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S.E. Cupp is outraged that a Texas state senator who blocked an extreme anti-abortion bill with a more than 10-hour filibuster has received national attention.
During an appearance on CNN’s Piers Morgan, the conservative commentator lashed out at those who had “lionized” state Sen. Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth) for her opposition to a bill that would close all but five abortion clinics in the state. Though Republicans in the Texas Senate cut her filibuster short, Democrats were still able to block the bill with some help from the gallery.
“This lionizing of Wendy Davis, who is a politician and did what politicians are supposed to do I think would make Susan B. Anthony and Fredrick Douglass and Rosa Parks roll over in their graves,” Cupp said. “Our standards for what counts as a hero today have become so shockingly, patheticly low.”
She claimed the bill was merely intended to make abortions safer, though Texas Republicans have publicly stated they want to completely abolish abortion in the state.
“Democrats have lost their rational common sense on the issue of abortion,” Cupp proclaimed. “The pendulum is going to swing back in the other direction.”
Yeah, it's the DEMOCRATS that have lost their rational common sense. Oh huh.
Interestingly enough Cupp, like most Republicans, was VERY impressed by Rand Paul's filibuster back in March and even retweeted this in support:
Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden Joins Rand Paul For Historic Bipartisan Filibuster Over Drone Strikes http://t.co/W05PeI8qn3 (VIDEO)But hey it could have been worse, at least Cupp did not call Wendy Davis a terrorist:
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) March 6, 2013
We had terrorist in the Texas State Senate opposing SB 5As was expected the Republicans are still so focused on controlling women's bodies that Rick Perry has called for yet another special session and then mocked Davis for not having "learned her lesson:"
— Bill Zedler (@Bill_Zedler) June 26, 2013
"Even the woman who filibustered the Senate the other day was born into difficult circumstances. She was the daughter of a single woman, she was a teenage mother herself. She managed to eventually graduate from Harvard Law School and serve in the Texas senate," Perry said Thursday in a speech to the National Right to Life Convention. "It is just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters."
Yes because having been a teenage mom automatically makes you want to tell other women what to do with their bodies. Seriously?
Well you know perhaps the Republicans, and their mouthpieces, are not impressed with Davis and her filibuster, but the American people sure were.
And they also learned a simple truth.
And I hope she runs for Governor and kicks Rick Perry's ass all the way back to his old N*****head campground where he belongs.
P.S. By the way, didn't Jon Stewart drive a fucking stake through the heart of Crossfire seven years ago?
Cupp is gone from MSNBC so that's a good thing in my book. No more listening to her drivel on The Cycle.
ReplyDeleteWhen did she leave? She was on today.
DeleteThe Cycle was the only msnbc program I deliberately turned off whenever SE Cupp was on the panel. She annoyed me with her self-righteous proclamations. Good riddance.
DeleteIs she really gone? I didn't realize that. Awesome, I can watch Crystal again without the windbag interrupting with her stupid ass comments. She really showed her ignorance quite a few times by talking about shit before she got any facts. Typical bagger.
DeleteSure she's annoying. But titties.
DeleteI caught the last ten minutes today and she was both smiling and choking up and talking about her great experiences there, so I wondered...is she off the show? And if so, GREAT! I turned MSNBC off whenever the Cycle came on because she was on it.
DeleteWas S.E. Wheezing from her smoking habit? Short.E.
ReplyDeleteCupp will say anything to promote the Republican agenda.
C Dees Cupps.
DeleteMute button magnet. Bagger Target. Work that thumb. Cable porn.
Paul Bagala and his little sister, Fuck 'er Tucker "Backseat in the" Car El Son, never coulfd debate their way out of a wet paper bag. And I couldn't find a paper bag big enough to put over C Dees Cupps big ol bulbous head nor Sarah Palin's either when she gets that big fucking box of roadkill hair mounted on her skeletal skull with gorilla glue. Sarah with her floppy sunny-side up titties against CDees Cupps nice titular 16-lb bowling ball orbs. Sorry Granny, you ain't got the still spine to hold up them big UN's. Hell, those little fake lemon-sized fake titties you wear make your back look like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree with that one bulb bending it over all the way. Put that in your kkkrissmuch cookie workout book so you can help Murika keep the KKK in fiTTness workkkouts. Bagge bitches. A study in contrasting tit size and its positive correlation to IQ.
