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Take heart men, no matter how small your penis is you know it is more impressive than whatever is barely dangling between the legs of these guys! |
Libertarian activist and radio host Adam Kokesh is hoping to get 1,000 people to march on Washington on July 4 — armed with loaded rifles. The plan, launched with a Facebook group today, is to gather on the Virginia side of the Potomac, where gun laws are lax, and then march across the bridge with loaded rifles slung over their shoulders into the District, where openly carrying weapons is generally prohibited.
“This will be a non-violent event,” the Facebook group warns, “unless the government chooses to make it violent.” Already, over 200 people have said they’ll attend the march. Here’s the message:
"On the morning of July 4, 2013, Independence Day, we will muster at the National Cemetery & at noon we will step off to march across the Memorial Bridge, down Independence Avenue, around the Capitol, the Supreme Court, & the White House, then peacefully return to Virginia across the Memorial Bridge. This is an act of civil disobedience, not a permitted event. We will march with rifles loaded & slung across our backs to put the government on notice that we will not be intimidated & cower in submission to tyranny. We are marching to mark the high water mark of government & to turn the tide. This will be a non-violent event, unless the government chooses to make it violent. Should we meet physical resistance, we will peacefully turn back, having shown that free people are not welcome in Washington, & returning with the resolve that the politicians, bureaucrats, & enforcers of the federal government will not be welcome in the land of the free."
Kokesh is a former Marine who was discharged in 2007 after violating the military’s code against engaging in political activity while in uniform. Kokesh was highly active in the antiwar movement after serving in Iraq, participating in numerous protests and getting arrested on occasion.
He started an anti-government radio show as the Tea Party picked up steam and was eventually picked up by RT, the news channel funded by the Russian government that is often critical of U.S. policy, where he promoted both the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street in a worldview that some sociologists describe as “fusion paranoia,” a visceral anti-governmentalism that isn’t limited to typical left-right divides.
Yeah this guy is some piece of work, and has apparently not learned the Schaeffer Cox lesson.
When the government comes to take your guns, you can shoot government agents, or submit to slavery.People are always so muy macho on Twitter aren't they?
— Adam Kokesh (@adamkokesh) May 3, 2013
Kind of makes me wish that I could be there to watch this bunch of dipshits stumbling down the road, all winded and out of breath, while their assault rifles drag along the ground behind them. I seriously doubt that most of the half dozen or so guys who will actually show up to this thing have walked a distance like this since before they got their personal mobility devices from the Scooter Store.
By the time they reach the White House most of them will be begging the police to handcuff them for civil disobedience just so they can get a lift back to their cars.
Is it legal to foment an armed revolt over the airwaves? I would think not and home that Mr. Kokesh gets silenced.
They just arrested some teenager for far less than this, and nothing to do with guns, just some vague "F*** government" stuff on his FB page (when will people learn that FB is truly bad for this country?) So a kid gets arrested and the NRA and this numbskull can tell people to load up and march on DC on a holiday when there will be millions of people there, and they are just being citizens? Something is wrong with the GOP...very very wrong.
DeleteNothing says a peaceful, non-violent march like having a loaded weapon at the ready... Imagine if Dr. King had marched on Washington fully armed.
DeleteHey Sarah likes to walk (since she gave up running in the air over curbs.) Sarah likes guns. Trigger still fits in his stroller. Todd has loaded rifles. Bristol and Willow, Piper and Track, and the assorted grandyunguns, all love guns and freedoms and whatnot..and I hear there are now baby pink and blue glocks available. I mean, it sounds like the perfect venue for the Palin clan to celebrate freedom day, doesn't it? And golly, if they 'meet resistance' and turn tail and run, why she knows all about quitting too. Hey, Sarah, why didn't YOU think of this first? You have a couple hundred dupes who would come.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant takedown, Gryph!
ReplyDelete"This is an act of civil disobedience, not a permitted event."
ReplyDeletealso known as a quick ticket to jail
Yeah, you gotta have a permit to march. And good luck getting one for the fourth of July. If he tries to do something like this without one, then he is asking for trouble on purpose and doesn't care who gets hurt so long as he can be martyred. Such a jackass.
DeleteM from MD
He is DOUBLY asking for trouble, because they will march not only with weapons, but with LOADED weapons. The police has been forewarned, but if I were them, I would ask the National Guard to come and keep the peace by turning those lunatics around before they even get onto that bridge...
DeleteDon't they have to have a permit to march? What city, in their right mind, is going to give a gun-toting band of angry men a permit to march in their city? It' just the "Klan" with guns. Hate groups are funny, aren't they?
ReplyDeleteWhat would happen if 1000 American citizens, who happened to be tradiitonal muslims with beards, demanded the right to march through Washington with loaded guns?
