Sunday, July 14, 2013

Okay if this happens, and it is verifiable, then I will hail Edward Snowden as a hero from now on. I promise.

Courtesy of RT:  

In the wake of NSA leaker Edward Snowden’s recent revelations, the Obama administration may be willing to backtrack on some of its more notorious surveillance policies, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) told reporters. 

The long-time member of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Thursday that privacy and civil liberties advocates could be on the verge of “making a comeback” due to the blowback caused by recent leaked national security documents. 

Speaking to the New York Times this week on the effect leaked documents attributed to former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden have had on the United States, Sen. Wyden said he imagines the White House is willing to reconsider the current surveillance policies in place that have sparked widespread protest and criticism in recent weeks.

Now before we all get excited let's consider the possibility of this actually taking place. 

If I were the President, and realized that with everybody knowing about it the effectiveness was now limited, while also knowing that virtually every other country was doing the exact same thing, I would probably make a big announcement that we were putting a stop to the NSA program.

And then once I had picked the confetti out of my hair from the parade they would throw in my honor, I would secretly reinstate the program, only THIS time making damn sure that there were no more leaks.

That may sound unnecessarily conspiratorial, but think about it for a minute. NO President gives up power unless forced to do so. If America decided to suddenly do away with their spying program, while every other country went whole hog in spying on their citizens and ours, it would put us at an incredible disadvantage.

So yes I have my doubts.

But let's say my tinfoil hat is on too tight and they DO dismantle the data gathering of ALL Americans information portion of the program at least, and put in serious legal protections for our citizens.

If THAT much happened, then yes Edward Snowden would deserve our undying gratitude and he would be somewhat redeemed in the eyes of many.

However I cannot help but equate this to a man promising his wife he will stop looking at porn.

As far as she knows he did. As far as SHE knows.


  1. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Trouble with the way that Snowden did it is like getting rid of a mouse with a shotgun. You take care of the mouse problem but you end up taking a lot of good stuff with it.

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    One thing I have never seen in response to Obama's campaign promises is this:
    A candidate knows nothing about what a president must know.
    Once he or she becomes president a whole world of information is open to them and they must digest it immediately and formulate plans on how to change things or what to keep.
    I don't think for one second candidate Obama knew for absolute sure what the fuck was going on with this shit. Once he became president he was at the intelligence "mercy" of those who had vested interests in maintaining the status quo.
    I have no clue what Snowden's objective was other than his 15 minutes of fame, but as 1:07 said, he went about this the absolute wrong way and is paying the price for it. He's stuck in a shit hole country, a man with no country in essence, and no way is he coming back here if he wants to be "free". He's as chained to his place as Bush and Cheney are.

  3. DetroitSam1:37 PM

    "... if they DO dismantle the data gathering of ALL Americans portion of the program ..."

    The we have 9/11 #2.

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      This President wouldn't allow another 911. Bush and Cheney let it happen because they wanted a war in Iraq and this was their ticket in, regardless of the fact that the majority of the terrorists were from Saudi Arabia. They depended on the ignorance of the American public as seeing "one Muslim country much as the other" and just figured that a big old hit on "Merica" was going to allow them to do whatever the hell they wanted to in the Middle East. It worked. We sent kids to war and gave up our rights to privacy via the Patriot Act. Snowden wasn't telling us anything we didn't already know; the good old USA bought into the 911 hysteria lock, stock, barrel and then some. Now we're freaking out about it? The time to be concerned was then, not now. If most of you whiners would have read between the lines back then when this was being legislated you'd not be sooooo surprised now. Give me a break.

      Was the absence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq not clue enough for you to see how 911 was put in place by our then government?

      What is that little saying about "hindsight being 20/20". Yeah that one. Pay attention next time and don't let the government pull the wool over your eyes ever again.

    2. Boscoe5:03 PM

      Bullshit. Utter bullshit. We had all the information we needed to stop 9-11 without massive data mining of US citizens. A document was even written about Bin Laden's imminent attack that crossed Bush's desk weeks before it occurred. They chose to ignore it, either through ignorance, incompetence or -insert your tinfoil hat conspiracy theory here-.

      What bothers me about your attitude is that you're not even bothering to ask WHY 9-11 happened at all. If you think it's because Muslims "hate our freedoms" then you're an imbecile, please go back to kindergarten.

      America was intended to be a grand experiment based on a nation run by and for the people on behalf of their best interests. I say if the intent of the government is to do no harm, then it doesn't have any need for secrets.

      It's funny, you don't see Canada or New Zealand or Australia getting bombed by terrorists. I wonder why that is?

      Maybe it's because they're not pissing and shitting all over the rest of the planet?

