Sunday, July 21, 2013

Experts attribute lowest number of California teen births in 20 years to sex education course in high school. Fundamentalists respond by plugging their ears and yelling "We can't hear you!"

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

California’s teen birth rate has plummeted to the lowest level that it’s been in the past 20 years, according to new data from the state’s health department. The state’s rate now stands at 28 births for every 1,000 teenage girls — a 60 percent drop since 1991, when the rate peaked at 70.9 births for every 1,000 girls. 

Public health experts directly attribute this success to state laws that require California’s public schools to offer comprehensive sex ed classes with scientifically accurate information about birth control. State officials also credited family planning programs that provide community-based resources to teens. “We do believe that our programs are behind these numbers,” Karen Ramstrom, the chief of the program standards branch at the California Department of Public Health’s maternal child and adolescent health division, told the Los Angeles Times. 

That’s in line with national trends. As a whole, the United States’ teen pregnancy rate has been plummeting to record lows, largely because teens are gaining better access to contraceptive methods and opting to use birth control as soon as they become sexually active. And research suggests that community-based youth programs are one of the most effective strategies of instilling teens with healthy attitudes and safe approaches toward sexuality. 

But progress in this area isn’t uniform across every area of the country. While states like California are making huge gains, the teen pregnancy rate remains stubbornly high in the South. Adolescents there tend to receive ineffective abstinence education, and they’re more likely to lack access to birth control resources.

Gee who da thunk it?

Providing comprehensive education AND access to birth control actually LOWERS the teen birth rate? Amazing.

As we well know these statistics will have little impact on the conservatives whose four part strategy will essentially remain, "No, no, no don't do that!"

Followed by, "Oh well now you've done it!"

And then of course, "Nope, gotta have it!"

And then finally, "No we will not help you. We only care about the fetus BEFORE it is born. Good luck slut"


  1. Randall10:03 AM

    GOD doesn't want you to do that!

    ...yeah, but Mother Nature DOES

    ...and SHE'S not imaginary!

    1. Leland2:14 AM


      Man is not VIRUS - at least, in the real definition! Considering what Man does to our planet, I can see why many consider him one, though.

      Man is not MINERAL, but when one sees how some American politicians think, I can understand why one might believe so!

      Man is not VEGETATION, although a lot of people here think like vegetables!

      Man is ANIMAL, and no amount of religious or morality teaching is going to alter the hormonal drives that come from being animals - or teenagers becoming adults.

      This is the argument many of the anti-sex people fail to comprehend.

  2. Anonymous10:29 AM

    If they don't want to provide abortion services, or morning-after pills, then the objective correlative is to provide comprehensive sex education, so that women, and girls, and men, and boys, can make wise decisions.

    Of course, there's nothing that can save a teenager who "forgets" to take her cramp pills.

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Would that be Willow and Bristol, soon to be Piper?

  3. Anonymous10:55 AM

    You mean it isn't because of Bristol and The Situation's excellent "Pause Before You Play," Candies campaign?

    (Like a shallow twerp like The Situation would look twice at Mathra who only gained like, 5 pounds during DWTS.)

  4. Anonymous11:00 AM

    The exact reverse happened in our local schools when abstinence only as introduced. My daughter received more comprehensive sex ed in 7th grade than she did in 10th. The result was a 1000% increase in pregnant teens within ONE year. It continued to rise every year until the started teaching the old curriculum. Now it is dropping like a stone.

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Now that goes completely against everything the abstinence-only proponents claim.

      Gotta hate that science-y and math-y stuff don't ya???

    2. Anonymous12:36 PM

      not t mention many of the abstinence programs (in public schools) are run by rcc hospitals - which the church has cliamed are integral to their mission when it comes to BC via insurance - which is it,pedophiles?

  5. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I wish when they state the statistics on teen pregnancy they would also show if there were fewer abortions.

    Seems to me if you can say sex education resulted in 40% fewer abortions that it would become that much more difficult to argue not to teach it. You are saving fetuses lives after all and if you really cared about them...

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Honey, if they ain't preggers, they ain't gettin' abortions. Logic, much?

    2. Anonymous1:35 PM

      I have never had an abortion for a non pregnancy, have you?

    3. Anonymous1:53 PM

      If you really cared about those fetuses, you would really care about them when they after they are born. You would care about their health, that they had something to eat, that they receive an education so they can be contributing members of society. Instead of talking about abortion, why not focus on doing all that you can for every living member of society. Why not remember the original Christian who fed the hunger and cured the sick-- think of others instead of the right wing anti-aboriton agenda. Think about women's health, dignity and privacy. Stop worrying about abortion and start caring about people!

    4. Leland2:17 AM

      1:53, you're confusing them again! You're using logic! That hurts their wittle bwains.

  6. I wish just once we could get through the comments without making it about the Palins.

    (I know, I know...I just did it.)

  7. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Anon@ 12:05 pm.

    You make a good logical point, but the ultra right don't care about facts.

    They don't want birth control pills, condoms, sex education, OR abortion.

    They would prefer young women arrive at the altar virginal, and utterly ignorant about sex, orgasms, basic human biology, or anything but getting pregnant, and having as many babies as possible.

    Having 6,8, or even 10 kids is a symbol of how faithful you are in many of the Christian sects, almost like driving an Escalade or a Lincoln.

  8. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Bristol's Blog!

  9. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I once had a teenage(16 year old) employee who seemed very distracted and unable to wait on customers.....I took her aside and asked if I could help resolve whatever issues she was wrestling with....she was distraught over how she would tell her father..the minister,that she was pregnant.....this young lady was naive to a fault.....and should never have faced the world so ill-informed.I was,unfortunately,ill-equipped to be of any real help......I was sad for weeks.

  10. And it would also lower the teen ABORTION rate as well.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.