ReplyDeleteOr 1000 African Americans or 1000 Native Americans? SInce the advent of the teabaggers (thanks to the Koch Brothers) there has been such a spike in calls for armed rebellion. Remember Michele Bachmann on the steps of the Capitol Building? It is simply so outrageous to me. . . .
Joe Miller going to hook his wagon onto this armed parade?
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of losers, who think they are greater patriots than us, who won't tote semi-automatic weapons in public and dare the government to escalate things into armed insurrection. These guys are itching for their piddly revolution.
is this the future of the RIGHT WING in the US?
ReplyDeletethe FASCIST stink has been building for a while, and now with the recent NRA-stoked, grotesque gun pornography, it may not be long for these to go completely off the rails and turn murderous.
as to the "churchianity" the profess to hide their hate and racism:
Adolf Hitler:
“My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter.
It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.
In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders.
How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross.
As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.
And as a man I have the duty to see to it that human society does not suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did the civilization of the ancient world some two thousand years ago — a civilization which was driven to its ruin through this same Jewish people."
LOL! If these idiots think they can muster with loaded guns at the National Cemetery then they are truly stupid and delusional. These dumb-asses will be greeted alright, but not the way they think! Make some popcorn and watch the show...hahaha!
ReplyDeleteI suspect this idiot is just using "provocation" tactics in order to get the D.C. police and (he hopes) the National Guard to use their weapons to stop Kokesh and his be-rifled hangers-on. Then he can claim that his "freedom" is truly being curtailed.
ReplyDeleteOr else he simply wants attention! I also suspect he will get many thousands of marchers, and if Washington is smart, they'll find a way to stop the march long before it begins.
As with $kank demanding President Obama act NOW over something that didn't happen, attention is what he wants. They will be ignored just like she was.
DeleteI would love to see these idiots met on the bridge by ten times as many people holding flowers.
ReplyDeleteWould make for some good photos, dontcha think???
this is the best idea I've heard. do to them like we do to the WBC freaks; surround them with peaceful resistance and don't let them get close to their intended target.
Deleteflowers everywhere......
I think that is an excellent idea. Usually the best response is to ignore displays like this (as parents of pre-schoolers would probably already know) but in this case, a peaceful, visual response is in order. Like you say, it would make for some good photos. Nothing would need to be said, the pictures would just say it all.
DeleteIn the same way that our Constitution allows Nazis parades, Ku Klux Klan rallies and the Westboro Baptist Church protests, these gun idiots will be seen as being just as crazy. A mass of people holding flowers would be the best response. These extremists want to be met by police and want confrontation - they are itching for a fight. But if they are met by a bunch of flower wielding peace-lovers who are too smart to give them the fight they are looking for, I think the contrast will be apparent to most people. I mean, look how well things are going for Westboro Baptist these days.
I hope someone picks up on your idea.
I was also going to suggest bringing lots of babies and young children, but I remember what these yahoos did to the moms and kids who were attending a gun safety rally in Indianapolis recently. They want a violent reaction to their presence so badly I'd be afraid for the safety of the children.
@anonymous 10:24 - Bad idea, these people love their guns more than they love their OWN children, I'm sure they wouldn't think twice about hurting someone else's kids.
DeleteUnleash the Kraken..!So many malcontents,so little time.......
ReplyDeletewhen are these people going to get off the freakin clown car??
ReplyDeleteI am entirely astounded at the rabid thinking of this idiot. While I endorse the Occupy movement and the "Out of Iraq" antiwar movement, I am totally against these fools marching on Washington DC in arms. Are they just TRYING to get shot? or to terrify other citizens?
ReplyDeleteI know I felt much safer when I trusted my fellow citizens were not carrying firearms in ordinary circumstances.
And where were these asshats when the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were being desecrated by Bush the Younger and "Big Dick" Cheney???
You know, people have been coming to events with guns at least as long as Mr. Obama has been in office, and while we talk about it, and grump about it, it still happens. No-one stops it, or obstructs it, and the crowds around the one holding the gun just let the nut be. So, what are the gun protesters really protesting? We let them have their rallies, and talk smack about our president, and yet, they still think they have to do a "cold dead hands" snook at us. they are too weird. I say let's do like the poster who suggested meeting them with flowers; let's invite them to supper and a game of wiffle ball.
ReplyDeleteWith even two hundred armed marchers there is bound to be accidental weapons discharges with mistaken safety position, guys wanting to do more than just "pack" his weapon, twitchy trigger finger syndrome, etc. If one guy fires his penis off, oops, I mean, his gun off, it could start a panic firefight that could predictably kill hundreds. This freedom for irresponsible people to pack loaded weapons and protest in anger has to be curtailed and regulated for the safety of all. This is just ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteI'll tell you what fun is:my dad had to get rid of his guns when I reported him and got him convicted of a felony for domestic abuse. In many states that works. Know an abuser? Report.