I just thought about this. Sarah Palin jumping on the bed with her snow-globes in that big ass bra that holds em on her bony upper torso. I wonder how long it would take before she'd have snow globes ext to her shoulder blades. Hey TOAD!!! Where the fuck did my titties go? I don't seem em on the floor. You see anything fly by you over there? Quit beatin off and find my damn titties, Todd, you short-dicked little pimp! Who's got the only fuckin job in this house??? ME ME ME!!! Goddamitt, find my titties!!!!
okay..so I probably should not say what she looks like with her eyes closed and her mouth open..lol..oh fuck that..she looks like a wanna be porn star..
ReplyDeleteI think she is auditing for Fox News. Isn't that how all the blonde bimbos and Sarah got their jobs - you know, prick teasing.
DeleteTami, if I'm the hiring manager, the line forms behind Miss C Dees Cupps. She got talent. I can just tell.
DeleteGod this picture and this creature skeeve me out. Im not a prude - I love a jod bj as much as anyone but the very thought of her or her cousin (the smelly ol dirty dish rag herself, Sarah doin the deed makes me throw up in my mouth (and no I wont be swallowing)
ReplyDeleteEarthyMama (Chicago)
Coup is going to be on the new Crossfire with Newt. That should garner zero ratings. Who wants to hear those two talk about anything?
ReplyDeleteIf Noot can get a scrip for Viagree or one of them pump-up-your-peeners for fake cathateroligists that aren't kiddie fiddlers, Ole Nootie will be tapping that younger EEE Cupps. He'll be doing that bagger mating call with his revisionist history stories and EEE will be so hot, she'll have to get under the master-debating table and bring her glasses do that crossfire doesn't give her a wonky eye. Hell, I guess them peener pumps come loaded with some kind of simulated expulsion sploosh. Careful EEE, that can put out an eye.
DeleteI can hear CallistaBallbusterGrinchgringo tellin him from off-camera, "Quit humpin the co-host Nootie, that's do unpresidential of you, dumpling. That's why we can't have nice things."
I'm not calling Wendy Davis a hero, but her actions are admirable in that she didn't sit on her ass and hide behind a Facebook or Twitter and complain or attack someone else who was doing something based on their convictions like some losers we know all too well--- Hi Sarah, welcome back to IM :)
ReplyDeleteRick Perry sounds like he's got his nuts in a vise, or either both fit easily into one of Ms Davis' small feminine hands, and she's giving him a gentle squeeze. Now who hasn't learned their lesson yet, little Rickie, the priest's favorite altar boy?
Seems like little Dickie, er Rickie, won't be Teabagging the good old boys until he learns some manners. Squeeze, Ms Davis! Make him say "Uncle". Make him say, "I can smell Sarah Palin's sweaty feet in those boots I gave her all the way from Austin." Good boy, little Rickie.
Poor Sippy Cup - jealous much?
ReplyDeleteCrossfire is coming back hosted by the Newt..
I actually watched it every day or taped it (VCR-haha) every day back when Pat "Bircher" Buchanan and Tom "CIA stooge journalist" Braden hosted. Braden would call bullshit on Buchanan and RRR-666 every day about the posturing and fake patriotism BS. Braden would razz Pat until he got red in the face tying to stay in character, but often toward the end of the show, Braden had ridiculed Pat so much that Pat would get tickled at his own schtick. But it was good theater, and you got to hear all the talking points in a cliffs notes version. Oh shit, my nostalgia moment runneth over. The WSJ was also the best business newspaper in the world, with no equal on the facts of business. The NYT, WaPo and LATimes were great but still propaganda machines for power, but WSJ was about dividends and sums of future cash flows and THE Source. Then came USA Today which was like reading "the funny paper", and after that everything went to shit. Now I'm fucking old and depressed. WSJ has become just another conservative rag trumpeting Murdoch Empire's interests without transparency. It was dead to me and THEN the paper actually printed an "editorial" by "Sarah fuckin Palin". You fucking teabaggers just stay off my fucking lawn. I'm almost 50 and y'all make me as grouchy as my grandad was at 80+. EE or Triple G or whatever your name is... Button up your shirt, do some homework, and quit flip-flopping on whatever political ideology you're supposed to be playing. If I want to stare at tits, I turn the tv off and say some sweet things to my wife. But if you're trying to sell your tits against bullshit Newt Leroy, he's gonna cook your goose and the show won't be on two seasons. I never thought I'd consider Pat Buchanan the gold standard of commentary. I agreed with him about 25% of the time but he always argued a good case based on its merits, not the wing-ding fringe nut shit until he had exhausted his talking points. And even then, he did it with a wink for those who were slower, if you know what I mean. Newt Leeroy and a big-titted ding bat. Fox fucking Junior. I'd just as soon watch Sarah Palin talk about herself. Stupid baggers.
