Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Bristol Palin would like you to know that she is still a pretty crappy mother.

Courtesy of Brancy (No Brissy might have actually written this.) Bristol's blog: 

Lastly, some of you have asked how Tripp is doing on the discipline system that Melissa started while she was here. Actually, we didn’t keep that up! However, you’ll be happy to know he’s been better about sleeping in his own bed though! 

I’ve been getting him to bed at the same time every night, which is a huge success for us. I’ve also been better about setting a schedule and actually keeping to it. 

Plus, I’ve been cooking dinner every night for the last few weeks. 

I’m still learning how to do this whole motherhood things well. But I’m so proud I’m actually trying!

Okay so what we have learned is that Bristol could not make the sticker system, which seemed to work so well When Melissa did it, work for her so she gave up. Which to be fair IS a Palin family tradition. 

However she would like you to know that she is having "better" success at getting Tripp to sleep in his own bed, which for her could be as little as two out of seven nights, which would barely meet the definition of "success."

The same holds true for the ambiguous "better" comment pertaining to Tripp's sleeping schedule.

It sounds to me like Bristol is rationalizing, and trying to put a happy face on, her parental failings.

I will give her a tiny bit of credit to identifying that parenting is a learning process, which I have said myself a number of times in classes that I have taught, but in order for it to be that learning process the student has to be willing to learn. Which is something that seems beyond Bristol's ability to do.


  1. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Bristle should have thought about the "whole motherhood thing" before she let boys put their wangs inside her and shoot their load.

    Man, she is such a dumbass.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Classless trashy comment

    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Trashy but true. She's been known as a sperm receptacle or a cum-bucket whore for a lot longer than anybody outside of Wasilla has known her name. She wasn't ashamed of her reputation when she was just another fat 9th grader who couldn't catch anyone's eye without dropping to her knees. Why should she care now? My god, she owns her own pontoon boat now! Look at Bristol! She's somebody!!!

    3. Anonymous5:58 PM

      With a narcisstic mother that dresses, acts, and talks like a tramp, 5:16 PM, you were expecting......what?

    4. Anonymous6:47 PM

      That was AWESOME!

    5. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Getting him to bed at the same time every night is a "huge success"? ROFL. Wow these palins sure have low expectations. I guess when you're a borderline retarded high school drop out like Bristol anything would be a huge success.

    6. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Suits "Proud to be Valley Trash" upbringing.


    7. Anonymous8:18 PM

      She may be giving Tripp whatever knocked him out when she took him to New York and he was dead still for about 10 minutes under the TV lights. Candies was paying her to lie for their corporation and she was interviewed holding Tripp like she was a Madonna and he was dead still.

    8. Anonymous11:05 PM

      sperm burpin' white trash skank

    9. Anonymous4:31 AM

      these comments need to be on a top ten list. Gryph, you need to publish a book of top ten comments from all your posts!

    10. Anonymous8:26 AM

      She's proud she's trying to be a good mother and putting Tripp to bed on time?

      Do you think she realizes she just told us she has no social life at all? If she had, she wouldn't be the one putting Tripp to bed.


  2. Anonymous4:47 PM

    She is so proud that she is actually trying? He is almost five years old, I would have hoped that she would have started trying several years ago.

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      She is so proud of herself for trying to be a good parent? As opposed to what you fame ho idiot? What kind of statement is that?
      Oh yeah-the skank did no mothering so I guess considering her example she is proud she isn't quite the same lazy azz excuse for a mother as the skank!
      Amirite Gina????????

    2. Anonymous5:42 PM

      And she's been TRYING for two whole weeks? Give that girl a smiley face on the fridge. Just think if her mama had told her about contraception about 7 years and 3.5 pregnancies ago... she might've only gotten knocked up twice!!! She is slow now.

    3. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Bristol: take time out every day -- after bath time and when you're tucking Tripp into his own bed -- to read several story books to him. Then turn out the light, except for a nightlight or a light in the hallway, and sit quietly with him until he goes to sleep. Do this on a schedule, day after day, week after week. It means giving over your complete attention to your child for a solid block of time. But, after a few months, you'll see an enormous difference.
      Keep reading to him until he can read himself, then have him read to you. Make it your nightly ritual together. He'll remember it the rest of his life, and so will you.
      Also, here's a tip from a mother of two: if you're at a restaurant with a young child, bring along some books and read to your child while you're waiting. It will make everyone happy.

    4. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Why is Tripp named after shailey Tripp aka Todd palin's prostitute? Weird.

    5. Anonymous4:33 AM

      And where is TRi-G's real original birth certificate? Locked away for 99 years.

  3. Anonymous4:49 PM

    She been cooking dinner for her child every night for the last few weeks... WTF!! Stay the f*ck off tv and be a frigging mother, you flipping loser!

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      So... Does he get Mac& Cheese every night now? Or does he get some sloppy joes with the Mac cheese?

      WHAT KIND OF A MOTHER IS SHE, that she did not cook until just a few weeks ago? Oh, I forgot... One that has too much money and thus has NO IDEA how valuable money actually is, so she went to get take-out all this time, I guess, or went to restaurants to inflict her unruly brat onto every unfortunate diner who happened to be in the same 'establishment' like she and her brat was... :(((
      As to not being able to follow they simple sticker method... WHAT ELSE IS NEW??? We KNOW she is a lazy biotch... Poor Levi and Sunny, who have to put up with this hellion every once in a blue moon!

    2. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Thank heavens for mac n' cheeze. Has Sarah had time to teach her daughter the fine art of hot doggery?

    3. Billy Boob Walton6:17 PM

      She must have been reading the blogs. Again. Bloggers OWN the Failin Palins. That is all. Good night Willer. Good night Toad. Good night Lou Sarah. Good Night Barstool.

    4. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Worst mother ever. Worse than Sarah Palin. Worse than Casey Anthony.

