Sunday, July 14, 2013

Jury in George Zimmerman trial revealed.

Oh, well now THAT would explain the verdict.


  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    As saddened and angered as I am about the verdict in this case I am a long way from blaming the jury. If/when we hear from them, or some of them, and their thought process suggests a less then honest reading of the facts I will feel different. We'll see.

    At the moment I find the prosecution's case lacking on many levels. Their witnesses seemed ill prepared. The friend Trayvon was talking to as he walked back to the home was confused, confusing, and hostile. I don't think for any fault of her own. The lawyers obviously didn't prepare her for what she was going to face.

    The medical examiner, who also had a language issue problem was a disaster.

    Almost everyone I've seen in the past several days has agreed that the case was overcharged. The state never had the facts to support Second Degree Murder. The burden was too far beyond the available facts. Manslaughter had a better chance of success and a lesser threshold of proof.

    The other part that was lacking was ANY alternative scenario to the one the Defense presented. In the absence of a different theory of what happened, the jury was left with the one the Defense presented. The State never laid out their ticktock of what happened. And that left, in my mind, the bullshit Defense rendition of the sequence of events.

    Too many people have been hurt so far by this tragedy. Let's not throw the Jury into the fire till we know more.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Mark my word, when you hear from this 6 panel of women you'll find out they have gun toting husbands and most of them are just dumb without education. This is the south, the mentality is very very low in most instances.

    2. Ailsa6:23 PM

      Thank you Fan from Chicago.

  2. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Thanks for the laugh, I needed it. This whole thing makes me sick.

  3. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Unbelievable. A jury of his peers, uh no. White hair, teeth and faces. Stepford Wives re-incarnated. The Prosecution were indeed fools to allow that jury to be seated.

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Ummmm ... you do realize that's Photoshopped with Paula Deen's face, don't you?

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      I didn't at first. Thanks for clarifying.

    3. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Also, there are 7 Paula Deens. It was five white women and one hispanic or black (it wasn't clear to the pundits what the race of the one juror was.) I guess the 7th Paula Deen was the alternate? I thought most juries had twelve people with one alternate. Anyone know why there were only six? Also, what's the deal with a jury of your peers only being white women and one "not white"?

    4. Ailsa6:22 PM

      There are only 6 in a FL jury unless it's a capital crime when there are 12.

    5. Anonymous11:24 PM

      That is crap about 99.99% of people raised in the south used the N word at one time or another. I was raised in the south. 100% of the racists raised in the south use the N word. They don't have to know they are racists to be one.

  4. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Hey people, the state of Florida. I'm a female but I see idiot jury choice here with these 6 women. Very dumb, extremely dumb women on this jury. This is what the south will bring you in a verdict. I'm sure these dumb idiot woman are full on gun shit, standiing your ground and all that shit. Seems the defence chose these bitches correctly. I'll bet you that everyone of these stupid bitches have guns and their husbands had an opinion.

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      It was reported that two of them are themselves gun owners. I want to know why they never responded to the judge about what their specific question was regarding manslaughter. Let's not forget that twelve people found Casey Anthony not guilty. Last thought, if George Zimmerman was still George Zimmerman, but he killed a white 17 year old named Tommy Martin, would it have taken forty five days to arrest him? Would the cops have taken him at his word when the showed up at the scene? Would Sean Hannity have kissed his ass during an interview? Would conservatives have given him $300,000 for his defense fund? OH, HELL NO!

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Very good points!

    3. Anonymous6:29 PM

      The next time you get a speeding ticket when you weren't speeding. Thank the cop for giving you what you thought Zimmerman deserved.

  5. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I hope that Trayvon's family brings on massive civil suits. This peice of shit should never live his life normally, ever!!!! I wonder how vigilante might work for this piece of shit when someone decides they want to do the same as he did to Trayvon. He better hide his head low, and I mean low. I'm a white female seeing this shit. Its just so fucking wrong.

  6. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Ha, if Mrs. Deen would have met George Zimmerman in a dark alley she'd have been just as horrified as meeting Trayvon Martin. They're all brown to her, just various shades.

  7. Anonymous5:02 PM

    What a mess things are. This made me sick and in tears all day. Paula Deen's goofy face can't even bring much of a laugh, it could have Sarah Palin's mug. Maybe the Justice Dept will be able to do something.