DeleteSomeone pl. expain why she breathes like she is going to die. Watching a bad movie.
ReplyDeleteS.E. Cupp smokes.
DeleteI might too. But I'm usually so damn tired to even look under the covers after a couple of hours of pile driving and horsie-rocking and reverse cow-girling and Bamboo-splitting and crouching-tigering... Weekends only. I cant do this cardio work during the week and run a business. But y'know if I was 17 still...
DeleteOk folks get ur pocorns ready fornthe crazy wig lady aka Lego head will be on Hannity tonite. Watchout Rubio etc. LOL
ReplyDeleteWhat she needs to occupy that yap is a "Michele Bachmann corn dog"(google the phrase)!
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is too cowardly to take on Badass Wendy Davis. Sarah Palin knows she is the polar opposite of Davis and palin is too weak to do anything about it. I can't wait to see all the Palin distractions for what happened in Texas with the ovaries and shoes of a serious Badass that is shaking up the status quo gold old boys.
ReplyDeleteI have only ever seen this SE Cupp on Bill Maher's show. I heard she was young! smart! a republican!
ReplyDeleteI was disappointed at her smug self-righteousness which would have been acceptable had she said something that warranted a smug, self-righteous attitude. But she was shallow, ignorant, and a flat out liar.
I saw her several times and she was the same every time. So her and the blowharding egotistical repellent gasbag Newt on the same show?
Oh, wait! I don't watch CNN any more anyway, since they decided they wanted to be a faux fox wannabe channel.
"...since they decided they wanted to be a faux fox wannabe channel."
DeleteCNN is supposed to be the middle ground cable news site, I thought. But it really seems as if they are slowly creeping ( I used that word deliberately!) toward the right.
To be a conservative pundit you don't need to be smart, well-informed, thoughtful, humorous, curious, empathetic or open-minded. You just need a pulse.
DeleteAbout her new position at CNN - at the feet of Newt Gingrich soaking up all his wisdom.
DeleteNow there's a dirty joke waiting to happen if there ever was one!
Rick Perry observes that Senator Davis "was the daughter of a single woman, she was a teenage mother herself. She managed to eventually graduate from Harvard Law School and serve in the Texas senate," but Perry somehow fails to notice that the state legislatures of America are not exactly overflowing with senators who had been teenage mothers.
ReplyDeleteHis implied argument that a pregnant teenager in a single-parent family should continue the pregnancy to boost her chances of becoming a senator—or equivalent, or better—is ludicrous in the extreme.
Who better than a woman who achieved all of that to understand the difficulties of unwanted pregnancy/motherhood and the importance of choice?
DeleteBarack's mother was a YOUNG, struggling single mother. Where's the beauty in that from the neocons?
DeleteRick Perry also doesn't mention that Wendy Davis had her child by choice.
DeleteAnd in writing, "every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters" he also doesn't mention that on Wednesday Texas executed a woman, the 500th execution since Texas reinstituted the death penalty in 1982.
Wasn't Rick Perry in Brokeback Mountain?
DeleteHell yes. Read Head Figure Head by Glen Maxey about Tricky Ricky's exploits. Can we spell the word, HYPOCRITE?
DeleteWow. Rick Perry refers to Wendy Davis as "the woman who filibustered the Senate the other day" as if she is a stranger who just showed up. Not only does he not give her the courtesy of referring to her by her name, he couldn't even be bothered to show her enough respect to refer to her by her title of Senator.
ReplyDeleteRick Perry really hates women. I can't stand that guy.
I had a friend that actually slept with SC Cupp. She id really insecure and has a lot of pimples on her butt.
Delete“Our standards for what counts as a hero today have become so shockingly, patheticly low.”
ReplyDeleteShe's just illustrated the fallacy of having political spokesmodel 'flavors of the month' like Herb Cain, Michele Bachmann, Allen West, Christine O'Donnell, Sharon Angle and yes, Mama Grizzly herself - become "Hero's" of the conservative movement.