    5. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Worse than Casey Anthony who killed her kid?? I can't stand the Palin's but you are nuts.

    6. Anonymous12:13 AM

      bristy serves up only good ol 'merican food jess like momma pretends to do:

      Use a store-bought box of beer batter mix and one flat beer. You can't go wrong. Follow instructions on the box....

  4. Anonymous4:54 PM

    No question that dull Bristol wrote that herself.
    She's proud of herself for trying to be a better mother? What the hell?

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Pathetic. No wonder she is back to putting on weight.

    2. Anonymous6:40 PM

      I do think the girl is borderline retarded. She needed special education, and now needs a firm hand to guide her and show her how to be a mother, as well as an adult. Remember, she's almost 22 and still hasn't any direction to her life, and no training to give her a goal.

      Sadly, she's had nothing of that sort from the house across the lake, and it must be very lonely, with just Willow and Tripp, and no real clue about what to do and how to do it.

      She's telling the world just how lost she is. Alaska must have a social services department that could send out a caseworker to help give her a better grasp on her life. I hope she reaches out to someone besides her Facebook fans to give her guidance. It's really too big a challenge for someone who's already as challenged as she is.

    3. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Where's tri-g birth certificate?

  5. Anonymous4:57 PM

    What Brissy IS is self-centered. If she even gave one iota about him, she would have started this LONG before now. Finally a set bedtime in his OWN bed? SHE GAVE UP ON DISCIPLINE???

    I read a long time ago somewhere that a child's biggest growth into their demeanor in life is from age two to five. That why you teach manners, sharing, impose timeouts from a VERY young age.

    She has a hellcat for a son and just wait until he hits his teens. All because it was always about HER.

    Palin Family Values. Pick an offspring, ANY offspring....

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      That would be the best title for a Parody Show about this worthless bunch of human excrement: Palin Family Values

      You know, the only thing that would have to change is the show title. The Palins can play it straight just being themselves. Their reality is a parody already.

    2. Anonymous5:54 PM

      As a teacher who has worked with kids in primary grades, I can tell you that the most important years are the ones BEFORE they get to school.

      Many of my students have been products of second or third generation teen mothers. There is only so much a teacher, no matter how wonderful, can do to repair the damage poor parenting or neglect can do to a child.

      It does happen, although rarely, that a child can overcome a bad start, but it usually takes tremendous effort on the child's part as well as a strong, consistent surrogate parent figure, which Tripp does not seem to have in his life.

    3. Anonymous7:59 PM

      He DOES have Levi and Sunny - ONCE in a while, and seems to cherish those times.

    4. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Original poster here, 5:54 PM. Thank you. Our kids were SO active in primary grades, their bedtime was 7:00 PM sharp and they slept the night away. They NEEDED it. Teacher conferences were always, "they are so alert, their homework done, and contribute when the rest are groggy...what's your secret?"

      Paying attention. In LOVE.

    5. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Parent is a verb. Get your ass off the couch,Bitchtol.

  6. Anonymous4:57 PM

    She's still learning how to do this whole motherhood thing well!!?? The kid is almost 5 freaking years old! WTF Bristol, are you waiting for something to click in that empty brain of yours? Holy shit, she is setting that kid up to be a major failure in life if she doesn't set boundaries and endorse some semblance of discipline . I have seen her personal Facebook , and all she does is post pictures of herself with Tripp or of the kid alone with weird captions like, only boy I'll ever need, and I crave him all day. Its not normal, at all.

  7. Anonymous5:02 PM

    "But I’m so proud I’m actually trying!"


    The kid is, what, 4 years old and she's just starting to try NOW????? And bragging about it???

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Kid's probably seven. We'll know when he tells us one day, unless he turns out just like them and hates them all but sacrifices his own integrity for the grifting effort. Of course if he's uneducated like his mother, he might not have much of a choice. Bristol is ignorant by choice, other than being slow-witted. But she could still easily improve herself with a proper education. She'll regret later if she continues her current path.

    2. Anonymous9:10 PM

      seems somebody had too many "everybody gets a trophy," moments.

  8. Bristol Failin5:02 PM

    This is why I don't believe for a minute that Bristol has a full-time job. Mothers who work have they're kids on a schedule out of necessity. If she's getting him up at 5am every morning, there's no way he wouldn't have a set bed time. Kid's his age need 10-12 hrs of sleep. A good mom would recognize that and make sure it happens. Some of his acting up may be because he's overtired.

    The only people who don't have their kid on some kind of schedule are people who have no schedule of their own.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Pontoon Palin only needs to do her TV gigs, that is where the money is. She can only do so much. Needs time for boyfriend. While he is on vaca she can pretend to be doing better with Tripp. He schedule fits around others, not Tripp. Yes, Levi knows. He is not ready to deal with it.

    2. Anonymous9:11 PM

      and junk food with hfcs and red dye. Could always tell when my kid had some - yowza.

  9. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Bristol is the best advertisement for sex education and contraception. She became a teen aged mother when she was still emotional a child herself. It doesn't matter whether or not she was married. She was too immature to care for a child, let along participate in a committed relationship. And, she proudly told Greta in her TV interview that it was her choice to keep that baby. (As opposed to giving away another baby, maybe??)

    Once Bristol made that commitment to have that baby, she should have read the same books that we read when we were expecting our kids-- good old reliable Dr. Spock, who offered common sense wisdom. Many new parents could turn to their parents. Sarah and Todd were not good role models. Bristol is so proud of choosing to have Tripp, so that makes her responsible for him. And, by the time we saw Bristol in that first lame reality show, where Tripp was already acting out and had discipline problems, she did nothing to change the situation.

