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Don't just stand there, let's get to it. Strike a pose, there's nothing to it, Vogue! |
Courtesy of the Great Emulsifier's ghostwritten Facebook page:
Today marks the beginning of the week-long ceremonies commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. There will be a full re-enactment of the battle, discussions with panels of historians, and of course a re-reading of the Gettysburg Address. (An event that I know NOTHING about but it seems presidential if I make a big deal about it.)
But as Lincoln affirmed when he dedicated that hallowed ground, nothing we say or do can “add or detract” from the great sacrifice made there. Gettysburg was a defining moment in the history of our nation; and consequently, one of the most important battles in the history of mankind. (Yes it is the battle that helped to turn the tide of the Civil War and ensure that the Southern racists and religious fundamentalists would not be able to determine the fate of this great country. Are you SURE you, Sarah Palin, want to celebrate this?)
I’ve had the honor of visiting Gettysburg twice, most recently during the One Nation Bus Tour in 2011. (Hey yeah, remember that tour? That was the one where I was able to get my bus rented and decorated for free, and have the entire trip paid for by SarahPAC under the pretense that I was seriously considering a run for President. Ahh, good times!) I brought my family with me and we met other families—even meeting up with friends traveling from Wasilla—as we paid our respects to the monuments and patriot graves. It was important for me to bring the younger generation there in order to instill in them a sense of the duty we owe to the ordinary men who did extraordinary things to make us one nation. (Can you say family vaycay?)
On a sunny summer day there, despite the distance of a hundred and fifty years, you can somehow feel the “mystic cords of memory” binding us to that generation whose “hearts were touched with fire.” (Actually it's "mystic chords of memory" but since you never read it how could you know that? Dammit RAM you were supposed to do research!)
Just in case she has it changed and accuses me of lying.
I felt it myself when I visited that day a few years ago.I felt it when I prayed at Little Round Top in gratitude to the unflinching courage of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and his men from Maine who held the line when the fate of the battle, and hence the nation, was at stake. I felt it when I looked out across the field where Pickett’s Charge took place and contemplated the doomed valor of those men of Old Virginia. I felt it when I stood at the High Water Mark, where Alonzo Cushing gave his life to repel the furthest advance of the Confederate cause and thus end the three-day battle. (Glorifying the Northern oppressors over the Southern rebels? Well there goes your Tea party support moron.)
Gettysburg is where we truly became one nation. It was the decisive battle of a war in which we righted the unfinished business of our founding by freeing those whose enslavement was our greatest shame.
Yes the battle helped to free the African slaves, who in 1870 were given the right to vote, and they used that right in 2008 to turn out en masse and help to elect one Barack Hussein Obama and kick your skinny ass to the curb. How you liking the Battle of Gettysburg now?
Somehow I don't think that Palin really thought this Facebook post through.
Not only did she misquote Lincoln, but she is essentially celebrating a battle that the South is till very defensive about. They do not exactly share the positive view of its outcome with those of us in the North.
In fact it was only last month that new NRA President Jim Porter referred to it in a speech as the "War of Northern Aggression."
And perhaps Palin did not get the memo, but MOST of her support comes from those who hate having a black man in the White House, don't trust Washington D.C., and like their religion misogynist and oppressive. You know, Southerners.
I swear if there were nothing stupid to say, this woman would have NO reason to open her mouth.
Update: Well apparently SOMEBODY has paid us a visit today.
"Shh, act natural. Probably nobody else besides those assholes at IM even noticed anything. After all, OUR people aren't very bright."
Gryphen, a lot of the south believes the USA is still embroiled in the Civil War...and that the south is winning.
ReplyDeleteWell Paling just told them they lost.
DeleteThey should LOVE her for that.
Let's see, they call it the War of Northern Aggression even though it was South Carolina who seceded from the Union, followed by the other southern states of Dixie. The Voting Rights Act was meant to correct the wrongs in the southern part of the United States.
DeleteIt's not good to say "a lot of" or "most of" or to group people together. Even people who grew up in racist areas and haven't been able to evolve for whatever reason are nice people. Theres no need to malign them. smh
DeleteHate breeds hate. As long as Gryphen remains a wholly negative and rude person, attracting malicious followers, he will never know love or acceptance. Or think intelligently.
Yes that is true, but South Carolina was happy enough to just leave things the way they were once they seceded from the Union. Then the other states followed SC and the North then got all bent out of shape. They then sent troops down to beat us into submission for not wanting to be part of the US. After that it was all down hill and you know the rest of the story. And damn that Grant for burning his way through Georgia and for destroying Atlanta in his march.
DeleteAnonymous7:30 PM
DeleteWell....well...well....looks like Krazy Krusty KatieDyd got her crazy comments posted! Too bad you couldn't get anything posted on the Sadie post huh dummy! LOL!!
