Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Stop Patriarchy has a message for America: "Fetuses are NOT babies. Abortion is NOT murder. Women are NOT incubators."

I am not the best person to discuss the subject of abortion as I do not have a uterus or even one fallopian tube, but what I do know is that I have NO right to tell a woman what to do with their bodies.

This group is made up of individuals who do have both fallopian tubes and uteri, and their message is a little more forceful.  

Abortion on Demand and Without Apology 
For Every Woman In Every State 
The Reversal of Abortion and Birth Control Rights Must Stop Now! 
Reproductive rights are in a state of emergency. 

Abortion is an issue that divides this country. This is no accident. How one thinks and feels about abortion flows fundamentally from how one views women. 

We recognize that women are full human beings who must have the right – through unrestricted and unstigmatized access to birth control and abortion – to decide for themselves when and whether they will have children. We reject the view that a woman's highest purpose and fundamental “duty” is to bear children, even those she does not want or cannot care for. 

For decades, a movement which calls itself “pro-life” has unleashed violence against abortion providers, shamed and humiliated women, and relentlessly restricted access to abortion, especially for poor women. 

Over 80% of abortion clinics have experienced violence, threats, or harassment; eight doctors and staff have been murdered. Today, 97% of rural counties have no abortion provider. One in four poor women who seeks an abortion cannot afford it and is forced to have a child she does not want. Five states have only one abortion clinic left. 

This assault has intensified, not slowed, under the Presidency of Obama. 2011 and 2012 saw record new legal restrictions on abortion. Already this year, 278 bills have been introduced to further restrict abortion, including laws set to go into effect that would shut down the last clinic in North Dakota on August 1. Added to this, the Obama administration has fought relentlessly to keep emergency contraception ("Morning After Pill") off the shelves and out of the hands of the women and girls who desperately need it. 

Reproductive rights are in a state of emergency. 

If this direction is not reversed, women face being returned to the situation that prevailed for millennia – until only very recently – being forced to subordinate their dreams in order to have children against their will, or to risk their lives to avoid this. We are headed towards a situation like that in El Salvador where women face long imprisonment for abortion and where nurses and doctors must either turn women in or risk being imprisoned themselves. 

This assault on the right to choose abortion is not driven by “concern for babies” or women. The fact is, this “pro-life” movement stands unanimous in its opposition to birth control and comprehensive sex education, the most effective means of preventing unwanted pregnancies. Republican leaders in this movement have fanned hatred of women by shaming women who have sex, belittling the monstrous crime of rape, and in other ways. 

The truth is: Fetuses are NOT babies. Abortion is NOT murder. Women are NOT incubators. 

For too long, millions have watched in alarm as yesterday's outrageous and unthinkable attack has become today's “compromise position” and tomorrow's limit of what can be imagined. This dynamic must be broken. The political leaders of the Democratic Party cannot be relied on to do this. While posing as the last bastion of defense against these attacks, these “leaders” have in fact seriously undermined reproductive rights by seeking “common ground” with fascists and religious fanatics, by ceding the moral high ground, by severing abortion from women's emancipation and by refusing to stand up when abortion providers are murdered. 

We must rely on ourselves. We call on people everywhere to: 

  • defend abortion providers who are under attack 
  • speak openly and positively about abortion, including their own 
  • mobilize mass protest against every new attack wherever it takes place 
  • Finally, and most importantly, find the ways to come together to wage a determined fight to defeat this entire war on women 

This July and August, there will be an abortion rights caravan traveling across this country to many places where attacks are most severe, including being in North Dakota on August 1st when new laws are set to go into effect that would criminalize abortion after six weeks and shut down the last clinic in the state. We support this action as well as other efforts across the country to defend abortion providers and defeat similar laws in other states. We pledge to resist and call on all who care about freedom, justice, and women's lives to do the same! 

Forced motherhood is female enslavement. 

Abortion On Demand and Without Apology!

Okay, well there is NOTHING unequivocal about that!

Look nobody, nobody and I mean NOBODY, wants to increase the number of abortions in this country. As President Bill Clinton once said, abortion should be "safe, legal, and rare."

But the way to get there is NOT by making access more difficult, while also cutting funding to Planned Parenthood, and taking sex education out of the schools. The way to get there is to provide women who need the service access to it without shame or recrimination, while also providing numerous avenues to become educated on safe sex, avoiding unwanted pregnancy, and protecting yourself against STDs.

Which, if I am not mistaken, is exactly what the progressives in this country have been fighting for all along. Perhaps it would be helpful if women could temember THAT come election time!

P.S. to sign Stop Patriarchy's petition, just click here.


  1. Randall2:58 AM

    Wouldn't you love to see someone pull a sort-of guerilla tactic against the forced-birth crowd?

    Sometime where there's a protest against abortion:
    Take a clipboard around and ask all of the "anti-abortion" women of child-bearing age to sign up for "foetal-transplant".

    "Save a life!
    Have one of these to-be aborted babies transplanted to YOUR uterus!"