    There is no excuse for that. There are other mothers with young kids who have gone through same things, a crying kid who can't get to sleep, a kid who won't sleep in his own bed, a kid who needs a popsicle to behave. A smart mother would not tolerate that kind of behavior in a kid. That's no way for a kid to grow up. When the kid is only a couple of years old, it's not his fault. It's the way he was parented. And, Bristol has been doing a lousy job. There are plenty of resources-- mothers of Tripp's schoolmates, books, information on-line, parenting classes. It's Bristol's responsibility to learn how to be a good parent.

    She wrote about what a terror Tripp was when she wrote her letter of instructions for Melissa. That's not a good thing. Tripp has been having behavior problems for years. There is only one way to say it. Bristol chose to keep Tripp. She wanted to be a mother without benefit of marriage. She did not allow Tripp's father to play much of a role in his life. She wanted it all, and with it comes the responsibility to have done a better job.

    The fact that Nancy has to keep apologizing for Bristol means that nothing has changed. Tripp should be sleeping in his own bed, and when he gets up, he is old enough to straighten the bed covers and keep his room tidy. He should be putting his toys and clothes away. If he needs some stickers on a chart to encourage this kind of behavior, then he needs a sticker chart. He needs a reward system, encouragement, love and direction. I don't think that Bristol is mature enough to do that. She spends her time playing the victim long after a show she agreed to do has aired. She asked her readers for advice on raising Tripp years ago, and she doesn't seem to have taken any of it. In a more perfect world, the other parent should take all of Bristol's blogs to court and ask for custody, in the best interest of the child. The person that I feel sorry for is Tripp, who is still just little boy. Unfortunately, his mother is still a little girl.

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Bristol had Tripp for the same reason many teenage girls keep their babies. They think that a baby is like a pet that will love them unconditionally, be fun to play with and dress up, and go away when they get bored playing 'mommy'.

      Unfortunately, a baby is NOT a pet, or a toy, or a gadget you can put in the closet when you don't want to play anymore. Bristol hasn't figured that out yet and has a role model who treated her own children exactly the same way. Drag them out for a photo op and then let someone else do the actual raising (or let them raise themselves).

    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Good advice. I knew nothing about parenting hands-on other than my memories of my parents when my younger brother was born 4 and a half yrs after me. I read everything I could get my hands on, including my wife's What to Expect... book twice. I felt better by the time we started birthing classes, because there were some scared dads-to-be in my class that had somewhat been in denial that life was about to change. I think I scared them even worse (into action, I hope) when they asked and I told them all the reading I was doing, etc. all of a sudden the looks on their faces were those of a college student who took off going to a couple of classes with an A at mid-term but walks into an exam unprepared that counts for a third of his semester grade. Panic turns to denial... But I didn't know... waah waah waah

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Anyone ever heard President Obama whining about how hard it is?

    4. Anita Winecooler8:04 PM

      Great Comment, 5:12.
      One of my daughter's friends became pregnant and her parents supported her decision to keep the child. She graduated with her class, went to community college, worked her butt off, and had the courts garnish the father's pay for a court ordered 75 bucks a week (big whoop) child support and back pay.
      It CAN be done and done well, but it takes backbone, sacrifice and hard work.
      She's Bristol's age and is a certified court reporter owns her own condo and is engaged to be married in 2015.
      Yeah, her parents DID help her by babysitting and sometimes buying things they needed, but she never once had opportunities handed to her because of who her mom is, never once belittled the child nor the father, and even agreed to supervised visitation (which never materialized.)

      It's women like this is why I'm vehemently pro choice.

      And here's Bristol, holding herself as the epitome of single motherhood- go figure!

  10. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Bristol is proud she's trying (because she wasn't before?)

    Sarah is proud her daughter "stuck it out" for a year in hair school (because no one thought she would?)

    Great kids you've raised, Sarah. Really hard ass workers.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      anon 5:20's comment reminds me of GWB whining and crying that being The President was hard work. Sarah's work ethic consisted of hiring a city manager to run little Wasilla, which she left $20 million plus in debt-- and quitting her job as governor in order to cash in. A note to her fan club. It had nothing to do with the ethics violations, although they may have been the straw that broke the camel's back. Her fans claim that Sarah's bills were going to bankrupt her. No, not with hundreds of thousands of dollars that were donated to Sarah's illegal legal defense fund. To show those diehard fans how illegal the fund was, Palin had to return the money to the donors because she used her office of governor to profit herself (avoid paying her own legal bills).

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Yep, Sarah has set the bar high for those girls. They'll be lucky not to stub a toe falling over it.

    3. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Sarah's fan club back in her Mayor days were laying their hands on the walls of City Hall (there in Wasilly, deep in the bowels of the MadZoo), urging her on to greater things with the help of their pinheaded pastors and their prostituted parishioners.

      Lo and behold, look what their mayor has produced for them. Another fast breeding imbecile. PraISE gAWD AND PASS MORE BUCKS AND SPERMS.

  11. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I hope Levi is taking notes. Get your act together and get a formal visitation schedule, preferably half-time custody. You son's welfare is at stake, not to mention your relationship with him. All of these reality tv shows are evidence. Everytime she admits she's a bad mom who can't handle her kid, that's evidence.

    I absolutely cannot fathom how Levi won't file for a formal arrangement. It's madness (or suspicious).

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Levi is busy. He is happy with the crumbs he gets.

    2. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Bristol doesn't know how to cooperate with any court order. There would only be trouble that Tripp doesn't need in his life.

    3. Anonymous8:01 PM

      If Bristol doesn't know how to cooperate, than Bristol can go to jail or lose her own custody or get sued. Levi needs a formal custody arrangement, period! That's what's best for Tripp.

    4. Anonymous9:33 PM

      No one cares what is best for Tripp. None of them or you would see it.

  12. Anonymous5:28 PM


    Weiner was sexting another young woman. ..a YEAR AFTER he left Congress in disgrace.

    Wtf, dude.

    What. The. Fuck?

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Yeah, Weiner's a dick. Hopefully he's a better father than he is husband. Still, his wife is an adult who has a choice whether to stick it out with him.

