Saturday, June 22, 2013

Rachel Maddow tracks the GOP War on Women, which has run into some rather dedicated opposition.

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If I have one goal in life, it is to help women to realize that they should NEVER vote Republican. And I mean never!

Not for school board.

Not for mayor.

Not for Congress.

Hell not even for dog catcher.

If we have learned nothing else these last few decades it should be that the GOP is all about controlling lady parts and protecting big business. So unless you are a big business owner with no uterus, you are voting against your best interests.


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Republican dogcatcher?

    If past is prescient, they would go after the bitches and let the males run free.

    Well..not the black males.

  2. There are a lot of people who are getting screwed by the GOP (men, women, whites, minorities, straight, gay) who keep voting for the GOP. I support you in your cause, but frankly if some people haven't figured it out by now, sometimes I wonder if they ever will.

    Keep in mind, when I write "people", I mean, you know, people: Arms, legs, head, torso, etc. Not corporations. Real people. Not paper people.

  3. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I have sworn, years ago, that I will never cast a vote for a Republican. In local elections, where candidates are theoretically non-partisan, I figure out what they are underneath the smooth talk.

  4. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Note: I don't know if this is true for all states, but in our state, the school board is not a party election. People tend to to acknowledge their party of choice.

    Usually, you can find out how they think by reading through the list of organizations that support the candidate. Oh, and if you read the candidate's statement, you can sometimes catch a clue. "I have been a dedicated homemaker throughout my children's childhood, finding my happiness in supporting my husband as he advances in his career, and in various church activities. Now that my children are grown, I want to assist all children to have the kind of education I wanted for mine..." That sort of thing.

    But it is important to realize that relatively few people are interested in the school board- it's completely not a glory position and it's not profitable. Therefore, it's easy to slip stealth candidates into office. And if you have a majority on the school board, you can choose not to continue the superintendent's contract, you can establish learning goals and buy curricular material. All it takes is 3 board members in place. And quite often, candidates may file for office and not run a campaign, trusting to church groups to round up voters by word of mouth.


  5. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Yep, that's just one of many wars the right wingers are up to:

    Still angry about the idea of an Islamic cultural center opening near Ground Zero, a group of Idaho gun enthusiasts decided to fight back with a new line of pork-laced bullets.

    South Fork Industries, based in Dalton Gardens, Idaho, claims its ammunition, called Jihawg Ammo, is a “defensive deterrent to those who violently act in the name of Islam.”

    The bullets are coated in pork-infused paint, which the company states makes the ammo “haram,” or unclean, and therefore will keep a Muslim who’s shot with one of the bullets from entering paradise.

    “With Jihawg Ammo, you don’t just kill an Islamist terrorist, you also send him to hell. That should give would-be martyrs something to think about before they launch an attack. If it ever becomes necessary to defend yourself and those around you our ammo works on two levels,” the company said in a press release earlier this month.

    The company’s website bills the bullets as “Peace Through Pork” and a “peaceful and natural deterrent to radical Islam.” There’s a related line of apparel that feature slogans like “Put Some Ham in MoHAMed” and a target poster that says “Give Em a Spankin with some Bacon.”

    “The nullifying principle of our product is only effective if you are attacked by an Islamist in Jihad,” the company’s website says. “Otherwise, our ammo functions just like any other ammunition, so we obviously insist upon defensive use of our ammo only-not offensive.”

  6. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Republicans Push 700 New Laws to Regulate Women’s Bodies

    In the first quarter of 2013, states have proposed 694 provisions related to a woman’s body, how she gets pregnant, or how she chooses to end that pregnancy.

    A new report released on Thursday by the Guttmacher Institute takes a comprehensive look at how the War on Women has continued past the election cycle and into 2013. It shows that the new legislatures across the country are still very much dedicated to restricting sex education, availability of medication, and abortion access for women. Indeed, 47 percent of the 694 provisions were directly related to abortion:

    During the first three months of 2013, legislators in 14 states introduced provisions seeking to ban abortion prior to viability. These bans fall into three categories: measures that would prohibit all abortions, those that would ban abortions after a specified point during the first trimester of pregnancy and those that would block abortions at 20 weeks after fertilization (the equivalent of 22 weeks after the woman’s last menstrual period, the conventional method physicians use to measure pregnancy). All of these proposals are in direct violation of U.S. Supreme Court decisions.

  7. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Violence Against Women at Epidemic Proportions

    “This is the moment where we say ‘no one is allowed to have their head in the sand, and no one is addressing women’s health if they aren’t addressing violence’.”

    Three in ten women worldwide have been punched, shoved, dragged, threatened with weapons, raped, or subjected to other violence from a current or former partner. Close to one in ten have been sexually assaulted by someone other than a partner. Of women who are murdered, more than one in three were killed by an intimate partner.

    These grim statistics come from the first global, systematic estimates of violence against women. Linked papers published today in The Lancet and Science assess, respectively, how often people are killed by their partners and how many women experience violence from them2. And an associated report and guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Swizerland, along with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the South African Medical Research Council in Pretoria, estimates how often women suffer sexual violence from someone other than a partner, gauge the impact of partner and non-partner violence on women’s health and advise health-care providers on how to support the victims.

    “These numbers should be a wake-up call. We want to highlight that this is a problem that occurs in all regions and it’s unacceptably high,” says Claudia GarcĂ­a-Moreno, a physician at WHO who coordinates research on gender violence and worked on all the publications.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.