Monday, June 24, 2013

Pretty much says it all.

Somebody really needs to explain to the Republicans that nobody is ignorant enough to believe that a party which votes AGAINST necessary social programs, and FOR every war that comes down the pike, is pro-life.

Well unless of course if you're a Republican that is.


  1. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Right, said Fred. [But not Fred Thompson, the actor/politican.]

  2. Anonymous5:47 AM

    So true.

  3. Anonymous9:16 AM

    The jig is up: I think it is quite obvious that the entire sham of wanting to protect unborn life which rightwingnuts claim as their reasoning, is bullshit, and they know it.

    It all revolves around wanting to punish women for daring to have sex.

    They are no doubt riddled with guilt over indulging in the act, themselves, being so far from the realm of well adjusted humans.

    So its easier for them to just blame the women.

    All of which is the reason the Republican party is becoming known as PRO RAPE.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.