What's the matter Krust/KatieDum....did the Asylum get tired of your passive aggressive comments over there?
I noticed that you kept trying to tell the patients to ignore the hilarious "Up arrow" names dogging Baldy's racist ass! Too bad those nutbars are like a dog chasing their tails and can't help themselves...so you finally had to give up in frustration on how stupid Baldy's Bots are huh? LOL!!!
Here...how bout I give you a nice "smh" to get you on your merry way since you're into that kind of thing....
*GinaM gives Krusty and all the voices in her head one big HUGE*
S M A C K!
Oh, 7:30 troll....
Delete"Even people who grew up in racist areas and haven't been able to evolve for whatever reason are nice people."
Um, you just scolded Gryphen for generalizing and now you're doing it. No, many "unevolved racists" are NOT nice people, and even if they are, that's no excuse. They don't deserve to be maligned? Isn't racism inherently maligning other people for the color of their skin and/or their ethnic origins? So you think that's okay as long as "nice" people do it?
Have you lived in the deep South? Because I have. There are plenty of people who use their "niceness" as an insidious cover/ justification for their racism and bigotry. (Paula Deen comes to mind.) I knew "nice" people who were actually just malicious and passive-aggressive, including about racial issues. I also knew good people who were not at all racist. Some of them had grown up in the deep South and had the integrity and intelligence to think for themselves and conclude that racism is wrong.
No matter where you come from, racism is neither excusable nor inevitable.
As for your other comment, "As long as Gryphen remains a wholly negative and rude person, attracting malicious followers, he will never know love or acceptance."
You're projecting, as usual. Um, do you READ any non-Palin posts on this blog? Gryphen has a daughter who adores him and seems to lead a pretty darn happy and fulfilling life, surrounded by people who love and accept him.
Not enough anger, bile and venom in this Facebook post to get national coverage.
ReplyDeleteExactly! She's in desperation mode with her silly Facebook postings & tweets.
DeleteI am ordering some of them mystic cords. Heard they burn good in fireplace.
ReplyDeleteSarah .. you are a MORAN
A great example of why spellcheck can never replace the good old human brain, and the good old human hands that can take a dictionary off a shelf and look up a word, or scroll through a computer dictionary to do the same.
Delete"Hmmm, I'm trying to look all smart and stuff, so "mystic cords" seems sort of religious-like....I wonder what a mystic cord might be. Oh well, I'll just stick it in here because it sounds vaguely impressive."
"Cords," Sarah?
If you followed the mystic chords link, "mystic chords "was plagiarized the ghost writer/or Sarah couldn't even copy it right.
DeleteSome day she's going to say something that pisses off the idiot brigade, and this could actually be the day. I actually think she has a bad week ahead this week.
ReplyDeleteI think that she must have pissed off her fans who either live in the South physically (or mentally). Paula Deen isn't the only one with that kind of thinking.
DeleteSlightly o/t: have you noticed that Paula Deen's last book was called a "Bible" of southern cooking, and the one that Ballantine Books just rejected was the "New Testament" of southern cooking.
DeleteYou'd think her fans would be up in arms about her sacrilege, while the rest of us can be up in arms about her racism.
I'm the same age as Ms. Deen, whose supporters say she grew up in a different time, and so that explains her free use of slave imagery. I grew up in that time, and would never, ever, think it was a fun idea to hold a wedding with African-American waiters in slave costumes, or to call them n----rs. It would never be acceptable, even 100 years ago. She's just a smooth-talking bigot, and it is a good and cathartic thing that she's being removed from the national stage.
The only drawback: her apologists will have one more chip to put on their shoulders, to whine and feel oppressed about.
And we say to them: you lost the war, folks. You're now in the 21st century. Get used to it. And put down that fork while you're at it.
Paula can play the victim almost as well as Sarah
DeleteSo you're saying it's BAD to call your employees MONKEY and pay them blacks in BEER? (True story. One worker just had a little baby and the Deens paid him in beer to work their parties).
This is pretty fucked up, Gryphen. I love your blog, but I wish you would not paint us Southerners with such a broad brush. There are plenty of folks here who do not fit your description.
ReplyDeleteWell obviously I didn't mean YOU.
@2:26 You know that it is Sarah who is insulting you by chortling over the Battle of Gettysburg ending the Civil War, I mean, The War between the States, I mean, The War of Northern Aggression.
DeleteGryphen is prejudiced and proves it daily.
DeleteI am a GRIT (girl raised in the south.) Gryphen has it right. Some southerns are still fighting the war of northern aggression. They can not let go of the past and move on.
DeleteAfter the last election when I lived in Charlotte, I heard how Obama carried the state because so many damn yankee had moved to the Raleigh area and the damn N*&^*% had vote for one of their own. I shook my head and moved on remembering not to wrestle in the mud with a pig. The pig is better at it and he enjoys it.