      Unfortunately, Tripp has no choice about his situation with his shitty mom and her shitty enabling fool family members.

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      So why didn't you post the evidence?

    3. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Because it's everywhere, 6:22...

      He and His wife just had another press conference

    4. Anonymous8:10 PM

      And what did they say 6:22? Did you bother to really listen?

    5. Anonymous9:22 PM

      OMG sexting! Say it isn't so! Can't be any worse than Bristol's many cell phone sex tapes.

    6. Anonymous3:39 AM

      Weiner will sink himself. Meanwhile, the Paragon of Virginity, Bristles is STILL having sex whenever and wherever she can. No wonder she has no time for her kidS. Just photo ops. Bristles, the Wasilla Doorknob (everyone gets a turn)

  13. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Better late than never? Bristol's parenting "skills" are the reason that abortion should be kept safe and legal. Children, especially immature and mentally ill-prepared children such as Bristol, should simply NOT be procreating. Their offspring are never going to be functional members of society. Poor Tripp, and poor Bristol, living a life that neither are adequately prepared for. Tripp will end up like Lindsay Lohan; a cautionary tale of a life that ran out of control due to lack of mature parental guidance.

    Bristol and her ilk act as if they should be given a medal for having children as teenagers, and having children without a stable relationship where two people are present to raise a child. I'm a little disheartened about what this says about our society.

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Her ilk??? Really??

    2. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Tripp will be a great hair dresser or wedding planner after he moves to San Francisco and "finds himself"

    3. Anonymous10:58 PM

      YES REALLY, her "ilk". Nothing wrong with that word. In this case it merely refers to her peers, probably in her geographical area.

      Apparently many teens in her area (and I'd say probably in most rural areas) accept that early parenthood is the norm and it is a ticket to adulthood. I'm not necessarily against early parenthood, single or coupled. It is not ideal, but it truly can supply the motivation to "get it together" and to truly work one's butt off (favorite Palinism) to do what it takes to raise a healthy child. I even think maybe the struggle potentially gives the child a better perspective than one whose "prepared" preppy parents have smoothed all paths.

      Sadly, in B's case, it does not seem to have triggered a response to really rise to the occasion. Sounds like she only just now has decided to (finally) "actually" try.

      Truth is, her "ilk" has likely done much better at the "motherhood thing"...because they didn't come from the successful grifter background, and really DO have to WORK.

    4. Anonymous3:44 AM

      Bristles is sitting, dreaming and waiting for her next Hollywood opportunity. She can not sing, dance or act. Lazy ass thinks she is just gorgeous enough to have her phone ringing off the wall, with offers for high paying gigs. Wake up Bristles. You are nothing special, and neither is you mother. Remember "Beauty fades, DUMB is forever" This refers to your mother, not you. Hollywood is full of hard working, talented young people who have studied their craft. You do not stand a chance.

  14. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Bristol: "I’m still learning how to do this whole motherhood things well."

    Please tell me she is not going to home-school Tripp. Please....

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Does she have a choice NOT to home school at this point? Tripp is a little celebrity, used to acting up for attention. Besides he may have absorbed some of the family secrets.

    2. Anonymous9:25 PM

      Sorry but she already has. She's teaching him the important things in life like how to say "fucking faggot" and "I hate you"*

      *actual Tripp quotes

  15. Anonymous5:43 PM

    How sad. After becoming a mini-celebrity for having a son as a 17 year old - it's now 5 years later that she is trying to be a good mother?

    Sounds to me like the Wife Swap might have shown Bristol that some effort on her part could be of benefit to everyone.

    At least, hopefully, we won't have any more "reality" shows about what a brat Tripp is.

  16. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Where do Willow and Julie fit in this picture? Do they live with Bristol? Are they responsible for Tripp in any way? Is Julie really the baby sitter and housekeeper? Maybe Julie could learn to cook dinner so that they could sit down and have dinner together, like the Rivers family did. It would be a novelty and a change.

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Willow and Bristol are both bad influences for Tripp. Julie is to clean it up and fix him. Bristol is too tight to get him a baby sitter. They are like wardens in Tripp's homemade prison. Too late for that poor kid now.

    2. Anonymous8:29 PM

      I can understand Willow's situation. Bristol has gotten onto all of those shows because of her status as unwed teen mother of Tripp. No wonder Willow resents Tripp and eggs him on. It's payback. Bristol has been enjoying all of this "celebrity" and all that Willow got was a trip to hair school. Willow should get the Hell out of there as fast as she can. She can make a bundle writing the true story of Trig, and get set up anywhere (not Alaska) for the rest of her life. She doesn't even have to work in a beauty parlor, fussing over fussy people.

      Hey, Willow. Seriously, think about it. You will always be playing second fiddle to a girl who is seriously out-of-tune. You know enough to get a publisher and they will supply someone to whip your information into shape. And, while you are at it, get a good lawyer, too. Really, get a good lawyer first, preferably someone who does not live in Alaska. Someone who your family can't push around. Save yourself, and stop playing second fiddle to Bristol.

    3. Anonymous3:48 AM

      Gloria Aldred would be perfect for Willow! Better act SOON, since interest in Mamma Grizz is fading fast, along with her looks!! Opportunity will go away soon, just as interest in any of these grifters is fading.

  17. Jesus, if that doesn’t sound like a challenged individual, I don’t know what does.

    Willow, you may need to stick around for a few years.

  18. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Hey Bristol, you only have to "try" a few more years. He won't be needing you after that.

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Once Trapp-ezius gets a few more years on him and learns what a raunchy, foul, bored-out snatch smells like, he'll be sleeping in his own bed with the door locked and a gas mask on.

  19. Anonymous6:24 PM

    How many years does it take to learn to put the kid to bed at bedtime and not feed him takeout junk every night of the week? More than four years, according to Bristol Palin.


    Remember when some teacher from Wasilla High described Bristol as "slow" or "borderline retarded" or whatnot?

