Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bill Maher's final New Rule takes on Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, and those who fear Atheists.

Courtesy of Mediaite:Maher said that between Republicans talking about masturbating fetuses and Sarah Palin rejoining Fox News, “this kind of was Christmas in June.” But Texas took that to the extreme, passing a law that would make sure that no one would be punished for saying the phrase “Christmas tree” in a public school, even though that never happens. 

Maher mocked the comments Perry made at the bill’s signing, likening him to a “bimbo” and Miss Utah. Maher noted how Perry was flanked by six santas and a rabbi, because in America, “it doesn’t matter what you worship, as long as you worship somebody.” He argued that religious people don’t truly fear other religious people, but they do fear atheists.

I could not agree more.

By the way if HBO pulls the video up above you can still see it by clicking the Mediaite link at the top.


  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Love Bill Maher and his Friday night show!

    It is already apparent that whatever the 'retard' Sarah Palin says to, or about him, that he will not respond directly to her idiotic, typical male take downs! Love it, love it! He's going to dish out lines about her in other ways and it has already started. Clever, Mr. Bill Maher!

    Her being on FOX is going to give him more "Christmas presents" than he ever imagined and it's going to be a kick in the ass hearing his comedic thoughts. And, she'll deserve every friggin' bit of it!

  2. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Bill is always great and like the above poster said I love it that he doesn't respond to Palin. He knows that it what she want and he doesn't buy into her shit.

  3. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Boy, those angry tweets of Sarah's sure did the trick. That shut that sassy Bill Maher up-- not wait a minute-- he made two jokes about Palin. In one, she was as dumb as a beauty contestant who couldn't answer an easy question like, "What books do you read?" And the other, Sarah is back at Fox, Christmas in June, a gift to all comedians. Yeah, those tweets sure showed Bill!

  4. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Levi just posted a fb page about being sick of the trash talk from Brisol.

    I hope Levi blows the Palins up.

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      I hope so, too.

      It's about time he took Bristol back to court.

  5. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I have some new rules for Sarah and Bristol, since they claim that family is the most important thing in their lives. Here's a post from Chuck Heath Junior's porch: "Thanks Indie! Dad's getting a little stronger every day. We thought we were going to lose him a couple of times but he's really coming around."

    Your father/grandfather almost died a couple of times and where the Hell where you gals? Bristol can't be bothered to take care of her own son, so I don't see her putting in any Grandpa time. Sarah was running all over the country-- and don't tell me that she needed to earn the money for Chuckles' operation. He has medicare, unless Sarah has renounced all of that Socialist Communist Big Government Meddling in Our Affairs Free Money that her folks have been getting. (Tell them to give back their Social Security, too).

    Family family family, and Bristol forgot to wish her own father Happy Fathers Day. Her excuse was that he was in Arizona so she couldn't do anything for him. With that kind of major brain power at work, no wonder she doesn't know how to take care of Tripp. And as for her Grandfather, the guy who almost didn't make it a couple of times? Bristol, drive up the road and visit him! And bring your mother, too!

    1. Anita Winecooler10:53 PM

      Good Comment! Can't agree more. How does Todd's being in Arizona stop his first daughter from wishing him an AWESOME Father's day on Father's day? Guess she can't write unless daddy's across the lake.

  6. Anita Winecooler10:57 PM

    Bill always has his way with "digs", especially with Tundra Turd. Wonder what she'll tweet or facebook to retaliate? Oh, she can't because he'll ignore it!

    His points on Christmas are spot on. It's barely summer, can we wait for winter solstice first?

  7. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Wow, "almost didn't make it a couple of times."
    Our Sarah certainly has some major issues with her father, mother, and brother if she is so visibly all over the country, in Kentucky, Indiana, Arizona, Washington, New York, and can't find time to see her parents or even acknowledge their illnesses.
    Maybe Our Sarah doesn't love her family as much as they say, or she alleges. Can't wait to hear her stories about the jolly holidays (oops, Christmases) they all shared. She's just revealed that her memories will be all make-believe: you don't ignore your family when they need you, only to gush about them in print when you need to pretend that you care about them, or they you.

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Sarah loves only herself (and, even then, maybe just half the time).

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Ultimately, the facial and body language showing the interaction between the Palin family members in the funeral photos will be quite interesting.

  8. Anonymous7:18 AM

    The White House that never was: A behind-the-scenes tour of the would-be Romney administration

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    This Rare, Clear View Of Alaska Is A Bad Sign


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