    "Prove your conviction:

    They remove the fetus from the mother that doesn't want it (Godless bitch) and surgically implant it into YOUR WOMB!
    Praise GOD!

    PROVE you have the courage of your convictions!
    Undergo the procedure (or shut the fuck up)!

    OK - maybe not the STFU part...
    but you see what I mean.
    Wouldn't it be interesting to see how many signed up once it was their body and future on the line?

    I don't think it would work if it were a grey-haired, cynical old bastard like myself carrying the clipboard. No...

    I think it would work best if the person carrying the sign-up sheet were a really sincere-looking, conservatively dressed young woman (and maybe wearing a small gold cross on a necklace?) who could claim that hers was the first name on the list!

    heh heh heh

    1. I'd be happy if they just adopted every single baby.

      Tell them they're on a list and every time a woman comes in for an abortion, they can stop it simply by agreeing to adopt her child.

      Then we'll see how soon they start to shut TF up.

  2. Gryphen, I grant you one (1) honorary Fallopian tube for posting this post. Use it wisely! ;-)

  3. Anonymous3:06 AM

    thank you Gryphen, for this. Very powerful stuff. I am signing the petition now.

  4. BabyRaptor3:26 AM

    In unrelated but unarguably good news, Michele Bachmann has announced (at 2Am her time, when nobody was listening) that she will not be seeking re-election.

    Everybody pop open a bottle of your favourite drink. This is a cause for celebration!

  5. Dinty3:28 AM

    OT, but HUGE: Bachmann just tapped the mat for 2014:

  6. Michelle Bachmann is not running for re-election! Could it be that she will run for senate? One of the most staunch anti-abortion supporters may follow Sarah Palin into political oblivion.

    Oh, happy day.

  7. Thank you for posting this. I just signed the petition. A woman's right to a safe abortion is something I am passionate about. In 1942 my aunt was pregnant and single. Irish Roman Catholic she did the only thing available to her and had a back room abortion. She died a horrible death shortly there after from infection at 22 years of age. We don't want to return to those dark days...She died ten years before my birth. The family never spoke of her. I was 10 years old before I even knew she existed. I like to think I'm giving her a voice for a cause I know she would be in the front lines of...

    1. Anonymous4:59 AM

      Thank you. Someone needs to stand up for her.

  8. Anonymous6:46 AM

    If things keep going as they are - abortions will go underground again if they haven't already. Women will find ways to obtain them and I suspect there will be 'real' doctors doing them. Years ago abortions were obtained that were not a health issue - they just weren't legal.

    Men/Republicans should stop encroaching in the productive affairs of women. Is anyone detesting Republicans throughout the nation as much as I? I so hope many of them are dropped in Congress and as governors of many of the states throughout the country when they come up for reelection. They obstruct and literally are a pain in the ass!

  9. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I see no reason why abortions should be "rarer" than any other necessary medical procedure.

    Think about what you're saying when you quote President Obama's "rare" statement. The underlying message is still that abortions are shameful and only to be had as the very last resort.


    If women are to have total, unapologetic, unequivocal control of their bodies, we need to stop with the "abortions should be rare" caveat. That is nothing but a sop to anti-choicers, and they deserve NO sop.

  10. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Wow! Powerful stuff. I've been hoping to hear something like this for a long time. Anti-abortion activists have so successfully stigmatized abortion that the pro-choice crowd doesn't even realize when then take an apologetic stance.

    Like this:

    "Look nobody, nobody and I mean NOBODY, wants to increase the number of abortions in this country."

    You're in good company, Gryphen. Even Planned Parenthood representatives always repeat something similar to your statement and always emphasize that abortion is just a small part of their practice.

  11. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I was so encouraged by Stop Patriarchy's strong position on abortion and then see they're as adamantly anti-pornography. This is perplexing from a civil rights angle. I don't see that they have anything to say about human trafficking and rape.

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Check out Stop Patriarchy's Call to Action:

      Talks about rape, human trafficking, pornography, and how we need to fight back!

      After a strong call to action, the very end of statement clarifies what some have misrepresented RE: pornography.

      "Our purpose is NOT to lobby for new legislation to ban pornography (“decency laws” have always served to further repress homosexuality, boundary-challenging art, and scientific sex education). We oppose the criminalization of women in the sex industry.

      Our mission is to challenge the new generation in particular to reject this culture of rape and pornography, to resist the shaming of women who have sex and/or abortions, to wage fierce cultural and political resistance to wake others up, and to celebrate, fight for, and win the full equality and liberation of women."

  12. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Within hours of being uploaded to YouTube, a video analyzing the portrayal of women in video games was removed for an alleged “Terms of Service” violation.

    Anita Sarkeesian, the feminist media critic behind the video, suspected the video was flagged by angry gamers.

    “Looks like my harassers abused YouTube’s flag function to get my new Tropes vs Women video removed. Not the first time it’s happened,” her website Feminist Frequency tweeted. “We are looking into the issue and will update you all as soon as we know the full story and can get the video restored,” it added.