ReplyDeleteRead comment that said Bristol bought a boat. Can we have a boat naming contest?
My entry .... Miss Carriage
DeleteThe Love Boat.
Delete@2:26 Mistake! Oops, Miss Take and take and take
DeleteThe MV Pacifica II cause she and Track had sooo much fun there, until that unfortunately accident that burned the party boat. Where is Dylan Kolvig now?
DeletePIMPs and HOs
DeleteTriple T
DeleteLiar, Liar
DeleteThe Grifter
Chinney, Chin, Chin
Cheeky B .....remember that, Bristol? Remember the cover up, $arah?
DeleteShip of Fools
DeleteNauti Girl
DeleteI like Triple Ts
DeleteThe Money Hole. ..also bdulls nickname for her self
Delete1. Camping on the Sea
Delete2. Paid For By My Medical Office Salary
3. Postage
4. Mother Duck
5. My Little Puppy
6. Sheep Creek Lodge II
7. In Memory of Dar Miller
8. Mono a Mono
9. Three Sheets to the Wind
10. S L U T (My Brother's Pet Name for Me)
Who doesn't love Sarah's history lessons? She's the gift of stupid that keeps giving, isn't she?
ReplyDeleteRemember how we laughed when none other than Forbes Magazine (an angry Forbes Magazine) caught the flying monkeys re-writing history on Wikipedia ...."making a hero of the Revolution into a traitor..."
I have two special memories of Sarah Pain rewrites American History:
Delete1. Paul Revere ringing those bells and firing those warning shots
2. The Statute of Liberty was a reminder not to go making the same mistakes as the rest of Europe.
3. I am sure there are more. I'll have to find some and bring 'em to ya.
Since Sarah didn't reprint the text of the Gettysburg Address, I'll take up a little of IM's space here. (We had to memorize it in school).
ReplyDelete"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
President Lincoln had already signed the Emancipation Proclamation six months earlier, freeing the slaves. Except, they had no place to go. Even when they were free, they certainly were not equal. They couldn't go to the same washroom as Whites in the South. They couldn't drink at the same drinking fountains or go to the same schools. Separate was not equal. It took the Civil Rights Movement in the 20th Century to advance their cause.
Even now, the recent ruling of the Supreme Court made sure that minorities in southern states will not be treated equally, as proclaimed by President Lincoln. This is time for Sarah Palin to demand that Equal Voting Rights become the law of the land, since she is all about the rule of law. Equal is equal, in voting, in pay, as well as where people can sit on the bus. Sarah's Tea Party is fracturing the Union that she remembers today. Maybe it is time for Palin to act like the "leader of her mythical third party" and act to heal the nation instead of dividing it.
The Emancipation Proclamation was a wartime measure which promised economic damage for the rebellious states, and the slaves in the loyal states of Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware and newly-minted West Virginia were not included in its provisions.
DeleteWe, too, had to memorize the Address, and perform it at a school assembly. I can still recite it, word for word, and I take comfort in his words when I'm feeling especially downcast about the state of current affairs. Say, when Sarah Palin thought she could be the vice president of our United States.
Delete" government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
DeleteSarah: when you say disparaging things about "government," please remember that we, the people, create and guide our government. We are a democracy. Government is not the enemy, as you make it to be. You and Lincoln are at completely opposite sides on this fundamental understanding of what we are all about. So maybe you should cool your nasty rhetoric, or drop your reverence for President Lincoln. He certainly would reject you out of hand.
" government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
DeleteSarah: when you say disparaging things about "government," please remember that we, the people, create and guide our government. We are a democracy. Government is not the enemy, as you make it to be. You and Lincoln are at completely opposite sides on this fundamental understanding of what we are all about. So maybe you should cool your nasty rhetoric, or drop your reverence for President Lincoln. He certainly would reject you out of hand.
I think she's looking to steal Ron Paul's Maine and New Hampshire's 2012 contingency (with younger voters) where he did well, and, by naming all the heroes of the battle of Gettysburg, of the Union. She's trying to lure the Ron and Rand Paul bots to her side. She doesn't like any Republican nor any Libertarian who steals her thunder.
ReplyDeleteShe has no allegiances, just pretends she's for the guys that give her the red carpet.
I know she wants her C4P and fans to believe she's thinking of running for a Third Party, and she's afraid Rand Paul will be the favorite. It's a ploy for her to keep her donors giving to her SarahPAC.
Third Party
DeleteHow else can she make anyone think she could be serious about running or supporting candidates? It's a play at playing relevant. As long as she can tap into enough crazies to send her cash she is doing her job.
When will Karl "Turdblossom" Rove have enough of this woman and start leaking all of Sarah's little secrets of having a baby after a "toobull" and the Toad being a pimp?