"Yes because having been a teenage mom automatically makes you want to tell other women what to do with their bodies. Seriously?"
ReplyDeleteWhy yes Gryphen, that's what Bristol's career is based on after all. Pause, before you play.
Thou pprotesteth way too flippin' much. Come on out of the closet SE, tell the tru ooo ooo ooth.
ReplyDeleteO/T...the patients at the Asylum are all heading to the Day Room (Open Thread) to watch Baldy on the Big Screen TV! Baldy's ugly mannish mug is going to be on with Sean InSannity tonight! The crazy hillbilly wrote this bullshit on her Fakebook today....
ReplyDelete"Today, I’m in a remote area in Alaska (in Illiamna in Bristol Bay) and heading back in Todd’s float plane to do an interview for Hannity’s show on Fox in a few hours from our house."
Thank heavens "Smell-a-vision" hasn't been invented! It's bad enough High Def makes her "looka lika man"...who wants the added affect of Baldy smelling like a halibut left in the Arizona sun too long coming through your TV! LOL!!
Todd must be out fishing. I must admit, I am thankful for people like Todd that catch fish that I can purchase in the grocery store. Not very keen on getting dirty and slimy and bonking fish on the head, not to mention the entire indignity of having to gut them and filet them. I love salmon, I just don't want to have to engage in the fishing activity to acquire them.
DeleteI would
ReplyDelete. "It is just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters."
ReplyDelete....Says Governor Rick Perry just a few hours before Texas puts to death their 500th person, and it was a woman, no less. It seems the only life that matters in Texas is if that life is a fetus.
And she was black.
DeleteSo for Texas that's a two-fer.
Like Dubya, Perry sees these executions as badges of honor.
DeleteIt's disgusting and shameful that in 2013 we are still engaging in the barbaric act of execution.
And, apparently, Gov. Perry has put to death over half of that number, over 250 people since he became governor. What is wrong with this man? And what is wrong with this state? Let's hope that a big change comes soon for Texas.
I'd say filibustering these white elitist totalitarian bastards is fucking heroic. Especially considering she wouldn't even be a state senator if it weren't for the VRA keeping a rein on the gerrymandering of districts in Texas. Now that SCOTUS has put a stake in it's heart, I'm sure the Texas Republicans are busy chopping up all of the districts to make sure no Democrats and especially Wendy Davis do not get re-elected.
ReplyDeleteSo run, Wendy, run. You've got your tennies. Run for Governor. Then after a few terms, go for Congress.
Oh, and I know who Wendy Davis is.
I have no idea who the hell S.E. Cupp is and have even less inclination to listen to anything spewing from that maw. No more than I would pay attention to Palin or Bachmann. I see no brains behind the rhetoric.
Don't be jerkin' me uh roun, C Dees Cupps. Juss keep on strokin' like you knows Big D likes it.
DeleteI agree that Wendy Davis is a true hero. May she inspire state legislators all over the country and members of Congress also. And I've never heard (thankfully) of S. E. Cupp either.
Somebody really needs to check into Rick Perry's background in depth...beginning from the time he was the Agriculture Commissioner...lots of rumors about lots of coverups. That "holier than thou" prick has a lot of skeletons in his closet; no wonder he and palin get along!
ReplyDeleteBoys and girls, THIS is a perfect example of GOP Delusion:
ReplyDeleteRepublican insists nationwide same-sex marriage ban is possible
Representative Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) believes he can ban same-sex marriage nationwide thanks to the Supreme Court’s recent rulings.
After the federal Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8 were struck down on Wednesday, the Republican congressman announced he would introduced an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Thursday questioned why he thought such an amendment had any chance of passing.
“I think given this decision, which I think has shocked a lot of Americans, that the court would step this far and accuse Bill Clinton and the Republican Congress of that time of animus — you know, the decision was outrageous,” Huelskamp said. “I think it is going to encourage a lot of folks to step forward and say, ‘Hey, we’ve got to protect marriage and protect families and particularly our children.’”
Blitzer noted that Republicans had previously tried to pass the Federal Marriage Amendment in 2006 but failed. Now, even more Americans support the right of same-sex couples to marry.
But Huelskamp insisted Republicans would receive strong support from minority communities. He added the “outrage” caused by the Supreme Court would bolster the chances of the Federal Marriage Amendment this time around.
Watch video, uploaded to YouTube, below:
LOL! Who is he kidding?