ReplyDeleteNRA’s New President Wants To Lead The ‘Culture War’ Against ‘Fake President’ Obama
ReplyDeleteThe incoming leader of the National Rifle Association has a long history with the powerful gun rights lobby and a penchant for bold statements that are sure to enflame an already explosive national debate over gun control.
James Porter, an Alabama attorney and first vice president of the NRA, assumes the presidency on Monday after the group’s national convention wraps up in Houston. He didn’t wait until then to ignite a new furor over gun control, telling the NRA grass-roots organizers on Friday they are the front line of a “culture war” that goes beyond gun rights.
“(You) here in this room are the fighters for freedom. We are the protectors,” Porter said.
Porter, 64, whose father was NRA president from 1959-1961, is part of the small, Birmingham, Ala., law firm of Porter, Porter & Hassinger. The firm’s website notes its expertise in defending gun manufacturers in lawsuits.
Porter takes over the organization as the NRA finds itself in a national fight over gun control in Washington, D.C., and state capitols around the country. The NRA had a major victory regarding gun control with the defeat in the U.S. Senate of a bill that would have expanded background checks for gun sales. But it lost ground in some places as several states passed laws expanding background checks and banning large ammunition magazines after December’s mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school.
Glen Caroline, director of the NRA’s grass-roots division, noted the coming fight over gun control in the 2014 elections. “Our senators are on record. They cannot hide from those votes,” Caroline said.
As shown by his “culture war” comment Friday and others in his past, Porter’s style is likely to be one that fans the flames of an emotionally combustible debate.
Porter has called President Barack Obama a “fake president,” Attorney General Eric Holder “rabidly un-American” and the U.S. Civil War the “War of Northern Aggression.” On Friday, he repeated his call for training every U.S. citizen in the use of standard military firearms, to allow them to defend themselves against tyranny.
Gun control advocates say Porter makes outgoing NRA President David Keene look like a moderate on gun issues, even though Keene had said the NRA would try to punish lawmakers who voted in favor of expanded background checks and other gun control measures.
Keene had worked to offer a softer, if equally staunch voice for the gun lobby’s ideas when compared with Wayne LaPierre, the fiery executive vice president who remains the NRA’s most prominent voice on the public stage.
Porter as president, “pulls (the NRA) more into the extremist camp,” said Josh Horwitz, executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. “With Jim Porter, they’ve gone full crazy.”
But Porter was greeted with rousing applause at the grass-roots organizing meeting, and several in attendance called out, “Hey Big Jim!,” as he walked through the crowd.
What are the odds that Porter is going to make his rabid followers worse even as he drives out all of the northerners and any rationally minded members they have left?
DeleteM from MD
Depending on how many show up, one or two tanks ought to take care of them. And a steamroller, also, too.
ReplyDeleteI was working in DC in the late 60s/early 70s when college students declared they were going to shut DC down. From the Virginia end of Memorial Bridge, around Lincoln Memorial Circle, and all the way down Constitution Avenue to the Capitol were armed soldiers about arm's length apart. I expect all the other bridges were similarly defended, but I only drove Memorial Bridge as my work was a block from the White House. It was an impressive, reassuring, and intimidating display. If these, ummm, men, think they're going to get into the District on July 4 in broad daylight, they are dumber than dumb. Do they have any idea how long their little march is?
ReplyDeleteI sense a few Darwin award winners in the making with this stunt.
ReplyDeletei so hope these dirt bag inbred tea_tards attempt this
ReplyDelete'This is an act of civil disobedience, not a permitted event. We will march with rifles loaded & slung across our backs to put the government on notice that we will not be intimidated & cower in submission to tyranny'
ReplyDeleteGoodluck asshole on this one.
Crap, there are idiots everywhere trying to garner some type of pathetic attention.
Hmm, Fourth of July, let's think this out...
ReplyDeleteWhat if someone tossed a firecracker in this crowd? They'd all shit their pants and/or kill each other.
Proceed, Mr Kokesh!
His name is similar to the guy in Waco (remember him?) and it didn't turn out well for him.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, though, I think we are getting to the boiling point. The NRA is obviously using their power to ramp up their members. Are they trying to start a civil war? Is it time for the US Government to use the law to stop them? I hope there are high-level meetings in DC discussing how to stop this nonsense.
The fools who 'think' they need a gun or 10 have fallen hook line and sinker for the skillful marketing techniques of the NRA.