Delete"Gettysburg is where we truly became one nation."
ReplyDeleteThe Civil War continued for another two years. As for becoming "one nation," we still have to work on that one.
She is so uninterested in One Nation, she's been advocating brokered conventions and fractured States for five years.
DeleteDidn't the Toad want Alaska to secede at one point in time not long ago? And didn't GINO welcome the AIP at their convention in 2007?
DeleteEveryone, don't forget your can of Black Flag. The Bitch gnat is out and about again.
Delete'One of the most important battles of MANKIND'???!!! WTF, woman! Ever heard of WORLD HISTORY??? What happened here in the US during those days was NOT important to the rest of the world, you nincompoop!
ReplyDeleteOur Sarah is the center of the universe...
DeleteHowever painful it is to read, this is a direct quote from the Palin cult swamp:
“As long as the planets orbit our sun, we will revolve around our Sarah. We vow never to be broken off from her “pull” and become lost in the political outer space because we have come to love the power and brilliance of our sun that is Sarah.”
Sarah Palin don't need no stinkin' history.
DDay, Battle of the Bulge, Trafalgar, Waterloo,Yorktown.
DeleteBattle of Hastings, 1066
DeleteBattle of Britain, 1940
Battle of Midway, 1942
Battle of Thermopylae, 480 BCE
The Fraud does not perceive the world as a whole but as just her own little micro-universe - that's her world and she stupidly assumes it's everyone else's too. Obviously it is for the low/no information voters she's targeting as well.
DeleteIn the Christian dominionist paradigm, the U.S. is not just another country in the vast history of the world. It's the "new Israel," singled out by God for special blessings (and punishments, if we keep on allowing awful things like abortion and gay marriage--this is a big reason most conservative Christians are so invested in these issues). God guided our founders as they wrote the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, helped an upstart nation win the war against its colonizer, and enabled us to grow into a world power. For these people, there's no other way to explain or understand American history. This belief in God's direct guidance is the root of the "American exceptionalism" that Sarah likes to trumpet.
DeleteIn this worldview, battles such as Gettysburg are indeed among the most important in human history, because they preserved this nation. In the history of the world, only Israel in the Old Testament has the same significance and importance as the United States, but Israel ultimately rejected God and dominionists are determined that America will not. Our country represents the culmination of history and, especially for the apocalyptic believers like Sarah, is poised to usher in the end of the world.
I doubt Sarah Palin is capable of understanding most of this, but as a narcissist she's picked up a few choice concepts, like "exceptionalism" and the idea that her country is more important than any other in the last two thousand years.
--My creds: I was "educated" (read: indoctrinated) by dominionists. My high school poli sci textbooks were written by Gary North.
Sarah is asking Todd, "Can this cannon hit the Whitehouse from here?"
ReplyDeleteGrow up. Go out and volunteer. Help the needy.
DeleteAnonymous7:27 PM
DeleteGrow up. Go out and volunteer. Help the needy.
Shut up.Go out your bedroom. Help your mother around the house.
You are here again begging for volunteers to help the mentally handicapped like yourself? Follow the directions we give to you, Krusty. You'll have different results in your sad, miserable life if you do things differently. You worship a grifting fool likeSarah and are then frustrated because 97% of the people can see right through her deceitful, money-grubbing ways. Get away from the Internet yourself and get a job. Volunteer. Do something besides keeping your face wedged between Sarah Palin's smelly, crusty, droopy ass-cheeks all day 24/7. That probably has a lot to do with your perspective because the view never changes unless Sarah lets go of one of her uncontrolled bowel movements.
DeleteOr "Reckon the barrel of this cannon would fit up your ass, Toad?"
DeleteToad:"I don't know, juicy, but I can't wait to try."
Okay y'all Baldy is so obvious! She had RAM write this shit because of the President and First Lady are in Africa and visited the "door of no return" on Goree Island in Senegal this past week!
ReplyDeleteAnd that stupid picture of her with the Toad in the background looking at her like that Secret Service Agent Chaney fella....is her pitiful attempt to get noticed!
She is an idiot and will continue to be an idiot! Fuck her dumbass and her dumbass followers...today is the last day to donate to BaldyPac...that's what that bullshit post is for....
Stupid bitch!
I'm so glad you keep us informed, Girl! I don't know the Goree Island lore, so time to Google.
Deleteoh gina sorry but they are busy talking about the down/up arrows again. like i said there are some crafty and funny imers who are messing with them daily and c4peers just can't take it!!
Deletepalin45potus • 2 hours ago −
Seriously, a bunch of seminar posters agree en masse to invent new names for themselves in order to have you see them when you check your "likes" is supposed to derail the Palin Express?