Fowler, Kansas is in SE KS near the Oklahoma border.
DeleteAccording to the 2010 Census, Fowler had a polutiona of only 520, but it has four churches (one each: Chrisitan Catholic, Methodist and Friends). That implies that the folks there can't agree on how to worship God so they splinter into little tribal groups. Like many rural towns, they probably have separate cemetaries as wel. Very insular and small-minded people cling to these towns.
To make it easier: it is almost directly south of Dodge Cit (out in the boonies, land of the tumble weeds. I suspect his mind reflects the area.
BTW, this area of Kansas is also the one which regualrly tries to secede from the rest of the state. Tell you anything?
I cannot stand that woman. She's a smarter $arah.
ReplyDeleteShake it girl, but don't break it. Jus do it like ya live, honey, hard and fast!!!
DeleteIt don't bite, and I sho hope you don'ts either.
And lemme tell you sumthin' girl, where's yo glasses? Cuz you's fixin' ta needs em. I'm jus ayin'.
If ya ain't already got tat wonky-eye, you fiddin' to, Gurlfrayend.
Coulter Calls For Primaries Against More Than 25% Of The Republicans In The Senate
ReplyDeleteAs the Senate prepress to vote on an immigration reform bill on Thursday, conservative columnist Ann Coulter declared that those Republican senators who are prepared to vote yes on that bill should face primary challenges. She named a number of GOP senators who make up more than a quarter of the total number of GOP senators in the upper chamber of Congress.
What is it with these GOP women camp followers? They are just plain mean.
How stuppid do you have to be to think closing down health centers for rural and low income women somehow helps keep women safer or healthier?
ReplyDeleteIt is bad enough for men to make ignorat comments about women and their health, but to have a woman say the same assinine things is unbearable. She should have to turn in hebreasts and genitals and start taking testesterone - then she would be a suitable GOP/TP/Libertarian. though, to be honest, I don't think some of them have much testesterone- otherwise, they wouldn't also be homophobes. Oh, wait, that has to do with low IQ and even lower self-confidence, doesn't it? I guess all Republicans are devolving.
another mouth begging to have a sock stuffed into it
ReplyDeleteOMFG Y'all! Hilarity is ensuing at the Asylum! Baldy was NOT on InSannity tonight and the nuts are tearing up the Day Room in anger! One of the Staff Members (moderators) Steve something or another is PISSED and DEFENSIVE!
ReplyDeleteHere is what one of the nuts yelled out the window to Insannity (posted on Twitter)
Pete Petretich • a minute ago −
@ShawnHannity You're a liar&tool of GOPe. YdidU announce that @SarahPalinUSA would B on your TVshow? Nobody cares bout the other crap!
(My Tweet to Sean Hannutty)
Section8 Housing posted this "told-ya-so" on the bullentin board...
You all bitched and moaned at me just like you did in 2011.
I warned you that this was going to happen. That the Bushies would sit on Palin when it was necessary to shut her up!
The whining and crying is a thing of beauty....it's like Baldy Quitting Day again!
Gotta go....Brian's Big Fat Anus is working on some kind of Latin comment that explains what happened! I told y'all them folks are CRAZZZZZYYYY! LOL!!!
Caption contest?
ReplyDeleteI swear, my mind has been in the gutter recently, so I'll just think it and keep it to myself and spare anyone my distasteful comments about "Money shot, take 9 and a half. Roll tape...action!" or "Use the thumb too, honey bunches. ", you know, such suggestive talk that makes them Fundie goodie-goodie-gals dampen their draws as they coo with delight.
I will just issue a safety reminder to all, sort of like a PSA, to always wear protective eyewear when doing jobs with hands to tools or both, as well as combustible materials or flying objects/fluids. A simple pair of glasses has been known to protect against the common wonky-eye which is so prevalent among TeaTard women (Exhibit A: Palin, Bachmann).
Eating or drinking is discouraged while working with hazardous tools, also, too. A mis-timed Big Gulp could result in ingesting foreign material, as demonstrated happened repeatedly prior to this still photo.
I hope everyone else will keep your workspace safe and your chin clean. And Remember : Palin/West 2012. Your money can always help Sarah PAC take the country back as long as you dig deep and give your best one-time gift. And more importantly, you wouldn't want to see YOUR Queen working like a real person, would you? So give today. Generously. And we'll keep poppin out them babies and buying stamps!!! USA! USA! USA!