  4. Anonymous1:48 PM

    There is nothing heroic about this pissant little fucker. He's a traitor and needs to hang from the highest rafter. Gryphen you are really fucked up to give him any sort of credibility. Are you really that ignorant to celebrate this scumbag? What the fuck has happened to you lately? Next thing you'll be singing the praises of a terrorist attack that this despicable loser paves the way for. Get a grip, get out of your fog and WAKE THE FUCK UP! This guy is nothing but bad, attention seeking and deserves to lose his citizenship, his freedom and finally, his life. I hope he's locked up in the most horrific conditions, solitary confinement until he rots. And you support someone who is intent on bringing down our amazing president, and you say you are a supporter of Obama? Bullshit. You're no better than the assholes that spend their time doing all they can to bring President Obama down...SHAME ON YOU you turncoat!

    1. Thank you for your input.

      By the way you have a little spittle there on the side of your mouth.

      Might want to get that.

    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Smart aleck comments do nothing to assuage your betrayal, Gryphen, it just puts you in the same lame ass class as Sarah Palin. Why don't you take some adult responsibility for your fucked up position instead of trying to deflect it. You aren't even man enough to have a genuine conversation with your readers as to why you would choose to betray the very character you purport to champion. That makes you pretty scummy in my book.

      President Obama has more honor and integrity than you'll EVER have and for you to dare to criticize him when you have no fucking idea what you are talking about, have NO facts or figures to justify your criticism other than the gorging media looking for cheap sensationalism.

      You use your public venue to perpetuate misinformation which is just lazy. Those that are more informed have posted accurate, non-hysterical information that is nothing like you're choosing to parrot today.

      This issue is too important to be blown off with your lame response to the post. Your utter head-up-your-ass, snarky, sarcastic, jackass position sickens me.

    3. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Jessie, I have to concur with this guy. This complex issue deserves better from you.

  5. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Edward Snowden deserves nothing but prison. Gratitude? Fuck that. He's in cahoots with the worst of the worst and you call him a hero? WTF is wrong with you????

  6. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Snowden is a wise-ass traitor and consummate liar. His moral indignation makes me want to throw up. If I were his Dad, he wouldn't have to worry about someone from the Intelligence community taking him out because as his Dad and the reason for him being on this earth, I would probably at the very least, beat the shit out of him.

    As it is, perhaps President Obama and Putin could find a nice gulag for him to live, unbothered by gifts/resources from the US.

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      I agree wholeheartedly. He's the worst kind of smug little shit who sucks Greenwald's cock in his addiction for attention.

      He is unworthy, irresponsible and I have to say I'm gobsmacked that our Jesse sees him as anything other than dishonorable.

      To learn that Jesse has also been disingenuous in his support of President Obama is truly disappointing. I always believed him to be a lot more sharp than that, but alas, he's now shown his true colors, one who is cheering a felon who is intent on destroying the security of this country and our extraordinary president.

      Why Jesse? Why would you cheat like that?

      Seems like that utter betrayal on Jesse's part shines a light on his charade as a good man. To actually cheer someone like Snowden flies in the face of ANY claim to his blog mission statement, which is jarring beyond belief. He's been fucking with us by pretending to be someone other than he truly is, a fair weather Obama supporter. Pretty despicable, I'd say.

      I have lost all trust in him with his cheerleading for those who would wreak havoc on the United States and open us up for more acts of terrorism.

      What the fuck, Jesse, what the fuck? You should be deeply ashamed of yoursel, you Judas.

    2. Anonymous3:27 PM

      There's a little "x" to the top right of your Immoral Minority tab on the top of the screen. Why don't you left click on it? Bye!

  7. Anonymous2:19 PM

    If I were the President I would just change the subject and focus on anything else distracting and let the little bastard rot. I would not give him any power or make any changes. That is how Pres Bush and Chaney did it and it worked well.

    1. Leland6:40 AM

      Worked well?

      And how many deaths of our people do you call okay?

    2. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Pls recognize sarcasm and irony.

  8. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Snowden is a patriot and true American hero
    For exposing Obama's surveillance state

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      And, now he is sharing information that he stole to our enemies. Please, educate me about patriotism and heroism with respect to communism and democracy.

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      You forgot that BUSH starting surveilling the U.S. initially. Grow up and look at Bush's govt before you start talking idiocy. Investigate before you assume its all Obama surveillance.

  9. Look I know that Snowden is a douchebag, and that fleeing with all of those records was incredibly reckless and will undoubtedly end up in the hands of our enemies.

