Friday, July 12, 2013

It's count your blessings Friday.

Sometimes we just have to take a moment to re ember how lucky we are, and how we often take all that we have for granted.


  1. Leland2:59 AM

    When I got out of the Navy in 1971, I was too young and stupid to know that I qualified for unemployment. Since I was unable to find a job, I was essentially homeless. I got lucky and found a cave in the foothills of the mountains of eastern California, but on the western side.

    It was a miserable existence and I was hungry quite often, not to mention filthy half the time. For six months, I ate whatever I was able to trap or dig or find in the waters around there. Yet I knew I was one of the fortunate ones because I was in an area where food and shelter WAS available and I knew HOW and WHAT.

    Did I complain about my situation? Certainly. But it wasn't serious complaining because I knew things could have been much worse.

    Ultimately, someone found me who knew the score and I was able to leave that existence, but it made a lasting impression on me and I NEVER waste food or seriously bitch about my life.

    More Americans need to suffer some privation (and I DON'T mean "Mommy if you don't get me those shoes I'll just die!") in their lives. Many of us would complain a lot less.

    More Americans need to read and recognize the poster Gryphen has provided us above.

    Thanks for the reminder, Buddy!

    1. Anonymous5:49 AM

      Leland, I wish there were more of you! You should be today's politician or today's representative of the people. You are true example of resilience and a wonderful attitude!

    2. Leland7:35 AM

      Thank you for the compliment 5:49. I appreciate it.

  2. Anonymous5:44 AM

    So true.

    Every day now, I think about how tough the other 3/4th of the world population are, and how important it is to turn awareness into action; when I complain about anything, I stop in my tracks.

  3. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I have the day off. My cute mailman will be bringing my mail this afternoon. I have some really good chocolate ice cream in the freezer for after dinner.

    It's a beautiful day with cool temperatures and low humidity, and my garden awaits my attention.

    I'm a happy camper!

  4. I agree with you, Leland abd Gryphen. I've not had to live as Leland did but there were plenty of problems when I was growing up in an alcoholic household. My father lost various jobs and my mom's family wouldn't help. (My grandmother was a member of the "you've made your bed, now lie it" school. She refused to take us in the only time my mom got the courage to escape the abuse.) As Americans, we've become complacent and lazy. We throw temper tantrums if our desires aren't immediately gratified because it's our right, dad gummit! We're entitled; we deserve them.

    It's true that, in comparison to many countries, the U.S. is a rich country but it's immoral and obscene that so many Americans are without food, housing, jobs, or any hope for a better life in the future yet are demonized for not being omniscient enough to foresee, plan, and over for any and all eventualities that life may throw.

    1. Leland8:14 AM

      Stone? Sounds to me like your life was considerably harder than mine ever dreamed of being! The very idea of a parent refusing to assist a child in getting away from that sort of thing is simply disgusting.

      I completely agree with Sir Patrick Stewart that ANY abuse for ANY reason is a bad thing. It's one of the reasons I support our local shelter for the abused and raped.

      It never ceases to amaze me that when I walk into the place with a box of vegetables from my garden or simply a check to help with expenses, I am accepted (AS A MALE!) without fear from these ladies! (Well, the ones who have been there a while.) Let me tell you, it is a very humbling feeling to have one of these ladies come up to me and smile, then thank me profusely for the help - and sometimes to actually give me a little peck on the cheek. Or to have an abused child come over and reach up to me for lifting and hugging.

      Now THAT'S the kind of reward that makes me get back in my car and cry for a good ten minutes! Both for joy at having been accepted from people like them and out of anger for there having to BE shelters like that.

      Stone, it sounds as though you have risen above your "difficulties" and become a compassionate and intelligent person. Good for you!


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