    I tried to forget the whole thing and somehow ended up coming across Bradley Manning, Wikileaks, Edward Snowden. I forgot Manning exposed the Palin's close, friend Jeremy Morlock, the one Palin basically dissed. Palin was vocal about Snowden but I don't recall her mentioning Manning. Morlock only needs to serve 7 years in a Federal Prison before he is eligible for parole. Todd's high school squeeze blames the US government for what happened to her son, but it seems he got a pretty good deal. One of their victims was a minor, like Trayvon. I don't know when Morlock's time started, but with the right parole board he could be out in say another 5 years. A creepy thought.

    On March 21, 2011, the German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel released three horrific photos of Afghan civilians killed by a group of United States (US) soldiers.
    On Twitter, users were comparing the crimes committed by Jeremy Morlock and the funneling of America's top secrets to Wikileaks by Bradley Manning.

  8. Anonymous5:38 PM

    That is the least tasteful attempt at a joke I've seen. Just sad. #istandwithpaula

    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Even a tasteless attempt at humor is better than us just skulking right now. It caught me off-guard and I actually laughed out loud, and then I signed. Look, well never go undefeated, so we have to know when to move on to something else that's important or dig our heels in, depending on the strategy. If Zimmerpunk doesn't get steamrolled by the DOJ or in civil court, he'll have his OJ moment. Maybe later than sooner, but karma will always know where he's hiding.

    2. Anonymous9:52 PM

      I don't see this as a funny joke either. I'm a progressive from the deep south. I am for justice for Trayvon AND I also too stand with Paula. 99.99% of people raised in the south used the N word at one time or another - it was accepted back then. Of course today it is not - and Paula was big enough to admit she DID use the word years ago. And look at who is suing her, all her companies AND her HEIRS. A white woman!

      By the way, one of the women on the jury had a concealed weapons permit. The other one - her HUSBAND had guns - not her.

      It's true Florida justice system is effed up. THAT's who I blame. Look at their crooked governor for one. Florida: the land where innocent children's murderers walk "Scott" free!

    3. Anita Winecooler10:08 PM

      Stand with paula? Bwaaaaahaaaaha!

    4. Anonymous10:21 PM

      9:52PM It is not merely the use of the N-word. There is much more.
      "I think individuals who are trying to defend Paula Deen’s use of the “N’ word should probably familiarize themselves with all of the facts of the case against her. Just so you know, in case you didn’t know, the person who initiated the complaint against Paula Deen and her brother is not “Black.” She is a “white female” who was subjected to years of abuse and was finally fed up with her black employees being treated like animals, so stop thinking it was a black person complaining about Paula Deen’s use of the N word."

    5. Anonymous10:56 PM

      Obviously Anita you are not from the south so you would NEVER understand not in a million years.

    6. Anonymous10:58 PM

      I lost respect for Deen when she hid her diabetes. Anthony Bourdain made a good point, he questioned Deen promoting fatty foods while knowing about her diagnosis. He can be rough but nothing close to what she has done.... he called her "the most destructive person on the Food Network" and said in an interview: "She revels in unholy connections with evil corporations and she's proud of the fact that her food is f---ing bad for you." The N word gets the attention but there is so much more. I am glad things are coming out about who she really is. She is a big part of why medical problems and costs go sky high. If she is good for laughs, that is some good to come out of her life. It sure wasn't the food she promoted to bring herself wealth.


  9. Anonymous6:28 PM

    As chicken shit as Zimmerman is his wanna be sorry ass is going to be on a swivel for the rest of his dismal life. Instant karma gonna' git ya', knock you right on your face...

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Another OJ. Karma is the bitch.

  10. BeldarJConehead6:45 PM

    one word: civillawsuit

  11. Anonymous9:11 PM

    This is disgusting

  12. Anita Winecooler10:12 PM

    There's a shred of truth there, but what a nightmare! I can barely tolerate one Paula Deen, imagine seven in one room! It's enough to give diabetes diabetes.

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Yes, don't look at that picture too long.

  13. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Omg, How many Paula Deens I cannot see now my eye's!!!!!!


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