she would avoid showing up at a nationally televised basketball games. Especially in Indiana, where everyone still remembers when Glen Rice played at Michigan.
ReplyDeleteShe's been booed at an NHL game, a MLB game, and a NBA game. Now all she has to do is attend an NFL game and she might break some Guinness world record.
ReplyDeleteAny of the fellas in Wasilla booed Sarah's sexual performance? Is she as enthusiastic as Bristol or is she like a dead fish that only goes with the flow?
Deleteshow me where she was booed at the Pacers game please
DeleteI don't see the video where she got booed. Hope its true but would like to see proof.
ReplyDeleteAt Michelle Malkin's site she's blaming it on liberals!! She's obviously never been to a Pacers game.
ReplyDeleteAnybody hear "A Prairie Home Companion" over the weekend? If not, check out the "Guy Noir" skit. They openly parody Palin quite well! (Kinda hide her identity by referring to Bachmann but you can clearly tell it's supposed to be Palin). Check it out, it gets really funny @ 17:45:
You know, Palin never gives a shout out or credit to whomever or those that pay her way to all these events she attends. Because you know, Sarah and Toad never pay for any of these trips...Please, Sarah, no shout out or thanks to those that pay your way to those events, ever???