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      And remember Brisket had such a poor excuse for a Mom herself and such a poor homelife that these things have to be learned. it's not like you and I where we came from homes with decent parents where we learned the value of a good upbringing.

    2. Anonymous7:38 PM

      She can't learn. She is trying to act so maybe she can handle a few weeks of "trying".

    3. Anonymous3:52 AM

      7:18 Bristles has been around other people all over Hollywood and Ariz. to observe how good parents treat their kids. Her mother is a disaster, but surely Heather showed these girls some skills? Is the entire family unable to learn anything, apart from grifting?

  20. Anonymous6:38 PM

    The sticker system had no chance. Placing a sticker on a board required Bristol to lift her heavy arm.

    No way Bristol lifts her heavy arm unless it is to put food in her mouth.

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Budget for sticker system was annihilated by the pontoon boat toy. Thanks, Mom.


  21. Anonymous6:38 PM

    "Bristol Palin would like you to know that she is still a pretty crappy mother"

    No argument here.

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Just like her mother

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      That's what we have been trying to tell Bristol all these years! Damn she's a slow learner. It must be true Bristol is borderline retarded.

    3. Anonymous7:31 PM

      What gave that away, her foul mouth spoiled illegitimate kid?

  22. Anonymous6:39 PM

    When is that 7 year old going to go to school? Maybe this is a question for Alaska Children's Protective Service?

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Um, home school. Yeah that's it. And I work full-time too.

      --Bristol, Super Mom and Awesome Actress

  23. Anonymous6:41 PM

    However, you’ll be happy to know he’s been better about sleeping in his own bed though!

    That's good news for Bristol's trial husbands.

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Mommy what are you sucking on?

      Tripp I thought you were sleeping?

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      One has to wonder just WHOM would marry that.

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Isn't that why Bristol bought the pontoon boat? To have some private time with the trial husbands?

    4. Anonymous7:28 PM

      BP: Whatever your name is can you roll over?

      ONS: If I did I will roll over that 4 eyed kid with the big frown staring at me.

      ONS = One Night Stand

    5. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Her latest trial hub had to leave the mainland so she would cook for the Trippster, and try to get him to bed. Some dudes will do anything to be close to Todd.

    6. Anonymous7:42 PM


    7. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Sounds like Tripp sleeps in his own bed, sometimes. Better isn't best. He is supposed to sleep in his own bed. He was supposed to sleep in his crib when he was a baby. Then, he moved up to a big boy bed. And he sleeps in it. Do we have to spell it all out for Bristol?

    8. Anonymous9:27 PM

      They were starting to get creeped out when Bristol insisted Tripp sleep in the same bed as them. She's a slow learner.

    9. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Hopefully, Tripp is sleeping with his underwear on, when he is snuggled up in mommy's bed. You know that family's history. Just saying.

  24. Anonymous6:45 PM

    "I’m still learning how to do this whole motherhood things well. But I’m so proud I’m actually trying!"

    You're kidding right Bristol about learning this whole motherhood thing?

    Hopefully your kid is not wearing diapers anymore, he can speak, dress himself, hopefully he stopped breast feeding and you're still learning about motherhood?

  25. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Plus, I’ve been cooking dinner every night for the last few weeks.

    That's great Bristol, how the fuck old are you? You have been cooking dinner the last few weeks? I'm sure your future husbands thinks that is fantastic. You want a Job Well Done sticker for that? I'm sure Sunny cooks dinner every night.

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Actually, you should SEE what Sunny cooks up all the time... She often shares in on FB and makes me JEALOUS!!!

    2. Anita Winecooler8:18 PM

      Wonder if she learned how to cook "clayfish"?

    3. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Mac and cheese, like you made for Joan? Even Piper could make a cake from a cake mix. She had to read the recipe to Sarah.

  26. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I'm like a yo-yo with this girl. At times, she is so irresponsible and so frustrating, and at other times, it's hard not to feel sorry for her. It's so evident that she isn't getting any wise parental advice from Sarah and Todd. Why aren't Captain and Mrs. America giving her tips on sending her kid to bed and disciplining him? Isn't the pro-life pro-values, pro-family Madonna of politics able to give Bristol some common mother advice?

    Why does Bristol have to blog and ask strangers for advice and keep them informed on her parenting problems? Bristol writes, "I'm still learning how to do this whole motherhood things well. But I'm so proud I'm actually trying".

    On the sentence, "But I'm so proud I'm actually trying" - Has Bristol been told that trying to be a good mother is something one should be proud of? She sounds like she believes choosing to be a mother is some sort of game/competition that carves some notch in her career belt. She's proud of herself that she's trying? Does "trying" mean just winging it and hoping it'll all work out? Is her understanding of motherhood some occupation that she's boasting of to her audience and readers to make herself feel proud of herself? Is it all about HER?

    Mothering is about sacrificing and training up the child to be a well-adjusted happy caring human being. It's not about how proud the mother feels about herself, but how proud she is of the child. Who ever told Bristol that being a mother was all about the mother? Her mother Sarah?

    Sarah showed those kids how to exploit anything and anyone how to get what they wanted. Sarah is all about boasting about how proud she is that she raised successful girls and a muscular-bodied warrior. It's all about Sarah with her kids. THey do not have an IDENTITY. They are accessories to Sarah and that's all they are, in their minds. Sarah has raised them thinking that way. This is why Bristol can't find her true self and is insecure and lacks any confidence and believes that she as a mother, will continually keep Tripp as her little accessory for life.

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Why does she have a blog to ask strangers for advice? Because she can't ask her own mother. Sadly, she hasn't thought of asking aunts or grandmothers. Doesn't Bristol have any friends who have had kids? That's all very sad.

      No, I don't feel sorry for Bristol. She used Tripp to get on TV shows, and all that it showed was that she was a terrible mother. I feel sorry for Tripp, not Bristol.