(BTW- I don't see coordinated efforts like this from the left to harass Mark Rubio or Jeb. That's quite telling, docha think?)
they wonder why skank's cult site gets messed with and roobio and bush's sites don't? well, i think it is because they are so frackin obsessed with the arrows at the pee pond that it makes someone's day to cruise by and just hit those arrows!!! seriously, can you imagine the websites for obama having peeps comment on the up and down arrows and who is doing it etc. day after day?
thanks for reminding me the other day that i need to laugh at what goes on over there.
they really are some old, harmless nitwits aren't they? LOL
One of them, VAgen, went on a rant the other day about the downarrow/uparrow people being afaid to debate.
DeleteSo easy for the idiots to forget that they can't handle debate. I was a member a couple years ago for about 5 minutes before they banned me.
Miss Carriage....of justice? It's what yo mamma will be preaching real soon, I fear.
ReplyDeleteThis morning on my local news, they mentioned the stupid one may leave the Republican party & become an independent. You should have seen the look on the anchor's face. She sort of rolled her eyes as if she was saying good luck with that moron.
ReplyDelete"One Nation Bus Tour in 2011"
ReplyDeleteOh, yes, Palin, the one you insisted was just a family vacation? Grandiose much?
Oops, now she admits that she gives her family vacations a trademark protected name to promote herself. Sarah is such a liar that she can't keep them straight in her little mind.
DeleteReminding people of the One Nation Bus tour may shout patriotic Palins to her followers. I am reminded of the spectacle motor home, Palin sites promoting a summer educating America tour per Todd, only a few family members were on board, Piper's misery about a vacation for them was a public spectacle and speculation of a run.
DeleteThe "tour" fizzled out. Piper may learn to read Palin political sites to know her mother tells different things to different people to manipulate for mom's agenda.
C4P shall continue to label people as role modeled as "haters" when Palin's chaotic conflicting inconsistencies are pointed out.
I expect Palin to spin webs about forming a third party etc. Her being relevant is based on running for president.
As you say, her followers will remember the One Nation bus tour as patriotic. But I think everyone else will remember it, if they do at all, for her astounding Paul Revere gaffe and her blatant attempt to divert attention from Rmoney's announcement about running for President.
DeleteWhat? No big-ass ta tas today?
ReplyDeleteThat picture was from her political bus tour..remember when she busted her flabby ass to rain on rmoney's parade? and she wonders why she wasn't invited to the convention. As much as I dislike Ann Romney I'd pay good money to see her look down her snobbish nose at trashy little trailerpark sarah and her inbred family. That was before her rabid rubes bought her her double "D" strap on breathing apparatus.
DeleteOh, wheh! Thanks, jcinco. I thought this was from today and she forgot to put helium in the "girls".
DeleteWish she hadn't tainted Little Round Top. My great great uncle George was there. And how does someone whose spouse supports secession have any right to vomit forth like this? Fucking cow.
ReplyDeleteMy sentiments as well, AuntieRuth. That woman is just about worthless.
Delete"Gettysburg is where we truly became one nation."
ReplyDeleteAnd there's Palin, doing her damndest to turn it into a nation of "us and them."
Sooo... even Palin isn't about to put up current pictures of her fast aging self.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that pink checked jacket is the one she wore to the eating-pizza-with-a-fork lunch with The Donald during her SarahPAC family vacation trip in 2011.
DeleteNefer, she certainly won't be posting any current pics today--- not on the last day to collect PAC donations for the period. I wonder how many of her thousands and thousands of AK supporters contributed boat-loads of money to her during this period. You know, all the ones who would love to see her run for Senate and/or POTUS. One? Two? None? I can't wait to see the list.
DeleteTry again scrub.
DeleteOh My, Ol' Matronly Hag of the North. You are looking a little, ahem . . . flat chested.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to your "bazookas"? Did you load them into the cannon?
And who's that hovering in the background?? Why it's the First PIMP of Alaaassssska!!
Boy Ol' Haggly, you sure pal around with the most despicable derelicts.
I didn't notice the Toad in the picture at first. He's creepy.
DeleteThese pictures are from a couple of years ago so she hadn't bought the new bazookas yet, they were still on the plastic surgeon's store shelf waiting for their new home.
Sarah and Todd Palin have no clue how bad it looks for them to always show Todd Palin skulking in the background, as seen in the photos. He is also creepy when he skulks in the foreground, he is a skulker. It no doubt started before he was the Shadow and how they excused and tried to sell him to the public back in the day. I am glad they repeat this pussyfoot image for the collective subconscious mind to absorb. It has an undercurrent of misgiving. Not only because Todd, most of the time, looks like a punk about to rob a little old lady's purse and run off but also the way they are so attached. The relationship shows it is sick and needy, they can't be apart. Not necessarily out of love. Humanity and healthy love is more open and free. It is not two people trapped in bondage. THEY ARE THE MOST SKULKY COUPLE ON EARTH!