A mouth begging? To have itself stuffed? With a tube sock? I hate auto-spell. It just typed "tube steak". Ok, I'll go with that -tube steak.
ReplyDeleteWhat are her initials? CD? DVD? BJ?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I've seen her on teeVee but I never knew she is this talented. She appears to be singing lovely in the church choir (maybe she saw Tri-Pee and is rolling her eyes? But anyway, she is also doing the sign language for the visually impaired. What's that the sign for when you make a fist and do your hand up and down at the wrist? Uh oh, I think TMJ is giving us TMI about what she's thinking about. I like the loose-hold-thumb-up (or down) method while singing "I wish I was in Dixie" (whom I "dated" in college several late nights after frat parties).
Oh no, Dixie, look away, look away, sorry about that. I gotcha. You betcha.
Well,Act Blue has upped Wendy's total contributions by $100,000 since yesterday morning. I hope everyone who can is adding to that total. What people think of her and what she did can't be any plainer than that bottom line.
ReplyDelete"Head Staffer" Steve at the Asylum posted this "Update"...
We are just as disappointed as you all are that Governor Palin’s segment was not on. Her Facebook post technically does not suggest it would have been aired tonight, but I do believe two very reliable folks who say they heard Sean advertise it today on his radio show.
Whatever the case is, hopefully they will run it soon and once again I have no idea why FOX tonight is spending all this time talking about Zimmerman after one of the biggest legislative follies in history came out of the Senate today.
Some are already claiming that the segment will air on different days, yet we cannot confirm through Governor Palin or FOX, so we’ll await confirmation.
Sorry for the inconvenience folks."
3 Personalities "DeeDEE" has posted PHONE NUMBERS to Fake News! ROFLMAO! They are going bananas over there y'all!
There is about to be one serious ass BRAWL in the Day Room! Some of the nuts are saying "chill"...while others are screaming that it's "The Bushes" keeping Baldy off the TV! This comment here had pepsi squirting and burning coming out my nose!
"RedDaveR • 24 minutes ago −
I wonder if the powers that be in the FOX/GOP hierarchy got wind that Gov. Palin might not have nice things to say tonight about their boy Rubio, among others. They couldn't allow anyone, much less Sarah, to spoil their amnesty "victory" celebration. The Zimmerman trial might have given them a reason to order Hannity to cancel her appearance.
This shows once again that these people cannot be trusted."
Cupp is a "television personality" who is jealous because an elected official is getting some airtime. What exactly has Cupp contributed to us besides being another well-made-up republican talking head?
ReplyDeleteWell folks...thanks to the wonderful talents of KAO...I have retired my RAM avatar!
ReplyDeleteAnd replaced it with a familiar...uh.....face!
I love the notion that closing more health clinics in a huge state like texas would make women any safer or healthier. Good thinking, Rickie!
ReplyDeleteAnd using the woman's own experience as an example of pro life talking point is beyond the pale. This woman made it through hard work, perseverance, and guts, she's hardly representative of the average single mother. How dare Rick, of all people, "chide" this courageous woman.
So SE Cupp is leaving "the cycle" for CNN with Newt Gingrich? Yay! From the looks of that photo, CNN should call the show "Newtie and the Blowfish"!
She looks smart with them glasses!
I just finished the book "Christian Nation: A Novel" by Frederic C. Rich. It is available now in Kindle form or in printed form early July. It is totally scary - John McCain is elected in 2008 with SP has his VP. He dies in Moscow, she becomes President. The religious right takes over through her and America is basically destroyed. This story is a memoir written in 2026. I highly recommend that you all read it and share with others. It shows how a country such as ours could be destroyed from within by the decades long placement of politicians and leaders of the Dominionist persuasion. It is terrifying - and totally can't-put-it-down-until-finished!
ReplyDeleteI hope he does another alternative history with Rmoney winning over Obama (due to Diebold flipping) and the fallout from that.
DeleteThat mouth of hers needs to be rammed shut!
ReplyDeletePut S. E. Cupp on the television with SP and see what happens. Two extremely irritating mouth flappers. Although I am pro life,I love Sen. Davis for standing up to those tools in the state legislature. I hope she runs for governor, I'm sure voting for her. She has more guts than any politician I've seen in ages here.
ReplyDeleteThat's the look most porn stars have right before the money shot in a bukkake...and she has the glasses to protect her eyes!