    2. Anonymous7:18 AM

      It's too late for Tripp. He is doomed to repeat the dysfunctional cycle of this fucked up family. Having Bacon Belly Bristol for your mother, and the Bitch for your Grandmother, and Todd the Pimp for your Grandfather, ensures that he will be a uneducated failure in life. Just look at the "track" record. (No pun intended).

  27. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Bristol's trying to hide her gut behind Trizzle's head. That is, if it's not a baby bump, again. Those fuckin fertile fools, the Palin *girls*, as their mama calls em don't know the *truth* about fucking every guy that winks at em which might have a positive correlation with the number of outside-of-marital relations preggo episodes they've enjoyed so far.

    Keep them heels up in the air, girls. That'll get you lots of compliments on the FM shoes and boots we wear.

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Amazing they haven't figured that our yet.

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM

      We see you Bacon Belly, we see you.

  28. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Still thinking the reason for yesterday's and today's ramblings were because HRH Prince Of Cambridge was born and went home. Worldwide attention and coverage.

    We ALL know the routine. "It's about MEEEEEEEE, dammit!" Just like Mommie Dearest.

    1. Anonymous9:36 PM

      I think that Nancy needs to generate some traffic for that lame website. And, I think that Bristol hasn't gotten over some of the criticism of her appearance on Wife Swap. If she can't take the critical comments, maybe she should stay home and work on that mothering thing.

    2. Anonymous4:03 AM

      How can Nancy even work for this fame whore? Nancy has kids, why has she not tried to steer Bristles in the right direction? Another fake religious person, full of non existant "Family values"? I doubt very much she would be happy if her daughter adopted Bristles values, and got pregnant at 15.

    3. Anonymous5:59 AM

      Nancy is no prize, herself.

  29. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Sorry, but she is a crappy Mom and that's the nicest thing I can say.

  30. Anonymous7:18 PM

    For fucks sake! What, he's 4 or 5? Bri$tol you SUCK at motherhood, you SUCK at being an adult, you SUCK at being responsible and we all know you SUCK a lot of dick.

    Children need a routine and healthy meals. The ONLY thing you are good at when it comes to Tripp is exploiting him for $$$ and THAT IS NOT BEING A GOOD PARENT. SHAME ON YOU

  31. Anonymous7:24 PM

    "I’m still learning how to do this whole motherhood things well"

    Wow you sure do talk good English Bristol! Fukin' idiot

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Word Salad Mini Me.

  32. Anonymous7:26 PM

    No one brought up in a half way decent home would have to learn "family dinners".

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Bristol didn't write that they had family dinners. So far, all she said is that she cooked a few dinners. Really, do they all sit down together, Willow, Julie, Bristol, Tripp and the current boy friend(s)???

    2. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Who is Julie? Another "auntie" for Tripp? Poor kid.

  33. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Its good to hear Tri-PP is getting fed every night now. I'm glad the Wife Swap had a positive impact on Bristol's life and saved Tripp from starvation.

    1. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Thank heavens Julie and Willow are there to wash the Mac N Cheese pan.

  34. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Lol we are the Palin puppet masters. We own them. We comment, she responds. Too easy to pull her strings. She puts on the gorilla suit and dances for us.

    1. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Right on! We need to pose some more questions for Bristol about that Wife Swap thing. Does Tripp have a chores chart? What chores does he do? Can he put away his toys? Wash his face? Brush his teeth? Can he read yet? How often does Tripp have play dates and play with other kids? (Hey, Bristol, that would be a nice time to visit the other kid's mother and get some "mothering" tips). Can he read yet? Can he write? Does he know his colors, numbers, shapes? What's his favorite story? movie? Did you know that you can watch Broadway musicals on Netflix? How about "Oliver?" "Annie?" The charming movie, "The Christmas Story" has been made into a musical. Go look for it. It's about guns. (You'll shoot your eye out).

  35. Anita Winecooler7:32 PM

    What? No recipes? No photos of Bristol cooking? No photos of home made dinners with Tripp using a knife and fork?. Microwave popcorn maybe, but you're no Paula Deen.

    Sorry, I don't buy the cooking one bit, and the reason Tripp goes to bed the same time every night is the battery in your clock needs replacing.

    Let it go, Bristol, the only "victim" is your kid.

    1. Anonymous8:27 PM

      She gives him a nice little pill to get him to bed at the same time.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Well, maybe she thinks she's Paula Deen's caliber of chef- she does after all share many of her philosophical beliefs.

      Wild Tortoise

  36. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Bristol: "I’m still learning how to do this whole motherhood things well."


    1. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Bristol doesn't "learn" anything.

    2. Anonymous9:34 PM

      What a great idea! You know how they have bumper stickers or signs in the window that warn that the person in the car is a student driver-- Bristol needs some signs to post in her window and on her car, "Student Mother. I'm still trying to learn. It's hard work."

    3. Anonymous4:10 AM

      Bristles just has her Tripp license plates. When the bar closes at closing time, whoever is too drunk to have found a "date" when they were sober, piles in and goes home with her. The guys in Wasilla had better be wary, she will write another book about being "raped" this time in a pontoon!!

  37. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Didn't Michele Bachmann report seeing one of these *extinct* creatures just last week?


    And I bet Marcus has been hiding these everywhere he can think of...

  38. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Bristol: "I’m still learning how to do this whole motherhood things well."

    What? Bristol you picked sex pretty fast! You just have to put the same effort into motherhood as you do sex and you will be just fine.

  39. Anonymous7:54 PM

    You think Tri-PP is not eating well, I wonder what Tri-G is eating?

    Feed these kids like First Lady Michelle Obama recommends and maybe Tri-PP and Tri-G will grow up healthier?

  40. Anonymous7:56 PM

    FYI Bristol,

    Tri-pp can't eat a pontoon boat!

  41. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Send Tripp to Sunny's house for some home cooking and real parenting.