ReplyDeleteHer husband, father and brother are the type of men that if I found out daughter was alone with them my first question would be "He didn't touch you did he?"
DeleteIt IS really creepy to see Todd in so many pictures of Sarah Palin over the past few years. Creepier when you realize in the pictures of Sarah that he's NOT in, he's just out of camera range. He acts like an obsessed jealous controlling husband. But we know enough about both of them to know his always close proximity to her is a business partnership.
DeleteYour take on skulky , creepy and stalky Todd is spot on.
DeleteI bet he is a window peeper.
Do you think he lets Sarah got to the ladies room by herself ?
Or does he follow her in there and watch ?
Wouldn't put it past him.
The dynamic between those two is so perverse, no wonder it appeals to the weirdos in her new
Freedumb Party.
Todd is nothing more than her bully protector and 'the pimp'. I'd be as embarrassed as hell having him as a husband...cannot imagine.
DeleteThey both are poorly educated and one of the worst examples of a married couple in the USA.
I believe there are stories of him actually peeping on women. I don't remember the details (but I'm sure someone here does).
DeleteA good Pimp is always nearby, to keep a close eye on his prize winning Ho. The Bitch better have my money!
DeleteThat dim light 'illuminating' her last Fox appearance really was the brightest thing in the room...
ReplyDeleteOh, Sarah, dear: did any of the pamphlets you picked up on your two-hour photo op at Gettysburg include the date when Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address? Hint: it wasn't in July, 1863.
ReplyDeleteIt's not an address in Gettysburg -- "117 Pickett's Lane" -- but a speech, sort of the kind you give to your fans, but shorter and, well, profound. I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but I don't think your speeches, tweets or facebook postings have ever been called profound.
Yes, many good people fought and died in the Civil War. You'd call them "warriors." They'd call themselves farmers, mostly. Since the war finally was won by the North, that meant that the sacred Constitution, written by your BFFs, the Founding Fathers, is still here today, protecting your right to have an arsenal in your house, and to say whatever the heck you feel like saying.
Here's another fun question about the Battle of Gettysburg: which Supreme Court justice was wounded there?
Another little fact: the next time Katie Couric asks you to cite a Supreme Court decision, tell her about Plessy v. Ferguson.
I know you meant to say that back in 2008, but you got flustered and forgot. Now's your chance to post a facebook note explaining why you think it was a good or bad decision. We look forward to your reply.
If it is more than 140 characters long, it is doubtful that Palin wrote it herself.
DeleteI see dumb fuck was here and has corrected her spelling. haha, what a fucking dolt.
ReplyDeleteAfter the Revere debacle it's a good thing she had half literate ram write her post. Otherwise she would have claimed the south was fighting the north to keep the right to feed, clothe & shelter the "Blacks"...
Apparently she & Sherman learned history from Mr. Peabody.
Nice shout out to Rocky and Bullwinkle, 3:44!
DeleteCartoon All-stars!!!
DeleteIam So not impressed with this ghostwritten BS.And there in the background is Toad, A former member of of the AIG and a known Pimp.How Patriotic.
ReplyDeleteWould that be AIP?
DeleteYou mean AIP?
DeleteWow! Look at those nose holes! Looks a freakin' camel, she does!
ReplyDelete"The better to *snort* you with, my little methee."
DeleteI thought Lee surrenduring to Grant at Appomatox Courthouse April 9, 1865 was the end of the Civil War. Bet the cunt from Wasilla didn't know that either.
ReplyDeleteThe Civil war divided the country then, and it still does.
DeleteThe battle was a turning point. You are ignorant and need a friend.
DeleteNot for us "real" Americans, asshat.
A little OT...but pertinent to the Sarah is an ignoramus theme. When Miss Sarah was giving her racist rant against President Obama...she tried to describe him as "lackadaisical"...but in true Sarah form...she says "laxadaisical". Ignorant fool who doesn't read and can't speak. Hey Sarah, you can fool some of the people, but you will never fool enough of the people to succeed.
ReplyDeleteThat is some of that Home Schooling that Bristol and Willow were taught. Somebody had to be paid to pass the G.E.D. Exam for those 2 scrubs. LAXADAISICAL and cords, BWAHAHAHAHA only in Wasilla.
DeleteI see the bullying children are out today. Grow up Anon.
DeleteHow how much is a cord of wood to light those fires, Sarah? It takes a dumb-ass like her to be so "laxadaisical" about communicating using proper pronounciation of words... But she's funny as hell every time she opens her mouth, except when she is trying to be clever.
DeleteAnonymous7:25 PM
DeleteSo why you hanging out here Krusty! Didn't you write this shit today at the Asylum....
