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"Yep Sarah I AM going to run again. Of course I'm that stupid!" |
It looks like it’s time to stop calling Joe Miller a former Senate candidate. The Alaska conservative activist who lost a 2010 bid for the Senate after besting incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski in a GOP primary, has filed a form indicating he intends to run for Senate again in 2014, according to documentation from the office of the Secretary of the Senate.
On May 2, Miller filed a Federal Election Commission Form 2 stating his intent to run for Senate next year. It’s a document that any candidate must complete upon receiving more than $5,000 in contributions to a political campaign or authorizing another party to take in over $5,000 in contributions.
The form states that Joseph W. Miller of Fairbanks, Alaska, plans to run for Senate as a Republican in 2014, and that Citizens for Joe Miller has been designated as his principal campaign committee.
You know it is times like this that I wish I could believe in a higher power. because I would really like to thank somebody for this.
I am so excited even my nipples are a little extra pointy after reading this.
Don't forget that recent polls show that in a match up Begich would lead Miller 58 to 30. That is not a contest that is a good old Alaska butt whooping!
Quick somebody get your Uncle Gryphen some popcorn! Gonna need a whole LOT of popcorn!
Boys and girls I promise, this is going to be so much fun it might turn out to be illegal!
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"Oh my god! What have I done?" |
What are the odds that this whole thing ends with him being arrested for one thing or another?
ReplyDeleteWhat's an unemployed dimwit to do? Grift!
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't have to win, just run for office.
Can't wait to hear more about what got him fired. More popcorn!
Fired?? I missed that one...
DeleteBachmann retiring and Miller running? Its like the GOP is trying to keep their crazy ledger leveled out.
DeleteWow. I wouldn't have thought there was anyone more delusional than Palin, but this guy might be it.
ReplyDeleteIn other News From The Dark Side:
ReplyDeleteDing! dong! The wicked witch of Minnesota announced she won't seek re-election of her House seat but has, instead, accepted a position as a greeter at the local Walmart. She's believed by some top conservative pundints to be close to endorsing Satan to replace her in the 2014 election.
Good luck to Shelley, Walmart and Satan!
Comments are brutal even on Politico
ReplyDeleteBut wait. It gets even better...according to cbc radio, Michelle Bachmann is NOT running!
ReplyDeleteAnd I am sure it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the investigation into her illegal campaign practices or the fact that the opponent who nearly beat her in the last election was planning to run against her in 2014.
DeleteThe RWNJ wackos in the 6th District will find someone just as batshit as Bachmann in their coven.
Joe thinks the job will be easy. Grab what you can get and stagger around like Don WTF Young. Both of these men like the idea of being Alaskans three time zones removed. Same with Prep School Murkowski, who is back walking six steps behind Miss McConnell, and parroting GOpr repressive garbage.
ReplyDeleteLisa Murkowski sucks too for Alaska. She's in the Congress that does zero, obstructs (she follows McConnell of all people!!!), sets their own salaries and does nothing for Alaska. She needs to be dumped next go around for her too!
DeleteLisa is terrible. I can't believe she suckered so many into writing her in with her lies of change. She became the same old Lisa M the minute she landed in DC. I have so many opportunities to say "I told you so" to friends who voted for Lisa M. In all fairness, they get to say 'I told you so" to me regarding Begich going to Washington and basically becoming a Republican! I hope there's a strong third party candidate running against Begich and Miller because I just can't stomach either one of them.
DeleteWait a second, didn't she come around on gay marriage? and seems to have realized her mistake on gun control?
DeleteSarah Palin time to shit or get off the toilet. You are all talk bitch.
Miller makes Palin look like an ass. At least he registered and is not all talk.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about "makes her look," she does a damn good job of it all on her own.
DeleteWith any luck there'll be even more nutjobs running for the nomination; Alaska has so many more Kochsuckers to choose from - it never gets dull.
ReplyDeleteWonder how much Alaskan money this guy will actually raise? Like Palin, the only people who think he's a good idea don't reside in Alaska.
ReplyDeleteOur 2nd Amendment militia types, Bible-beaters, scorched earth resource extractors and whatnot will support him. Perhaps Bristol might actually vote this time there too.
DeleteCan you mark your ballot with a crayon? Otherwise I don't see how Brisdull can gitrdun at that votin thingee.