    But if his actions helped to dismantle the part of the program that gathers all of our data, AND allows these civilian contractors to peek into our e-mails and phone calls, the way that he did, then that would be a very good thing.

    However I do believe that I stated that I have very little confidence that such a thing would actually happen, so the chances that I will have to keep my promise of heralding Snowden as a hero are between slim and none.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      This actual dismantling of this program will never happen, you can't put the genie back in the bottle. All that will happen now is that we'll be told that our data isn't being sifted through, yet it will remain business as usual.

      Snowden is a douche, yet he only brought to light what we all knew was happening already, plus, if you haven't done anything wrong then who the fuck cares? Americans gave up all of their privacy in the face of 911; Cheney and Bush knew how to frighten this country into submission and they did it and now we live it. It ain't gonna change, except for the fact that it will be locked down tighter now and whistleblowers will end up being force fed at Gitmo or taken out by snipers instead of being allowed to languish in the Moscow airport.

      No more 15 minutes of fame for the Edward Snowdens of the world, more like a quick trip to the river Styx.

    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Snowden is not a hero in the world, He's bringing secret information forward for the public to see for public use, the information that govts. want to hide from their people. When govt. is corrupt they should be exposed and I am greatful for wiki leaks for this and exposing lies within govts. We would all be a bunch of stupid dummies without wikileaks and how they have showed us what is really going on within govts. all over the world.

    3. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Gyrphen, Snowden is actually a hero, he has exposed the criminal acts of govts. Without a whistle blower like him, how are citizens able judge and vote their conscience.

    4. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Anyone who didnt know the government was spying on them and other nations is a fool. We were all there in the aftermath of 911 and saw our right to privacy "legally" reduced. Snowden didn't tell us anything we didnt know. And I have to say, he would have been more impressive had he stayed here, lawyered up and blew his whistle instead of running like he was in some kind of reality tv show (with a couple hard drives most likely scoured over by a coupl other countries with less than stellar civil rights for their citizens (major exaggeration). I'm not saying he shouldn't have come forward, but the way he did it was just ridiculous.

  10. I agree with most of the comments - NOTHING good will come out of what Snowden has done - nothing good for anyone. He didn't have to go to Hong Kong and Russia to talk about US issues. He was led by the nose by media - from outside of the US - and ruined his young life forever.

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Something good has already happened. Now, we are all aware of the extent of the spying. If nothing else, that was enough for me.

      That said, Snowden has made himself a hard bed. It's difficult to believe that he really thought the potential consequences through before taking action.

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      No, he was not led by the media. He lied for years to get to this point. As a recent grad of the SF 86 form, I can tell you for sure, the little bastard lied like a rug. He is a punk who thought he could get attention from people that hated Obama. Except, even if you hate Obama, you do not hate the US nor do you run to our traditional enemies with information. Whistleblowing is staying within the confines of the legal system. He is a fucking traitor.

    3. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Surveillance state???? If anyone dared say anything publically against Pres G.W Bush, bye bye flying privileges.
      Those guys were picking dark possibly Muslim Americans up off the street without trail or jury....and shipping them off to camps in Poland.

  11. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Understand this, like death and taxes, presidents come and go but Intelligence runs along its own path. Bush Sr., and Rumsfeld got involved because of their past.

    You (collectively) cannot bitch about suitcase nukes and Muslim cells in the US one day and freak out the next. This has been going on for ages.

    Suck it up buttercup. Do the words "Department of Homeland Security" not mean anything to you? Do you know whose idea this was originally? Not Bush, our friend Mr. Clinton.

    As much as I like Pres. Obama, the Patriot Act is still alive and simmering because Americans want it. Hell I would get rid of the Patriot Act before I would worry about abortions. You can always get a D&C but the Patriot Act is here to stay.

    Pogo reduex - the enemy be us.

  12. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I hate to beat a dead horse but come on, anyone who lives in a community that has accepted monies from Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for cameras for surveillance surely must not be surprised. I believe that there is a town in Alaska with more cameras than citizens! Next time, particularly in Alaska, when your community's budget comes up for review, look at how much your community has received from DHS and what it is being used for.
    Anyone being surprised at the bits that Snowden is throwing out is terribly ignorant. He is not saying anything new.

  13. Anonymous5:05 PM

    As an Oregonian, I would like to say I'm proud Ron Wyden represents me, as well as Jeff Merkley who is fighting Monsanto.

    That being SAID, anyone who thinks this hasn't been going on for years and/or decades is a FOOL. Technology just made it simpler. Blame it on who you want. It is NOT going to stop.

  14. Anonymous5:41 AM

    You are wrong . Snowden is a thief ,a liar ,and a traitor .

    Shame on you .


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