Sunday, July 21, 2013

Congressman Peter King states that Hillary Clinton would "destroy" most of the potential GOP candidates for President.

Courtesy of HuffPo:

 Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) claims he thinks former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D) would "destroy" some of his Republican peers in a potential 2016 matchup. 

“I think she’s very strong on foreign policy, and I think that if we nominate someone from our isolationist wing of the party, she’ll destroy them,” King said. "We need somebody that can stand up to her." 

King said he's "not a fan" of Cruz, labeling him an "isolationist" and saying he has a "bad image for the party."

Of course by claiming that Clinton would "destroy" those from the "isolationist wing" he slams not only Ted Cruz but also Rand Paul, both often named as potential 2016 candidates. However he also targets, less directly perhaps, Marco Rubio and Chris Christie, neither who have the foreign relations chops to compete against Hillary in national election. So he essentially tosses their chances out the window as well.

So just who does King think stands a chance against Hillary in a run for President?

Funny you should ask.

King recently said is "going to look at" running for president in 2016, claiming he is "certainly willing to be out there and be a spokesperson and see where this goes."

Ah, of course.

Peter King is famous for his anti-Muslim rants, is fervently anti-choice, voted for DOMA, voted to make the Patriot Act permanent, and is essentially xenophobic in his stance on immigration. (Voting record here.)

So if Peter King believes that  Hillary Clinton would destroy most Republican candidates, and believes that he represents the party's best hope, then he is essentially telling the Democrats that the road to the White House in 2016 is free of obstacles and that his party has NOTHING in their arsenal to stop Hillary.

Good to know. Thanks Congressman King.


  1. Randall7:04 AM

    Seriously ...who else do they have?

    WHO among the Republicans can run against Hillary?

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      And, seriously, who would be willing to be the vice-presidential candidate to run with Peter King. The GOP would have to dig up another Sarah Palin wannabe.

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM


      The real one will still be unemployed and available. ..

  2. When the GOP are heaping praises on a particular democrat - smell a rat. They want Hillary Clinton to run.

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      I would love for her to run. I'm beginning to think she won't.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      I think that, Biden, should run. I can see him and Hillary, working together. The GOP, would love nothing more, than to bring up the Clinton's past. We need to continue to move forward and finish what has been started.

    3. Anonymous9:51 AM

      We can't finish anything until we get the House back next year. THAT should be our over-roding goal right now...take back the House and get people back to work. Then it won't matter who the hateful GOP is Dems who care about this nation and her people. the GOP only cares about their next untaxable buck.
      I saw King on Morning Joe Friday. He's ready and willing to send troops to Syria and today. He would be a horrible horrible person to put in charge of anything. And what's with Paul sudddenly praising Palin?

  3. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I think that, Hillary, needs to first, announce her intentions to run. King, put his name out there; but I don't see anyone singing his praises.

  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    This is so heartbreaking, Gryphen...

    11 Year-Old Yemeni Girl Gives Profound Monologue On Arranged Marriage: I'd Rather Kill Myself

    A video posted to LiveLeak today features a profound monologue by an 11 year-old Yemeni girl whose family attempted to force her into an arranged marriage.

    Nada Al-Ahdal says she fled to her uncle's house, and that people close to her have threatened to kill her if she does not get married. Arranged marriages at a young age are common in that region.

    A common response, says Ahdal, is for those kids to commit suicide.

    "It's not [the kids'] fault. I'm not the only one. It can happen to any child."

    "Some children decided to throw themselves into the sea, they're dead now. They have killed our dreams, they have killed everything inside us. There's nothing left. There is no upbringing. This is criminal, this is simply criminal."

    Needless to say, Ahdal's words are utterly profound for an 11 year-old:

  5. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Peter King also has a long history of publicly supporting the IRA during some of their most violent years.

    He is a nasty, angry, bigoted man.

  6. Anonymous8:42 AM

    In the 80's the Irish government boycotted New York's St. Patrick's Day parade because King was the Grand Marshal. These articles contain some history of King's involvement with the IRA.

  7. King for President.

    President King.

    Hmm. Kinda unfortunate name. Not much he can do about it either.

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM doesn't sound too enticing. Other than ego, I can't imagine why he thinks he would be more electable than any of the other GOP clowns.

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      He's from NY. He thinks that as a non-southerner, he would be a draw for northern voters. There's also bee a strategy that you need to have one of each (N/S) on the ticket

  8. AJ Billings9:19 AM

    Peter King in HUGE trouble for daring to diss the likes of Ted Cruz.

    Doesn't he know that Cruz, Paul, and Demint are the cornerstones of Teapub purity?

    How DARE HE SOW DISSENT among the ranks of the Christian right by criticizing a fellow TeaPub?

    I can already hear RAM's phone bleeping as one nasty text after another arrives from Granny Grifter demanding a quick and nasty response.

    If the Christian Taliban are already starting to snipe at each other this early in the Presidential cycle, imagine how vicious it's going to be in 2015.

    Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Michelle Bachman, and Chris Christie are all going to be arguing as to who is a "rill" conservative, and who passes the Tea-Taliban purity test

    Pass the popcorn kids! :)

  9. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Peter King "believes" whatever is expedient at the moment. His assessment of GOP candidates and chances isn't worth the waste of oxygen he expended in his remarks.

  10. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I was actually hoping for a Cruz - King ticket. Hillary would wipe the floor with them!

  11. Anonymous11:05 AM

    The 2016 GOP clown car will make the 2012 model seem reasonable.

  12. Beldar J Conehead12:22 PM

    Speaking of president, here's a pretty satisfying non-partisan assessment of President Obama's recent - non-telepromptered - remarks about the Trayvon Martin killing and Zimmerman acquittal:

    Are you SURE there's no way we can elect this guy again???


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