DeleteI see the ignorant are out.
DeleteWe're always here, Bristol.
DeleteJoe always looks like he went down on Sarah ... and came up with it.
ReplyDeleteand Bristol.
DeleteThis doesn't even make sense.
DeletePalin won't run for anything. She's a cock tease stripper that wants people to throw money at her.
ReplyDeleteThat's her job.
I thought the term for Sarah Palin was 'prick teaser'!!!
DeleteSarah will you endorse Joe Miller a fellow Alaskan?
ReplyDeleteWait a second.
I'm sorry, Sarah turned Arizona on us.
Well, got to say that he's got more cajones than Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteThis is off topic - in a way.
Michelle Bachman has announced she will NOT run for re-election!!!!!!!!!!
Halle-frigging- lujah!
Joe Miller sucks the sweat off a dead man's balls. His antics and further revelations of what a fringe-whack-job he is is going to be entertaining, but the psycho's that support him are going to make things frightening.
DeleteAnon 5:57 Very colorful and visually scary description of JM. His Ken man looks are deceiving. I believe we need a full on blogger and media campaign to highlight his past F*ck ups, questionable associations and attack dog antics on the reported at Alaska Dispatch. We cannot allow him to slime his way into Alaskan politics, and have yet another arrogant nut job with power.
DeleteBegich's stiffest competition may be from Mayor Bloomberg. Mayors Against Illegal Guns isn't taking kindly to anyone who voted against the recent gun control bill. Hopefully Sen. Begich will get a chance to reconsider his vote if the bill is brought up again.
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm all against guns, I'm even more against electing Republicans to the Senate. If Begich runs for re-election please support him. God knows what will happen to this country if the Republicans control both the Senate and the House.
Begich is a turncoat and traitor to the progressive cause. Basically he and Miller and BOTH Republicans meaning I can't vote for either of them. Begich is going to have an uphill battle to win back support from Dems and left leaning independents. Caucusing with the Blue Dogs in DC may cost him this election, although he's pandered pretty hard to the far right so maybe he will get their votes.
DeleteSame for Joe Donelly in Indiana.
DeleteAarrrgh! It's so difficult being Sarah Palin sometimes!
ReplyDeleteJust as Michele Bachmann, queen bee of conspiracy theorists and radical Christianist tea party views, announces that she's out the door, leaving that position open for Sarah, suddenly Joe Miller pops again in her backyard.
How come they won't all leave the stage so the spotlight will only be on her?
Query: how does Alaska check up on residence, vis a vis those state fund checks given out each year? I'll bet the Palins still claim Wasilla as their legal address, but some states supervise this kind of thing quite carefully. If more than xxx number of days are spent at another residence in another state, then you belong to that state.
You're welcome, Arizona.
Last I looked, Michelle Bachman doesn't leave her seat open to Sarah Palin 6:00 AM.
DeleteThe position of "queen bee," not of U.S. Representative from Minnesota!
DeleteAre you kidding? DICK Lugar of Indiana didn't reside in Indiana for over thirty years. Had a Virginia address. Just owned farm property in Indiana.
Zoeller is a TEAThuglican Dickhead shill, BTW.
Well, they DO live in Alaska. The palins are no different from the dozens of other Alaskans who have homes in the states. The Paolettis spent oodles of time in Arizona and Vegas; they too were at that Scottsdale auction in January and Gino goes to school in Scottsdale.
DeleteGrow up
Is there a Stupid Factory up there, that keeps on producing these idiots? Alaskans, how stupid do you have to be, to keep on voting for them?
ReplyDeleteWHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!! The Loony Toon is OUT! Bet she's about to get seriously, legally nailed. Oh happy day for all of us, and especially Minnesota.
ReplyDeleteBachmann Says She Won’t Seek Re-Election
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), a leading figure within the tea party movement and a 2012 Republican presidential candidate, announced in a video message released Wednesday on her website that she will not seek re-election next year in Minnesota's sixth congressional district.
Bachmann, who was set for another re-match against Democratic hotel magnate Jim Graves in 2014, insisted that the decision had nothing to do with her electoral prospects. She narrowly defeated Graves last year and, facing a number of campaign finance investigations into her presidential bid, was considered potentially vulnerable. Bachmann also denied that the campaign finance probes played any role in her decision.