    After appealing “the bogus terms of service violation takedown” the video was restored to YouTube.

    Sarkeesian became the target of an intimidation campaign after launching a fundraiser for her “Tropes vs. Women in Games” project.

    Gamers were apparently enraged by the idea that someone intended to highlight sexist themes and narratives in their favorite form of media. Sarkeesian was threatened with murder and rape, hackers attempted to breach her website, and fake pornographic images of her were posted online. A web-based game that involved beating up Sarkeesian was even published on NewGrounds.

    Her first video, published in March, investigated how the “Damsel in Distress” trope was utilized in video game storylines. Sarkeesian’s latest video examined the “Damsel in the Refrigerator” trope, in which women were victimized as a means to harm — and motivate — a male protagonist.

    Watch the video below:

    1. Anonymous4:58 AM

      This is an outrage!

  13. Anonymous10:55 AM

    As long as both sides take an all-or-nothing stance on the abortion issue, it will never be resolved and always a good way for special interest groups politicians to raise money.

    Let's just be honest about it: a clump of cells stuck on a uterine wall is no more a person than the blood I donated last week, but on the other hand, a healthy full-term fetus is no less a person than a newborn just because it hasn't move 4 inches down through some lady's hoo-haa.

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Either women have control of their bodies or they don't. For you to imply there is any halfway point where negotiation with anti-choicers is possible is ludicrous. They are ANTI-CHOICE. PERIOD.

      Furthermore, NO ONE is suggesting that full-term fetuses be aborted. We are discussing woman's right to abort a fetus that is too undeveloped to survive outside her uterus. No one is talking about full term abortion. No one. Except YOU.

    2. BabyRaptor4:48 PM

      And no pro-choicer would claim otherwise. Hence why full term babies are *delivered* if health issues arise instead of aborted.

      The crap you're spewing is a pro-forced birther lie to demonize pro-choicers, much like the claim that women go out and abort on a whim because they're tired of being pregnant, or that "most" women who have abortions use it as birth control.

      You're not doing anyone any favours when you give their side credibility.

    3. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Thanks for the label BabyRaptor, even though it is not at all based in fact! Makes it easier to call someone a "pro-forced birther" instead of actually considering the points I make--it does a great job however of demonstrating that both sides are stuck on the edges of extremism and neither wants to deal in reality.

  14. If these Lifers/Talibangelicals really wanted to reduce the number of abortions, they'd make sex ed mandatory in every grade and all forms of birth control would be free on demand and I mean FREE. No payment required, no I.D., just take it and go.

    The fact that it is not means that the pro-life movement has nothing to do with life and everything to do with control.

    Just as rape has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with violence the pro-life movement has nothing to do with the life of a potential person and everything to do with controlling the lives of existing female persons.

    This is about the subjugation of women. Plain and simple. Two sides of the same coin. Rape is about subjugating and committing violence on a woman singly and the anti-abortion crowd is about subjugating, controlling and in some cases committing violence on women as an entire group.

  15. Anita Winecooler5:39 PM

    Thanks, I fully support their efforts, and I applaud your support of women's reproductive rights. This "personhood" bullshit has to stop.

  16. Anonymous10:41 PM

    This is ridiculous. I hate that my tax dollars support these "poor women" that are being "forced to be mothers" did I force them to have sex? No. There are plenty of people out there looking to adopt. I don't want to be paying for something I don't believe in. Why should I? If you don't want a baby or if you cant afford a baby, don't have sex. Simple as that.

    1. Anonymous1:22 AM

      I don't hear anyone asking you to pay for an abortion. I hear people talking about letting a woman have the right to make her own reproductive choices. Simple as that.

    2. Anonymous4:55 AM

      If the system managed to treat the father as fairly or equally as you are willing to do with the woman stuck with an unplanned pregnancy, than you have a right to be incensed. But our tax dollars fund enormously inhumane programs around the world and a large swath of religiosity is tax exempt to proselytize us free Americans.

  17. Anonymous3:59 AM

    The Hyde Amendment prohibits federal tax money to be spent on abortions. Anon 10:41 pm your "I hate my tax dollars" does not hold water.

    I see that you believe these women should just not have sex to avoid abortions. "Just say no" is not working on the drug problem, and "abstinance only" is not working on teenage pregnancy rates.

    EDUCATION and PREVENTION are the only actions that make a significant difference in lowering abortion rates. NO ONE has an abortion for fun.

    Plan B should be offered for FREE to woman who wants it; and men should be using condoms, unless they want to support and raise a child.

  18. "This group is made up of individuals who do have both fallopian tubes and uteri, and their message is a little more forceful. "

    This group is also yet another front group for the Bob Avakian's Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (

    It is certainly not necessary to agree with everything a group believes in or stands for in order to support some statement or cause, but the RCPUSA is quite literally pro-totalitarianism.

    This is kind of like finding a petition asking to increase government funding for science -- which I think is a great idea -- only to find out it is sponsored by a Lyndon LaRouche front group.

    Your mileage, however, may vary.


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