Wednesday, July 24, 2013

And finally to end our day, Stephen Colbert's hysterical episode of "The Word" from last night's show.

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I have to admit that I am not enjoying John Oliver's hosting of the Daily Show as much as I had hoped, but thankfully there is always Stephen thirty minutes later to bring back the funny.

This episode from last night was brilliant, so I thought those of you who missed might enjoy seeing it, and it if you DID watch it, well it is quite good the second time around as well.


  1. Anonymous5:35 PM

    As a person that has both worked with anglophiles and has some in my extended family I have really enjoyed John Oliver's stint on The Daily Show. Some things are just funnier with a British accent, and certainly, having spent a bit of time in Britain and Scotland with relatives, I've found that they just have such a way with words and have such a savvy sense of humor.

    I look forward to the return of Jon Stewart, but personally I think Oliver is doing a great job and I'm sure that Jon is proud of his time at the helm.

  2. I think John Oliver is doing a brilliant job. He will get his own show very soon. I hate to say it but I think he s better than John Stewart.

  3. Anonymous7:53 PM

    To each his own, Gryph.

    IMHO, John Oliver is doing a bang-up job. Jon Stewart is an almost impossible act to follow. But I think John Oliver has done a very credible (and hilarious) job in his place.

  4. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I agree with kriski! Lately all Stewart does is yell about people being hypocrites. I liked it better when he did more satire. Personally? I think Stewart should do the Tonight Show. Jimmy Fallon should stay on late night. He's like Conan -- funny at 1130...not 1030.

  5. Anonymous9:31 PM

    O/T in a way...

    see especially #4

  6. Anonymous9:49 PM

    So far, I am unanimous with that(pace Mrs. Slocomb). I am really enjoying John Oliver. Stewart is a funny man, but he has gotten more and more cynical over time. I love that Oliver has brought back some real joy and humor to the show, and I hope he stays somewhere within view when his Daily Show gig is over.

  7. I think John Oliver is great. We've been hearing his wit out of Jon Stewart's mouth for awhile. I think Oliver is the show's head writer. Hilarious.

  8. Anonymous7:40 AM

    We agree with Dee. We think that John Oliver's words and John Stewart's are coming from the same source because they're equally insightful and funny.

  9. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I love Stewart, but I love Oliver, too - even when he "broke" Jon's set! Oliver keeps me in stitches.

    He's got great comedic timing, body language, facial expressions and whatever else needed to be funny.

    You can tell his guests are enjoying him, too.


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