"This decision was not impacted in any way by the recent inquiries into the activities of my former presidential campaign," Bachmann said in the video.
Bachmann added that she will give serious consideration to any future opportunity, whether it's involved in politics or not, "if it can help save and protect our great nation."
She and Sarah Palin need to move to another galaxy, one that is far, far, far away from the rest of us here on planet Earth.
Alaskans should be embarrassed - some of the politicians they've had and have up there are horrible.
ReplyDeleteGood news today though is that Michelle Bachman is going to quit when her term in the US Congress is up - 2014. Yea!!! They were as nuts there to elect her as Alaska was Sarah Palin and Sean Parnell!
Its now time for her to get on the Palin Hoah circuit, and go after the money. These low lifes don't stand for anything. All they do is talk bullshit, and take their sucker's money. In the end, it is all about the almighty dollar for them, and they are willing to prostitute themselves to get it. Well Bitch, looks like you now have some competition for those grifting dollars.
DeleteThe sad thing is, she will still be on the public tit forever. Six years in congress is all it takes to get a pension. And there the medicaid funds from pray away the gay clinic. Government subsidies for the family farm. And of course the grifting circuit.
DeleteWE will still be paying Crazy Eyes forever.
True that, 6:40! Michelle would have the Bible Thumper section Locked Up!
DeleteShelly was just on Capitol Hill the other day asking God to take over! Crazy!
So, yeah, Michelle actually would have a shot as their new "Preach-ess"...
Michele Bachmann to leave Congress, insisting departure has nothing to do with ongoing ethics investigation
ReplyDeleteAccompanied by odd digitized theme music, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann announced early Wednesday morning via YouTube that she would not seek a fifth term in Congress. At this writing, comments for the ‘Team Bachmann‘ video have been disabled.
During her video presentation, Bachmann (R-Minn.) insisted that her announcement was not related to the ongoing ethics investigation regarding alleged misconduct during her failed attempt to win the 2012 Republican presidential primary
This time the man with the warrior body has to disclose what makes him 'severely' disabled, as he told Alaskan Phil Munger.
ReplyDeleteThe nerve of this guy, accusing Eric Holder, a man with a real job who doesn't fudge numbers on his popularity, of having "severe intellectual disability." Pot is kettle.
Study: PolitiFact Says Republicans Lie Three Times More Often Than Dems
Narcissistic? Check.
ReplyDeleteLazy? Check.
Greedy? Check.
Delusions of grandeur? Check.
Remember, this is the goofball who not only measured "his" Capitol office for drapes, but let everybody know.
And his sorry-ass work record and ethics challenges are a matter of public record.
Hell, he made election history by being spanked and sent home by a write-in candidate.
Anonymous 6:30 thanks for the reminder, and the link. It's too goo not to share:
Alaskan Senate hopeful and semi-bearded teabagger Joe Miller literally ran away from a question about his disabled-veteran status during last night’s “Meet and Greet” session in Anchorage. In a roomful of 50 people — most supporters and well wishers — Miller was asked to identify his service-connected disability and his official “percentage disabled.” Panic swept over Miller’s sweaty face.
Looking away from your correspondent, Miller yelped to no one in particular, “We’ve gotta go!” He then pointed to his wife and said, “Let’s move!” The Millers hustled to the back of the vacant strip mall office next to the pizza place and surrounded themselves with campaign staffers.
This time, Miller’s phalanx of creepy skinheads dressed as Secret Service agents — last seen assaulting and restraining a local journalist — were nowhere around. Your correspondent was able to escape unscathed.
A West Point graduate who served in the first Gulf War, Miller boasts of his military record in his radio and teevee ads, yet refuses to discuss the nature or the degree of his service-connected disabilities; he receives monthly tax-free payments for life as compensation. If Miller is classified as 30% or more disabled, he receives additional payments for each of his nine dependents. This Veterans Administration benefits chart shows that Miller could conceivably be bringing in over $4,000 a month, tax free, depending on his disability rating.
He needn’t report or declare this income. What are the disabilities for which Joe Miller receives tax-free payments? A Post Traumatic Stress Disorder diagnosis should concern voters more than say, hearing loss.