  42. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Checked some 'exploitation of children in reality tv' sites and one article from 2009 in Newsmax was quite critical of the phenomenon. Another article from "Christianity Today" slammed the practice of parents using their children in their reality shows, and used the Gosselins as examples. Lots of warnings about psychological damage these kids face later in life, 11 of whom committeed suicide, since the reality tv phenom began; and the practice of having cameras in private homes and having to disrupt the child's routine and keeping them on someone else's time watch, forcing the child to constantly be in 'work-mode'does more damage than is obvious to the eye. It was reported that many who support the practice deny that these children are affected, saying they look like they're enjoying themselves while playing and aren't aware of the cameras; but psychologists and concerned child abuse experts disagree.

    So with the reportage of this, especially on Newsmax, one of Sarah's old trusted supporters, there has never been mention or articles published by these sites on "Life's a Tripp". I wonder why. If they had any decency left in them, they'd leap to the chance to bring this insidious practice to the surface and try to change laws to protect kids from these narcissistic camera whore parents.

    Maybe Bristol should just "try" a little harder at doing that motherhood thing well. One thing is for sure, her mom Sarah won't bat an eye at the practice, because for her, it means the cash just keeps on coming in. To the Palins, kids are collateral. Who cares if they're emotionally damaged or not, eh, Sarah?

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Sarah lives in a fantasy world of her own creation. I had a narcissistic sister who did this and it hurts everyone.

    2. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Excellent. Agree.

  43. Anonymous8:10 PM

    She sure looks a bit BIG around that waist line of hers....

  44. Anonymous8:13 PM



    Imagine 40 something Sarah 'TIGHT ABS' Palin showing her post baby bump...

    1. Anonymous9:09 PM

      She had no post baby bump because there was no baby there.

  45. Anonymous8:20 PM

    How starved is this female child for an *attaboy* for at least trying for a few weeks?

    Competing with her mother, the queen of everything that is good and perfect and smart and beautiful and popular and charismatic and whatnot, had beaten this child down over the years to the point that she is literally BEGGING for positive affirmations. This is so sad.

    1. Anonymous9:10 PM

      I hate to say this but Bristol is damaged goods, thanks to Mommy Dearest.

    2. Anonymous9:31 PM

      The reason that Bristol is such a poor mother is that she had poor mothering when she was a child. There are experiments where the monkeys who are raised with a warm towel for snuggling (instead of their real mother)don't know how to take care of their own young. Bristol's mother was not good, perfect, nor smart (unless that is some clever snark). Bristol's mother was selfishly nurturing her own career that she didn't bother to nurture Track, Bristol and Willow, who seemed to get into trouble. (Warning about Tripp, Bristol, watch out). Sarah may be competing with Bristol and controlling her, but that shouldn't prevent Bristol from going to other places to learn how to take care of her child. Other people break the abusive cycle. And neglecting your child is a form of child abuse.

  46. Anonymous8:31 PM

     I’m so proud I’m actually trying!
    -Bristol Palin

    Bristol is proud she is finally trying motherhood? If Bristol is Trig's birth mother then maybe it was a good thing that Bristol gave him up. Sad thing is that Trig should have gone to a better home.

  47. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Tripp is finally getting home cooked meals?

    Look at the picture Gryph posted, Willow has some big hips growing there. Looks like she has been eating well.

    Willow how about giving Tripp some of your food?

  48. Anonymous8:41 PM

    What do you think Bristol is looking for in a trial husband?

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      A Dick.

    2. Anonymous7:26 AM

      A dick!

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Anyone that her Mom doesn't have to pay to F#ck her. Sarah's funds are drying up and Briskets boyfriends salaries were the first thing to go.

  49. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Anonymous5:39 PM Trashy but true. She's been known as a sperm receptacle or a cum-bucket whore for a lot longer than anybody outside of Wasilla has known her name. She wasn't ashamed of her reputation when she was just another fat 9th grader who couldn't catch anyone's eye without dropping to her knees. Why should she care now? My god, she owns her own pontoon boat now! Look at Bristol! She's somebody!!!

    Bristol is this true?

    You have a pontoon boat?

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      considering her grammar and spelling, though, is it a poontang boat?

      Snidely, Wild Tortoise

    2. Anonymous2:26 PM

      If Tripp still sleeps with Mommy, then Bristol bought a poontang for her more private entertaining.

  50. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Sarah's future book release on Christmas should tell all christians that a woman whose more interested in sticking it to the atheists should be more worried about her inability to grasp the real Christmas message.

    Jesus would never have exploited the little children for $$$. He wouldn't have stood by silently if the hypocritical pharisees of the time had used their babies and children to display as tools and temple wares, to falsely make themselves look religious to the rest of the world. What kind of parents and grandparents would carefully ignore the obvious glaring exploitation of their 5 year-old grandson and son Trig (cough cough)? These two little boys never had a chance at a normal life. They'll always be hailed as the chattel of their mothers' careers.

    The Down Syndrome child dressed in a Santa suit, placed in a box, under a tree, to be used for holidays on a postcard, photo ops, and discarded like a rag, to be cared for by a nanny. It's been happening for 5 years and no one, no person will clout and influence, can rescue these kids from this scam? The cold loveless Palin family can whine and yammer and cry victim, but can't see how victimized their children are. I believe there is a God, and that this grieves Him and pray that Tripp and Trig will be soon be removed from this fakery and there is still hope for Bristol to get some help and save herself and her son from this harmful situation.

  51. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I'm a struggling single mother with a brand new party pontoon boat that is docked next to my house on the lake.

    Boo fucking hoo.

  52. Anonymous9:03 PM

    I get the feeling Nancy French is punking Bristol. Or Bristol is punking herself, if that's even possible. Who got up one morning and decided it would be a good idea to share this shit with the public? It's not a learning curve to be proud of, Bree!! I guess it really is true that the Palin kids never sat together regularly for meals...real meals, no mac and cheese. I feel sorry for them.