"KatieDyd bri • an hour ago −
And they prove they're hypocritical. They claim they want her to go away yet continue to stalk her, even fabricating things they SWEAR she must be doing on such and such day. They need psych help. It is not healthy to stalk people or pretend one knows strangers intimately. They also enjoy anonymously, cowardly, harassing some of the people here, which is why it's smart to ignore them. Why reference the malicious things they do? Its not like their lives mean anything of importance or theyd be out helping less fortunate and living positively."
You are so fucking stupid! LOL!!!
Well, but once it's on the Internets, it's there for eternity to see! I take your cords and raise you several chords...
Toad...the ultra creepy "shadow"
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the same when I saw that photo. So creepy.
DeleteLurking for a victim, Todd hides in the shadows and faps away at his tiny tool. A penlight comes in handy to find the little sucker sometimes toward dusk.
DeleteThis is TOTALLY O/T, but sure reminded me of a certain GINO who supposedly went into labor all the way across the country and decided to take two flights for a duration of more than ten hours, even though she was a multi-para (i.e. had given birth before).
ReplyDeleteHere, you have a woman who goes into labor at 5:30 am, and by 10am, the baby decides to show up instead of waiting until the parents were safe and sound at the hospital...
Oh yeah what's important about Gettysburg is that Palin went there with the Toad and prayed. Remember, right after they barged into the Vietnam Vets Rolling Thunder in DC on their borrowed motorcycles in their cool tight leather jackets, uninvited by anyone at Rolling Thunder ? Those "warriors" as she would call them sure weren't too happy she tried to hijack their event, which is about honoring soldiers killed in Vietnam..you know, like Gettysburg is about the honored dead on hallowed ground. Either that, or a place for Palin to cheapen and desecrate by claiming that her presence there means jack shit.
ReplyDeleteDead on the money on all points. Sarah tries to make everything about her, and it makes her look like a fool to others. She just doesn't understand that she's not the center of anyone else's world but her own.
DeleteMove your flat, bony ass aside, Sarah. Noone wants to look at it, so get to the back of the line. Or preferably, just go away.
The Battle of Gettysburg took place from July 1 to July 3, 1863. Both sides lost around the same amount of soldiers. However, for the North, it was considered a victory and for the South, they retreated and felt both a military and political humiliation. Why does Sarah Palin want to remind her fans in the South about that battle?
ReplyDeleteIf she is looking for the inspirational moment when a President looked over the battlefield to dedicate it, that would be in November, later that year, when President Lincoln gave his famous address, trying to heal the nation. Palin is not a healer, and she is not a profound thinker. If the post contains more than a paragraph, I assume that it is ghost written for her. And, now it's easy to see why one of her ghost writers has this job instead of writing screen plays for the film industry.
Why? because she is drumming up hate...that is who she is and what she does...
DeleteThe scenario being discussed here, no matter what one thinks of Tom Friedman, is what she hoping to achieve: http://www.salon.com/2013/06/30/nyt_columnist_michael_powell_slams_nyt_columnist_thomas_friedman/
Then, then she will have her millions and lead the country as per: http://www.salon.com/2013/06
(If link doesn't work, see Gryphen's earlier post.)
Isn't July 3rd Quitter Day?
DeleteScrew the state and throw out those titles... Sarah Palin is going to Progress Alaska, she promised, it was on the internet, it must be true!.
HOW many times will she/RAM/consultants have their mouths shut for them with FACTS?
ReplyDelete"Those assholes at IM" INDEED.
Sarah Palin is a retard and knows zero about American or Alaskan histories. It would be so much fun to put her on TV w/someone asking her history questions where she could not prepare answers ahead of time.
ReplyDeleteShe'd flunk big time! And, no doubt it would be a kick in the ass to watch!
God, what an idiot!!!!
Do they still have that program, "Are you smarter than a fifth grader?"
DeletePalin regularly makes her regard for black people clear. She stood up for Dr. Laura's repeated use of the "N" word. She spoke of Pres. Obama's 'shuck and jive' and, in her recent Fox interview, called her President a 'laxadaisical [sic] community organizer.' She doesn't give a rat's ass or have any depth of knowledge or understanding about Gettysburg, Lincoln, or the end of Confederacy. Gettysburg was nothing more than an historical place for her to stop for a photo op.
ReplyDeleteI guess Todd is just "checking out" his wife.... What a staged photo!
ReplyDeleteKnock Sarah's retarded cracker ass!!!!! Oops, forgot, she doesn't have one - it's flat as can be! But, she is STILL a retarded idiot!
ReplyDeleteI think you're on to something here. If anyone has an ass as brittle and fragile as a cracker, it is Cracker-Ass Re-Tard Sarah. She needs to take a calcium supplement with her meth.
DeleteThat witch don't a give sh#t about Gettysburg. She's just happy she can finally use some of the pictures from her failed bus trip 2 years ago.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how much " postage" SarahPac paid RAM to rustle up that long dead photo.