Yet when asked, Joe Miller froze for a moment and then fled like a guilty child.
Read more at http://wonkette.com/427531/wonkette-exclusive-joe-miller-runs-screeching-from-reporters-very-basic-question#HjOeH0rIoEFPybfl.99
DeleteThank you for giving actual information about Joe Miller not just calling him the names he deserves.
DeleteHis connection with convicted domestic terrorists is not going look reflect well on the national party.
ReplyDeleteProceed, vaguely-bearded one.
WTF Alaska? WTF?
ReplyDeleteANCHORAGE, Alaska -- A man suspected of beating an elderly Alaska couple to death and sexually assaulting their 2-year-old great-granddaughter over the weekend had been released from jail just hours earlier, according to Alaska Department of Corrections records.
Jerry Andrew Active, 24, was released from the Anchorage Correctional Complex where he was doing time for a probation violation shortly after 8 a.m. Saturday, according to the Anchorage Daily News (http://is.gd/aStH2b). The attacks on the couple and the toddler occurred less than 12 hours later after he got into an apartment on the east side of the city by climbing in through an open window, police said.
Active was arrested after the couple's grandson and his wife arrived home from a movie to find 71-year-old Touch Chea and his 73-year-old wife Sorn Sreap dead and the toddler being assaulted. The Associated Press typically doesn't name victims of sexual abuse.
Active has been charged with murder, sexual assault, sexual abuse of a minor and burglary. A judge set his bail at $1.5 million on Sunday.
He has been "in and out" of jail since 2007, Department of Corrections spokeswoman Kaci Schroeder said Monday.
In 2009, he was arrested for sneaking into a Togiak home and attempting to sexually assault an 11-year-old girl while the family slept, then assaulting three members of the household, according to a report from Alaska State Troopers. Togiak is a mostly Alaska Native community of more than 800 people in western Alaska.
He was convicted the next year in a Dillingham court on charges of attempted sexual abuse of a minor and trespassing. He was released on Oct. 2, 2011 and put on probation. But Schroeder said he violated his probation repeatedly, sometimes being re-arrested on the very day he got out of jail.
From Oct. 2, 2011 to when police arrested him Saturday, Active had spent 18 days on the outside, according to a timeline released by the Department of Corrections.
"He messed up quickly and repeatedly," Schroeder said, each time earning a new, short jail sentence.
On Saturday, he was released with an "approved housing plan," meaning the Corrections Department knew where he was supposed to be living, Schroeder said. The same was true with each of his prior releases.
Active wasn't required to report to a probation officer in person until the next business day, Schroeder said. That would have been Tuesday.
What kind of justice system do you guys have that this monster was let go on PROBATION? Is toddler rape just not such a big deal to you guys? What kind of hell hole is that state? It's no wonder you guys spawned the Palin witch, with that kind of law enforcement.
DeleteExcept Sarah would never condone that.
DeleteDo you guys in Alaska have any other politician rather than those idiots joe miller, sarah palin, and Lisa Murkowski? I'm not an Alaskan but so tired hearing about those assclowns.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he's planning to move to Minnesota and take Michelle Bachman's seat?
ReplyDeletefuk_tard carpet baggin' grifter's only doing it for what campaign contributions he can rat hole away ... asshole ought'a be behind bars for bustin' into the computers in squarebanks anyhow
ReplyDeleteI wonder if new campaigns can retire debt from old campaigns.Particularly if that debt is expenses from lawsuits.
ReplyDeleteThe morning Joe crew was pretty hard on Mrs. Palin today.
ReplyDeleteTime for our great fact finding Palin bloggers to launch an all out campaign in opposition to Joe Miller..he is a Palin without the heels.
ReplyDeleteWhat is with Joe Miller's appearance? He looks dirty with that facial hair and his chest hairs. Is he stuck in the 1980's Miami Vice look? Bet he doesn't wear socks either.
ReplyDeleteActually I thought Don Johnson was really hot with his casual appearance on Miami Vice. On Joe Miller, well, it is just gross.
He is duty bound to give back his West Point Ring because he lied and had done harm to our country. Going to wear that around any vet's Joe? Some one will do some ring tapping on your head you lying shit.
ReplyDeleteJoe's a good man.
ReplyDeletefuk off chuck_tard jr