  53. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Bristol is your new chin and boat more important than taking parenting classes?

  54. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Sniff sniff am I the only one that feels bad for Bristol?

  55. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Bristol, the Trial Mother.

    1. Anonymous6:02 AM

      Probably going to be found incompetent to continue the trial. Remanded for evaluation. No further contact with Anthony Weener!

  56. Anonymous9:09 PM

    "Cooked for the whole week"???
    Oh big fucking deal Bristol!!!!
    As a mom that's what YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO dipshit!!
    Let me guess--not a vegetable in sight right? Just add water CRAP out of box???

    And the rest of the time it's McDonald's & Taco Bell because you couldn't be arsed to properly nourish your son's growing body with real food. No wonder you & your awful excuse for a mother are always on diet pills. You have no clue how to feed yourselves, or your kids normally.


    1. Anonymous4:53 AM

      Try breakfast, lunch, dinner and healthy snacks day after day after day after day after day!!!!!!

  57. Anonymous10:02 PM

    I said it back then and got called a moron by Bristol's troll. Bristol is the laziest mother EVER! Even Sarah had the sense to hand her kids off to some real parents every once in awhile.

    1. Anonymous4:19 AM

      I remember reading about one time when $carah had to take baby Piper somewhere, a doctor maybe. She got home, hauling Piper in a baby seat, sent her flying across the floor and said "Someone take care of this FUCKING baby" What a family values Christian Mamma Grizzly, huh??

    2. Anonymous5:48 AM

      Bristol is worse than Sarah

  58. She's been at it four years and is still "trying"? The sticker system isn't that hard, unless you're not around or too lazy to do immediate follow through.

    I think Bristol just doesn't want to be bothered with Tripp's tantrums so it's easier to just give in than to be firm. So this kid will grow up with no discipline. Not really a surprise as we parent as we were parented and since it's obvious the Palin children had no discipline, structure or direction growing up it would be shocking if they were able to instill that in their own children. Their only hope is for their spouses to pick up the slack. And since Bristol is single.....

    1. Anonymous5:47 AM

      I agree with you.

    2. L in SF6:44 AM

      If Bristol had a sticker system, she would be a much better mother. A sticker for making dinner, playing with/spending time with Tripp, giving him a schedule/following it, regular bath/bedtime, sleeping in his own bed. She could earn reality shows, boats, slut shoes, or trial husbands for her stickers.

  59. janice11:57 PM

    Sunny and Levi have a functional home and it looks like Tripp is a completely different boy when he is staying at their house. He is always smiling, loving his baby sister and joins in all the family things. A complete oppositie of two parents. He knows bad behavior is not a part of his life at their home and they will not tolerate it. All of this will finally be seen by the courts and some day, Levi will get full custody of his son. Bristol is a spoiled brat, lazy, jealous, etc. of everyone just like her mother and Willow. I bet Sarah acted the same when she was Bristols age, victim, etc. Remember when Bristol was in the tent with Levi, sher said she lied to her mother about being there.

  60. janice12:00 AM

    Bristol needs to go to Sunnys FB page and see how a functional family lives. Also, she will see that Sunny cooks all their meals and her house looks spotless. I bet Bristol doesn't even clean her own house. Bristol could pick up all the things she needs to know and improve in from Sunny.

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      They weren't that functional last New Year's Eve.

      Tripp is doomed either way.

  61. janice12:00 AM

    Bristol needs to go to Sunnys FB page and see how a functional family lives. Also, she will see that Sunny cooks all their meals and her house looks spotless. I bet Bristol doesn't even clean her own house. Bristol could pick up all the things she needs to know and improve in from Sunny.

  62. Anonymous12:28 AM

    She's proud that she is trying! She has been making dinner every night for the past few weeks. Why isn't she running for governor?

    1. Anonymous5:55 AM

      She's overqualified.

    2. Anonymous6:15 AM

      She needs a co-governor like Sarah had.

    3. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Before Bristol can be governor of Alaska she needs to be a beauty pageant contestant first.

    4. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Bristol would enter a Free Booty Pageant. She does give it up for free.

  63. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Think about this:


    Writing a Christmas book
    Riding horses
    Shooting pistols
    Getting breasts
    Trout fishing
    Sitting next to her cement pond in Arizona looking at fashion magazines
    Going to the Kentucky Derby
    Going to Indy 500
    Going to NBA games
    Going to car auctions
    Going to a high school graduation that has nothing to do with her kids
    Bad mouthing everybody on her Facebook
    Being an ass



  64. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Bristol how about selling that new pontoon boat of yours and buy a cookbook and parenting book?

  65. Anonymous6:13 AM

    What is the Root Cause of Bristol's problems?

    Bristol didn't receive love or parenting from her narcissistic incompetent mother and now Bristol is continuing the same way of life with Tripp.

    This chain needs to be broken or Tripp will be a terrible father at the age of 16.

    1. Anonymous6:30 AM

      He's on his way.

    2. Anonymous2:21 PM

      IF Tripp rules the roost at home, what will he be like when a teacher tries to discipline him?

  66. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Next Bristol will be crying that she should have enrolled Tripp into Kindergarten two years ago instead of doing Gino, Joey, Life's A Tripp and marrying Willhoe to get on Celebrity Wife Swap.

  67. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Think about this.


    Hanging out in Anchorage
    Screwing prostitutes
    Pimping out single mothers
    Peeping at women's nipples through holes


  68. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Anonymous2:21 PM IF Tripp rules the roost at home, what will he be like when a teacher tries to discipline him?

    Most likely Tripp will be homeschooled and take the GED route. But if Sunny gets control of Tripp, he will graduate high school.

  69. Anonymous4:27 AM

    I thought Bristol may appreciate this post...

    ...along with the rest of the lovely, snarky people here.



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.