DeleteShe was really letting that one jacket work her on that felled bus trip to nowhere.
DeleteThe way she hails Reagan and Lincoln, two historical figures she knows little about but was told its good copy,
People can sure count on liberals to write racist things, racebaiting followers. People do NOT hate Obama because he's black. People distrust him because there is nothing to trust about him.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous7:24 PM
DeletePeople can sure count on liberals to write racist things, racebaiting followers. People do NOT hate Obama because he's black. People distrust him because there is nothing to trust about him.
People can sure count on Baldy's Bots to write racist things, racebaiting followers. People do NOT hate Baldy because she's retarded. People distrust her because there is nothing to trust about her.
You are projecting. You are also profoundly ignorant.
DeleteIs that another knock on the door, Krusty? Forget about Obama, bitch, why don't you talk about why everyone hates YOU?
DeleteThere is nothing negative about her post. I feel bad that so many of you have such vile minds that cannot see things as they are.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous7:32 PM
DeleteThat's right Krazy Krust...you know what you're talking about! Especially when it comes to "vile"....those nasty thoughts you have about Beefy is what keeps you going huh! Ya' nasty bitch!
"Her" post is another one of her grifting ploys. Only fools fall for her schtick. Sarah worships Sarah. She is a person without any character at all. You are the one who can't see things as they are. You are blind.
DeleteWe feel bad that you have the internet, Krusty.
DeleteKristie, get a life. No, not an imaginary one like the one where Sarah Palin or Beefy give two shits about you, but a real one.
DeleteAccept the fact that you mean nothing to Sarah unless you ate giving her money. Otherwise, you're just an ignorant putz with your nose up the Grifter's ass crack. Grow up. It's not too late. Your mother could use a break of having your fat, lazy, urine-stenched sorry ass out of the house a few hours so she could change your sheets and let the room air out. Aren't you a little old to be living at home still? Usually by age 50, most people have tried to leave the nest, but you're still there eating Cheetos and cereal in bed, room smelling like the PeePond, mooching off others. Typical PeeBot.
Everything 10:14 said.
DeleteThe dumb douche got caught once again in her ignorance.
ReplyDeleteSarah carries that ignorance with her wherever she goes. Same as the hate inside herself and her bad liver and foul mouth.
DeleteGettysburg July 1-3
ReplyDeleteSarah quits Alaska July 3
Where does Sarah want to pose and focus all the attention?
I think of it as "Screen-Door Day" and remember the sense of relief that I and many other Alaskans felt when "Governor" Palin resigned. She didn't *need* a title to progress Alaska, she said. And ran off to make money off of her half-term of service, using the word "Alaska" to make herself seems something she wasn't, and insisting that others call her "Governor." And she wonders why Alaskans despise her.
DeleteI so disrespect her intellect and perspective on history, that, I am sure, this was written by a ghost-writer. Sarah is incapable of knowledge in current events, not to mention important historical events.
ReplyDeleteShe is so transparent. Only her unintelligent followers can't see she is a complete fraud. Uber patriot my ass. What were you telling that secessionist group in 2007 Sarah? Oh, that's right... "Keep up the good work" and "God bless you." What a shameless, ignorant, money grubbing, hypocritical, shit for brains phony.
ReplyDeleteLet's speak English:
ReplyDeleteLittle Miss Scribe was right the first time: it's cords that bind, not chords. It was simply terrible imagery, that's all. Terrible. Got that, Scribey?
Now, you thin-skinned fool, you have "chords" binding us, simply because you were...er....caric....mocked! Yeah, I guess that's the word. Mocked. Were you ever bound with chords? That's even worse imagery!
I'm finding your work binding in a completely different (non-mystical) context, Miss Scribe. Your writing is crap. Bind it with cords and flush it.
"The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."
Delete--Abraham Lincoln
...Sounds like music to me!
Thanks 9:43, my sentiments exactly.
ReplyDeleteDance monkey, dance!!
I don't get it: the insufferable bitch's (wheres trigs bc!!??) bs childish fb me-me-page, she claims she is celebrating 150 year anniversary? Lincoln wrote that speech on Abraham-March 4, 1851 ("Lincoln's 'mystic chords of memory,' 150 years old" article was written on March 4, 2011. She is presently standing looking like she's posing for a cee-the-pee webpage.
ReplyDeleteWhat gives?
Oh yeah that's a pose and a bad pose at that. Look at the cheesy distortion photoshop filter that was used on toad. GMAB. The pic is just as professional as her "flying/hopping/floating " pic of her "running."
Why do you haters say Sarah Palin doesn't like black people?
ReplyDeleteDidn't Sarah Palin love Glen Rice long time in her sister's Alaska college dorm room?